• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,065 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

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Chapter Thirty-One

The Dragon Lands
The Valley of the Chieftains shuddered. The walls shook and bent. Large boulders slid down, knocking dirt and debris loose and following them down in small landslides. The Clan Heads all stared in bewilderment at Spykoran as he clawed at the valley walls and shoveled dirt and rocks into his mouth. “What in the name of the Great Fire is he doing?” Transtaat of the Technar Clan asked, hunkering down over her hoard.

Mei Long held up a hand and waved it about, showing the scroll floating in it. “Tirac has returned, Transtaat. And he has kidnapped Spykoran's oldest friend to use in regaining life.”

Jormun warily eyed the old dragon. “Well, out with it!” he shouted, waving his arms in the air. “Aren't you going to tell us 'I told you so' about this?”

Mei Long shook her head. “I wish I was wrong, Jormun,” she said, her expression softening as much as a dragon's can. “With his fire so low, he has two options: push himself to his limits and arrive at the Everfree in two hours and be slaughtered by the Ursa Majors there, or take his time and show up too late to do anything about it.”

Jormun looked to Spykoran, then to Mei Long. His claws clutched and scratched the hoard under him, the work of centuries of searching, appraising, collecting, maintaining and occasionally eating. He took a few of them and shoved them into his mouth, swallowing them down and stoking the fires of his furnace. Finally, he said, “Spykoran. Spykoran the Old, the feeble more like it!”

Spykoran broke from his gorging and looked over, fire dancing in his eyes. He walked over, flames spewing from the corners of his mouth. He walked right up to the younger dragon and drew himself up to his full height. “Jormun, think very carefully on the next words you say. I have no time for any posturing on your part. NONE of us have time for that, with Tirac back.”

Jormun returned the stare. He slid off his hoard, keeping his eyes locked onto Spykoran and never flinching. Suddenly, he spun around, tail slapping down right in the middle of the hoard. It swept to his left, sliding half of it toward Spykoran. “Eat,” he spat out. “You will need your strength to aid your friend.” He suddenly turned and shoved his head into the other half, taking great big gulps of the treasure.

Silence descended upon the valley, save for the sound of Jormun's eating. Spykoran looked over the half of the hoard in front of him before diving into it, shoving great clawfuls of it into his mouth. Within minutes all of it was gone, eaten by Spykoran. Not even the smallest coin or scrap of material escaped his claws or teeth. His eyes suddenly shot open and his head reared back. Spykoran stumbled back a bit and thrust his head into the air, a great jet of flame shooting out. He spread his wings out, flapping them and flying into the air. The great dragon shot forward, quickly shrinking to a dot that vanished among the haze.

Jormun finished eating, his own eyes gleaming. He looked to Mei Long. “Coming?” he asked, standing up and stretching out his arms to the sky.

Mei Long began snacking on her own hoard. “I shall be along soon, Jormun. I must stoke my own furnace and then check in on two old friends of Megan's who live in my clan's lands.” She slithered off her hoard and drew her serpentine body to its full length into the air. “As for the rest of you,” she said, facing the other clan heads, “Ready yourselves in case the worst happens. And keep watch to the north!” With that, she wound herself around, flying up and traveling in a somewhat northeasterly direction to a small hill. She quickly descended and landed in front of a small hole in the hill.

Two figures emerged. The taller of the two wore a brown robe with a hood pulled over her head with a mask covering her entire face. Even all that, though, did little to conceal her feminine form. She clutched a staff topped by a large crystal in one fur-covered paw. Next to her was a smaller reptilian-looking humanoid with a wide beak, wings stretched between his arms and a long tail that flicked back and forth. “Councilor Mei Long, what a purr-fect pleasure it is to see you again,” the robed being said. “Is there more news from Equestria concerning Megan's return?” Her head dipped down. “Sorry, but I still don't know if I wish to see her after all this time. I owe her so much, but it's been so long, too.”

Mei Long bent her head down as low as it could go. “You might see her sooner than you've planned to. We have just received word that Tirac has revealed himself and kidnapped Megan. Spykoran, Jormun and I are going there to aid Celestia and Luna in fighting him. I ask for your aid as well.”

The figure stiffened. She slid off her mask, revealing herself to be Catrina. Her fur was almost entirely white, with the odd streak of gray running through it. Her amber eyes, though, were as sharp as ever. Claws involuntarily extended from her fingers as she clenched her hands into fists, drawing small trickles of blood from the palms. “That... changes things.”

The other standing there, Catrina's old friend Rep, spoke up. “Oh, this is really bad news! I remember him from the bad old days. We gotta help!”

Catrina froze for a moment, then nodded. “Yes, you're right.” She patted Rep on his shoulder with her free hand. “I've used up most of my nine lives over the years, but I'll expend all of them to stop Tirac from enacting his Eternal Night.” She looked up at Mei Long. “You have us.”

Mei Long smiled, baring two-feet long fangs. She held her hands out and cupped them together. “I can transport you there much faster than if you went by yourself.” She gently scooped up Catrina and Rep and clutched them tight to her body. “Hold on!” she shouted before launching herself into the air, corkscrewing her body around as she followed after Jormun and Spykoran.

Danielle stood on the balcony of the Crusaders' clubhouse and stared open-mouthed at the large, purple bears made of stars walking around the Everfree Forest and the dark cloud of something that hovered over the canopy. She looked down at Apple Bloom, standing there with an equally dumbfounded expression. “So, I'm guessing those are a little extreme, even for Equestria?”

Apple Bloom slowly nodded. “I'm not even sure what the hay those dangburned things are!”

Michelle walked out, followed by Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Dinky. She held up her smartphone and waved it back and forth. “I'm not getting anything,” she said, her voice breaking a bit. “Danielle, I think we should get back to Ponyville. I'm... scared.”

Danielle walked over to her sister and hugged her. “I am, too,” she admitted, “and you're right. We should get back to Ponyville.” She looked to Scootaloo. “Can you tow the others back to Ponyville under your own power?”

Scootaloo stood on her hind legs and saluted before running back into the clubhouse and emerging on her beloved scooter, helmet on head and wagon hooked up. “Everyone get in!” she shouted, her wings already buzzing. “I'll have us all at Ponyville in no time!”

Apple Bloom looked to the wagon, then to Danielle and Michelle. “Hey, wait an applebucking minute here. There's no way to fit all of us inside the wagon.” She arched an eyebrow at Danielle. “What gives, you just gonna run behind it or somethin'?”

Danielle shrugged. “Well, yeah. I'll walk beside it while Scootaloo tows it with everyone else in the wagon. Or do a light jog at least.” She held up her hand and waved it at Apple Bloom. “I don't want us all spread out and getting separated while getting to Ponyville. Besides, I don't think Scootaloo can go too fast towing four fillies and a human.”

Scootaloo's eyes narrowed. “Is that a challenge? I bet you I can-”

Sweetie Belle suddenly grabbed Scootaloo by the head and twisted it so she could look her in the eyes. “No, no challenges or going faster than Danielle! Just tow us there and try not to impress an imaginary Rainbow Dash, got it?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Okay, I get it! Yeesh!”

The four fillies and Michelle squeezed themselves into the wagon and Scootaloo slowly pulled them forward, Danielle right by their side. They barely made it down the ramp before an Ursa Minor emerged from the woods surrounding the clubhouse, bleeding from various wounds along its head and flank. It roared, eyes crossing for a moment before it focused on the sextet and slowly headed their way.

Danielle sucked in a breath, choking and sputtering. She froze, her jaw hanging open, before jerking forward, stepping in front of Scootaloo, the wagon, her friends and her sister. “Okay... ideas, anyone?” she squeaked out.

Apple Bloom stood up on her hind legs and stared at the star bear. “Running, maybe?”

Any further ideas were cut off as a blue-coated unicorn mare clad in a cloak and hood suddenly emerged from behind a tree, galloping forward and stopping right between the Crusaders and the Ursa. Her cloak fluttered in the wind as she pawed at the ground and lowered her head, pointing a glowing horn at the Ursa. “Leave them alone!” she shouted. “You've got a much more formidable opponent on your table, vile beast!”

Dinky leaned over the side of the wagon and stared at the newcomer. “Who's that?”

Danielle's jaw wobbled a bit. She jabbed her finger at the pony a few times before giving up and shrugging. “Damned if I know, Dinky.” She cupped her hands to her mouth. “Hey, you! Get out of there! That thing's out for blood!”

The mare turned her head, focusing on the wagon for a moment before speaking. “Neigh, Danielle Richards! You must flee while I hold the beast off long enough for you to escape!” She turned back to the Ursa and fired off a beam of blue magic at its face. The beam erupted into fireworks right in its muzzle, sending it reeling back with burnt fur and blinded eyes.

The Ursa roared, stampeding right at the mare. The mare held her ground, waiting for it as it approached and raised its front left leg at her.

Danielle gasped. “Oh, NO!” She began running to the mare even as the Ursa brought its paw down...

The paw slammed into the ground, leaving a crater nearly a half-foot deep where the mare stood. Danielle skidded to a halt and dropped to her knees, choking out a cry. The other Crusaders sat or stood in shock at what happened, tears beginning to well in their eyes. “I... I...” Danielle mumbled, sniffling.

The Ursa suddenly raised its paw up and looked at its pads in confusion. Suddenly, fireworks exploded all along its hindquarters, sending it forward. It tripped over its front paws, crashing into the ground muzzle-first.

The mare walked out from behind a table near the clubhouse, panting slightly. “I've learned a bit since our last encounter,” she proclaimed. Her horn lit up again and storm clouds suddenly formed above the Ursa. “I've learned a lot!” she said as the wind picked up.

Bolts of lightning fell from the clouds, hitting the ground in front of the Ursa and sending it skittering back. Several more struck it directly, leaving large burn marks in its flesh and causing it to yelp in pain.

Danielle slowly rose to her feet. “Who is that?”

Michelle scrambled out of the wagon and stood by her sister. “Whoever it is, I think she saved our lives.”

Danielle nodded. She ran over to the mare, Michelle, Scootaloo and the others following close behind. She dropped to her knees besides the mystery mare as she continued to rain down lightning onto the Ursa. “Hey, thanks!” she shouted over the din.

The mare grunted. “You're welcome.” Her horn stopped glowing and she dipped her head. “But I think I've already reached my limit.”

Danielle stared at the Ursa as it staggered about. “I think we can make a run for it now Miss...”

The mare waved her off. “Introductions for later. Right now, Danielle Richards, we should think of running.”

Dinky's brow furrowed. “Wait, how do you know Danielle's name?”

The mare glanced over her shoulder at the filly. “Who doesn't know of the Elder Daughter of the Mag'ne?” She turned and pointed behind everyone. “Now may I suggest we get out of here before the Ursa recovers?”

At that moment, the Ursa let out a ground-shaking roar and staggered forward, right at the group. Danielle sprang to her feet. “Now I know why Mom's always packing heat,” she muttered.

Apple Bloom scrambled out of the wagon and trotted over to the mare. “Listen, Miss, can you fire off one more burst o' fireworks right in front of it? That might blind it long enough for us to skedaddle on outta here!”

The mare scrunched up her face. “It might take me a minute.”

Scootaloo gasped as the Ursa approached. “I don't think we have a minute!” She waved her hooves in the air. “Get into the wagon!”

“No time!”

Three apples suddenly shot through the air, hitting the Ursa in the side of the face and splattering all over. It skidded to a halt and pawed at the air, growling and looking around, finally focusing on the source of the apples.

Apple Bloom tracked its gaze. Her entire expression brightened. “Applejack!” she cried out.

Applejack stood at the foot of the path that led to Sweet Apple Acres proper, a bushel of apples by her side. “Good to see you're all right, Apple Bloom!” She pawed at the ground before spinning around, kicking three more apples into the air and sending them right at the Ursa, hitting it once more in the face. “That's for tryin' to hurt my kin!” she cried out.

The mare pointed her horn once more at the Ursa. “And I think that Ursa's minute is up!” she said as she fired another beam at the Ursa.

Fireworks exploded right in front of the Ursa once more. It closed its eyes and stumbled around, swiping at the air.

Danielle motioned to the others. “Come on!” she shouted, breaking out into a dead run right to Applejack and the path. Apple Bloom and Michelle followed close behind, Scootaloo towing her wagon with Sweetie Belle and Dinky riding inside while the mare took up the rear. Applejack continued pelting the Ursa with apples until the others ran past her. She then kicked the air, let out a whoop and galloped off after them, leaving the Ursa blindly flailing behind them.

Applejack quickly caught up with the mare. She looked her over, noting the moon and wand for a cutie mark and her horn. “Okay, mind tellin' me what was going on back there, Trixie?” she asked, right eyebrow arching.

Trixie Lulamoon tossed the hood of her cloak off of her head and glanced to Applejack. “What? It's not like I didn't stand up to that thing beforehoof. It's just I put myself through some training since then.”

Applejack snorted. She looked up and shouted, “Head fer the schoolhouse! We're gathering all the foals there until this whole thing's over!”

“What whole thing?” Danielle asked over her shoulder as she kept running.

“I'll explain later at the schoolhouse,” Applejack shouted back. She ducked her head low and looked to Trixie, hopping over an exposed tree root. “Okay, don't get me wrong. Stoppin' that Ursa back there and helping out? You just earned a lot o' respect from me, as well as my thanks. But it's just last time you were here...”

“I wasn't exactly on my best behavior?” Trixie responded, winking. She let out a pant as the group rounded a bend and emerged into the front yard of Sweet Apple Acres and kept running, passing through the front gate. “Tri-I did Twilight wrong, and maybe I was a bit of a jerk.”

Big Macintosh suddenly galloped past the group, heading to Sweet Apple Acres. “Checkin' on Granny Smith and grabbin' my kit!” he shouted over his shoulder at Applejack. “See you back at Ponyville!”

Applejack skidded to a halt, but he disappeared into the house. “For Herd's sake, be careful!” She shook her head. “Darned fool, if he lets anything happen to himself, I'll kill him!” She suddenly floated into the air and over to Trixie's still-galloping side. “Hey, what gives?”

Trixie slowed down and lowered Applejack to the ground, letting her catch up. The two increased their gait to get back with the others. “We've got someplace to be at the moment, Applejack, and a conversation to finish. Now as I was saying, yes. I was a bit of a jerk back then.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “A 'bit' of a jerk?”

Trixie glared at her. “Yes, a 'bit'. It's not like you and your two friends were any better, but right now considering what's going on, we can hash out any problems later.” Her eyes drifted to the sky and the cloud of Shadowbolts hovering over the Everfree. Several groups had begun to break away. “Dear Herd... it's not Nightmare Moon, is it?” she asked, hissing out the last words.

Applejack shook her head as the Ponyville schoolhouse came into view. “Nah, but I can see why you'd think that.” The pair slowed down to a trot. “Okay, look. I'll admit we didn't give your show much of a chance when you came here, and you did fight the Ursa when those two yahoos woke the danged thing up and brought it to town.” They slowed to a stop right outside the schoolhouse. “Maybe we should start over, clean slate and all. My name's Applejack Apple,” she said, holding out a hoof. “Thanks for what you did back there.”

Trixie smiled at Applejack and touched her hoof. “Name's Trixie Lulamoon, and you're welcome.” She turned suddenly as Ditzy emerged from the schoolhouse. “Ditzy!” she shouted.

Dinky looked to Trixie. “You know Momma?”

Ditzy spoke up. “Remember last week when I had to stay over at Hoofington?” She walked over to Trixie and draped a wing over her. “She let me stay at her house.”

Dinky scrambled out of the wagon and wrapped her forelegs around Trixie's neck. “Thank you!”

Trixie stood there for a moment before returning the hug. “You're welcome.”

Danielle looked to Trixie. “I think I speak for all the Cutie Mark Crusaders when I say thank you for helping us back there and saving our lives.” She then looked to Applejack, along with Michelle. “Okay, so what's going on, Applejack?” Danielle asked.

Applejack let out a breath. “Okay, not sure how else to say this but to be blunt about it.” She looked up at the two. “Tirac's back. He kidnapped Megan with that danged old Ursa Minor and has her locked up at the Castle in the middle of the Everfree. Mike and the rest o' yer family's gone back to get weapons while we get ready to go rescue her and make sure Tirac's finished once and fer all!”

Danielle's eyes widened to the approximate width of saucers. She gasped and waved her hands around, backing up. Michelle, meanwhile, covered her mouth with both hands and gasped, eyes also widening considerably.

Applejack, Ditzy and Trixie all surrounded the two. “Keep calm, keep calm! It's all right!” Applejack cried out. “Your family's already getting set to storm the castle and rescue her. Both Celestia, Luna and all my friends are getting set, too.” She tipped her hat. “I swear we'll get her back, you hear? Mike asked me to make sure you two were okay, because right now he's getting ready to help out. I swear to you two, we'll get her back. All right?

Danielle slowly sank to her knees. “Applejack, I read Mom's book about her encounter with Tirac. I still have the occasional nightmare about him. So does Michelle. He is BAD news. I mean just... I...”

Trixie placed a hoof on Danielle's forearm. “Danielle, Applejack's the Element of Honesty. If she says they'll get Megan back, that means they'll get Megan back. Not that they'll have to.”

Applejack arched an eyebrow at her. “Come again?”

Trixie reared back on her hind hooves and fireworks exploded in the air above her. “Do you think that the Mag'ne can be contained by him? Do you really think the Teacher of Knowledge and Defender of the Stable is not, even as I speak, devising a crafty plan to outwit and defeat the Abomination once and for all? She will stop him.” Even as she spoke, the bright colors and explosions above her reformed themselves into a fanciful image of Megan and Tirac, the former raising her hands and firing off bolts of energy at Tirac, banishing the image. “And even if she can't do it by herself, she has her friends and family who will help her,” she continued, smaller images of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony and Megan's family appearing around her. “So do not fear, Danielle and Michelle Richards, for we shall free your mother!”

Applejack chuckled. “Now that is a good show.” She looked up at Danielle and Michelle, who were watching the images. “Trixie's right, you all. We'll get her back, or I'm not an Apple! Now I can't say for you two not to worry too much, but I can say for you to have faith. We'll get her back.”

Michelle dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around Applejack's neck. “You promise?”

Applejack patted her on the back. “I swear to you, Michelle. We'll get her back.” She broke the hug and tapped the headset hidden under her hat. “Speakin' of which, Apple Bucker to Bright Light, Apple Bucker to Bright Light. Come in!” She paused, then rolled her eyes. “Twilight, it's me, Applejack. Danielle and Michelle are at the schoolhouse and safe, along with the other Crusaders. Yeah, yeah. It was the Ursa, yeah. But I had some 'powerful' help with it,” she said, winking at Trixie. “I'll be at the Rainbow Bridge before you know it!”

Trixie spoke up. “I'll stay here and watch over things, Applejack.”

Just then, the schoolhouse's door opened, Spike and Cheerilee walking out. “What's going on out here?” Cheerilee asked.

Spike's jaw opened as he saw Trixie. “Wait a feather-picking minute, here! What's she doing here?” he asked, jabbing a talon at Trixie.

Danielle's eyes flickered back and forth between Spike and Trixie. “Well, we were at the clubhouse and an Ursa Minor attacked, but Trixie showed up and fought it off, saving our lives! Do you two know each other?” She waved a hand back and forth between the pair, eyes following the motion of her hand.

Applejack cantered up to Spike's side and leaned down. “Spike, I don't have much time to explain, but Danielle's telling the truth. And right now we got bigger fish to fry. Namely Tirac. Now I'm not asking you to play nice with her, but please don't make too much of a fuss, okay?”

Trixie stepped up to Applejack's side and looked down at Spike. “I'll say this once. I did Twilight wrong and plan to apologize to her. Can we please get along for the moment?”

Spike eyed her and rubbed his chin before throwing his arms into the air. “All right, all right. But you'd better apologize to Rarity, too!”

Trixie's brow furrowed. “The one who ripped down my curtain during my act?”

Cheerilee suddenly shoved herself before the two, glaring at one, then the other. “Stop this right now before it starts! I have some very scared foals inside there and I don't need you two making it worse. I don't need you to get along, but I need you two to not fight. Get it?”

Trixie and Spike looked to her, both wilting slightly under her stare. “Sorry,” they both mumbled.

Cheerilee looked past them and waved a foreleg at everyone standing there. “All right, everyone into the schoolhouse. It's a lot easier keeping track of you inside.” She held out a foreleg at Trixie before she passed. “Trixie, a lot of the foals inside are pretty scared. Is there any chance you could do some sort of act to take their minds off of what's going on?”

Trixie smiled at her and tossed her cloak, letting it ripple a bit. “They'll watch in awe at my stories!” She looked to Ditzy. “Care to give me a hoof in there like last time?”

Danielle stopped and looked to Applejack. “Applejack? Take care, okay? And thanks.”

Applejack nodded to her before turning and galloping off.

Danielle ducked low at the door's threshold. She looked behind her at Spike as he walked up to her. “So, do you and Trixie know each other?”

Spike opened his mouth, but stopped as he spotted Trixie and Ditzy standing in front of Michelle and a large group of foals, all of them staring as the two started up a series of tricks. “Yeah, but I think this time any talking during the performance can wait.”

Big Mac threw open the front door, but ducked his head before a frying pan made contact with his forehead. He glanced back at it before looking to the source of the improvised weapon. “Granny, it's me!” he cried out.

Granny's head slowly raised from behind the couch. “Eh? Oh, thank the Herd it's you, Big Mac!” She shuffled around and walked up to him, throwing her forelegs around his neck. “There's Shadowbolts in the sky and big space bears and Applejack and Apple Bloom aren't nowhere to be seen!”

Big Mac gently patted her on her withers. “Don't worry none, Granny. I saw the two along with the rest of the Crusaders, heading away and to town. They're safe as can be, looks like.” he broke the embrace. “I'll be headed there, too.”

Granny Smith rolled her eyes and sighed. “Don't suppose there's any way to talk you out of it?”

Big Mac shook his head. “Nope.”

Granny held up a hoof. “Promise me you'll be careful, all right? Or at least try?”

Big Mac crossed himself. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” he said, gently placing his hoof over a closed right eye. He suddenly hugged Granny Smith again. “Granny, I love you. And thank you so much for everything.”

Granny stood there, staring up at a picture of Bright Mac and Pear Butter. “Ah love you too, Macintosh,” she said, sniffing as he let go, turned and ran to the stairs. She walked over to the trunk containing the Dream Valley artifacts and patted it. “Just come back so I can scold you, okay?”

Big Mac paused and nodded. “EYup,” before running upstairs to his room. He entered, bent his head down and pulled his own trunk out from under the bed. He popped it open, revealing his old uniform from the Royal Tank Corps. He pulled on the coveralls, followed by padding, saddlebags and then light armor. He slid knives into spring-loaded launchers, strapped a miniature crossbow to one foreleg and quiver to his barrel, tied flails to his tail and finally placed a helmet onto his head. He pulled a collapsible spear out, followed by a bandoleer of explosives.

He looked into a mirror on his dresser, snapped to attention and saluted. “Sergeant Macintosh Apple reporting for duty!” he shouted before spinning around. He found himself facing the window. “Captain Armor, I hope all that training for the Royal Guard paid off!” he said before walking out, no longer a farmer but once more a soldier.

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to shubzilla for the proofreading, as always. :)

2. I... don't think there's anything else this time, actually.