• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 19,767 Views, 1,031 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand - RK_Striker_JK_5

The TCB bites off more than it can chew as humans, Equestrians and Autobots roll out.

  • ...


Megan, Mike, Michelle, and Danielle stood at the edge of the crater that their home and neighborhood once occupied. It had been two days since the barrier had been destroyed and Neo-Equestria's invasion stopped. Soldiers, engineers, scientists, and others moved about, some inside the crater itself, but most around it. They all kept their distance from the Richards family, letting them have some time.

Danielle slowly shook her head. She waved a hand at the crater. “This is still just... just unreal. I still can't believe our home's gone. I still can't believe the neighborhood's gone!” She dropped her arm back down to her side, as if she had no more energy.

Michelle craned her head around to look up at Megan, standing right behind her. “Mommy, Daddy, where are we gonna sleep tonight?”

Megan and Mike exchanged a look. “Uncle Danny and Aunt Molly offered their houses for us to stay until we get something a bit more... permanent. So we should be fine there, Michelle,” Megan said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Danielle rubbed her chin. “Although if worst comes to worst, you could come to Equestria. Mom and Dad can stay at Sweet Apple Acres, and Michelle can camp out at Sugarcube Corner with Pound and Pumpkin Cake. Pinkie would love to have a third kid to babysit.” She held up her hands even as Megan and Mike glared at her. “Kidding, kidding! Well, mostly. I mean if worst comes to worst, Cade's farmhouse survived all right. I talked with Tessa after getting back to Earth and she and her father wouldn't mind you staying there if you have to.”

Megan's brow furrowed. “You sure they're all right? Last I checked there's craters all over the fields.”

Mike snorted. “Honey, it's Cade Yeager. There's always craters all over his fields.”

Danielle cleared her throat. “So, how much stuff did you have removed from the house for the move? I think you said most of it?”

Mike nodded, letting out a breath. “We were going to start preparations for the moving of the house to its new location. So just about everything except some old sleeping bags was in a storage facility outside of town. By some miracle, just about everything we own survived.”

Megan's gaze drifted to the crater. “Yeah. We were lucky. Everyone else lost just about everything.”

Michelle craned her head around to look up at Megan and Mike. “Well, I... don't need my old toys! You can give them to anyone who wants them.”

Megan patted Michelle on the shoulder. “That's very sweet of you, honey. Are you sure?”

Michelle nodded. “Yeah.” She grinned. “I can give my dolls to Otis!”

Megan's jaw worked for a bit. “Well... I guess it's the thought that counts.” Movement caught her eyes. She turned as a motorcade approached her family, a limousine surrounded by motorcycles. “Ah, I think we've got company.”

The motorcade slowed, stopping a few feet from the Richards'. One of the motorcyclists dismounted and opened a door on the limousine, allowing President Abernathy and several Secret Service agents to step out. The agents flanked Clayton as he approached the family. “Mister Richards, Missus Richards,” he said, bowing his head to them. “May I speak with you, please?”

Megan and Mike exchanged a look, the two nodding to each other. Megan looked to Clayton. “Of course, Mister President. Thank you.” She flashed a small smile. “It's good to see you again.”

Clayton returned the smile. “Ah, yes. Your backyard, during our first official meeting with Celestia and Luna.” He waved a hand at the crater, the smile falling away. “I know it's cold comfort, but I wish to express my sorrow at the events that have transpired over these few days. You have my solemn word this area will be rebuilt, and those driven out by Neo-Equestria's invasion will have their homes restored as best we can, as soon as we can. That includes your house, too. Albeit it'll be in the new location, and expanded into the planned embassy.”

Mike half-smiled. “I think I might be able to help with that a bit. I got the blueprints for the place tucked away at the warehouse the rest of our stuff's at.”

Megan looked to Mike “That ought to keep you busy for a bit.” She then looked back to Clayton. “Thank you, Mister President.” She paused. “If I may ask, do you know what will happen to that Queen C-C-that invader?”

Clayton hesitated. “That's a bit up in the air at the moment. I'll be going with some others to Neo-Equestria to meet with their new heads of government. Until then, I can't say anything concrete.”

Megan nodded. “Well, that makes sense. Thank you, Mister President.”

Clayton nodded to her. “I can tell you, though, that I will be awarding you the Presidential Medal of Freedom, right before you receive the Congressional Gold Medal and the Medal for Valor.” He motioned to the surrounding area. “After all you've done, you've more than earned it.”

Megan's eyes widened slightly. “I... thank you, sir!” She swallowed and blushed slightly. “I was just glad to help out.”

Danielle grinned. “Way to go, Mom!”

Michelle leaned back and looked up at Megan. “Mommy's even more of a hero than before!”

Mike wrapped an arm around Megan in a hug and kissed her on the cheek. “My hero,” he said, grinning.

Megan lightly batted at him. “Oh, hush, you three.”

An agent walked up to Clayton, leaned in close, and whispered to the President in hushed tones. Clayton nodded to him, then looked to the Richards. “I do apologize, but I do have a meeting to attend. It was good to see you again.” He turned to the limo, but stopped and looked back. “You know, I found the whole 'Mag'ne' myths built up around you to be somewhat... interesting, if a bit befuddling. But now, I think I'm seeing why you were so venerated and mythologized.” With that, he turned and walked back to the limo.

Megan rocked slightly on her heels. “I'm not sure if that bodes well or poorly for me in the future.”

Danielle waggled her head back and forth. “A little bit of both?”

“I'll take it!”

General Lennox, Commodore Faireborn, and Chief Master Sergeant Wiedler stood in front of Omega Doom's inert chassis. Construction vehicles and workers swarmed around the behemoth, appearing as little more than ants compared to it. Lennox rocked back and forth on his heels and waved a hand at it. “So, Commodore, what did Ambassador Hot Rod say about this thing?”

Marissa looked to Zoe. “Sergeant, please relay Hot Rod's exact words to us as he stood here.”

Zoe nodded. “Yes, Ma'am.” She cleared her throat, then turned and held out both arms towards Omega Doom. “Oh, holy scrap, this thing's huge!” she said, her voice somehow taking on the mechanical echo of a Cybertronian's. “Oh, yeah. We'll help you rebuild it, get it back on its feet. Yes, tracks. Oh, you know what I mean, Marissa. Yeah, it'll be fun!”

Lennox blinked as Zoe finished speaking. “Thank you, Sergeant.” He looked to Omega Doom, then leaned forward, focusing on Zoe. “Sergeant, how did you do the flange?”

Zoe paused. “Practice, General. And a lot of throat lozenges.”

Lennox barked a laugh. “Well, okay.” He shook his head as he once more regarded the machine before the three. “Oh, this is gonna be fun. And it might mollify giant-robot enthusiasts for a bit.”

Marissa smothered a smirk. “Now, General. You know that's never going to happen.”

Lennox groaned. “Yeah, I know. I swear, I hear one more question about when we're gonna start building Valkyries like in Macross I think I'll chuck the microphone stand at whoever asked it!”

Marissa slowly nodded. “Duly noted, General.” She pointed at Omega Doom's midsection. “One lucky break we have is there's an actual control room in the chest. It's scaled for mid-sized Cybertronians, but we should be able to downsize it for our use.”

Lennox grinned. “I can't wait to take a ride in it.” He paused. “Wait, what goes into the gas tank? Energon? Fusion? The souls of the damned?”

Marissa glanced to Zoe. “Sergeant?”

Zoe slid a datapad out of a pocket on her right thigh. She tapped at the screen a few times. “Standard energon, with backup fusion reactors. I hesitate to say this, but we shouldn't have any real problem with that.”

Lennox leaned forward and looked to her. “I'll hold you on that, Sergeant.” he glanced to Marissa. “Well, keep me informed on the repairs and refitting, Commodore.” He exchanged salutes with her before about-facing and walking off.

Marissa looked to Zoe. “Let's hope you didn't taunt Murphy there, Sergeant. I'm looking forward to taking a ride in this thing, too.”

Zoe half-smiled. “Murphy and I are old friends, Commodore. I think he knows enough to stay away this time.”

A large hole in space opened on the plains of Neo-Equestria, at the front gates of Canterlot. A small convoy of vehicles drove out of it, consisting of a red-and-silver tractor trailer, a limo surrounded by motorcycles, and a few other vehicles. It barreled towards Princesses Luna and Cadance, the current and newest rulers.

The convoy slowed to a halt. The tractor trailer-cab detached itself from the trailer and transformed into Optimus Prime, while the limo doors were opened and President Abernathy, Chip Chase, and Doctor Whooves stepped out. Finally, the trailer's back door opened, allowing Princess Celestia and Perceptor to exit and join the others. Secret Service agents surrounded Clayton and Chip, weapons in their holsters, but their hands near their grips.

Both Luna and Cadance bowed their heads. “We thank you for coming here,” Luna said, glancing up. “We have been briefed on who would be coming here, and time is of the essence, so may we skip formal introductions?”

Clayton nodded. “I like the way you think, Luna.” He hefted a briefcase in his left hand, opened it up, and pulled out a folder with a sheaf of papers inside its folds. “This is a list of everyone who was converted into a newfoal and brought here. They are to be located and retrieved as soon as possible for return to Earth. We have the means of turning them back to humans and breaking the mind-control your false Celestia had over them.”

Luna's horn glowed. The folder floated up and over to her, opening up in front of her muzzle. “We have already sent out guardsponies to track them down, President Abernathy.” She looked over her shoulder. “Open the gates!”

Canterlot's main gates opened. A large group of ponies walked out, flanked by two lines of guardsponies. Most of them looked physically healthy, but their expressions were haunted, and their gaze low on the grass beneath their hooves.

Clayton paled at the sight. “My god.” He turned around towards the convoy. “Get them to the ambulances!” he shouted, jabbing a finger at the group. “I want a full head-count, you hear? I want them taken care of!” He spun around on a heel and walked towards the ponies, the Secret Service surrounding him.

One of the ponies, an earth pony mare, stopped mid-gait. She straightened to attention and brought her right foreleg up in a salute. “Mister President,” she said with a shaky voice. “Sergeant Rebecca Winchester.”

Most of the other ponies snapped to attention, saluting the President as best they could.

Clayton instinctively straightened to attention and returned the salute. “At ease, Sergeant. At ease all of you. We're going to get you help. We've got an antidote to the potion. We can make you human again and block any lingering mind-control.”

One stallion approached Agent Smith. “Smith, good to see you again. I'm afraid I'll be taking a leave of absence for a bit.”

Smith looked down. His eyes widened behind his glasses, and his face contorted into a mixture of shock and horror. “Roger?” he breathed out.

Roger Jefferson nodded. “It's me, Smith. My head is... mostly in the right place again. I guess whatever the Matrix and Elements of Harmony did severed the hold that damned doppelganger had on us.”

Clayton walked over to the pair. “Roger, have you encountered other newfoals, ones not from our Earth?”

Roger glanced down at the grass. His brow furrowed. “Not in Canterlot, no. Before that I'm not sure. Sorry, Mister President. The memory's slightly muddled.”

A pair of nurses ran up to the group. One stopped in front of Clayton, bowing his head. “Mister President, I apologize, but we have to get Mister Jefferson back in order to do a full checkup and accurate head-count.”

Clayton sharply nodded and patted the younger man on the shoulder. “Of course, of course.” His eyes followed Roger as he was led off by the other nurse. “They'll take good care of you, Roger! They'll take good care of all of you!”

Luna and Cadance both bowed their heads. “I know they are fairly empty, but I still do offer my apologies on what has happened,” Luna finally said.

Celestia nodded to her. “As long as they're sincere apologies, then it's a good start, Princess.”

Clayton slid a datapad out of his pocket. He tapped the screen. “We have seventy-two ponies from your reality, as well as three of the 'Autobots', in custody. We'll make arrangements for them to be returned to you within two days.”

Cadance leaned back slightly. “Some of the mechanical men survived? Are they dangerous?”

Optimus spoke up. “They surrendered, and I do not condone summary execution of prisoners-of-war. They've agreed to have all but the most basic of self-defense systems removed, in exchange for safe passage to your Neo-Equestria.”

Luna cocked her head to the side. “Thank you, Mister President. Thank you, Mister Prime. We'll take them back under those conditions.” She nickered. “I swear, Celestia. What you did here, it will be decades before you earn any measure of forgiveness.”

Clayton stared at her. “Princess, I hate to break it to you, but your Celestia will not be returned to you. Nor will Captain Armor, or your versions of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. They're to be brought to trial and made to answer for their crimes.”

Cadance's eyes widened. “Are you... you're serious.”

Celestia spoke up. “What she did was beyond the pale, Luna. She and the others must answer for their crimes. You and Celestia froze Discord in stone for his atrocities, did you not?”

Luna slowly spoke. “We... did, yes. And as he was frozen, he gave Celestia that tartarus-damned warning that led us down this path.”

Clayton's mouth set into a grim line. “And she swallowed whatever he said like a fish about to be reeled in.” He held up a hand. “This isn't negotiable, Princess. They will not be released back into your Equestria. They shall stand trial for their transgressions, and serve whatever sentence passed upon them.”

Luna's eyes darkened. She finally closed them and hung her head. Small rivers of tears dripped down from beneath her eyelids, and her ears folded flat against her skull.

Cadance reached over and gently stroked a wing down Luna's back. She looked to Clayton, expression as neutral as possible. “We understand, Mister President. It will be... difficult for Luna to accept this, even after everything that's happened.”

Luna sucked in a breath and opened her eyes. She looked down at Clayton, finally speaking. “I... understand, President Abernathy. We shall not object or attempt to hinder you in-in any way.” She swallowed. “Would it be... possible for me to see her, at least once?”

Clayton grimaced. “Actually, we have to talk about that.” He stepped to his right and waved Perceptor, Chip, and the Doctor forward. “Gentlebeings?”

The Doctor cleared his throat. “Quite simply, within two months, all travel and contact between your reality and ours must permanently cease and desist. If not, then there will be catastrophic consequences for all three realities!”

Luna and Cadance stared at him. “Are you serious?” Luna finally asked.

Chip nodded. “He is, Princess. What your Celestia did was outrageously insane and damaged the dimensional barriers. They have to heal and reinforce themselves.”

The Doctor nickered. “She basically took a chainsaw to tissue paper. If we don't break contact with you, the dimensional barriers will collapse and that'll be a fine kettle of fish. Except there won't be any kettle or fish, because their constituent particles will have been scattered to the wind!”

Luna's eyes widened. “Oh, no. This is a disaster!” She shook her head. “No, no! You cannot break contact with us! You'll be condemning millions, probably billions, to death!”

Cadance spoke up. “She's not being hyperbolic, either. Our entire agricultural system is either on the verge of collapse, or has collapsed. We've had reports of widespread food shortages all throughout Equestria. We haven't had any riots. Yet.”

Clayton slowly nodded. “'Yet', as you said.” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I had a feeling this was happening.”

Celestia cantered around to face the three scientists. “Are you completely sure? Is there no way to keep contact going so we can help them?”

Perceptor spoke up. “We are completely sure, Princess. Continued travel between this reality and our two will weaken and destroy their dimensional stability.”

Cadance looked to him. “What about travel between your two realities? Has that been unaffected?”

Perceptor shook his head. “No, your highness. Travel between our realities will not be affected.”

Cadance's ears folded down onto her head. “Well, small miracle there,” she deadpanned.

Celestia glanced down at the ground. She dug a furrow into the dirt. “Two months you said, Doctor? There must be some help we can give you before then. You said your agricultural system is collapsing? We can provide fertilizer, maybe some food shipments?”

Clayton looked to Celestia, then to Luna and Cadance. “I'll see what Earth can do to help as well. We should be able to get some relief shipments to you before contact has to be broken. I don't know how much, but we'll do what we can.”

Optimus rubbed his face plate. “Cybertron should be able to supply you with self-repairing farming equipment to help, along with other low-maintenance, high-endurance devices. In the meantime, we've also got these.” He turned around and pointed at his trailer. Internal machinery groaned and whined as it split along a seam and opened up, revealing racks upon racks of vials containing an iridescent liquid. “Princesses, here are five thousand vials of an antidote to the newfoal potion. When consumed, it will revert a newfoal back into their human form, and mitigate some of the physical damage that's occurred to them through malnutrition and starvation. It's not perfect, but it can hopefully help.”

Luna leaned forward. Her horn lit up, and she floated a vial out of one of the racks and over to her. It bobbed up and down in her telekinesis. “How did you produce this? All the vials of potion are locked in our vaults, and we plan on destroying them.”

Perceptor spoke up. “Our forces managed to capture numerous vials of the potion. After a thorough analysis, we were able to discover the chemical compounds and thaumic spells used in the original potion and create an antidote. It's easier to produce than reverse-engineer the potion itself.”

Celestia walked up to Luna. “My faithful student Twilight Sparkle and one hundred ninety-nine other unicorns are at Autobot City as we speak, producing the antidote and getting it ready for transport here. As Optimus said, it's not a cure-all, but it should help.”

Luna floated the vial back to the rack and carefully slid it back into its hole. “We will take all the help we can get. And we do thank you for it.” She looked to Cadance. “Get Fancy Pants and the other bureaucrats. And coffee. Lots of coffee.”

While the others talked, the nurse walked up to Clayton. “Mister President, we did a head-count,” he said, holding up a datapad. “We triple-checked it. Everyone's accounted for.”

Clayton let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. “Oh, thank you.” He reached out and patted the nurse on the shoulders. “Thank you.”

The nurse nodded. “You're welcome, Mister President. We'll be moving them back to Earth so they can be cured.”

Clayton nodded. “Good, good. Get them the best care, you hear me?” At the nurse's nod, he turned to Optimus' trailer and the group gathered around it. “If you'll excuse me?”

The nurse stepped back and made his way back to the small herd of newfoals near the other vehicles. Clayton, meanwhile, walked up to Optimus' side. He clapped his hands together. “All right. We've got a lot to do and little time to do it. Can you fill me in on what you've discussed, please?”

Onslaught glanced around the hallway he, Blast Off, Vortex, and Brawl were being led down. The quartet were on New Vos, Starscream's main base of operations and the heart of his so-called 'New Decepticon Empire'. Three solar-cycles ago, he and the Combaticons, along with the Stunticons, had been ambushed on some nameless moon by a large force of Autobots. While the Stunticons fought and died, the Combaticons surrendered and remained functional. Their laser cores had been removed from their old bodies and placed into stasis lock at Garrus IX, where they would remain for ten-thousand years.

Or at least until Starscream aided their human pets in repelling some invasion from another reality, Onslaught mused as their guide, Ruckus, led them to a set of double-doors. All four had their laser cores implanted into new chassis, albeit ones not designed for warfare. “Thank you for taking us here, Ruckus,” Onslaught said, sketching a bow.


Brawl banged the side of his head. “Ruckus, can you lower the volume? We've got civilian-grade audio receptors in these tin cans the Autobots so graciously stuck our laser cores in!”

Vortex grunted. “Could be worse. We could still be stuck at Garrus IX in limbo for another nine thousand, ninety-seven solar-cycles.”

Ruckus ignored them as he opened the door and led them inside.

Onslaught's optic sensors took in the room. It was large, some decorations here and there, the Deceptibrand stamped on several walls and banners hanging from the ceiling, but overall it tended more towards function. Three of the four walls were nothing more than gigantic viewscreens, while the fourth was a window that looked over the city proper. Several freestanding recharging stations were scattered about, along with racks of laser rifles and other assorted weapons. In the center, and taking up most of the floorspace, was a large circular table surrounded by chairs. A holographic projector was embedded in the center, currently lit up and showing off the local solar systems surrounding New Vos.

And standing next to the table, hands clasped behind his back, was Starscream. Shockwave, Swindle, and Soundwave stood by him as he pointed at the hologram. “What about System 25-Alpha?” Starscream asked.

Shockwave's head tilted up. His single optic flashed. “That system has already been claimed by Nebulos,” he reported.

Onslaught leaned forward, fingers working. He waited for the explosion. He waited for the screeching, for the temper tantrum that was sure to erupt...

Starscream chuckled lightly. “Ah, yes. You're right. How silly of me not to notice its proximity to Nebulos.” He looked over at Onslaught and held his arms out wide. “Ah, the Combaticons return!” He walked over, extending his hand. “Onslaught, good to see you with a body again.”

Onslaught looked down at Starscream's hand. He looked back up, head craning as Starscream was now about a head taller than him. “Well... it seems this is the second time I owe you for rescuing us from stasis lock in a mind prison.” He clasped Starscream's hand and pumped it twice. “Thank you.”

Starscream nodded to him. “You're welcome.” He leaned to his right and looked to Vortex, Blast Off, and Brawl. “Good to see you three. I welcome you all to the New Decepticon Empire, the last hope for Decepticons galaxy-wide!”

Brawl raised a hand. “So what is this, exactly? I'm guessing we're not doing some long-term planning for going against the Autobots or humans? Is this a... a legitimate government?”

Starscream nodded to him, the pomp and circumstance from a few seconds earlier gone. “You are correct, Brawl.” He vented some gas. “I was a scientist before the War, before Megatron started his little uprising against the Functionalist-infested Senate. I know how to look at the raw numbers and data and come to conclusions, although Primus knows it's been too long since I've really done that.” He turned around and walked up to the table's edge. He tapped a control panel and the star map changed to an image of Cybertron. “The Autobots have won. Cybertron is fully-energized, orbiting a star, which means they won't run out of energy any time soon. Vector Sigma is active again. Hot spots have ignited all across the planet. Every refugee colony they've contacted have all flocked to Optimus Prime's banner. And finally, Wheeljack and Perceptor developed that method for channeling the energy from two or more laser cores into a new core, jump-starting a new 'spark' of life.” He chuckled. “And should I even get into their allies across the galaxy? Human, Nebulons, Tlalakans, Titans, and Primus knows how many others I could list off.”

Brawl chuckled. “And meanwhile we Decepticons don't really have potential allies or any way to increase our population.”

Shockwave spoke up. “I am afraid you are incorrect on both counts, Brawl. Although to be fair, your conclusions are based on datatrax that were relevant when your laser core was removed in 2009. In two standard weeks, we shall be sending a delegation to Cybertron to sign what is being called the 'Treaty of Iacon'. There, we shall sign a formal peace treaty with Cybertron, Earth, Nebulos, and their allies. We shall be recognized as a sovereign nation-state, allowed to claim nine solar systems as our own territory, and given amnesty for any past... transgressions against them.”

Starscream smirked. “As for repopulating our depleted ranks? I've managed to place a deep-cover spy in Autobot Intelligence. Between the information he's passed to us, and with our own ingenuity, we've been able to replicate the process.”

Brawl leaned forward, optics brightening. “You've 'been able' to replicate the process. Past tense, Starscream. You've created new life?”

Starscream nodded, his expression now serious. “We have, Brawl. We started out small, simply due to a shortage of resources. They're human-sized, about the size of the inhabitants of Devisiun, one of the Autobot refugee colonies we discussed earlier. Each one transforms into half a vehicle, either the front or back. The Constructicons supplied the laser core energy.” the ghost of a smirk returned. “You'll be meeting them soon enough.”

Onslaught chuckled. “I look forward to it.” He stepped to his right and walked past Starscream. “And now to the Omega Guardian in the room,” he said, as he approached Swindle. Vortex, Brawl, and Blast Off trailed behind him.

Swindle held his hands up and took a few steps back as his teammates approached. “Whoa, whoa! Slow down, guys! Okay, I am very sorry about what happened and you getting placed into stasis lock on Garrus IX. But there's– ”

Brawl spoke up. “We're not angry at you, Swindle. You were right. We should've gone with you when you left Galvatron's faction.”

Blast Off spread his arms out. “Indeed. If we had, we wouldn't have had our laser cores shoved into these rejects from a human used car lot. I mean seriously, I can't even break orbit in this thing!”

Vortex looked to him. “You think you've got it bad? I don't even have an airborne alternate mode! At least you can fly!”

Onslaught turned around. “Combaticons, attention!” He waited for them to snap to before looking back to Swindle. “Brawl is right. None of us hold any animosity to you, Swindle. We're more angry with ourselves for not going with you than anything.”

Swindle grinned. “Well, all right then! That's really mature of you guys! I'm glad to hear this, really!”

Brawl shook his head. “Don't make us regret being all soft like this, Swindle!”

Starscream walked over and interjected himself between Onslaught and Swindle. “As amusing as this would be to watch, we have business. If you'll follow me, I have a surprise for you!” With that, he turned and walked to the door, the Combaticons following him out of the room, and eventually the building itself. He led them across to another building, this one much more utilitarian-looking and larger than the previous one.

They walked into a large room, taking up almost the entire interior of the building itself. Workstations lined the walls, while machinery hung from girders mounted to the ceiling. Other pieces of equipment were seemingly scattered all over the floor. Six human-sized Decepticons could be seen working around a set of CR chambers near the back of the building.

Starscream clapped his hands together as he led the Combaticons over. “All right, I believe introductions are in order. Constructor Squad, line up!” He waited for the six to put down their tools and form a loose line before continuing. “May I introduce Stonecruncher, Excavator, Grit, Knockout, Sledge, and Hammer.”

Brawl looked down at them. He waved. “Hi, there. Cute little guys!”

Sledge raised a fist and shook it at Brawl. “Cute? Cute? I'll disassemble your drive train and strip your gears, you call me cute!”

Brawl tossed his head back and laughed. “Ah, that's so adorable! Onslaught, can I keep him?”

Starscream raised his arm and shot off a low-powered blast from his arm cannon. “Cut the static,” he said. He pointed to the alcoves. “Hammer, open up the CR chambers and show the Combaticons the surprise I've got for them.”

Hammer tossed him a salute. “You got it.” He walked over to a small pedestal next to the chambers and pressed two buttons, then pulled down a lever. The front of the CR chambers split along a seam and swung open. Internal lights switched on, illuminating four inert forms inside.

The Combaticons stared at them. Onslaught walked forward and looked up into the lifeless optic sensors of the largest one there. “Impressive,” he finally said. He looked to Starscream. “For us?”

Starscream grinned. “Of course! Although I do appreciate your tactical subroutines, I think you'll agree it being better if you can actually fight, too.” He looked to his right. “And don't worry, Blast Off. Not only can your new body achieve orbit, it even has a transwarp module for interstellar flight!”

Blast Off rubbed his hands together. “Oh, thank Primus!”

Onslaught looked to the other three CR chambers. “So, I presume from that they can transform. What about combining?”

Starscream nodded and waved a hand at them. “But of course! We already had Swindle get upgraded. All we have to do is a simple laser core transplant on you four and some tests. By this time tomorrow, the Combaticons will be reborn and Bruticus will live again!”

Sergeant Jack Robins, Corporal Janet Kowalski, Private Jose Hernandez, and Private Racnos stood at attention in the White House's main press room.

At a podium in front of members of the press corps and their family and friends was President Abernathy. “When word came to Fort Bulwark about the barrier, Sergeant Robins and his tank crew were cut off from the United States, from Earth itself. It would have been... easy for them to do nothing. Instead, when given the chance, they jumped at the opportunity to lead a strike force of our Equestrian allies deep into the heart of Neo-Equestria itself. Their actions proved vital in their ultimate defeat. All Americans and all of humanity owe them our thanks and gratitude. They've lived up to the highest ideals of the motto of the United States Army, 'This We'll Defend'.”

With that, he stepped away from the podium and walked over to stand by the four. A pair of officers walked over to the table holding the medals. The first one held each one up, presenting them to the press, before handing it to President Abernathy. The other walked up to a smaller podium in the back and leaned in close to a microphone. “The President of the United States, in the name of the Congress, takes pleasure in presenting the Medal of Honor to Sergeant Jack Robins, Corporal Janet Kowalski, Private Jose Hernandez, and Private Racnos of the United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry...”

Jack barely kept track of the speech. At the end, he felt the medal being placed around his neck by the President. He caught a glimpse of his family, his mother and father and siblings in the crowd. Then the President was there, extending his hand towards him. His brain fired, and he remembered to shake his hand before firing off the snappiest salute of his career, past or future.

Clayton moved down the line, shaking the hand of each of Jack's teammates and returning their salutes. He eventually made his way back to the podium. “We have drinks and refreshments in the adjoining room.” He smiled. “I heard the food's pretty good. Might hit three stars on Yelp.”

Jack and his tank crew stood in a loose circle near one of the back walls. Three of them held up glasses of champagne, while Racnos held up one filled with fruit punch. “To absent friends,” Jack said, holding his glass out.

The others clinked their glasses with his. “To absent friends,” they repeated, before taking a sip.

Janet looked down and gently touched the Medal of Honor hanging from her neck. “I can't lie. I'm still waiting to wake up at Fort Bulwark and realize this entire thing was some insane dream brought on by too much of that rainbow-colored cider they had there.” Her eyes crossed. “I'm still trying to figure out how they got the colors to separate like that.”

Jose opened his mouth, but stopped short of speaking and merely shook his head.

Racnos grinned. “I believe it's some sort of earth pony magic, but don't quote me on that. The cider's compatible with my biology, so I did imbibe some of it.” His cheek fins bristled. “How do you humans do it?”

Jose grinned and lightly punched him in the arm. “Ah, my friend! It's a shame your Tlalakan biology prevents you from sampling most of our fine alcohol. A fine whiskey is one of life's pleasures.”

Janet looked to Jack. “You know, it's a shame GI Joe was disbanded, Sergeant. After what we pulled, I wouldn't have been surprised if you got a call from them to join up.”

Jack leaned back slightly. He looked up at the ceiling, eyes losing focus for a moment. “You... you think so, Corporal?” His mouth slowly stretched in a smile. “A Joe? You think so?”

Janet nodded. “I do indeed, Sergeant.”

Jose leaned forward. “Only problem would be picking a code name.”

Jack sighed. “Yeah, true. Coming up with something original and badass-sounding isn't easy. Some of those code names got downright silly near the end. I mean, 'Captain Grid-Iron'?” He snorted and shook his head. “I mean, what would you choose as your code name, Hernandez?”

Jose's brow furrowed. “Me?” His head darted back and forth. “W-what about me?”

Jack shrugged. “Well, I'd need my tank crew there. I can't drive a tank and fire the main gun by myself!”

Janet shook her head. “Well, we'd probably be... what did they call the assistants again?” She snapped her finger. “Greenshirts! We'd probably be greenshirts.”

Racnos' cheek fins rippled. “Better than redshirts. They died by the drove in the old Star Trek series.”

While Janet and Jose started talking, Jack simply looked to the ceiling, lost a bit in thought. Me, a GI Joe. Maybe? He quickly shook his head. Nah...

Clayton sat at his desk in the Oval Office. Things had calmed down considerably compared to a few weeks ago, but it was still a hive of activity. Right now, General Hollingsworth sat on the other side of his desk, while Vice-President Alexis Thi Dang sat to Hollingsworth's left. Right behind him stood his chief aide Philip Provost, datapad in hand and an inscrutable expression on his face.

The main viewscreen was active, the image that of the area around the Rainbow Bridge. In the foreground stood two men. The one standing on the left was a man in his mid-forties, wearing a United States Army uniform. The square red-and-white castle insignia of the Army Corps of Engineers was visible on his shoulder. The one on the right was older, with black hair giving way to gray and dark, wrinkled skin. He wore civilian clothes, a lab coat, and carried a datapad in hand.

The younger man, Colonel Bryce Mackenzie, gestured to the area behind him. Construction vehicles rolled along. Dump trucks drove up to the edge of the crater beneath the Rainbow Bridge and unloaded tons of dirt in a nonstop convoy. “Well, Mister President, the good news is the crater dug out by General Plan 24 wasn't nearly as deep as we thought it would be. Maybe eight meters at the deepest spot. We're working to rebuild basic utilities in the underground first, before moving onto homes and businesses.”

Clayton slowly nodded. “That jibes with what I observed during my first visit there, Colonel. Thank you. Is there any... change to the timetable of rebuilding?”

Bryce shook his head. “At the moment, no.”

Alexis spoke up. “Professor Jones, what's the condition of the Rainbow Bridge and, well, space-time in general around there?”

Professor Maxwell Jones glanced at the datapad in his hand. “Well, Madam Vice-President, the Rainbow Bridge is fine. The energon cannon bombardment didn't affect it at all.” He turned and waved a hand in the air. “According to our scanners, space-time itself seems to be knitting itself together after Neo-Equestria's incursion, but I'm not entirely sure on that. Doctor Whooves from Equestria should be stopping by tomorrow to give my team and I a hand, or rather hoof, with that.”

Clayton nodded. “Well thank you, gentlemen. We'll be in touch.” he tapped a control panel on his desk and the image changed to the Great Seal of the United States. He looked to Hollingsworth and Alexis as they turned to him. “Well, it seems to be going about as well as it can.”

Alexis hissed out a breath. “Considering everything that happened? Yeah. You two sure as hell pulled it out of the fire.”

Hollingsworth looked to her. “We all did our part, Madam Vice-President. You were in NORAD, coordinating Operation: Exodus, I believe?”

Alexis shrugged. “Yeah, a shame the news media's trying to spin it as 'Do-Nothing Thi Dang' or some shit like that.”

Clayton's eyes narrowed. “Let me guess. Coyote News Network?” At Alexis' nod, he looked back. “Phil, that interview I had with them two days from now? Cancel it.”

Phil smiled as he tapped his datapad. “Consider it canceled, Mister President.” He glanced up. “Oh, you have an appointment with Secretary of Defense Keller in about five minutes.”

Hollingsworth's expression brightened. He turned and looked up at Phil. “Oh, John's coming in? Good. At least it's not Galloway.”

Alexis chuckled. “Oh come on, General. Galloway mellowed out a lot after that trip to Equestria he took back in... what was it, October of ‘11?”

The Oval Office's door opened. Agent Smith stepped in, followed by an older man with short, white hair and a perpetually-intense expression on his face. “Mister President, Secretary of Defense Keller is here to see you,” Agent Smith announced.

Clayton, Hollingsworth, and Alexis all stood. Clayton extended his hand. “John, good to see you,” he said, smiling.

Keller took the hand and shook it. “Mister President, Madam Vice-President, General Hollingsworth,” he said, nodding to each in turn. “I'll get right to it. We just suffered a Class-Seven Incursion, possibly the worst danger Earth's been in since the Last Push of 2007, five years ago. Now we managed to beat off those alternate-reality Equestrians.”

“With help,” Alexis said.

Keller nodded to her. “Yes, with help. And I'm damned grateful for what we got. This might even turn out to be a minor blessing in disguise. It's highlighted one area the United States and Earth Defense Command overall's neglected.”

Hollingsworth rubbed his chin. “Magic?”

Keller sighed. “Exactly, General. We have an expert in magic, we've done some research on that Dragon Mound in England, there's some magic weapons Preston and his friends brought back from the Realm. But overall, our understanding of magic or thaumic-based energy or... whatever the hell you wanna call it is pretty damned limited. It nearly cost us big-time, here.”

Clayton leaned forward. “So what are you suggesting, John?”

Keller looked at the window behind Clayton, then motioned to the west. “I am suggesting we ask our Equestrian allies for any and all possible help they can offer us concerning magic. How to research it, how to develop our own magic, and how to counter magical incursions like this in the future.”

Clayton slowly nodded. “That's a pretty good idea, John. A damned good idea. General, what do you think?”

Hollingsworth shook his head. “I think I'm more than a little embarrassed we didn't start on something like this sooner.”

Alexis waved him off. “We both know how hard it is to get the bureaucracy moving, General. At the very least we are doing something about it.”

Clayton stood up. “John, I want you to get in touch with Albert Preston and run this by him. Ask the Equestrians for their help. Get in touch with Twilight Sparkle if you can. Coordinate with the EDC on this. Whatever it takes. I don't want to be caught flat-footed if we can help it.”

Alexis spoke up. “Asking for anything from Twilight Sparkle might be... problematic at the moment.” She tapped her wristwatch. “There's about two days before we have to permanently cut contact with Neo-Equestria. I had a phone call with her assistant Spike, and he said she'd be working all the way up until the end to help them out.”

It was barely-controlled chaos at the portal connecting Neo-Equestria on this, the last day of contact between the two realities. Cadance stood inside Neo-Equestria, Luna inside Equestria, the two alicorns facing each other. Each was firing a wide beam of magic from their horns, doing their best to keep the portal open as long as possible and make it as large as possible. The outer edges of the hole contracted and expanded, bolts of yellowish-white energy racing along the perimeter.

A line of newfoals moved into Equestria, slowly but steadily. A few were on hoof, but most were in wagons or carriages. Doctors and nurses moved among them, while soldiers did their level best to maintain order and keep the line moving along. A procession of carriages and wagons, meanwhile, moved into Neo-Equestria, laden with crops, farming equipment, fertilizer, potion antidote, and other assorted goods.

Twilight Sparkle stood with Doctor Redheart near a wagon laden with potion antidote. A clipboard floated in front of her. “All right. This is the last batch of antidote we were able to create.” She swallowed. “I'm sorry we couldn't do more to help, Doctor.”

Redheart smiled wanly. “You've done all you can to help. I thank you for that.” Her eyes went to the line of refugees leaving Neo-Equestria. “And for taking in as many as you can before the end.”

Twilight's ears folded against her skull and her head drooped. “It's still not enough.”

Redheart sighed. “We didn't do enough, or think enough when we converted this Earth and its populace. Now we must do what we can. And hope someday we're forgiven for our act of kindness.”

A purple-coated earth pony stallion with a bright-green mane trotted up the pair. “Doctor, we've got the antidote wagons all lined up and ready for your inspection.”

Redheart nodded to him. “Thank you, Spike.”

Twilight's ears twitched. Her head slowly rose. “Wait, 'Spike'?” She leaned forward, eyes widening as she took him in. “Oh, oh sweet Herd she didn't.”

Spike glanced in Twilight's general direction, his eyes pointedly not meeting hers. “If you're referring to this Equestria's version of Twilight Sparkle, yes. She did turn me into a newfoal.” He stepped back and looked himself over. “I thanked her for it, once. Once.”

Twilight's jaw worked for a bit. She finally reached out with a hoof. “I... I know how incredibly stupid this question is, but I have to ask. Are you all right? How... how are you holding up?”

Spike looked at his forelegs. “I miss my claws,” he finally said. “I being able to hold stuff and not have to use my mouth.” He turned and looked at his tail. “I don't know how to use this. I miss my fire breath, too.”

Twilight swallowed. “I don't know if the antidote will turn you back into a dragon,” she quietly admitted. Her brow furrowed. “Although if I double-check the transmutation sub-spells with a draconic template, probably my version of Spike, I should be able to–”

A soldier galloped up to Twilight's side. “Miss Sparkle, I have news from Princess Luna. The portal is destabilizing. We're pulling everyone back. Now.”

Twilight's eyes widened. A small strand of her mane shot up. “W-what? No no! I can't leave, now! Spike needs my help! I-I have to fix this!”

The soldier shook her head. “I'm truly sorry, Miss Sparkle, but this isn't open for negotiation. I have a direct order from Princess Luna herself. If I have to get my squadmates over here and drag your flank back to our Equestria, I will.”

Twilight stared at the soldier. “You are bucking kidding me. You're not? Well, let me tell you something... Sergeant. I'm not going anywhere until I fix it so Spike turns back into a dragon!”

Spike watched as Twilight and the soldier started arguing. Finally, he spoke. “Twilight. TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” He waited for her to turn and face him. “Go. I don't want to be responsible for you being stranded here.” He forced a smile. “I'll be all right. Redheart's here, after all.”

Twilight stared at him. “B-but I have to fix this.”

Spike shook his head. “No. You have to deliver a message for me. To the Twilight Sparkle I knew.” He sucked in a breath. “Tell her... tell her I forgive her. Tell her I forgive her and it's all right. Can you please do that for me?”

Redheart spoke up. “Twilight, it's all right. Our Luna and Cadance have a plan. It's a long shot, but it just might work.” She pointed to the portal, which had begun to bend and flap in a nonexistent breeze. “You have to go.”

Twilight stared at Spike, then looked to Redheart. She finally crossed herself. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she chanted out. She looked to the soldier. “I'm sorry for my outburst, Sergeant.” She spared one last look at Spike and Redheart before following the soldier out of Neo-Equestria and back to her home country.

Cadance eventually made her way back across the portal to Equestria proper. She and Luna stared across time and space, their eyes never wavering as they slowly closed the portal. “I'm sorry we couldn't do more,” Cadance said, before the portal was sealed shut.

Redheart let out a breath. “It's up to us, now.”

Luna swallowed at the unfamiliar and, quite frankly, alien surroundings she and Cadance found herself in. It was the bridge of the Ark, the starship that had brought Nemesis Prime and his army of Autobots to what was Earth, and now Neo-Equestria. Now the three remaining Autobots under Nemesis' command worked around the bridge, opening up panels, working on controls, and various other tasks.

Cadance spoke up. “How much longer?”

One of the Autobots, Sideswipe, stomped over and jabbed a finger at Cadance. “We're doing the best we glitching can!” he snarled out. “There's only three of us, and we're not even sure if Cybertron still exists.”

Luna nodded. “We understand. Still, if you try to trick us, the consequences will be most unpleasant for you three.”

Sideswipe glanced at her. “We know.” He tapped his chest. “And we owe you at least for taking us in and getting rid of those bombs in our chest.”

One of the other Autobots, Wheeljack, stood up from kneeling right below the main viewscreen. “Okay. We're set to transmit,” he said, closing a panel.

Sideswipe walked over to the command chair and pressed a few buttons on the armrest. A low humming sounded out, and the lights dimmed slightly. He leaned in close to a speaker grille embedded in the armrest. “This is Sideswipe calling Cybertron, come in. This is Sideswipe calling Cybertron. Come in, please. Optimus Prime is dead, as are almost all the other Autobots. We're calling on a mission of mercy. Come in, please.”

Silence was their only answer.

Luna flew up and over to Sideswipe's side. She floated down close to the speaker grille. “Attention, Cybertron. My name is Princess Luna. Everything Sideswipe said is true. We are in dire need of any assistance that you may be able to provide. I beg of you for help, if you're out there.”

A low burst of static came over the speakers. The main viewscreen flickered and brightened. The rough silhouette of a humanoid's upper body formed. “Hello, this is Air Commander Starscream of the Decepticon Defense Fleet,” the image said, finally clearing up and showing the white head and silvery face of Starscream. His optic sensors glanced to his left. “And I presume the equine to be Princess Luna? Fascinating!”

Luna flew over to the viewscreen, stopping and hovering a few feet in front of it. She bowed her head. “I am, Air Commander. And as I said, I beg for your help.” She launched into a brief description of the events concerning the conversion of the previous Earth, of her sister's descent into madness, and the situation with the newfoals. “Our intentions were noble, but our methods misguided at best. Please, if there's anything you can do I will–”

The image on the viewscreen widened. Another Decepticon stepped into view, this one slightly larger than Starscream. He carried a noble bearing, and a large fusion cannon on his right arm. “Princess Luna, I am Megatron, Decepticon Commander.” He thumped his light-gray chest. “I hear your plea, and pledge to do everything in my power to help.” He looked to his left. “Starscream, ready a squadron of ships to fly to Neo-Equestria's coordinates. Take whatever you deem necessary. Just help them out!”

Starscream snapped to attention. “At once, Lord Megatron! Help is on the way!” With that, he turned and ran out of the room.

Megatron leaned in close. “Ah, Sideswipe, Wheeljack and... Windcharger, I see. I am willing to grant you three a pardon in exchange for aid in helping out in this crisis.”

Sideswipe held his arms up. “Hey, no problem! We'll take it. Right, guys?”

Wheeljack nodded. “Pit, yeah. I'm crazy, not stupid.”

Near the back, the pink-colored Windcharger stepped forward. “We'll do whatever you want, Megatron!”

Megatron focused once more on Luna. “Starscream will be there as soon as possible, Princess. My only regret is that we cannot be there now to aid you.”

Luna bowed her head. “It is still more than we could have hoped for, Megatron. Thank you.”

It was a solemn and mostly-silent procession through the dungeons below Canterlot Castle. Four guardsponies escorted the former Queen Celestia down the narrow, torch-lit halls, through checkpoints, and finally, down a corridor lined with jail cells.

Through it all, Queen Celestia had remained silent. Her head hung low, her eyes locked onto the floor in front of her chipped hooves. Her mane drooped down, messy, untidy, and solid. Tiny nubs at her flank were all that was left of once-majestic wings, and the barest hint of a stump on her forehead was the only indication of a horn once being there. Worst of all, her cutie mark was little more than a smudge on her flank, a dark-yellow patch of fur that, if one squinted, might be able to discern was a sun.

The guardponies led her past cells occupied by the former Elements of Harmony. AJ, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Dash all sat in their cells, barely moving. Rarity was on her cot, every loose piece of material piled in front of her. Shining Armor snapped to attention as she passed. And finally, there was Twilight.

Twilight ran to the bars of her cell, forelegs reaching out. “Queen Celestia!” she cried out. “I have a plan to get us out, and enact our plan! I just need two spoons and a bowl of oatmeal. I'm sure we can win this time!”

Queen Celestia paid her no mind as she was led to the last cell in the hall. The door was opened, and she walked inside. She turned to face the guards, who regarded her with expressions of pity, scorn, or plain sadness.

The cell door closed, but as the bars slid past, a being formed in front of Queen Celestia's muzzle. It-he-had a long, serpentine body, four mismatched limbs, a long face, a single horn jutting from his head, and piercing yellow eyes.

Discord slithered through the air. “OH, Celestia!” He sketched a bow. “How the mighty have fallen!”

Queen Celestia's right eye started twitching. Her breath hitched in her throat. “No...” she whispered.

Discord grinned. He floated over to her left ear and leaned in close. “Don't bother shouting. No one can hear or see or even sense me. No one but you, that is.” He flew back and shook his head. “Oh, if only I could've met my counterpart. I would've shook his paw and bought him a drink or something!”

Queen Celestia slowly shook her head. “H-how?'

Discord shrugged. “I broke free about a week ago, replaced the statue, kept low, scouted things out.” He held his vulture's paw and looked around. “I may have been aware while petrified, but there's surprisingly little you can see from the Canterlot Royal Garden.”

Celestia's eyes widened. “No, no, no...”

He rubbed his front limbs together and smirked. “And now, I'm free. Thank you so much for the entertainment, Celly, but I think it's time for me to make my own fun.” He held up his lion's paw. “Try not to miss me too much.” He snapped his fingers, and vanished.

Queen Celestia's cries echoed through the dungeon for the rest of the night.

Author's Note:

1. Thank you to Shubzilla and all from Space Battles for the help.

2. Otis refers to Otis Watson from Bumblebee. Yes, this means Charlie exists too. :D

3. Cade and Tessa refer to Cade Yeager and Tessa Yeager. Tessa is not dating the boyfriend from Age of Extinction.

4. The Combaticons' new bodies are based off their Combiner Wars toys.

5. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed. :)

6. Final thoughts and blog post here.

Comments ( 42 )

Well that was a thing and a half. I think Neo-Equestria will be alright in the long run, on the vanishingly rare occasion that one finds a benevolent Megatron he is an astonishing force for good. Discord's going to have a very bad day if he's up to mischief when the Decepticon relief fleet shows up.

As to this dimension's Discord, well he's seen everything that just went down, he definitely knows better. But hey, he's gotten to torment a Celestia, so that's out of his system...

I look forward to seeing whatever you decide to do next!

...Did he drive her loony on PURPOSE?!

Well that ending got dark in a hurry...

Oh dear someone someone is in for a big old storm of Chaos


Depends on how dark the Hasbroverse local Discord is.

I am a strange and terrible person. Thus, it is my sincerest hope that this Discord... Takes one long look at this universe, shrugs, calls everyone and says they're Even Steven (complete with nametags), goes on a whirlwind tour through the multiverse (not Sigil though, he's not THAT suicidal), settles a wheneverhome on Limbo, and take Fluttershy to the Beastlands for a holiday.

Because I am deviously romantic like that! Also, thanks for writing! I had fun reading it all again!

With how dark this ended I can only hear this playing for the credits:

Well, if anyone can fix Neo-Equestria and handle Discord, it's going to be SG!Megatron. As for the ringleaders, they'd be better off as modern art someplace.

Kinda sad Starscream never got to meet his SG counterpart.

And I'm sure humsnity will be super happy to have Omega Doom on hand, at least until Discord conjures some Dark Energon from the Prime universe to feed it.

Interesting, I do wonder what happens next as this ended on a cliffhanger.

Well, he's Discord, he literally can't not do chaotic stuff. But given that this is an Equestria that still knows the magic of friendship, things will likely turn out more or less like they did in the series.


Well the Terrans are right there, and they've much more appreciation for a bit of chaos than those stodgy ponies. With a bit of luck he could probably find an enthusiastic audience for his shenanigans.

And finished so whats next?

Through it all, Queen Celestia had remained silent. Her head hung low, her eyes locked onto the floor in front of her chipped hooves. Her mane drooped down, messy, untidy, and solid. Tiny nubs at her flank were all that was left of once-majestic wings, and the barest hint of a stump on her forehead was the only indication of a horn once being there. Worst of all, her cutie mark was little more than a smudge on her flank, a dark-yellow patch of fur that, if one squinted, might be able to discern was a sun.

You can almost pity her.


Is there going to be a sequel?

*sniff, sniff* I smell sequel.:pinkiehappy:

Lennox groaned. “Yeah, I know. I swear, I hear one more question about when we're gonna start building Valkyries like in Macross I think I'll chuck the microphone stand at whoever asked it!”

Well maybe if you ask Jet/Skyfire REALLY nicely for a copy of his schematics to reverse engineer...

Also that ending sounds like the local Discord, not Neo-Equestria's, so looks like the plan to start countering magical threats is REALLY a good idea...

Good for the Shattered Glass Autobots to go home. That makes me happy.

But I worry about Starscream's plans for the future. And his downsizing. Yessss.

More or less leaves a lot of wiggle room, the end destination may be the same but that doesn't mean the journey will be the same.

Neo Equestria will eventually be fine with the help of their new allies but they have a rocky path ahead of them. The humans resentment will run for generations and the environment is in rough shape. Of course with no Evil Autobots to fight the Good Deceptions can focus on helping them.

The humans should try to contact the realm, I'm sure Dungeon Master would help, he's got to be greatful for what the (formerly) Young Ones for helping him "rescue" Venger.

Oh wait, I've forgotten the current timeline...

Has Equestria Discord been reformed?

I wonder if Discord is a part of Unicron as both are beings of Chaos. I like to think that Unicron is the Chaos of destruction while Discord is the Chaos of change. While Primus represent order while the Tree of Harmony is a piece/aspect of Primus' spark like the Matrix of Leadership.

Nope. This is a season 1 au in this timeline.

Considering that this one engineered the complete genocide of humanity once already and then another failed one after that just to free himself, I'd say the Discord that's free now in Neo-Equestria is definitely a fair bit darker.


Wow. Season 1...

That’s so long ago...


No he didn't.

Neo Equestria Discord just told Celestia that Neo humans are dangerous and that was actually correct since their morality was inverted compared to Hasbro Earth humans and they did end having a World War III. How Celestia decided to act on that information is all her own doing.

God the ending of this made me remember a story idea I had for the evil TCB Celestia. Celestia's on the cusp of being deposed for her xenocidal campaign and rather than die, the Dark Powers of Ravenloft drag her sunny butt into a freshly made land for her to rule over as its Dark Lord. The only question I need to figure out is what the land would be like and what torment would the Dark Powers stick her with.


Being a lich everyone hates on sight?

Nah. Ravenloft is often more... ironic in its torments. It sets the Dark Lord up with a situation where their hopes and dreams are dangled just out of reach then snatches them away. They torment Strahd for example by reincarnating his lost love over an over again, and either by her own hand or by accident she dies tragically. But each time Strahd thinks he can cheat the dark powers and live happily ever after despite him being a ruthless, horrible monster.

I'm thinking she emerges from the mist and is heralded as the coming messiah by peasant ponies. Much like in dark age spain, they celebrate her as an avatar of a flagellant goddess, and show their devotion to her by beating themselves and shedding their own blood. It'd be the worst aspects of dealing with nobles, but now they have religious dogma that promote suffering, guilt, and self-flagellation. She'd have very little ability to change things, and would have to see her precious little ponies hurting themselves in her name, maybe even burning each other for heresy. We could even take a note from Strahd and have Luna, the mane 6, and other old friends incarnated once in a while just to twist the screws. Are they actually Luna and the M6? Who can say? the dark powers are cruel and tricky. She'd be laboring under the false hope that she could make things better but is doomed to repeated failure.

Happy yet sad this has finally ended. :heart:

The only thing that disappoints me is that we will probably never know why or how did Xenolestia actually believe her Discord so easily and what was going through her head to do the awful things she done?

“Don't bother shouting. No one can hear or see or even sense me. No one but you, that is.”

So he's pretty much just being DBZ Abridged Ghost Nappa.


Joking aside, always nice to see a long-runner wrap up. This story ended up spanning almost the entire run of FIM :twilightblush:

Thus it ends, loved the story and the it was a lot of fun to see all these characters interacting with one another. I especially loved the Shattered Glass Decepticon cameos at the end.

Discord is lose!

Good ending

@RK_Striker_JK_5 I was curious about alt Shining Armor and Cadance: are they married, or even in a relationship? If so, did he have any idea what Q. Celestia did to her? How many Neo characters knew about her mind-controlling her own relatives?

Where is Queen Celestia imprisoned? Neo Equestria or Megan’s?

Queen Equestria is trapped in the Rainbow Bridge/Megan's/Hasbroverse Equestria.

Luna cocked her head to the side. “Thank you, Mister President. Thank you, Mister Prime. We'll take them back under those conditions.” She nickered. “I swear, Celestia. What you did here, it will be decades before you earn any measure of forgiveness.”

Clayton stared at her. “Princess, I hate to break it to you, but your Celestia will not be returned to you. Nor will Captain Armor, or your versions of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. They're to be brought to trial and made to answer for their crimes.”

Cadance's eyes widened. “Are you... you're serious.”

Celestia spoke up. “What she did was beyond the pale, Luna. She and the others must answer for their crimes. You and Celestia froze Discord in stone for his atrocities, did you not?”

Luna slowly spoke. “We... did, yes. And as he was frozen, he gave Celestia that tartarus-damned warning that led us down this path.”

Clayton's mouth set into a grim line. “And she swallowed whatever he said like a fish about to be reeled in.” He held up a hand. “This isn't negotiable, Princess. They will not be released back into your Equestria. They shall stand trial for their transgressions, and serve whatever sentence passed upon them.”

Till all are one!

Optimus Prime (Transformers Cybertron - Unicron Trilogy): Autobots! Transform and roll out!

Well Starscream proved he can be a amazing leader.

Quite a good story but not as good or interesting as the first one.

Comment posted by Zavvnao deleted Jun 25th, 2021

@RK_Striker_JK_5 Did TCB Discord at least manage to get free also? Or did the RP counterpart free the TCB one? I am just curious about after this.

Question, do I have to read the first one to understand this one?

Sideswipe walked over to the command chair and pressed a few buttons on the armrest. A low humming sounded out, and the lights dimmed slightly. He leaned in close to a speaker grille embedded in the armrest. “This is Sideswipe calling Cybertron, come in. This is Sideswipe calling Cybertron. Come in, please. Optimus Prime is dead, as are almost all the other Autobots. We're calling on a mission of mercy. Come in, please .”

but he was alive????

Why are you trying and failing to bring logic to TCB?

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