• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 19,766 Views, 1,031 Comments

The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand - RK_Striker_JK_5

The TCB bites off more than it can chew as humans, Equestrians and Autobots roll out.

  • ...

Chapter Four

Nicknames/shortened names: Conversion Bureau ponies
Full names: Rainbow Bridge ponies.

Earth, a few minutes before

Megan walked through her backyard, pausing on occasion to look at a half-dismantled swing set here, an empty shed near a fence in the back there. She looked up at the Rainbow Bridge, trying to envision the structure that would be built around it for the embassy. Her musings were interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. She pulled it out of a pocket and flipped it on. “Hello?”

A muffled voice came through, soft and apparently not directed at the receiver on the other end. “This is on? It is? Thank you, Danielle.” The voice grew stronger. “Hello, Megan! Greetings from the other side of the Rainbow Bridge!”

Megan bit her lip and placed a hand over her mouth. “Greetings, Celestia!” she said, waving her arm about. She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Didn’t you get the first phone in Equestria? You should be a lot more familiar with them than this,” she said, a note of teasing creeping into her voice. “And shouldn’t Danielle have shown you how to use a phone properly?”

There was a bit of shuffling over the line before another voice came over the line. “Sorry, Mom.” It was Danielle’s voice, her and Mike’s older daughter and part-time resident of the Ponyville Public Library. “I don’t think Celestia receives many phone calls. She kinda snatched it up and started messing with it. And hi, Mom. How’s the moving going?”

Megan looked back to the house. “We’ve got almost everything in storage for the move. They’ll dig the house up the day after the party and get it ready for transport. Mike is practically having kittens at the work involved.” She stifled a chuckle before continuing. “How are things in Ponyville? Anything change since last time?”

There was a brief sigh. “It’s just so... lonely right now. Twilight and her friends are at Autobot City on that tour. Spike’s staying with you. Trixie left yesterday morning for a performance at Flutter Valley. Big Mac and Applebloom are doubling down at Sweet Apple Acres when Mac’s not pining over Fluttershy.” There was another pause. “He asked me to say hi to Fluttershy for him. Could you relay the message?”

Megan snorted, her shoulders heaving. “I will. Could you put Celestia back on, please?” There was a shuffling over the line. Megan waited a moment before speaking. “Lunch today?”

Celestia’s voice came over. “Yes, please! Busy Body’s speech in the Senate Chambers almost put me to sleep! I dearly love him and he’s really good at his job, but sweet Herd is he boring! He’s like Wind Whistler, but all the fun removed!”

Megan’s jaw worked a bit. “Is that - is that even possible?” She held up a hand and waved it, more out of habit than anything else. “Never mind. Coming to get me?”

The entrance of the Rainbow Bridge suddenly exploded, a blinding flare of light expanding from it, growing into a large sphere. It ruptured, a snow-white alicorn emerging, spreading her wings out and touching down onto the grass. Behind her, the sphere reformed into a swirling vortex, exiting the hole and floating in midair. A crystalline web grew over the vortex, slowly expanding over the solidified rainbow trailing down from the hole while a second web formed over the hole itself, sealing it shut.

The alicorn regarded Megan and smiled. “Fear not, Megan Richards,” she declared. “I have come to save you from yourself, from your current human body and reliance on technology and science.” Her horn glowed slightly and a beaker of rainbow-colored liquid popped into existence. “Please, accept my gift, my new friend.”

Megan stumbled back in shock, barely keeping her balance, but dropping her cell phone to the ground. She looked up at the alicorn, at what appeared to be Celestia, from the ethereal mane and tail to her majestic wings to her sun-shaped cutie mark. She focused on her face, noting the smile not quite reaching this Celestia’s eyes. “W... what are you talking about?” She glanced to the alicorn’s side and the floating beaker. “Celestia? Are you all right?” She placed her hands on her hips and leaned forward. “What is going on?” she asked, eyes narrowing.

“Megan? What’s going on? We heard something. I’m coming over!” The phone suddenly shook, exploding into tiny fragments of plastic and metal.

Equestria, over the Rainbow Bridge

Princess Celestia’s head whipped around, her eyes traveling up to the hole hanging in the sky at the edge of the Everfree Forest. She and Danielle stood in a field, construction materials piled high, earth-moving equipment lined up in a row and close to thirty construction workers scattered about. She could see little of the other side of the hole from where she stood. “I’ll be right back,” she said, the cell phone hovering beside her floating down to Danielle.

Celestia’s body glowed, shrinking into a large sphere of white energy. It flew up to the hole, entering it, but quickly flying back out. The sphere reformed into Celestia, eyes wide and legs kicking at the air. She flew forward, forelegs straight out. They entered the hole, but stopped at the knee. Her wings flapped, kicking up winds. Her forelegs kicked, sending out loud thuds that reverberated throughout the land, shaking the ground.

Several of the construction workers gathered around Danielle, looking up at Celestia’s increasingly frantic kicks. “Miss Richards, what’s going on?” one asked.

Danielle shook her head, eyes locked on Celestia. “I have no idea.” She slipped her phone into a coat pocket before cupping her hands around her mouth and shouting, “CELESTIA!”

Celestia withdrew her hooves. Her body heaved slightly from panting. “It’s blocked!” she shouted. She looked down, eyes wild. “The Rainbow Bridge is blocked! I... there’s something there!”

The human workers there looked around, their murmurs growing in volume. “What can we do?” one shouted.

Celestia kicked at the air, nickering slightly. “I don’t know! I just...” She whinnied, wings flapping. She floated right up to the hole, eyes narrowing and neck craning. “I think I can see something...” She stopped a few inches away. “I can see... Megan? She’s there!”

Danielle craned her neck. “Mom’s there? What’s going on with her?” She stepped around the workers, walking right up to the hole. “What’s going on with Mom?”

“Something’s blocking the Rainbow Bridge,” the alicorn replied. After a minute, Celestia stuck her head fully into the hole, her mane flattening against her neck. “Something’s there with her! It’s a large, white blob. I-”

Celestia’s body suddenly flew back, tumbling through the air. The humans and ponies below stared up at her before several pegasi leaped into the air, flying after her, but Celestia quickly righted herself, spreading out her wings and slowing to a stop. “I’m all right!” she called out.

The pegasi slowed to a halt. “Your majesty!” one of them called out, reflexively bowing to her, “is there anything we can do?”

The alicorn floated there, eyes out of focus. She slowly regained her senses and shook her head. “No, but thank you anyway.” She flew down, landing on the dirt below and folding her wings against her body. She visibly stiffened, limbs straightening and all emotion draining from her face. “I must be strong,” she whispered. “I must be strong.”

All those in the field gathered around her. “I will not lie to you,” she said, looking at the humans standing there. “There is something blocking the Rainbow Bridge. It’s still there, but a barrier surrounds the entrance on Earth.” She held up a foreleg as some of them raised their hands. “That’s all the information I have at the moment. I’m sorry.” She looked to a black-coated pegasus, one of the ones who tried to help her. “Thunderlane, I need you to go to Ponyville, please, and inform Mayor Mare of the situation.” At his nod, she looked back to the humans. “I swear to you, I’ll do everything in my power to reopen the Rainbow Bridge. But for now, I’ll see to it that appropriate accommodations are made in Ponyville for you all.” She bowed her head. “I apologize for not being able to do anything else at this time.” And with that she turned, trotting down a dirt road that led in the direction of Canterlot..

Danielle broke into a run, circling around the workers and other obstacles, waving her arms. “Celestia, Celestia!” she shouted, increasing her gait. She caught up to the alicorn a few dozen feet down the road, in a forested section. “What the hell is going on?” Her breath quickened, and not just from exertion. “There’s some sort of barrier up blocking the Rainbow Bridge and Mom’s there with something and what tossed you like that?” She circled around to Celestia’s front, holding her arms up and waving them about. “Come on, dammit! This is...” Her voice trailed off as she stood mere inches from Celestia’s muzzle.

Tears streamed down flushed cheeks. Celestia’s barrel heaved. “I can’t do anything,” she confessed. “I made contact with what was with Megan.” She leaned her head down, bringing her muzzle close to Danielle’s ear. “It was me, Danielle.”

Danielle leaned back. “What?”

The alicorn cantered back slightly, giving Danielle more room. “Or some version of me,” she continued. She circled around, hooves making small craters in the dirt. “I saw her standing there. She looked over her shoulder at me and I felt the power in her.” She looked up at Canterlot in the distance, hanging off the side of Mount Eohippus. “I can’t do anything alone. I need Luna, possibly Cadance as well. But right now? I... can’t breach the barrier over the Rainbow Bridge.” She hung her head. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Danielle stood there, hands clenching. “Mom’s over there with some... other you.” Her body shuddered. She wrapped one arm around her torso and wiped her eyes with her free hand. Her shoulders heaved and she stomped the ground. “And I can’t do a damned thing here!” she shouted, throwing her arms into the air. They dropped back to her sides, dangling loosely. “I’m not a hero like she is.”

Celestia’s mane began flowing once more. “No, Danielle. You’re not a hero like Megan.” She waited for Danielle’s head to lift before continuing. “You’re a hero like yourself. Or should I remind you of all the things you’ve done over the past year?” She held up a foreleg and waved it at the young woman. “Not like we’ve got time for reminiscing,” she said, a ghost of a smile on her muzzle. Her expression hardened. “We can’t lose our heads, Danielle. As much as I’d like to, and as good as it felt earlier, right now we both have to focus on breaching the barrier and rescuing Megan.”

Danielle leaned to her left, looking past Celestia and down the road. “B-but what if...” She waved her hands about, her voice failing.

Celestia reached out with a foreleg and patted Danielle on the shoulder. “She’s all right. I can feel it, Danielle. This other Celestia, she has no intentions of killing Megan. And Megan’s been in far worse situations.” She looked over Danielle’s shoulder, down the road. “But we still have to hurry.”

“Okay,” Danielle said. She paused. “Wait, ‘we’?”

The alicorn’s golden regalia glowed, spreading out from her chest and spreading around her barrel, withers and back and forming a saddle. She knelt and spread out a wing. “Yes, we. Now come on!”

Danielle smiled. She grabbed the saddle’s pommel, slid her toes into a stirrup and slid up and over, landing in the seat. Celestia reared up, spreading her wings and launching herself into the air, setting on a direct course for Canterlot.

Earth, a few minutes before

Megan’s eyes hardened at her cell phone’s destruction. “You’re not Celestia. I have no clue what’s going on, but you’re not Celestia!” She stepped forward, fists clenched. “Just who are you and what did you do with my friend?”

The ‘other’ Celestia regarded her, eyes slitted. “I have merely blocked her from interfering. And I am Celestia, dear Megan Richards.” She glanced back over her shoulder at the sealed Rainbow Bridge. “Your ‘other’ Celestia will not be showing up, I’m afraid.” Her horn glowed and the beaker floated towards Megan. “And with you, the ponification of humanity begins.”

Megan’s eyes locked onto the beaker. “The ‘ponification’ of humanity?” She looked to Celestia. “Okay, keep that thing away from me!” she shouted, holding up her hands.

Celestia shook her head. “It’s so rare for humans to see when something better comes along.” She floated the beaker back to her side. “Tell me, Megan. Do you long for a day of no pain, of no conflict or hatred? Do you wish all of humanity to be able to unite as one?” She tilted the beaker from side to side. “I can help you with that. I want to help you, to lift you away from all this and grant you and all of humanity a better future.”

Megan’s eyes moved to the beaker, then back to this Celestia. “Well, thanks? But humanity’s pretty good right now. We’re not perfect, but we’re getting better.”

Celestia snorted. “‘Better’ is a relative term, my dear Megan. Your species is still divided along political lines. There are still wars between nations. You’re over-reliant on technology.” The last word was virtually spat out, her muzzle contorting. “With this potion, I can cure you of your ills. All you have to do is drink it.”

There was a pause. Megan slowly shook her head. “Thank you, but no. I've never solved my problems the easy way. Well, almost never,” she corrected, a brief smile flashing over her mouth. “But no, the struggle is best for me. It’s best for humanity. We’ll overcome our own problems without some magic potion, thank you.” She spread out her arms. “Listen, I’m sure you’ve got the best of intentions, but this isn’t really for us. Please take down whatever it is you’ve got over the Rainbow Bridge. I have friends and family there.”

The alicorn’s eyes narrowed. “This is for your own good, Megan Richards. Not just for you, but for your entire species.” She sighed and her horn lit up. “I must remember how difficult it is to see one’s own faults. Lesser ones must be guided to the right decisions.” Her expression softened and she smiled. “Please remember, I do this for your benefit, Megan. You’ll soon thank me.”

Megan’s body suddenly twitched. Her shoulders jerked back, but her limbs refused to move. She rose into the air, stopping when her own head was level with Celestia’s. Her head jerked away from the beaker, but it slowly turned back and her mouth was telekinetically forced open. Her head twitched as the beaker floated up to her mouth, tilting over and spilling the rainbow-colored contents into her mouth. It sloshed around a bit, but every drop was forced down.

Celestia let out a sigh. “And thus Discord is proven wrong,” she said. “And another version of humanity is given the gift of ponykind.” She lowered a coughing and sputtering Megan back to the grass. “In a few seconds, your former life as a human will be but a dream.” She leaned down. “I wonder what you’ll be. A pegasus? A unicorn? Maybe an-”

Megan threw her head back, letting out an ear-piercing scream. She dropped to her knees, leaning forward and wrapping her arms around her stomach. She toppled over onto her side, rolling around and still screaming in incoherent pain.

Celestia stepped back, wings flaring out. “What the feather?!” she exclaimed. Her head whipped around, mane flaring out behind her head. “Why are you in pain? No newfoal has ever done this before! What is... going...”

Megan by now had rolled onto all fours. She leaned back and held up her hands. Her fingers began fusing together, a wall forming over them. “Wha-wha...” Her arms spasmed, bones reshaping themselves. Her entire body began growing, her skin changing to a dull orange even as her clothes ripped apart and shoes split. Her lower legs swung forward, a sickening crunch sounding out.

Celestia’s eyes became the size of dinner plates. “What is going on with you?! Newfoals don’t grow! Why are you growing?”

Megan’s face elongated, stretching out. Her eyes widened even as they looked down at her new muzzle. Her cries of pain had ceased, to be replaced by panting. She held up what was once a forearm, now a foreleg, looking over the hoof, the knee and elbow. Skin bulged near the croup, bursting out with a blizzard of feathers into wings.

Celestia snorted. “A pegasus, very well. A rather large one, but all right.”

The wings unfurled, revealing feathers along the primary coverts, but a thin, shiny, translucent membrane where the secondary coverts would be, glowing in the sun. A tail sprouted, swishing about. Tiny scales formed along her forelegs, right above her fetlocks and below her elbows. Her eyes crossed again, this time looking up as a long, spiraling horn sprouted from her forehead. A low moan escaped her lips as her eyes spun. Her flanks lit up, sparkling as the image of a rainbow against a black background appeared. After a full two minutes, Megan stood on four hooves, head ducking low as a long, glowing mane of gold trailed behind. She blinked and slowly raised her head. “What did you do to me?” Her head shot up and her eyes glowed. “Answer me!” she shouted, the ground rocking slightly.

Celestia’s right eye twitched, but she met Megan’s glare. “I improved you, far beyond what even I thought was possible.” She swallowed. “An alicorn, representing earth pony, pegasus, unicorn, flutter and sea pony, with a cutie mark. Neither thing should be possible, let alone both.”

Megan’s lips curled back. “I’ve been defying the odds since I was about thirteen, ‘Celestia’. Do you... think... “ She suddenly groaned, her head swaying back and forth. “What are you... are you..” Her eyes widened, turning glassy.

Celestia’s eyes turned all-white. “The potion flows through you,” she intoned, voice echoing. “I control the potion. Therefore, I control you.” A low chuckle came from her lips. “Equestria is still saved, and Discord is still wrong. Now come to me, Megan Richards... or perhaps Rainstorm? Prism?” She waved a foreleg at Megan. “Come to me, and take your place by my side as we both save humanity from itself.”

Megan trotted forward, swaying slightly. Her head hung low and her mane and tail hung limp. She turned to her left as she approached Celestia, swinging around and standing by the white alicorn.

“Princess Celestia?”

Megan’s head shot up. Her eyes regained focus as Michelle Richards entered the backyard, a bag slung across her shoulder and a wide-eyed expression on her younger daughter’s face. “No,” she spoke, the word clear as crystal.

Celestia cantered to the side, horn glowing. “What?” she exclaimed. She looked to Michelle and another vial of potion appeared. “Of course, your daughter. With her by your side as another-”

A rippling pulse of telekinesis slammed into Celestia’s flank, throwing her into a shed and leveling it. Megan was suddenly by Michelle’s side, a shield flowing up around her. Megan dipped her head and looked into the young girl’s eyes. “Bubble, squeak and coming to call,” she said.

Michelle’s mouth dropped. “Mommy?” she said, recognizing the code both parents had taught her. “How did you become a pony? What’s Princess Celestia doing?”

Megan leaned her head forward and gently brushed her muzzle against Michelle’s cheek. “It’s not Celestia, honey. I don’t know who she really is, but it’s not Celestia. Don’t worry. I’ll get you out of-”

The remnants of the shed exploded, sending out shrapnel that ricocheted off Megan’s shield, leaving a glowing Celestia standing there. “You will NOT defy me!” she shouted. The edges of her mane and tail began flickering, puffs of smoke coming from them. She slowly extricated herself out of the wreckage, every step igniting the grass. A hot white light blazed from her eyes and her horn was wreathed in energy. “I am Celestia, and you shall not-”

Megan and Michelle were suddenly enveloped in a sphere of violet light. When it faded, they had vanished, leaving Celestia there. “-leave.” Her nostrils flared and she dug a hoof into the ground, digging up nearly a half foot of dirt. The otherworldy glow around her faded as she took several deep breaths. “I must remain calm, for everypony’s sake.” She looked back to the barrier and the portal that led to New Equestria. She narrowed her eyes in concentration and it slowly began to grow, the barrier protecting it also inching forward. The crystalline web touched several bits of debris from the shed and the swing set. Every bit touched by the barrier turned to vapor, disintegrating with its advancement. Celestia looked upon it, and nodded in satisfaction as her work began.

Spike stared up at the rather large piece of construction equipment, a yellow bulldozer.. His eyes widened as he stepped up to it. He wore a modified hardhat, with a gap on top for his scales to poke out of. He looked up at his companion - Mike Richards, Megan’s husband. The two were standing in a field, a large pit a few meters away and various other pieces of construction equipment and supplies there as well. But aside from the materials there, they were alone. “So, you know how to work this thing?” he asked, waving his claws at it.

Mike nodded. “It’s what I usually operate at sites.” He turned and motioned to the pit. “We’ll get the foundation poured in and set. Utilities will be made ready, too.” He looked down at Spike. “I’m glad we’re moving the old house instead of building a new one. Megan and I raised our kids there. Even though I never could get one of the kitchen cabinets to stop sticking,” he said, winking.

Anything Spike might’ve said was cut off as a violet sphere of light appeared next to them. It faded, leaving behind Michelle and an alicorn. The alicorn stumbled a bit, hooves tripping over themselves. Each step left a small hole in the dirt. “Can’t... get it out of... my head,” she said, finally steadying herself. She looked around, focusing on Mike. “Mike?”

Mike grabbed Michelle and pulled her over, stepping in front of Spike. “Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?” he barked out.

Michelle looked up at her father. “Daddy, it’s Mommy. Something happened to her and turned her into an alicorn. It’s really Mommy, Daddy!”

Mike’s eyes narrowed. He locked eyes with Megan, clutching his daughter tight. “Those eyes... my god.” He stepped forward, raising his free hand and gently brushing Megan’s face. He looked her over, at her hooves, her scales, wings and tail. “What happened?”

Megan finally looked away. “At our house, Mike. There’s some mockery of Celestia there. She-she forced some damned poison or something down my throat and I just changed into this.” She lowered her head and closed her eyes. “God, it was the most painful thing I’ve ever been through. And she’s talking about ending humanity and turning us all into ponies because we’re chaotic and disorderly and evil.”

Mike wrapped his arms around Megan’s neck, hugging her tightly. Megan simply leaned into the hug, eyes closed. The two stood there for a moment, simply glad the other was there.

Spike crossed his arms and shook his head. “This is nuts. Another Celestia? One that doesn’t like humans? I don’t get it. What’s so bad about humans?”

Megan opened her eyes and gently pulled away from Spike. “I don’t know, Spike. We’re not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination. I have no idea what this other Celestia hates about us so.” She let out a groan. “No, NO! Get out of...” Her wings flapped and she leaned to her left. “She’s in my mind, though.” She screwed her eyes shut. “Get OUT!”

Mike grabbed Megan’s head and steadied it. “Megan, I don’t know what she’s doing, but you have to fight it. You can fight it. We’re here for you!”

Spike waved his stubby arms around. “Yeah, come on! You’re the Mag’ne, Megan! No two-bit Celestia imposter can stop you.” He glanced to Michelle. “Right?”

Michelle’s head bobbed up and down. “Right, Spike!” She looked to her mother. “Right?”

Megan’s eyes glowed once more. “No...” There was a flash of violet light, and all four vanished.

Autobot City

Perceptor toddled about his laboratory, moving from one of several large computer consoles to a large table in the center of the room. He looked down at the table and Twilight Sparkle standing next to a large, free-floating hologram of mathematical equations written in both English and Cybertronian. “So you see, Miss Sparkle, by utilizing fourth-dimensional computations and subspace scanning, we are able to accurately assess the motion and position of particles, bypassing the Uncertainty Principle and allow us to shift portions of our mass into a subspace pocket for transformation.”

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes darted back and forth as she took in the floating blue numbers, letters and symbols. She began hopping about. “Of course, of course!” She threw her foreleg into the air. “It all makes sense, Perceptor!”

One of the consoles began chiming, its monitor flaring to life. Text scrolled down one side while the image of a swirling vortex appeared on the other. Perceptor walked over to it, optic sensors brightening. He rubbed his chin in thought. “That’s odd.” He looked back to Twilight Sparkle. “Twilight, incoming unicorn-powered matter-transference!”

The unicorn cocked her head to the side. “Somepony’s teleporting in?” Her head darted about. “Who? Where?” She looked to Perceptor and cocked her head to the side. “Wait, you know how to detect teleportation?”

“Of course. It’s rather simple when you know what energy waveforms to look for.” He turned to the table just as a flash next to Twilight Sparkle heralded the arrival of Mike, Michelle, Spike and Megan. He leaned down, looming over the newly-arrived quartet. “A fourth alicorn! This is most unusual!”

Twilight Sparkle’s jaw dropped. “Wait-what-I just...” Her right eye twitched slightly as she trotted around the group. “What the hay?!” She stopped and looked over Megan. “You’re... who are you?” She looked to Megan’s cutie mark, then to her mane. She leaned her head in, forcing Megan herself to lean back. “Are you Cadance’s sister?” She looked to Mike, standing next to the alicorn. “Mike?”

Mike looked down at Twilight and massaged his forehead. “Twilight, this is... Megan.” He looked to his wife. “I’m not sure what happened. She just winked into existence with Michelle and then teleported us all here.” He swallowed. “Something changed her, but I’m not sure what exactly.” He reached up and gently stroked her mane. “But it is Megan.”

Megan nodded. “Thanks, Mike.” She looked down at Twilight. “Twilight, you have to listen to-”

“Wait, you’re Megan? How did this happen? Was it some sort of transmutation with magic? With a machine, some sort of combination?” Twilight Sparkle rubbed her chin. “Did-”

Megan’s wings unfurled and lit up. “Twilight, please!” she half-shouted, sending the unicorn stumbling back. Her cheeks colored. “Sorry. Still getting used to this a bit.” She held up a foreleg and looked it over. “Amazed I can even walk... OUT OF MY HEAD!” she screamed, tossing her head back and screwing her eyes shut. She stumbled back. “Sorry, Twilight. Anyway, long story short. There’s some evil version of Celestia at our house from some other Equestria. She’s blocked off the Rainbow Bridge - oh god, Danielle!” Her breathing turned ragged. “She’s still on the other side and... oh Mike I don’t know how she is!” Tears fell from her eyes and her entire body shuddered.

Mike wrapped his arms around Megan’s neck in another hug. “She’ll be alright. She’s our daughter, after all.”

Megan leaned into it and continued. “This other Celestia, Twilight. She wants to do the same thing to all of Earth and all humans. We’re... disorderly and chaotic, according to her. She pities us.” She motioned to her head with a hoof. “And I can hear her, in my mind. She wants me to follow her. She wants everyone to follow her.” She suddenly pulled away from Mike’s grasp. “I need to go. Now.”

Michelle swallowed, blinking as realization hit her. “Mommy, are you gonna be alright Can we help you?”?”

Megan leaned her head down and leaned her head against Michelle’s cheek. “I love you, Michelle. I just have to leave for a bit to sort myself out. You’ll be safe here.” She looked to Twilight Sparkle. “I know how crazy this sounds, but I swear it’s true, Twilight. She’s insane.” She looked up at Perceptor. “Contact the president. We’ve got to get everyone away from my house. She’ll turn them all into ponies and control their minds!”

Perceptor nodded. He looked to Twilight Sparkle, who had a confused expression on her face. “Twilight, Autobots have encountered alternate-quantum realities before. Our own Cliffjumper has been to one. If you will excuse me.” He turned, walking up to a wall-mounted monitor.

Megan shook her head. Her lips raised in a grim smile. “Someone has to have seen something by now. She wasn’t exactly the master of subtlety.” She let out a groan. “I have to go. Now.” She turned her head to Mike, tears in her eyes. “I love you. And I’m sorry. But if I stay here, there’s every possibility the other Celestia will make me do... things...” She sat back on her haunches and wrapped her wings around her head. “No, I won’t do that! I won’t hurt my... “ She suddenly rose to her hooves, eyes glassy. “I must help save humanity...” Her head jerked to the side, eyes on Michelle who stood there, lower lip warbling and fists clenched at her side. “I must save my family and friends from you.”

Perceptor returned to the table. “Fort Campbell has been alerted, but it will be some time before they can get anywhere. It will take upwards of an hour for them to mobilize.” He motioned to the hologram still floating with one hand and tapped a control pad with the other. The equations faded to be replaced by an overhead shot of a crystalline dome covering a plot of land and eating into two adjacent houses. “This is a direct feed from a Sky Spy satellite in orbit,” he said as everyone turned to look.

Celestia floated above the dome, wings spread far and horn a pillar of energy. Below was a scene of chaos, as people fled on foot, in cars or on bicycles. Police officers were on the scene, most directing the refugees as they fled their homes while others took up position around the dome. Police cars and vans drove up and down the streets while a pair of police helicopters flew about.

Mike shook his head. “My god. She’s serious!”

Spike rubbed his eyes. “If I hadn’t seen it myself... she’s nuts!” He crossed his arms. “But she’s not Celestia.”

Twilight Sparkle slowly walked up to the image. She raised a foreleg to the Celestia. “I didn’t want to believe you,” she admitted. “But that is Celestia, or some other version of her.” She turned and looked up at Megan. “But how? Why?”

Michelle and Spike simply wrapped their arms around Twilight’s neck. The unicorn leaned into the embraces, sighing. “Thank you.”

Celestia’s head shot back and she looked straight up, directly into the camera. Her eyes narrowed. Megan’s entire body trembled and she stumbled back. “No no!” She grit her teeth and twisted her hooves, digging into the steel table. She looked to Mike, then to Michelle, Twilight and Spike. Her horn flared and she disappeared.

Michelle broke the embrace, running to where her mother stood. “MOMMY!” she yelled, holding out her hands. Her shoulders heaved and she dropped to her knees, crying. “I want her back, Daddy,” she sobbed out. “And I want Danielle back too. Why is she doing this?”

Mike dropped to his knees and wrapped his arms around his younger daughter, hugging her. “We’ll get her back, Michelle. We will.”

Twilight Sparkle’s eyes narrowed. “Spike, stand back. I have to go get everypony else.”

Spike’s arms dropped to the side. “Wait, what?!” He looked Twilight Sparkle over as her horn lit up. “Twilight, can’t you use-” The unicorn suddenly vanished as she teleported away, “-the intercom?” Spike stared at the spot where his big sister stood a moment ago. His upper body leaned forward. “I hate it when she does that.”

Perceptor looked to Mike and Michelle. “I shall contact Lieutenant Commander Hernandez and make arrangements for your stay here, Mister Richards.”

Mike stood up and looked up at him. “Thanks.” He looked around the table, a bark of laughter escaping him. “I’m actually wondering why there aren’t guards here already.” He waved a hand around. “Don’t you have cameras or a security system?”

Perceptor chuckled. “The lab does, but I control it. Unless I specifically set off an alert or am incapacitated in any way, it does not activate. It saves on paperwork.”

Michelle looked to the hologram and the image of Celestia, still staring up at the camera. She quickly looked away, shuddering at the image. Spike took her hand. “Don’t worry, Michelle. Once Twilight gets the others together they’ll find a way to help out Megan and stop this impostor!” He paused. “I think. I hope...”