• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 9,526 Views, 156 Comments

The Fox and the Filly - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Digimon Crossover] Sweetie Belle one day comes across a strange looking watch and decides to keep it on her, only for her to form a bond with a strange fox creature that knew her mother. Now the fox has become her partner and protector.

  • ...

10- FoxFire

Author's Note:

When one of Leona's training sessions goes awry and lures Sangloupmon out in the open, it's up to Rena and Sweetie Belle in order to stop him before he can be able to hurt anypony else.

Just a quick update that I was able to complete with Solphestus recently. Hope you guys enjoy it!

P.S. The Digimodify cards used for Rena are based on the cards used in the actual show while for Lyall, they are cards based on the whole 'Spirit Evolution' process that's demonstrated in Digimon Frontier. Just with it being applied to a rookie Digimon instead of a human

The Fox and the Filly- FoxFire

As Celestia raised the sun for a new day; everyone who spent the night in the cabin, other than Rena and Leona, found themselves waking to a bucket of ice water pouring on all their faces at the exact same moment. Of course, this was all something that Leona was doing to try and get the whole ‘drill sergeant’ thing stuck in everypony’s heads… but of course, the only ones who were affected by the water were Lyall and Guilmon.

However, everyone was up by the time they heard the little Coronamon begin to shout at all of them.

“Up and at 'em, you bunch of Numemon! Day three of training begins now! You have ten minutes to get yourselves some breakfast, if you think its a smart idea, before I expect you all to be in front of the cabin standing at attention! And if you don't make it you, get to carry the water from the frozen river at the bottom of the mountain to refill the empty water tanks! So good luck figuring out how to get a shower!” Leona boomed before disappearing with a snicker.

“Ugh… God, did she have to go all Full Metal Jacket drill sergeant there?” Lyall asked as he got up. “I’m still sore from Rena kicking my ass and the water isn’t helping…”

“Lyall, it would be better for you to actually go along with it and to be thankful that she did not use the hot water that I was boiling for tea this morning,” Rena spoke up as she was seen with a mug that read ‘#1 Digimon’ on the front of it. “Besides… if anything, this is supposed to be part of the plan.”

A few of the tamers… as well as Lyall and Guilmon, looked at the Renamon in confusion. Wanting to know exactly she was referring to. Though, it was Sweetie Belle herself that actually voiced her confusion. “What do you mean, Rena?”

“To put it simply… Leona’s using you as bait… Not because she hates you, although that could’ve been a factor… but because she thinks that it could draw out Sangloupmon.” Rena explained. “Some of us have trained to the point that we can be able to go to champion level without messing up… the only thing now is to lure him out… any questions?”

“Yeah, is she freaking nuts!?” Lyall asked her. “You almost got yourself killed last time because of that beast. I don’t want any of us to be risking our lives if there’s only a slim chance at actually succeeding. Back home, that’s like forging a coupon to Bed, Bath and Beyond!”

“How does that make sense?” Button asked, looking at his digimon as they all got ready to have breakfast.

“It’s an illegal activity with high risk, but there’s very little reward in doing it,” Lyall then fully summarized as he sat at the table. “I know that Leona wants to train us to not be wimps, but if she really thinks that Sangloupmon would be stupid enough to fall for a bait and switch trap, then I highly doubt that it would work… I mean, can you even be able to change into Champion form?”

“I’ve been trying to practice it with Sweetie… we’ve mostly got the hang of it.” She said, even though hearing the word ‘mostly’ gave her brother a feeling of uncertainty.

“Okay… Sorry for interrupting, but what is Leona doing outside?” Spike then asked as he looked outside from his seat by the window. Shortly after he said that, everyone except for Rena was going to the window to see what exactly he was talking about, while the Renamon began to look at what was going on from another window on the other side of the kitchen. But what they found was… rather odd, to put it lightly.

Leona grunted as she used a rope to drag a large rectangular… something, that was covered in a overly large tarp before stopping with it ten meters from the cabin entrance before dusting off the snow from her fur and pulling out a thermos of hot cocoa and sending an evil smile towards everyone watching through the window.

“I… don’t know if that’s supposed to be a bad thing or a good thing-” Lyall said, just as he turned around to see Guilmon swipe his toast off of his plate. “Hey!!”

“Guilmon, don’t steal from others!!” Applebloom snapped, trying to chase after the reptile and get the bread back. Unfortunately, that didn’t exactly go so well as Guilmon swallowed it all down in one gulp. Leaving Guilmon full and Lyall… on an empty stomach.

All while Rena looked to Sweetie Belle as the Renamon had a quick glance at the clock. “Sweetie, can you stand by me for a moment please?” The filly herself, not sure why her partner would ask her that, just listened as she trotted over to where she was. “I didn’t want you to get caught up in what happens next.”

“What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well… let’s just say that they’re going to be sore after this.” Immediately, the clock on the wall hit the top of the hour as part of the roof began to open up. That… was followed by Lyall, Guilmon, Spike, Button and Applebloom all getting launched out of the kitchen by a springboard catapult that was hidden under the chairs in the kitchen. Throwing them out into the snow while Rena and Sweetie Belle just came out normally.

“W-what was that for?” Lyall coughed, a bit of snow getting caught in his mouth as he was trying to spit it out. Before his eyes soon noticed Leona holding a switch that was labeled ‘kitchen ejection seats’.

“You were running late.” Leona said simply. “Also I suspect one of you were talking about me behind my back because my nose started itching.”

The strabimon personally groaned, before getting up in order to brush the snow off of his fur as he looked back at Leona. “So Leona… what’s your plan exactly for handling Sangloupmon?” He then asked her, before pointing at the contraption that was behind the Coronamon. “Should I safely assume that it has something to do with this?”

Leona just smiled as the hidden rectangular object shifted under the tarp. “Oh no, this is just today’s training assignment.”

That had everyone blink for a moment, before Spike decided to speak up. “This… is our assignment? What is it?”

“Well. everyone, except for you Spike, I have a special assignment for each one of you~ Some… personal training you could say.” Leona smirked before grabbing hold of the tarp. “Now everyone, except Spike, are you ready for today’s training assignment~?”

Mostly everyone nodded their heads nervously as Spike decided to walk off to the side where Rena and Sweetie Belle were standing as Guilmon and Lyall were with both of their partners. Button by Lyall’s side and Applebloom… on Guilmon’s back. “I guess… Can you tell us what it is?”

“I was just about to~ whether you said you actually were ready or not.” Leona admitted with a shrug before yanking the tarp hard enough for it to fall away to reveal the giant rectangular object beneath… only for everyone to come face to face with a metal cage housing a VERY pissed off looking Monochromon. “Your assignment is to either defeat this here champion level digimon through any means available to you, or to survive until sunset unless Sangloupmon shows up~ Good luck!”

Even that… surprised Rena at first. “How exactly did she get her paws on something like that?” She said to herself, before drinking another sip of tea.

“Oh, and I can't guarantee your safety once we start, so I hope your prepared in the case you get egged.” Leona says whitch a chuckle before knocking the side of her head with her fist and sticking her tongue out.

“Oh, I got a bad feeling about this…” Lyall asked, shortly before hearing the sound of footsteps in the snow as he saw Rena and Sweetie join them too. “Okay… at least I know we’re all going to possibly die together…”

The Renamon herself just grit her teeth, before whacking her brother over the head with an outstretched paw. “We need to focus now… If we screw up here, there’s no way that we can beat Sangloupmon if he shows up.” Lyall groaned, scratching the back of his head before taking up a combat stance. Having Sweetie, Button and Applebloom stand off to the side as all three of them prepared for the fight that they were about to engage in.

Even though it didn’t really help that Leona’s version of ‘overseeing’ the exercise was by kicking back in a lawn chair and drinking a glass of lemonade (or in this case hot cocoa) as the Monochromon broke out of its cage and focused its attention on them. Immediately, Rena and Guilmon began to attack Monochromon using a series of projectiles to try to weaken it’s defenses and also distract it. Lyall himself wanted to help, but knew that he could not exactly contribute given the fact that his rooke level form only had attacks that would work at close range. And going in to attack directly would be utter suicide.

So, it seemed like the plan was to try and strike it while it was distracted with Rena’s diamonds and Guilmon’s fireballs. However, there was another obstacle when it came to facing the triceratops like digimon and that was the horn on its head. Which could be used to try and attack them when they got too close. And of course, the obvious problem with all this is that the three of them were rookies and their opponent was champion level. Meaning that even with all of their combined strength, they may not be able to even make a scratch on it.

Just as he thought this though was when a massive fireball flew past Lyall’s cheek as he looked back at the Monochromon. Flames dancing inside its mouth as it glared at all three of them. “Well… that’s just bloody brilliant… Rena, what exactly is the plan here!?”

“Isn’t it obvious!?” His sister glared at him. “Turn into your champion form! You got more abilities in that form than your current one and you can be able to counter that horn-!” Before she could continue, Monochromon charged at her, forcing the Renamon to dodge to the side and almost get hit by the triceratops digimon. All while Lyall was looking around for a moment before looking at his partner, Button.

“Button, are you ready? I’m going to need your help with this one, okay?” He looked towards the colt, who nodded his head and was getting his digivice ready. The digivolution card in his mouth as he slid it through the card reader on the digivice.


“Strabimon… digivolve to.. Lobomon!!”

Within mere moments, Lyall’s body began to changed. Morphing into it’s champion level form as he now stood firmly in the ground, before using the arm cannon on his left arm to send an energy blast at Monochromon. Having its attention be focused on him instead of Rena and Guilmon. “How about you pick a fight with someone your own size!!”

Oh he should not have said that…” Rena internally groaned as he watched the Monochromon charge at him. Lyall had his sabers as the ready as he held them in front of him to block the direct assault from Monochromon’s horn. Before using a shot from his blaster to hit the triceratops in the eye before backing up. “Oh, he should not have DONE THAT!!!

Lyall himself… did not entirely see his mistakes until after their opponent locked eyes with him again. Because with one shot, he just had a simple champion level digimon become a raging dino gone berserk. Berserk to the point that it was able to pick up the cage it was once in and threw it directly at them. Forcing the champion level digimon to combine both of his blades before taking up a stance. “Zwei Siger!!”

In a matter of seconds, he sliced the cage up into multiple little pieces as they all disappeared into bits of data. But it was after this attack that it left him open to a charging Monochromon that was aiming its horn directly at him. “Oh sh-!”

“What did you do?!” Rena shouted angrily at her brother as he got hit by the edge of the Monochromon’s horn. “It was calm just a minute ago, but now you made it really pissed!!”

“Rena, look!” Sweetie Belle then shouted, before pointing a hoof towards the right side of the Monochromon’s face. Where there were still some burn marks and injuries from Lyall’s shot earlier.

“Sweetie Belle… Get me some snow…”

“Rena, how is that going to work?” The filly then asked, looking at the digimon with a puzzled look on her face.

“Because of what Lyall did, that Monochromon is enraged not by what he did, but because of the pain that it’s feeling,” Rena tried to explain to her partner. “If we try to reduce the pain, it might calm down-”

Of course, that was also when Lyall was thrown into the cabin by the rampaging Monochromon and was mere inches away from hitting Leona. “... On second thought, let’s not try that.” However, Sweetie Belle was already using her magic in order to be able to make a huge snowball out of the snow they were standing on and tried to throw it at the Monochromon’s eye. Only for it to melt when the Monochromon unleashed it’s Volcanic Strike attack.

Eventually, Lyall burst out of the cabin and went back on the offensive as he kicked the Monochromon down and away from both Rena and Guilmon. “Man, I hate it when some guys do that.”

“Just what is up with you and immediately attacking a digimon’s eye?” Rena then decided to ask him. “You did the same thing to Sangloupmon when he originally attacked us a few days ago.”

The Lobomon just shrugged as he looked back at his sister and tried to answer her question in the simplest way possible so he could focus on the enemy in front of him. “You can’t exactly fight what you can’t see… plus, my blast was just an equivalent of a snowball to the eye. Sangloupmon’s injuries are worse.”

“I really don’t think there’s a difference here because of how big of a situation you just threw us into!” Rena snapped as the two of them had to avoid another attack. Still… unlike both her and Lyall, who were trying to dodge the attacks and find an opening… Guilmon was trying to do something much… much different as he approached the digimon.

He tried befriending it. Holding out an apple pie that Rena thought was still in the fridge as the Guilmon soon asked the digimon a question. “Can Guilmon be friends with you?”

There’s no way that could possibly work… could it?” Rena thought to herself as she watched the two digimon. However, what she did not expect… and neither did Leona… was that Monochromon actually paused as it looked at Guilmon and the pie that he was holding. Before sniffing it and eating it in one gulp. Spitting out the tray as it hit Spike in the head.

But the strangest thing was… Monochromon was actually not attacking Guilmon. And even then, it motioned for Guilmon to sit with Applebloom and Leona. That was… until it glared directly at Rena and Lyall. “NOPE!! It did not work!! It did not work at all!!

Lyall himself needed to reposition himself and separate his double bladed light sword into two smaller ones as he looked back at the Monochromon now. Preparing himself for its next attack while also concentrating to the point that his blades were beginning to glow even more with the amount of energy he was putting into them.

“I'm starting to feel bad for Rena…” Leona muttered, “it seems neither her nor the others were paying attention to what I had said in full… Hey ponies, shouldn't you be helping your partners?” then added while giving Sweetie belle, Applebloom and Button a look.

“Um… Leona?” Spike asked as the Coronamon turned towards her. “Doesn’t a champion level form have a time limit?” Around that same time was when Lyall himself charged at the Monochromon, using his strength into one more attack.

“Sadly for partnered digimon… that would be correct. It's one of the largest flaws to having a tamer in exchange for the given power boost.” Leona grumbled as she facepalmed at Lyall’s predicament. “When will these kids learn…”


What occured next was two things. One that Leona anticipated… the other, not so much. The first thing was that Lyall himself reverted back to his rookie form. Falling on the ground and passing out. But what Leona did not expect was for the last attack to cut off the Monochromon’s horn clean off… and have it land right in the living room of the cabin.

And that did not make the triceratops happy at all. “Well, great…” Rena said to herself, before looking back at Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie Belle, get the card ready… Remember, just like we practiced before.

“We practiced this?” The filly asked, before shaking as the Monochromon roared once more. Though, before they could be able to digivolve at all, the Monochromon stopped… looking up to the sky before falling over, its body dissolving into pixels and vanishing as an all too familiar face emerged from behind it.

“So… this was how you were planning on trying to bring me out?” Sangloupmon now spoke, before noticing Lyall on the ground and kicking him to where he was thrown into Leona like a ragdoll. “Are you just foolish or eager to get yourself killed?”

“To be honest, I didn’t think you would actually come,” Rena sighed, looking to Applebloom and Guilmon… who was looking really mad right around now. “Applebloom, take Guilmon and help Leona… This is our fight.”

“B-but… He made new friend go bye-bye!” Guilmon protested.

“Guilmon… please,” Sweetie Belle now told her. “We got this… Just keep Applebloom safe okay?” And for added measure, she whispered something else. “If you do this, you can have the desserts that are labeled for Rena and Leona in the freezer.”

“Okay, Sweetie-mon!” He said, picking up Applebloom by the mane like she was a lion cub and racing inside the house. Before knocking the fridge over and attempting to raid the freezer.

“Grrrr-! Hey you!” Leoa shouted as she tossed Lyall off her like a ragdoll after snapping out of the shock of him crashing into her suddenly.

“ …… Did I come at a bad time?” Sangloupmon then decided to ask. “Because if you want, I can come back later and attempt to kill you then.”

“He~eh? What did ya just say you worthless parasite!?” Leona asked as she glared at Sangloupmon, her flames becoming a ominus dark blue as she leaped towards him while shouting. “No one, and I mean NO ONE, is allowed to lay a finger on my cute little fox other than me-!”

Of course… it didn't help the fact that when she leaped forward, she ended up falling into a deep pile of snow. Just leaving Rena to facepaw herself. “Don’t mind her. This is normal…”

“I see…” Sangloupmon stated, before looking back at them. “So… I took it that you’ve recovered since our last encounter? Because I lost the sight in one of my eyes because of that sword wielding brat.”

Rena nodded, recalling the last encounter that the two of them had… and how that Lyall was able to stop Sangloupmon from killing her by striking him in the eye. “I have… and I believe that we’ve gotten better since the first time we’ve met. And that we will be the ones who will succeed this time around.” With that statement, Rena just gave a simple nod to her partner, who was holding the blue digivolution card within her magical grip and slid it through the card reader. Not with an angered expression on her face, but with one that was calm and composed.


“Renamon, digivolve to… Kyubimon!” Rena called out as she now took on her champion level form. The last time she remembered being in a form like this was when Pearl was her partner. So it brought back some of those memories as she felt a newfound power course through her. “Alright… Pearl, this one is for you…”

With that, Sangloupmon grinned deeply as he glared back at Rena. “Now this is a lot more like it!!” Both champion level digimon immediately clashed with one another, with enough force to cause the cabin to shake and for Leona to be blown out of the snow she was covered in and into the air. Only to be caught by Sweetie Belle as both the fox and wolf digimon clashed with each other. Coughing up snow and debris everywhere as some of the windows in the nearby cabin began to crack.

Sweetie Belle herself, hurried up the stairwell and inside the house, carrying Leona in her magic and then setting her down once safely inside. “Spike, keep an eye on her! I’m going to help Rena!” The unicorn told her, shortly before running back outside. Leona herself attempted to try and chase after the unicorn… but only got to the point where a sliding glass door closed in front of her and made the coronamon faceplant into it. Which had Spike pull her off, before dragging her by the tail so she wouldn’t attempt to try and escape.

Of course… it didn’t help that she heard this while getting pulled across the floor. “Oooh… Look Applebloom-mon. Pie!”

“Guilmon, that’s lemon meringue pie. You might not like that.” Applebloom told her digimon. “Besides, the side of it says ‘For Leona only’.”

“Leona-mon is in a pie?”

“Mine!” Leona blurted as she barged into the the kitchen moments later, taking back her pie before attempting to escape again to help Rena fight. Only for her to step on a rake lying in the snow and getting smacked in the face by the handle. “... ouch...”

“Sticker Blades!”

“Dragon Wheel!!” When Leona heard that, both of the attacks from the digimon that were clashing with one another caused the ground to shake. And also had pieces of the cabin’s roof falling towards where Leona was in her disorientated state.

Only to get saved by someone… unexpected. Because Lyall, who had only woken up a few moments ago, used one of his abilities to grab Leona and pull her out of the way before a massive section of the roof could collapse on her. “Phew… that was too close.” He commented, before handing Leona off to Spike as he went back to his partners side. “Come on Rena… You can do it!!”

“... Why aren't you trying to help?” Leona asked, trying to ignore the fact Lyal just kept her from possibly getting a concussion or buried for the rest of the day under rubble. “Even rookies have the ability to challenge a champion.” She then added offhandedly while looking away.

You were the one who tired most of us out with fighting Monochromon in the first place. Rena was the only one who saved her strength,” Lyall groaned, wincing a little in pain from the amount of strain he put on his body earlier. “Note to self, if you really wanted to lure out an apex predator… maybe leave out raw meat instead.”

“I was actually hoping he wouldn't show so I could teach y’all a lesson in teamwork, after all in real life or death battles your partners and teammates can't be standing idle if you hope to win…” Leona pouted.

“Stop trying to impersonate my sister!” Applebloom looked back at Leona, glaring at her this time. “Also, aren’t you the one who’s standing idly by right now? Guilmon and Lyall are tired out and you were just drinking lemonade earlier. That’s not teachin’, that’s being lazy.”

“And all of you are children! I learned the lesson already, I was hoping to teach all of y’all in an environment that the lives of your friends, family, or world were not at stake…” Leona groaned. “And I would be helping fight now if someone would PUT ME DOWN!” She added by yelling at Lyall.

“I’m not even holding onto you.” Lyall groaned. “Spike is.”

“... Future reference!” She said diverting the topic before proceeding to flip Spike over herself and onto his back freeing herself from his grip. “Now let's go help Rena and Sweetie Belle before they are killed!”

The only thing that she did not know in that moment though... was that the two of them were doing just fine on their own.

Meanwhile, Outside

“Yes, YES! Now this is the fight I was wanting this whole time!!” Sangloupmon laughed as his attacks collided with that of Rena’s as both champion level digimon continued to trade blows with each other. “Show me just how strong you are, partner of Pearl!!”

To Rena though, she did not fall for the taunts of the wolf digimon as she fought using her newfound tails, speed and agility. Even going as far as to use Sangloupmon’s newest blindspot to headbutt him with one of her newfound abilities and send him tumbling into the ground. “Koshūgeki!!”

“Gah!” The wolf digimon cried out in pain as he was thrown into a frozen tree. The impact breaking the tree and causing it to fall over on top of the chimney of the cabin as Sangloupmon began to stagger and try to return to his feet. Yet, just before he could send out more blades at his attacker, he noticed something standing next to the Kyubimon. It looked like a spirit and was hard to tell from this far away. But as Rena came closer to him, he now began to realize what he was seeing.

It was one of his victims. One of three specific ones that he was tasked with killing one night several years ago. And now, it was floating besides her. “What… is this?”

The will o’ wisp hit him? Good…” The Kyubimon thought to herself as she looked back at her opponent. “This will make this fight much easier…” It was after this that she looked back towards her partner, who told her a simple request. “Sweetie… Get the cards ready.”

“O-okay!” The unicorn nodded, using her magic to look through a series of cards in front of her before sliding one card through the reader in her digivice.

DIGIMODIFY- Hyperspeed

Moments after her partner slid the card through the reader, Rena felt a dramatic increase in speed course through her as she looked back at her opponent with a grin on her face. Now, it was easier for her to land more attacks on the demon wolf. Including using her dragon wheel attack more often to counter Sangloupmon’s sticker blades. Even stirring up some snow to hit the wolf with two more of her ‘Koshūgeki’ attack as it knocked her opponent back.

Forcing her opponent to use his only other technique “Black Mind!!” Instantly, the demon wolf disappeared from view, making Rena think that he was gone. Sweetie herself thought that the digimon had turned invisible… But as the winds around them began to pick up, Rena realized something.

That her shadow… looked more like a wolf than a fox. And it was in this realization that the demon wolf emerged from the ground in order to try to attack her. Only for Rena to use another one of her techniques. “Tengu!”

Immediately, a high pitch scream echoed throughout the battlefield. Causing the windows to shatter on the nearby cabin and forcing Sweetie Belle to cover her ears. Unfortunately for Sangloupmon, he was subjected to the scream and could not be able to stop Rena from sending him flying into a tree with another tail swipe.

“Rrgh… Why you-!” He growled, but not before his eyes were beginning to widen. Because it was then… that he now saw all three of the mares that he had killed long ago on that one fateful night years ago. And in his mind, he saw this as them trying to torment him. Drive him insane… a trick that Rena was doing in order to distract him.

But this was no trick… because he was not the only one that could see these spirits. Sweetie Belle saw them too. But one in particular stood out to her. “M-mom?”

Rena right now… was more focused on finishing the fight. “Face it, Sangloupmon… you are outmatched here. The victims of those you have slain before have come to condemn you for your actions and make you face judgement.”

“Like hell they are!” He defiantly snapped. “This was never supposed to happen… It was just one job, and now this?! What sort of trickery is this, partner of Pearl?! Answer me!!”

“This is no trick…” Rena replied back to him, the flames around her growing bright blue as the faces of all those that were Sangloupmon’s victims were seen right in front of him. Before they turned into glowing balls of flame as she glared at her. “This is the end for you… Fox Tail Inferno!!”

Almost immediately, the burning flames converged on the weakened demon wolf, exploding into a tall pillar of holy fire as explosions of blue fire began to burn Sangloupmon’s body and tear it apart. His body slowly dissolving into bits of data as he began to fade away. But not before he issued out one last threat.

“Rrgh…… With my d-death… the p-phantom comes for y-you now…” As Rena began to degenerate back to her rookie form, she was unable to find out what exactly he meant as the demon wolf became nothing more than a series of ones and zeroes. But, there was no need to worry about what was to come for them next. Because for now… the battle was over. And with it, Rena was relieved.

But it was also when she turned to her partner… and looked a bit puzzled by her shocked expression. “Sweetie? What’s the matter?”

“I… I thought I saw mom just now…” She said, before turning towards Rena. Who just patted her head for a moment as she smiled back at her.

“It’s okay, Sweetie… Besides, if Pearl were to see you right now… she would be proud of you for being able to stand your ground in the face of danger.” That… has the filly tear up a little, before she pulled herself towards Rena as she began to hug her.

“T-thank you, Rena…” Was all that she said, as Rena just simply patted her on the back.

What they did not notice at the time… was Spike burping out a letter back inside the cabin as he began to read it. “Oh, hey… Rarity’s beginning to wake up now! Should I-?”

Before he could step outside, Lyall placed a paw in front of him as he looked back to him. “Let’s let them have a somber moment first…”

“... Wait the fight is over already!?” Was leona’s only comment as she bemoaned how useless she turned out to be again.

“I thought I said to let them have a somber moment…” Lyall groaned, facepawing himself before going back to Button as both of them began to help clean up the cabin. “Besides… It was their fight anyways. That was the digimon that killed Sweetie’s mother… It wouldn’t feel right to get yourself involved in a personal confrontation unless Rena asked for our help.”

“You gotta agree though, that champion form of hers looks pretty cool.” Spike then added as he also helped pitch in with cleaning up around the place. Before saying one thing that… might’ve made Leona twitch a little. “Plus, with Sangloupmon gone and Rarity getting better, we can go back to Ponyville now!”

“Yeah… you’re able to go back now… hehehe…” Leona muttered.

“That includes you too, Leona.” Spike said, before pulling out his digivice. “If you like, I can have you be in here to avoid Twilight.” Lyall chuckled briefly for a moment and Guilmon laughed at the expression that was on the Coronamon’s face as she was trying to process everything now.

“So… with us going back home, what would be this then?” Applebloom asked as she looked to Lyall while her partner was eating what looked like a bag of prench pastries that Leona was saving.

“I don’t know. A digital world timeshare?” Lyall shrugged, before breaking the horn of the Monochromon down to size and tossing out the pieces. “You’re going to have to ask Leona about that.”

“Its my current domain of power… its not part of your digital world because i'm not from there, so I can only hold domain in this world.” Leona explained with a zombie like expression as she went and started sweeping with a spare broom that was amongst the debris.

“So you’re own timeshare then?” Lyall asked, before saying something else. “Oh hey… welcome back you two.”

When Leona turned around, that was when she looked to see Rena and Sweetie Belle in the doorway as Sweetie went to go join up with Spike, Button and Applebloom. Who looked to be busy getting things ready for the trip back. “Hey Rena, Spike just got some good news from Twilight. After you beat Sangloupmon, Rarity finally woke up at the hospital. And her recovery is going smoothly.”

“Well, that’s a good thing to hear…” The Renamon replied back, before noticing Leona. “Hey Leona… would you like some help there?”

“I’ll be fine, go help your friends pack.” She said with a distant smile as she continued to sweep up bits of the destroyed building into piles.

“Well, if you say so… I can already think of a few things that need to be done for laundry once we’re back at the boutique.” Rena replied back as she wandered off. Moments before Leona heard the sounds of the elevator shaft inside the cabin opening up as she began to go downstairs.

Which… lead to Spike asking Leona something as she was putting the debris in a trash can. “Um… why are you blushing, Leona?”

“You’re too young, go help your friends!” Leona blurted, turning bright pink before scurrying away as fast as her paws could take her. Which, left Spike looking back at Sweetie Belle and the others as they all shrugged.

End Chapter 10