• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 9,513 Views, 156 Comments

The Fox and the Filly - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Digimon Crossover] Sweetie Belle one day comes across a strange looking watch and decides to keep it on her, only for her to form a bond with a strange fox creature that knew her mother. Now the fox has become her partner and protector.

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4- That's my spot

Author's Note:

Sorry that it took a while to get this done. School and catching my brothers cold did little to help me with productivity, but hopefully, this turned out well. Enjoy!

The Fox and the Filly- That’s my spot


It was almost around the time when Ms. Cheerilee was finishing up her lesson for the day and when the bell rang that Button Mash felt relieved to not be in the same room. He was almost late for class after a little adventure of his this morning led to him losing track of the time and also having to run all the way to class, just barely making it into the room as the bell rang. Thankfully, he wasn’t given a lecture over his lateness and as the bell rang, he could only think a little bit about a few things as he put his Saddlebag on.

However, that slight distraction did not really help him any as he soon crashed into one of his fellow classmates. He couldn’t remember who, but he thought that the name of the pony was… Feather… something. That was the least of his concern right now and instead, he was more focused on the fact that when he checked his saddlebag, something was missing. He couldn’t find it on the floor or in his bag and he was slowly beginning to panic. However, the young colt was soon relieved that he found what he was looking for… from the most unlikely of places.

“Hey, Button. Did you drop this?” His fellow classmate asked as she held it in a small grip of levitation magic. When he nodded his head, she just giggled a little as he gave it to him. “Man, you must be really clumsy for your digivice to fall out like that.” Hearing that though, caught him by surprise and almost made him feel a bit defensive. But soon, he saw the filly hold up a device similar to his. Just with his in a orange and brown while hers was white and pink.

“Y-you have one too!?” He asked her, almost thrown off guard by the revelation. Sweetie Belle nodded, chuckling a little as she watched him try to process everything.

“Yup… Wait… if you have one of those… then does that mean you have a digimon as well?” She asked him. The Colt nodded as they walked outside to find their partners not far from the school playground. “Oh look, there’s Rena.”

“W-wait a second… Rena’s your partner?” Button asked, trying not to blush and embarrass himself while doing so.

“Why yes actually… She knew my mother when she was a filly and I came across her digivice in my closet back home,” The filly told him, only to think of something else in order to ask him. “How did you come across your digivice? Did you find it at your home or something?”

“No, strangely enough. It was a prize inside one of those arcade games. You know, the one with the claw arm and the stuff animals and you needed to lower the claw at the right angle in order to win a prize?” Button explained, trying to provide some kind of demonstration in order for Sweetie Belle to get a better understanding. “Well, I got it through that. Took me five tries and when I first got it, I honestly thought it was a portable gaming device from Pega before they stopped making consoles.”

Sweetie Belle kind of chuckled at that as she turned towards Rena and the mysterious partner that belonged to the Colt next to him. “Hi Rena. Who's your new friend?” The other digimon smirked a little as he folded his arms, chuckling a little as Rena looked back at him. “What’s so funny?”

“Well, to let you know, Rena’s my sister. I’m Lyall, her younger brother.”

“Wait, you two know each other!?” Sweetie Belle gasped, making Rena chuckle a little.

“Yes we do, Sweetie Belle. In fact, I was thinking that we might get the chance to talk it over some more back at Rarity’s place. Button can come along too if he wants-.”

“Yes please!” The colt interjected, leading to a facepalm from the Strabimon as the filly and colt both trotted back to the Carousel Boutique with their partners in their Digivices. By the time they reached Sweetie’s home though, someone else was following them that they weren’t aware of.

“Since i'm awake now, no thanks to Lyall, I’m coming with you... Tree’s aren't as comfy as Rainbow makes them out to be…” Leo muttered as she hovered along behind Sweetie and Button with her digivice in her mouth. Only by both of them turning around did they see her in the air and both of them fell backwards because of it.

“Leo! Where did you come from!?!” Sweetie Belle cried out as she looked at the digimon. Who was just minding her own business from the looks of things.

“I was following you since I had nowhere else to go.” Leo grumbled, “And I could really use a nap… Stupid Lyall wouldn't stop picking on me and I wasn't able to get any rest.”

“Well that just reminds me of Rainbow Dash when she’s with Scootaloo,” Sweetie said as she used her magic to open up the door. “Rarity, I’m home! I brought some friends too!”

“Welcome home Sweetie-.” Rarity stopped for a moment, looking at Button and Leo before turning her attention back to her little sister. “Sweetie dear… would you have happened to met these… friends of yours because of Rena?” When that question was asked, both Lyall and Rena emerged from their own digivices as they looked back at Rarity

“You’re not wrong, but there’s a bit more to it than that.” Rena mentioned casually, looking at Lyall. “Rarity, I would like you to meet Lyall. He’s Button’s partner as well as my little brother.” Looking over at Leo, she then pointed a thumb towards her. “And that’s Leo…… Her story is well… complicated.”

“Hey!” Leo protested before flying over and started trying to headbutt Rena with a pouty face, let it be said it was more cute then dangerous. Only for Rena to be holding her by the head and watch her struggle like an immature toddler that needed to be put in a time out.

“Well, something says that this might take some time so go ahead and make yourselves comfortable while I get some tea,” Rarity insisted as she left the room. Rena herself stood next to Sweetie Belle while Button Mash and Leo took up a chair each. However, Lyall decided to just wing it and plopped himself on the first thing that he saw that looked soft.

“Uh… Mr. Lyall…” Sweetie Belle said to him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea… That’s Rarity’s couch.”

Looking confused, the Strabimon then asked a simple question. “So?”

“You don’t understand… that’s Rarity’s couch. Only Rarity sits there and nopony else does,” She replied, seconds before her older sister trotted in the room and set the tray with tea and teacups down on the nearby table. When she was counting though, she saw Lyall on her couch and then stared him down.

“That’s my spot… Nopony but me sits in my spot.” She said, forcing Lyall out by using her magic to toss him onto another chair before she used a duster to sweep any loose hairs.

“Told you.” Sweetie Belle remarked, only getting a groan from the Digimon.

“Karma~” Leo sang as she snuggled into her seat.

“Oh shut up, little Simba.” Lyall groaned folding his arms as he sat next to Button Mash. It was then that Rena decided to speak up in order to change the topic and prevent Leo or Lyall from causing any trouble.

“So what questions did you have to ask Rarity?” She asked the Unicorn.

“Well I was wanting to know about your friend Cleo here… That’s his name right?”

“My name is Leo, L E O Leo! And I’m a girl.” Leo stated.

“Right than, Neo it is.” Rarity said, causing Leo to groan. “He’s not quite the same as Rena or Lyall, so I was a little… confused about that. Why is he much shorter than you two?”

“Its because I’m stuck in what is called a ‘in-training’ or otherwize called ‘baby’ form right now, and if I could I would digivolve so that I could kick Lyall’s butt.” Leo huffed.

“Leo, be nice.” Rena sighed. “You are here because you are bored. But we are not babysitting you.” That just caused both Button and Sweetie Belle to giggle as the looked at the mini digimon and saw smoke coming out of her ears as it tried to fight back, but this time being levitated by Sweetie Belle’s magic.

“Sweetie, please don’t pester her. It’s not going to work out for anyone if you do.” Rena insisted, causing the filly to groan as she dropped Leo onto the ground and on her face. Leo sniffed as she pulled herself off the ground and returned to her chair before going inside her digivice to pout.

“If we gave her a chance, then we would tell her that Leo is kind of a boy’s name, right?” Sweetie tried asking.

“Not now, Sweetie. That just might make the situation worse.” Rena insisted. “Alright, now we should focus on something else… It might be a bit before Leo calms down.”

“Ah yes. I see what you mean,” She replied. “How about yourself Lyall? Anything you would like to tell about yourself?”

“Not much to tell really,” He groaned. “Rena’s my older sister, I’m her little brother and she and I probably ended up here the same way. I’m still trying to get use to this body. It’s a lot like my old one, but with some differences.”

“What kind of differences?” Button then asked.

“Unlike when I was a human, I now have claws and also have just as much athletic ability as Rena. Then there’s digivolution, but that's a totally different can of worms that I rather not open just yet.” He replied, notices a few minutes later that Rarity was grossing out over the thought of a can of worms. “What? It’s a figure of speech.”

“And what is that gross thought suppose to express?” Rarity asked, still a little disturbed.

“I think what Lyall was trying to say is that he wants to save that topic for later since it’s a lot more… complicated to explain.” Rena interjected, choosing her words carefully in order for Rarity to not be confused. “It’s almost like if you are trying to teach a filly how to control magic for the first time.”

“Wait, you know about magic?” Lyall questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course. With my previous partner Pearl, I was more than a Guardian and partner. I was also her tutor,” Rena explained, having some pixel like blocks form in her hands before that formed some sort of projection screen. “Remember Lyall, anything that can be connected has data that we can access. This includes anything small to something incredibly big.”

“Hey, I’ve only been in this form for a couple of days. I’m still new to a bunch of different things.” The Strabimon tried to speak up, only causing Rena to chuckle a little. It was just like her brother to try and come up with some sort of excuse and reason for not knowing something or to ignore his laziness. Since she had not seen him in quite some time, seeing this now brought back good memories before they were sent to Equestria.

The only good memories. Life had been rough for both Rena and Lyall before ending up in Equestria. Both of them ran away from home after their abusive father won custody over them when their parents filed for a divorce. They had been living on the street for almost a year and when Rena ended up disappearing, the last thing she remembered was getting a Renamon plushie for her brother’s 14th birthday.

“Rena dear?” The sound of Rarity’s voice caught her attention as she looked up. “Is something the matter?”

“W-wha-? No. I was just… distracted. That’s all.” Rena sighed, trying the white lie so Rarity wouldn’t question her any further. However, that just put her in an even more awkward situation.

“Sis… you're thinking about home, aren’t you?” Lyall said, only causing Rena to sigh a little as she nodded her head. This though, confused Button, Sweetie Belle and Rarity as they just wondered what they meant. All the Strabimon did though was sigh as he looked back at them. “From where we were, Rena and I did not exactly have the ideal childhood that we would’ve wanted. Before we came here to Equestria unknowingly, our parents were going through a divorce and our father was not exactly the kindest of people.”

“Oh… Would you rather not… talk about it?” Rarity replied to him, sounding understanding, but also curious as to what they exactly meant by that.

“Let’s just say that he had a drinking problem and because of court orders, custody of us fell into his hands. After that, we were living on the street for two years.” Lyall stated blankly, rather not going into major details over the incident. “Rena and I were the only ones who looked out for one another. But when I heard she disappeared, a few months went by afterwards and I was still fixated on trying to find her again.”

“That sounds sad.”

“Yeah, but at least we were able to find each other in the end,” He said, picking up Leo’s Digivice and messing around with it by tossing it in the air. “I am just curious about Leo. How did she get involved in this?”

“Can’t you just simply ask her?” Sweetie Belle asked him.

“We could… but I’m not sure if she’s in the mood to talk right now given the fit that she has been having for a while now.” Lyall shrugged, tossing the digivice to Rena.

“Yeah, but I highly doubt playing with her Digivice like it’s a toy is going to do you any good there Lyall,” Rena told him. “You do realize that she feels possibly everything that’s going on outside with her device? She could feel you tossing her up into the air, you playing with her like she was a yoyo before handing it off to me. Not a good lineup of charges there, brother.”

“Oh come on, it’s not like she’s actually hearing us… is she?” Rena then looked back at the Digivice as it began to glow.

“I’ll let you see for yourself.” she replied back as she set the digivice back on her brother's lap.

Leo burst out of her Digivice and smacked into Lyall’s chest before plopping onto his lap. “Yes I… Could hear you… And feel everything…” Leo said, before vomiting all over him.

“And with that, we have Karma.” Rena chuckled.

“Oh haha,” Lyall groaned, “Can someone help me clean up after Leo? I might need a shower after this.”

“You.. Erp~ Asked for it…” Leo said before grabbing her digivice in her mouth and floated over to Rena before collapsing into her lap.

“You have to admit, she’s kind of right.” Rena sighed. “Which reminds me, there was something that I was going to ask you Leo if you are up for it.”

“What do you want to know?” Leo asked as she reoriented herself in Rena’s lap for the most comfort.

“Well, I was going to ask about the whole Token thing you mentioned earlier. What do you mean by that?”

“Tokens are Items that are used to summon other Displaced. For example, my token is a digivice.” Leo explained.

“Okay, are those pre-determined or do you have to make one?” Rena then asked.

“You make them… Though mine is a bit confusing in my opinion. Every displaced I give a copy to becomes personalized.” Leo chuckled, remembering the first time she met another displaced.

“Well,” The Renamon then sighed, looking back at the digimon. “Can you help me make one for Sweetie Belle and I? I believe it would be a good learning experience for her if she was around more ponies like that.”

“Just a fair warning, but traveling the multiverse is a bit complicated. Are you sure you want to make your token right now?” Leo asked before floating out of Rena’s lap.

“Why not? If we don’t do it now, I’ll be more likely to forget later on.”

“If you say so… The first step is to find something that symbolizes you.” Leo sighed. Rena thought about it a little, before conjuring a crystal from her Diamond Storm ability before handing it off to Leo.

“This could work since Rarity’s talent is with Gems and I can use Diamond Storm.”

“Ok, the second step is to channel some of your energy into it.” Leo said, chuckling at the irony of her choice of token. Rena did what Leo requested and even Sweetie Belle herself chimed in with a little bit of her magic in order to help with the process.

Once they stopped channeling their energy into the diamond a rainbow colored circuit like pattern spread across it as it glowed. “Well, that should work to personalize it.” Leo said, “Now say something you want whatever Displaced that finds it to hear, like a catchphrase.”

I am Rena. The protector of my partner and guardian of the digital world. If you wish for our assistance, shatter the crystal and we will come.

“Now for the final step…” Leo then took the diamond in her mouth and tossed it before a black portal appeared and sucked it up. “Send it into the Multiverse.”

“Do we keep one token for ourselves?” Sweetie Belle then asked. A portal appeared over Sweetie Bell and a copy of their token fell out and onto her head.

“I think that should answer your question.” Leo chuckled. “Any other questions?”

“Nothing that comes to my mind no,” Rena replied, followed by Sweetie Belle shaking her head. “Anything we should know first before going over anything. It’s getting close to dinner.”

“Yeah, not all displaced are friendly. But many of them are nice too, So be careful when you’re summoned, and please let me know when your summoning someone.” Leo said as she retrieved her digivice.

“Okay. Maybe sometime you can introduce us to a few Displaced that you know?” Sweetie Belle suggested as the Filly looked back at the In training digimon.

“I think you would have fun with Doctor Who.” Leo giggled as she followed Rena and Sweetie Bell into the dining room.

“I’m sorry, but did you say Doctor Whooves?” Button asked when Lyall finally caught back up with them. “He’s the town clockmaker that my mother visits whenever she needs one of our clocks repaired or something like that.”

“I think Leo means somepony else, Button.” Lyall advised him.

“You never know,” Leo said, “He does go by Doctor Whooves in some dimensions.”

“O… kay then,” Rena replied, rolling her eyes a little as she looked back at them. “Leo, can you and Lyall help set up the table? It’ll give some time for everypony to get themselves cleaned up beforehand so I can help with dinner.” Lyall and the others nodded their heads in agreement, but it took Leo a little bit more time to adjust before she complied. While that was going on, Rena looked in the cupboard to find a recipe for Mac n Cheese and the ingredients needed for a salad on the side. setting them up and getting the warm water ready, the Renamon personally began to work on the main dish while everypony else was preparing themselves.

“That should be everything we need.” Leo said as she placed a vase full of flowers on the table after having floated everything else onto the table manually.

“Alright. Now I just need the main dish to be cooked for a little while. In the meantime, you guys can prepare the salad if you want.” Rena told them as she handed the ingredients required and the salad bowl that she handed to them as well.

“...” Leo just stared at the salad bowl and the ingredients for a bit before looking at Lyall. “I’m going to leave this to you.”

“Oh come on, Leo. It’s not that hard.” Lyall told her as he got the ingredients out and began to mix them together. “See? You don’t need to pretend like you’re trying to do it telepathically.”

“I don't have hands… or telepathy.” Leo groaned.

“I know, I almost forgot that you aren’t a rookie yet, you little rascal.” Lyall smirked, rubbing Leo’s head a little bit.

Leo’s eye twitched before she made the flame on top of her head burn Lyall’s hand. “Stop picking on me!”

“Hey, easy! We’re not setting things on fire tonight!” Lyall insisted as he withdrew his paw from Leo’s head. Leo just glared at him before floating over to Rena’s shoulder and sitting on it. Only for Rena to put Leo in the chair next to her.

“I wish I could turn back into a rookie already…” leo sighed as she watched Rena work. The Renamon giggled a little as she helped finish the final preparations as dinner was done cooking. She got out six plates and put on there enough food for all of them, including Leo. But there was still the issue that Leo didn’t exactly have any hands for eating, so Sweetie Belle had to resort to Spoon feeding her like he was a toddler. which, as you could guess, she didn't enjoy.

“Oh come on, quite being so picky Leo!” Sweetie Belle insisted as she tried to put the spoonful of mac and cheeses in Leo’s mouth.

“Maybe we should call her Leia so that we know that she’s a girl?” Lyall suggested, shrugging a little.

“First, I will not be fed like a newborn! it's degrading! and second, I have a daughter named Lea so that would be too confusing.” Leo said.

“What do you suggest then Leo?” Rena asked.

“I dont know… Im not very good with names- MMFF?!” Leo was interrupted mid sentence when Sweetie Belle put another spoonful of food in her mouth, catching the digimon off guard. She then swallowed the food before glaring daggers at Sweetie Belle, “Are you TRYING to choke me!?”

“N-no… You just look hungry.”

“Leo, what have I told you about shouting at my tamer?” Rena said, narrowing her eyes at her. “That’s rather rude, especially since you are a guest here.”

“Sorry…” Leo muttered nervously as she tried to escape Rena’s glare.

“Don’t apologize to me, Leo.” She said, looking back at Sweetie Belle again. “Apologize to her.”

“Sowy…” Leo said to Sweetie Bell as she sank into her chair cushion.

“It’s okay Leona.” She replied, snuggling her head against the in-training digimon. “Hey, I think that might work as a name. Leona.”

“I guess that could work.” Leo replied, accepting the new name.

“Well, then I have an idea,” Rena suggested, raising a glass. “How about a toast? To friends, family, and a bright future ahead of us.” Everyone else nodded, getting their own glasses and when Sweetie Belle notice Leo was missing one, she was the first to get up.

“I’ll get a sippy cup for Leona!”

“No! not the sippy cup! anything but a sippy cup!” Leona begged. “I like straws just fine!”

“Sweetie Belle, it’s fine-. Oh whoops, too late.” Rena sighed, looking back at Leona as Sweetie Belle returned with the sippy cup. “Sorry Leona, I tried.”

“My pride has officially been shattered…” Leona whimpered as she floated up to the table before faceplanting into her plate. Everyone reacted in their own way, but Rena could tell that tonight was definitely going to be a good night to spend with friends and family. Even if someone else's pride still slowly had to heal.

“Rena?” Leona said through her plate.

“Yes Leona? What is it?” The Renamon asked her, curious to find out what’s on her mind.

“Can you help me get clean?” Leona asked. The Renamon smiled, using a wipe to help clean the food off of Leona’s face. However, when she got up was when the two of them realized what Sweetie Belle was thinking of when Leona said that.

“She better not be thinking of decorating me…” Leona muttered to Rena. She shook her head, pointing out something else that made the in-training digimon freeze in horror.

“Something tells me that Sweetie Belle see’s you as a newborn and wants to take care of you.” Rena chuckled as the filly walked over.

“NOO!” Leona cried before she zipped away from Sweetie Belle. Only causing the filly to run after her as Rena tried to contain her laughter. Yep, this was definitely going to be a good night for her.

End Chapter 4