• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 486 Views, 13 Comments

Tales from the Ruby Hive - Zoljen

A collection of short stories about the changelings of the Ruby Hive.

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Spark and Gemstone Part 2

Two weeks after Hives Destruction --

The pair found themselves on the beach of a small port located south of Baltimare. They were waving to a few of the friends they had made on the ship, as a tan earth pony who lacked a mane and had a short grey tail trotted up to them with a saddle bag on his back.

“Sorry this is all we can manage to spare for a pair of refugees from the dragon lands.” He gestured to the pack as he stopped by the unicorn. “Enough bits for a night or two at the hotel, and hopefully you two can find something there in Baltimare.”

“Thank you, sir.” The unicorn saluted as the earth pony raised an eyebrow at him.

“You should try out for law enforcement. Your sight and magical talent could go places in it I bet.” The pony grinned softly. “That and you seem to be stiff soldier type. It’s either law enforcement or the Canterlot Royal Guard for you.”

“Thank you, Prime Rule. I’ll take your advice and think on it.” Scope grinned as he nodded.

“Inside are also some of our rations, since you two seemed to enjoy them. Go north along the road, and you should reach Baltimare in a day or two via walking. I’d suggest you two start as soon as possible.” Prime pointed down the road. “The guards shouldn't give you any problems on your way out.”

“Thank you again, Prime Rule.” Topaz grinned as he and Scope saluted, then turned and made their way out of the small fort. The pair trotted along the path for almost an hour, looking around and taking in the rolling plains view and letting out a soft sigh at how peaceful everything was.

“So,” Scope started up, breaking the silence of the area as he looked to his friend. “Are you going to try and go bat pony?”

Topaz stopped in place, looking at Scope with a confused expression. “C-can I?”

Scope grinned at him, closing his eyes and making his horn glow faintly. “There is a stream to the left. We can set up a little camp there and you can see if you can become one. I know you really didn't want to give up your natural wings. And that bat pony certainly has wings like ours.”

“But… We haven't really encountered them before,” Topaz stuttered out as he followed after Scope towards the stream he pointed out. “So how do I know I can become one?”

“We become dragons, for Leviathan’s sake! I think an off-shoot of pegasus isn't that hard to do. Honestly, I think the only thing we can't be is a minotaur.” Scope chuckled as he neared the stream, looking around for a bit at the open fields. “Hmm, no real place to hide. But nopony around anyway.” He looked skyward, scanning it for a bit as well. “Yup, nopony around.”

Scope sat by the stream, looking into it to see if it had any fish. He smirked as he saw a few, shifting his hoof to a griffin paw as he shot it out towards one, quickly snatching the unsuspecting prey. He brought the fish out and looked it over. “Aww, it’s a little thin. Oh well, still a good meal.”

“You know we shouldn't do that,” Topaz spoke as he watched Scope hold the fish up.

“Oh hush you, nopony is around.” Scope grinned at him. “Here, you can eat first.” He held the fish out towards the pegasus.

“Should cook it first at least, that last fish was a little bleh.” He made a disgusted face. “Besides, we have rations from Prime Rule and that ship.”

Scope looked and sighed at the fish, and shrugged as he tossed it back into the stream. “Fine fine, rations it is.” He looked over Topaz as he pulled out a ration for the pair. “And you're still a pegasus.”

“I… Er… Okay,” Topaz sighed and closed his eyes. Concentrating on how a bat pony would look compared to a pegasus, and remembering how Wind Echo looked. He was soon engulfed in a bright red fire, and sitting before Scope was an orange pony with familiar looking wings. He had a blue mane and tail with green highlights, and slowly opened his matching feline like eyes as he looked at Scope, who simply nodded back to him. “Well?”

Scope looked over the pony, taking in every detail and grinning. “Yup, you almost look like him, aside from color. Your wings even have a bluish tint to them, which is nice. So, what are you going to name yourself?”

“Topaz Echo.” The now bat pony nodded with a grin as he held out his wings, looking them over. “You don't mind this, do you?”

“Why would I? If it’s what you want, then so be it.” Scope walked over to sit by Topaz, “The look suits you well.”

“Why don't you become this? I rather liked your wings.”

Scope shrugged, “I feel better as a unicorn. Besides, I can't really use my offensive magic in that form, and I’d rather be in a form where I can use everything.”

“Is that your inner soldier speaking?” Topaz chuckled as he started to enjoy the ration.

“You could say that, yes.” Scope nodded as they shared the ration before them, enjoying the soft breeze that flowed.

The pair sat on a hill that overlooked the bustling town of Baltimare. They watched the city go about its business, at least what they could see from this viewpoint.

“We can't sit here forever, Topaz.” Scope poked his bat pony companion in the side. “Really, I figured I’d be the nervous one. Why are you so hesitant?”

“It's a big new city. It is a little daunting to just go in, especially when we have no friends or even people to be led to!” Topaz looked at Scope with worry. “We are just some nameless pair of ponies in a big city!”

“Then perhaps we should make a name for ourselves. What's the harm in exploring the town? We have bits for food if we need it, and we really don't need to sleep in some hotel when we can sleep under the stars.”

“Okay, you’re right. As usual,” Topaz sighed and slowly stood up, Scope doing the same. They slowly made their way into the bustling town. The pair kept to the sidewalk, where it seemed most of the ponies were walking with only a few in the streets which was full of carts being pulled along.

They were walking along, taking in all the sights when a rather shiny one pulled on Topaz’s eye. He was instantly drawn towards a jewelry shop, putting his face to the window and looking over each gem.

“We shouldn't be looking at that, Topaz,” Scope objected as he watched the bat pony.

“B-but… These gems are flawed!” he whispers barely loud enough for the other stallion to hear. He barely waited for Scope to respond before walking into the store and looking around. Scope sighed as he looked up at the sign, ‘Mortar Jeweler’ was scrawled in simple unattractive text. He walked in and already found Topaz talking to a stallion behind the counter.

“I beg your pardon? How can a simple bat pony like you tell me those gems are flawed? I received them from my provider, who happens to work a rather famous gem supplier!” The stallion shot at the bat pony who didn't even flinch.

“And I'm telling you, most of your gems here are flawed. They don't shine half as well as they could if they weren't!”

“And what? You can just fix them up? It takes unicorns whose talent is gems to do so! Not some random bat pony!”

Topaz sighed, and pointed to one of the gems. “Let me see one.” Scope had simply moved up and sat beside his friend, letting him talk and get this out of his system. The stallion scoffed, but did as told, producing a ruby from a pile and setting it in front of the bat pony. “Yep, this gem has a few flawed facets to it.” He spoke as he looked it over, “One near the top, another down its left side. And finally one more near the middle on its right.” He pointed to each with a wing tip.

The stallion blinked, looking closer at the gem and gasping as he noticed the faint flaws. “How… You barely glanced at it!”

“My talent involves gems. I can point out the flaws and make them much better.” Topaz mumbled something after that that Scope picked up on, but apparently the stallion before them didn't as he floated the gem up and looked it over, fixing it with his magic. “I could probably do that with all your gems here, but me and my friend here are currently looking for some place to stay.”

“Are you new in town?” the dusty brown unicorn asked, as he looked at the other unicorn and bat pony, from beyond the gem still in his focus.

“Yes,” Scope finally spoke up. “We just arrived and are looking for a place of residence and a job.”

“Well now! You’re in luck!” The stallion grinned widely. “Name’s Mortar and I run this place by myself. If you two don't mind sharing a room.” He pauses to gesture upwards. “I could use a fancy business partner to make sure my gems are nice and shiny!”

The pair looked at each other, then nodded, Topaz looked back at him first. “Sure.”

Scope looked over the stallion. “What's the catch?”

Mortar looked down, “Business hasn’t been doing so well. And I think that's why. I admit my gems aren't that shiny, but even I should have been able to see the flaws. I guess I just wanted to sell them so badly I didn't notice the quality of the gems being used.”

“Ahh,” Scope said calmly, as he heard the door close. He twitched an ear towards it, just as he suddenly felt somepony directly behind him. He looked over his shoulder directly into the face a large earth pony, who was glaring down at him.

“Out of the way, colt. Me and Mortar have business to discuss.” the stallion gruffly said, waiting a few moments before roughly pushing Scope to the side after he didn't budge. Topaz backed off entirely, but Scope stood his ground, looking up at the stallion before him. “I said out of the way!”

“And what business do you have to discuss?” Scope asked, focusing on the stallion before him as his senses picked up two more ponies off to the sides. His eyes flickered to them, a pair of pegasi flanked this bronze colored earth pony.

“Money. You see, it's time for him to pay his rent, and we are here to collect it.” the stallion growled out softly as Scope looked back at him. “And it is in your best interest to stay out of my way, otherwise I will break you in half.”

“Hmph, idle threat,” Scope mumbled to himself, glancing back over his shoulder at Mortar. “Is this true?”

“I already paid rent a few days ago!”

The stallion snorted loudly, “Yeah, part of it. We raised it after that.” He turned to glare at Scope again. “Now we should add on a fee for stupid stallions getting in our way too.”

“And if he refuses to pay?” Scope raised an eyebrow, barely watching as the two pegasi moved around to flank him and out of his sight.

“Then we get to reclaim some of our stuff!”

“Hmm. About as smart as you are strong, eh? You don't scare me, nor do you intimidate me.” Scope chuckled softly, making the stallion growl loudly. “A baby dragon is more intimidating!”

“That's it!” The stallion reared back and threw a punch at Scope, making him duck down to dodge the swing which hit one of the other pegasi. Sending him back into one of the displays and breaking it. Scope cringed when he saw the shattered display.

“Oops.” He focused back on the stallion who glared at him and threw another punch, this one he reared up to block. Upon getting hit, he regretted blocking as he suddenly found himself flying back and out the display window into the street. He landed on his back and rolled a little, finally stopping on his belly and out of breath.

The stallion stomped out after him as the other pegasus helped his kin. Scope cringed as he slowly stood up, not even a few hours into this city and he already broke a window, a display case, and he was sure there was glass in his carapace now and had a broken bone. He looked up at the stallion who had stopped a few feet away.

“Not so brave now are you, colt?”

Scope chuckled once he caught his breath, “Admittedly, you do hit hard. But really? A dragon hits far harder!” Scope took a defensive stance, watching the earth pony before him bellow out in rage and charge him. Scope winced as he felt the glass shards in his back move as he did, and as he dodged to the side to avoid a swing, he hissed in pain.

Scope, however, did continue to dodge attacks. Keeping his eye on the stallion before him and making sure no ponies who had stayed to watch this brawl play out were ever in harm's way. Scope kept this up for a few more swings, not noticing the pegasus who decided to join in at the last second and knock him down. The action causing him to fall flat and get pinned by the heavy hoof of the stallion who snarled and glared down at him.

“Not so cocky now, are ya?” He reared back, ready to bring the hoof back down hard on Scopes side, when he suddenly got tackled. Scope blinked when he felt the pegasus let him go and start fleeing the scene, only to get stopped in a magical grasp. Scope winced as he sat up, looking around confused. He saw a black pegasus stallion sitting on the earth pony, and a pair of unicorns floating the pegasus over. All of them were wearing the local law enforcement uniforms.

Scope immediately winced. Well crap, guess I don't need to worry about a place to sleep now, huh? He thought to himself as he saw Topaz rush out towards him and slide to a stop next to him, looking him over.

“Are you okay?” he asked, panic in his voice as he looked the stallion over.

“Glass in my back,” he started as he lifted up his left arm, cringing as he did so. “Pretty sure I broke my arm, and I'm a little worse for wear, but otherwise I'm alright.”

“Care to explain this mess?” Topaz and Scope both glanced at the pegasus as he walked back over, the earth pony behind him with his head hanging low and a unicorn behind him.

“Ah, well. You see…” Scope started, grinning weakly as Mortar came running out. After Mortar explained everything, which allowed the pegasus who crashed into the display case, and Scope to be checked out by quick response nurses, the black pegasus just let out a sound that was a mix between a growl and a sigh.

“Don’t try and be a hero, colt. Morgue is full of them.” The pegasus looked the unicorn over, who was slowly getting the glass shards removed, and his arm was being wrapped up.

Scope kept his eye on the sprained arm, sighing as he spoke back. “Thanks for telling me that, sir. I will try to refrain from doing something like that again.”

The pegasus huffed loudly, “I’ll give ya this much, kid. You didn’t handle yourself too badly. We could use a young able-bodied pony on the force, if you’re looking for bits. Just keep your head down, or bring your own ice pack.” He turned and helped escort the three away, as the nurse looked over Scope one final time.

“I’d suggest a few days of rest, stay off that hoof and arm as much as you can during that time. And stay off your back. I am sure your friend here can change your bandages.” The nurse nodded, hoofing over a roll of bandages to Topaz who nodded back.


“No problem.” The nurse grinned, then made his exit. As Scope limped back into the shop with the aid of Topaz. Mortar looked at them and sighed softly.

“Well, this may set business back for a bit. But at least most of it is easily fixable. That window, not so much.”

“I'm sorry.” Scope looked down at the glass shards that littered the floor. “Is there anything I can do to fix this?”

“Well, picking up the glass would be great for starters.” Mortar sighed as he cleared a path with his magic. “However, you should be off of that hoof.”

“I can still help pick up the mess I made.” Scope said as he hobbled over a clear spot and sat. He focused on the glass shards near him and began moving them into a pile. As Topaz helped push them as well. “I'm sorry I made a mess of things.”

“Oh, it's quite alright. I was getting tired of them anyway. But I get the feeling they won't be coming around any time soon.” Mortar let out a content sigh. “Which means I can actually make money for a change.” He grinned and looked at Topaz. “I don't think I caught your names.”

“I'm Topaz Echo, and this is my best friend, Scope.”

It had been a week, and during that time Scope was getting annoyed with just sitting around. Thankfully, he had healed up pretty well, and was able to explore the town a little bit. Topaz, however, had been very busy with the store and his expertise with the gems and jewelry were certainly showing.

Scope was happy that Topaz was happy. Topaz grinned and almost bounced around as he helped ponies find the right gems or pieces of jewelry to match, and as the sales started to come in, it certainly showed as he helped update the sign.

‘Brimstone and Mortar jeweler’ was certainly becoming a hotspot of activity. The extra excitement in the air in the store floated up to the apartment above the store, and namely to Scope. He used the energy to heal up, and yesterday was able to add a little extra help to the store, though he wasn't nearly as helpful as he wanted to be and was eventually pushed back upstairs.

Today, however, he wanted to walk around town. And after reassuring Topaz that he wouldn't get into a fight again, he was allowed to.

Pony towns were certainly interesting, he deemed as he walked around and took in the busy sights. There were a number of stores, ranging from clothes to random accessories. He shrugged to himself as he walked along, taking a mental note of where everything was in relation to his new home.

As he walked along, a sight caught his eye, a building that had what appeared to be a badge on it for a logo. He stopped and stared at it for a few moments, wondering where he saw that before when it dawned on him. That pegasus that questioned him and Mortar about what happened, and those unicorns that helped escort those three off. They must of come from this building!

His suspicions were confirmed when he saw a familiar unicorn walk out of the building and head almost pretty much in his direction. He didn't appear to be walking towards him, but as he got closer he noticed Scope and grinned, angling to walking towards him.

“Hey! You’re that unicorn from a week ago, right? The one involved with that gem store.” Scope nodded at that, the unicorn continued. “What are you doing here?”

“I was exploring the town, and came across this building. I recognize the symbol,” he pointed to the logo, then to the badge on the unicorns shirt. “Are you this town’s guard?”

“In a way, Scope was it?” The white unicorn nodded to the amber one. “We are more a local law enforcement. I suppose in a way we are similar to the Royal Guard of Canterlot, but we aren't as stiff as them. Wait.. why?” He raised an eyebrow, leaning closer to Scope.

“I am interested in joining.” Scope calmly stated, making the amber unicorn stare at him for a moment, before cracking up laughing.

“Oh boy, you're serious aren't you?” He eventually asked after he calmed down. Scope nodded at him. “Our job is pretty serious. We have to keep ponies from hurting each other, we have to keep the order and peace around here. Are you sure you can do that?”

“Yes sir, I can.”

The amber unicorn raised an eyebrow, “Okay… You don't have to call me sir. I currently don't have rank on you yet.” He paused a moment, glancing back to the station. “Hmm. Go in there and ask for either Pitch Tempest or Glinting Shield. Tell them String Dancer sent you, I have donuts to go get!” He grinned widely and gestured back to the building. “From what Pitch saw, you held your ground pretty well. Good luck!”

“Thank you.” Scope nodded and watched the pony prance off to what he assumed was some shop for donuts or something, ponies are weird. Scope turned and made way over to the building and pushed his way inside.

He quickly glanced around at the interior seeing lines of desks near one side. Another familiar unicorn sat at one, grumbling softly as he looked over paperwork. Scope turned and looked at the other side, and quickly sidestepped away from an earth pony who pushed his way out of the building.

“Well, if it ain’t the runt finally coming to grace us. What took ya so long?” Scope heard a gruff voice speak up as he looked back over to his left, and up at a black pegasus stallion.

“Hello, Pitch Tempest I assume?” Scope bowed his head slightly, then straightened up. “I was sent in here by…”

“String, I know. I saw you two talking outside as I passed by the door. I can only guess at why you’re here.” Pitch raised an eyebrow slightly, looking over the unicorn. “Well, you healed up nicely, that's for sure. You’re not even limping. Most ponies limp for a solid week after that kind of hit.”

“Well, sir. I was a soldier in my last… job. A guard, if you will.” Scope explained as he side stepped away from the door and over a few steps to not be in the way.

“You didn’t do too bad for yourself, at least for a unicorn. I admit it takes some balls or a thick skull to not even throw a punch or shoot the earth pony with magic. Still, what makes you think you’re worth the time and effort? We’re up to our eyeballs in unicorns.”

“That you are,” Scope said as he glanced around, then focused back on Pitch. “But how many are able to shoot a target at a long distance?”

“How long of a distance are we talking?”

“Pick a target.”

Pitch took a moment to look around, his eyes falling on a cup near Glinting Shield, and grinned. “Okay, hotshot, if your aim is so perfect.” He leaned close to Scope, whispering. “Shoot that small cup next to Glinting Shield over there.” He pointed at the unicorn.

Scope nodded and looked at it. “Just tap or?”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever, just tag the damn cup, chatty.”

Scope nodded and focused on the cup, his horn glowing faintly and focusing in the tip. He smirked faintly as a very thin beam shot out, and tapped the cup as just Glinting went to reach for it. It didn't break it, but it knocked it an inch or two away from his hoof. Glinting quickly spun around and glared in the direction of Pitch and Scope, just as Pitch burst out laughing.

Scope blinked as he looked at Pitch, then back to Glinting who just grumbled and went back to his paperwork. Pitch eventually stopped laughing and looked over at Scope with a grin. “Quite the aim ya got there. I’ll bet my badge and a week’s worth of booze that you can knock a full-grown earth pony stallion on his flank from that far?”

Scope nodded at that, as Pitch just grinned widely. “Well, that’s all you had to say, Sharpshot! Let's go introduce you to Golden Badge then!”

Author's Note:

Part two of Spark and Gemstones story of how they ended up in Equestria!

Those who read Jim Hoxworth's story Shadowbolts a memoir will notice a certain pegasus from it. Pitch Tempest! This is before he goes Shadowbolt!