• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 486 Views, 13 Comments

Tales from the Ruby Hive - Zoljen

A collection of short stories about the changelings of the Ruby Hive.

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Cinder part 2

One year after Hives destruction.

Cinder grunted and groaned as she pulled along a cart on a well worn dirt path. She was in her griffin form and following an older griffin into the small woods by the house. She had been doing better over the last year, but her magic was still crippled. She could lift a single item without problems, as long as it was at most half her size. She could hold her form for most of the day now, just letting it fall at the end of the day with a small headache.

Gleam had been both helpful and understanding of her plight. He helped her a lot throughout the year by helping to rebuild her magic and figure out what all she could still do. After finding out the war had ended later that year thanks to some crazy pony, he decided to stay on at the farm to help Cinder out, but also because it was relaxing and he enjoyed the labor.

Then there was Blazeclaw. She was annoyed that he followed her around almost everywhere, barely leaving her side at all. Every morning she dreaded waking up and getting out of bed because she knew he’d be at her side. Sure at first she found him helping her touching, but after a few months it became annoying, like she couldn't do anything without him there.

But his family were kind and very friendly. They made her fit right in almost from day one, sure at first they were a little taken back at her appearance. But after that, they didn't seem to care that she appeared like a dragon. They always asked her if she was up for something, made sure she was well rested before tackling a task, or helped her with anything she needed help with.

But that was then, and this is now.

“Are you sure you’re doing okay, Coldbeak?” The griffin before Cinder asked, glancing over his shoulder as he did.

“Yes, Razor. I am fine,” she grunted as she tugged the cart. “I need to get working again, I don't want to waste away and I'm tired of feeling useless.”

“You’re not useless, you’re…”

“Crippled. I know,” Cinder groaned. “I don't like being reminded of that fact every day.”

“Even though it's true.” A new voice sounded from behind and to her left, making her growl softly.

“Thanks for your input, again, Blazeclaw.” Cinder didn't even turn to acknowledge him. He had been following along quietly, like he did everywhere she went.

“Why are you growling at me again?”

“She could use some personal space,” Razor stopped and looked at Blazeclaw. “Look, I know you mean well. But just go back to the house for now, okay? Give her some time alone without you hovering over her.”

Blazeclaw blinked, looking at Razor. “But it's my job, what if she…”

“Attacks an elderly griffin that has been providing a roof over her head, then turned into said griffin, you would know something is amiss right away if she even wanted to do that. And she ain't gonna do that, so git!”

Blazeclaw sighed, turned, and trotted back to the house. Cinder sighed softly, watching him go before turning back to a soft grin on Razors beak.


“You like him, don't you?” Razor turned and started down the path again. Cinder sighed for a moment, before grunting and pulling the cart along.

“He is constantly on my tail, watching me, just doing whatever so he can keep an eye on me! How can I like that?” She huffed as she looked away.

“That is true, but deep down, you feel something.”

“You’re only saying that because I can read emotions from somegriff like a book.” Cinder growled lowly.

“Be that as it may, you still should relax and get close to somegriff.” Razor shrugged, turned and stopped her wagon. “We’re here.”

A few weeks later, Cinder was lying on her bed, with Gleam looking over her glowing horn. She was currently focused on lifting up a chair with her magic. She groaned as she held the chair almost a foot and a half above the floor, the strain was evident on her face as she had her eyes closed and focused.

“Okay, let it go Cinder, gent…” He paused as the chair dropped and thankfully didn't break. “-ly.” He finished with a sigh. He looked back at her and held up a glass of water in his talons for her. “Here.”

She silently took the glass between her hooves and downed it, then looked away from him.

“I think that's the best we’re going to get today. You are getting better, so don't-”

“What's the point?” Cinder cut him off, making him blink at her.

“You do want to be able to use your magic again, don't you?”

“Yes, but again. What's the point? I'm stuck here forever.” She huffed and crossed her arms. Gleam sighed, looking away for a moment.

“What if… I could arrange a little trip for you? Just, somewhere that isn't here and you pick.”

Cinder’s ears perked at that, and she looked towards him. “Your hive.”

Gleams eyes went wide, “Really? You want to see my hive? Why?”

“The only hive I’ve known is the Ruby Hive, and… I guess I'm feeling a little homesick.” Cinder shrugged slightly. “I could just use a break from all this and the vulture over my shoulder.”

“Er… You know he’d have to come as well, which means I would need the Queen’s permission.” Gleam winced as he heard Cinder growl softly. “I’ll see what I can do, but it won't be right away, okay?”

Cinder nodded softly, “Thanks, Gleam.”

A month later, Cinder tugged at the collar around her neck as she stood outside a guard house. She was in her natural form, with Gleam and Blazeclaw flanking her sides. Both of them had bracelets on that glowed the same faint color as her collar.

The guardhouse sat alone outside a small mountain cave, which really made it seem to stand out actually. No towns were around and the path wasn't all that traveled, so nobody really came by all that often. Still, it brought some familiarity to Cinder.

“So, it’s inside?” Cinder asked, glancing at Gleam who nodded.

“Yes, and Queen Glissando wants to meet you. We will visit her chambers first. Er, well. That will be our first destination, that is.” Gleam chuckled softly as he stepped up to the guard house. A griffin stepped out to greet him, although the changelings saw the true thing underneath, Blazeclaw did not.

The griffin looked over the other two, its eyes stopping on Cinder. “Is this the one that wanted to see our hive?”

“Yes, she does.” Gleam nodded.

“And the griffin?”

“Her, er, guardian,” Gleam shrugged. “Don't worry, I will keep an eye on them both.”

The guard nodded and gestured them inside. Gleam led the way through the decently sized tunnel, which had a form of gem lining to guide the path. They were led down the tunnel and eventually came to a rather large open room. Cinder stared in awe at the size of the room, seeing what looked like a large rock tree in the middle of it. Various branches led to small holes in the walls at various heights.

The tree itself looked to be made of both the earthen stone and jade. The limbs looked large enough to allow a pair of changelings to walk on without bumping into each other, and near the tree, it looked like there was small nests made. At the top of the tree was an obviously fake looking ruby, that seemed to filter light around from a small hole in the roof beyond.

As Cinder looked at the roof, she noticed several small holes in a line near the gem, and she could easily guess at what it was for. As she looked it over, she noticed the other changelings. Most looked like Gleam did, only their horns varied, along with the crest of feathers and their tail feathers. And their wings, not what she expected at all. Each one had a pair of wings that would look more fitting on a butterfly, and the colors were vibrant and showy. There was also this very soft song playing. Cinder couldn't place it, but it sounded like birds singing.

Gleam had stopped to let the pair look on in wonder and awe. “We should get moving, eventually. The Queen is very patient, but can only wait for so long.”

“And… Where is she?” Blazeclaw asked, finally prying his away from the gem and looking at Gleam.

“At the top, just under the gem.”

“Uh…” Blazeclaw started, staring directly at Gleam who just grinned back.

“I am well aware of your handicap Blazeclaw.” He kept the grin, right as Cinder suddenly felt a very heavy thud behind her and Blazeclaw. Cinder quickly turned around and bumped face first into a chest, and quickly took a few steps back and stared up at the very large changeling before her. “Meet Tutti, your pair of wings.”

“Uh...huh.” Blazeclaw squeaked out, looking up at the changeling much larger than himself.

“He doesn't bite, honest.” Gleam chuckled and floated up a little, his wings flapping. “Shall we?”

Cinder nodded and took to the air as well. Blazeclaw was lifted up in a red and green aura and dropped on Tutti’s back. A large pair of matching butterfly wings appearing seemingly out of nothing served to get the large changeling airborne. The three flew up, which allowed Cinder a better view of everything going on.

The hive was almost as busy as a beehive, changelings going to and fro doing various tasks. Cinder watched all this and took a mental note that her hive wasn't nearly this busy, or populated now that she thought about it. She lost count of how many changelings she saw in the large room, and each one was different in some way. Different shaped wings, different horns, less or more holes, different colored tail feathers, something was different about each one.

The three flying soon landed on a small balcony just big enough for them, where a pair of transparent doors sat. The doors looked to be made of a matching jade, but Cinder knew better. Her time with Gemstone taught her that this was actually an expertly made mix of jade and amber. Of course, magic was involved to allow it to work, but it still looked fabulous.

The guards, a pair of changelings almost the same size as Tutti, who had flown off after he dropped off Blazeclaw, opened the door for them. The three stepped inside and Cinder took note of how large the room looked. Sitting in one corner was a large bed made of a gel-like substance that looked incredibly soft. Various crystals sat about the room against the walls and opposite of the bed was a large throne.

The throne itself was made of obsidian, with jade lining the edges. The cushions of it were of the same gel-like substance as the bed, though they were hard to see because of its occupant.

Glissando seemed to tower over the trio, yet she looked right at home in her throne. Her chitin hide was almost black, and her feathery crest was a dark green. She had three horns that sat atop her head, two pointed back and away from each other while the third was straight away. Her blue eyes looked over Blazeclaw first, then fell onto Cinder. Cinder stood proudly as she continued to look over the Queen, and taking note that even her wings were nowhere to be found.

“So,” Glissando spoke in a very soft tone, which sounded almost like she was singing. “You must be Coldbeak, or rather Cinder. From the Ruby Hive in the dragon lands.”

Cinder took a few steps towards her and bowed as formally as she could muster. “That I am, your majesty.”

Art by Foxenawolf

“You don't have to bow to me, Cinder. If anything, I should bow to you.” Glissando grinned as she stood and walked up to Cinder, who straightened up with a confused look. “To journey from your home, and suffer the injuries you had in an attempt to protect family. That is truly honorable.”

Cinder looked down at the ground, sniffling as the Queen’s griffin paws came into her view. “We understand you are alone, and we shall try our best to help you in any way we can.”

Cinder looked to her left, averting her gaze from the claws. “But you can't provide a hive mind for me. I miss the chatter of it, the comfort of knowing I had family.”

“Is that why you wanted to visit this hive?”

Cinder gave a weak nod, closing her eyes as she felt a claw under her chin slowly lift her up. She opened them into the gaze of the Queen before her, and those blue eyes stared back, for the longest time there was a silence, only the soft hum of whatever tune sounded from the wing beats of the busy hive workers in the background.

“You are strong, Cinder.” Glissando calmly said, a grin gracing her beak. “And while you would make a fine guardian here, your comfort is already by your side.” The Queen’s eyes barely glanced away, towards her right, before looking back at Cinder. “There are two reasons why I was eager to see you. The first to see a member of a dragon hive for myself alive, and the second. Well.” She grinned and gently placed a clawed paw on Cinders horn.

“You can fix my magic?”

“We can try, and if Blazeclaw is willing.” She trailed off, looking towards him. “We can look at his wing as well.”

“I…” Cinder heard Blazeclaw stutter and grasp for words.

“We do use some healing magic to help the griffins, but enough to get by. We only do the major stuff if we feel the ones who we are working on deserve it.” Glissando turned and walked back to her throne. “You won't be back at your full capacity of magic, of course. But you shouldn't have too much trouble anymore. And Blazeclaw’s flight will be limited.”

“I don't know what to say.” Cinder sat and stared at the Queen as she sat back down on her throne.

“Well, the first thing would be you telling me about your hive,” Glissando grinned as she watched Cinder nod. The next few hours were spent with Cinder telling the Queen all about her hive, even Blazeclaw got well informed on the hive. Cinder finished her story with how she assumed the hive was destroyed and what led her to the ‘care’ of the griffins. Both the Queen and Blazeclaw cringed when she described what all had happened to her.

After that, they were given a room to sleep for the night, and the next day both Cinder and Blazeclaw were inspected to see if anything could be done about their condition. Over the course of a few days, the changelings of this hive were able to determine exactly what they could do to help mend Cinder and Blazeclaw.

Blazeclaw’s wing was given treatments and reworks to allow limited flight. He could glide for an hour or so at most, but actual flight was limited to half that time. Cinder, however, was worse off. While nothing could be done about the fang, the horn was given a little bit of reconstruction. All the procedures and medical know-how were given to Gleam, to do when they returned home.

A few weeks after their visit, Cinder was in better spirits. A thin line of jade weaved in and out of her horn with an elegant looking tip making her horn tip. Her magic was still limited, but she found she could hold her form solid for an almost full day, and levitating items came a bit easier. She couldn't do more than three at once and that required focus, but one item up to half her size became her new limit.

Blazeclaw, however, was more than content with being able to fly again, even if it was for only a half hour at most. If he mixed it in with gliding, he could go for an hour before his wings got tired. He was just glad to be able to fly again and spent most of the day that he was told to try it out in the sky.

Five years after Hive’s Destruction.

Cinder grinned as she strode down one of a few isles of grape vines. About two years ago they found out the wild farm idea of keeping wild animals around was starting to dwindle. Griffins were actually hunting again, especially after the blood feud with the dragons had ended when they lost so many of their numbers and had to surrender.

So they decided to make it into a vineyard for wine-making. Cinder actually gave the idea and Blazeclaw backed it up. They decided to start out small and could make a few exotic flavors within reach of Griffinstone. So far it proved successful. Gleam had even enjoyed making the wines, and took to picking the grapes rather well.

Cinder grinned for a moment more as she neared the end of the isle, though it turned to a frown as she detected a familiar feeling behind her. Blazeclaw had been doing better about not being at her side constantly, but it seemed she could tell when he was nearby. She heard the flutter of his wings as he landed a good yard or so behind her.

“Ah, Cinder. Mom and Dad want to talk to you.” He grinned slightly, trying to hide something. Cinder turned with a huff towards him.

“And why would they want to talk to me? If it’s about their retirement, I told them they still have plenty of -”

“They want to give you the farm.” Blazeclaw interrupted her, making her blink and stare at him.


“They can explain it.” He turned and started to canter back to the farmhouse. She blinked and followed after him. Over the last few years, his flight had returned, mostly. He was still only able to fly for an hour at most, but he could it for the better part of the day, with breaks of course. And he had learned to give her distance. He only hovered around her during meal times, although lately he had been trying to befriend her.

But that was because she detected something about him, something since the first day they met. He liked her and found her unique. At first, she hated him, but now. Well, things had changed and she learned to like him. Not in the same way, as he had learned to give her space when she asked for it, but she wasn't totally hating him now.

She sighed inwardly as she watched his tail sway as he walked towards the house and bit her lip. Could she actually be liking him a bit more than just as a friend now? Gleam had mentioned multiple times that she should find a mate. Despite love not being her favored emotion, it was still plenty powerful to any changeling, and considering she still had to have a lot of that e-gel to get by.

As they made it to the house, he slowed his pace as he went up the stairs and opened the door for her. He gestured in with a soft grin. “Mare’s first.” He kept his grin as she sighed softly and trotted in. He always held the door open for her when they entered the house.

Cinder noticed upon entering that the elder griffins were both curled up on a couch, with Razor cuddling his wife close. They both looked over at Cinder as she walked up and claimed one of the chairs for herself.

“You wanted to see me?” She asked, somewhat quietly, as she looked them over.

“Yes, Cinder,” the female griffin spoke as she watched Blazeclaw sit in another chair. “I bet my son as already told you that we want to give you the farm.”

“But you still have plenty of years left and…” Cinder trailed off as Razor chuckled.

“Just because we do, doesn't mean we want to spend them picking grapes and making wine,” Razor commented, looking down at his wife. “And I can say with honesty that we actually do have retirement plans.”

“Hence, why we are giving the farm to you, Cinder.”

“Okay, Calypso. I concede that you don't want to do that, but why me? Why not him?” Cinder pointed to Blazeclaw. “He is your son after all.”

“But it was your idea to turn this farm into what it is now. It was your idea to pursue winemaking. And it’s through your hard work that this farm is actually bringing in more bits than it had before.” Razor nodded to Cinder, who merely blinked in response as she lowered her arm.

“And we cherish you like a daughter, though at times we wished you got your head out of your flank and confessed your feelings.” Calypso let a grin grace her beak. “We have seen the way you stare at Blazeclaw’s tail. You may be blind to your feelings, but we certainly aren't.”

Cinder blinked at that, as she felt her cheeks heat up softly. She looked towards Blazeclaw and noticed he was looking away, but the pink tint of a blush was visible under his black feathers. How could a changeling be blind to seeing something like that?

She blinked as she thought about it. She was forced here against her will and hated it, at least at first. While she soon grew to tolerate it, she kept to herself and wanted to just avoid every griff here. She even kept Gleam out, and he was trying to be as good a friend as possible.

She sighed as she thought about it, and hung her head. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled. Razor and Blazeclaw both blinked and looked directly at her.

“What for?” They asked in stereo.

Cinder kept looking at the floor, “That I’ve been a horrible house guest. That I have basically kept to myself the last five years and have been shutting out the griffins that only wanted to help me. I guess it finally took some griff to point that out to me.” She sighed softly. “And for that, I am sorry.”

“That's why we only offered you to join us on events and such,” Razor grinned, as Cinder looked up at him, ears perked. “We never pushed you, because we knew you were forced into a foreign land. Forced to do something you didn't want. And now we are giving you the choice to accept our token of gratitude to you, by giving you this farm you helped build.”

“I…” Cinder started to say, only for the words to get caught in her throat. She gulped and grinned. “Thank you. I accept your offer.”

“And tomorrow we can sign the deed over to you,” Calypso let out a content sigh. “But first, I believe you now have some words for some griff.” She wiggled out from under Razor and started to make her way to the kitchen, after tugging along the older griffin. “We shall get dinner started.”

Cinder chuckled as she watched the pair get off the couch and walk/get dragged into the kitchen. Cinder then turned to Blazeclaw, who blinked and tilted his head slightly.

“She is right. I have been blind to my own feelings.” Cinder said softly, looking down at Blazeclaw’s paws. “I have been conflicted on how I feel towards you in general.” Blazeclaw remained silent as he let Cinder speak. “So, how about we start over?”

Blazeclaw blinked at that and looked down at the extended hoof in front of him.

“Hi there, I am Cinder. And you are?” Cinder grinned as she kept the extended hoof. Blazeclaw chuckled softly to himself and took her hoof.

“Hello, I am Blazeclaw.” They shook hoof and claw with a chuckle. “So, what was that supposed to accomplish?”

Cinder rolled her eyes with a smirk. “Well, I believe we actually never said hello to each other like that in the five years I’ve been here.” Blazeclaw nodded slightly at that as Cinder continued, standing up and moving to sit on the floor next to him. “And, well.” She paused to sigh, looking down. “Think we could make it work?”

Blazeclaw gasped and stared wide eyed at her, “J-Just like that? You’re willing to give it a shot, just out of the blue?”

“Well, to be fair. Blazeclaw, you have been hinting at it for the last year or so,” Cinder looked up into his eyes. “So, I am willing to give it a shot if you are.”

Blazeclaw grinned as he relaxed a little, and leaned down to lightly kiss her cheek. “Yes, we can try and see how it goes.”

Author's Note:

Hey look, Cinder's Part 2! Only two more parts to go in this collection for her. Also a picture of my Griffin changelings, thanks to Foxenawolf for the art. Hippogriff styled changelings, with a dual color aura (doesnt really do anything but looks cool) with the queen having three colors.

And yes, the bigger one is Glissando.