• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
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The card holder

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The following is a chronological report of the acquisition, containment, and subsequent ██████ of SCP-7663. Be sure to read all gathered material thoroughly, in case of ███████████████████████████████████████████████████.

Experiment Length: ███████, 20██ to [DATA EXPUNGED]
Location: Site ██
Researchers: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Note from Dr. R█████: "Hell, I know we get up to a lot of dirty business down here, but... Christ, this one takes the cake. Course, no one knew just what this would turn into, least of all ██████, the poor bastard. Whether you were assigned to read over this god-forsaken experiment, or if you just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, let me clear something up right now: SCP-7663 didn't deserve a [EXPLETIVE DELETED] thing we did to her. We didn't know that then, of course, but, well, hindsight's 20/20, right?"

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 28 )

The amount of blackened text in the last chapter was really damn annoying.
This was a lot better though.

Ok, why is the SCP number expunged? The SCP number is critical information.

Alright fine I've been convinced to change things now.

As a huge fan of the SCP Foundation, I think this story has some promise, and I will likely follow it to see where it goes. You may want to rethink redacting the SCP number. This is NEVER done on the website, except if another SCP is mentioned in the description or containment procedures, and even then only when referring to an imaginary SCP. If it refers to an actual SCP already on the site, it's exact number is listed.

I'm guessing you did this to avoid using a number already being used on the website. I really don't think that matters. I would just pick a high five-digit number and run with that. Yeah, eventually the SCP site will catch up and use that number, but considering they only just opened the number block to 2999 last year, it will be awhile.

EDIT: Whoops, looks like you were making that change while I was posting this. Carry on, then :twilightsmile:

Bright, we've been over this, stop posting classified documents to fanfiction sites!

-Head Researcher Dr. L███

I can't wait to read this when I get home.

You know redacting anything but the Foundation's nomenclatures in the containment procedures is plain bad form, right? They're aiming towards keeping things contained, and withholding vital containment information is risking a breach or worse.

6966166 I don't see how redacting what site it's in and how much lead is lining the walls is bad form. Besides, people who are doing the containment would most likely have access to the original document to see any redacted information.

6967277 No, no they wouldn't. Foundation documents are meant to be written as seen by level 4 personnel, which is the second-highest rank in the hierarchy chain. People in the containment job receive this or even less, except on the Special Containment Procedures. So yes, it's bad form.

Knowing some of the things the scp keep hidden away, I really hope Trixie stays in that room.....

6964276 this comment made my night!

7000278 Also please stop posting my PMs to you to the comments section of said leaked document.

Heck it isn't even a real document, the 7000's are still being declassified and examined for anomalies of the 001 sort, even this fake document could possibly become factual due to the number in the database having the same effect as 001, meaning anything written in this document will be treated as fact, I'll have to check up on which site had an open Euclid containment cell of these parameters.

Also, since it's clear that you'll probably have posted this one as well might as well take advantage of it.


-Head Researcher Dr. L███

Not that I'm complaining, but will all of the chapters be this short?

SCP-Toaster is always fun to read.

7294802 yes indeed, I am fun to read about. Funny those two didn't notice what I did to them either. Wonder if either of them will notice what I did later.

I don't see why they would notice my effects. After all, no one else indirectly exposed to me knew about slipping into first person when referring to me.

7295741 true, I forgot about that about myself.

Cool to see another chapter of this.

7331484 It's caesar cipher, 3 letters to the right.

7331543 The cipher's message is not grammatically correct. It should be an, not a. Also, the message itself is stupid. Funny as well.

Comment posted by The Crazy Cazadore deleted Jul 7th, 2017

I need more. I demand more. M O R E I MUST HAVE MORE

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