• Published 9th Jun 2016
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The Everglow of a Twilight Sunset - David Silver

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (EQG Edition) try to make the portal safer. This does not end well and sends both catapulting in the body of ponies into a world of danger, magic, and unending adventure. Will they survive their trip to Everglow?

  • ...

15 - Clothes Make the Ma--Stallion?

True emerged from the care of the tailor, done up in bright green cloth that came to fluffy puffs near his hooves. It was quite cute, and tight, though his complaints fell on deaf ears as he tugged at the attire he wasn't used to wearing.

Twilight nodded at him. "He looks alright now." He looked alright before, but the clothes made him look more refined and less, um, horse-like.

Sunset agreed quickly. "Totally works for him."

"They are clearly not his style, but I think his style would be to abstain from clothing all together." Roll raised a brow as she reached for him, plucking him up with her teeth and throwing him onto her back.

He gave a little squeak, then nodded at the back of Roll's head.

Inside Twilight's head, the voice whispered, "How is he to--"

"That's far enough." Twilight shook her head violently. "So, temple or castle?" She wasn't about to argue about... that.

"You could at least visit the castle," implored the god in her head.

"Fine..." Twilight rolled her eyes as she turned to the castle. "Let's see if anyone will lend some help, and tell them about the short-legs. They do deserve some help."

Sunset shivered faintly. "They might have been a bit clingy, but they certainly didn't deserve that. Fine, let's make your, uh, guest happy and let's go tell the authorities."

"Queen Iliana?" asked Roll. "Or will you leave it in the hooves of a functionary beneath her? It may take some doing to approach the Queen directly."

Sunset shook her head. "Look, I know we're going for your pink friend, but if we're going to do this, let's do it right."

"That's a good attitude," whispered Lashtada with a perked mood.

Sunset began to walk to the castle. "We either talk to this 'Queen' or nothing."

Roll followed after Sunset with a concerned expression. "It is not assured that we will succeed, and attempting too boldly may have consequences. Though pony prisons are a step superior to gem gnoll slave camps, it is still far from ideal."

True shook a garbed leg before he scampered ahead of Twilight and the others, looking left and right. His vision raised to the castle that was their target and took a little breath as he spun around to face the others. He put out his hooves wide and squeaked.

Sunset picked him up with her magic and set him on her back. "I know you're still getting used to the clothes. If it helps, it was new to me once too." He squeaked in obvious query. "It's true. I came from a world where ponies only wore clothes to look fancy or during especially cold days. So there I was in a world of humans--" True squeaked. "Did I not tell you about that? Anyway, yeah, so they don't have any fur at all, so you wear clothes or get cold in a hurry."

Roll walked alongside Twilight. "Have you ever had practice petitioning a queen or similar?"

"Uh, no," confessed Twilight. "We'll just tell the truth, about ourselves and the short-legs. Hopefully she'll be reasonable about it."

They approached the first guard post that barred the way to the castle and the ponies there in shining imperial armor nodded at them. "Hail and well-met. What business bring you here?"

Sunset approached him first. "Hey, nice to meet you. What would someone have to do to meet the head lady herself?"

He raised a brow at the question, "The Queen?" His eyes wandered over Sunset, taking in her interesting choice of clothing and her general appearance. "Might I ask who you are?"

"Oh, well I'm Sunset Shimmer." She gestured towards Twilight and Roll. "Twilight Sparkle, Rolling Precision. And the pony on my back is True Shot. We have important information for her."

The soldier nodded. "I will pass it along. What is the information?"

Twilight took a step forward. "We'd really rather give it to her in person."

He sighed softly. "Are you a member of any noble houses?"

Twilight shrank back. "Well, no..."

"Then I'm afraid seeing her in person is quite unlikely." He raised a brow. "I don't make the rules, I just enforce them."

The other guard beside him gave a light nudge. "What about the ball tonight?"

The guard glared at his associate. "Right, yes, she is scheduled to appear there, but if you don't have an invitation, and you're not a member of the Kind Blades, then you aren't getting in."

Roll stepped forward. "Oh, silly us, we forgot to check with that." Before they could get further information, she guided her companions away from the post. "Our way is clear."

Twilight raised a brow. "Clear how?"

"We join this academy swiftly and attend this ball."

Twilight blinked. "Can we do that?"

"We do or we admit failure." Roll nodded. "You wish to succeed at this venture?"

"I like her. You said she favors me, didn't you?" whispered Lashtada. "I have to see about finding her a nice partner..."

Sunset nodded as she looked around. "Let's ask about this academy then. Kind Blades huh? At least they sound nice enough, unless that's an ironic sort of name..." She licked her lips as she did a slow turn before setting her eyes on a potential information source and approaching him.

Roll watched Sunset talk a moment before looking to Twilight. "I admit I grow jealous at times at how easily she approaches people and engages with them. I do not do so easily."

Twilight shook out of her thoughts. "What? You seem perfectly nice."

"I do not attempt to be... un-nice, but there is a wide gulf between basic courtesy and social grace." She gestured at Sunset with True on her back. "She has grace."

Twilight glanced between the two. "But you talk just fine, even with strangers."

"I don't like doing so." She frowned a little.

"Roll..." She wanted to support her mechanical friend, even as she struggled with the how. "You're a lovely person, and quite a nice person to be around. Even when we were, you know, fighting for our lives, you were polite. Heck, you tried to be nice to the bandits and they were ready to cut us into pieces at the time..."

"But they did not surrender until it was clear their attack may come at a high price." She shook her head with precision. "They were not convinced."

"True, but--"

Sunset came trotting back with a smile. "Alright. The Kind Blades are relatively well known, and he knew about them. Their leader is a mare known as Rosy Petals, and they're funded by the Queen, so even if we miss tonight, we have a chance if we get in good. This way." She turned to lead the way.

Roll moved to walk alongside her. "Are they accepting new members?"

"That's the best part." Sunset nodded firmly. "Sounds like they'll take anyone ready to adventure who isn't a jerk, and we all qualify for that."

True gave an affirmative squeak from his perch.

Twilight smiled a little. "Well, none of us are jerks, but two us are are going home soon, right?"

Sunset waved it off. "I didn't say we'd stick with it long. We just need to ask about getting home and giving the word about the short-legs, then we're done." She glanced over her shoulder at True. "You could stay though, you too Roll."

True wrinkled his nose before pointing at Sunset.

"I have another idea," gently spoke the god in Twilight's head. "She likes to dance, does she not? I feel guilty for avoiding dancing with her..."

"Um." Twilight looked towards Roll. "Do you dance?"

Roll blinked with a soft click with obvious surprise. "Yes. I do like to dance." She shook her head. "Why?"

"She should dance with the queen."

Twilight went red at the thought.

"Not that sort of dance, but it may help... She should perform."

Twilight tried to shake off her embarrassment. "Have you considered dancing for someone?"

Roll shook her head. "I dance for myself. I find the act relaxing and I can understand the world better when I do it. I also enjoy the spring festival with the short-legs, and they seem to appreciate a good dance."

Sunset shook her head. "Let's not get distracted. Here." She led them around the castle to a side entrance. "Apparently only servants and Academy members use this entrance, and that includes people wanting to join the academy, so let's get going and put on a smile."

They went inside, and were only barely challenged. After explaining that they were there to join the Academy, they were taken directly to a training area inside the castle where a dozen other ponies were sparring or working. Spells and swords collided violently, but never with malice as downed members were helped back to their hooves and victories were celebrated by either side.

A mare approached them with brown fur and bright red mane and tail. "I trust you have a reason for being here?" She had a voice that seemed to broker no nonsense.

Roll dipped her head at the mare. "Affirmative. We wish to enlist in the Kind Blade."

She raised a brow and looked over the entire party before leveling a hoof at True Shot. "You brought your foal?"

True hopped down to the ground with a squeak before he planted his bow in the ground with a strong thrust of his neck.

Rosy shook her head. "You've taught him how to use a bow, that doesn't change much."

Sunset let out a nervous laugh. "I know it looks odd, but he's as adult as the rest of us."

"About that." Rosy reached and prodded Twilight right in the chest. "You carry yourself like you barely know where you are. How old are you?"


Roll pulled Twilight back. "She is old enough to be ready to battle."

Rosy smiled, bright and white as her shoes slid downwards, revealing sharp claws. "Let's put that to the test. You know how to fight, or are you hoping the Academy will go over the basics?"

Twilight thought to show off her ice magic and gathered energy over her head, focusing on a target across the room, only for pain to explode across her face as she was punched savagely and unexpectedly by Rosy Petals. "You'll be dead fast if you let your attention lapse in the middle of a fight."

Sunset's horn began to glow a crackly fire red, ready to defend her friend. "You leave her alone!"

"Make me," challenged Rosy as she took a firm and ready stance. "Come on, you four against me. Let's see what washed up on my shore. Tanning your hides may reveal something useful for my students."

Author's Note:

Oh hey, we don't get to have an Everglow story without you involved, but how many people will recognize you?

Am I mad from the typos? Probably.