• Published 9th Jun 2016
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The Everglow of a Twilight Sunset - David Silver

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (EQG Edition) try to make the portal safer. This does not end well and sends both catapulting in the body of ponies into a world of danger, magic, and unending adventure. Will they survive their trip to Everglow?

  • ...

27 - Return to the Darkness

They appeared on a hill. Looking to the west they could see the rail lines slowly being extended towards them, but it'd take weeks of effort to finish the task and reach their current location.

They had no time to wait. Without words shared, they set off with a united and uniting goal. Without being prompted, Roll took the lead, trying to show the way where True or Sunset didn't contradict her.

True pat Roll's back gently. "Don't feel bad. You were unconscious for part of the journey after being a huge hero and saving us all." He hugged her neck from behind. "Thank you, by the way. It was only seeing you fight to the end like that... I knew I had to move, even if the others were too scared. So I did, and here we are."

Sunset strolled up beside Roll, facing True. "Speaking of that, why didn't anyone else go running when we did? All the gnolls nearby were defeated or cowering. It was the perfect time!"

True was quiet for a moment, looking pensive and perhaps a bit saddened. "It's not that we didn't want to... Any moment more of them could have burst through a wall. Most of them expected the gnolls to catch you and do something terrible... you know, to give an example. We didn't want to be that example." He raise a hind hoof and scratched under his chin like a dog taking care of an itch. "Then I saw Roll... She collapsed just inches away, and there was Sunset..."

He smiled a little. "Watching you all work together to escape, it reminded me. Of one of life's rules. Together we are stronger than all of us individually. Twilight begged us to come, and two halves of me warred, but I ended up going with her. We would win, together." He hugged Roll beneath himself. "We have not forgot love or sacrifice, but bravery is not always that..."

Iliana looked slowly over the horizon, impeded by the rising hills as it was, as she walked. "Tell me, Why exactly were you punished in such a specific way? Was that a common thing?"

True's ears flipped backward. "N-no. It wasn't the only time I tried to be brave. I tried to get the others to resist with me. I thought I was discreet, but that didn't stop one of my favorite dance partners from turning me in. She was a poor miner, and was not fed well, so I think she was desperate. For turning me in, they fed her well, and cut my throat."

Morning frowned. "There is a sad story. Are you angry at this so-called friend? We may run into her."

"No!" True sat up on Roll's back. "I hope she is safe, and we can go home. She is scared and alone. We all were, even when we huddled together. Being angry at her is like... like... being angry at a person for calling out in pain when they are hurt." He ran a forehoof over his throat. "Besides... I am healed."

Iliana raised a brow, but said nothing. Twilight had fewer reservations. "If you weren't healed, then what?"

True frowned a little. "To say I wouldn't be angry at all is... maybe wishful thinking. I still want her free. I would want that no matter what. She doesn't deserve this, none of us do."

The first of the cave entrances began to come into view, roughly carved and leading into darkness. Iliana gestured at them. "I imagine almost any of them lead to their warren."

Ixen snorted out a gust of hot air, ruffling Twilight's back. "So let's burn them out." She flexed her claws testily. "Even this size, I'm pretty sure I could take on, what, four at a time?"

Roll took her pick from her side and gave it a test swing. "You speak truly. Perhaps we should go on and begin making our way through until the target is spotted. The smarter of them will decline to begin the conflict. The less apt of them will die, and perhaps teach the others."

Sunset clapped her forehooves before standing. "I'll be slowing down any newcomers and playing interference, but I trust you all to handle bringing the pain."

"Would you listen to yourselves?" Twilight turned to her companions. "Are you really planning to carve a red path to victory?"

Iliana looked evenly at the purple unicorn a moment. "What do you suggest? What other way would there be in this case?"

Twilight pointed to Iliana. "This is exactly what the whole attack on you was about, carving out a path instead of anything else. They rolled out that red carpet to your hooves. Would you say they were justified?"

Iliana was about to speak, her lips parting, but Twilight would not be dissuaded. "More than two died, but they did so away from your sight. They're just statistics and reports. You saw two of them, dead to turn back that red. Here we are, about to do the s--"

Ixen closed a claw around Twilight's snout, silencing her. She looked to the others, who were peering at her. "What? She would have gone on forever.

Morning gently brushed the dragon's grip away. "Let's not turn to violence with one another. We are on the same side. Very well, Twilight, you raise a point, how can we be better than those creatures of the dark?"

Iliana pointed to the caves. "I will do as a Queen does and use words first. I was, perhaps, a touch eager, surrounded by those not restrained by the rules of the court or public opinion... I trust you to serve as my guard in this." She advanced, head held high. "I lost sight of the truth for a moment, and almost surrendered the best parts of ponykind for it."

True smiled from Roll's back. "I knew when you called for us that a good heart beat in that chest. I am proud to call you a friend." He hopped down. "It will be less intimidating for us to ride each other in."

Ixen rolled her eyes. "Great, so when this doesn't work, we get to the killing and the flames." She raised a brow. "Hello? I'm a dragon, not a pony. I'm not aiming for the 'best of ponykind'." She crossed her arms before she slid to the ground, expanding as she went to hit the ground the size of most of the others in the party. "Alright gnolls, last chance to give up."

Roll advanced to the left side and Morning to the right, flanking Iliana. Directly behind her strode Ixen, who was flanked by the less martial members of their band. They approached the cave, where a pair of gem gnolls already could be seen. They spoke to one another, and Ixen smirked. "They're confused and scared." One of them dashed inside. "And there goes surprise, not that I think we needed it."

The gnoll remaining thrust out a paw-like hand. "Halt! Only gnolls past this point."

Iliana nodded at the gnoll. "Hopefully we will need to progress no further. We have come to negotiate the freedom of a group of ponies you have custody of. They are hard to miss, being so uniquely sized." She indicated True. "About his stature."

He scowled at the lot of them, but his bravery did not extend to lowering his spear into threatening stance. "Never saw pony so small." He peered at True a moment. "Stay away until boss come. You come closer, attack."

It wouldn't be he that attacked, but considered an attack on him. Iliana remained still, watching him with her penetrating and even stare that made him shake, but he stood firm. As gnolls went, he was steadfast, and did his job.

It was an uncomfortably long time before a larger gnoll emerged from the darkness. "What is this? Ponies? Come to work the mine? Perhaps trade in gems instead, hm? You're wearing interesting ones."

Ixen's wings flared out. "Touch a single one and it'll be the las--"

"--Excuse her. She is one of my guards, and defensive. We are here to negotiate the freedom of a group of ponies." Iliana looked over the gnoll. He had large rubies weaved into his pelt in a diamond formation. "Who do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

"Name translate to Blood Diamond." He raised a brow. "You are more polite than most, pony or not. You bring something to barter with, yes?"

Though not asked, she provided her name, "I am Queen Iliana, ruler of all ponies and protector of the same. If we make a deal, it will be honored, and your people will be compensated for your cooperation."

He seemed surprised, grunting softly before he looked over Iliana and her escorts. "Huh, what ponies are you looking for? Any? We only have two."

Surprise was supressed. "Are they about our size?" He nodded. "I see..." Did she abandon her people in pursuit of her goal? She couldn't haggle for the price of all her subjects. It would set dangerous precedent. "I'm looking for small ones, about his size."

He looked past her to True. "The Bone Splitter clan was gloating about them. I can tell you where to look." He examined Iliana appraisingly before his eyes fell to one of her shoes. "In return for those," He pointed to the shoes.

Iliana clenched her teeth but kept her face level. "Perhaps my earring will do instead?" She turned her head faintly, showing the lustrous pearls she wore.

He watched the way the light shone off of them. They were like gems, but none he has the pleasure of seeing mined. "Mmm, deal. You give that, I tell."

Iliana surrendered her earring, asking Ixen to remove it and to pass it to the gnoll, who accepted it gladly. "There are three hills that way." He pointed. "Feeling generous, will warn, they no like visitors. Gnoll, no gnoll, they get angry easily around their caves. You visit us again, more trade." He tipped his helmet, then swatted the guard at the entrance that had run away "Stop jumping at shadows." He withdrew from the light.

Iliana nodded at the two guards. She had been so absorbed with their leader that she missed the one that had reported returning. "Walk in the sun." She turned from them and their group started towards the correct hole. "You were right, Twilight. We almost slaughtered our way through another tribe of them. It would be the same as putting one of my outlying towns to the torch to get at me. Thank you, for being the voice of wisdom."

Morning nodded. "I would have felt quite ashamed afterwards, to know I brought down such fury and song of valor, to know it was turned towards the wrong enemy."

Roll tilted her head. "It is more subtle than that. We assumed all gem gnolls are one. One family, one cave, one purpose. Though I do not think highly of them still, they are not one."

"Yeah yeah, and not all tin cans are the same either." Ixen stuck out her forked tongue at Roll as she treaded along, not bothering to become small enough to ride one of the ponies. "I get the idea, but let's not rub it in, alright? Besides, now we have a target, and they don't like diplomacy, so we get to burn in, right?"

Iliana shook her head. "Just because they have turned a dark corner does not mean we have to follow. We will attempt a peaceful approach."

Ixen looked disgusted at the idea, but the others marched alongside without complaint.

True moved on hurrying little hooves to Sunset's side. "Excuse me, um, Sunset, may I ask you something?"


"You and Twilight, you're outsiders, and I don't want to offend, so..."

"We're still people," argued Sunset. "What's up?"

He glanced to the sky before shaking his head. "I like Twilight."

"We all do. She's a good person."

"No no!" He moved in closer. "Like like. I want to court her, perhaps for an evening, perhaps longer, depending on how well we work out. I can talk now, so I don't feel as stupid trying. Any--"

"--Why are you asking me this?" She raised a brow high, brain unable to reconcile the difference having a voice made. The answer came to her though. She had been protecting Twilight the whole trip. Of course he'd approach her first... "She's a little young, I mean, alright. Back in our world, she wouldn't be even considered an adult yet."

He looked up at her, then over at Sunset and back and forth. "You look about the same age. She makes adult decisions." He seemed truly baffled at the idea. "Should I... not? She's enchanting... The first time she called out to us, I... This must seem so petty to you." He squirmed a little. "There's a reason I hunted... I did not love as easily as the others, and enjoyed the solitude of the trees and my arrows. For her though... I think I am ready to return from the wild."

Author's Note:

True gets his feelings off his small chest, but does Sunset see anything more than a typo?