• Member Since 1st Oct, 2011
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This story is a sequel to Tales from the Dark Side of the Mirror

These are the stories and the origins from the Legends in a world where the Good King Sombra used to rule.

Story by GodzillaWolf, Idea by GrimWolf

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 52 )

Hey there. Yeah, It took a way for you to get around to this, but it was WELL worth the wait. Excellent job on the exchanges, emotional content, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Mirror Gilda makes for an excellent Captain America Expy. And I REALLY loved seeing her bring Mirror Spitfire to justice. Anyway, I will definitely be looking forward to more of this as soon as time and inspiration will allow.

I wonder if we might see Garble's equivalent.

7377268 Probably not. This is predominantly focused on the heroes of the Mirrorverse EQUESTRIA, NOT the Mirrorverse Dragon Empire. Garble's counterpart would probably not have any business in that Equestria (since he and Mirror Spike were almost certainly never - acquainted - he would probably have no reason to develop his canon counterpart's extra grudge against Spike and his friends). However, a much smarter and much nicer version of Garble MIGHT be a pretty good hero for the Dragon Empire.

Yes I will stay and listen to more and I do wonder how you would make the origin story for the channellings. The latest story fiendship is magic series gave us how to evil race came to being. So what chances in their origins would occur that made them and their queen become good instead of evil.

Also Curious about Discord being the spirit of chaos and all.

And the biggest thing I wonder how Trixie accession to Alicornhood went. Remember that all the Alicorns were evil the moment Trixie was born so if she somehow reached the Celestial plane she would had to face Evil Celestia in that realm. That concept alone makes me very excited for such a possible encounter. :pinkiehappy:

7377268 I would love to see that.

7379178 As would I, but considering the Mirror Garble would be more likely to be a Dragon Empire hero as opposed to an Equestrian hero, it would be fairly unlikely (though, admittedly, not impossible; it might make for a darn good bonus chapter).

Great to see more of this world, especially Gilda and Spitfire. I would love to see how Celestia actually disarmed her own former followers, that must have been rough. I wonder if any of them got to join the Royal Guard?

Also cool to learn about Griffonstone. I figured it might be Equestria's version of Wakanda, and it sounds like it is. I wonder if the griffons learned some of their technology from a visiting philosopher, the mighty yet gentle Aramaspi.

Surprising Starlight is willing to use magic created by Starswirl the Bearded, I would guess he's the darkest warlock who ever lived. Still, he can't be that much of a threat after he was defeated by the Muse Sisters.

7380557 Glad you liked it.

However, one thing to note: it wasn't by MIRROR Starswirl. It was from when Starswirl Prime and Prime Celestia visited about a thousand years ago.

7381279 Oooh. That explains a lot. Any plans for Mirror Starswirl?

I wonder what the mirrorverse Sunset Shimmer did.

The griffon looked down thoughtfully, putting a claw to her chest and feeling the slight wheeze in her lungs. “...So...if this works, I can be a royal guard?”

Better. She's gonna make you basically Captain America.

A Captain America expy? Well, it sure was done right.

Heh... Spitfire's cruelty not only made Gilda resolute to stop her, but also made Rainbow a mess that subconsciously sabotages herself... which included creating a wild storm that helped defeat the pegasus.

Now that's karma for you.

No offense, but I think you're putting in a few too many videos in this chapter. Otherwise, it's a great piece.

Not much I can say other than, this chapter was definitely well worth the wait. Thanks very much for going to all this effort. Once again, there is a lot of really great material, with the action, characterizations (not just of the central character, but also the Mirror Dazzlings, Mirror Thorax and all the OCs) , main character background general story wrap-up and future story set-up all particularly well done. I'm trying very hard to keep the spoilers to a minimum to the other readers, but the fact remains I really loved this and will definitely be looking forward to the next story.

I love your dark Thorax, he almost comes off as Jack the Ripper here. And the Dazzlings were particularly adorable as muses.

But there are still many stories left to tell...want to hear another?

Is the sky blue? Yes please! :pinkiehappy:

Also good story can't wait for the next one. Hopefully we won't have to wait long for it. ^^

This was AMAZING. I like how Thorax was portrayed as like a mix of Imperfect Cell due to his stalking and incessant hunger, not to mention general creepiness, and Broly due to being this massive bulky monster who's power exploded from within and acts like an unstoppable juggernaut. I like even more the way he was defeated, not by violence or hatred, that would just have proved his point, but by kindness. I also liked the way you delved into Chrysalis' mindset when she was but a newborn almost feral creature, and how she had the exact same start as the Chrysalis we know and, love may be a strong word, but I'm using it anyway, except while ours chose to be a commanding leader, this one chose to being a loving mother.

The Muse Sisters sound quite interesting. I'm guessing they're reflected versions of the Sirens. Perhaps the next story might be about them?

“My specialty is helping ponies, and other races obviously, reach their true potential,” Starlight replied, flexing a little bit and showing her body was a pretty good example of unicorn physical development and she practiced what she preached. “My ultimate goal is a world where everypony has reached that mountain top and are all equal, so no pony can look down on anypony else.

That is a beautiful statement of what Starlight Glimmer should have been doing in pursuit of Fairness -- helping build up the weak rather than cut down the strong, making it possible for all to be healthy and happy and sane. I am in awe at the power of this formulation.

I just realized it ...

... Gilda's the Equestrian Captain America.

Well done!

Duchess Chryssie is badass ... and Garnet is a good point of comparison with her. A great origin story, and exploration of the Mirrorverse.

Loved this stories, too. I do hope you end up continuing them, though I admit I have largest interest in the fate of the anti-Mane 6, and poor Twilight in particular. These stories have each been fantastic, and a wonderful interpretation of the mirror world.

another one replied, a white furred pegasus by the name of Storm Trooper. Under his armor was a target bulls eye, and he was well-known for his precise marksmanship.


“That is for me to know and you to find out, but do not pout,” Zecora replied with a disarming chuckle. “We will have a bit of fun, before time out does run.”

Bit of a stretch for a rhyme, but sure.

“Oh, it would appear I hit a nerve your majesty, perhaps feeling useless do you be?” mocked the zebra before reaching down and grabbing the brief case. She took out a potion and poured it on the chain, causing it to melt. The Alicorn grabbed onto her ankle and tried to stop her, only to be once more kicked in her wounded chest and forced to let go. “First time protecting Equestria alone, I'm unimpressed as you can tell from my tone.” Zecora smirked and tried to open the case...then frowned when it wouldn't budge. A quick application of the same acid yielded no results. “Adamantium I see, no problem that be. I merely need to make the right potion, and my plan will be completely in motion.”

You know, I can't help but feel that taunting Trixie isn't a good idea.

“A witch you call me? I would expect no less from a pony...” said Zecora, her affable air gone and only venomous hate and rage in its place. She took out a potion. “A witch is always the first thing ponies see in me, so why not a witch I be?” she asked, preparing to throw it at the downed guards.

Then Let Me Be Evil.

“...Are you okay, your Majesty?”

Define OK.

Trixie groaned, her head hurting from the amount of magic she'd put into it. Her eyes opened...to see she'd blown the windows out of the room and left the watchers with their hair blown back in blind shock...and the King of Equestria staring down at her.

Oh dear.

“I know you well Trixie. Sombra was amazing at that...but Trixie, no one expects you to be him. No one wants you to...Especially not him. Don't live up to Sombra, live up to YOU. ”

Play to your forte.

King Sombra smiled down at her, putting a big hoof on her shoulder. “Look...”

I imagine Mufasa's voice.

'To put it in video game terms, we all have different stats, trying to be a tank with rogue stats just isn't going to work'...He has a good point, dear.”

He does indeed. Rogues might not have as many attacks as the Fighter, or Action Surge, or the Barbarian's damage resistance or extra rage damage, but they've got way better Dex, Evasion and their Sneak Attack is fantastic for nova damage. They're also a lot faster.

Zecora leapt down, landing and sending a blue shockwave through the ground, resulting in titanic spires of rock and huge jagged trees erupting from the ground straight at Trixie. “If you think mere pebbles will be me, I have a surprise for thee,” she said, her friendly tone almost sounding a very slight bit more genuine.

You'd be amazed what rocks can do. Just ask Kars.

But before she could attack what she assumed to be a helpless mare, suddenly, multiple thunderclouds formed above and rained down lightning.

Ah, pulling a Zeus.

Zecora seemed to try and will herself to be angry...but the anger just didn't come. Where did it go? “I...I suppose you have a point, such things can easily put you out of joint.”

It's easy to fight someone you think of as a mere monster. It's harder to fight someone who is "human" for lack of a better term.

The zebra villainess stood for a few moments, looking at the mare before her, hoof offered outstretched...and slowly reached, taking it.

That could have gone significantly worse.

“But when did you get close enough to pose, the ability to steal it from under my nose?” the Zebra asked, then her eyes widened.

She's a stage magician. Sleight of Hoof is her SHTICK.

Or rather teleport, having snatched the second artifact at the last moment.

Oh you clever bitch.

Trixie held up the artifact. “The True Heart Amulet, an artifact that blocks the effects of mind altering artifacts. With it, you could use the Alicorn Amulet without fear, but without it you gradually gained compassion and empathy as the battle continued.”

Ah, clever.

“...I'm sorry for never realizing how unfairly you were treated. For never realizing that I accidentally ruined your chance trying to help others through their others...” the Alicorn replied. “And I want to make it up to you. Don't consider it helping...consider it...owing you something I haven't repaid for a very, very long time...Will you let me?” she asked, holding out a hoof to her.

Please take it, Twilight.

“And that is the story of Trixie the Humble. How a shy little filly became the student of the King of Sacred Shadow...and took on a proud zebra and may have given her a little humility. Ready for the next story?”


Splendid job on this latest chapter. Might have taken a while, but was VERY well worth the wait. The exchanges, characterizations, action, general adventure wrap-up and future story set-up are all well done in all the right places. Princess Trixie's flashback showing her helping the good Celestia from the latter's counterpart as well as Luna's was a splendid detail as was Sombra's point out about the potential usefulness of Trixie's "Jack of All Stats" tendencies, the irony of Trixie and her guards beating Zecora in a way not that different from how mainline Twilight and her friend beat Trixie's counterpart in a similar situation and Trixie and Twilight's scene at the very end .

I am VERY certainly going to be looking forward to more of this.

I am super, duper happy to see you get back into this fic! Every chapter is great additional world building and emotion, and I'll ride this train to the end.

NnnnnnngStill want to see a final resolution for poor Twilight. But this was a great chapter, again fine takes on the alt-villains (and villainous heroes!). I hope to see more!

Once again, this chapter was quite worth the wait. I LOVED the effort that went into Captain Goodguy's backstory, as well as all the classic super-hero shout outs and the fight with Tree Hugger. The exchanges, action, characterizations, humor and general wrap-up were all well done in all the right places.

I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing what hero is next.

Great to see more of this wonderful story.

“How are you so good at dodging?!” asked Goodguy.

She has Ultra Instinct.

Another excellent entry! A bit different from the others - while the others had heartbreaking and haunting stories, Discord... Sorry, Captain Goodguy's jam was a classic superhero trope. Though of course, that's his style, and it worked wonderfully.:heart:

Might be interesting to see the "Muses" (who, from what I can tell, are the Mirrorverse versions of the Sirens/Dazzlings). Heck, we might get a chance to see what the Mirrorverse Equestria Girls universe is like.

Are you going to do characters who didn't appear in the mirror universe comic, like Starlight Glimmer?

Excellent work on this latest chapter. It took quite a while, but was WELL worth the wait. All the hard work in this chapter shows. Greatly appreciated the exchanges, emotional content, action and future chapter set-up in all the right places. Greatly appreciated Starlight's reflections on Rainbow and her friends (especially how Twilight was treated by the school) in addition to the introductions to the Mirror Universe counterparts to Double Diamond, Party Favor, Sugar Belle and Night Glider (the last of whom did a good job helping Rainbow). Also respected the work that went into the alterations to Starlight's backstory and the confrontation with Sunburst (especially with giving Starlight yet another reason to give that school a piece of her mind and the hammering in that nobody can do everything on their own no matter how smart and powerful they are).

VERY much looking forward to seeing what hero is next, even if I know it will be quite a while.

Holy crap, an update!

We have some Bios for characters of the mirrorverse, some may be featured, some may be mentioned, and unfortunately some will be lost in obscurity for lack of oportunity to shine.

Why are you asking? Is there a character you want to see in the mirrorverse?


Heck, another really great story. Interesting in that it was as much Rainbow's as Starlight's. As ever, you hit the "mirror" aspect of the world brilliantly - not a complete AU, but how things might have been in mirror image. A proverbial switch of left and right as it were, a single changed decision leading ponies down quite different paths but still emphatically recognizable as themselves. Working in Sunburst's hobby of antiquing was particularly a delightful twist to turn him to a credible villain, as was Starlight's 'heroic flaw' of wanting to do everything herself (even now) - mirror-image of her self-obsession as a villain in our world.

While I do hope we can one day see the paths forward for all the other "Mean Six," I am always impressed by every update and look forward to the next. :twilightsmile:

Not forgotten, but it takes a lot of time to write each of this. And there are couple more to come.

You know I’m hoping for a Sunset Shimmer story here. Perhaps she was still Celestia’s student but ran away because Celestia was evil. And now she has to come to terms with her former mentor’s change of heart and whether it’s genuine or not. Perhaps evil Cadance could serve as an antagonist here. Perhaps Sunset could meet the sirens/ muse sisters or become an alicorn.

And for one particularly out there option but I’m just brainstorming, this sunset shimmer could also go through a magic mirror but it’s the one that takes her to the prime universe (before it was destroyed)

Well... Sunset Shimmer is in Equestria, since she wasn't picked by Celestia as her Student. She is actually the Element of Altruism and she made a brief appearance in the previous story "Tales From The Dark Side of the Mirror" .

However, before adding Sunset Shimmer to a bigger story we need to figure out her Mirror-Couterpart, and who would be a nice antagonist for her.

Just for fun, can you tell me what is the most important trait of Sunset Shimmer that was turned into the Mirror-verse?

I’m not sure what that last question is meant to be. Didn’t you say she was the element of altruism now?

In any case I do think you’re missing a great opportunity not having her be a former student of evil Celestia, having her run away out of moral reasons rather than pride. Long before the good mane six came to the mirror verse. There’s a lot of opportunity there I think you’re missing.

In any case you wanted antagonists. Well Flash Sentry could be one though I admit I have no idea what his motivations might be. Cadance and Shining Armor could be options though they’d work best if Sunset was once Celestia’s student and had been on their side. The only other idea I had was perhaps Sombra now that he was corrupted Sunset would try and reach out to him.

Well the question at the end of my response was an attempt to brainstorm ideas for the future.

It's true, its a missing oportunity no to have Sunset Shimmer as Celestia's studdent, but there are many reasons why this isn't factible.

The first reason is: this story is partially based on the comic Of Kings and Changelings and i'm using that Sunset Shimmer as "cannon" for the world.

The second reason is: mirrorverse Celestia is quite selfish and insecure about her power. So she wouldn't share it with anyone else, unless it directly benefits her, and even then, she would betray her students.

The lst and more important reason: prime Sunset Shimmer has two main attributes, she is selfish and agressive. Those traits are inverted in the mirrorverse so she is quite selfless and a pacifist that doesn't like any kind of conflict.

However I can see potential in a story with Sunset Shimmer, and even interacting with Celestia, but I need to figure out how. That's why these suggestions and ideas are important.

So, now that you know the rules of the game. Do you want to play? Can you suggest a plot or a story where Celestia and Sunset interact as Student/Teacher even when that direct relationship is not possible?

I've read the comic you were inspired by and I didn't see anything that directly contradicted Sunset being Celestia's student in that story, assuming that Sunset had left some time ago (a similar length of time as per canon), and I can imagine two main reasons why Celestia would take Sunset in as an apprentice. One to send her undercover to destroy Sombra's kingdom from the inside out, as a sort of Trojan horse. Or secondly Mirror Celestia wants to have Sunset be to her what Trixie is to Sombra, especially if Sunset was recruited while Luna was on Sombra's side.

Also note that Sunset has two other traits to note, not sure how useful they'll be. She's also impatient and prideful, which mirror Sunset would become patient and humble. Though granted I don't know how exactly useful that'll be.

In the comic "Of Kings and Chengelings" there aren't any contradictions, but unfortunately there is the fact that Celestia has been the main villaiin of Equestria for a 1000 years. And Sunset Shimmer is a Goody Four Shoes who also would also be modest, patient, and prudent and doesn't need anything from Celestia.

I'm not shutting down the idea, but it needs a better reason.

Here are some ideas that might help us find an answer: Prime Celestia took Sunset Shimmer as an aprentice because she thought she would had potential for good and to help her free Luna. Then Sunset Shimmer because she was selfish, impatient and quite agrtesive, abused her position in order to obtain power.

Considering that Sunset Shimmer doesn't want power, How would you related Sunset and Celestia, specially in a Student/Teacher relationship?

What if Sunset didn't have a choice in the matter. Mirror Celestia kidnapped Sunset against her will/ she volunteered to protect innocents specifically either to infiltrate Sombra or as a personal minion. Perhaps in this scenario to replace Luna who in reflections spent some time on Sombra's side. Sunset is specifically chosen because she was kind so that she could be corrupted. Celestia still teaches her, but also wants to break her, in order to be a powerful minion. In the scenario where Sunset sacrifices herself for innocents then she would still have to listen to Celestia's teachings and follow along somewhat until something happens that lets her escape.

So here's a strange premise for a storyline for the reflections universe, not sure if it works with this story, but I thought I'd share it here if nowhere else. Basically the cutie re-mark but for the reflections universe. With somepony going back in time to screw with the timeline an creative this alternate universe's version of the alternate timelines. (Boy is that confusing to say)

This could go in two different directions, either with similar timelines to canon albeit with more positive spins (Sombra war this time around being Sombra getting the upper hand against evil Celestia) or similarly despotic timelines but with the evil versions of our heroes (like evil Celestia timeline)

Not sure how well it would fit your story but I had no idea where else to discuss this.

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