• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 716 Views, 6 Comments

Spoons - Fonypan

Groups of humans have invaded Equestria and captured ponies to sell as pets and slaves back on Earth.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Be Silver Spoon.

Young filly, stuck in a kennel like a mangy dog.

Those stupid humans took you away from your mom and dad.

They didn't have to hit your mom that hard, did they?

Or... dad...

You wipe the tears from your eyes. Now's not the time to look weak in front of these stupid monkeys. Why, if you weren't in this stupid cage in this stupid pet store you'd-! You raised your hoof to strike the plastic floor of your kennel. Oh what's the point? You set your hoof back down, and wipe your tears before laying back down your arms, providing the only comfort in this tiny plastic cell.

The bell at the store's entrance rings, telling you that more annoying small humans were here to poke and prod you with their weird claws, or, petting, is what they call it. They can't keep their paws off of you. You adjust your glasses on your nose to see the approaching bipedal rodents. They don't fit as good as they used too, but at least the crack only slightly obscures your vision.

The monkeys, or, Hyoomans as they like to call themselves get closer, walking down the aisle. The tall one, a human mare, with long yellow hair, guiding a human filly. This filly is different. She's quiet, and looking at the animals, instead of poking at them with her claws like normal. She stops when she sees you.

She stands still and stares. Her mother looks at her daughter, and watches quietly. "Mom, Why is this pony so sad?"

That caused your breath to catch in your throat. The mother looks at you, she kneels down to get a better look at you, she wears a saddened expression. "I don't know, why don't you ask?"

You tense up.

This is strange.

Humans can't have emotions, can they?

With the way the little one looks at you, you're almost fooled.

"Eh-excuse me? Uhm, why are you so sad?"

You don't know what to say, you're shocked into silence. But the kindness in the girl's eyes makes you break down and start crying aloud.

"I... I miss my mom... and dad..." You sob loudly.

The filly and mare look at you with a sad eyes. The mother stands up and walks away. The little one steps closer, she places her hand on the front of the kennel. "Y-your...? What happened?"

You suddenly see red and lean your face against the cage door as hard as you can. "You stupid humans! You hurt them! You hurt my friends!" You slump, it's no use. "And... now they're all gone... and I'm alone..." You tuck your face down into your arms and cry, your fur absorbing the hot tears, but not fast enough to hide them.

The mother comes back, she has a leash and a plastic bag. A man steps into view next to the mother, you recognize him as the store owner. He looks at you with an annoyed, disapproving look.

"Well? Are you going to unlock it or not?" The mother asks the clerk.

"Right, sorry." He puts a key into the a lock and you hear a click as chains come loose and they click as they are dragged around the top of the kennel.

"Mom? Really?" The girl asked.

The mom just nods and you feel your world start to move. "Come on Jenny, let's get in the car." You hear the mother's voice from above as the door to the store moves into view and moves closer.

The carriage ride was a little longer that you expected, but you're glad it's over. Those things move way too fast, and being stuck in a plastic box poorly balanced an inch from the edge of the carriage's seat didn't help the motion sickness one bit. You'd almost be proud to admit that you only puked a little bit inside your mouth.

"Welcome home pony!" The little girl shouts as her mother sets the kennel down inside somewhere in the house.

Looks like a living room.

The mother leans down and looks at you. "I'm going to let you out now, okay?" She triggers the latch on the cage door and swings it open.

You back up to the back wall of the cage. "Look, we're not going to hurt you, this is your home now." The mother guides the girl back away from the kennel.

The tall one it's weird, crossing her legs, it looks painful. You shake your head to get you legs moving. After the long stressful journey to the front of the kennel, you carefully lift your hood over the lip of the cage and press it onto the carpet. You look down in shock. This has to be the single most softest thing in the world. You step the rest of the way out of the kennel and look around, it definitely is a living room, though a pretty big one. A couch, two chairs, a coffee table, those are all normal, but for some reason, those were all facing a large black foggy mirror. You look around in awe, you've never seen walls so white. And outside a large window you can see the carriage sitting on a path that leads to a large path, all surrounded by green fields with some trees in the distance. You never would have thought of green fields of grass as such a beautiful sight. What with Ponyville being in surrounded with the stuff.

"You're kinda dirty, Pony."

And the reverence was gone.

"I've been stuck in that box for months, and in case you didn't notice, it doesn't have a restroom."

For some reason that only caused the girl to giggle.

"Well then, I guess the first thing we need to do is give you a bath." the mother said.

"Ooh! I wanna wash the Pony, mom!" The little girl was up, running for the leash set on the table, you didn't notice before.

Luckily, the mom was faster than the girl. She stood up, and in a swift motion she scooped the girl off of the ground so quickly, the girl's feet kept running for a few seconds before going slack.

"Awe, mom!"

"Sorry, Jenny, but I don't want water all over the bathroom, I'll take her, you wait here and watch the TV."

"Oh, fine." The girl, or, Jenny, as you've picked up on, relented as she was playfully dropped on the big soft couch.

She leans down to you, a smile on her face. "Sorry, but she gets excited easily."

"Oh, um, no problem."

"Now then, would you care for a bath?"

"Yes please."

You follow the mother through the house, down a hallway and into the bathroom. Again, this room is big, or is it just because the people who used it were big? You see a sink, a toilet, and a bathtub. The woman leans down to the tub and twists some knobs to start the water running.

"Do you like the water hot or cool?"

"Oh, um, hot." You reply.

She beckons you over to her, now next to the tub, you realize your eyes are barely over the rim, looking in. You hop your front hooves up to the side and rest your chest on the edge as you reach down to feel the water. You've never felt water this hot, outside the time your mother was cooking, and you accidentally set your hoof in a pot of boiling water.

"Ah...! Can you make it not so hot?"

After a moment you feel it again, it's still hot, but nice hot. Using your front hooves, you pull yourself forwards into the tub, but your rear is stopped. You look back to see that you can't get your hind legs over the side. You look up at the woman with an embarrassed blush.

"Cou-could you um...?"

With a giggle, she grabs your body just above the hips Her hands are so warm, and nearly wrap around your whole waste. She carefully lifts you into the water, letting your acclimate to the water temperature. You look up to thank her, but you're stopped by the look she's giving you.

It's like she's seen a ghost.

"When was the last time you've eaten?"

Only now, that you're out of that box and in proper lighting do you see how thin you've become. You run a hoof down your side, feeling the rib bones of your barrel.

"O-only a week or so, not that long ago."

The lady was visibly angered and saddened by that. "Well, now that you're living under my roof, you're going to eat dinner every day, got it?" The mock sternness is only broken by the light in her eyes.

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Now then, it's still bath time."

She kneels by the side of the tub and starts working the warm water into your mane and back. You can feel it working into your cramped muscles from being stuck in that box. You hum in approval as she scoops more water up and runs it down your sides.

You jump a little as you feel ice running down you spine.

"Sorry, I know it's cold."

You feel the clumps in your fur starts to melt away as she works the shampoo into your coat. Her hands rub a little harder at certain spots, loosening the muscles, and making you melt. You feel her pour more shampoo into your mane. Her fingers are magic, you yelp a little as she works at your knotted mane, working slowly down to your scalp. Her fingernails scratching lovely, making your fur stand on end.

And your tail.

You blush, and will your tail back down against your rump.

"Ooh... yeah... I've needed this..."

She lets out a pleased hum as her hands start to scrub down your neck. "Turn around please." You turn to face her, eyes closed in enjoyment. "And sit back so I can clean that tummy of yours." You comply without a thought. Rolling your hips forward and leaning your back against the side of the tub.

You sigh in delight as those wonderful hands continue scrubbing your neck, under your chin. She begins to work down your chest, scrubbing the soft tuft, freeing all the trapped dirt and rinsing it away with a splash of water. You can feel her scrubbing and working away the caked on dirt and sweat stuck to the short hairs of your belly. You try not to giggle, but fail.

She reaches for a rag and dips it in the soapy water. You feel the rag digging into the grime, finally getting through the gross gunk. She pulls the rag up and wrings the water out, then squirts a glob of shampoo into it and works it to a foam. The soapy rag rubs at your flat belly and the tender protrusions.

When the leased moan escapes, your push her hand to stop her. "Ooh, careful, that's, uh, I have tender skin… down there..."

"Oh," The mother blushes. "I'll just let you wash that area."

"Th-thank you."

She hands you the rag and starts working the knots out of your tail. You try to stifle a moan as she tugs your tail as you scrub your crotch with the soapy rag. Your eyes are half closed as you look into her eyes while she works, her pulls on the stubborn hairs tugging your tail occasionally. You bite your lip as she finishes and leans back.

"Okay, now stand back up so we can finish up."

She pulls the drain plug and starts the water again to run clean water over your body. You watch as your coat goes from a dusty brown to a bright shiny silver.

"Mm, thank you, it feels so good to be clean again.” You do a twirl in the shallow water.

She smiles at your happiness and lifts you out of the tub. You yelp, but it's muffled by the towel suddenly covering your eyes then it moves rapidly, scrubbing the water out of your coat. You happen to see yourself in the mirror, you look like a big fuzz ball.

After drying off, the woman ran a comb through your coat to get it to lay down. Once your coat was straight, she lead you to the kitchen.

"So, what are you hungry for?" She opened a large metal door showing a world full of food. You feel crisp cold air rolling out of the magic box.

"Oh, um... anything really." You notice some blocks of pink and red stuff wrapped in plastic.

"Anything but meat."

"Hmm... how about peanut-butter and jelly sandwich?" Your eyes lit up and you mumbled out a whispered yes before you could think.

"I, ahem, I mean, y-yes, please."

No longer transfixed by the icebox, you look around the kitchen. Most of the counters are too tall to see the tops of, but you can see an oven and a sink. This kitchen looks surprisingly familiar. You somehow were expecting to see more fancy machines. And, for some reason, a whole lot more chrome. You spot the kitchen table and make your way over. Pulling out a chair and hopping up, to watch her work. You can now see above the counters and spot something tantalizing.

A great big cookie jar sitting atop the icebox.