• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 716 Views, 6 Comments

Spoons - Fonypan

Groups of humans have invaded Equestria and captured ponies to sell as pets and slaves back on Earth.

  • ...

Chapter 2

You smell something amazing just below your nose. A figure moves into your field of vision, snapping you out of your longed staring. You shake your head and look up at her.

"S-sorry, what?"

"I asked, "what's your name"?"

"Oh, right. My name's Silver Spoon."

You hold out a hoof to bump, your's startled when your hoof is grabbed and shook up and down.

"Nice to meet you, my name's Janice, but you can call me Janny."

You quietly nod, that amazing smell is back. You look down, oh, right, the sandwich. You carefully pick it up and take a bite.

It's like an orgasm in your mouth.

Well, compared to cold dry grain and dead grass since you've been captive.

The bread is perfectly toasted, the peanut-butter is chunky, with the satisfying crunch of peanuts, and strawberry jam, sweet with large slices of strawberries adding a different satisfying crunch, almost juicy.

You feel your eyes sting as tears start to roll down your cheeks. "Are you okay?" You start to reply, but then remember your mouthful. You chew slowly to savor the flavors as you nod your head.

"Mom, can I have a sandwich too?"

You're startled slightly by the sudden appearance of Jenny sitting next to you in her own chair. Almost as if summoned, you hear the toaster pop. "Sure thing, honey."

You quietly ate your sandwich while Jenny ate hers, bouncing in her seat. You would occasionally glance at Jenny out the corner of her eye. She was blatantly staring at you, curiosity in her eyes. Janny had begun washing the dishes. Glancing out the window it was hard to gauge the time, but a safe guess was around two in the afternoon. You would also catch Janny stealing glances at you.

The silence was beginning to suffocate you.

"So.. um..."

You set your sandwich on your plate. Jenny seems eager to hear anything you have to say. You hold your hoof out to her.

"My name is Silver Spoon, what's yours?"

"My name is Jenifer." She grabs your hoof and shakes it giddily.

Her happiness is infectious.

And so were her sticky fingers, you note, looking at the jelly stuck in your fur around your hoof.

Yet you can't find it in you to be upset. You giggle and point a her, somehow Jenny managed to get jelly all over her hands and mouth. Jenny looks at herself and joins in the laughter.

"Oops, look like I made a bit of a mess." You both finish your sandwiches, Jenny hops down and walks over to the sink by her mom and washes her hands. You decide it's best to follow the lead and trot over to join them, mostly to get the jelly out of your fur before it dries. After a quick scrub Jenny walks back to the living room, you look up and Janny.

"So, um... is there anything you wanted me to do?"

"Mm, no, not really."

"B-but aren't I your um... sl-"

You were cut off by a finger over your mouth.

"Nuh uh, none of that." Janny looked at you sternly. "While yes, legally, I do own you, but I promise you I don't want you as a slave."

"Then why did you buy me?"

"Because I couldn't stand the idea of you winding up in the hands of someone who would use you as a slave."

"Oh... well, thank you."

Janny leans down and gives you a tight hug. "You're welcome."

You can't help but hug her back and cry into her chest, pressing your head up under her chin.

Janny let's go and stands up, you wipe your tears and clear your throat. "Will you be alright?"

You nod.

"Okay, you go sit in the front room with Jenny, I have to get dinner started."

You walk slowly back to the living room, taking your time calm yourself. You hear voices coming from up ahead. As you step back into the living room, your attention is immediately drawn to the big mirror thing. Some sort of strange play is on, a drawing of a bird is being chased through a desert by some kind of dog looking thing.

Jenny laughs when the dog ran off a cliff, not to fall until after he looked down. You can't help but laugh at the strange sounds. You pull yourself up onto the couch next to Jenny to watch the strange play. Looking around the living room. You see some family pictures on the wall, you can see the front door.you think about trying to escape, maybe find a way back home. You see the kennel you spent the last seven months in. If you try to run away, they'd stick you back in the box. It's what the owner of the store did each time he let you out to clean your cage.

He stopped cleaning your cage after the fifth escape attempt.

You made it two blocks that time too.

With a sigh you lay on your belly with your legs curled under you, your head resting on the couch arm. This is so much more comfy than that plastic box. Your eyes slowly grow heavy, you need to close them for just a minute.

What a soft couch.