• Published 8th Aug 2016
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Duelists of the Autumn Crown - DrakeyC

The story of Equestria Girls is retold, with less dancing and more card games

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The Master of Magicians - vs Trixie (Part 1)

Duelists of the Autumn Crown

The Master of Magicians – vs Trixie

“Students, I’d like to welcome you all to the finals of the ninth annual Autumn Crown Tournament!” The students cheered as Celestia’s voice rang out over the twilit campus. “By now I hope all finalists have made it to their designated duel zones and are prepared to face off against their opponent.”

“You bet.” Flash smiled and raised his duel disk. Opposite him on the soccer field, a girl with pale blue skin and long dark blue and white hair smiled back and did the same.

“A reminder that the semi-finals begin tomorrow morning at 11 am. These are the last duels of the night, so let’s end with a bang!”

“That’s the plan.” Across the field from Rainbow Dash, a boy with orange skin and scruffy hair activated his duel disk. “Let’s go, Rainbow Crash!” The boy snickered as Rainbow simply lifted her duel disk in front of her.

“For the finals, the standard 4000 Life Point total has been increased to 8000, to allow you more time and chances to show off the full magnitude of your skill!”

“I think I’ve already proven that.” Sunset sneered and activated her duel disk as her opponent swallowed and raised her arm.

“Once the current duel has ended and your standing been decided, students are free to leave campus as they wish. For now, without further ado, let the finals begin!”

The bell rang and the students cheered again.

Twilight stood at one end of Canterlot High’s parking lot and waited for the cheers to die down as Celestia ended her address. Around her were spectators watching eagerly, including another group of students that had identified themselves as more ‘Twilight Sparkler’ fans. Twilight looked at her duel disk, active and ready, and frowned. “It’s only a few seconds until six. Celestia said we’d be disqualified if we aren’t on time, so where is she?”

Spike scratched his eye and snorted. “Maybe she got scared and ran off. That’d be like the Trixie we know.”

“I doubt it. And be nice.” Twilight was about to say more, but suddenly a plume of smoke billowed on the opposite end of the parking.

“Students of Canterlot High, welcome to the most spectacular and awe-inspiring duel you will ever see!”

Twilight tensed at the familiar voice ringing out. Here we go…

“For you are about to witness the dueling majesty that is the one, the only, the Grrrrreat and Powerful Trrrrrixie!!” The smoke exploded out to reveal Trixie, a purple cloak and hat over her neck and head. A duel disk, blue with silver trim, was on her arm and already activated. Several in the crowd cheered and applauded as Trixie waved to them. “Thank you, thank you. Trixie is sorry to disappoint, but this will be a short duel, as her opponent is a new student who—” Trixie stopped as she looked across the field at Twilight. She scowled and thrust her finger at Twilight. “You!”


“You’re the one that knocked Trixie down the other day!”

Twilight slumped. “You really remember that?”

“Trixie never forgets a slight. She always ensures that she receives retribution sooner or later!” Trixie held up her duel disk. “And that time is upon us! Prepare yourself, Twilight Sparkle, to behold Trixie’s unparalleled power and skill!”

Twilight scowled. “Let’s see if your dueling is better than your entrance.” The crowd laughed at the joke. Trixie glared back and reached to her duel disk.

“Opponent detected. Streaming data.” Twilight looked at her duel disk as the challenge was given. Trixie’s portrait appeared next to hers along with her win-loss record, 10-1. “Duel mode set. Initiating.” The hologram of the dueling fields appeared over Twilight’s display. “Commence duel?”

Twilight licked her lips. This is it. It’s time to play for keeps. She put her hand on her deck. “Ready, Trixie?”

“Ready and waiting, Twilight Sparkle!” Trixie laughed and slapped her fingers on the flashing button on her disk.

“Game start!”

-Twilight Life Points: 8000-

-Trixie Life Points: 8000-

Trixie’s portrait lit up. “Opponent will take first turn.”

“Marvelous.” Trixie’s opening hand ejected from her deck and she folded them out. “Trixie summons ‘Apple Magician Girl’!” A burst of red smoke billowed in front of Trixie and cleared to reveal a girl wearing bright red metallic armor with a matching pointed hat. She opened her eyes as pink wings folded from her knees, elbows, and shoulders. (1200/800). “Trixie sets one card and ends her turn.”

She’s really gonna keep that third-person thing going this entire duel? Twilight snorted. “Fine. My turn.” She drew and looked at her display. A monster with only 1200 ATK. It has to be a trick. Either it has an ability or that face-down card is to protect it. Fortunately, I have my own defenses ready. She smiled at the card artwork peeking out from her hand and reached for one of them. “I discard ‘Harmony Spirit Cantus’ in order to activate its effect.” A diminutive fairy with pale white skin and curled pink and purple hair appeared in front of Twilight and held a hand up. Rings of green magic engulfed it and it vanished into sparkles of light. “By discarding Cantus from my hand, I can Special Summon a ‘Harmony Spirit’ monster from my deck.” Twilight pulled her card from her deck and slipped it on her disk. “I summon ‘Harmony Spirit Pietas!” The flying blue fairy rose onto Twilight’s duel disk and pumped its fist. (1600/800) Twilight held her hand out. “Pietas, attack Apple Magician Girl!” Pietas flapped its wings and flew across the field.

Trixie smirked. “Trixie activates Apple Magician Girl’s special ability! When Apple Magician Girl is targeted for an attack, Trixie can Special Summon a Level 5 or lower Spellcaster monster from her hand and redirect the attack to it.” Trixie flipped her card over. “Come forth, ‘Lemon Magician Girl’!” A blast of yellow smoke emitted next to Apple Magician. A magician in yellow armor with green details and a large pair of wings on the back jumped out of the smoke and twirled its wand to rest it on its shoulder. (800/600) Apple held up its wand and a field of magic projected around it. A blast of smoke went off and when it cleared, Lemon Magician Girl stood in Apple’s place. “And now that the attack has been redirected, Pietas’ attack power is halved!”

Twilight tensed. “They’re both at 800, they’ll destroy each other.”

“Not quite. Lemon Magician Girl has a special ability too and it’s the same one as Apple. Now Trixie can Special Summon a Spellcaster monster from her hand by negating its effects and redirect the attack again!” Trixie held up another card from her hand. “Trixie Special Summons ‘Kiwi Magician Girl’!” Another blast of smoke, this one teal, shot out of the ground in front a Trixie. A magician in a black bodysuit with bright teal armor on her torso and limbs was standing in the midst of it as it cleared. (1800/1200) Kiwi snapped her fingers and her image flickered and changed to that of Lemon Magician, Kiwi appearing in her place. Pietas (1600 → 800 → 400) closed in and Kiwi raised her wand, an orb of magic forming on the end of the curled teal staff.

“From my hand, I activate the effect of ‘Harmony Spirit Gracia!” The spectral image of the yellow fairy appeared in front of Apple and held out its hands. “By discarding Gracia, I can prevent Pietas from being destroyed this turn!” Pietas dashed through the spirit of Gracia and glowed with yellow light. Apple Magician Girl fired a beam of magic from her staff and the blast sent Pietas flying back to land in front of Twilight.

-Twilight Life Points: 6600-

The crowd cheered for Trixie. The girl smiled and tossed her hand. “Thank you, thank you. You’re too kind.”

Give me a break. Twilight rolled her eyes and looked at her hand. “I set two cards and end my turn.” The holograms flickered into place behind Pietas and she lowered her duel disk. Bad news, one of my best monsters just got drained to a measly 400 points and I lost a lot of Life Points. Good news, I know what I’m up against now. I’ll have to pick my attacks carefully.

“It’s Trixie’s turn again.” Trixie drew her card and reached to her duel disk. “Trixie summons ‘Berry Magician Girl’!” A young spellcaster in a pink and green jumper with a pink hat popped onto Trixie’s field, suckling a pacifier. (400/400) “Berry Magician Girl’s effect activates when summoned, letting me add any ‘Magician Girl’ monster from my deck to my hand. Then Trixie activates Lemon Magician Girl’s special ability, tributing Berry Magician to add a Spellcaster monster to Trixie’s hand from the deck.” Trixie withdrew her cards and slid them into the others she was holding. “Now that that’s taken care of, battle phase! Kiwi, attack Harmony Spirit Pietas!” Kiwi held up her wand again and an orb of green magic formed around the tip.

“Activate Trap card, ‘Harmony Balloon’!” A large purple balloon appeared in the air with a basket suspended from it. “By sending ‘Harmony Spirit Magnanimity’ to the graveyard, I return one card on the field to my hand.” Twilight reached to her duel disk. “I retrieve Harmony Spirit Pietas!” Pietas turned into blue light and shot up into the balloon basket, which rose and vanished.

“What?” Trixie scowled. “What manner of trick is this?”

“It’s called strategy. Activate second face-down card, ‘Harmony Textbook’!” Twilight flung her hand out as her second card’s hologram flipped up. “I discard Pietas in order to revive Gracia from the graveyard, in defense mode!” The angelic yellow descended in front of Twilight and kneeled, her wings folded in. (900/1800)

The watching students applauded as Trixie glared. “Fine. Trixie ends her turn.”

“Right.” Twilight drew and held out her card. “First, ‘Harmony Fruit’. I’ll use it to return Harmony Spirits Magnanimity and Pietas in the graveyard to my hand.” Twilight’s cards ejected and she lifted them up. She paused and looked at the display of Trixie’s field. If I attack, she’ll just bounce it back and forth between her monsters like she did before. And she’s got two new monsters in her hand to play with to do it. Twilight smiled and looked at her hand. Not this time. “I summon ‘Harmony Spirit Honestas’.” The muscular red fairy leapt out of a portal to stand next to Gracia, arms crossed. (1800/300)

Twilight held a card up. “I activate the effect of Pietas and discard it to allow a Harmony Spirit monster to attack directly this turn! Further, discarding a Harmony Spirit activates Honestas’ effect, increasing its attack power by 500 points for the rest of the turn.”

Trixie stepped back. “What!?”

The crowd cheered loudly. In spite of herself, Twilight grinned as the self-designated ‘Twilight Sparklers’ began to chant her name. “Honestas, attack Trixie directly!” Honestas (1800 → 2300) flexed its arms and charged across the field, eyes narrow. Trixie grimaced as it passed by her mages and came at Trixie.

“I activate my Trap card, ‘Magician’s Defense’!” Trixie flung her hand out as a barrier of energy rippled into place around her. “As long as my Trap remains in play, any damage I take is halved as long as I control a Spellcaster monster!” Honestas slammed its fist into the barrier. It shimmered and held as a shockwave burst out around the impact point.

-Trixie Life Points: 6850-

“You’ll pay for that,” Trixie growled. Honestas jumped back to stand in front of Twilight as the crowd’s calls died down.

Twilight smiled. I just about tied it up. Now I have to keep up the momentum. “I end my turn.”

“About time.” Trixie snarled and drew her card with a flourish.

“As you draw, I activate the effect of ‘Harmony Spirit Magnanimity’ in my hand. By discarding it, I can reveal the top card of my deck. If it’s a Spell card I can add it to my hand, but if not it gets placed on the bottom of my deck.” Twilight picked her card up and gasped. She met Trixie’s eyes and held it out. “It’s a Spell card, ‘Harmony Fusion’!” The crowd laughed as Trixie’s eyes narrowed. “Further, discarding a Harmony Spirit activates my monster effects. Once more Honestas climbs to 2300 attack and Gracia’s effect prevents my Harmony Spirit monsters from being destroyed in battle this turn.”

Twilight smiled. I may not be able to attack, but I can defend, and this will hold her off until the next turn. She looked at her newly drawn card. It’s the only card left in my hand, now, but it may be all I need. On my next turn I can Fusion Summon something to press my advantage.

Still holding her newly draw card out, Trixie flipped it over and looked down at it. Her eyes widened and she burst out laughing. Twilight frowned. “What?”

Trixie brought her card to her mouth to stifle her laughter. “Oh, this is just too rich. I couldn’t have planned that draw any better!”

“What is it?” Twilight snapped.

Trixie regained her composure and put a hand on her hip. “Trixie hopes you weren’t planning on that Fusion card to save you. Because you’re not going to be activating it next turn, or any turn coming soon.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see.” Trixie slipped her new card into her duel disk. “Trixie activates the Spell card ‘Terraforming’, letting her add any Field Spell from her deck to her hand.” The card ejected and Trixie held it into the air. “I activate ‘Secret Village of the Spellcasters’!” The ground shook as spiraling trees in yellow and green burst out of the ground around Trixie and her monsters. They grew taller and wider, windows and doors appearing in the trunks and lighting up.

“What does this one do?” Twilight asked.

“It’s very simple. If Trixie doesn’t control a Spellcaster monster, she is forbidden from activating Spell cards. But if Trixie does control a Spellcaster and you don’t, you can’t activate Spell cards!”

What!?” Twilight recoiled, her eyes wide.

Trixie laughed. “So much for that Spell you just got, huh? Trixie hopes for your sake that you’ve got a Spellcaster monster in your deck somewhere. Not that you’ll draw it in time to make a difference.” She tossed her hair and sniffed. “For now, Trixie activates Lemon Magician Girl’s ability, tributing Kiwi Magician Girl to add a Spellcaster monster to her hand.” Trixie held her hand out. “Then, Trixie summons ‘Chocolate Magician Girl’!” In a cloud of blue smoke appeared Trixie’s new magician, wearing a suit of dark blue armor with green hair streaming down her back. (1600/1000) “Then Trixie activates Chocolate Magician’s effect, discarding a Spellcaster monster to draw a card.” Trixie swapped her cards and smiled. “Trixie sets a card and ends her turn.”

“My draw, again.” Twilight put her hand on her deck and slowly drew her next card. She turned it over and frowned. Harmony Fruit. Normally this would be a great card for this situation. But I can’t use it as long as that Field Spell is in play… Twilight tapped to expand her duel disk display and tabbed through the cards in play. Gracia and Honestas can hold her monsters off for now, but all she needs is a power-up card or something to weaken my monsters, and they’ll be crushed. And I have no way to fight back, not with her monsters able to deflect my attacks. Twilight gritted her teeth and clenched her eyes. “I end my turn.”

The crowd began to murmur and a couple of boos and taunts reached Twilight’s ears. She ignored them and focused on Trixie.

“Really? What a shame.” Trixie drew. “Trixie activates Lemon Magician Girl’s special ability and tributes Apple Magician Girl to add a Spellcaster monster to her hand. Then, Chocolate Magician Girl, I discard a Spellcaster monster to draw a card.” Trixie looked over her hand and smiled. She ran her fingers along them, tapping them in turn. “So many ways Trixie could destroy you… what to do, what to do…”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. She’ll do this every turn. Lemon Magician Girl lets her search out Spellcasters every turn as long as she can tribute something for its effect. And anything she wants that she can’t search out that way, she’ll discard that Spellcaster to use Chocolate Magician’s effect and draw a card. It’s a continuous engine of searching and drawing cards. And there’s nothing I can do to stop her.

“Now then, here’s a move that should seem familiar.” Trixie held her card out. “I activate Kiwi Magician Girl’s ability and discard it. Now for every ‘Magician Girl’ monster on the field and in the graveyard with a different name, my monsters get a 300 point bonus!”

“No!” Twilight tensed and stepped back.

“Yes!” Trixie held up her duel disk. “I have Lemon and Chocolate on the field, and Apple, Berry and Kiwi in the graveyard. That’s a total of 1500 more points for all of them!” Trixie pointed across the field. “Lemon Magician Girl, attack Gracia!” Lemon Magician Girl (800 → 2300) raised its staff and fired a beam of yellow light across the field. The magical blast consumed Gracia and it exploded into particles of pink light. “Chocolate Magician Girl, attack Honestas!” Bolts of lightning shot along her staff as Chocolate (1600 → 3100) pointed it across the field. A blast of blue light struck Honestas and shattered it.

-Twilight Life Points: 5300-

“Trixie ends her turn and the effects of Kiwi end.” As Trixie’s monsters settled down and posed, Trixie crossed her arms. “Now, draw your last pathetic card so Trixie can end this duel.”

Twilight glared. “My deck doesn’t have pathetic cards, Trixie!” She reached to her deck. “It symbolizes the bond I share with my friends, a bond that can overcome any power thrown against me. And if you think that bond is going to break now, you’ve got another thing coming!” Twilight drew, trails of light drifting after her card. She flipped it over. It’s here! Twilight smiled and held out her hand. “I shuffle Harmony Spirit Gracia and Harmony Spirit Honestas in the graveyard into the deck!” Twilight’s two spirits appeared in front of her and were drawn back into her duel disk in flashes of light. “By shuffling two Harmony Spirits in my graveyard or hand into my deck, I Special Summon this monster from my hand!” Twilight held her card up and it lit up in silver light.

The clouds overhead rumbled and closed together and a shaft of sunlight beamed down behind Twilight. A tall figure with pale pink skin and a massive pair of wings descended behind her, a spiral horn rising from her head. Gauntlets and boots in golden armor covered her limbs and a billowing white dress with a yellow sun emblem trailed down her torso. The figure opened her eyes and cried out, her hair streaming behind her in a rainbow of colors. She snapped her arms out to the sides and the clouds overhead dispersed in a flash of rainbow light.

“I summon ‘Harmony Spirit Helios! (2700/2400)”

The crowd cheered as Twilight’s new monster crossed its arms and stared down at Trixie. Trixie scoffed and waved her hand. “So you’ve got a new monster, big deal. It won’t make a scratch on Trixie’s monsters.”

“It’s for more than just attacking, Trixie.” Twilight leaned forward. “See, there’s a tiny detail you overlooked. My normal Harmony Spirits are Fairy-types. But Helios? She’s a Spellcaster!”

Trixie’s breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening in realization.

“And now that I have a Spellcaster on my field, the restrictions of Secret Village of the Spellcasters are removed. I can use all the Spells I want!” Twilight slapped a card into her duel disk. “I activate Harmony Fruit, to return Harmony Spirits Magnanimity and Pietas in my graveyard to my hand. Then I activate ‘Harmony Fusion’!” The ground shook as a swirling vortex in rainbow colors appeared in front of Twilight. “From my hand, I fuse together Pietas and Magnanimity, to Fusion Summon ‘Harmony Spirit Magnanimity Crustallum’!”

A white fairy in a long white and blue dress with matching gloves and boots rose from the fusion vortex. Rings of gem shards came around its shoulders to encircle its torso in orbit, turning and sparkling with light. Its eyes flashed as it raised its head. (2100/1500)

Twilight’s smile widened as the crowd’s cheers began to turn back her way. “Magnanimity Crustallum, attack Chocolate Magician Girl!” Magnanimity held out its hands. Its circling rings of gem shards stopped and flew forward at Chocolate Magician Girl.

“Trixie activates Chocolate’s ability!” Trixie yelled. “When she’s targeted for an attack, I Special Summon a Spellcaster from the graveyard and redirect the attack! Return to me, Apple Magician Girl!” The red-armored mage reformed on Trixie’s field. “Apple effect activate! I Special Summon ‘Kiwi Magician Girl’ from my hand and redirect the attack once again!” The green-armored mage appeared and jumped in front of Apple Magician Girl and held up her wand. The gem shards stopped and reversed, flying towards Magnanimity Crustallum (2100 → 1050 → 525)

“From my graveyard, I activate the effect of Harmony Spirit Cantus!” The image of the curly-haired white fairy appeared in front of Magnanimity Crustallum. “By returning Cantus to the deck, one Harmony Spirit monster I control cannot be destroyed this turn!” The gem shards struck Magnanimity and she recoiled, but Twilight stood firm.

-Twilight Life Points: 4025-

“Are you done being ineffectual?” Trixie snapped.

“Be careful what you wish for, Trixie.” Twilight pumped her fist. “Harmony Spirit Helios, attack Chocolate Magician Girl!” Helios held up her hands and a large orb of orange fire manifested between them. “See, here’s a single flaw in your strategy, Trixie. You can only use those attack-redirect effects once per turn. So now you’re defenseless!” Helios fired its fireball across the field. Chocolate Magician Girl was caught in the blaze and exploded.

-Trixie Life Points: 6300-

Trixie coughed as the smoke cleared. “I still take half damage as long as my Magician’s Defense is in play!”

“Fine by me. The real prize is Helios’ ability. When it destroys a monster in battle, I can add any Harmony Spirit from my deck to my hand.” Twilight’s card ejected and she snatched it up. “I choose this, Harmony Spirit Magnanimity. I discard it now to activate its effect, revealing the top card of my deck.” Twilight drew her card and looked down at it. “It’s a Spell, ‘Harmony Gem’, so it goes to my hand but I can’t activate cards with that name this turn.

“Further, discarding a Harmony Spirit activates the effect of Magnanimity Crustallum. I look at the top two cards of my deck and add one of them to my hand, the other goes to the bottom of the deck.” Twilight picked up the two cards and flipped one of them over. “I choose this, ‘Harmony Spirit Magia’!” She slid the card into the graveyard. “I discard Magia to activate its effect and copy a Spell effect in your graveyard. The card I choose is Terraforming! I use it to add a Field Spell from my deck to my hand.”

Twilight’s card ejected as the Field Spell slot on her duel disk popped open. “I activate ‘Harmony Castle’!” Trixie’s village of trees withered and faded away as a massive fortress of colored crystal rose behind Twilight, an eight-pointed star on its banners. “I activate Harmony Castle’s effect and shuffle Magia and Magnanimity in the graveyard into the deck to Special Summon ‘Harmony Spirit Malus’, in defense mode!” A tiny yellow fairy with a red bow in its pink hair jumped onto Twilight’s field. (400/300)

Are you done with your turn already!?” Trixie shrieked.

“Yes.” Twilight lowered her duel disk and smiled.

“About time! I draw!” Trixie grabbed her card from her deck before her duel disk could automatically eject it.

“Twi-light, Twi-light, Twi-light!” The chant of her name rose over the crowd alongside applause.

“Trix-xie, Trix-xie, Trix-ie!” A competing chant of the other duelist began in response.

Trixie gritted her teeth and glared at the Twilight Sparklers on the sidelines. “Shut up! You’re getting on Trixie’s nerves!”

“Why so upset, Trixie?” Twilight smiled as her voice brought Trixie’s attention back to her. “The duel isn’t over yet. If anything, I’d say we’ve just gotten started!”