• Published 8th Aug 2016
  • 9,140 Views, 764 Comments

Duelists of the Autumn Crown - DrakeyC

The story of Equestria Girls is retold, with less dancing and more card games

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The Prodigal Showdown - Twilight vs Sunset (Part 3)

Duelists of the Autumn Crown

The Prodigal Showdown – Twilight vs Sunset (Part 3)

-Twilight Life Points: 3100-

-Sunset Life Points: 3500-

“Goodbye, Twilight!” Infernal Spirit Superbia flung out its claws and sent two streams of magic across the field.

Twilight looked down at her field and hand. I have to stop her! She saw the set card on her field and grinned. Perfect! “I activate my Quickplay Spell Harmony Bolt! I discard Harmony Spirit Honestas from my hand in order to destroy Superbia!” The spell card sparked and concentrated an orb of lightning in front of it. A bolt struck Superbia and the demon exploded in a blast of fire, embers falling around it. Twilight let out a breath. “With the effect of Magnanimity, I draw a card. And with that, the threat of your spirit is gone.”

“I don’t think so.” Sunset laughed and snapped her fingers. The falling embers of Superbia’s destruction lit up in red light and congregated together, swirling around each other. A fireball sprang up between them and grew until it burst open, Superbia spreading its wings again.

Twilight’s jaw dropped. “No!”

“Afraid so.” Sunset snickered and shook her head. “Superbia won’t go down that easily. Any time she’s destroyed, she returns all copies of a banished Infernal Spirit to the deck. Even if I wanted to stop her, I can’t. She’ll revive again and again as long as she has spirits to feed on. She’s a bit weaker now, but she’s back all the same.” The copies of Infernal Spirit Ira on Sunset’s field burnt up in a wave of fire. Superbia flexed its claws as it lit up red again. (5000 → 4500)

“Now, where were we? Ah yes – winning! Superbia, attack Gracia again!” Superbia sent another blast of magic at the fairy. “Let’s see you avoid it this time!”

“I can’t. But I can do this!” Twilight reached into her graveyard and held up a card. “I return Harmony Spirit Ventus from the graveyard to the deck, and grant Gracia 800 extra points for this turn!” The image of Ventus appeared in front of Gracia and spread its arms (900 → 1700). The magic blast struck them and exploded in a blast of fire. Twilight turned and hunkered down in her booth as the fire washed through the air above her.

-Twilight Life Points: 300-

Fluttershy screamed and convulsed, falling backwards to be caught by Applejack.

“What happened?” the farmer asked.

Fluttershy gasped and panted. “Heat… pain…”

“You wanted to see me, Princess?”

Celestia looked up from the scroll floating in front of her. “Yes, Twilight. Come, sit.” She rolled the scroll up and set it aside.

Twilight slowly walked into the royal bedchamber and sat down on the cushion on the other side of the table. “Did I do something wrong?”

Celestia chuckled. “Do you have to have done something wrong to warrant an audience?”

“No. I mean, I hope not. You just usually don’t take the time to talk to me like this when I do something good.” Twilight gasped. “I mean, not that you’re negligent, or anything. I just thought…”

Celestia’s soft laughter stopped her. “You’ve done nothing wrong, Twilight. But it is the second anniversary of the start of your tutelage. I think it’s time for a review, yes?”

“Oh… right.” Twilight put a hoof to her chest. “Okay.”

“Your instructors tell me that you are easily displaying impressive aptitude in all subjects. You’ve even broken a few long-standing test records.”

Twilight blushed. “I just do my best…”

“Indeed.” Celestia’s smile faltered. “However, if I am to be honest, there is one matter that concerns me.”

Twilight gulped. “Yes?”

“Your instructors have reported you have been having difficulty making friends. Even when working on group projects, you tend to congregate with the same two or three students for partners. And if ever there is an odd pony out for a project, you volunteer to work alone.”

“I just… don’t see the point.” Twilight shrugged. “If I can do fine on my own, and I do, why do I need a partner?” She bit her lip. “I know it feels bad to say it, but… I don’t want to get stuck with a bad student that might slow me down, or make me get a bad mark.”

“I see.” Celestia nodded. “A fair concern, and yet, you also avoid interaction with ponies outside of class activity.”

“I have to study a lot to keep up my marks. I don’t have time to go out for snacks or sleepovers or all that.”

“Twilight, consider something carefully.” Celestia leaned her head down. “Do you think you are better than your fellow students?”

Twilight paled. “I… I…” She shook in her seat and looked away. “Nooo…?”

“You know the answer as well as I do, but you don’t want to voice it.” Celestia stood up. “I’ll be making recommendations that you be advanced to a higher class at the end of the semester. Perhaps ponies who have studied longer than you will provide more accommodating friends?”

Twilight just nodded, her eyes on the ground.

“Wow…” Twilight held her head as the memory faded.

“I knew it.” Sunset’s voice betrayed the obvious sneer on her face. “You act like you’re so morally superior to me. But you really are no better after all.”

Twilight turned and stood up. “How am I supposed to answer something like that? You want to use my magic to create an army to invade Equestria. If that’s how you judge my character, then yes, I’m better than you.”

“Let’s agree to disagree.” Sunset crossed her arms. “Now that Superbia is in play, nothing can stop me. I set one card and end my turn. Make your move, Twilight.”

“Fine.” Twilight drew. She looked up at Superbia and shivered. I have to find a way to get rid of that thing permanently… Harmony Balloon could return it to Sunset’s hand, but I have to draw another copy. Risus Fera could negate its effect, but she could protect it in some way until the negation ends.

“I switch all my monsters to defense mode, and summon ‘Harmony Spirit Draco’ in defense mode.” The fairy-like dragon appeared kneeling in a line with Twilight’s other monsters. (700/100) “I end my turn.”

“Set ‘em up and I’ll knock ‘em down,” Sunset said, drawing. “I set one card, and then it’s Superbia’s turn to attack again!” She paused and looked over the field. “Rarity always was too stuck up for my liking. Superbia, destroy Harmony Spirit Magnanimity!” Superbia fired a beam of teal magic tinged with black. Magnanimity screamed and exploded in a shockwave of flame.

Rarity fell to her knees and cried out, her eyes wide.

“Rarity!” Rainbow knelt next to her. Rarity said nothing but to clutch her blouse, wincing.

Applejack looked up at the clouds. “Twi…”

Sunset tossed her hair and smirked. “I’ll call it a turn there.”

“My turn again.” Twilight drew and gasped. Yes! She grinned and held out her card. “I activate the Spell card ‘Harmony Fusion’!” A swirling vortex of rainbow colors appeared in front of Twilight’s monsters. “I fuse Harmony Spirit Pietas with Harmony Spirit Risus, to summon ‘Harmony Spirit Risus Fera’ in defense mode!” The two monsters turned into trails of light and circled into the vortex. A pink fairy with a cannon on her back surrounded by balloons jumped out, spinning in the air and giggling. (2000/1200)

Twilight flipped over another card in her hand. “I activate the effect of Harmony Spirit Honestas in my hand, and discard it to look at your face-down cards.” Honestas appeared in the air and sent a pulse of light towards Sunset.

Sunset snorted. “You’re trying to use Risus Fera’s effect to negate Superbia’s effect. Sorry, but it won’t work. Here’s my facedown! I activate ‘Infernal Cloak’. During this turn, my Superbia can’t be destroyed or targeted by card effects!” The shroud wrapped around Superbia’s shoulders and shone in pale purple light.

Twilight grimaced. Darn. She looked at what was left in her hand. “I set a card and end my turn.”

“Goodie.” Sunset drew and pouted. “I drew another copy of Acedia. Superbia’s effect banishes it immediately.” She tossed the card away and shrugged. “Oh well, not like I need it to bring this party to a close. Superbia, destroy Risus Fera!” Superbia’s magic fired and incinerated Risus Fera, the balloons on its back superheating and popping in an instant.

Pinkie gasped and stumbled back, her hair going wild and falling limp to her shoulders. She blinked rapidly. “Oh… wow…”

This can’t keep up. Twilight drew and looked at her card. I can’t keep stalling forever waiting for Harmony Balloon or any other card. If she draws something that can deplete my last few Life Points then I’d have no way to stop her. She grit her teeth and clenched her hand. But what can I do? Anything I use to destroy Superbia won’t do anything, she’ll summon it right back. I could summon Risus Fera again and negate Superbia’s boost to force a double KO in battle, but what good would that do?

“Frustrated, Twilight?” Sunset smiled. “I can relate. Having to accept defeat from an opponent just too powerful to be beaten can be difficult.”

“I’m not giving up yet, Sunset.” Twilight reached to her graveyard. “I return Harmony Spirits Gracia and Risus Fera to the deck, to Special Summon ‘Harmony Spirit Selena’ in defense mode.” The pale blue spirit descended in a shaft of moonlight and touched down on Twilight’s field, wrapping its wings around itself. (2600/2300) “I then summon Harmony Spirit Risus in defense mode and end my turn.”

“Good going, more monsters for me to burn.” Sunset drew. “Let’s start with the pink one again. Superbia, do your thing!” Superbia fired its magic at Risus, the fairy lost in the fire. “I end my turn.” Sunset giggled. “I have to admit, watching you try to find a way to fight back is pretty entertaining. Happy to see me having fun?”

Twilight said nothing, drawing her card. “I activate the Spell card ‘Harmony Textbook’. I discard Harmony Spirit Pietas from my hand and revive Harmony Spirit Risus from the graveyard. With that I end my turn.”

“Boring!” Sunset drew and grinned. “Oh look, I drew Infernal Spirit Ira! That brings my collection of banished spirits back to six, so Superbia is back to full power. Superbia, how Risus what I mean!” Superbia (4500 → 5000) fired its magic and once more burned Risus to ember. “I end my turn.”

Her hand shaking, Twilight slowly drew. She looked at her new card, her eyes narrow. She bit her lip and hung her head. This can’t be it… there must be a way… She reached out a hand to slide a card into play. “I summon ‘Harmony Spirit Magia’ in defense mode and end my turn.”

“Is that all?” Sunset drew her new card. “Superbia, destroy Harmony Spirit Selena!” Superbia cackled and launched its attack. The teal magic tore into the lunar spirit, her gown catching fire and burning as she faded into light.

They’re all… Twilight clenched her eyes shut. I can’t fight back like this… one by one they’re all going to be destroyed…

“I end my turn.” Sunset crossed her arms. “Make your move, Twilight, such as it is.”

Twilight picked up her card and stared down at it. “I draw, and…” She stopped and set her cards on the table. “I end my turn.”

“Really?” Sunset shook her head. “To think that after all my anticipation of finally dueling you, you’re going to go out on a whimper instead of a bang…” She drew and tossed her card aside. “Superbia, finish off Draco.” Superbia flew across the field and slashed, claws alight with teal magic. Draco roared as it was sliced apart. “I end my turn.”

Twilight drew her card, grit her teeth, and shut her eyes. “I draw and end my turn.”

“Aw. Just one left now. Superbia, destroy Honestas!” Superbia dove and slashed, Honestas shattering. “And now just one monster stands between you and my greatest monster.” Sunset leered at Magia. “Make your final move, Twilig

None of my monsters can fight back… She hiccupped and felt tears come to her eyes. No… it can’t end like this… She looked over at her deck.

“Funny, isn’t it?” Sunset watched as Twilight slowly extended her hand. “You came in so brave, so confident. But now look at you. Hopeless. Weak. On the cusp of defeat.” She shook her head. “Take away that Element, take away your magic, and what’s left?”

“Twilight’s losing…” Fluttershy whimpered, sitting on the grass hugging herself.

“Tell me about it.” On her hands and knees, Pinkie coughed. “I feel like I just took a cannonball to the chest.”

“Come on you guys!” Rainbow looked down at the two. “Get up! Twilight needs our support!”

“Support?” Rarity, her arm over Rainbow’s shoulder for support, shook her head. “Rainbow, she’s alone in there. We can send her well wishes, but I don’t think it’s enough to win a duel like this.”

“…isn’t it?”

The five girls looked down at Spike.

“Twilight’s deck connects all of you, right? And you’ve been feeling the force of Sunset’s attacks. What if that connection could work both ways?” He looked between them as he spoke.

Applejack nodded. “Worth a shot, Ah reckon.”

“It’s better than standing around feeling helpless,” Rainbow agreed.

Pinkie and Fluttershy stood up. Standing in a circle, one by one the five girls held out their hands and laid them on top of the others.

“Don’t worry, Twilight.” Sunset whispered. “By the time I take over Equestria, you won’t be around to see it fall. And none of your friends will ever know how badly you failed them.”

Twilight’s hand hovered above her deck when a shadow fell over her. She raised her head to see Superbia looking down at her.

“Just surrender, Twilight.” Sunset’s voice almost seemed to come from the demon as Twilight looked into its eyes. “I promise I’ll make it quick. I’ll even spare your friends in this world. You can stay here with them. It isn’t so bad once you get used to it.”

“I…” Twilight closed her eyes.

“Just put your hand on the deck, and say the word.”

Twilight slowly lowered her hand and pressed her fingers to the top card.

“Don’t give up, Twilight!”

She gasped sharply, her eyes wide. What?

“We’re all counting on you!”

Twilight stepped back and whirled her head around. “Who said that?”

“I did!” Sunset snapped.

“We haven’t given up on you, so don’t you give up on us!”

As Twilight looked across the field at Sunset, the dueling arena receded into the darkness, until only nebulous purple cloud surrounded her. Alone in the darkness, Twilight shivered and took a step back.

“Come on, Twi!”

She turned and stared.

Behind her in a circle stood the glowing forms of her friends.

“You…” Twilight slowly stepped up to them. “How is this possible?”

“Dunno.” Applejack shrugged. “Ah guess this is your magic again, right?”

“No.” Twilight shook her head. “Sunset used my magic to begin this Shadow Game. I have no magic anymore.”

“Oh, come on!” Rainbow snorted. “I’ve known about this magic less than a day and even I know that’s a load!”

“Sunset has magic too, but it’s nothing like yours.” Rarity smiled warmly. “Sunset’s magic just destroys. Your magic has brought us all together.”

“Uh-huh!” Pinkie grinned and winked. “After all, the way you tell it, it wasn’t Sunset that got that fancy crown, was it?”

“She won’t win, Twilight.” Fluttershy nodded firmly. “And you know why, the same as us.”

Twilight looked down at the hands in front of her and reached out her own. She watched as magic lit up over her arm. “This light…” The closer her hand got to the hands, the warmer and brighter the light shone. It washed over Twilight in a wave. She inhaled and raised her eyes. “You guys…”

The five vanished into particles of light from head to toe down their arms, until only an orb of light remained hovering below Twilight’s hand. She smiled and closed her eyes.

“How could I have forgotten…”

Sunset looked around the dueling arena. Across from her, Twilight’s booth stood empty. “This isn’t possible. Where is she?” She looked down at the Element of Magic and gasped. The jewel on it was glowing brightly. “What?” There was a crack of thunder and Sunset looked up.

A massive pillar of purple light shot down from the abyss of the clouds and slammed into Twilight’s dueling booth. Hovering in front of it, Superbia screamed and was flung back to Sunset’s side of the field. The light on the Element of Magic turned into an orb and shot into the pillar. Sunset gaped, her eyes widening.


Standing in the field of light, Twilight slowly opened her eyes. She reached out and put a hand on her deck.

“It’s over, Sunset.”

With a flourish of her hand, Twilight drew and held her hand over her Graveyard.

“I return Harmony Spirit Selena to the deck to return Harmony Fusion to my hand, and activate it!”

Rays of rainbow light shone out from the card. The light circled the field in ribbons before converging on Harmony Spirit Magia. The fairy was encircled by an orb of white light.

Her eyes lit up purple, Twilight lowered her hand as the card in it dissolved. The orb of light rose into the air, spinning and growing larger.

“I fuse together Harmony Spirits Gracia, Honestas, Risus, Pietas, and Magnanimity, with Harmony Spirit Magia on the field!”

Streams of yellow, orange, pink, blue, and purple light came from Twilight’s dueling booth and flowed into the orb of light.

Sunset shook her head. “This can’t be…” She growled and slammed her fists on the booth. “You’d fuse together all of them?”

“This is the final evolution of my magic, Sunset.” Twilight stared at her with glowing eyes, her voice echoing across the field. “There is a power in my heart and my deck greater than any you could ever muster. My card reflects my heart, all the joys and hopes of my friends that I carry with me. This is the power that the heart of my cards holds, Sunset. A magic without peer.” Twilight held her hands out. “Behold it now!”

The orb of magic cracked apart, light flashing. Sunset just watched as a being inside the orb came into focus.

Large, feathered wings in a hundred shades of pink and violet rose into the air. A long spiral horn rose from the being’s forehead amid deep purple hair. A crest of violet energy in the form of a six-pointed star hovered behind its back, pulsing and glowing. A gown in gold and purple and white covered its body, strands of material spiraling into the air. The eyes were not eyes but voids of magical energy, crackling and snapping the air.

“I summon ‘Harmony Spirit Magia Amicitia’! (2500/2000)”

The blinding light from the monster’s summoning faded. Sunset shook her head and gnashed her teeth. “So what? She only has half the power of my Superbia!”

“For now.” Twilight held a hand over her deck. With a shining shimmer of purple magic a card appeared on top of it. “When Magia Amicitia is summoned, I can activate this card from my deck.” She drew the card and placed it on the field. “The Equip Spell card ‘Bonds of Harmony’!” Magia Amicitia lit up in an aura of purple light, the star behind it glowing a deeper shade of purple. “With Bonds of Harmony equipped to her, Magia Amicitia will return to the Extra Deck at the end of the turn. But for this turn, she gains 500 attack points for every Level 4 Harmony Spirit in the graveyard.”

“No!” Sunset cried out.

Twilight pointed across the field. “Magia Amicitia, destroy Superbia! Shining Lightray!” An orb of white light appeared in Magia Amicitia’s palm (2500 → 5500). The orb flashed and shot a ray of light across the field. Sunset screamed as the blast struck Superbia, sending the demon flying back to the clouds above her to be blown away by the light.

-Sunset Life Points: 3000-

Sunset stumbled back, a hand on the side of her head.

“How could it be her? She wouldn’t have followed me…” Sunset scoffed and shook her head. “Of course she would, she’d be the obvious choice to get the crown back…” She stopped and took a breath. “No, don’t worry. This isn’t a problem yet. It’s the first day. She can still go home now. I can keep this controlled.” She steeled herself and put on a scowl, then approached the door to the girl’s bathroom.

The memory faded and she raised her head. She saw the cards in front of her glowing red and laughed. “A nice try, Twilight, but it isn’t enough. Superbia’s ability activates!” She pulled her cards out and watched them dissolve. “Superbia forces me to return my banished Infernal Spirits to the deck to revive her! I sacrifice Ira, and Superbia returns to me!” A ring of fire on Sunset’s field grew into a portal that Superbia flew out of. (5000 → 4500)

Sunset leered. “Too bad! You made a good last move, but not good enough! Your turn is over, and now the time to destroy you has finally arrived!”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed and she flung out her hand. “Hold on, Sunset! My Magia Amicitia has an ability of its own. And it activates when you revive your Superbia.”

Sunset paused. “What?”

“Now, by returning all copies of a Level 4 Harmony Spirit in the graveyard to the deck, Magia Amicitia is allowed to attack again!” The image of Gracia rose from Twilight’s booth and turned into an orb of yellow light. The orb floated to one of the points on the star behind Magia Amicitia. (5500 → 5000) Tendrils of yellow magic snaked from it into the orb of light in her hand, and she fired it forward. The attack exploded on impact with Superbia’s chest and obliterated her.

-Sunset Life Points: 2500-

Twilight leaned forward. “You know what happens now.”

Sunset slowly raised her head, her eyes wide. “Superbia… revives itself again.” Gula’s cards slid out of Sunset’s discard pile and burst into flame.

“And every time Superbia’s effect to resurrect itself activates, my Amicitia’s effect will also trigger!” Twilight flung her copies of Risus into the air. The cards turned into pink light and floated to Magia Amicitia’s star. The fairy (5000 → 4500) fired a wave of white light tinged with pink and yellow towards Superbia. (4500 → 4000)

-Sunset Life Points: 2000-

“How could she do that!?” Sunset growled and kicked the trash can in the hallway over. “I spent almost a year practicing my magic before I could conjure mine, and she’s summoning it in a day’s time?” She glared down the hall at a random student that had walked by, sending them running in the opposite direction. Sunset took a breath. “There’s still three duels until the finals. She might not even place… who am I kidding, with that power at her disposal they won’t stand a chance.”

“No! This can’t be happening!” Sunset stumbled back, her hands clutching her hair. Between her fingers she saw Avarita’s cards falling to the bottom of the booth in a shower of embers.

“I return Magnanimity to the deck!” Twilight held up the cards, the spirit of the white fairy appearing from them and flying forward. Superbia (3500) growled as Magia Amicitia (4000) conjured another orb of magic, colored yellow, pink, and white. The demon’s wings snapped back with the force, her hair’s fire growing lower.

-Sunset Life Points: 1500-

Sunset paced back and forth in the parking lot of Sugarcube Café. “This can’t be coincidence. The six of them, all here, now, reconciling because of her?” She looked through the window at the group sitting and chatting. “The Elements of Harmony don’t exist in this world, but if our connection to our Equestrian counterparts is real, she might…” She stopped when the door to the cafe opened. She looked at who had left and watched. She was walking towards her. Sunset approached the streetlamp nearby.


“Stop it!” Sunset screamed as more pain and memories assailed her. She saw her Luxuria cards float up from the field and snatched at them. Her fingers passed through them as they lit in fire and burnt away, the embers scattering with her hand.

“I can’t stop it. Magia Amicitia’s ability is mandatory, the same as Superbia’s.” Twilight looked down as her Honestas cards slid out of the graveyard and turned into light. “You said it yourself, Sunset. Superbia will revive again and again as long as she has spirits to feed on.” Twilight shook her head. “It’s her own selfish devotion to her own power that’s to blame for this. The both of you!”

Magia Amicitia (3500) fired another burst of magic. Superbia (3000) turned away and braced herself as it consumed her.

-Sunset Life Points: 1000-

Sunset stared into the bathroom mirror, water dripping down her face. “That was the most powerful magic I could infuse into Rarity, and not even that was enough.” She grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser and dried her face. “And I still have to beat one more of them later today. If my magic hasn’t fully recovered before the duel.” She licked her lips. “No. Can’t think like that. I’m stronger than her, I know it. I just have to push myself. I can do this!”

Sunset collapsed to her duel podium, her eyelids twitching, her hands shaking. Acedia’s cards landed in front of her to burn away at her knees. “Twilight… please! Make it stop…”

“Only you can stop this, Sunset. The same as you’ve always been able to.” Twilight flung her copies of Pietas into the air. They merged into a fifth orb that joined the other four on Magia Amicitia’s star emblem.

Superbia (2500) roared angrily as Magia Amicitia’s (3000) attack hit her.

-Sunset Life Points: 500-

“This is it…” Sunset looked down at her deck, Infernal Spirit Superbia on the top. “I’ve been waiting years for the chance to prove I’m better than her…” She looked out the window at the dueling field outside and the six girls near the steps leading towards it. “So why am I hesitating?” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “It’s too late to turn back now. I’m so close to my final victory.” She inhaled deeply. “Time to put on my game face and end this, once and for all.”

Sunset slowly pulled herself up and found herself level with her cards. She watched, her lip quivering, as her Invidia cards vanished in particles of red light. She looked up at Twilight and drew a shaky breath. “I… they’re gone. That was my last spirit…”

“I know.” Twilight nodded and held up a familiar card. “And this one is mine.” Magia turned into an orb of light and floated to the final point of the star.

Sunset inhaled as she felt magic surge from the monster floating over the field. Magia Amicitia cupped her hands together over her chest and lowered her head. A swirling orb of rainbow colors appeared in her palms. Sunset watched as the light coming from it grew brighter and brighter, until the two monsters in front of her were impossible to see. She saw nothing but swirls of color.

This light… I understand…

From within the light an orb of violet magic floated in front of Sunset.


It’s over, Sunset.

Sunset merely closed her eyes as the light reached her. She swooned, falling back into nothingness.

I’m sorry…

I know.

Sunset held out a hand and felt another set of fingers wrap around hers.

Author's Note:

Sunset’s and Twilight’s deck lists have been updated with all cards.

The final chapter and epilogue will be posted together next week.