• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 2,025 Views, 15 Comments

Heir to a Silenced Blood - Rock Slide

With the birth of their child, Sunset and Adagio find themselves with a whole new problem, one that forces them back to the realm they came from.

  • ...

To leave a note

“Sunny… I think she’s gone.” Whispered Splendid as she squinted.

Sunny was frozen in place though and she felt her voice tighten in her throat.

Splendid turned to her, “Sunny?” Sunny sat in the corner, rocking back and forwards. “Sunny?!” Splendid shuffled over and nudged her. “Sunny, talk to me!”

Sunny looked straight ahead and whispered frightened, “I—I’m scared, Splendid.”

Eyes wide, Splendid looked at her friend. Through all this, she had never considered Sunny would take this differently to her. Like her, Sunny was no usual thirteen year old - but she was still a child. She looked around, and down at her bonds. The ropes that held her forelegs had come loose in transit. Snagging the ropes on her horn, she wiggled her way out.

She untied herself, and then hurried over to Sunny, untying her quickly, and pulling her into a tight hug. She rocked her, slowly, and stroked her mane, waiting for her to say something. “Please be ok.” Tears started in the corner of her eyes.

Sunny shifted, then hesitated, before shifting again. She spun around on her haunches, her forelegs moving to return the hug, but she slipped on the ropes at her hooves. Lurching forwards instead, she knocked Splendid onto her back. Unable to stop herself, Sunny came to rest on Splendid’s chest, their muzzles pressed together at the lips.

Both fillies stared into each other’s eyes, before they both looked away, a crimson blush on both their faces. Sunny pulled back, still not able to look at her.

Splendid coughed. “Are…” Her face went flush again. “Are you better now?”

Sunny just nodded, keeping her eyes to the ground.

“Well, if you’re sure.” Splendid looked around. “I’m going to look around. Do you want to stick with me?” Sunny nodded her head. “Ok.” Splendid waited for Sunny to shuffle over to her, and pressed up against her side, before moving across to the nearest tarp.

She tried lifting it with her hoof, but she couldn’t lift it high enough to see. The tarp looked dirty, so she didn’t want to lift it with her mouth. But then there was a flash, and in front of her eyes, a sparkling teal cloud holding the tarp up. She turned to see Sunny, a metal ring on her overturned hoof, and her horn glowing.

“But how? I haven’t managed to do that yet! And I’m the one with parents from here!” Splendid alternated from impressed to jealous.

Sunny shrugged. “...I’m not sure how, to be honest.”

Splendid deadpanned. “Really? Ugh.” She reached up and removed her own suppression ring. Grunting, she tried to lift more of the tarp with Sunny. Her horn flashed purple, but fizzled out, leaving Splendid panting, out of breath. “I just don’t get it.” She wheezed.

Splendid didn’t have it in her to try again, instead gripping the tarp that Sunny was still holding aloft. She pulled it away, revealing the contraption beneath. Her eyes went wide. “This look like some sort of torture device.” Splendid looked at Sunny, who was just as mortified. The pair screamed.

Well Kept made her way back through the maze of corridors until she approaches the entrance she used. Walking up to the wooden door, she slowed down, as she could hear the slight clip-clop of hooves on the other side.

Holding her breath, she approached the spy hole and took a look through. On the other side, she spied a small white colt, pacing back and forth. “I know she came in here, but where did she go?”

Well Kept smirked, this could work in her favour. She pressed the latch to open the door but kept herself pressed against the wall, her body hidden in shadow.

“I knew it, haha, I knew it.” Solar Spark jumped for joy and waited as the bookcase he had been staring at swung open. Peering inside, he squinted, but couldn’t see anything, so he edged forward. He was just about to cross into the darkness, when a blue magic bolt struck him in the head, knocking him unconscious.

Well Kept walked out into the open, smirking. She quickly secured the colt, placing him in a recess a little way down the tunnel, before she headed back to the entrance. She needed supplies, and to leave her note.

Twilight pushed the doors open and entered the war room. She looked exhausted, her feathers askew and her hair wet and matted. The ponies in the room looked at her hopefully.

“I’m sorry everyone. I couldn’t detect them with my magic anywhere.” Sunset and Adagio fell back against one another, whilst Celestia moved around the table and drew Twilight into a hug. “What about the others?”

“Guard Captain Resolute reported back about five minutes ago. Nopony was seen leaving the castle around the time they went missing, or since, and the border guards have successfully stopped ground traffic. No one matched their description.”

“What of the Navy?”

“We are still waiting for Blueblood to report in, but…” The door creaked, and in trotted the stallion in question. Again, everypony looked over.

“The navy reports no sighting, and nopony has been able to leave by air.” Everypony in the room deflated again, but Blueblood coughed. “But there has been a development you need to deal with.”

“Spit it out!” Adagio yelled.

Blueblood looked momentarily annoyed, but he schooled his expression. “In our crisis, we seem to have forgotten that we were expecting a delegation from the Dragonlands today.” Celestia blinked, searching her mind before she finally remembered, and a spark of recognition passed through her features. “Yes, that one. It also seems that nopony else remembered because nopony informed the Dragons of the situation. As it stands, Dragon Lord Ember and her entourage are just outside the city walls, asking to be permitted.”

“Tits.” The white alicorn muttered.

“Celestia!” Twilight admonished her, giving her a clip around the head with her wing. “Blueblood, please, let them in. Have them escorted straight here; I shall inform them of the situation, and hope they don’t mind waiting till this is over. I’m sure Spike can help keep her busy.” Celestia and Sunset both snorted, Twilight breaking out in a grin.

“Will do,” Blueblood said through his smirk, before leaving the room.

Well Kept made her way through the halls of the castle, doing her best to stay unnoticed. She passed at least three sets of guards before she made it to her objective - the castle kitchens.

Slipping inside, she found the kitchens to be mildly deserted, but given the late hour, she had expected and hoped for this. She moved around the cupboards collecting food and bottles of water, as much as she could easily carry.

As she was getting ready to leave, she passed by the desert preparation room, and she spotted a tray of freshly made cakes. Specifically, Princess Celestia’s favourite cakes. A smile spread over her lips.

She pulled a scroll out of her saddlebags, a list of her demands that she had written earlier, and placed it on the serving trolley that would no doubt soon be on its way to the princesses. That solved her mailing problem.

Passing back into the main kitchen, Well Kept grabbed a gravy boat and went to to the cakes. She made a small hole in the top of Celestia’s favourite and poured the gravy in. She may have cackled lightly, before she slipped away again, still unnoticed.