• Published 6th Aug 2016
  • 2,025 Views, 15 Comments

Heir to a Silenced Blood - Rock Slide

With the birth of their child, Sunset and Adagio find themselves with a whole new problem, one that forces them back to the realm they came from.

  • ...

First Day in a New School (10 1/2 years later)

Beep Bee-boo-beep! Beep bee-boo-beep!...

Without opening her eyes Splendid reached over and hit her alarm clock, cutting out the noise. Then with a groan, she curled deeper underneath the blankets. She really didn’t want to go to school today, she’d much rather stay underneath the warm blankets. This stayed true until she heard her door open and the low sound of a foot tapping on the floor, muffled only by the green carpet.

“Splendid Scale! You do not want to be late for your first day at Canterlot High.”

Splendid peeked her head out from under the covers with a groan and a slight pout, “Mama… can’t I just stay home?”

Sunset rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip. “If you don’t get up and get dressed you’ll be late and you know how your mother doesn’t like being late…”

Then there was a squeak, along with a rustling of sheets and a loud thud as Splendid ungracefully fell to the floor. “I..I’m Up!”

Sunset couldn't help laughing before she crossed the room. Grabbing the edges of the sheets, she pulled them back, unrolling her daughter from her cloth prison. A slightly dizzy Splendid looked up at her mother. “Thanks.” She said with an impassive tone

Sunset chuckled again. “You’re welcome. Now get cleaned up and get dressed, I’ve got breakfast started downstairs.”

She turned and left the room. Splendid hauled herself up, and almost crawled her way to the nearby bathroom, to start on her morning routine. She had inherited her mother’s natural good looks, but she still needed to look after herself.

Soon after, with her hair under control and fully dressed, Splendid dropped down into her chair at the kitchen table. Her mother looked back over her shoulder, a smile on her face. “Nice of you to join the land of the living.” Splendid stuck her tongue out, receiving a laugh in return.

Still chuckling to herself. Sunset crossed the to the table, bringing a couple of frying pans with her. Careful not to burn herself, she slid eggs, fried toast, and bacon onto the two plates on the table, before taking the pans back to the cooker.

“Wow mom, it’s normally just cereal. Pulling out the stops today, why?”

“Because I'm so darn proud of you! I know we’ve given you some of the best tutors around, and I’m pretty smart myself, but I never expected them to put you a year ahead!”

Splendid blushed. “Mooooooom. Please don’t let that get around, I don’t want any extra trouble fitting in.”

“Don’t worry so much, you’ll be fine.” Sunset smiled, and turned back to the cooker, before frowning; “You still got that headache?”

Splendid nodded slightly, watching as her mother set the table for the two of them.

“Momma’s already at work then, mom?”

With a slight shake of her head, Sunset answered her daughter's question as they ate, “Yes, she went into the boutique an hour early so she could be here when you got home.”

Splendid nodded slightly, as she scarfed down her food to which Sunset responded, “Slow down Splendid, you make your Aunt Pinkie’s table manners look less… messy.”

“Oh okay.” Splendid responded with a mouth full of food.

Sunset smiled as Splendid slowed down and a few minutes after she finished her own food. “Now don’t forget to be home on time after school…”

Splendid pouted and Sunset continued, “Don’t give me that look… it’s family movie night tonight.”

Hoooonk. Honk honk.

“Oh! There’s the bus little one.”

Sunset looked out the window where the yellow bus was parked and stood up with Splendid. She gave her daughter a tight hug, and after she let her go, watched as Splendid picked up her backpack.

“See ya, Mom! Love ya.” Splendid said hurriedly as she waved back at Sunset and ran out the door.

Splendid was swiftly greeted by the shouting and screaming of the other children on the bus.

“Hey! Sit down!” Splendid was startled when the bus driver yelled at her. She hadn't realised how long she was standing at the front of the bus. Splendid paced herself down the aisle, looking into each seat on either side.

A few rows down Splendid came across a seat with only one kid sitting in it. The girl in front of her had slightly lighter azure hair in a pixie cut with a lighter Turquoise stripe running down the front and back. Her skin was a pale butter yellow and she was wearing a t-shirt that said ‘Keep Calm I'm a Writer,’ and a pair of camo cargo shorts with black converse sneakers. The girl was scribbling away in a plain back book, only once pushing her glasses off her nose. “Umm, excuse me…” Splendid mumbled, unsure of how to approach.

“Sit down!” The driver barked again and without thinking Splendid dropped into the seat next to the stranger.

A few moments of not talking and no further attempts to speak with her mystery seat partner, Splendid began to wonder just what it was that had this person so enthralled. Cautiously, Splendid leaned closer to try to catch a glimpse of what the girl was writing.

“Um, what are you doing?” Splendid looked up from her snooping to find that her face and the girl’s face were too close for comfort.

“Oh, sorry!” Splendid scooted away, her face slightly crimson. “I was… just wondering what you were writing.”

The girl suddenly pulled back, hiding her notebook. Her cheeks flushed red and seemed to squeeze herself up against the side of the bus. “It’s nothing, really, I’m just doodling ideas for a—an adventure romance story.”

“Really?” Splendid’s face split into a grin. “Those are some of my favourite kinds!”

Splendid stuck her arm out. “Hi, I’m Splendid Scale, what’s your name?”

Hesitantly, the other girl reached out and shook her hand. “I’m Sun Scroll.” She tucked her arm back in and looked down at the floor. “You really like that kind of stories?”

Splendid shook her head up and down vigorously. “My mothers and my auntie Rarity used to read them to me all the time. Any chance you can tell me about your story?”

Sun scroll looked down at her notebook for a few seconds, then back up at splendid. Any doubt she had was washed away by the innocent smile she was greeted by. “Ok.” She flipped through a few pages; “It’s a romance between a princess and a long lost friend. Unlike most stories, in this one, it’s the princess that goes on the quest.” Splendid’s smile grew, encouraging her to continue. “I haven’t got much else yet. But I got the idea for the princess from our vice principal Luna. I met her last summer at the open day, and she just looked so beautiful; I had to use her in a story.”

“That sounds great, I…”

Screeeeeeeeeeeach! The bus jolted to a stop, interrupting Splendid and sliding her into the seat in front. “Oww!”

Sun Scroll leant down and picked Splendid up. “Are you ok?” Sun Scroll looked worried, so Splendid was quick to assure her.

“I’m fine, really. I bumped my head, but it wasn’t hard; don’t worry.” Sun Scroll let out a relieved breath. “The only thing that hurts is this annoyingly persistent headache.” Sun Scroll tilted her head quizzically. “Don’t worry about it; it’s nothing.”

“COME ON EVERYONE, GET OFF MY DANG BUS!” Hollered the driver.

The pair jumped, but they didn’t need to be told twice; so they joined the now quickly following line of students leaving the bus. As soon as the last student was off, the doors slammed shut, the wheels spun, and the bus took off.

Splendid took a moment to view her surroundings. The main building of Canterlot High stood before them; looking closely enough, she could see where part of the front entrance was newer than the area around it; a memento to her mother’s time here. Seeing it caused her to smile.

The next object to catch her eye was the large statue of a horse, rearing up on a large square base. She instantly recognised it from the huge collection of photos she had at home. Her parents had so many with the statue in, but none since her birth. Just being there looking at it caused Splendid’s hackles to rise.

“Hey!” Splendid was knocked out of her stupor as Sun Scroll put her hand on her shoulder; “Are you sure you’re ok?” Splendid nodded again. “Alright, we need to head to orientation then.” The pair walked towards the main entrance. As they walked past the statue, Splendid felt as if she was walking through a field of static electricity, and her headache got slightly worse. She grimaced, but as she got further away from it, the feeling went away.

~~~~ Later that Day ~~~~

By the time lunch rolled around, Splendid was feeling awful. Her headache had turned from just a minor annoyance to a full-blown migraine. Already, she had almost snapped at two of her teachers.

Splendid was currently standing in line behind Sun Scroll. Holding her lunch, Splendid inched forward with the line and tried her best to block out the overwhelming noise.

“Are you okay, Splendid?” Sun Scroll asked when she noticed how Splendid was holding her head.

“I'm fine. I'm fine.” Splendid lied, waving a hand.

“Are you sure?” Sun Scroll persisted placing a hand on Splendid’s shoulder.

Splendid put on the best smile she could muster. “Yeah. Sun Scroll - I'm fine.”

Sun Scroll took her hand off Splendid’s shoulder. “Ok. And please, just Sunny.” She stuck her tongue out, before turning around and paying for her lunch. Splendid paid for her lunch and followed Sunny to a table near the edge, the pair hoping to get some distance from the noise.

Sunny frowned when she looked at the way Splendid was holding her head, and massaging her temples. But rather than beat a dead horse, she tried to lighten the mood.

“So how are you finding CHS?”

Splendid looked up from her dinner tray and smiled. “I think I’m going to like it here. The staff seem nice, the facilities are good quality, and the curriculum they have looks fun.”

Sunny looked at her funny. “‘The curriculum looks fun’?”

Splendid blushed. “I like learning ok? With mothers and aunts like mine, it was kinda inevitable anyway.” Sunny nodded in understanding, and the conversation lulled for a while. Splendid cleared her throat, getting Sunny’s attention. The other girl looked up to see her blushing. “The best part was meeting you, though.” Sunny then noticed that Splendid seemed unable to look at her. “I find it hard to make friends normally, I’ve just always felt different. Add in the whole fast track thing, and it’s almost impossible.”

Sunny reached over and grabbed her hand, the blush on Splendid’s face intensifying. “I’m honoured to call you my friend.” Splendid was finally able to bring her eyes up and look at Sunny. Her face held a smile… for about fifteen seconds.

The red on her face drained away almost instantly, giving her a ghost's complexion. Then her eyes rolled back in her head, and was it not for the quick actions of her new friend, she would have face planted her dinner.

Sunny sat there stunned for a few seconds before she jumped out of her chair. “HELP! Help! Get the nurse!”