• Published 4th Dec 2016
  • 6,246 Views, 181 Comments

Digimon: A New Legacy of DigiDestined - ShadowBolt96

What begins as a trip to summer camp turns into the adventure of a lifetime for the CMC and their friends.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Strength of the Spirit

The morning gong roused everyone from their slumber once more.

“Rise and shine everyone!” Piximon sang. “It’s another glorious day today!”

Sweetie Belle stretched her forelegs with a long yawn as she and Palmon emerged from their room.

“Good morning everyone,” Sweetie Belle smiled, feeling chipper. Everyone responded with smiles and their own greetings, looking more refreshed than usual. Glancing down at her Digivice, she was shocked to find the time was eight o'clock. “Wait a minute, did Piximon let us sleep in?”

“That I did,” Piximon said. “I wanted to make sure you all got plenty of rest for today. Trust me, you’ll need it for this phase of your training.”

“And what kind of training are we doing this time?” Veemon asked, cracking his knuckles.

“Oh, there’ll be plenty of time to worry about that later. But first, let’s do our morning jog. Hop to it!” Piximon ordered.

Everyone followed Piximon out of the dojo and around the mountain path. After over a week of running the same path every morning, the exercise had become much easier. A week ago, they would often return from this exercise gasping for breath and doubling over in pain. Today, they finished feeling only a bit winded, but much more awake.

After finishing their stretches, they went to the dining room to eat breakfast. Everyone was surprised, and a bit puzzled, to see a small buffet of fruits and cereals. There was even a plate of bread sitting next to a toaster.

“No usual bland oatmeal this morning?” Babs Seed asked, eyeing the ripe fruits with suspicion.

“Nope,” Piximon said. “Get what you want, but don’t stuff yourselves like you did last night.”

Babs narrowed her eyes at Piximon, trying to guess the motive behind the sudden diet change. She looked back at the buffet with a shrug and fixed herself up with a small bowl of cereal and an orange.

Once everyone had finished eating, Piximon led them through another part of the dojo.

“Is it me, or does this place look a lot smaller on the outside?” Apple Bloom whispered to Armadillomon.

“He seems to have a room for just about anything,” Armadillomon agreed.

“Really? Then where’s he hiding the five-star spa?” Diamond Tiara chuckled.

“Three doors down this way, take a right, then two lefts,” Piximon answered from the front of the line. “It’s right by the gift shop, you can’t miss it.”

“This place has a gift shop?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“No, now quit gossiping back there!”

As they passed by a window, Scootaloo noticed part of the playground standing outside. “Wait, we’re NOT doing the playground today?” she asked.

Piximon paused, looking towards the playground. “Well...I wasn’t planning on having you run it,” Piximon said. “But I guess if you really want to then—”

“No, no!” Scootaloo rapidly shook her head, echoing everypony else in the room. “We’re good.”

“Yeah, I thought so,” Piximon chuckled before leading them on.

Everyone followed Piximon outside, traveling across a bridge stretching over a bubbling stream. They soon arrived at a large, open area. A few simple, but well-maintained trees were dotted throughout the square. A small koi pond sat in one corner, teeming with large fish. But what captured everyone’s attention was the large sandbox in the center. But this wasn’t like anything one would find at a playground. The sand inside was a soft, milky white, and looked completely undisturbed. A few rocks of varying sizes sat in the sandbox, all smooth enough to look like half-buried marbles.


Everyone looked to the source of the noise. Near the koi pond sat a water spout that slowly filled a bamboo tube, which sat on a pivot. The tube would fill up, tilt back and dump the water into a reservoir before rotating back into place. The heavy end would fall onto a rock, creating a sharp noise that echoed throughout the garden.

No one spoke a word, as if doing so would shatter the beautiful scene in front of them.

“AHHH-CHOO!” Guilmon sneezed, making everyone jump out of their skin.

“Bless you,” Scootaloo said, holding a hoof to her chest.

“Sorry...” Guilmon blushed.

“Right, if we’re all done sightseeing, follow me please,” Piximon said.

Everyone followed Piximon to a large wooden gazebo in the back of the garden. Inside, fourteen rubber mats were neatly laid before a small pedestal.

“Everyone take a seat,” Piximon beckoned as he made his way to the pedestal. Everyone did as they were told, sitting next to their Digimon partners. “Tell me, what makes someone DigiDestined?”

Everyone looked to one another, puzzling over the question. “Um...having a Digivice?” Scootaloo guessed.

“That is part of it, yes. Only the DigiDestined can use the Digivices. But is a Digivice not an object? One that can be stolen or found by someone who’s NOT DigiDestined?”

“Then, is it having a Digimon partner?” Apple Bloom offered.

“Close. It’s the bond that is shared between the two partners that makes someone DigiDestined.”

“The bond?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Why do you think they are referred to as ‘partners’?” Piximon asked. “After all, the Digimon are likely to do most, if not all the fighting. What do the DigiDestined do?”

Everypony looked to their partners. Their eyes reflected feelings of pride, gratitude, and an ounce of guilt.

“The DigiDestined and Digimon are called ‘partners’ because the relationship is two-sided. Do you know why your partners are able to digivolve without absorbing data?”

“Because of our Digivices,” Rumble answered.

“Once again, you’re close. The Digivice serves as a medium. It channels the energy of the DigiDestined, and allows their partner to digivolve.”

“So…” Sweetie Belle started. “Our partners are only able to digivolve because we give them the strength to do so?”

“Yes, but the bond goes deeper than that. You all have been together for...how long now?”

Silver Spoon looked down, quietly counting to herself. “Twenty-five days,” she answered.

“Whoa, for real?” Babs Seed reeled. “It’s been almost a month?”

“A month…” Apple Bloom glanced down for a moment. All around her, the amount of time they spent in the Digital World was sinking into everypony else.

“I see,” Piximon nodded. “And have you noticed anything happening to you when your partners digivolve? When they fight? Do you feel any different?”

Scootaloo put a hoof to her chin. “Now that I think about it…” she began. “Back in the desert, when Growlmon was fighting, I swear that I felt a slight pain wherever he was hit. Like, when he got hit in the shoulder, I felt like someone had smacked my own shoulder at the same time.”

“Wait...I think I felt that a couple of times too!” Diamond Tiara said. “When Aquilamon was fighting Airdramon!”

“I don’t remember anything like that whenever Veedramon fought,” Babs Seed said.

“Well, how do you feel whenever he fights?” Piximon asked. “Whenever he defeats another Digimon?”

“I feel proud of him,” Babs Seed answered without hesitation. “Like my school team won a championship or somethin’.”

“Oh, so fighting to the finish is commonplace in your world?”

Babs Seed’s smile faltered. “Well...no.”

“We usually don’t have to fight,” Sweetie Belle thought aloud. “Aside from dealing with the bi-weekly monster attack from the Everfree Forest.”

“And when you see these...Everfree monster attacks, what do YOU usually do?” Piximon leaned forward.

“I...run to someplace safe and hide,” Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened as she looked to her friends.

Back home, whenever they saw something dangerous, their first instinct would be to run. But after a few days in the Digital World, it was a little different. The fear was still definitely there. Especially when faced with a massive, scary Digimon. But with their partners by their side, they didn’t run. They stood alongside them as they digivolved, and cheered them on as they fought. Their hearts racing as they inched closer to victory.

Was this just pride in their friends' talents, and the notion of never leaving them behind? Or was it something else that caused these feelings? Were they feeling their partner Digimon’s thrill for battle?

“So what does this have to do with our training?” Rumble asked.

“I’m glad you asked!” Piximon smiled. “You see, this next phase of your training is going to focus on strengthening your spirit. In doing so, we will strengthen the bond between partners. I’ll teach you how to get in touch with this bond, and how both partners can tap into it.”

“Wait, you mean we can use it too?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Of course,” Piximon nodded. “Wouldn’t be much of a partnership if you couldn’t.”

“How can WE use it?” Scootaloo asked. “I mean, our partners use it to digivolve, but what can we use it for?”

“If I told you the capabilities of the bond between two great partners, we’d be here all day,” Piximon grinned. “But here’s a start. At the end of this training, you two will be able to communicate with each other...through your mind!”

Everyone looked up to Piximon with a sparkle in their eyes. Except for Silver Spoon, who looked up to him with a raised eyebrow. “Wait, wait, wait,” Silver Spoon put up her hooves. “I’m sorry, but talking to our partners through our minds? You seriously think that we can use telepathy with our partners?”

“That sounds awesome!” Scootaloo pumped her hoof.

“And unlikely,” Silver Spoon said, earning glares from everyone else. “I’m sorry, but it’s true! Telepathy can only be performed by high-level unicorns. We’re talking Star Swirl the Bearded levels of magical talent here! And the only unicorn with us isn’t even close to that level! No offense Sweetie Belle.”

“None taken,” Sweetie Belle shrugged.

“Well you better hope it’s possible,” Piximon chuckled. “Otherwise, these next few days are going to be very quiet.” Piximon tapped the ground twice with the base of his spear.

Sweetie Belle felt a wave of air slam into her throat, making her jump a bit. She cleared her throat before looking back to see everyone else doing the same thing. “Did everyone else feel that?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Are you all alright?” No one responded. “Hey, you guys alright?” she asked again, tapping her hoof on the ground. Apple Bloom looked up to Sweetie Belle but didn’t answer. “Did you hear me? Is anyone hurt?” she asked again, getting a little frustrated.

Apple Bloom cocked her head to the side. Her lips moved for a few moments, but she didn’t say anything. She paused, then moved her lips again. After a much longer pause, her expression began to grow frantic. She stood up and put a hoof to her throat, her mouth moving rapidly as she looked on the verge of hyperventilating.

“Apple Bloom, what’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle shot up. She looked like she was talking, but no words came out of her mouth. “Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle shakingly brought a hoof to her own throat. “Hello?” she spoke.

Sweetie Belle’s heart skipped. She had felt her lips moving. But she felt no vibrations in her throat and heard no words exit her mouth. She looked around to see everyone ease into a state of panic as they tried to talk with each other. Lips would move, limbs were frantically waved around, but no words were spoken. It was like watching a ridiculous silent movie.

“Are you done?” Piximon asked.

“What gives?” Sweetie Belle tried to say but frowned when nothing came out of her mouth.

“As you’ve probably guessed, I took away your voices. My plan was to have you all try to go through this part without speaking on your own. But then I realized that that would probably be impossible for you. This way, you won’t be tempted to speak just because I asked you not to, but because...well, you can’t.”

Babs Seed murmured something, glaring at Piximon all the while.

Piximon swopped in, knocked Babs Seed off her hooves and pinned her with the blunt end of his spear. “Now let’s get one thing straight!” Piximon glared. “Just because I can’t hear you, doesn’t mean I can’t read your lips. You say something like that to me again, and you’ll find a bar of soap in that potty mouth of yours before you can blink.” Piximon hovered back to his seat. “Honestly, do you kiss your mother with that?”

Babs hid behind her mane, trying to dodge everyone’s stares as her face turned red.

“Now then...maybe we can get started?” Piximon put down his spear and beckoned for everyone to sit back down. “We’ll begin with some basic meditation. Cross your legs, if you can. Otherwise, just get comfortable. Now, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Clear your mind.”

Everyone did as Piximon instructed, some opting to cross their legs, or hind legs in some cases.

“Now, listen to what I have to say, and keep an open mind. This space we’re in, we can’t be sure that it exists.” Everyone looked up to Piximon for a moment, the statement catching them off guard. “Everything in the Digital World is made of data. Data that can be manipulated by beings of immense power. Everything from this gazebo, to the mats you’re sitting on, even your own bodies. They are all made from data.

There’s only one thing that we can be sure exists: your breathing. Focus on that. Breathe in, feel the air fill your lungs. And then slowly release it. Don’t control your breathing, just focus on it. Let your thoughts drift on by, and keep breathing. In...and out.”

The day crawled on. After the meditation session, Piximon had everyone do various chores around the garden. He made an emphasis on pairing everyone up with their partners. It would have been a good opportunity for everypony to have some one on one time with their Digimon. But any attempts at conversation were reduced to attempted lip reading and charades.

At the end of the day, Piximon gathered them for another meditation session before dinner. As everyone shuffled to bed, they nodded to one another with somewhat forced smiles. Even the simple privilege of saying “goodnight” to their friends was lost to them.

The next day was met with more of the same. Scootaloo was grateful for the wide array of options available to them for breakfast. But she missed the morning banter that often accompanied the meal. Afterward, Piximon brought them to the meditation garden. He spent the next hour walking them through the meditation session. She had to admit, the exercise did make her feel more awake and relaxed.

Piximon then brought everyone to the large sandbox in the center. “I know you’re all wondering what the deal is with the oversized litter box here,” he said. “Well, this here is called a zen garden. It’s part of an ancient practice that some humans dabbled in, called Buddhism. The gardens were often made to represent the essence of nature. Think of it as a meditation aid.”

Piximon hovered over to a small collection of rakes and sticks. “I want you to spend some time there with your partners. Think about the time you’ve spent together, what you know about each other. Then, draw whatever comes to mind. It doesn’t have to look exactly like something, it could be swirls, lines, doodles, whatever. Think of it as, uh...meditation in motion.”

Scootaloo picked up a small rake and walked with Guilmon to a spot near one of the large, smooth boulders. She looked to Guilmon with a shrug and began poking at the sand, letting her mind wander. She thought back to when she met Guilmon when he was a cute little Gigimon, and smiled. She remembered how he had stood up to Kuwagamon, and how he digivolved soon afterward.

She looked down and found that she had drawn a small swirl with her rake. She glanced over to Guilmon, hoping to find him drawing something similar. Instead, he opted to try and build a sandcastle. But the sand was far too loose to be packed into a solid shape, and his castles soon collapsed, much to his dismay.

Scootaloo gently rubbed his shoulder, comforting him before turning back to her drawings. She thought about how childish Guilmon seemed to behave. She knew she wasn’t exactly a young adult either, and felt no shame with that. But Guilmon, he always acted like he was a lot younger than her. Not quite a baby, but someone who was at least half her age. Always curious and friendly, looking at the world with a gleam in his eye. Scootaloo began to wonder if this is what it would be like if she had a younger brother.

And then there were the times when he fought. It was still pretty scary to see Guilmon’s personality shift from a curious child to a furious beast. But whenever he did it, it was to protect her and her friends.

A growl from her stomach made her look away from the lines she was drawing. She began to wonder how long they had been here, and if it was close to lunchtime yet. Scootaloo’s thoughts shifted to the bottomless pit Guilmon called his stomach. Granted, every one of the Digimon tended to voice their hunger when it struck. But Guilmon was usually the first. He would even volunteer to eat anyone’s leftovers when they camped. When they were traveling, he was often on the lookout for things to snack on. He’d find berries and wild fruit, offering to share it with the others.

“Mmmm...I wonder if you could put peanut butter IN a bread roll.”

Scootaloo’s mouth watered. A peanut butter stuffed roll? Yeah, that sounded amazing. She stopped drawing, her brow creased. Wait...what?! she thought. Where did that come from?

She shook her head clear and looked back to Guilmon. He had abandoned his sandcastle construction, and was drawing random doodles in the sand. At first glance, they looked like rocks. On closer inspection, she could see the large lines that looked like the tears one would find in baked bread.

Scootaloo quietly stepped back to her drawings. No, there’s no way. That wasn’t actually him...was it? She looked back to Guilmon, who stared at his drawings while licking his lips. Taking a deep breath, she focused on Guilmon. Guilmon? Was that you? Can you hear me?

Moments passed, and silence was her only reply. She shook her head with a sigh. No, don’t be ridiculous Scootaloo, she thought. That’s probably just your stomach talking. But...it did kinda sound like him, did it? And he IS drawing bread. Oh, come on girl! He probably has bread on the brain whenever he’s hungry!

“Alright everyone, that’s enough for now,” Piximon said, snapping Scootaloo out of her daze. “Why don’t we get something to eat before we move on?”

Everyone filed out of the zen garden, gently placing their tools back. As they left, Scootaloo glanced back to the various designs drawn in the sand. That thought...was it some fluke, or was that actually Guilmon?

“I want you to focus on your partner,” Piximon said. “Let all other thoughts drift on past you, brush them aside and keep your focus on your partner. What they look like, how they act, the memories you have together. Block out all other distractions. Imagine walking to them and meeting them for the first time.”

Scootaloo glanced back to Guilmon, who had his eyes closed and was breathing steadily.

“Both partners have to focus on each other,” Piximon continued. “They have to meet each other halfway. But most importantly, both partners must have a clear mind. That means they must be meditating, not napping. Armadillomon, I’m talking to you!” Piximon darted over to Armadillomon, smacking him with his spear a couple of times until he woke up.

As Piximon reprimanded Armadillomon, Scootaloo reflected on Piximon’s instructions. Focus on Guilmon... she took a deep breath, held it for a moment, then released it. His big dino body, his goofy attitude, his childish antics, his bottomless stomach. The times he saved me, the fun times we had, his tendency to sleep snuggle whenever we camp. Scootaloo blushed at that last thought, but kept her breathing steady nonetheless.

Breathe in through the nose...and out through the mouth. Inhale...exhale.

Scootaloo opened her eyes to the sounds of waves gently lapping against the shore. She found herself on a small island in the middle of the ocean.

“What the…” Scootaloo breathed as she stared out at the crystal clear waters. Behind her, a few palm trees swayed in the breeze, carrying the smell of sea salt in the air. She walked around the island, smiling as she gazed out into the ocean. She had never seen water this clear before. It was almost like wavy glass. She was so transfixed by the beauty of it all that she almost tripped when her hoof bumped into something solid.

Looking down, she found a small purple kayak and a double-sided paddle. Across the ocean where it was facing, Scootaloo spotted another small island. Between the two islands was a small sandbar. Squinting into the distance, she saw something moving around on the other island.

Scootaloo grabbed the paddle, pushed the kayak into the water and hopped in. She steadily paddled her way across the water, the kayak gliding across the waves with ease. She passed by the sandbar and began making her way to the opposite island. As she did so, she saw the figure again, this time recognizing him almost instantly.

“Guilmon?” Scootaloo breathed. The ocean began to churn, tossing her kayak back and forth. She tried to paddle against the waves, only to be tossed back onto the sandbar. Shaking her head clear, she stared down at the shattered remains of her kayak. She tried swimming out to Guilmon’s island, but a strong current swept her back to the sandbar.

“Guilmon!” Scootaloo called out. “Over here!”

Guilmon looked over to Scootaloo, his eyes widening. He called out to her, but the sea breeze drowned out his voice. He then began jumping up and down, waving his arms in an attempt to signal her.

Gripping her head in frustration, Scootaloo looked around the island Guilmon was on. Off towards the side, was a small ruined dock. A small, beat-up canoe and paddle were roped to a post there.

“Hey, Guilmon!” Scootaloo called out, gesturing to the canoe and making a rowing motion. “Use the canoe!”

Guilmon eventually managed to get the message, and got in the canoe. With some difficulty, Guilmon managed to paddle his way over to the sandbar. Beaching the canoe, he stumbled out of it and ran towards Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo!” Guilmon smiled as he scooped her up in a back-breaking hug. Scootaloo didn’t care though, she was so happy to hear her partner’s goofy voice again.

Scootaloo opened her eyes to find herself still in the gazebo.

“You want me to get you a pillow while you’re here too?” Piximon continued ranting at Armadillomon. Beside him, Apple Bloom stared at the one-way argument unfolding in front of her. Scootaloo could only guess how long he’d been talking.

Thinking back on her meditation session, she began to wonder if she nodded off and dreamt the whole thing. It wouldn’t be the first time. Ms. Cherilee could certainly attest to that.

She looked to Guilmon, who was staring back at her with a look of shock and curiosity. Taking a deep breath, she focussed on that feeling of connection she felt back on the sandbar. When Guilmon embraced her, the joy she felt. Like she was reunited with a long lost friend.

“Guilmon...” she thought. “Can you hear me?”

Guilmon sat up straighter, his eyes and smile widening. “Yes...yes I can!” Guilmon’s voice echoed in her head.

Scootaloo’s breath caught in her throat as she stood up. “Whoa! Is this actually happening?”

Guilmon nodded. “Uh-huh!”

Scootaloo leaped into the air, a smile stretching from ear to ear. “This is incredible!”


“So, I take it you two managed to tap into your bond?” Scootaloo turned to find herself and Guilmon at the center of attention. Piximon looked to them with a smile. “I’m just taking a guess, or did you two suddenly have the urge to start jumping around like you won a big prize or something?”

Scootaloo and Guilmon bashfully nodded their heads.

“So...did you talk to each other or win a prize?”

Scootaloo gave Piximon a flat look.

“I’m just kidding,” Piximon laughed.

Everyone looked to Scootaloo and Guilmon in amazement. They would’ve asked how they did it, or offered their congratulations. But any attempt to do so resulted in lips moving and silent groans.

“Alright, that’s enough meditating for now. Why don’t you all stretch your legs in the zen garden? Except for Scootaloo and Guilmon. I have some exercises I want you two to do to help control your telepathy.” Piximon turned to everyone else. “As for the rest of you, I hope this success puts any doubts you may have had to bed. Just keep trying, and you’ll discover the power of your bonds.”

Diamond Tiara looked at the card in front of her. An image of a hot air balloon was printed on it. Across from her, Hawkmon sat behind a small wooden barrier.

She looked up to Hawkmon, who smiled and nodded back to her before closing his eyes. Diamond Tiara took a deep breath and cleared her mind. A few moments later, she felt a slight tingling sensation pressing into the back of her mind. Taking a moment to relax, she allowed the sensation to pass through her head until it reached the back of her eyes. It lingered for a few moments before disappearing.

“A hot air balloon?” Hawkmon’s voice echoed in her head.

Diamond Tiara nodded. “Yep, that’s right. Alright, I guess it’s my turn now?”

Hawkmon nodded. “Ready when you are.”

Diamond Tiara closed her eyes and focused on Hawkmon. Feeling his presence, she focused on his eyes, and felt a barrier. She pressed into the barrier, as if she were knocking on a door. Soon afterward, she felt the barrier give way as Hawkmon let her in. Colors began to blur together until she could see a crystal clear image.

Across the table, Diamond Tiara saw herself, eyes closed and looking half asleep. A moment later, she felt Hawkmon’s gaze shift down to the table in front of him. She caught a glimpse of Hawkmon’s card before returning to her own sight.

“A kite?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Correct!” Hawkmon smiled. “Are you getting used to it?”

Diamond Tiara massaged her temples, still feeling an odd sensation. “It still feels weird looking through your eyes. And seeing myself like that was...kinda scary to be honest.”

Hawkmon quietly laughed to himself. Diamond Tiara smiled and looked around. Over the past few days, her friends had managed to reach out to their partners in the same way Scootaloo had. For Diamond Tiara and Hawkmon, this breakthrough happened two days ago. During meditation, she had a vision where she was wandering through a cave. She followed Hawkmon’s voice until they met in a large chamber filled with gemstones.

Armadillomon and Apple Bloom were over in the zen garden. They were collaborating on some elaborate art project involving squiggly lines and swirls. She couldn’t see it from where she sat, but it looked like they were having fun.

Everyone else was doing similar exercises with their partners. Everyone except for Silver Spoon, Terriermon, Rumble, and Bearmon. They continued to meditate in the gazebo, stealing glances towards everypony else.

“Okay then, I think that’s enough of that.” Piximon landed on one of the boulders in the zen garden. He tapped the base of his spear on the boulder, Diamond Tiara felt a rush of air hit her throat.

“Ugh, that feels weird,” Diamond Tiara coughed. “Hey...I can talk again!”

“Oh wow!” Sweetie Belle smiled. “I never thought I’d miss the sound of my own voice so much.”

“Yes well, congratulations. You all made it through the second phase of your training.” Piximon hovered over everyone. “Why don’t you all finish your chores and take the rest of the day off. We may have a bit more to do tomorrow, but you all should be done here soon.”

Everyone cheered as they began to file out of the area. But before they left, Piximon swooped down to Rumble and Silver Spoon. “Uh, not you two. Could I see you and your partners for a few minutes?”

Without waiting for a reply, Piximon hovered back towards the dojo. Everyone looked to Rumble and Silver Spoon, who looked a little nervous. Piximon’s tone sounded an awful lot like the kind of tone Ms. Cherilee would use when someone was in trouble.

Piximon led the four to a small dining area, and beckoned them to take a seat while he brewed some tea. After a few minutes of tense quiet, Bearmon was the first to speak.

“Um...a-are we in trouble Piximon?” he stuttered.

Piximon poured them their tea. “No, you’re not in trouble. But I can see that you four are having trouble.”

“I don’t understand,” Silver Spoon said before putting some sugar cubes in her tea.

“Everyone else has managed to tap into their bonds over the last few days. But you four seem to be having difficulties. Why is that?”

“I don’t know!” Silver Spoon groaned. “I listen to your directions, clear my mind and all that. But, it’s not working. I don’t know much about telepathy, but I’m pretty sure there’s more to it then—”

Piximon put his hand up. “Forget the telepathy, this has never been about that. This is about finding the connection you share with Terriermon.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense. How am I supposed to find it if I don’t know what it is?”

“And there’s the problem,” Piximon took a sip of tea. “You’re looking at this from a rational viewpoint. You’re trying to explain your bond as though it was something physical. You have to open your mind to other possibilities. Some things aren’t that easy to explain.”

Silver Spoon sulked in her seat while Terriermon looked down at his tea, lost in thought.

Piximon then turned to Rumble. “And as for you, I think I know what the problem is.”

“Huh?” Rumble looked up.

“I’ve noticed that you have trouble focusing during meditation. You start out alright, but as time goes on, your attention seems to drift. You focus on what’s around you, and sometimes you look like you’re on the verge of falling asleep.”

Rumble’s ears folded back as he slumped in his seat.

“Bearmon, Terriermon, I know you two have been having your own troubles too. So, tomorrow you’re all going to undergo a special training session. Hopefully, it’ll help you all push through these difficulties you’ve been having.”

“Okay, what’ll we be doing?” Terriermon asked.

Piximon smiled. “Oh, you don’t need to worry about that right now. For now, why don’t you all head back and spend some time with your friends. I’m sure you all have a lot to talk about.”

Thanking Piximon for the tea, they quietly left the room. Piximon stared down at his cup, gently swirling his tea for a few moments before adding a sugar cube. He watched the cube bob around atop the liquid before slowly dissolving.

"Hmm..." Piximon rubbed his chin. "That may just work for Rumble. But what to do about Silver Spoon?" After finishing his tea, Piximon closed his eyes. The sounds of the DigiDestined talking and playing became white noise as he meditated.

The next morning, after breakfast, Piximon issued everyone a list of chores for the day. He also announced some sparing time for the Digimon later on. He then turned to Rumble, Silver Spoon, Terriermon and Bearmon.

“As for the rest of you,” Piximon began. “It’s time for your special training.”

Rumble took a deep breath. “Okay, so what’re we gonna do?”

“First, you and Bearmon are going to be taking a shower.”

“Huh?” Rumble raised his eyebrow.

“But...you usually have us take one at the end of the day,” Bearmon pointed out. “Why are we taking another one this early?”

“Just do it, please,” Piximon sighed. “I’ll be with you two in a minute.”

“Oh...okay. Come on Rumble.”

Rumble threw up his hooves with a sigh as he followed Bearmon.

Piximon turned to Silver Spoon and Terriermon. “Now you two, come with me,” he ordered.

Silver Spoon and Terriermon followed Piximon as he led them to a small room. The room was empty save for two small jade lion statues which guarded the door, and a few lit candles. Two mats sat on opposite ends of the room.

“Take a seat,” he gestured to the mats. “Silver Spoon you sit on the left, Terriermon on the right.”

Silver Spoon walked over to her mat, and sat down so that she was facing Terriermon. “Alright, so what now?” Silver Spoon sighed.

“Well, the problem you seem to be having is that you are overthinking about the bond you share,” Piximon began. “Whether you’re aware of it or not, that bond has been growing ever since you two first met. I assume that Terriermon’s already digivolved at least once, am I right?”

“Yeah, when we were at Primary Village,” Terriermon recalled. “During the Gazimon attack.”

“Yeah,” Silver Spoon nodded. “We were trying to protect all the baby Digimon, and more and more Gazimon kept coming.”

Piximon nodded. “Well, in a way, you two were both tapping into the bond you share. You both felt the need to protect those Digimon, which gave Terriermon the power to digivolve.”

“Okay…” Silver Spoon scratched her head. “But what does that have to do with our current situation?”

“I think you both know that the bond is there. But you try to analyze it, figure out the best way to tap into it. What you can’t seem to accept is that there is no ‘best way’ to do it. It’s something that you have to trust yourself to discover on your own.”

Piximon hovered towards the entrance of the room, leaning his spear against the door. “Which brings us to our training here today. If my lessons aren’t helping, then perhaps you need a more ‘hands-on’ approach. Maybe a little pressure can help you find your way.”

Silver Spoon didn’t like where this was going. As she fidgeted in place, she couldn’t help but notice that the mat beneath her wasn’t budging. Like it was glued into place.

“Exactly what kind of situation are we talking about here?” Terriermon asked, looking a little worried.

“Oh, you’ll see in a moment,” Piximon smiled, as he placed a hand on top of one of the statues. “Oh, one more thing before we begin.” He raised his empty hand towards Silver Spoon. “Yoink!”

Silver Spoon had no time to react as her glasses flew off her face and into Piximon’s hand. As soon as he had them he turned the right ear on the statue.

“Hey, what’s the big ide— Aaaahhh!” Silver Spoon screamed as the mat dropped out from under her. She landed on a hard surface, feeling smooth metal brush across her back as she spiraled down a steel slide. She could barely see another slide across from her, the two spiraling together into a helix. Silver Spoon guessed the shouting white smudge on the other slide was Terriermon. Before Silver Spoon could say anything, the slides straightened out in opposite directions. Silver Spoon entered a small tunnel, which gently curved around. A few moments later, the slide ended, and she bounced out into a small, dimly lit room.

Brushing herself off, Silver Spoon picked up her sunhat and looked around. But without her glasses, she couldn’t make heads or tails of her surroundings. “What is this? Where am I?” she said with a worried tone.

“Hey Silver Spoon!” a voice called from above. “Are you okay?”

Silver Spoon looked up and saw a glass tunnel running along the ceiling. Squinting, she could make out a white and green smudge waving at her. “Yeah, I think so. How about you?”

“I’m good.”

“Where are we? I can’t see much without my glasses.”

“I don’t know. The room’s pretty empty, and I don’t see a door. There’s a tiled section of the floor in the center, but it looks like it’s missing a tile.”

Silver Spoon slowly walked towards the center of the room. Unlike the grey floors of the rest of the room, the tiles here were ceramic. They covered most of the floor, and she could make out black lines curving in no discernable pattern. Each tile seemed to have its own design that didn’t connect with the tiles nearby. Looking around, she could also see a slot where a tile seemed to be missing.

“Hmm…” Silver Spoon trotted over to the empty slot. “Terriermon, do these lines look like anything to you?”

“Nah, they kind of go all over the place. Wait, there’s something up here.” Silver Spoon watched the Terriermon smudge crawl towards another section of the tunnel. “There’s a picture of Piximon up here. Not sure why.”

Silver Spoon looked around the room, but couldn’t find any stray tiles. Looking down, she traced her hoof along the pattern of one of the tiles near the hole. As she pressed her hoof into the tile, it shifted a little. She slid it into the empty slot, then back again. “So that’s what it is,” she whispered. “Terriermon! I think these tiles are a puzzle. We gotta move the tiles around until they form an image.”

“Oh, okay. That would explain the picture up here. I bet this is what the tiles form.”

Silver Spoon stepped back to view the whole puzzle, but could only make out the edge closest to her. “Listen, I’m gonna need your eyes up there. Think you can guide me through this?”

“Moumentai! Let’s see if we can’t solve the edges and work our way inward. That tile you’re on looks like part of his left foot. Try moving it down and to the left.”

Terriermon continued to give directions for several minutes. As Silver Spoon slid the last tile into place, it gave a loud click. The sound of grinding gears filled the room as a part of the wall slid open.

“Something’s opened over here!” Silver Spoon said.

“Same up here,” Terriermon said. “I guess we go this way?”

“Great, first he takes my glasses and now he has us running like rats in a maze,” Silver Spoon grumbled. “Alright. I’m going through.”

“Right, see you on the other side!” Terriermon said as he crawled into the hole.

Meanwhile, Rumble and Bearmon met Piximon outside of the showers.

“Alright, we ready to start?” Piximon asked.

“I guess so,” Rumble shrugged. “Where are Silver Spoon and Terriermon?”

“Oh, I dropped them off at their training area. Now come on, we better get started with you two.”

Rumble and Bearmon followed Piximon down the dojo’s winding hallways. They soon arrived at a door emblazoned with a Yin Yang symbol. “Put your stuff in here for now,” Piximon gestured to a plastic bin next to the door. “Digivice, hat, belts, and that fancy little telescope thing on your head.”

Rumble and Bearmon looked to each other for a moment before complying. Rumble took off his Digivice and placed it in the bin, followed by his monocular. Bearmon took off his hat and unwrapped the belts around his paws, as well as the belt slung across his shoulder. Afterward, Piximon opened the door. Beyond it was a large room that housed two large white pods, separated by a paper sliding door.

“What are those supposed to be?” Rumble asked.

“These are sensory deprivation tanks,” Piximon explained as he opened a door at the top of one of the pods. The pod was half-filled with water that gave off a strong salty smell. “It places you in an environment that eliminates many of your external senses.”

“External senses?” Bearmon shuffled in place, wringing his paws.

Piximon nodded. “The tank is filled with saltwater so that you are able to float around, but unable to feel the bottom or sides of the tank. Once inside, the lights will turn off after a short amount of time, rendering you unable to see.”

“Oh, that’s real encouraging,” Rumble sardonically replied. “And how long are we going to be in these things?”

“About an hour,” Piximon said. “Without any distractions, I believe you’ll have an easier time meditating.”

Rumble eyed the two tanks with apprehension. They reminded him of coffins. And hearing that he was going to be spending an hour in there made him a little uneasy. He looked over to Bearmon, who was more nervous than he was. He fidgeted in place, shivering as he stared at the tanks. He kept eyeing the exit, as if the pods would come to life and swallow him whole.

“Hey, Bearmon?” Rumble placed a hoof on Bearmon’s arm, making him jump a little.

“I don’t wanna do this!” Bearmon reeled. “Floating around in the dark, not being able to feel anything? I’m scared!”

“Shh, shh...it’s okay. I’m kinda scared too, to be honest.”

“R-really?” Bearmon squeaked.

Rumble nodded. “But if this can help us out, we might as well give it a shot.”

Bearmon glanced back to the sensory deprivation tanks with a whimper.

“Hey, I’ll be right over here,” Rumble gestured to the tank closest to him. “I’ll be next to you the whole time.”

Bearmon squeezed Rumble’s hoof. “Well...okay then.”

Rumble patted Bearmon’s paw and smiled before turning to Piximon. “Alright, I think we’re ready.”

“Excellent,” Piximon flew over to a small table in the corner, returning with two pairs of earplugs. “Put these in and we can get started.”

After putting in the earplugs, Rumble climbed into the tank. The water was surprisingly warm, making him feel like he was stepping into a bathtub. But instead of sinking into the water, some unseen force kept pushing him up from below the water. Leaning back, he allowed himself to float.

“Hehe...cool,” Rumble smiled, marveling at the feeling of laying down on water. Across the room, he spotted Bearmon climbing into his tank. He chuckled as Bearmon got used to the buoyancy of the water. Bearmon looked back to Rumble with a nervous grin. Rumble managed to give him a quick smile before Piximon closed the divider between them.

“Alright, just lay back, relax, and remember what I taught you,” Piximon said as he gently closed the lid on Rumble’s tank.

Rumble looked around the smooth surface of the tank in the dim purple light. He then took a deep breath, wrinkling his nose at the smell of the saltwater. “Okay Rumble, just keep it cool. Take deep breaths. In...and out. In through the nose, and out through the mouth.” Rumble continued the exercise for the next few minutes. Then the lights began to dim until he was floating in darkness.

Silver Spoon and Terriermon entered the second room, which had a similar layout to the first one. This time, the puzzle was a large disk mounted on the other end of the room, broken up into rings. A barrier prevented Silver Spoon from getting close to it, leaving her unable to see it clearly.

“Hey Silver Spoon, what do you see down there?” Terriermon asked, his voice muffled.

“What did you say?” Silver Spoon asked back in a louder voice.

“I said, what do you see down there?!”

“I think I can see some kind of disk on the wall!”

“Okay, I see a remote sitting near you! Does it do anything?”

Silver Spoon picked up the remote, which was the size of a brick. In the center was a series of rings forming into a bullseye. Below that were three buttons. A circle flanked by two arrows pointing in opposite directions. Pressing the center button made a different ring light up on the remote. With the outermost ring lit up, Silver Spoon pressed the left arrow.

“Hey, the disk moved a bit,” Terriermon said.


“I said the disk moved a bit!” Terriermon shouted. “The outer part of it moved a bit to the left!”

“You see anything on the disk?” Silver Spoon shouted back.

“Yeah! There’s some kind of pattern on it. Keep turning disks, I’ll direct you!”

Silver Spoon turned the various disks left and right as Terriermon shouted directions. It wasn’t easy on his throat. But eventually, Silver Spoon turned the last disk into place, forming an image of a blooming lotus. A part of the wall slid open, and the two ventured into another room.

In the center of the room, a pillar of light shined on a glass case sitting on top of a pedestal. Silver Spoon walked up to the case, smiling when she saw her glasses sitting inside. A set of two dials were set up on the pedestal. One had eight colors and the other showed eight environments such as a desert and a mountain.

“All right, we’re almost there Terriermon.” Her remark was met only with silence. “Terriermon? Come on, this isn’t funny!” she said, panic leaching into her voice. She looked around frantically, but couldn’t find any sign of him.

Above her, Terriermon banged on the glass tunnel, calling out to her at the top of his lungs. But it was ultimately futile. Not only was the tunnel in this room soundproof, but the glass was also shaded. This made it blend in with the shadowy areas of the ceiling. Terriermon could see Silver Spoon, but she couldn’t see him.

Silver Spoon was on the verge of tears. “How could Terriermon just ditch me like this, when I need him most?” she began to sob. She took a deep breath, shaking her head clear of those thoughts. “No, my partner wouldn’t ditch me. He’s gotta be here somewhere. But if I can’t hear him, how are supposed to talk to each oth—” She stopped in her tracks, staring off into space. Her expression grew more and more cross. “Piximon…” she said with an irritated sigh. “I REALLY do not care for you right now!”

Silver Spoon sat on the floor and closed her eyes. Creasing her eyebrows, she focused all her efforts on reaching out to Terriermon.

Rumble’s breathing began to quicken. He didn’t know how long he had been floating in the sensory deprivation tank. Going so long without seeing or hearing anything was starting to make him a little nervous. A part of him wanted to turn his head to try and look around. But another part of him was worried about what would happen if he splashed saltwater in his face. So instead, he lay on top of the water, ramrod straight.

Am I even on water? Rumble thought. He had gotten so used to the water beneath him that it felt like he was floating in a vacuum rather than on water. How long have I been in here? Am I dreaming? Am…am I even alive right now? Rumble’s thoughts began to go a mile a minute. W-what if Piximon did something to me? He made my wings vanish two weeks ago, what if he did the same to my legs? Do I still have my legs? Do I still have a body?

Rumble could feel his heart beating faster in his chest as he began to hyperventilate. Frantically, he glanced at the darkness, looking for the edge of the tank, looking for a way out. As he reached out into the inky blackness with an unseen hoof, the realization hit him.

My breathing! Rumble thought. He remembered Piximon’s words when they first started meditation. The one real thing that they knew existed was their own breathing. And in this tank of total darkness, that was one of the only things he could feel right now.

Rumble took a deep breath, feeling the air travel through his nose, and down into his chest. He then breathed out, feeling the air brush past his lips. He repeated this act, again and again, allowing himself to relax in the water. Once his breathing had slowed down, he turned his thoughts to Bearmon. As he reflected on his time spent with the timid little bear, he began to see colors swirl in front of him. It looked like a shifting version of something a four-year-old would make with hoof paints. Gradually the colors began to coalesce until an image became clear.

Rumble found himself on a mountaintop, surrounded by churning storm clouds. Ahead of him, he saw a wide ravine, a large rocky spire with a flat top stood between the two sides. Peering across the ravine, he saw a small dark shape on the edge of the opposing cliff side. Rumble squinted, trying to get a closer look, but couldn’t make heads or tails of what it could be. Cursing the fact that he didn’t have his monocular or wings, he looked around for a path to the other side.

To his right, on a nearby tree, he found a grappling hook and rope. He grabbed the hook and rope and took position at the edge of the cliff. He twirled the end with the hook, building up momentum for a few moments before throwing it. The hook soared across the ravine, grabbing onto a tree limb on the spire. Rumble tied the other end to the nearby tree, testing the rope before shimmying across.

The wind buffeted against him, and the storm clouds continued to churn around him. But Rumble kept pushing forward until he reached the spire. Pulling himself up, he took another look across the ravine. On the other side of the chasm, he spotted Bearmon huddled in a fetal position.

“Bearmon!” Rumble called out.

Bearmon looked up, slowly picking himself up. “Rumble?” he called back.

Rumble looked around for something to help him reach Bearmon, but couldn’t find anything. “I can’t reach you. You’ll have to come to me. Is there anything over there you can use to cross?”

Bearmon looked around until he found a grappling hook behind a large rock.

“Yeah, there you go! Throw the hook over here!”

“Um…okay,” Bearmon nodded. He threw the hook across the ravine, landing it near Rumble. Rumble picked up the grappling hook and hooked it on the same tree he used to cross.

“Alright!” Rumble nodded. “Now tie the other end on something over there and come over towards me!”

Bearmon tied the other end of the rope to the large rock he found it at and shuffled towards the cliff. He eyed the rope and the vast distance between them. “I…I-I don’t know if I can do this,” Bearmon whimpered.

The sky around them grew angrier. The wind began to pick up, and distant thunder rumbled.

“Yes, you can. Look, don’t worry about anything else right now. Forget the storm and the ravine. Just focus on getting to me.”

Bearmon looked up to Rumble, tentatively grabbing onto the rope.

“You can do it, buddy.”

Bearmon nodded and began making his way across the rope. The going was slow, and any strong gust of wind made him freeze in place. But Rumble kept talking to him, giving words of encouragement. Eventually, Bearmon made it to the other side.

“See, you did it!” Rumble cheered as he helped him up.

Bearmon stood shakily, keeping his grip on Rumble. “I…I did it,” he whispered. A chuckle escaped his throat as a smile slowly grew on his face. “I did it!”

Rumble was wrapped into a bear hug faster than he could blink. “I knew you could big guy,” Rumble smiled, returning the hug.

As the two sat there on the spire, the skies began to clear. The sun broke through the clouds, warming the two friends.

Silver Spoon’s face was scrunched up into an expression of pure concentration. From an outsider’s perspective, it looked more like she was holding her breath while sucking on a lemon.

“Come on...come on!” she grumbled to herself, squeezing her shut eyes even tighter. Sweat began to drip down her forehead. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears. “Gah! Come on!” she shouted, throwing her forelegs up as she fell onto her back.

Silver Spoon glanced towards the glass case, taunting her with her out of reach glasses. With a heavy sigh, she shifted her gaze to the blurry ceiling. “Why can’t I do this?” she asked. “Am I focusing on the wrong thing?”

Silver Spoon thought back to Piximon’s meditation lessons. None of what he said made any sense to her. How am I supposed to clear my head and think of Terriermon at the same time? she thought. I can’t just empty my head of all my thoughts. And definitely not in a stressful situation like this. How am I supposed to stay focused on using telepathy with my partner if I’m not even sure he’s still in the room with me!

Forget the telepathy, this has never been about that. This is about finding the connection you share with Terriermon.” Piximon’s words echoed in her head.

“The connection we share…” Silver Spoon repeated. “But what does that mean? I know we’re partners, but focusing on that doesn’t seem to be—” Silver Spoon froze. She thought back to the time when everyone fell into that pit back in Rosetown. When she had trouble getting up to the cliff, Terriermon jumped back down and helped her. But looking back, it didn’t feel like he did it out of a sense of obligation. More like because he saw how much trouble she was having, and wanted to help her. Even if that meant jumping back down into a pit he just escaped from.

“No, not just partners...friends,” Silver Spoon smiled. “Wait...the connection we share. Connection, like our friendship? Is it that simple?”

Silver Spoon sat up, taking a moment to think about her possible breakthrough. “Well, only one way to find out.” She crossed her legs into a lotus position and closed her eyes. She focused on Terriermon’s smile, his laugh, how they met at Mt. Panorama, and the times he fought. She brushed any other thoughts aside, letting them drift past her like a stream. And whenever the doubt threatened to creep up on her, one word served as her anchor.

“Moumentai,” she whispered.

When she opened her eyes again, Silver Spoon found herself in a ruined temple, surrounded by fog. “Okay...this is new,” she said. Slowly, she wandered through the temple. As she walked, she looked around at the intricate designs on the stonework. Most of it was eroded though, or overrun by vines and moss.

After a while, she arrived in a massive room divided by a massive sinkhole. Peering over the edge, she shuddered when she couldn’t even see the bottom. Scattered throughout the sinkhole, massive pillars stood up from the bottom. Towards the center, a large shrine still stood above the hole.

As Silver Spoon thought about turning back, she spotted a small white shape sitting on the shrine. “Terriermon!” she shouted.

Terriermon turned towards Silver Spoon. “Silver Spoon, there you are!”

Silver Spoon looked around, trying to find a way over to the shrine. To her right, she spotted a pillar close to the edge. Like much of the surrounding temple, it looked on the verge of crumbling.

“Um, Sil?” Terriermon called as she scampered over to the pillar. “What are you doing?”

Silver Spoon stood on her hind legs and pressed against the pillar. “Improvising!” she grunted. “If I can make this thing fall over, then I’ll have a bridge to get over there.”

“Uh...that’s kind of a long shot.”

Silver Spoon dug her hooves into the ground and pushed. She pushed the pillar with all her might. But no matter how hard she tried, it wouldn’t budge.

“Okay...that’s not gonna work,” Silver Spoon slumped against the pillar.

“Just jump across the pillars,” Terriermon said. “Look, I can even see a straight path right here.”

Silver Spoon looked over to where Terriermon was gesturing. One of the ruined pillars standing from the bottom of the hole was within jumping distance. And the top of the pillar made an ideal platform. And the next two beyond that looked manageable too. But then she spotted the last pillar before the shrine, and her heart sank. “I don’t think I can make that last jump!”

Terriermon looked to the pillar in question and bit his lip. “Well, you’re gonna have to try. I can’t get over there from here.”

“Why not?”

Terriermon picked up a pebble and tossed it to Silver Spoon. A strong wind blew through the temple, sending it right back to Terriermon’s feet. “That’s why,” he said flatly, pointing to the pebble.

Silver Spoon scratched the back of her head as she weighed her options. Her gaze shifted from the pillar next to her to the ones in the sinkhole. After wandering back and forth a few times, she stopped and gazed at the pillars in the hole. “I can’t force my way across…” she whispered. She took a step back, noting the other sunken pillars.


After a few moments, Silver Spoon began walking to the far left side of the hole. “I think I see another path across. It’s a bit longer, but I think I can manage it.” Stopping at the edge of the pit, she eyed the pillar closest to her. After taking a moment to muster up her courage, she jumped onto the pillar. Feeling more confident, she jumped onto the next few pillars. Taking a moment to plan her route, she continued her winding journey across the sinkhole. Soon she was flowing from one pillar to the next without a moment’s hesitation.

When Silver Spoon finally made it to the shrine, she ran straight for her partner. “Haha! I did it!” she cheered as she scooped up Terriermon in a big hug.

Terriermon gave her a playful jab. “Took you long enough, you stubborn pony.”

Silver Spoon gave him a noogie. “I prefer to think of it as fashionably late.”

Silver Spoon opened her eyes again, her head feeling clearer than before. “Terriermon, can you hear me?” she thought.

After a couple of moments, she heard Terriermon’s voice ringing in her head. “Yeah I can hear you. Listen, there are a couple of clues up here. They say Sky A and Green B.”

“I think I understand what that means.” Silver Spoon walked up to the two dials. On the first, she turned it to an image of a clear blue sky. And on the second dial, she turned it to the color green. Once they both clicked into place, the case opened up. Silver Spoon walked up to the pedestal and gingerly picked up her glasses. The moment she put them on, she heard the pitter-patter of small feet running towards her.

“You did it!” Terriermon leaped onto Silver Spoon, sending them tumbling to the ground in a fit of laughter.

“We did it,” Silver Spoon corrected, adjusting her glasses with a smile. “I couldn’t have done any of this without you, Terriermon.”

“Aw...come here ya stubborn pony,” Terriermon wrapped Silver Spoon in a hug, using both his arms and massive ears. Silver Spoon returned the embrace, gently nuzzling his cheek.

Looking over his shoulder, Silver Spoon saw the darkened glass of the tube Terriermon was in. Towards the end, a part of the side had opened up, allowing him to escape. Towards the back of the room, an open doorway led to a staircase leading up.

“Come on, what do you say we get out of here?” Silver Spoon asked.

But Terriermon didn’t loosen his grip. “Can it wait a few more minutes?”

Silver Spoon closed her eyes with a chuckle. “Okay, sure.”

The next morning, Silver Spoon and Rumble shared stories of their training with the rest of the gang. Afterward, the conversation shifted to how everyone connected with their partners. Apple Bloom quietly ate her breakfast as everyone talked.

“So, you were in some kind of foggy temple?” Babs asked. “That’s cool.”

“Yeah, what did yours look like? A park?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Yeah, Pinto Park. I go there with my friends and family all the time. Except it was deserted and overgrown. Took a while to find Veemon goin’ through that mess, let me tell ya.”

Diamond Tiara sat next to Silver Spoon with a plate full of fruit and toast. “I still can’t believe Piximon had you go through all that without your glasses!”

“At least you could kinda see what was happening around you,” Rumble piped in. “Floating around in that tank wasn’t exactly my idea of a good time.”

“Ya know I think I heard my sista’s friend talkin’ about doing something like that at a spa or somethin’,” Babs Seed said.

“I can’t imagine why somepony would volunteer to do something like that,” Scootaloo said.

As the conversation went on, Piximon fluttered into the room. “So, how is everyone doing this morning? Good?”

“Great!” Armadillomon lifted his face from his plate, licking his lips. “These omelets really hit the spot!”

“Glad you enjoy them.” Piximon hovered at the center of the table. “Look at you all. I almost find it hard to believe you were the sad lot of wanderers I found collapsed in the desert a couple of weeks back. But now that you’ve completed your training, I know you all have what it takes to face whatever lies ahead.”

Everyone cheered, giving each other high fives, hooves, or paws. Glasses of milk and orange juice were raised in unorganized toasts to each other’s success.

“Before you all leave, I have a few parting gifts for you.” Piximon rounded the corner and brought back a box. Inside were a few days worth of rations, extra canteens, and a map showing the northwestern part of Server. “I’ve marked a path through the desert for you,” Piximon pointed to a red dotted line. “And I’ve also marked places for you all to stop and camp. If you keep a decent pace, you should be able to make it to Scrap City at the northern edge of the desert.”

“Thank you so much Piximon,” Silver Spoon smiled as she started sorting out the new gear.

“Oh, one more thing,” Piximon twirled his spear in the air before tapping it on the ground.

Rumble and Scootaloo felt a tingling sensation along their backs. Looking back, smiles broke across their faces as their wings appeared in a burst of pixels.

“Oh wow! I never thought I’d miss these little guys so much!” Scootaloo fluttered her tiny wings, making her hover in the air for a few moments.

“Woohoo!” Rumble cheered as he did loop de loops around the room.

After breakfast, Piximon led the DigiDestined down the mountain, and towards the treeline. Everyone stared out into the desert with trepidation.

“Well, this is where we part ways,” Piximon said. “I hope you’ll take what you’ve learned here, and use it to become the heroes the DigiDestined are meant to be. And I hope you stick to the route I marked out for you because I won’t be around to save your sorry tails again. You understand me numbskulls?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Rumble rolled his eyes. “Stick to the trail, rest at the stops, stay away from cactuses.”

“It was one time!” Sweetie Belle shouted, making everyone laugh.

Veemon stepped up to Piximon and did a short bow. “Thank you Piximon, for everything. This whole experience has been...incredible.”

“For sure…” Babs Seed nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Piximon.”

Everyone gave their thanks, making Piximon blush. “Well, I think that’s enough chit-chat. You’re burning daylight.” Piximon used his spear to pull the invisible barrier aside like a curtain. “Good luck out there.”

Apple Bloom gazed out into the desert. No pony or Digimon had good memories of that place. And feeling the heat across her face was bringing them all back with a vengeance. Part of her wanted to stay at Piximon’s place. Sure, he could be a bit pushy, and they’d probably be working the whole time they were there. But it was still safer than wandering out into the desert again, right?

Apple Bloom?” Armadillomon’s voice echoed in her head. She looked down at her partner, who stared back with a smile. “We got this. We’re stronger, and we’re ready this time!

Apple Bloom nodded with a wink. “Darn tootin’!

“Alrighty ya’ll, let’s get movin’!” Apple Bloom said, leading the way out into the desert.

“Onwards, to Scrap City and out of this oversized sandbox!” Scootaloo cheered, prompting laughs from everyone.

None of them noticed the Gizumon lurking beneath the sand a few yards away.

Mephistomon grinned as he watched the live feed from the Gizumon. “Gotcha…” he scoffed, turning to NeoDevimon. “They’re on their way to Scrap City, on the northern end of the desert.”

NeoDevimon nodded. He then turned to Tapirmon, who was hovering nearby. “You know your mission. Shadow the DigiDestined, and infiltrate their dreams. Uncover as much as you can about their world. Report back to me through the Gizumon, I want daily reports.”

“I will not fail you, my master,” Tapirmon bowed.