• Published 4th Dec 2016
  • 6,244 Views, 180 Comments

Digimon: A New Legacy of DigiDestined - ShadowBolt96

What begins as a trip to summer camp turns into the adventure of a lifetime for the CMC and their friends.

  • ...

Chapter 3: The First Night

The only sounds that could be heard were that of the waves lapping against the cliff face as the group sat in silence. Rumble looked around to see everypony either looking around nervously, or lost in thought. Silver Spoon was glancing between everypony else, waiting for somepony to speak up. The Digimon sat on the side, curious as to what was going to happen. And Apple Bloom was pacing back and forth, occasionally stopping to scratch her head or look at the group.

After three minutes of total silence, Apple Bloom finally spoke up. “Okay, um...maybe we should go over what we know so far.”

“What we know so far?” Silver Spoon asked. “Okay, here’s the deal: We got sucked into a machine, got knocked unconscious, woke up separated from each other, got chased by a giant stag beetle—”

“Plus a giant praying mantis if you count me and Apple Bloom,” Diamond Tiara interrupted.

“Nearly got eaten by said giant stag beetle,” Silver Spoon continued. “And now here we are wondering WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW!” Everyone recoiled at the sudden escalation of Silver Spoon’s rant as she started breathing heavily, her glasses slightly askew.

Diamond Tiara slowly approached her friend. “Okay um, Silver Spoon? Maybe you should try to calm down a bit.”

Silver Spoon turned towards Diamond Tiara. “Calm down? How can you be calm after what just happened? Do you need me to go over all that again?”

“Uh no, I was there too. But you’re kinda forgetting something.”


“We’re fine,” Diamond Tiara paused to let that sink in. “We were able to get out of there without so much as a scratch.”

Silver Spoon looked down in thought, then glanced over at Guilmon and Armadillomon. “Yeah, but...what if they weren’t there to help?”

“But they were. And that’s the only thing that matters right now. We’re all okay.”

“That’s right,” Sweetie Belle said. “It won’t do us any good if we worry about what might have happened.”

“Right,” Diamond Tiara said. “So, take a deep breath, okay? Because to be honest, you’re scaring me a bit here.”

Silver Spoon gave a light chuckle. She took a deep breath before adjusting her glasses. “Okay, I’m good. Thanks Di.”

“Anytime Sil,” Diamond Tiara smiled before giving her best friend a quick hug.

Silver Spoon looked toward the rest of the group, rubbing the back of her head. “Sorry about that everypony. I didn’t mean to snap like that.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “It’s alright. But now we need to figure out what to do next.”

“Maybe we can find some way back home through the jungle,” Rumble suggested. “I mean, we ended up there in the first place. Maybe we can find the way we got here.”

“Well, we kinda ended up all ova’ the place,” Babs Seed said. “That’s a lot of ground to cover.”

“And I didn’t see any doorways, magical or otherwise,” Silver Spoon said. “I think we were sent here by teleportation, not a portal. If it was a portal we all would have woke up in the exact same spot.”

“How do you know that?” Rumble asked.

“I read about it in one of my dad’s old books,” Silver Spoon said. “They were from his days studying at Canterlot. There was a whole chapter dedicated to teleportation. I was curious about it after seeing Princess Twilight constantly teleport like it was nothing. I mean, I heard that it was difficult for most unicorns, but it comes to her so...” She looked up to see everyone staring at her.

“Wow,” Sweetie Belle said. “You seem to know quite a bit about that.”

Silver Spoon blushed. “Yeah, when something peaks my interest, I like to find out more about it.”

“That’s pretty neat,” Apple Bloom said. “But I don’t think brainstormin’ ways to get home is our biggest concern right now.”

Babs looked over at Apple Bloom. “Whaddya mean?”

“Well, we got dropped here without any of our stuff. We don’t have any food or water, and from the looks of things it’s gonna be dark in a few hours. I think we need to focus on findin’ a place to camp, preferably near a source of fresh water. If we can find somethin’ to eat then that would be great. But water is the most important thing.”

“So, where do you suggest we look?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Apple Bloom thought back to the times she and Applejack went hiking. Applejack would often take some time after setting up camp to teach Apple Bloom a couple things regarding wilderness survival. Sometimes Apple Bloom would ask why she needed to know how to build a shelter or start a fire if they had a tent and matches. Applejack would then say, “Cause’ one day, you may find yourself in a situation where ya don’t have any of the camping gear we brought. If that happens, you’ll be glad you’ve got a big sister who taught ya what to do.” Now, she could almost hear Applejack saying, “I told ya so!”

Apple Bloom pushed back the urge to smile and focused on the situation at hoof. “Well, we should go further inland. We might be able to find a stream, or some other source of running water.”

Palmon put a hand up. “I think I know someplace like that. It’s not too far from here.”

“But what if that giant bug shows up again?” Rumble asked.

“After takin’ a beatin’ like that, I doubt it,” Armadillomon replied.

“Alright then, let’s go,” Apple Bloom said as Palmon led the group back into the jungle.

The group walked through the jungle in silence, keeping an eye out for any other Digimon. Every sound, save for that of buzzing mosquitoes, put everypony on edge. Fortunately, the trip was uneventful as Palmon led them to a large stream.

“Here we are,” said Palmon. “I come here sometimes for a drink of water. The trees take up a lot of space here, so this place isn’t ideal for any big Digimon looking to establish their territory.”

Apple Bloom looked around. Though there was some open space near the stream, the trees were still close enough to create natural barriers. It would be difficult for anything like Kuwagamon or Snimon to move around here. Looking to the stream, she figured it would be better to be safe than sorry. She walked to the stream, and took a small sip of the water. It didn’t have any funny taste to it, or seem to have any sediment from the bottom of the stream. With her caution satisfied, Apple Bloom lowered her head back down and drank some more.

Seeing no objections from Apple Bloom, the rest of the group came up to the stream to quench their thirst. After everyone drank their full, they took a seat in the shade.

“Okay, so we’ve got water taken care of,” Rumble said. “What are we gonna do about food?”

“I think I saw a few of those mango trees further back,” Diamond Tiara said, gesturing towards the treeline behind them. “But we need to find a place to sleep.”

“What’s wrong with sleepin’ here?” asked Apple Bloom.

“What, you mean in the dirt?”

“Well, there ain’t exactly a motel around here.”

“Yeah, but…”

“Look, none of us are exactly thrilled about this,” said Scootaloo. “But we have to work with what we have.”

“Well, what if it rains?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Well, we’re obviously gonna need to build a shelter,” Apple Bloom said, looking around at the size of the group. “Probably a few.”

Silver Spoon slumped down. “We’ve been running around all day! My legs are killing me.”

“Alright, we can take a break. But we need to have somethin’ up before it gets dark.”

Sweetie Belle put a hoof to her chin. “You think maybe we can make some sort teepee or hut out of the leaves here? I saw some pretty big ones lying around.”

“That could take awhile though,” Apple Bloom said as she glanced at the sun’s position. “From the looks of things, we have a couple of hours till’ sunset. I think our best bet is to make a few lean-tos and then use whatever materials we have left to make a fire.”

“A few what?” asked Guilmon.

Apple Bloom looked around and picked up a couple of sticks. “A lean-to. It’s a simple shelter to make.” She held one stick up straight and held the other so it was touching the top of the first stick at an angle. “Basically, you make a frame by leaning two big sticks on a couple of big sticks standin’ upright. Then have another stick goin’ across the top, between the two. Then we take some more sticks and lay them across the frame. We can also place some of the larger leaves around on top to protect against any rain. It might not be a bad idea to cover up the sides too.”

Scootaloo raised her hoof. “So, it’s essentially a slanted roof open to one side?”

“Pretty much,” Apple Bloom shrugged.

“But what happens if the wind blows towards the opening? It won’t do us much good then.”

“Well, what if we had four shelters,” Apple Bloom said as she picked up four small rocks. She then positioned them like the directions on a compass. “If we positioned them like this, then the wind would be blocked from four different sides. And if we build a fire in the middle, the shelters should contain at least some of the heat.”

“Hmm...sounds good to me,” said Armadillomon. Everyone else either nodded their head or murmured in agreement.

“So, should we split up and have some of us get food while the rest build the shelters?” Rumble asked.

Apple Bloom scratched the back of her head. “I think it would be better if we focussed on building the shelters first. Hopefully then it’ll get done quickly.”

“Well, nothing’s going to get done if we sit on our rumps all evening,” Scootaloo said before getting up. “Come on everypony, and Digimon, we’re burning daylight!”

For the next hour and a half, the group worked to gather the necessary materials and build the lean-to shelters. Guilmon and Palmon were especially helpful during the construction of the frames. They would lend a hand to hold the sticks in place while Sweetie Belle used her magic to lash the sticks together with vines. Armadillomon would help break down larger sticks with his claws.

Before long, everyone was looking at four lean-to shelters. Each one built to block the wind from a different angle. The roofs were covered with large leaves and twigs. The sides of the shelters were covered in a similar manner, protecting the occupants from the elements from three sides.

As the group looked at the completed project, Rumble was the first to speak up. “For something that had to be put together fairly quickly, it doesn’t look that bad.”

“Yeah, not bad at all,” Apple Bloom agreed.

Before anyone else could say anything, a loud grumble made everyone look to Sweetie Belle. “Hehe...sorry. I’m kinda hungry,” Sweetie Belle blushed. “Diamond Tiara, didn’t you say that there were some mango trees near here?”

“Yeah,” Diamond Tiara replied. “I saw a few of them not too far from here.”

“Well, the hard part is just about done,” Apple Bloom said. “Alright, why don’t you take Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Guilmon with ya. Try to get as much as ya can.”

“What about the rest of you?”

“Well, we need to work on makin’ a campfire. We can also use some of the leftover leaves we have to make bedding for the shelters.”

“Okay then,” Diamond Tiara said, turning to Sweetie Belle. “Let’s go.”

“Come on Guilmon,” Scootaloo said, going after Diamond Tiara.

“Okee dokee,” Guilmon replied.

As the three ponies, and Guilmon, walked into the treeline, Diamond Tiara heard Apple Bloom instructing everyone else. “Alright, we wanna make sure that the fire doesn’t burn the shelters. So first we need to dig away the grass where the fire will be. Then, we should get some…” The rest of it faded out as they went further away.

Diamond Tiara led them to a few mango trees not far from their camp. “Alright, this should be easy,” Diamond Tiara said, walking confidently to the tree. “We just get the fruit and get back.” She turned around near the tree, bucked the trunk and waited for the fruit to fall out.

Except that nothing did fall out. Diamond looked back up the tree to see the mangoes still hanging off the tree. She gave another kick...nothing. “Come. On!” she shouted, finishing each word with a kick. She heard a soft thump to her right, and turned to see one mango had fallen out. She looked up to see Guilmon with his head tilted to one side, while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were trying their best not to laugh. “Oh, shut up and help me out here,” Diamond Tiara grumbled.

Meanwhile at the campsite, Armadillomon had dug a small, shallow fire pit. Babs had built a ring around the fire pit using rocks from near the stream. Currently she was helping Apple Bloom build the fire, arranging small sticks into the shape of a teepee. Rumble, Palmon and Silver Spoon were using some of the larger, soft leaves to make bedding for the shelters.

“Kinda small, don’t ya think coz?” Babs Seed said, placing another stick on the teepee. “Don’t we want the fire to be a bit bigger?”

“Well yeah, but the fire has to be able to grow first,” said Apple Bloom. “If you put too much on it, the fire will smother out.”

Silver Spoon had finished up one of the shelters when she heard some kind of battle cry from nearby, followed by the sound of an impact. “What was that?” she asked.

The others looked up from what they were doing, trying to locate the disturbance. “I don’t know,” said Palmon. “You stay here, I’ll go check it out. I’ll call you if I need help.”

As Palmon ran off into the jungle, Rumble began to worry. “That sounded close by, do you think the others are alright?”

“I’m sure they’re fine,” Babs said. “Besides, they’ve got Guilmon with them.”

Silver Spoon looked from the jungle back to the campfire construction. “Hey Apple Bloom? I’ve been meaning to ask, how do you plan on lighting that?”

Apple Bloom stopped and stared at the fire pit. “Well...uh—”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You mean to tell me you’ve been setting up a fire this whole time, and you have no idea how to light it!”

“Hey!” Babs Seed shouted, getting up. “Back off! She’s gotten us this far, just give her a few minutes. She’ll come up with somethin’. Right cuz?”

“Uh, yeah,” Apple Bloom replied. She put a hoof to her head, trying to concentrate. She knew that if they didn’t have a fire by nightfall, it was going to be a long night for everyone. “Maybe we can use your glasses Silver Spoon.”

“My glasses?” Silver Spoon replied, putting a hoof up to the object in question.

“Yeah. Maybe if we hold them so that they focus the sunlight onto the tinder, we can light the fire that way.”

Silver Spoon looked to the fire pit, then up to the trees and the setting sun. “I’m not sure the sun’s at a good enough angle for that.”

Apple Bloom looked at the fire pit and realized she was right. There was barely any sunlight on the firepit, and using the glasses might take too long to light it. They would run out of sunlight before they even got an ember. “Well, uh...I’m open to suggestions.”

Before anypony could put forth any suggestions, Guilmon came walking out of the forest rubbing his head. The rest of the group came out shortly afterwards, with Palmon dragging a large leaf with a small pile of mangoes.

“I just wanna know, what were you thinking?” Scootaloo asked, trotting up next to Guilmon. “I mean, what made you think that that was a good idea?”

“I don’t know,” Guilmon groaned.

Scootaloo shook her head. “You are something else.”

“What’s goin’ on?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well, we got plenty of mangoes,” said Diamond Tiara. “Partly due to Guilmon using a rather...unconventional method to get them out of one of the trees.”

“So, what did we miss over here?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Oh, not much,” Silver Spoon said. “The shelters are done, and we have a campfire that we have no idea how to light.”

“Wait, what do you mean?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“I mean the so-called 'survival expert' here doesn’t know how we’re supposed to make the pile of sticks catch fire. What more do you need to know?” Silver Spoon replied. Behind her, Babs Seed was looking at the large stick in her hoof, and the distance between her and Silver Spoon.

“Hold on a minute,” Sweetie Belle said, a hoof to her chin. “Apple Bloom, remember how your sister started the campfires when we went to Winsome Falls? Didn’t Applejack use some kind of bow or something?”

“Yeah, she said it was the 'bow and drill' method,” Apple Bloom replied. “I thought about that, but there’s not really anything we can use for the string of the bow. The vines are too thick.”

“Well what can we use?”

“Well, if one of ya’ll happens to have any string or dental floss, then that would be great.”

“Wait...dental floss?” Babs Seed asked. “What good is that gonna—”

“PYRO SPHERE!” Guilmon shouted from a few feet behind Apple Bloom and Babs Seed, causing the two fillies to jump. They looked back in time to see him launch a small fire ball into the fire pit. In a few moments, the sticks inside were aflame. Guilmon looked up at the two stunned ponies with a smile. “How did I do?”

Apple Bloom looked from Guilmon to the fire. “Huh...that works too, I guess.”

“How come none of us thought of that sooner?” Babs Seed asked, before giving a small salute towards Guilmon. “Thanks big guy.”

“Well, I don’t know about you all, but I’m starvin’,” said Armadillomon. “Who’s up for some grub?”

As night fell, the group ate in relative silence. As Sweetie Belle finished her second mango, she looked around the campsite. Guilmon was in front of the largest shelter next to Scootaloo, who had the foresight to help make a shelter big enough for both of them. Babs Seed, Apple Bloom and Armadillomon were having a chat in their shelter. Palmon was sitting right next to Sweetie Belle, with Rumble on her left. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon seemed to be lost in thought. Diamond Tiara was staring into the fire while Silver Spoon was taking her time on her second mango.

Sweetie Belle tried thinking of something to say, when she heard a small gust of wind behind her. She looked towards the back of the shelter, listening to the wind buffet against the wall of leaves and sticks. She waited for at least some small chill to pass through the makeshift barrier, but none came. She looked towards Apple Bloom. “Good call on the shelters Apple Bloom. They do a great job at blocking the wind.”

Apple Bloom smiled back. “Thanks Sweetie Belle. I’m just glad we were able to get em up in time.”

“Honestly, I kinda had fun building them,” Scootaloo said, looking around her shelter. “Kinda reminds me of the time we had a sleepover at Sweetie Belle’s house. Remember how we built those forts and had a pillow fight?”

“Oh yeah,” Sweetie Belle replied. “I remember how yours had almost fallen apart halfway through that. Then all of a sudden, you burst out with a pillow over your head yelling 'Banzai!', and leapt at Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle laughed.

“Hey, you did not see the look on her face when she came after me,” Apple Bloom said. “She meant business when she did that.”

Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom with narrowed eyes. “I did what I had to do. I swore that Fort Feather Wall would not fall in vain.” Her face broke into a grin. “Plus, seeing the look on your face made it totally worth it.” She leaned back, eyes wide, and put her hooves up while opening her mouth in a silent scream. This sent the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders into a laughing fit.

Throughout this exchange, Silver Spoon looked around the campsite. Her gaze shifted between the shelter she was in, the campfire and Apple Bloom. Her gaze lingered on the campfire for a few moments before she looked up to Apple Bloom. “I’m sorry,” she said.

Apple Bloom looked at Silver Spoon. “For what?” she asked.

“For earlier, about the fire. It’s just...you seemed to know exactly what to do at the time. You came up with a plan, told us how to build these shelters and everything. But then, when you got stuck on how to light the fire, I immediately assumed we would never get it lit. And I...lashed out at you when you didn’t deserve it.”

“Well, I didn’t know what to do. If Guilmon didn’t light the fire like he did, we probably wouldn’t have one.” Apple Bloom smiled. “But that’s the beauty of bein’ part of a team. Nopony has the whole solution. We all have some part of it, we just have to figure out how the pieces fit.”

Silver Spoon looked down. “Yeah well, some help I turned out to be today. All I did was complain and have two freakouts ever since we got here.”

Apple Bloom frowned. But before she could offer any comforting words, Rumble spoke up. “Hey, check that out,” he said.

Apple Bloom looked over to Rumble to see him staring up at something. “What is it?” she asked before looking up. “What do you...see?”

Everyone else looked up. Nopony could stop their jaws from dropping at the sight that was above them. Stars covered every inch of the clear night sky, turning what should have been an inky black into a dark blue. They could see hundreds of stars clustered in a kind of streak across the sky, like a dark cloud that had formed in space. It was as though Princess Luna herself painted a masterpiece, and had used the entire night sky as her canvas.

“Wow…” Scootaloo said.

“You said it…” Diamond Tiara said.

“That’s...how come the sky back home isn’t this pretty?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Speak for yourself,” Babs Seed said. “Back in Manehattan, I’m lucky to see more than one star at night.”

“Wait, seriously?” Apple Bloom asked, turning to look at Babs. “I mean, it’s not like this in Ponyville but we can still see a fair bit of constellations. How come it ain’t like that in Manehattan?”

“Light pollution,” said Silver Spoon.

Rumble tore his gaze away from the night sky and looked at Silver Spoon. “Say what?” Everyone else looked to Silver Spoon, curious as to what she meant as well.

“Yeah, apparently the lights that are left on at night affect the way we see the stars. Their lights overpower that of the stars, which makes them seem faint. That’s why it’s hard to see them in certain towns.”

Babs Seed blew her hair out of her eyes as she looked back up. “As somepony who comes from the city that never sleeps, that makes a lot of sense.”

“So...we could be seeing this every night?” Scootaloo asked. “But we don’t because we leave the lights on?”

“More or less,” Silver Spoon shrugged before looking up.

Apple Bloom glanced at Silver Spoon. Was she always this smart? she thought. Her gaze drifted down to the device on her foreleg, which was white with turquoise buttons. Apple Bloom then looked down at the device on her own foreleg. She stared at it for a few moments before turning back to Silver Spoon. “Hey, Silver Spoon. What do you think of these? I mean, what do ya think they are?” Apple Bloom asked, gesturing to her device.

Silver Spoon looked up at Apple Bloom before looking down to her left foreleg. “I don’t know. One thing I know for sure is that they’re part of the reason we’re in this mess.”

Scootaloo looked at the gadget on her foreleg before looking up at Apple Bloom. “Do you remember what happened back in the woods with Kuwagamon?” she asked. Apple Bloom looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Right before Upamon and Gigimon digivolved, these things started glowing.”

Apple Bloom glanced at her device, then looked at Armadillomon. “Yeah, you’re right,” Apple Bloom replied. “You think that they had somethin’ to do with that?”

Silver Spoon looked down at the buttons on her device. She lifted up a hoof to press one of the smaller buttons on the right.

“Uh, do you think it’s a good idea to just start pushing buttons?” Rumble asked.

Silver Spoon glanced up at him. “Do you have the instruction manual that came with yours?” Rumble glanced down at the black and purple gadget on his foreleg, trying to come up with a response. “Didn’t think so,” Silver Spoon said.

Silver Spoon looked back down at the device. She pressed the button on the upper right, and the screen displayed an image of a magnifying glass. She pressed it again, and an image of a lightbulb came up. When she pressed the small button on the lower right, the screen went back to the magnifying glass. Okay, but do they actually do anything? she thought. She pressed the larger button on the left. Silver Spoon leaned back, eyes wide as the device projected a holographic screen.

“Whoa,” said Scootaloo. “How’d you do that?”

“When I pressed the smaller buttons, the screen would show different images.” Silver Spoon explained, still staring at the screen. “I pushed the large button when there was a picture of a magnifying glass.” She tilted her foreleg back and forth, watching how the holographic screen would also tilt.

Diamond Tiara leaned over to look at the screen. “But, what does it do? I mean, it’s blank.”

Silver Spoon shrugged. “Beats me.” She glanced up to see a small targeting reticule slide out from the top of the screen, then tilt itself up at an angle. She noticed that the ring inside the reticule was empty. As she continued to tilt the hologram, the reticule passed over Armadillomon, causing it to slightly fill up.

Silver Spoon paused, watching as the circular meter slowly drained. She looked from the screen to Armadillomon, who was watching the spectacle with silence. She repositioned the targeting reticule over Armadillomon until the ring was completely filled up. The device gave off a chirp, and the screen displayed a rotating image of Armadillomon, along with various other statistics.

Name: Armadillomon

Level: Rookie

Attribute: Free


Diamond Shell

Claw Chopping

Rigid Block

Silver Spoon stared at the screen with wide eyes. “Huh...that’s neat.” She looked up. “This thing gave me a list of the attacks that Armadillomon can do. Along with a couple other stats.”

Scootaloo looked at Guilmon, then down at her device. She pressed the upper right button to bring up the magnifying glass, then pressed the large button, bringing up the holographic screen. She then pointed the reticle at Guilmon, watching as the ring filled up. Like Silver Spoon’s device, Scootaloo’s gave off a chirp before displaying Guilmon’s information.

Name: Guilmon

Level: Rookie

Attribute: Virus


Pyro Sphere

Rock Breaker

“Cool.” Scootaloo said.

Sweetie Belle looked down at her green and orange device. “So, what else can this thing do?” She pressed the upper right button twice and brought up an image of a light bulb. When she pressed the large button, the screen lit up like a flashlight. She pointed it so that she wasn’t looking directly into it. She waited for the device to bring up some kind of holograms, but nothing happened. Experimentally, she pressed the large button again, turning the light off, then on, then off again.

“You tryin’ to send us signals or somethin’?” Apple Bloom asked, causing Sweetie Belle to look up.

Sweetie Belle glanced up at Apple Bloom. “No, I’m trying to see if this does anything cool like Silver Spoon’s did.” She looked back down at the device. “But I think this is just some kind of flashlight function.”

Babs Seed looked at Sweetie Belle’s device, then back at the blue and white one on her own foreleg. She got up and began to walk away from the campfire.

“Where you goin’ Babs?” Apple Bloom asked.

Babs Seed looked back. “I wanna try somethin’.” She trotted outside of the light of the campfire. She looked down at her device and switched on the flashlight function. Her device emitted a blue light that allowed her to see a few yards in front of her. “Hmm, not bad,” she said, nodding her head before trotting back to the campfire.

“So, these things have a flashlight and some kind of analyzer,” Silver Spoon said. “Maybe these were some kind of research tools. Maybe the ponies who made these things were studying this place.”

“But that doesn’t explain how they made Gigimon and Upamon digivolve,” Scootaloo said.

“Who says that these things were the cause? Maybe you switched on the flashlight by accident. Those two digivolving at the same time may have been a coincidence.”

Scootaloo looked from her device to Guilmon. “I don’t know…” she said.

Sweetie Belle gave off a yawn. “Well, I don’t know about anypony else, but I’m exhausted.”

“Well we did have an...interesting day,” Rumble said. “Not to mention it’s 9:30.”

Everyone turned to Rumble. “How do you know that?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Rumble lifted his left foreleg, showing his device. “Turns out this thing is also a watch.”

Diamond Tiara looked down at her device, scrolling up until she found an image of a clock. Sure enough, when she clicked on it, a digital clock showing 9:30 p.m. came up.

“Huh, well thats pretty neat and all, but…” Apple Bloom started before she let out a small yawn. “I’m plum tuckered myself. G’night y’all.” And with that, she settled down to try to get some sleep.

Diamond Tiara looked around the campsite as everypony tried to get comfortable on their leafy beds. She looked to Scootaloo, who was already fast asleep next to Guilmon. As Guilmon let out a huge yawn, Diamond Tiara couldn’t help but look at the sharp teeth in his mouth. How can she sleep so easily while close to something like that? she wondered. She shifted her gaze towards Armadillomon, who was sleeping next to Apple Bloom.

Diamond Tiara thought back to how Upamon became Armadillomon, and how he fought to protect them from Kuwagamon. He was under no obligation to do so, and yet he had saved Apple Bloom’s life, as well as her own, twice in one day. Why did you help us? Why are you still helping us? she thought.

She looked to Silver Spoon, wondering if her best friend had any thoughts. Unfortunately, it seemed as though the Sand Mare had already beaten her to it. Diamond Tiara watched Silver Spoon as her chest rose and fell. She looked down at the bed of leaves that she sat on and sighed. Well, if she can sleep on this…. She lay down on the soft leaves, shifting around until she got as comfortable as she could. Letting out another sigh, she stared into the campfire as her eyes slowly drifted shut.

Scootaloo woke up to feel a weight on top of her. She opened her eyes to find Guilmon’s claw draped over her. Still groggy from waking up, she gently lifted the claw off of her. She looked to her right to see Guilmon softly snoring. She propped herself up to see the campfire, reduced to smoldering ashes. Looking up, she saw everypony sleeping in their lean-tos. Everypony except Apple Bloom, who sat by the stream. Scootaloo slowly made her way over to her, stretching her legs along the way.

“Hey Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said with a yawn.

Apple Bloom looked to Scootaloo. “Mornin’ Scoots.”

“What are you thinking about?” asked Scootaloo as she lowered her head down for a drink of water.

“What we need to do next. I think it’d be good if we tried to find someplace with a good view of the island. I wanna see if there’s any towns or villages nearby. Maybe we can get some help on how to get back to camp.”

“Yeah, speaking of Camp Friendship—” Scootaloo started, before wiping her mouth. She glanced back at the campsite before turning to Apple Bloom. “Do you think they’re looking for us?” she whispered.

“Well...yeah. We’ve been gone for a whole day. Of course they’re lookin’.”

“Do you think they’ll find us?”

Apple Bloom frowned. “Well, we did end up on an island. And in a whole other world at that. I hate to say it, but...I think we’re on our own.”

Scootaloo looked down, ears folded back. “Yeah, I kinda figured.”

Apple Bloom put a hoof on Scootaloo’s back. “Hey, we’ll be fine. We’ll find a way back, I promise.”

Scootaloo smiled back. “I know.”

The two fillies heard a groan from behind them. They turned around to find Diamond Tiara, still half asleep, stumbling towards them.

“Mornin’ Diamond Tiara. How ya holdin’ up?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I just slept on the ground,” Diamond Tiara stated, the grogginess seeping into her voice.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at each other. “Um...yeah. We all did.” Scootaloo said.

“I never thought I would find myself in a situation where I would be sleeping outside on a makeshift bed of leaves. How I got any sleep last night is beyond me.”

“Yeah, I hear ya,” Scootaloo said, massaging the back of her neck.

Diamond Tiara splashed some water onto her face in an effort to wake up. “So, what’re you two talking about.”

“Well, I was just sayin’ how we should see if anyone lives around here,” said Apple Bloom. “Maybe then we can get some help.”

“Okay, and how do you propose we go about doing that?”

“What if we climbed up there?” asked Scootaloo, pointing to something in the distance.

Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara turned to see Scootaloo pointing at a large mountain in the distance. “You’re joking, right?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“I mean, we don’t need to go all the way up. Just enough so that we can see any towns.”

Apple Bloom looked at the mountain for a few moments. “Alright, sounds like a plan. We’ll tell the others when they wake up.”

Diamond Tiara stared at the mountain. “Climbing up a mountain first thing in the morning, huh?” She lowered her head and let out a groan. “Just...peachy.”

As soon as everyone else woke up, Apple Bloom briefed the rest of the group on their next move. Despite a few complaints about having to climb a distant mountain, everypony agreed that finding help would be the best course of action. After eating a quick breakfast, everyone set out for Infinity Mountain, as Palmon had called it.

“So, have you ever gone up this mountain before Palmon?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Nope,” Palmon said, shaking her head. “Never really had any reason to leave the jungle before today.”

“Really, I can’t imagine why you’d want to stay here,” Silver Spoon said, reaching up to wipe her forehead. “This humidity is doing a number on my hair.”

“Is she always like this?” Armadillomon asked Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Yeah, she’s used to air conditioning, fine dinin’, and maybe spendin’ a couple hours outside a day.”

Diamond Tiara looked up at the distant mountain. They had been walking for over half an hour, and it didn’t seem to be getting any closer. “Jeez, how far is this thing?”

“You know, complaining about it isn't going to make it come any closer.” Scootaloo said.

“Well yeah, but at this rate, it'll take all day for us to get there.”

“It’ll take even longer if you keep going on like this.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. This whole argument sounded like something heard during one of the Apple family’s road trips. The thought made her heart sink. Will I ever see them again? she wondered.

“You okay Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Apple Bloom quickly lifted her head up. “Yeah, I'm fine.”

Scootaloo looked ahead to Apple Bloom, wondering what was going on. Before she could trot up to them, she heard a low growl. She looked behind her to see Guilmon hunched low, staring at a point in the treeline. His pupils had shrunk to pinpricks, and his teeth were bared as he let out another long growl.

“Guilmon? What’s wrong?” Scootaloo asked.

“We’ve got company!” Guilmon said.

Upon hearing this, Armadillomon and Palmon took a fighting stance, ready for anything. For a few tense moments, only silence reigned in the dense jungle. Then came a low buzzing sound that slowly grew in intensity.

“Not again,” Apple Bloom said, expecting to see Snimon.

Instead, three insect like Digimon burst from the trees, soaring over the group in formation. With the yellow and black stripes on their thorax, the four mandibles filled with teeth, and the four small arms, each tipped with a large black talon, they almost resembled giant wasps. The only thing that broke the consistency was the purple moth-like wings on their backs.

Sweetie Belle quickly activated her device’s analyzer function.

Name: Flymon

Level: Champion

Attribute: Virus


Brown Stingers

Poison Powder

“PYRO SPHERE!” Guilmon shouted, launching a fireball at the center Flymon, knocking it slightly off course and into the trees. The remaining two Flymon split off, encircling the group.

“BROWN STINGERS!” one of the Flymon shouted, launching his stinger like a projectile. Guilmon jumped back just as the stinger buried itself in the ground where he was standing.

The other Flymon launched a stinger directly towards Apple Bloom. “DIAMOND SHELL!” Armadillomon shouted, rolling directly into the stinger and destroying it.

Apple Bloom breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks Armadillomon.”

Silver Spoon watched the fight with wide eyes. She looked behind them to see a pathway through the jungle. “Come on guys, we need to get out of here!” she yelled before dashing down the path.

Babs Seed looked behind her. “Silver Spoon, whaddya doin’? We need to stick together!”

Silver Spoon ignored her and continued galloping down the path. Before she got too far, the third Flymon jumped in front of her, grabbing her in his black talons.

The group heard a scream from behind them. They all turned around in time to see Silver Spoon being carried off. “Silver Spoon! Nooo!” Diamond Tiara shouted.

The group heard another scream coming from close by. Apple Bloom whipped her head around to see Babs Seed in the clutches of another Flymon. “Babs!” Apple Bloom shouted as the Flymon took off. She immediately galloped after the massive insect Digimon. “Get your claws off my cousin!”

“POISON POWDER!” the third Flymon shouted as he flew over the group. A purple powder was released from his wings, covering the group and sending everyone into a coughing fit. The Digimon collapsed where they stood, and the ponies could only watch as their friends were carried away.

“No…,” Apple Bloom whispered. “No...no no NO!” She got up and galloped in the direction the Flymon went. Ignoring the shouts of protest behind her, she kept her eyes on the sky, trying desperately to catch up with the Flymon. Just hang in there you two! I promise I’ll get ya back! I just...I just need to—

“WATCH WHERE YOU’RE GOING!” shouted Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom looked in front of her to see that she was galloping straight for a cliff. Digging all four hooves into the ground, she skidded to a stop right before the cliff’s edge. She watched as a few rocks plummeted down into a white water river far below her. She quickly moved back, landing on her rump. Catching her breath, Apple Bloom looked up to see the Flymon fading into the distance.

Scootaloo galloped up to Apple Bloom, Guilmon stumbled in just behind her. “Apple Bloom, are you alright?” Scootaloo asked.

“They’re gone,” Apple Bloom said to herself. “They took them. I couldn’t stop them...I couldn’t...I was too slow…”

“Hey, snap out of it!” Scootaloo said, getting in front of Apple Bloom. “We’re going to get them back. But I need you to stay with me, got it?”

Apple Bloom gave a weak nod. She looked back to see their remaining party walking out of the jungle. While everypony else seemed to be alright, physically speaking, the Digimon seemed to be short of breath. She trotted up to Armadillomon. “Hey, you alright?” she asked.

Armadillomon gave a short cough. “I’ll be fine. Just...give me a few minutes.” Armadillomon looked to Palmon and Guilmon, who seemed to be in no better condition. “That last attack sapped the strength right out of us.”

Apple Bloom looked over to Diamond Tiara, who was looking out into the distance. She trotted up to her, gently putting a hoof on her back. Diamond Tiara looked over her shoulder to see Apple Bloom giving a small, understanding smile. She followed Diamond Tiara’s gaze back out to where their friends were taken. “Hold tight you two,” Apple Bloom said. “We’re comin’ for ya.”

As the squadron of Flymon flew past the edge of the jungle, they caught the attention of a red bird-like Digimon standing in the tree branches. His icy blue eyes narrowed at the site of two strange looking creatures held by two of the Flymon. He reached up to a belt wrapped around his white head, making sure that a red feather with an orange tip was secure on the back of his head. Giving a satisfactory nod, he focused on the Flymon, spread his wings, and took off in pursuit.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, hope you're enjoying the story so far. Let me know what you think of it in the comments below. :twilightsmile: