• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 15,997 Views, 139 Comments

Turtles of Everfree - Wildcard25

The Ninja Turtles and their human allies join the Rainbooms at Camp and discover the mysteries and secrets deep within Everfree

  • ...

Ride to Camp

Author's Note:

In terms of the Turtles series, this takes place after April had her psychic meltdown and before the remaining episodes begin. There will be spoilers for those who've never seen the Turtles series or Legend of Camp Everfree.

In the lair of the ninja turtles of New York City, Mikey was watching cartoons, Raph was hitting a mannequin, Leo was practicing with his swords, April was on her laptop, Casey was cleaning his hockey mask, while Donnie was in his lab doing who knows what. Suddenly the heroes heard a familiar voice, "Hey, guys."

They looked over and saw Karai who had reformed since they removed the brain worm from her head, and accompanying her was her new partner, Shinigami. Leo spoke up, "Karai."

"Well, this is a surprise." Raph said, as he ceased punching the mannequin.

"Shinigami!" Mikey cheered, as he ran over to the illusionist, "Welcome to my crib, may I take your hat?" he offered.

Shini giggled at Mikey's flirtatious advances, "Thanks, but I'm good." she walked right past him.

"What brings you down here?" April inquired.

"Yeah, I thought you were out searching for..." Leo trailed off, as Karai spoke.

"I still have ninjas searching all over for Shredder, but I've been growing bored waiting around doing nothing."

Shini spoke up, "So I suggested we get out and have some fun."

"If it's fun you want, you've come to the right turtle." Mikey boasted, only to be hit in the back of the head by Raph.

Karai looked around, "Is father in?

"Master Splinter's getting in his morning meditation." Leo explained.

"You know how he is about it." Mikey added.

"And Donatello?" she wondered.

"In his lab." April answered, until the doors to the lab opened, and Donnie stepped out looking excited.

"Guys, you won't believe what I just did!" he suddenly saw their guests, "Oh, hi, Karai. Shini."

"Donatello." Shini greeted him.

"What'd ya do this time, D?" Casey asked.

"Make Pizza that can go for days without growing old and moldy without being refrigerated?" Mikey asked hopefully.

"Come and see." Donnie answered, as the group followed him into the lab.

Inside the lab, Donnie walked up to the table and held up an old portable portal device, "I've been experimenting on this old portable Kraang Portal April brought here during the whole Worm thing."

"Ugh, don't remind me," Casey shuddered, "It was so funky inside that worm's stomach."

Donnie continued, "I've been experimenting on it, and I think I have found a way to use it to our advantage."

"Advantage?" Leo inquired.

"Yeah. Imagine us cornered by enemies with no way of fighting back and out of smoke bombs. But with this. I can open a portal to anywhere on earth, even for a way back to the lair."

"You mean you can make that portal take us to anywhere?" Mikey asked with hope, "Even to Italy; the birth place of Pizza?"

"Or Canada; the best hockey playing country in the world?" Casey asked with equal enthusiasm as Mikey.

"All that and more." Donnie answered.

"Sounds good and all, but does it actually work?" Raph asked with skepticism.

"I'm about to field test it now." Donnie said, as he was prepared to activate it.

"Ooh, let me try!" Mikey grabbed it.

"Mikey!" the group cried, as Mikey clicked the portal device.

It opened up projecting a portal to parts unknown, "Any idea where this portal will lead us?" April asked.

"Only one way to find out!" Casey jumped in.

"Casey!" the group called, until Mikey ran in.


Raph sighed, "Typical of those two."

"What happened?" Came a voice, as Master Splinter entered the lab.

"Father" Karai greeted.

"Mikey and Casey jumped into obvious danger." Raph explained.

"We better go after them." April suggested.

"Agreed. We'll be back, sensei. Come on team." Leo ordered, as he, Raph, April, Donnie, Karai, and Shini went through the portal that suddenly closed. Splinter watched hoping his sons and daughter would stay safe, as would the rest of his extended family.

The portal opened up in mid air, and the heroes fell out of it and landed on top of something metal, "Ugh, wipe out." Casey groaned.

They lifted their heads up and looked around, "Where are we?" Leo asked, as they saw they were on top of a moving school bus.

"D, where did that portal send us?" April asked in worry.

"I have no idea." Donnie answered feeling just as confused.

"And how do we get back?" Karai inquired.

"We can't the portal device was left behind when we jumped in." the smart one answered sheepishly.

Raph groaned, before turning to Mikey and Casey, "This is your fault, you two!"

"Why's it always our fault?" Mikey argued.

"If you hadn't jumped into the portal none of us would be in this mess." Raph explained.

"You probably would've jumped in before us anyway." Casey argued, until Leo and April came between them.

"Break it up, you guys." Leo stopped them.

Mikey suddenly shushed them, "Guys, quiet. I hear something."

"What, the sound of your own voice?" Raph asked rudely.

"No! Something familiar. Coming from inside this bus." he was prepared to peek down to look through the windows, until Donnie pulled him back up.

"I have a better idea," Donnie said, as a spyroach crawled up from his shell and onto the bus. It crawled downward and used it's mini spycam to see what was going on inside the bus. The footage was being shown off Donnie's T-phone. They saw many high school students on board, and among them was their old friends and allies the Rainbooms, "It's the Rainbooms." Donnie gasped.

"Wow, what a coincidence." Mikey said.

"The Rainbooms?" Karai asked, as she started remembering what she did to them while still under the mind control of the brain worm. Leo comforted her letting her know she's not that kind of person anymore.

"So where are they all off to?" Raph asked.

"Let's listen and see." April suggested, as they continued to watch the footage, as Principal Celestia spoke to the students on board the bus.

"Attention, students, we're almost there. But before we arrive, we just wanted to say how proud we are of you for raising enough money to go on this class field trip."

Celestia's younger sister Vice Principal Luna continued, "When we were your age, we made some of our favorite memories in these woods, and we're sure you will, too."

"Now who's excited for Camp Everfree?!" Principal Celestia asked with excitement, and the students cheered with joy.

Atop the bus, the group had heard everything, "Camp Everfree?" Shini asked.

Leo gasped, "Of course. Remember what the girls said the night of the initiation? They were working with their school to save up enough money for a camping trip."

"And this is that." Donnie added.

"Dudes, we dropped in just in time." Casey said with excitement.

"I suppose we can talk to them as soon as we reach our destination." April said.

"Quiet, guys. Listen." Mikey said, as he listened in as the students and their adult chaperones began singing.

Will you be lost by time or be part of history?

Will your story be told or remain a mystery?

Will they sing your song, telling all that you have done?

Time to make your choice, only you can be the one

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey!)

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey! Hey! Hey!)

Raph suddenly heard Mikey was singing along with them, "Seriously? You're singing along?"

"Hey, it's a catchy tune. You should try it too." Mikey suggested, as he continued to sing along to himself. The turtles and their human allies looked at each other before shrugging and joined with Mikey in singing along.

Will you do something great with the time that you have here?

Will you make your mark? Will you conquer what you fear?

And when you go back home, everybody there will see

You were part of the Legend of Everfree!

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey!)

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey!)

Will you find your greatest glory?

Will you be a falling star?

Here to learn what nature teaches

Here to learn more who you are

Will you be lost by time or be part of history?

Will your story be told or remain a mystery?

And when you go back home, everybody there will see

You were part of the Legend of Everfree!

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree! (Hey!)

Oh, oh, oh-oh-whoa

As you join in the Legend of Everfree!


The group looked up seeing them arrive at said camp, knowing as soon as the bus would stop the turtles would have to make themselves scarce. When the bus parked in the parking lot of the campgrounds, the turtles quickly made a break for it and hid in some nearby bushes. When the group saw the Rainbooms were the last ones off the bus, April and Casey decided to make themselves known. They jumped down from the bus landing before the girls who just got their luggage out and were startled.

"Hey, girls, how's it going?" April greeted them.

"April? Casey?" Sunset Shimmer asked in disbelief.

"Been a while, huh?" Casey asked.

"Guys!" Pinkie cheered, as she embraced the two tightly.

"Pinkie!" April strained.

"Too tight!" Casey groaned.

Pinkie finally released them, as Applejack spoke, "Well, by golly, why didn't ya tell us you was coming to camp too?"

"It really wasn't planned out, Applejack." April answered sheepishly.

Rarity looked up at the bus and then to the two, "Have you been riding on top of the bus this whole time?"

"Yeah, wasn't all easy to hold onto." Casey admitted.

"I thought we heard something hit the top while back." Fluttershy remembered.

"Is it just you guys?" Rainbow wondered.

"Nope, the turtles are here too." April replied.

"They are?" Twilight asked, until they saw Mikey pop his head out of a bush and wave to them, only for his brothers to pull him back down.

"And it's not just us this time." Casey added.

"Who else would there be?" Spike wondered, until Karai and Shini dropped in.

"Hey, girls." Karai greeted casually.

The Rainbooms, minus Twilight and Spike were shocked, until a frown grew on Rainbow's face, "Karai!" she was prepared to attack, only for April to block her.

"Easy, Rainbow Dash. Karai's not our enemy anymore."

"She's not?" Sunset asked.

"No. That brain worm that's been in my head has been removed. I'm back to normal now," Karai explained, "And since this is our first meet since you defeated us I want to say I'm so sorry for what I did to you. I did see everything that I was doing, but I couldn't control my actions. I know this is asking a lot from you, but please forgive me." she said with her head down in guilt.

Some of the girls like Rainbow and Applejack looked skeptical of Karai, until Fluttershy laid a comforting hand on the girls shoulder, "I forgive you, Karai."

"You do?" Karai asked in surprise, as Fluttershy nodded.

Sunset approached, "You weren't in your right mind, so that wasn't the real Karai we met those months ago. Maybe we can use this time to get to know the real you." she looked at the others who started agreeing with her.

"Thank you all," Karai smiled with joy, before noticing Twilight and Spike, "And you two. You're not the Twilight and Spike I met months ago."

"Nope. Never seen you before." Spike answered.

"Wait a minute, if you're not the same Spike how come you can talk?" Karai asked in confusion.

"It's a long story." Twilight explained.

Rarity noticed Shini, "Oh, and who might you be, darling?"

"The name is Shinigami, nice to meet you." she greeted the Rainbooms with a removal of her hat.

"Well, Shinigami, I must say your attire is certainly very striking." Rarity admitted.

"Why thank you." Shini replied, before scratching Spike's ear, much to the dog's enjoyment.

"So how did you get here?" Fluttershy asked the four.

"Donnie was experimenting with a Kraang portal device and it brought us all here." April answered.

"Unfortunately we don't have the device to get us back home." Casey added.

"That doesn't sound good." Fluttershy replied.

"Hey, I know what to do!" Pinkie cheered.

"You do?" Karai asked curiously.

"Why don't you guys attend camp with us?" she offered.

"Huh?" April raised a brow.

"Well, since you don't know how to get back to New York, why don't you wait it out here with us. Then we can return home together." the party girl explained.

"Sounds like a plan to Casey Jones." Casey admitted.

"I've always wanted to attend a camp." April agreed.

"What do you think, Karai?" Shini asked her friend.

"Well, we were looking for some fun, " she smiled, "All right. We'll join you girls."

"Oh, yeah!" Rainbow cheered.

Rarity eyed the four up, "Well, you four won't be able to fool anyone into thinking your campers looking like that."

"What do you mean?" Casey asked.

"She means we're not dressed like actual campers." April explained.

"Precisely," Rarity confirmed, "Never fear because I came prepared," she opened one of her suitcases and pulled out some clothes, "Come with me, girls. I'll help you." she dragged, April, Karai, and Shini off to a nearby outhouse and handed them some clothes to change into.

When they returned, April, Karai, and Shini were now dressed like they were fellow campers of the Rainbooms. April was wearing sneakers, blue jean shorts, and a short sleeved yellow top. Karai was wearing sneakers, black shorts, and a silver top. Shini was wearing sneakers, purple shorts, a black top, while keeping her witch hat on her head. One thing in common their outfits shared was their tops like every other campers bore the Camp Everfree logo.

Rarity looked them over and spoke, "Oh, yes. This is much better."

"Looking good, Red." Casey said, until Rarity handed him a new set of clothes.

"And here, Casey. For you."

"Thanks, Rares." Casey said, as he went to find a spot to change.

In the bushes, Donnie spoke to himself, "April looks so amazing in those camping clothes."

"I know what ya mean, bro." Mikey said, while gazing at Shini.

Casey suddenly returned wearing his sneakers, gray shorts, and a top that was black with white short sleeves and also bore the Camp Everfree logo. On his head was his bandanna tied on, and on his back was his bat and goalie stick, "Casey Jones is ready for camp!" he pumped a fist.

"At least you all look the part now." Applejack noted.

"Here comes Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna." Sunset Shimmer noticed.

"Play it cool." Rainbow told the four as they acted casually.

Principal Celestia spoke, "Do you girls have all your luggage?"

"Yes, ma'am. Everything." Twilight answered.

Principal Celestia suddenly noticed the four newcomers, "Oh, and who have we here?"

"These are some old friends of ours, Principal Celestia." Applejack explained.

"I'm April O'Neil, ma'am."

"Name's Casey Jones."

"I'm Karai... Hamato."

"And my name's Shinigami."

"Forgive us, but we didn't see you four on the bus ride here." V.P Luna noted.

"They followed along from behind." Sunset explained to cover their tracks.

"We told them of the camping trip and asked if they could come along." Rarity explained.

"I hope that's not a problem, is it?" Fluttershy asked.

Principal Celestia answered, "No problem at all. The more attending camp makes it all the more better."

Suddenly a girls voice came over P.A speaker, "Hey, everyone! If you could start heading to the courtyard, that would be rad! It's time to start the best week of camp ever!"

V.P Luna turned to the Rainbooms and their guests, "We all better head over there so they can begin."

"We'll be right behind you." Sunset said, as the adults went on ahead.

The Rainbooms went to the bushes to see the turtles, "Hey, guys." Twilight greeted them.

"Good to see you all again." Leo greeted.

"Sorry, we can't talk right now. So let's meet up later when no one's looking." Sunset suggested.

"In the meantime stay hidden." Applejack suggested.

"Way ahead of you." Raph replied, as the group left for the courtyard.

"Isn't this awesome, bros. We're actually attending camp." Mikey cheered, until Raph clamped his mouth shut.

"We're not attending camp, Mikey. We're staying hidden."

"Oh, man," Mikey sighed, "How bad could we be if we joined in? I mean they already know about magic, so how will seeing us be so different?"

"Master Splinter told us we mustn't let the humans see us." Leo reminded the youngest brother.

"Fine." Mikey groaned.

"Let's see if we can get to to courtyard and get a good idea about this place." Donnie suggested, and the brothers left the bushes and headed for the courtyard while making sure to stay hidden.