• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 15,997 Views, 139 Comments

Turtles of Everfree - Wildcard25

The Ninja Turtles and their human allies join the Rainbooms at Camp and discover the mysteries and secrets deep within Everfree

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Spirit Quest pt 1

The very next morning, Sunset, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie stood outside the forest with their ninja weapons in holsters or strapped to their backs, as the turtles, April, Karai, Casey, Shini, Bishop, and Twilight stood before them.

"Well, this is it." Sunset began.

"You all be very careful out there." Leo warned them.

"And come back safely." Bishop instructed.

"We will, ya'll." Applejack promised.

"And make sure nobody knows where we are." Rainbow instructed.

"You can count on us." Casey promised.

Sunset looked over at Twilight, "And, Twilight. Please don't stress yourself."

Their human allies looked over at Twilight curiously, while Twilight covered her secret and answered, "I won't."

The Rainbooms faced each other, "Good luck to all of you." Rarity said.

"I sure hope we're ready for this." Fluttershy said with concern.

"Master Splinter has faith in us, we must also have faith in ourselves." Sunset reminded her.

"And even if we're apart out there, we're still together in spirit." Pinkie added.

"Right." Applejack agreed.

"So let's go." Rainbow Dash said, as the girls broke and took off into the forest following different directions.

"There they go." Raph said.

"Nothing we can do for them right now." Donnie added.

"Except cover for them." April put in.

"Bummer that Rainbow Dash won't be here," Casey sighed, "She was gonna be my first pick for floor hockey teams."

"We better return to camp, before everyone starts questioning where we are." Bishop suggested, as they all headed back with Leo and Twilight trailing behind.

"Sunset Shimmer is right, Twilight. Try not to think of what's been happening and have fun." he suggested.

Twilight smiled a bit, "Sure thing, Leo." the two followed the others.

Meanwhile out in the forest which had led the girls each into the spirit world, Pinkie Pie was skipping along through the foggy forest happily. She stopped before looking around, "Who can see anything in this heavy fog?" she suddenly heard something and spun around arming herself, "Who's there?!" she saw and heard nothing before lowering her weapon a bit, "I know I'm not alone here."

She continued to hear something moving around here. She suddenly saw part of the fog lifting, and up in the tree tops were multiple foot ninja, "The Foot?!" she gasped. The ninja jumped down and armed themselves. Pinkie got ready, "Hello, boys? Shall we tango?"

The Foot ninja went at it with Pinkie, as the girl used her sickle and weight chain weapon to parry them or strike them. As two tried to attack her, Pinkie grabbed them by the hands and spun them around before throwing them into the trees making them go poof, "You guys are good dancers," she grinned. The rest of the Foot went at her, but Pinkie managed to over power them, "That was fun. This spirit training thing is easy," Suddenly she heard something else moving around through the fog, "More Foot?" she was suddenly tackled by something sending her rolling across the grassy ground.

Emerging from the fog was the Space Shark hunter himself, Armaggon, "Been a long time, cutie." Armaggon licked his lips.

"Armaggon?!" Pinkie gasped, "But we watched you get eaten by the Scorpinoid!"

"And you think some oversized bug can stop old Armaggon?" he asked, while stomping towards her.

"Kinda." she winced, as Armaggon readied his blasters.

"Let's see how ya do one on one." he blasted Pinkie, while she dodged his shots before attacking him with her weapon and ninja moves.

Armaggon shifted into his space suit shark mode and started flying around through the foggy forest. Pinkie was looking around only to get tackled from behind by Armaggon. Before Pinkie could attack, the hunter retreated back into the fog for cover. Pinkie tried keeping an eye on her surroundings, but no matter what direction she thought he was going to come at her, Armaggon always ended up attacking from behind. As he retreated back into the fog, Pinkie could hear his voice from all around, "Not so tough without your own space gear, are ya?" he laughed.

Pinkie was getting tired and exhausted from so many hits, before speaking to herself, "He's even faster than a regular shark under water. Ok, calm down. Remember what Master Splinter said. Be calm like the Forest." Pinkie shut her eyes and calmed her nerves. She stood in the clearing of the fog waiting for the right moment. Suddenly as Armaggon was about to attack her from the side, Pinkie's eyes flew open and she spun to face Armaggon striking him with the sickle of her weapon.

Armaggon converted back to his normal mode, "How did you find me?"

"Once I calmed my self, I could hear you coming a mile away." she smiled.

"Can ya see this coming?" Armaggon blasted at her again, but Pinkie dodged, and reached into her bag pulling out some sprinkles.

"Here's some fireworks for ya!" she tossed them at Armaggon, and started exploding around him distorting his vision. He was so disoriented he didn't realize Pinkie had wrapped the chain and weight end of her weapon around him in a binding hold.

"Time to go for a spin, Sharky," she tugged hard on the chain causing Armaggon to spin around while bumping into trees like it was a game of pinball. He eventually spun all the way to a pit and fell down it screaming. Pinkie grinned, "Yay me!" she clapped with joy.

Elsewhere, Applejack had found herself in a rock quarry, "Boy, this spirit world sure is some place. But it's sure deserted," she walked around with her ninja claw weapons out. After seeing nothing she sighed, "I ain't found nothing here but a buncha rocks," suddenly the rocks from above the quarry started rolling down the hills of the quarry right at her, "Whoa nelly!" she started running and dodging the rocks before looking up to see Foot soldiers were rolling the rocks down, "You varmints messed with the wrong cowgirl." she warned them.

The Foot Ninja slid down the rocky hills armed and ready. They engaged Applejack who used her own ninja skill and hook hands to defeat them, "After spending a few months fighting Kraang, alien bugs, and dinosaurs, this doesn't seem so bad," she said to herself, before making the ninja go poof, "I expected something harder." she was startled, as a wall of rock exploded.

Walking out from the hole in the wall was Rocksteady, "We's just getting the started!" he punched his fists.

"Whoa! Rocksteady?" Applejack gasped.

"You were expecting someone else?" the rhino asked rhetorically.

"Not really, but still a shock." A.J admitted.

"Well, Rocksteady has come to put the hurt on country girl!"

"Try me, horn head." A.J got ready.

Rocksteady charged like the rhino he is, while Applejack kept dodging, while using her claw hooks to strike at the mutant rhino. Rocksteady however used his hook to lock with Applejack's right hook claw and toss her aside, "Country girl, not looking so hot right now." Rocksteady laughed.

"I'm just getting warmed up." Applejack retorted.

Rocksteady rushed Applejack, as the two pitted each others strength against one another, "Country girl strong. But Rocksteady is stronger most!" he knocked Applejack aside, as she rolled across the rocky terrain.

"Master Splinter was right, the dangers here are even worse than real," Applejack groaned, as she got up. She put on a brave face, "But my friends are countin' on me, and I won't let them down. Sensei said somethin' about using my head and not just my body. Time to follow his advice," she surveyed the scene and started using her head to strategize. She saw multiple big boulders lying around from what the Foot Ninja rolled down the hill to squash her, "That'll work." she smirked.

Rocksteady watched as he was ready to attack again, until Applejack started running around, "Hey, Rocksteady. Let's see how fast ya really are."

"I going to pop your head like blueberry!" Rocksteady got on all fours and started charging for Applejack.

The country girl was running while jumping the boulders making her opponent charge right through them shattering into pebbles. As she ran A.J thought to herself, 'That's right partner, just follow me lead.' she had Rocksteady run through so many boulders he didn't realize he was being led right into the wall.

Applejack ran up the wall as Rocksteady rammed his horn right into it. A.J landed on the rhino's back and jumped off. Rocksteady pulled his horn out and snorted, "Big mistake! Very big mistake!"

"What say we finish this, partner?" Applejack challenged.

"I will smash you!" Both Rocksteady and Applejack ran at each other, and upon colliding they reached a stalemate with A.J gripping Rocksteady's horn holding him in place. The rhino mutant tried overpowering her grip, but A.J kept holding on.

A.J smirked, "Thanks for the work out, Rocksteady, but I gotta send ya packin'!" she used her enhanced strength to throw Rocksteady over her shoulder sending the screaming rhino crashing into the wall exploding into dust. Applejack removed her hat and wiped her forehead, "Now that was one hell of a rodeo."

After splitting up, Rarity found herself trekking through a damp swamp, "Oh, why did I have to end up in a swamp? This heat's going to do disasters for my hair. Come now, Rarity. Remember you're on a spiritual quest to get stronger." she walked across a log above a pond

She pressed on while moving aside from tree branches that were hanging in her way. Rarity suddenly stopped as she heard a buzzing sound, "What is that?" she looked around cautiously, while ready to grab her twin sickle weapons. She heard the buzzing get closer, and looked over seeing a swarm of Vreen coming right for her, "Vreen!" she shrieked, as the robo-bugs were closing in.

Rarity ran around avoiding the laser shots, while using her sickles to deflect some blasts, "Figures I'd run into bugs while in a swamp!" The Vreen touched down and used their pincers to attack Rarity who was using her weapons to swat them away, "Get back, you disgusting freaks!" she sliced the robo-bugs one after another. When one Vreen slammed at her, she dropped her weapons into the swamp water, "Oh, my stars!" she gasped, as more of the Vreen were flying at her. Rarity frowned and concentrated before firing a diamond disk at them like a boomerang slicing their tops halves from their bottom halves making them poof into dust, "Never mess with a lady!" she ran a hand through her hair, only to get kicked from behind. She fell into the pond looking repulsed, "Who was that?" she demanded before her eyes widened in shock.

Landing onto the ground was Lord Dregg himself, "At last, I have finally caught up with you, fleshling!"

"Dregg?" Rarity backed away in shock.

"That's Lord Dregg to you!" he declared, "And now that I have you where I want you, I shall feast on you flesh and all!"

"We're not in space this time, Dregg," Rarity got into a stance, "Now you're on my planet!" she engaged Dregg, as the bug alien blocked her punches before knocking her against a dead tree.

"Your home planet, but my ideal playing field." Dregg replied, as Rarity tried sending diamond disks at Dregg, but the alien flew around them. Dregg and Rarity fought with the girl hoping not to land in the pond or the mud.

"Ew! Ew!" she said trying to avoid falling in, until she was knocked away and landed onto another patch of ground surrounded by the mud, "Oh, no!"

"Your vanity and cleanliness is what holds you back!" Dregg called, "That is why you will fail!"

Rarity jerked back, but realized he was right, "If I keep playing it clean like this then I'll never overcome my adversary. As much as it pains me to do this, but I must disregard my usual ways and get down and dirty!" she ran through the mud not caring if her shoes got ruined or got any on her skin. She punched Dregg knocking him into a tree.

Dregg shook it off, "So you're finally going to give me a real fight despite how messy it'll get?"

"I am! Because not even the dirtiest of stains or mud will hold me back!" she grabbed her sickles form the pond and attacked Dregg once again without holding back for fear of getting dirty. Rarity suddenly looked up seeing a huge dead tree branch above Dregg. Getting an idea, she used her diamond disk on the branch above severing it from the tree. It fell from above, as Dregg looked up and screamed as it landed right on top of him destroying him. Rarity stuck her chin up proudly, before looking at her state of dirtiness, "When I get back I'm really going to need to wash up."

Meanwhile back at camp, Casey was getting in some floor hockey on a makeshift floor set up thanks to Bishop. The vigilante was busy speaking to his team composed of Snips, Snails, Micro Chips, and Bulk Biceps, "Come on, team! We can show these chumps that we're number one!" he declared.

"Yeah!" Bulk pumped his arms up.

"I'd feel a lot better if we had Rainbow Dash with us." Snips sighed.

"Where is she and the others anyway?" Snails wondered.

"I'm sure they're around somewhere," Casey answered, promising to keep it a secret, "Now let's get in there!' he declared, as his team faced off against Karai, Flash Sentry, Vinyl Scratch, Sandalwood, and Trixie. Many of the other campers including Twilight, April, and Shini watched from the side.

When Karai and Bulk went for the puck, the big guy knocked it too hard it bounced off the net and into the bushes, "Out of bound!" Bishop declared.

"I'll go get it!" Snips called, as he went into the bush to grab the puck. As he went into the bush he laid a hand on it only to have another hand be placed on his. Snips saw it was green that didn't have the same fingers as a human hand. He looked up and came face to face with Mikey. The comedic turtle looked nervous before speaking.

"What up, dog?"

Snips who had a look of shock on his face burst out screaming, forcing Mikey to scream as well. The rest of the turtles grabbed Mikey and pulled him back into the forest. Snips quickly grabbed his phone and took a picture. The pudgy boy ran back to the others, "Snips, we heard screaming." Snails said in worry.

"Where's the puck?" Casey asked.

"Guys, there's monsters in the camp!" Snips cried.

"Monsters?" Karai and April asked.

"Yes, big green slimy ones. See!" he showed them his phone.

They all looked seeing four blury figures in the picture, but April and her friends saw the mix of red, blue, orange, and purple in the picture and knew it was their friends. But Trixie spoke up, "Snips, you can't see anything because it's out of focus."

"What'd they even look like?" Flash asked, as everyone was unaware of Timber and Gloriosa listening in.

"Turtles? Big walking turtles!" Snips panicked.

Timber laughed, "I'm sure you were just imagining it, Snips. I think all these incidents at camp are making you see things."

"But it felt so real." Snips looked at his hand.

"Like my brother said," Gloriosa replied, "You're obviously seeing things."

"But if it makes you feel any better, we'll look into it." Timber offered.

"Yes. I got this!" Gloriosa declared, as the two started walking away.

"If they're going to investigate it, then why are they walking away from where Snips saw them?" Shini asked April and Karai who also looked suspicious.

Hiding in the trees in the forest were the turtles who were chewing out their younger brother, "Mikey, have you lost your shell?!" Raph snapped.

"You exposed us to that kid!" Leo called.

"Not like I did it on purpose!" Mikey argued.

"You better hope they all think it's related to Gaea Everfee." Donnie warned him.

"Relax, guys, you're in the clear." Casey said as he called from below.

The turtles came down to see April, Karai, and Shini were there too, "You're lucky everyone thinks it's all Snips' imagination." April said.

"Yeah. If father were here he would not be happy." Karai noted.

"We know how that feels already." Leo replied, remembering the incident with Muckman.

"You guys may want to stay up here and further away from the camp for awhile until the heat cools down." Casey suggested.

"Oh, man." Mikey complained, only to get smacked in the back of his head by Raph.

"You shouldn't have even gotten that close."

"Any idea how the girls are doing?" Twilight asked.

"No idea," Leo replied, "But I have this feeling they're all right."

"Hope they get back soon, we can't cover for them forever." Casey said.

"Yeah. Even Bishop is doing all he can to keep Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna from trying to go looking for them." April put in.

"They'll be totally fine. In the words of Gloriosa, 'They got this!'." he laughed, only to get smacked by Raph again.

"That's becoming really annoying to hear!"

"We'll catch you later, guys." Casey said, as the group went back to camp, while the turtles stayed behind making sure to keep a good distance from camp should anyone go looking around for them.