• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 4,837 Views, 285 Comments

Reformation Brigade - Metool Bard

Crystal Prep needs a friendship makeover. And who better to give it one than Discord and the Dazzlings? Yeah, it appears Sunset didn't really think this through.

  • ...

Old Grind with New Friends

After the intervention with Principal Cinch, the rest of the week was a breeze for Sunset. Without a mystery to solve or chaos spirits to rein in, everything became a lot more manageable. Even the Sirens seemed to be improving in their academics, if only slightly. And even when they struggled, Sunset and the Shadowbolts were more than happy to help.

Finally, on the last day of the program, the Canterlot High students stood out in the parking lot, waiting for the bus to take them back to Canterlot High. Dean Cadence stood with them, along with the Shadowbolts. Cadence smiled.

"Well, I'll have to get a report from Vice Principal Luna on how our ambassadors managed over at Canterlot High," she said. "But from our end, I think the student-exchange program was a rousing success."

"And it's all thanks to you guys," Indigo chimed in. "I've got a feeling that things are gonna be looking up around here."

"Happy we could help," said Sunset warmly.

"Yeah, and things are gonna be looking up for us, too!" Sonata squealed, quivering from giddiness. "We learned so much, and we can use our magic whenever we want, and Dagi's not a big grump anymore, and—"

"Sonata, chill. You are way too happy right now," Aria groaned, massaging her temples. "Ugh, seriously. Why did that last test have to be so brutal?"

"Because despite everything that happened this week, Crystal Prep still has very high academic standards," answered Sugarcoat. "I doubt any amount of friendship or magic is going to change that."

"Aw, cheer up, Aria," said Sonata, placing an arm around her comrade. "It wasn't that bad. I'm sure we did alright. I mean, we worked super hard."

"Why do you think I'm so tired right now?" said Aria. "I don't think I had to study that much in my entire life."

"Mainly because this is the first time we ever had to take schoolwork seriously," mused Adagio. She then smirked. "Maybe once we get those grades, I'll find out if you two really are as dumb as you appear."

Aria narrowed her eyes. "I can't tell if that was a compliment or a shot."

"Wouldn't we have to get the grades to figure that out?" asked Sonata.

Aria let out another groan. "You're the worst, Sonata."

"Not if I get a better grade than you," Sonata teased.

Aria scoffed. "Yeah, right. Like you did better than me."

"Hey, it could happen!"

"Could not."

"Could too!"

Lemon Zest laughed. "Alright, dudes. Calm down," she said. "I'm sure you all did great. And hey, even if you didn't, that just means you have to do better next time."

Adagio raised an eyebrow. "What next time? This is the last day of the student-exchange program."

Lemon Zest blushed and let out a sheepish chuckle. "I-I mean next time in life. Or something."

"Oh, Lemon~! You really should think before you speak~," Sour Sweet chided playfully. "You really don't want to try and give good advice only to sound like a complete moron."

"Or a two-faced weasel," Sugarcoat added.

Sour Sweet glared at Sugarcoat. "What was that?"

"Just making sure you practice what you preach," said Sugarcoat absently.

"Okay, that's enough, guys," said Indigo. "Let's try to keep things positive, yeah?"

Sugarcoat nodded. "That's fair."

"Yeah, sure," said Sour Sweet, rubbing her arm. "I-I'll try. Just, know that I do actually try, okay? This isn't easy for me."

Adagio smirked. "It seems you girls are taking my words to heart. Usually, I have to hypnotize people in order to get them to listen to me."

"Well, consider this proof that you don't have to do that," said Sunset with a wry smile.

Adagio blushed and pouted. "M-must you continue to gloat like that, Shimmer?"

Sunset giggled. "Sorry, Adagio. It's just, I'm glad that you're finally unstuck. Honestly, I think you and the Sirens know a lot more about friendship than you think you do."

"She's right," said Indigo. "I mean, you really taught us a thing or two when we almost fell apart. We can't thank you enough for that."

Adagio shrugged. "Well, you guys helped me see what being an effective leader really meant. Indirectly, anyway. So, I guess we're even."

"I wouldn't worry about that," Indigo said with a snarky grin. "After all, it's just what friends do."

Adagio's face turned even redder. "Seriously, you too?"

Aria raised an incredulous eyebrow at Adagio. "Okay, who are you, and what have you done with Adagio?" she joked.

Adagio scrunched her eyes shut and growled. "Cut it out already! Didn't I say this was going to take some getting used to?!"

"Alright, I think she's had enough," Sunset laughed.

"Forsooth. For there is still one cloud that mars this joyous occasion," Sunny Flare said somberly. "For lo, it has only been five days, and already, I feel such strong bonds with all of you. 'Tis a pity that you cannot stay with us, for verily, Canterlot High is where you truly belong."

Sunset gave Sunny Flare a warm smile. "I know. But I don't think this has to be the last time we talk to each other." She took out her phone. "How about I get your numbers? I'd love to stay in touch."

Indigo beamed. "We are so in sync, Sunset. I was just about to suggest that," she said, taking out her own phone. The other Shadowbolts followed suit. "Hey, um, what about your crew, Adagio?"

The Sirens looked at one another before shrugging sheepishly at the Shadowbolts.

"Um, normally, I'd say that's not entirely out of the question," Adagio muttered.

"But, we don't have any phones. Or a lot of money, for that matter," Sonata said glumly.

Indigo blinked in confusion before looking over at Sunset, who merely shrugged her shoulders.

"One of the perils of coming here from another dimension," she said. "You don't want to know how I managed to get my phone. I'm sure the Sirens will think of something now that they've gotten their acts together. I'll keep you guys posted."

"Uh, sure. That's cool," said Indigo, though she still didn't seem to fully comprehend it.

After the Shadowbolts and Sunset exchanged numbers, a familiar yellow school bus pulled up.

"Just in time," said Cadence. "Well, I'll be sure to send Vice Principal Luna your transcripts as soon as possible. I'm sure you all did wonderfully."

"Heh, yeah. If anything, CHS is gonna feel like a cakewalk for you guys now that you see what we have to deal with," Lemon Zest laughed, raising her hand into the air. "C'mon, up top!"

Sonata gave Lemon Zest a high five. "Yeah! Now nothing's gonna stop the Sirens!"

"That all comes down to information retention," said Sugarcoat bluntly. She then smiled. "But as long as you have that, I think you'll all have bright futures ahead. I wish you all well."

"Yeah, later dudes. It's been real."

"Bye, new friends~! Don't forget to keep in touch~! 'Cause I will know if you don't."

"Adieu, new comrades. Adieu. Parting is such sweet sorrow~!"

Indigo approached Sunset. "Thanks again for everything."

"I couldn't have done it without your help," said Sunset modestly. She smiled at Cadence, and then the Sirens. "And everyone else."

"Whatever you say," said Indigo with a snicker. "Oh, just one last thing before you go."

"What's up?"

Indigo cast her gaze downward and rubbed her arm sheepishly. "Give Twilight our best, would you? I know she's not coming back to Crystal Prep, but I want her to know that we're all thinking about her, and we hope she does well at CHS."

Sunset grinned. "I'll be sure to relay the message."

"Awesome," said Indigo, smiling back.

She then clasped hands with Sunset, followed by pulling her into a small embrace. Sunset only hesitated for a moment before returning Indigo's affection in kind.

"Take it easy, Sunset Shimmer," said Indigo.

Sunset chuckled. "After what I went through, that's exactly what I plan to do. I'll see you around."

With one final round of goodbyes, the Canterlot High students boarded the bus, where Vice Principal Luna was waiting. Once both schools had traded their students back fully, the bus rolled off into the sunset. Sunny Flare let out a sniffle.

"Dude. You okay?" Lemon Zest asked.

Sunny Flare dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief. "Th-they barely left, and I already miss them," she whimpered. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry."

"There's no need to be so dramatic," Sugarcoat said plainly. "Sure, Canterlot High isn't right across the street or anything, but it isn't that far away. We can go and visit them whenever we have the time. Plus, thanks to the exchange program's success, we have the opportunity to take classes over there as well. I hardly qualify that as goodbye forever."

Sunny Flare looked over at Sugarcoat and tilted her head. "Prithee, Sugarcoat. D-did you just try to console me?"

Sugarcoat breathed out a small scoff. "Don't act so surprised. The truth doesn't always have to hurt."

"Aw, isn't that ironic~?" Sour Sweet purred. "Sugarcoat always tells the truth, except when it comes to her own feelings."

Sugarcoat's face turned bright red. "Is the taunting really necessary? I wouldn't have said all that if it wasn't true. I respect you guys too much to lie simply to make you feel better."

"Sheesh, no need to be such a stiff, dude," said Lemon Zest, patting Sugarcoat on the back. "You have to admit, it's very rare to hear anything encouraging coming from you."

"Th-that doesn't make it impossible," Sugarcoat sputtered.

Indigo let out a small laugh and shook her head. Dean Cadence placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her.

"You really do have some great friends, Indigo," she said.

Indigo smiled back. "Yeah, they are a bunch of characters," she said, looking back at her fellow Shadowbolts. "But honestly, I wouldn't change a single thing about them. It might've taken me a while to realize it, but I couldn't ask for a better team."


The school bus returned to Canterlot High just as school was letting out. Hoards of Canterlot High students crowded around, catching up with their colleagues and asking about their experience. Sunset was no exception to this. As soon as she set foot off of the bus, she heard a telltale shriek of joy followed by footsteps running up to her.


The next thing she knew, she was tackled into a tight embrace by none other than Pinkie Pie. The other Rainbooms followed suit, with Twilight bringing up the rear.

"Ooh, did you miss us?! 'Cause we missed you so much!" Pinkie chirped, speaking a mile a minute as she squeezed Sunset tighter. "What was Crystal Prep like?! Was it hard?! Was it fun?! You didn't get lonely, did you?!"

"Cool your jets there, Pink," Applejack scolded. "Sunset just got back."

"Oh. Whoops," said Pinkie, finally releasing Sunset.

"I-it's fine, girls. I shouldn't have expected anything different," said Sunset, dusting herself off. "But, yeah. It was quite an experience, to say the least."

"Oh, I hope it wasn't a bad experience," Fluttershy whimpered.

Sunset shrugged her shoulders. "I wouldn't exactly say that, but it was tough for a while. I'll tell you guys all about it later." She then looked over at Twilight. "Oh, and I have a message for you."

Twilight adjusted her glasses. "F-for me?"

"Yeah. The Shadowbolts wanna give you their best."

Twilight blinked. "The Shadowbolts? As in, the entire school team? I was unaware they actually cared about me."

"Well, not the entire team," said Sunset with a knowing smile. "Again, long story."

Just then, the Sirens began to disembark. When no one came to greet them, Pinkie Pie waved them over.

"Hello, Sirens!" she hollered.

"Hiya~!" Sonata chirped, waving back.

"'Sup?" said Aria with a small wave.

Adagio didn't respond. She simply looked over to the side before Sonata elbowed her in the ribs.

"Oof. U-um, hi," she said.

Rarity arched an eyebrow. "Is everything alright, darling?"

"Uh, yeah. Kinda," Adagio said ambiguously.

"Better than alright! We are awesome!" Sonata cheered. "Sunset told us how we can use our magic whenever we want! Isn't that cool?!"

"Uh, yeah. She did mention that she wanted to share that with you guys," said Rainbow Dash, scratching her head. "So, you manage to figure it out while over at Crystal Prep or something?"

Suddenly, a small smile formed on Adagio's lips. She turned to her fellow Sirens. "What do you say, girls? Shall we show them?"

"Ooh~! Yes yes yes!" Sonata exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Aria shrugged. "Meh, why not?"

Adagio nodded. "Alright then. Follow my lead."

"Or my lead."

Adagio shot Aria a glare, to which she just laughed.

"Kidding. I'm kidding," she said. "You really have to learn how to take a joke, Adagio."

Adagio rolled her eyes before launching into a pleasant melody. As the other Sirens joined in, they all began to glow and levitate off the ground. In a matter of moments, all of them changed into their pony forms. The Rainbooms watched in awe and wonder.

"Wowie zowie!"

"Would ya look at that?"

"Oh, my..."

"How fabulous!"


When the transformation was complete, Rainbow Dash approached them.

"Huh. So even you managed to see the magic of friendship, huh Adagio?" she said. "Took ya long enough."

"Don't tease her, Rainbow," said Sunset. "She, honestly had a lot going on."

Adagio hid her face. "I-I don't need you to defend me, Sunset Shimmer."

"Wait, hang on. If you guys all have your magic now, does that mean we can all be friends?" inquired Pinkie Pie. "I mean, you were mad at us for destroying your evil magic at the Battle of the Bands, but you have good magic now, and that's way better."

Adagio chewed on her lip for a moment before looking over at her comrades. After a pause, she sighed.

"This is what's best for us," she said, turning back to the Rainbooms. "I was just too blind to realize it before. On behalf of the Sirens, I accept a truce with the Rainbooms. Just, give me some time to get used to all this."

Rainbow Dash smirked. "No prob, Adagio. If you need any help, just say the word, and we'll come running."

"Woohoo~! Now all of us are friends!" Pinkie cheered, giving Adagio a tight squeeze. Adagio's face turned bright red.

"Wh-what did I just say about giving me time to get used to this?!" she grunted, trying to shove Pinkie off.

Twilight couldn't help but giggle. "It seems they've had quite the paradigm shift from the last time I saw them."

"You have no idea," said Sunset with a smirk of her own.

Pinkie Pie suddenly let out a gasp. "Ooh! Do you know what this calls for?!"

"A party?!" Sonata guessed.

Pinkie grinned from ear to ear. "It's like you read my mind! I always knew you Sirens could be good if you really tried! Slumber party at my house!"

"R-really? Tonight?" Twilight asked. "I-I dunno if I can make it. I have a lot of homework."

"You really need to learn how to loosen up, Twi," said Applejack with a laugh. "It ain't a school night or anythin'."

"I-if you say so," Twilight said meekly. She then looked up at the Sirens. "Actually, I wouldn't mind getting to know you three better."

Adagio looked at Twilight for a moment. "When did you get glasses?"

"Wrong Twilight, Adagio," Sunset chuckled. "Anyway, I think a party's a great idea, Pinkie. Especially after everything that happened this week." An idea suddenly struck her. "Hey, do you mind if I invite a few more people to this thing?"

Pinkie deadpanned. "Sunset, what do you think I'm gonna say?"

Sunset shrugged her shoulders. "Um, yes?"

Pinkie's expression soon changed to a giddy smile. "Bingo~! Of course you can invite more friends, Sunset! I'd be insulted if you didn't!"

Sunset let out a laugh of her own. "Just thought I'd check." She then dialed a number into her phone. "Hey, Indigo? It's me, Sunset. Yeah, sorry if this is a bit last-minute, but are you and the Shadowbolts doing anything tonight?"


"Heh, this'll be a piece of cake."

"Says you. I happen to be a master at this game. Just ask Sonata."

"Don't think I'll be going easy on you, either. Shadowbolts never give up!"

"Let's see if y'all got the skills to back up that big talk. Assumin' RD doesn't turn off the console just before she loses."

"Wh-why'd you have to bring that up?! You were gonna lose, anyway!"

"Careful, guys. I think Aria's up to her old Siren tricks again."

"Oh har har, Indigo. C'mon, let's just play already!"

The slumber party was in full swing. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Indigo Zap, and Aria Blaze all sat in front of the TV, video game controllers in their hands. Meanwhile, Sonata Dusk, Pinkie Pie, and Lemon Zest were swapping jokes and telling funny stories. Over by the dresser, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Sunny Flare were giving Sour Sweet an impromptu makeover. In the corner, Twilight Sparkle and Sugarcoat were having a private study session. Sunset Shimmer looked around the room, wondering which activity to join in.

She then noticed Adagio Dazzle, who was simply sitting on Pinkie Pie's bed all by her lonesome. With a soft smirk, Sunset sat down beside her.

"Hey," she said. "Cool party, huh?"

Adagio shrugged. "It's alright, I guess."

There was a slight pause punctuated by Sunset clearing her throat.

"So, uh, what're you doing over here?" she inquired.

"Just thinking," Adagio said absently.

"Wanna talk about it?"

Adagio turned her head and raised an eyebrow. "Tell me, Shimmer. Is part of friendship really being this nosy?"

"Sorry," said Sunset. "It's just that, everyone's having a great time, and you're over here by yourself. I thought you could use some company."

Adagio sighed before looking around at everyone. "They really do look happy, don't they?"

"You mean Sonata and Aria, right?"

"Yeah," said Adagio with a nod. She sighed again. "Sometimes, I wish I was just as blissfully unaware as they are. They were so quick to accept your friendship once you offered it to them. They make it look so easy."

Sunset shook her head. "Don't get discouraged, Adagio. Believe me, it's not easy. At the same time, though, it's probably not as difficult as you think it is. You managed to accomplish so much once you put your mind to it."

"I only did that to help Sonata and Aria," Adagio grumbled, folding her arms.

"Oh? Then what was all that about thanking the Shadowbolts for teaching you how to be a good leader?" Sunset asked coyly.

Adagio let out a defeated groan. "Okay, okay. You've made your point, Shimmer. Maybe this is what's best for us. I-it just feels weird, alright?"

"Believe me, I get the feeling," said Sunset. She placed a hand on Adagio's shoulder. "You've taken a big first step, Adagio, but your journey is far from over. And no matter what, always remember that your friends will be there for you, every step of the way."

Adagio's lips curled into a thin smile. "I-I'll be sure to keep that in mind," she said. She then furrowed her brow. "Sunset?"


"Do you think Crystal Prep needs magic?"

Sunset pondered for a moment. "I'm afraid I can't answer that, Adagio. But if you think it does, I'm sure the Shadowbolts would be happy to have you back."

Adagio nodded. "Perhaps," she said. "I may have to discuss it with Sonata and Aria later. See what they think, y'know?"

"And here I thought you didn't care about what they thought. You really have grown up, Adagio Dazzle."

A slick-sounding voice echoed around the room, catching everyone off-guard. From underneath the bed, Discord slithered out, carrying a tray of cucumber sandwiches.

"Time to make this a real party!" he cheered. "Thanks so much for the invite, Smitty. I do love spontaneous events like this."

Sunset chuckled. "No problem, Discord. Just, uh, we did order a pizza, so..."

Discord looked down at the sandwiches and blinked. "Oh. Right. Not a tea party at Fluttershy's. My bad."

He snapped his fingers, and they turned into ice cream sandwiches. All except one, which turned into a parasprite.

"Oh, no you don't," said Discord, poking the parasprite. The parasprite popped like a balloon, flying around the room before landing right in Adagio's hair. Before Adagio could protest, the deflated parasprite turned into a squirrel, which darted out of her hair and into Fluttershy's lap. Adagio shook herself from the odd display.

"Sorry about that. Chaos magic and all," said Discord with a shrug.

"Believe me, I'm well aware by now," said Adagio. She then gave Discord a half-smirk. "You know, I never did get a chance to thank you. For covering for me when Cinch called me in. Perhaps I was wrong about you."

Discord shook his head. "We were wrong about each other, Adagio. All of us were. I am truly sorry my vindictive nature barred your way to happiness and friendship."

Adagio's smile broadened. "Well, you made up for it in the end."

"Even if you were a tad reckless," said Sunset.

Discord sulked. "I know, I know. It's just how I roll, Smitty."

Adagio giggled. "Discord, I accept your apology. I really shouldn't have been bitter for so long, anyway."

Discord smiled and nodded. "Good. I'm glad we can all be friends now, Adagio. There's still so much we can learn together, and—"

He was soon distracted by a pair of eyes that remained glued to him, ever after everyone else continued going about their business. Twilight stared up at Discord, her mouth agape. Sunset blushed.

"Oh, yeah," she said, brushing the back of her head sheepishly. "I never told you about Discord, did I?"

Discord sniggered. "Maybe you shouldn't make a habit of hiding my existence like that, Smitty."

The Rainbooms, Sirens, and Shadowbolts all shared a laugh. Twilight was about to protest when Pinkie Pie placed an arm around her.

"I'm sure Sunny will tell you all about it later," she said.

Sunny Flare blinked. "Prithee, why me? I would not be opposed to explaining Discord's story, but I feel Sunset Shimmer would have vastly more knowledge than—" She trailed off as an epiphany hit her. "Oh. I-I see."

"Now you understand why I elected to use different nicknames, Burbligun?" Discord said slyly.

Another laugh was shared, and this time, Twilight joined in, too.


Dear Princess Twilight:

I'm sorry it's been a while since my last correspondence, but this past week has been very busy for me. I managed to take part in a student-exchange program at Crystal Prep Academy. You know, the school where this universe's version of you used to go to? It was pretty tough, but we managed to spread the magic of friendship there, too. I made lots of new friends, and we actually learned some important lessons.

Adagio Dazzle, Indigo Zap, and Principal Cinch all learned that leaders do more than just boss people around. They also have to listen to their followers and understand that they're not infallible.

The Shadowbolts learned the same lesson we learned at the Battle of the Bands. And it was actually Adagio Dazzle of all people who taught them that. Pretty crazy, right? They also learned that while friends do fight, those fights don't have to mark the end of their friendship.

Principal Cinch actually managed to learn one more thing. If I may paraphrase from one of the Rainbooms' songs:

Things may come, and things may go,
Some go fast, and some go slow,
Few things last, that's all I know,
But friendship carries on through the ages.

Anyway, that's all from me. Hope to hear from you soon.

Very truly yours,

Sunset Shimmer

Princess Twilight Sparkle read the latest entry from her magic book, a huge smile plastered on her face. She soon noticed a small postcard nestled between the pages. It was a large group shot selfie, with Discord's tail holding the camera as all of the Rainbooms, Sirens, and Shadowbolts smiled and posed. She chuckled.

"I actually wouldn't mind if this became a thing," she mused. "It certainly explains why I haven't heard from Discord in a while. Also, maybe there is something to be said for the hooves-off approach. It's clearly working wonders for you, Sunset."

"What're you reading there, Twilight?"

Twilight looked up to see Starlight Glimmer trot into the throne room, saddlebags slung over her shoulder. Twilight gave her a nod of salutation.

"Oh, hey Starlight," she said. "I was just catching up with a pen pal of mine before we head off to the Crystal Empire."

Starlight tilted her head. "A pen pal? But, you're reading a book."

"Oh, this is a very special book," said Twilight, holding it aloft with her magic. "See, there's another book just like this one, and anything that's written in it appears in this one, and visa versa."

Starlight tapped her muzzle in thought. "Ah. A symbiosis spell. Very intriguing," she commented. "So, who is this pen pal of yours? Anypony I know?"

"I doubt it," said Twilight. "She's actually been my friend for a while; ever since I became a princess. It wasn't always like that, though." She then smirked. "Actually, I'd like to take you to meet her someday. You two have a lot in common."

Starlight gave Twilight a bemused look. "Last time I had something in common with somepony, you complained."

"I know, I know. And I'm really sorry about how I acted," Twilight admitted. "You have to admit, I was at least half-right about Trixie."

"Yeah, I suppose," said Starlight. "So, what exactly do this pony and I have in common?"

Twilight let out a sly chuckle as she got up from her seat. "I'll probably tell you about it later, when you're a bit further in your studies on friendship. For now, well, let's just say you're not exactly my first friendship student..."

The End

Comments ( 35 )

Sunset hid her face. "I-I don't need you to defend me, Sunset Shimmer."

One of these things is incorrect, one of these things just doesn't belong.

Pretty good story overall. So, Gloriosa up next? :raritywink:

I really hope Slitherquick got carted off somewhere

8111053 Whoops! Thanks for catching that, mate. :twilightblush:

As for Gloriosa, um, I dunno. She's a bit of an outlier when it comes to Equestria Girls villains; more so than even Principal Cinch. Because unlike her, the Sirens, and Sunset Shimmer, Gloriosa Daisy was a good person with good intentions from the start. She just made very poor decisions. As such, I don't think she fits the reformation mold like the other characters do. :applejackunsure:

Please tell me there will be another sequel?

8111113 As of right now, I'm not sure. I have some ideas (mainly involving Starlight Glimmer), but nothing concrete yet. I'll be sure to keep you guys posted. :raritywink:

And to the end of her days, Sunny 'Burbligun' Flare is never able to rid herself of that dreadful nickname. "You just look like a 'Burbligun'," is the common refrain. And somewhere far away (or perhaps right next to you — most likely both) a draconequus laughs...

This was a pleasent story to read. Thank you.

8111128 Please do. With all the stories in this series, whatever you do next, if you decide to do so, is bound to be good.

And an excellent epilogue to a fun story.

I definitely smell a sequel where Starlight Glimmer gets in on some Reformation B-Word. :trixieshiftright:

Great story, though I cant help but feel Cinch got off easy.

Enjoyed this one all the way. All the best to you and your writing, whenever they appear and whatever they may be. :)

What is more, and we have to be realistic here, Sunset is already at the point Starlight is worrying about - Standing on her own hooves (feet) and spreading Friendship on her own initiative.

That was a nice ending that ties up a lot of the remaining plot issues from the story and leaves the way open for a possible sequel. Most importantly, it reminds us that, for all of the crises they have suffered, the girls of the EqG universe are only growing stronger and closer.

Reformation Bonanza? Where Starlight brings Trixie and Thorax along to the human world to meet Sunset, only for it to be crashed by Chrysalis?

A great happy ending to a great story.

8111106 I think you could call this series completed, or you could write about Gloriosa if you choose. You're right she doesn't need to be reformed, but she could certainly stand to learn a lesson or two about trusting her brother and treating him as an equal in the running of the camp. Now that I think about it, Gloriosa and Timber could probably stand to learn a lesson or two from Celestia and Luna.

Good story, good conclusion. And if there's a future tale involving Sunset and Starlight meeting, then all the better. :twilightsmile:

Hm, so is Discord going to show up expecting another reformed villain to be friends with only to find out Gloriosa's more of an Anti-Hero who went mad due to stress, desperation, and an overdose of magical power?

This was a brilliant story. Actually, the entire series was brilliant.

I really hope this gets a sequel, I would love to read more of this.

This one of the best fanfictions I've ever read. It's extremely well written and your characterization is amazing! I certainly hope you make a sequel to this one. :)

How I missed the sequel is going to drive me crazy because now I have to read this! :rainbowlaugh:

Just got done reading this entire series. Probably has one of the most accurate portrayals of Discord.

can you do Reformation campsite?

As I stated before, I don't know if Gloriosa Daisy fits the mold of reformation like the characters in the other stories. Besides, that title breaks the pattern I'm going for with this series. :derpytongue2:

oh, will I hope you put Juniper Montage in the group?

I might. Again, you'll have to wait and see. :raritywink:

also there equestrian girls series out I also know that they get the amulet from the event of equestrian girls the legend of everfree camp?

Kind of sad that the series as it is atm, is ended. But it was still a pretty good series of stories from beginning to end. Hopefully we get more, and a alicorn Sunset.

Still all in all love what you've done.

Fair enough. That being said, I've had more than enough time to reconsider my position.

Still, I dislike the idea that Sour Sweet is afflicted with any sort of neurological disorder that requires medication.

I don't think she has a mental condition that requires medication. Rather what she has is an attitude problem / behavioral disorder. Rather than a psychological one. Just not BPD. So she could be fixed with tools, and training to handle her problem better. She just doesn't care, and it's not something that negatively impacts her enough for others to suggest she seeks counseling.

:twilightsmile: You're welcome. This was a really enjoyable read.

I agree. That's part of the thinking behind my portrayal of her in my stuff - she's realized that she has a problem and she's actively working to fix it. Still, I'd blame at least part of it on her environment. Everyone reacts to stress in different ways, and Crystal Prep under Cinch seems like a very stressful environment.

These 3 reformation stories are honestly some of my favorites. For some reason I enjoy Sunset and Discord's friendship.

I’m a bit late, but I wanted to say these were both great stories. I love Sunset and Discord, so of course I love seeing them interact with each other.

Another sequel would be cool, but as you mentioned Gloriosa was never really malicious, and the specials have made a habit of reforming their villains immediately. Not that Discord couldn’t make friends with them anyway.

Also, I wanted to commend you for making Cinch an interesting character. I found her extremely bland in the movie, and she’s my second least favorite villain in the series (least is Vignette).

I’ll likely look at your other stories at some point in the future.

i know a sequel isn't likely, but i'd love to see one
even if it's just a slice of life-type affair wherein we just get to see how the group(s) carry on afterwards
or maybe you could have one for starlight's introduction to sunset(and the others)

"Or a two-faced weasel," Sugarcoat added.

Damn shots fired from sugarcoat that was brutal even for her

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