• Published 10th Jan 2017
  • 4,837 Views, 285 Comments

Reformation Brigade - Metool Bard

Crystal Prep needs a friendship makeover. And who better to give it one than Discord and the Dazzlings? Yeah, it appears Sunset didn't really think this through.

  • ...

So You Say You Want a Revolution

The bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. While the Crystal Prep students started for home, the Canterlot High volunteers made their way to the bus stop.

"Well. That wasn't so bad," said Lyra, placing her hands behind her head. "A lot better than when we came here for that soccer match."

"Yeah, I've always heard rumors that Crystal Prep was full of jerks, but they're actually kinda nice," said Silver Spoon. "Though I'm still gonna study my butt off when I get home. Those teachers mean business."

"No kidding. Did you see those equations they had to memorize?" said Bon-Bon. "That felt like calculus-level stuff."

Sunset shrugged. "It didn't look that difficult, to be honest. If anything, I'm more baffled by Professor Gourmand's home economics class."

"Yeah, I'm pretty convinced that old hag has no taste buds to speak of," said Sonata, looking a bit green. "I mean, didn't those guys used to brag that they were better than your school in every way? Why is their food so bland and mushy?"

"No one was asking you to eat the whole thing, Sonata," Aria sighed, rolling her eyes.

"She looked like she'd kill me if I didn't! What was I supposed to do?!" Sonata whined, clutching her stomach. "Ooh, I feel so sick~. I need tacos, stat!"

"How is eating more going to make you less sick?" Aria inquired incredulously.

"Because I need to remind myself of what good food actually tastes like, that's why."

"C'mon, I doubt it was that bad."

"How do you know?! You didn't eat it!"

"Oh, will you two just shut up?" Adagio snarled, pinching the bridge of her nose. "What did I ever do to deserve this?"

"What, you mean besides trying to take over the world and hypnotize us into being your slaves?" asked Diamond Tiara.

Adagio shot Diamond Tiara a look. "That's what should have happened, you little—"

"Hey, hey. Easy," said Sunset, stepping between Adagio and Diamond. "Adagio, trust me. I've faced this kind of thing before. You can't let it consume you like this."

"I don't take orders from you," Adagio growled. She made a move to shove Sunset out of the way, but Aria and Sonata held her back. Sunset sighed.

"Listen, you guys go on ahead," she told the others. "I promised the Shadowbolts that we'd meet with them after school."

"We?" asked Lyra.

"Me and the Dazzlings."

The other students looked over at Adagio still struggling within the grip of her cohorts. After a pause, they all shared a shrug.

"If you say so," said Bon-Bon. "I guess we'll see you tomorrow, then."

"Yeah, seeya," said Sunset with a smile and a wave.

As the two groups parted ways, Adagio finally calmed herself down, even though her sour mood did not change one iota.

"This is still a bad idea," she grumbled. "And you two are idiots for taking marching orders from her."

"Well, you've always called us idiots. I don't see how this changes anything," said Sonata blankly.

Aria snickered. "Oh man. You just got burned by Sonata."

Adagio huffed, folding her arms and pouting. "So, I suppose we should just let you do the talking?" she asked Sunset. "Y'know, seeing as someone died and apparently made you boss."

Sunset ignored the jab and simply shook her head. "Actually, no. This isn't just going to be an interrogation. This is a chance for you guys to make new friends."

"She's right, you know."

A familiar voice echoed around the girls as a beam of light shot from Sunset's phone, revealing Discord messing around with a gaming app.

"And why exactly should we trust you?" said Adagio, leering at Discord.

"You know, Sunny actually asked me the very same question when we first met," said Discord absently, his eyes transfixed on what appeared to be a digital map of the parking lot. "The point is you three are still relatively new to this friendship business. It wouldn't hurt to get some practice in."

"I think the same could be said about you, Discord," said Sunset with a smirk.

"Hey, I'm learning," said Discord defensively. "I-it's just difficult sometimes. So many intricate nuances to keep track of, and— Oh my goodness! I haven't caught that one yet!"

"Wait, caught what one?" asked Sonata.

"Oh, nothing," said Discord, his eyes transfixed to the game. "By the way, Adagio, I'd duck if I were you."

Adagio scoffed. "Oh, please. You honestly think I'd—"

She was interrupted by a ball sailing through the air and beaning her in the face.

"Drat. I missed," Discord grumbled. "Oh, good. It hasn't run away yet."

Before anyone could ask what he meant, there was a loud squawk from behind Adagio. All eyes turned to see a bizarre creature that appeared to be a cross between a platypus and a bunny rabbit. Another ball whizzed through the air, barely grazing Adagio's cheek as it struck the creature and sucked it inside. The ball shook three times before letting out a satisfying click.

"Yes!" Discord cheered, pumping his arm. He then looked at Sunset and shrugged. "What? You said you'd introduce me to the Shadowbolts if I didn't cause any more trouble today. How do you think I've been keeping myself occupied?"

Sunset breathed out a small laugh and shook her head. "Okay, fair's fair. Just, try to be—"

"Discreet. I know, I know," said Discord. "That's five, by the by. I suggest you look into a thesaurus."

With that, he disappeared back into Sunset's phone. Sonata blinked.

"Okay, how are we gonna explain him to the Shadowbolts?" she asked.

Sunset sighed and shrugged. "I'm sure we'll think of something. C'mon, I think the diner's over here."


The distinct chime of a bell sounded above as Sunset and the Sirens walked into a modest-looking diner just across the street from the school. Though the place seemed mostly empty, delicious smells wafted from the kitchen. Sunset couldn't help but be reminded of the café run by Mr. and Mrs. Cake where she usually hung out with the Rainbooms.

"Yo, Sunset Shimmer! Over here!"

She looked over to a large booth near the end of the diner. Sitting there were all five of the Shadowbolts, with Indigo Zap waving her over. Sunset waved back and led the Sirens over to the booth.

"So, I presume we should get down to business," said Sugarcoat, adjusting her glasses.

Lemon Zest rolled her eyes. "No need to be such a stiff, Sugarcoat. We want them to help us, yeah? So let's, like, try to have a good time here."

"Oh, yes~! That's a great idea~!" Sour Sweet trilled innocently. "We should definitely just sit around shooting the breeze instead of, I don't know, discussing everything that's wrong with our school!"

Aria blinked. "Okay, I have to know. Is she always like this?"

"Yes, actually," said Sugarcoat bluntly. "The fact that she has managed to succeed here despite her, shall we say, quirks is a testament to her work ethic as well as Dean Cadence's guidance."

Sour Sweet narrowed her eyes. "I can't tell if you were complimenting me or insulting me."

"The truth has no bias," Sugarcoat quipped, looking down at her menu.

Lemon Zest shrugged and looked over at Sonata. "So, you girls are all from another dimension, right? That's pretty rad."

"Yeah. We were kinda banished here for trying to take over Equestria," said Sonata sheepishly.

"That's, what our dimension is called," Sunset clarified. "There's a lot to unpack here, so I'll summarize the best I can."

Like with Dean Cadence, she explained everything about the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands. As she spoke, she could feel Adagio's piercing gaze bore into her. When she was finished, Sugarcoat was the first to speak up.

"So, let me see if I have this straight. These three Sirens were banished here so that they couldn't steal magic, and then you introduced magic into this world just to get revenge against your former teacher?"

Sunset's face turned bright red as she sank in her seat. "Well, yeah."

"So everything that happened in the Friendship Games is technically your fault."

"I-I guess. Look, I'm not proud of what I did. The best I can do is learn from it and become a better person."

"That's the right way to go about it, if you ask me," said Indigo. She then looked over at the Sirens. "I'm guessing you three feel the same way."

Aria shrugged. "Something like that. See, after we lost to Sunset, we thought our powers were gone for good. Turns out they're not."

"Speak for yourselves," huffed Adagio, folding her arms. "I haven't gotten my powers back yet."

"Well, you're not getting them back with that attitude," Aria retorted. "Unless it turns out that your 'true self' is a total jerk."

"Well, I'm lost," said Sour Sweet. "Did you get your powers back, or didn't you?"

Sunset cleared her throat. "Well, about that. See, there's actually someone else I'd like you all to meet. Just, promise me you won't freak out."

Sugarcoat deadpanned. "We're talking to four pony people from another dimension who can shoot rainbows to vanquish evil. I think we've seen just about everything."

"Oh, how wrong you are."

A jovial yet sinister laugh resonated around the diner, though only Sunset, the Sirens, and the Shadowbolts seemed to notice. Glasses and plates clinked, and the ground rumbled. The Shadowbolts exchanged worried looks as the rumbling became more and more intense. Just at the tip of the crescendo, there was a quick, anticlimactic pop. Everything was as it was before, except at the far end of the booth stood a creature none of the Shadowbolts had ever seen before.


"I-I-Ay yi yi..."

"Okay, now we've seen just about everything."

"Oh, hey! Yeah, that's fine! Just, appear in the middle of this diner, where everyone can see you. Nothing unusual here! By the way, what the heck is that thing?!"

"I was just getting around to that," said Sunset.

"Allow me, Sunny," said Discord with a bow. "Salutations, Shadowbolts. I am Discord, Master of Chaos and something of a former enemy of Equestria. Much like these lovely ladies here, I have changed my ways, and I seek to learn all I can about the magic of friendship."

"Oh my giddy aunt, it talks," Sunny Flare stated blankly. "Sour, be a dear and catch me, will you?"

She then swooned right into Sour Sweet's lap. Indigo shook herself.

"Okay, back up here," she said, shaking her head. "You girls used to be ponies, right? But you changed shape when you came here."

"That's correct," said Sunset with a nod.

Indigo looked over at Discord again. "So, what's his excuse?"

"Remember when he said that he's the Master of Chaos? That's actually true," said Sunset. "Discord's chaos magic allows him to do pretty much whatever he wants."

"Well, more or less," said Discord. "I should mention that my magic sometimes acts on its own accord. Wouldn't exactly be chaos if I had control over it, know what I mean?"

"Okay, that explains how you're here," said Sugarcoat. "What about why?"

Discord shrugged. "Why not? Sunny's my friend, and there's nothing wrong with spending time with your friend."

Sour Sweet blinked, looking down at Sunny Flare passed out in her lap. "Wait, Sunny? I don't think she knows you."

Discord gave Sour Sweet a curious look. "Whatever do you mean?"

Sour Sweet smiled. "I'm just saying that if you were really friends with someone, they wouldn't, you know, faint at the very sight of you."

Discord turned to Sunset. "Do you know what she's talking about?"

It didn't take Indigo long to figure out what was going on. "Maybe we should introduce ourselves," she said. "I'm Indigo Zap. These here are Sugarcoat, Lemon Zest, Sour Sweet, and Sunny Flare."

Discord looked at Sunny Flare, then back over to Sunset. "Hang on, so her name is Sunny? But, Sunny was the nickname I gave to Sunset when we became friends."

"There's no use complaining about it," said Sugarcoat with a shrug. "How's she holding up, Sour?"

"I think she's coming to," said Sour Sweet. Slowly but surely, she helped Sunny Flare regain her upright posture.

Discord frowned. "Well, this certainly will not do. I will admit, the idea of two Sunnys can lead to some interesting moments. Nevertheless, I promised that I would be on my best behavior and not cause my good friend any undue stress. Intentionally."

"Likely story," Adagio grumbled under her breath.

Discord ignored Adagio and looked between Sunset Shimmer and Sunny Flare. "Okay, how about this? I'll call you Smitty, and I'll call you Burbligun."

Sunny Flare's eyes went wide. "Wh-what? What madness would possess you to refer to me by such an asinine, undignified moniker?! I'd be insulted if I wasn't so utterly perplexed! I mean, it simply does not—"

"Make any sense?" said Sunset, finishing Sunny Flare's thought. "Yeah, that's a bit of a theme with Discord. He likes it when things don't make sense. That's why he was such a threat to Equestria for so long."

"Well said, Smittywernerjäegermanjepson," said Discord.

Adagio scowled. "I still think he's a threat," she muttered under her breath. "You're all just too stupid to realize it."

"I feel like we got a bit sidetracked," said Sunset, clearing her throat. "See, after the Battle of the Bands, Discord heard about me and wanted to become my friend. The only problem was I didn't know that he turned over a new leaf. So, he had to prove himself to me."

"And it wasn't easy," Discord chimed in. "Smitty was so sure that I was going to make things worse for her, even though I was being sincere in my efforts. It was touch-and-go for a while, but I soon discovered the best way to prove that I was no longer an enemy of friendship was to help create friendship."

"And that led to Aria and me getting our magic back!" said Sonata. Her expression drooped as she turned to Adagio. "Unfortunately, Adagio here made a mistake. She though he was still evil, so she tried to make Sunset evil again. That didn't turn out well."

Discord sighed. "I admit, I can be rather vindictive when it comes to people interfering with my friendships. But, as I've learned from Tree Hugger, it is a habit that I have to overcome should I wish to continue pursuing the magic of friendship. I'm justing waiting on Adagio to accept my apology." He then looked at Adagio, who was still sulking. "Which might be some considerable time."

Aria suddenly perked up and took a look around the diner. "Um, Discord? Not to be a buzzkill, but are you sure it's okay for you to just be like, well, this right now? Anyone could see you."

"Oh, can they?" asked Discord with a sly grin. "Maybe they're not seeing me. Maybe this is all just a mirage."

As soon as he said that, his image became blurry before vanishing entirely. Before anyone could say anything else, a waitress appeared with notepad in hand.

"Can I get you girls anything?" she asked.

The Shadowbolts looked at Sunset, as if to ask her how the wait staff missed Discord entirely. Sunset simply shrugged and turned back to the waitress.

"I think we're ready," she said.

"I'd like the barbecued house special, please," said Lemon Zest.

"Meatloaf sandwich for me," said Sour Sweet.

Sunny Flare shook herself, still recovering from her odd experience with Discord. "Um, I guess I'll have two hard boiled eggs."

"Right, two hard boiled eggs," said the waitress, writing down the order.

There was the honk of a clown horn blasting from the seat which Discord previously occupied. When the waitress looked up in confusion, Sunset let out a cough.

"B-better make that three hard boiled eggs," she said hastily.

The waitress shrugged and jotted down the order. "So, the rest of you?"

"Do you have any tacos?" asked Sonata, prompting a smack from Aria. "Ow, what?"

The waitress arched an eyebrow. "Miss, this is a diner. We don't serve tacos here."

"Oh. Phooey," Sonata sighed. "Well, I guess I'll have two hard boiled eggs, too."

"Right, two hard boiled eggs."

Another honk from the empty seat.

"Make that three hard boiled eggs," said Aria, giving the vacant seat a glare.

Thoroughly befuddled, the waitress shook herself. "Um, okay. And you, miss?"

Adagio snorted. "This is the point where I would be feeding off of negative energy, but thanks to Sunset Shimmer, I can't do that."

"Will you just drop it?" Aria groaned. "Get her two hard boiled eggs, too."

"Right, two hard boiled eggs."

Yet another honk from the empty seat.

"Make that three hard boiled eggs," said Sonata quickly.

There was one more honk.

"And one duck egg."

Sunset averted her eyes, her cheeks flushing bright red. "I am truly sorry about this, ma'am."

"Um, okay," said the waitress, nodding slowly. She jotted down the rest of the orders without incident and marched back into the kitchen without even collecting the menus. Sugarcoat gave Sonata an incredulous look.

"One duck egg? Really?"

Sonata flailed her arms. "He sounded like a duck, and I panicked. Get off my back."

"Yeah, that's usually my job," said Aria with a sneer.

Indigo sighed. "Okay. Hopefully, we got all that out of our system."

"If you truly think that, you don't know me very well," Discord stated frankly. He slithered from underneath the booth's cushions and wrapped his arm around Sonata, pulling her in close. "But hey, we're all friends here! Or at least, I would like it if we were all friends. Anything I can do to help, consider it done!"

Indigo furrowed her brow. "Well, I hate to say this, but we might actually need your help." She turned to Sunset. "That goes for you and the Sirens, too. I don't know if you've noticed, but our school's in big trouble."

"I've gathered that much from what I heard from Dean Cadence," said Sunset. "But, what kind of trouble are we talking about?"

"We think Principal Cinch has become paranoid," said Sugarcoat in a matter-of-fact tone. "Ever since the Friendship Games, the rules and guidelines at Crystal Prep have become a lot more strict. Sometimes to a ludicrous degree."

"Remember those turnstiles at the entrance?" Indigo continued. "Those weren't always there. Cinch had 'em installed about a week after the Games."

"I wasn't exaggerating about the security cameras, either," Sour Sweet added. "The only thing the staff can't see is in Dean Cadence's office, and that's because she fought tooth and nail to keep them out."

"Hmm. Are you sure this Principal Cinch was not named Sombra at one point?" asked Discord, stroking his goatee. "This sounds more like his MO."

Lemon Zest shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry, dude. No clue who that is."

"Oh. Huh," said Discord thoughtfully. "Something of a missed opportunity there."


"Nothing. Just an aside." He then waved to a seemingly blank space, as though he were looking into a camera. "Hello."

Sunset let out a small cough. "Well, that all sounds pretty rough."

"Rough does not even begin to describe it, my dear," Sunny Flare said darkly, dipping her voice into a low whisper. She leaned in, a harsh shadow cast upon her face. "For rumor has it that Principal Cinch has gone so far as to outlaw the very concept of your magic in our school. Of course, there is no proof of this, nor do we have any idea of how such a rule would be enforced. But before the last Friendship Games, no student has ever stood up to Cinch the way we did. And how could we not? Her actions caused our comrade to drive herself insane and nearly tear the fabric of reality asunder. True, it is hypocritical for a sheep to criticize her shepherd, but that is precisely the reason behind our actions."

She sighed and placed a hand to her chest. "For lo, 'twas us five, sitting right before you, who have orchestrated the student-exchange program. We always thought that Crystal Prep was the better school. We were trained to think that for years. But after the events of this year's Friendship Games, the blinders have fallen away. We see now that our school is not perfect, and it never was. And because we dare to consider such a prospect, our dear principal believes that our minds have been tainted by your otherworldly magic. Well, I say if this is her best remedy, I would rather not be cured. Instead, we have sought an alternate treatment. You."

She bowed her head and scrunched her eyes shut, as though trying to hold back tears. "Introducing magic to this world may have been folly on your part, Sunset Shimmer. But verily, it led to the birth of your school's glorious renaissance. We only ask that you share your experiences with us, so that we in turn may better ourselves. Help us free our principal from the grips of paranoia and force her to swallow her pride. For ye, the time has come for us to rid ourselves of our delusions and actually learn from those we have once deemed inferior. There is so much we can learn from one another; so much we can teach one another. The nuances of this world must be brought to light! ¡Viva la revolución!"

She concluded her speech by slamming her hand on the table with all her might. A long pause hung in the air as all eyes stood transfixed at the overly dramatic display. The silence was broken by Aria.

"So, basically, your principal has gone crazy, your school sucks, and you want us to use our magic to fix everything," she said.

Sunny Flare pouted. "That's a rather broad generalization."

"Not an incorrect one, though," Sugarcoat pointed out.

Sunny Flare sighed and shook her head. "Philistines."

"Well, I'm sorry to say that magic is a little more complicated than that," said Sunset. "We can't just zap your school and make everything okay."

"Can't he do it?" asked Lemon Zest, jerking her thumb over at Discord.

Discord sighed. "If I had a bit for every time I was asked that question..."

As if on cue, several golden coins rained from the ceiling and into Discord's lap.

"Oh, hey. Neat," he said, scooping up the coins. "I guess dinner's on me, girls."

Sugarcoat blinked at the odd display before shaking herself. "Look, we had a feeling that it wouldn't be that easy. Which is why I propose that we work together. If Cinch truly wants to make a No Magic rule for Crystal Prep, we have to expose it for what it is: A draconian measure being taken by a paranoid tyrant of a principal trying to keep her subjects in line."

"Sounds to me like you're planning to stage some sort of coup," said Discord, donning a red bandana. "I'm all for it, but isn't that a bit too ambitious for a bunch of high school students such as yourselves?"

Indigo snickered. "What can I say? Our professors always taught us to be ambitious. We're just following their example."

"In all seriousness, though. Simply getting Cinch to acknowledge her faults and not punish us for disagreeing with her is reward enough," said Sugarcoat, adjusting her glasses.

Sunset nodded. "Alright, I think I get the gist. We'll do whatever we can to help." She then looked over at the Sirens. "At the same time, however, maybe you guys can help us."

"We don't know anything about magic," said Sugarcoat bluntly. "If we did, why would we ask you to do this in the first place?"

"Oh, it's not really about that," said Sunset, rubbing her arm sheepishly. "Well, it kind of is. See, my research has determined that Equestrian magic is triggered when the wielder is true to themselves and makes full use of what makes them special."

"The problem is, we don't really know what that means," said Aria. "So Sunset figured if we help you guys out, it'll also help us discover our true selves. Or, something. I don't know; I'm still trying to wrap my head around all this. Adagio usually does most of the thinking, but she doesn't exactly want to be helpful right now."

"Hmm. That's pretty deep," said Indigo thoughtfully. "You girls need to discover yourselves, huh? Well, I don't know much about magic, but if there's one thing I learned from Crystal Prep, it's how to dig down and really show the world what I'm made of. That's how all of us got to where we are, and if nothing else, I'm sure we can do the same for you. Isn't that right, team?"

"It's certainly within the realm of possibility."

"I'd say so."

"Yeah, let's help them discover themselves and get them in trouble with Cinch for using magic!"

Indigo deadpanned. "Sour, try to be a bit more positive, yeah? Anyway, what about you, Lemon—? Oh, for Pete's sake!"

Lemon Zest was off in her own little world, thumping beats blaring on her headphones. Sunny Flare sighed and nudged Lemon Zest with her elbow.

"Huh, what? Oh, yeahyeahyeah. Totally. Whatever you said," she stammered, giving Indigo a thumbs up.

Indigo sighed and shook her head. "Sometimes, you guys just drive me crazy."

"How do you think we feel?" Sugarcoat retorted.

Discord looked over the Shadowbolts, twirling his goatee around his finger.

"Is something wrong?" Sonata asked.

"Let's just say I've seen this sort of thing before," Discord mused. "Alright, that settles it. I'm helping, too. But keep in mind that I don't take well to orders. If I'm doing this, I'm doing it my way."

"Which means you plan to doom us all," Adagio grumbled.

Discord smirked. "It will be so satisfying to prove you wrong, Adagio Dazzle."

Just then, the waitress returned with several plates of food. Discord conveniently vanished as everyone was served. Indigo smiled and raised her water glass.

"Alright then. Here's to our new friendships and the betterment of Crystal Prep Academy!" she cheered. "Shadowbolts and Wondercolts unite!"

There was several clinks of glasses as everyone toasted, with the exception of Adagio. Before Sunset could dig in herself, she got a text from Discord.

"The Shadowbolts might need more help than they realize. Be vigilant, Smitty."

Sunset smirked as she texted Discord back.

"Duly noted. Though I think I liked Sunny better."

Discord responded.

"Sorry, the name's already taken by Burbligun, apparently."

Sunset sighed and rolled her eyes before putting her phone away and starting in on her salad. She watched as the Sirens and the Shadowbolts mingled, with only Adagio opting out of the festivities. She couldn't help but stare at Adagio, a concerned frown on her face.

"Hey, don't worry," said Indigo with a warm smile. "We already saw you do some pretty amazing things at the Games. You helped Twilight out of a really dark place. Surely, you can help her, too."

Sunset smiled back at Indigo. "Thanks. It's nice to know that I have friends to support me, even so far away from Canterlot High."

Indigo nodded. "It's like that Discord guy said. We're all friends here. That means we're all in this together."

"Indeed we are, Indigo Zap," said Sunset sagely. "Indeed we are."