• Published 16th Feb 2017
  • 2,908 Views, 44 Comments

The mage, the inventor, and the explorer - Jonny Bench

Three friends were having a nice time, playing modded minecraft on their favorite server, until an accident renders them lost in a new world

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“And that's exactly what happened” jonny says.
“Let me get this straight. You three are characters from a videogame and got brought here by some freak accident?” Twilight asks

“That pretty much sums it up.” Lucifer replies “now, do you think you could get all of us home?”

“Hold up dude, I don't want to go home. This place is amazing! So many new things to research!” Jonny interjects “just think about all of the advances in thaumaturgy we can make here! All of the new materials for machines, the new biomes and dungeons to explore!”

Lucifer and Him both start to smile, thinking about all of the new possibilities that they have available to them. All of the new discoveries waiting to be made excited the group and they all reach the same conclusion.

“Actually, on second thought, we would like to stay here, at least for a while. We could benefit both of our societies from this. Think of it as a cultural exchange.” Lucifer says, causing Twilight to smile.

“Alright then, how about we make you a deal. We’ll give you materials and a place to live if you’ll teach the fillies and colts about your culture. Do we have a deal?”

“I’ve always wanted an apprentice or two, you can count me in.” Jonny says as Lucifer and Him nod in agreement. Twilight squees in delight before Rainbow Dash asks
“Wait, why do we want them to teach the foals at the school? Shouldn’t we be having them work with our top scientists or something?”

“No Rainbow, even though that would be more beneficial now, if we educate the kids instead of us, they’ll be able to do more with the knowledge over the course of their entire life while we might only be around for another couple decades. Also, it’ll be hard to teach our top mages to disregard everything they know to learn something entirely new, they’d get into an argument and nothing would get done.” Twilight responds

“Well then, guess we’ll need to have a little meet and greet, won’t we.” Jonny says in an amused tone.

“The high school’s going to be setting up class schedules next week. I can clear it with the teacher and make it so that the students can spend a semester or two with you to learn.” Twilight replies

“Hey, if I can get the materials I can make one of those builders from buildcraft to set up bases for all of us.” Lucifer says

“How about we demonstrate our capabilities to our new friends then?” Him says mischievously.

“That’s a fun idea, alright let’s go. If you can get me iron and lead, we can really get going from there.” Jonny says with a grin as he goes over to a tree and starts to punch it, while Lucifer and Him reconfigure their staffs of power. The mares have a shocked look on their faces as cracks appear on a small section of the tree before a square log pops out and a section of the tree seemingly breaks, leaving the top half of the tree floating in the air.

“But but but, that’s impossible! There’s nothing holding it up, how is that tree still standing!” Twilight shouts in a confused voice. Then she notices the monstrous hole that appeared in the ground where Him and Lucifer were standing. As they go over to the hole and look down, they see vast amounts of ore floating in mid air while Him and Lucifer continue to dig, before hitting a dark grey colored rock.

“That is bedrock, a virtually indestructible entity that prevents us from falling out of the world.” Jonny says as he walks over to the edge of the hole and puts down an odd looking table with an assortment of tools hanging off of it. Twilight continues to watch as he puts logs into it and turns them into planks, then the planks into slabs. Then he puts three slabs along the top and one plank under the left and right slab, causing multiple tables to appear on top of the table. The new tables have a slimmer base and no tools hanging off them. Jonny then destroys the first table and places the second one down before turning to look at Twilight with a smirk on his face.

“I bet you haven’t seen this kind of magic before.” As he puts his wand on the table, causing a green tablecloth to appear on it and the base to widen. Twilight’s jaw almost hits the ground as she witnesses the transformation of the table.. Not long after, Lucifer and Him appear in front of them before placing multiple furnaces and throwing coal into them all, soon followed by ore and wood.

After waiting for a little bit, jonny walks up to the furnaces before pulling out some of the newly made charcoal, iron and lead. He then puts some of the charcoal on top of sticks, causing torches to appear in his hand before combining a piece of flint and iron, creating flint and steel. Then he walks up to the new table, and puts seven pieces of iron in a large u shape on the table, causing a cauldron to appear, and then does the process again with six pieces of iron and a smaller pattern, making two buckets appear. He then walks over to a stream and fills the buckets, before placing them in a two by two area, creating an infinite water source. Placing the cauldron down near the water, he taps it with his wand, causing it to change into a crucible, fills it with water before digging out an area below it and lights a fire.

“Now then, let’s show you some real magic. If I put in two pieces of coal and three torches, before placing a piece of glowstone that the others found while mining, i get a piece of nitor. This acts like a flameless fire, providing heat and light without the risk of burning something down. Now i can put it under my crucible and it will never go out.”

“What? That’s physically and magically impossible!” Twilight shouts in protest. “It cannot and should not be able to function without burning something and it most certainly should be putting off heat!”

“Well Ms.Sparkle, as you can see there is more than meets the eye when it comes to thaumaturgy.”

Author's Note:

In this chapter i know i focused it more around jonny and twilight. Personally i will be doing that later on but i will not be shipping them. Meant to post this chapter ages ago, but better late than never. I'll be seeing all of you in the next chapter