• Published 16th Feb 2017
  • 2,908 Views, 44 Comments

The mage, the inventor, and the explorer - Jonny Bench

Three friends were having a nice time, playing modded minecraft on their favorite server, until an accident renders them lost in a new world

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Students and curriculum

The Next Day.

Lucifer, jonny and Him walk towards to school house, all hoping that at least someone took them up on their offer. When they entered Ms. Cheerilee’s office to check on the sign up sheet though, they were all surprised by what they saw.

“What!? More than half the class signed up for my class!” Lucifer shouts, trying to think of how he could get the resources needed to run a class of 14 students smoothly.

“Don’t worry, we’ll be covering magical crops early on and can give you a few seeds to start farms with so you don’t need to worry about buying materials. I can also help you set up a couple of systems to automate a few things if you want.”

“What do you know about automating? You almost never use machines!” Lucifer replied

“I created a system in my old base to automatically craft resonant energy cells. Of course I know how to automate things! Automation is easy!” Jonny says, causing the other two to look at him in awe. “Ah it looks like i only have about six students. That’s a splendid number, lets us cover more material than if we had a large group.”

“Is that why you made your class sound so difficult?” Him asks

“Yep, I only want people who are dedicated to the subject, whether it’s from parents making them or them wanting to work hard. Magic is, for the most part, studying and thinking before trying new things, just like science.”

“Huh, that’s pretty smart. I guess it’s good that I got about six kids too, easier to keep track of them and focus on what they need to improve.” Him says

“It’s nice to do things in small groups. Now, how about we go and meet with our classes.” Jonny replies as he walks out of the room towards the main classroom to meet his students

“Good morning class. As you learned yesterday, I am jonnybench, your teacher for the next year. Please call me jonny though, formalities are not needed here. Now, let’s go around the room and introduce ourselves. Go ahead and tell us your names and a little bit about yourself.”

“Hi, I’m Dinky Doo. My mom’s Ditzy Doo, but everyone just calls her Derpy. I’m here to learn more about magic cause I’m pretty bad at it.”

“It’s nice to meet you Dinky. I’m sure that you’ll fit right in here.”

“I’m Silver Spoon. I’m here because this seems like more of an academically challenging class than the others. I’m not an athlete and I hate working with my hooves.”

“Ah, a scholar! You will make an excellent mage Silver.”

“I’m Pipsqueak. I’m here because it’s a once in a lifetime chance. After all, who wouldn’t want to be one of the first earth ponies to be able to use magic!”

“You make a good point there, all six of you will be making history as the first ponies to learn a foreign magic. This will be a great advancement for all of ponykind!”

“Hi, I’m Ruby Pinch. I’m here because I want to be the best pony I can be. Why should I sit around and do nothing when I could be out helping others.”

“That is a very good reason to take this class Ruby. What you learn here can be used to do great things, whether they are good or bad is up to you.”

“Hi, I’m Tender Taps, I’m here because I want to try something new.”

“New things can be very fun, but only if you let them. I’m glad you decided to try this class.”

“I’m Scootaloo. My mom’s making me go because you said that this class teaches study skills. No offense teach, but I wanted to be in Him’s class.”

“None taken Scootaloo, and I assure you we will be going on a few field trips this year, including ones with Him’s class. After all, exploring ruins is a foolish move without the ability to counter any magic you may encounter.” Jonny replies as the class looks at him in confusion.

“Jonny, no offense, but you are acting way differently than you were yesterday. You looked all crabby and impatient then but now you’re calm and nice.”

“Ah, but how else could I find potential! If I made it sound cool then more ponies would have joined, and that would make it harder to run the class. Do you think it would be easier or harder to work with a class of 12 instead of a class of six Dinky?”

“It would be harder sir, you’d have to divide your attention between more students and then things would get out of hand.”

“Exactly Dinky! If we were working on a potion or transmuting an object,, and somepony needed my attention, then I might not notice if somepony else accidentally dropped something hazardous on the floor. In the case of magic, smaller numbers always helps. Now then, this course shall be going over the different forms of magic other than unicorn magic. Can any of you name some of them?”

“Oh I know! Witchery right?”

“Very good Dinky, and do you know where you draw your power from when using witchcraft?”

“It comes from nature. The more plant life and growth in an area, the better the place is for witchcraft.”

“Excellent Dinky, you seem to know quite a bit about it already. Anypony else?”

“Aren't there magical crops?”

“As a matter of fact there are Silver Spoon. Can you tell me what they are used for?”

“Magical crops are grown as a renewable source of resources, from coal and color dyes to silver and platinum.”

“Ah, I see we have another pony who did some research. Now, can anypony else name a type of magic? Yes, Scootaloo.”

“How about blood magic? Doesn't it come from your own life force or something?”

“That is correct Scootaloo. Blood magic uses a person’s own blood or the blood of another to change an item into a more potent one, however it is very dangerous and it shall not be used unless I supervise it until I deem you ready to do it on your own.”

“If it’s really that dangerous, than I will definitely not do blood magic.”

“Don’t worry Scootaloo, we’ll be using it later on in the year, after we’ve gotten major healing abilities mastered. Anyone else?”

“I heard that some creatures like griffins are able to create powerful spells with some kind of special gateway” Pipsqueak answers

“Is indeed true pipsqueak, some creatures can uses something called ars magica that allows all creatures to cast certain spells.”

“Oh, isn’t there magic completely based on botany?”

“There is indeed ruby, and it is separate from witchery, I will be teaching it alongside witchcraft. They benefit each other greatly. You all have done a great job at naming types of magic we shall be using, however, the main type of magic I shall be teaching is called Thaumaturgy. It is comprised of many different parts, alchemy, scholarly, wand based, and artificing. As I said during the lecture, there will be homework every night, but I promise that it won’t be anything too difficult. There will be four assignments in all, one per quarter, and they will all be there to see how you are coming along in your studies. The better it is, the more likely I am to deem you ready for more advanced magic. You can come to me for help whenever you need it and I will do my best to prepare you for what’s to come. Now then, any questions?”

“Where are we going to be working? I know that Apple Bloom said Lucifer has class on her farm and that Him set up his classroom by rainbow dash’s cloud house.”

“Well ruby, I found that the best place to set up, especially for witchery, is out by Zecora’s hut in the everfree forest. However, instead of heading directly to the classroom, you will instead come here first.”

“Why’s that jonny?”

“Well pip, I think it’s about time that I show you your first bit of new magic.

Author's Note:

I’m back, and since it’s the end of the year, I finally have time to work on my stories. I know it’s been a while, and I found new people to play with. Still trying to get back into story writing though, so expect to see some improvements over time.