• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,589 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Knowledge is Power

Today we find ourselves back at the quarry Sandalwood and Micro Chips had found their Elements.

"So this is were the Elements were buried?" Flash asked pointing to the broken stone.

"Yeah," Micro said, "Doom's sword flew into it and broke the rock free. Then they flew out and came to us."

"Explain to me again why we're even here?" Sweetie asked.

"Sunset told us to get info on every spot we've found an Element so far," Micro explained. "She thinks she and Twilight can maybe triangulate the location of the five remaining Elements, using that data."

"Okay," Sweetie said, "now can someone who actually speaks human explain it to me." She and the other three Rangers all laughed at that.

"Hardy har haaar," Micro replied as he scanned the area with his scanner. Once he was done he went to his communicator. "No Element signatures here," he said.

"That's everything," Sunset's voice replied, "you guys head back."

"Well this was a waste of time," Sandal said as they trudged back to his and Flash's cars.

"I have to agree," Micro said, "the last five Elements could be anywhere by now. If the Element of Love found its way to New York, then who knows where the others ended up."

"To bad that scanner thing of yours is so small," Lyra said obviously joking, "you could just scan the whole planet."

At that moment Micro froze, an idea surging through his head.

"What's up?" Flash asked, looking back and seeing Micro just standing there.

"I'm not sure," Micro said, "but I might have an idea."

Up on Darklight's ship, Heart Breaker was walking through the corridors after finally being release from barrack confinement.

Right now she was looking for a way to get back into the brothers good graces after the Gigabyte incident. Stepping onto the bridge she was meet by Cogs, working at one of the computer terminals. "Hey Cogs," she said mimicking a cartoon character from a show she'd watched while grounded, "whatcha doin?"

"After the last battle we received a transmission," Cogs replied, "its possible we can revive the monster you destroyed."

"Sounds great," Heart replied.

"So what are you doing out?" Cogs said, "I'd think you'd try and stay out of trouble for a while."

"That's just it," Heart said, "I need to prove myself to him. If I don't he'll never take me seriously again."

"Well I wish I could help," Cogs said, "but as you can see I got my work cut out for me."

"Yeah," Heart said, "I guess."

Meanwhile back on earth, Micro had just returned to the base where Twilight and Sunset where working.

"This is nuts," Sunset said as her computer beeped, "I thought if we triangulated the areas where Elements had been found we could get a hint on where to look for the others but."

"Nothing," Twilight said as she took of her glasses and wiped her tired eyes.

"No luck huh?" Micro asked.

"Nothing," Sunset said, "looks like we'll be relying on dumb luck to find them."

"Not necessarily," Micro said, getting their attention.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"I had an idea," Micro said as he pulled out his scanner. "The fact is that in a thousand years those Elements could have gotten anywhere on earth, so our best shot at finding them would be to scan the entire world for the Element's unique energy signatures."

"But that would be impossible," Sunset told him.

"Not if we redesigned our two energy scanners into one super powered scanner-"

"And link them up to a satellite system," Twilight caught on.

"We wouldn't be able to scan the whole planet," Micro said, "but we'd be able to scan a much larger area."

"That," Sunset said, "is brilliant."

"Well I am the Element of Knowledge," Micro said as he and Twilight pulled out their scanners and put them on the table alongside each other. "Now we just need to take them apart and rebuild them."

"Allow me," Twilight said as her gemstone began to glow. The two devices rose up and slowly began deconstructing, before being gently set upon the table piece by piece until they were a neatly organised set of bits and bobs.

"Okay," Micro said, "that's cool."

"Then what do you say we get to work?" Sunset asked, getting a nod from the other.

The Next Day

When the rest of the Rangers, Mane Seven and principles arrived at the Command Centre that morning, the first thing they saw was Twilight, Sunset and Micro sleeping on the desks of the lab.

"Someone was busy," Flash said.

"They were working right into the night," Sweetie told them, "even when I went to bed."

"Allow me," Rainbow said as she crept over to the three and pulled out her phone. A quick search and she had a video of a air horn loaded, with the volume at max. She placed the phone next to the three and pressed play, before quickly moving away.

The phone let out the air horn sound, causing the three to wake up with a scream.

"We're under attack!" Micro screamed as he pulled out his blaster and accidently let out a shot.

Everyone kneeled down as the blast flew overhead, bouncing off the walls until it finally stopped.

With it over everyone looked up at Micro. "Sorry," he said sheepishly.

"It's fine," Flash said as he glared towards Rainbow, who smiled back.

"Sorry," she said.

"So," Lyra said wanting to change the subject quickly, "what is it you guys were working on?"

Sunset, Twilight and Micro all smiled before they moved over to the table where a new device was sitting. It was a laptop sized machine with many different buttons and a small satellite dish attached.

"What's this?" Flash asked.

"We call it," Twilight said, "the E-Tector."

"We managed to rebuild our scanners into this super scanner," Sunset said. "By linking it to the satellite network we can scan a large area for the unique energy signature of the five remaining Elements."

"Meaning we can possible locate the Elements in almost no time at all," Luna said.

"Exactly," Micro said.

"Amazing," Celestia said.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Flash said, "lets boot this thing up and find an Element."

"Alright," Micro said as he kneeled down and typed something into the device, "first things first we need to do is type in the co-ordinates of the area we want to search."

"Lets try the surrounding area first," Twilight suggested, "there might still be an Element around here."

"Got it," Micro said as he pressed a few buttons and suddenly the E-Tector activated and the dish slowly rose up on an extendable arm. The device began beeping.

"Is that good?" Sandal asked.

"Its linking up to the satellite," Micro said, "if there's an Element around here we'll find it."

Meanwhile up in space, Cogs and Heart Breaker were on the main bridge of their ship when their computer started beeping.

"What's happening?" Heart asked.

"We're picking up a stray signal," Cogs said as he went to the computer and started typing away. "It looks like the Rangers are hacking into a satellite system and we're accidently piggybacking off it."

"What are they up to?" Heart asked rushing up besides him.

"They must be looking for the Elements," Cogs said, "and it looks like they found something."

Barely five minutes after activating the E-Tector, they had gotten a hit.

"Found something?" Lyra asked.

"Possibly," Twilight said, "give us a second to follow the signal." They typed away for a few seconds and eventually, "got it."

"So where is it?" Sweetie asked.

"It looks like," Sunset said before her eyes went wide, "the same forest Flash found the Element of Courage."

"There's another Element there?" Flash asked.

"It's possible," Micro said, "mine and Sandal's Elements were right next to each other."

"I've got the co-ordinates," Twilight said, "Flash you know this forest. What's this area?" Flash moved over to her computer and looked at the screen, which showed an area he knew.

"That's Barrier Falls," Flash said, "it's a large waterfall on the edge of the woods."

"You'd better go take a look," Celestia told them.

"Right," the Ranger said together.

A little while later we find the Rangers in the forest on route to where the waterfall was suppose to be.

"How much further?" Lyra asked Flash.

"If I remember it correctly," Flash replied, "it should be just over this hill."

"Yeah," Sweetie said, "I hear the water." Indeed there was a sound of rushing water and as they reached the top of the hill they saw it.

A large waterfall flowing down a cliff face into a large pond.

"This is it," Flash said, "the water flows into this pond, which feeds an underground spring.

"Let's hope we can figure out if there's an Element here," Lyra said.

"No problem," Micro said as he pulled something out of his pocket, "the girls and I managed to build this portable scanner with the parts left over."

"That's great," Flash said.

"Yeah but it only has about a hundred foot range."

"Better get closer then," Sandal said.

They quickly moved over towards the falls, as the scanner began to beep. "It's picking something up," Micro told them as he moved the device around, tracking the signal. Finally he determined the signal was strongest when pointed directly at the falls. "I think the Elements behind the falls."

"You mean there's some kind of cave?" Lyra asked.

"Only one way to find out," Flash said as they moved closer to the falls to take a closer look.


"SURPRISE!" In that moment something leaped out of the falls, over the Rangers heads and landed a few feet away from them. It was a horde of Shades along with a weird looking monster, that was mainly dark green and had different coloured spiral patterns on its body. On its chest was some kind of wheel device, with different markings around it and an upwards pointing arrow in the middle and it carried a staff with a triangular crystal on it.

The Rangers looked at him with raised eyes. "Who's this clown?" Sweetie asked.

"The names Brainwave," the monster said, "sent to finish you off." With that he and the Shades charged at the Rangers, who intern got into a fighting stance.

The two sides met and Sandal and Flash found themselves fighting Brainwave, while the rest dealt with the Shades.

"How did they know to come here?" Lyra asked as she round housed a pair of them.

"I don't know," Flash said as he dodged a swing from the monsters staff, before grabbing it and pulling the monster close. "How did you?"

"You should really learn to be careful when playing with your toys," Brainwave replied, confusing everyone but Micro.

"My E-Tector," he said kicking away a Shade, "they must have hacked into the network."

"Bingo," the monster said as he swung his staff and sent Flash flying, before swinging it at Sandal. "You messed up and I got the prize."

As Flash got up he ran back towards the monster and green Ranger. "We can't let him get away with the Element."

Micro managed to beat his group of Shades and then pulled out his scanner, but when he pointed it at the monster it showed nothing. "He doesn't have an Element."

"Maybe not," Brainwave said, "but I got the next best thing." He threw Flash and Sandal away and then turned to Micro. "Let's play a game," he said as he put his hand on the wheel on his chest, "Hypno Dial!" He span in around and for a few moments it spun until it finally stopped, with the arrow pointing at an image of a red angry looking face. "Looks like we're going with rage again," he said as the crystal on his staff glowed before firing a red beam towards Micro.

"Micro watch out," Sandal said as he jumped up and pushed Micro out of the way, only to be hit by the beam instead. Seconds past and he finally opened his eyes, only for them to be glowing red

"SANDAL!" Micro said.

"What did you do to him?" Flash asked Brainwave.

"You'll find out," Brainwave replied, "and he's the least of your worries."

Micro rushed over to Sandal, who was just standing there. "Sandal are you okay?" he asked.

Sandal didn't say anything and instead, turned to Micro and unexpectedly threw a punch towards him which Micro barely dodged.

"What the?" Micro asked.

"Have fun fighting your friend," Brainwave said before rushing away.

"Sandal," Flash said rushing over to him, but the green Ranger responded with a swift kick sending him back. "What's wrong with you."

Sweetie and Lyra had just finished taking down the remaining Shades and turned to the boys. "What are they doing?" Sweetie asked.

"Whatever it is," Lyra said, "it can't be good." They rushed towards them, only to be attacked by Sandal.

"Sandal stop," Sweetie said.

"This isn't you," Lyra said but the two were both grabbed by him and thrown away.

"Sweetie, Lyra," Flash called out, seeing them hit the ground. "Okay that's it," he said as he rushed towards Sandal, "I hate to do this but." He leaped up and sent his strongest kick into Sandal's chest, sending him flying back and slamming into the ground hitting his head. Flash turned back to his friends and kneeled down to help them up while asking, "you all okay?"

"We're fine," Lyra said, "but what about Sandal?"

Suddenly a moan caught their attention, making them look to see Sandal getting up and holding his head. "What happened?"

"You okay now?" Flash asked as he helped him up.

"I think so," Sandal said.

"What happened to you?" Micro asked.

"No idea," Sandal said, "I just remember getting hit by that monster and then everything went fuzzy. I just remember being really angry for some reason."

"We'd better get you back to base to get checked out," Sweetie said.

Suddenly however the ground began to shake. "Now what?" Flash asked but got his answer when something else flew out the falls, only instead of a monster this was a...Zord. It was a giant robotic lion like creature, mainly orange in colour with a red mane. It had orange bat like wings and a long scorpion like tail.

"What is that thing?" Sweetie asked.

"If my mythology is right," Lyra replied, "it's a...manticore!"

"A Manticore Zord?" Flash asked.

In that second the Zord looked down at them and growled, before swinging its long tail towards them.

"Look out," Flash said before they jumped out of the way, just as the tail came down.

Once at a safe distance, they turned back to see the Manticore Zord turn back and walk through the falls into the cave behind it.

"What...just...happened?" Micro asked.

The Rangers had returned to the Command Centre and explained what had happened.

Sandal had an odd looking device strapped to his head, scanning his brain.

"I am reading some weird residual energies," Twilight said, "but I can't detect any lasting harm.

"So I'm alright?" Sandal asked.

"Whatever spell you were under," Sunset explained, "knocking your head most have cured it."

Meanwhile the rest of the group were with Starswirl, discussing the Manticore Zord.

"If a Zord is awake," Lyra said, "then that means another Element bonded to someone."

"That is correct," Starswirl said, "but the question is which one."

"Simple enough to figure out," Flash said as he strummed his guitar, "our Zords are the same colour as our Ranger suits, which are the same could as our Elements. So since the Manticore was mostly orange the question we gotta ask is, which Element is orange?" They all turned to Starswirl.

"The Element of Adventure," he replied, "which will bond to someone who is willing to go anywhere and do anything to do what is needed. Usually the Guardian of Adventure worked as the teams scout, going passed enemy lines to gather information needed."

"So," Sweetie said, "that means there's an orange Ranger out there?"

"Yes," Starswirl said, "but he may not know we exist, or has chosen not to join us yet. What worries me more is the Manticore Zord, which shouldn't have attacked us."

It was at this moment that Sandal and the girls came up to them, giving Flash a thought. "Hey, that monster said something about using rage again. Maybe before we arrived he did to the Zord what he did to Sandal."

"If that monster can induce rage then it would make sense," Starswirl said, "the question now is how to brake his control."

"Give us some time," Twilight said, "once we've finished analysing the data on Sandal's brain scan we'll see what we can do."

Micro meanwhile had been incredibly quiet during this conversation, which did not go unnoticed.

"Micro," Rarity said, "are you alright?"

Everyone turned to see Micro's sullen expression.

"It's my fault," Micro said, "the Manticore Zord got bewitched because I didn't think to encrypt the E-Tector's signal. I'm such an idiot."

"This isn't your fault bro," Sandal said.

"Yes it is," Micro said, "the device was my idea and now we've lost a potential ally because I didn't think." Before anyone could say anything else, Micro got up and left.

"Poor guy," Rainbow said.

"What he needs is a pick me up party," Pinkie said.

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Applejack said.

"He just needs time to cool down," Sunset said.

"Maybe," Rarity said.

Up on Darklight's ship Brainwave had just returned.

"I did what you asked me," he told Heart when he stepped onto the bridge.

"Excellent," Heart said, "once that Zord gets angry enough it'll start attacking anything in sight. The Rangers will never destroy one of their own and won't stand a chance."

"It'll take a little time to grow," Brainwave said, "that Zord's the biggest thing I've ever hypnotised."

"Then we'd better make sure the Rangers don't find a way to reverse it," Heart said.

Back at Canterlot High we find Micro sulking on the roof.

"So this is where you were hiding," he turned to see Rarity standing at the entrance of the roof, arms crossed.

"I'm not hiding," he said.

"Clearly," Rarity said as she strode over to him and sat down next to him, "you know just sitting around like this isn't going to help anybody."

"What do you suggest I do?" he asked, "I'm the reason we're in this mess."

"You make it sound like your the one who put a spell on the Manticore Zord," Rarity told him. "You made a mistake, so what? Everyone makes a mistake, but what matters is how you deal with it."

"What are you talking about?" Micro asked.

"I'm saying that yes you made a mistake, but just sitting here mopping won't solve it. If you want to fix what's happened, then fix it. Making mistakes is okay, but not trying to fix that mistake is another mistake."

Micro remained silent as Rarity stood back up, brushed herself off and headed back to the door.

"Think about it."

Now alone, Micro thought about what Rarity had told him and nodded. He wouldn't just give up, he'd fix this.

Micro arrived in the Command Centre and found it empty, which he was glad for.

Moving over to the computers he began typing away until he found the data on Sandal's brain scan.

"Time to get to work," he said.

All through the night Micro worked, analysing the data and trying to find a way to undo it. Unlike Sandal they couldn't knock the Zord on the head, meaning they needed a way to reverse the spell from afar. Finally, after many hours of analysis, Micro finally came up with the solution.

Going over to where they kept them, Micro pulled out a blank Magi-Charger which was white in colour. Returning to the computer he placed it in the programmer, before activating it. Seconds passed as the data flowed into the device, making it begin to change until finally the process was complete.

Taking the Charger out Micro marvelled in what he had accomplished. The Magi-Charger was now the same shade of green as the monster, and contained the data needed to allow it to mimic its brain control ability.

Charger in hand Micro headed out back to the falls, but as he stepped out of the school.

"Going somewhere?" he turned to see his teammates standing a ways off.

"I was just-"

"Going to save the Manticore Zord," Flash finished, "well its not happening."

Micro frowned at this.

"We're not letting you go off on your own on a suicide mission," Flash continued before his frown changed to a smile, "with our help you stand a chance."

Micro smiled hearing this and rushed over to the rest of his team as they headed out.

The sun was just beginning to rise as the Rangers made it back to the area and soon found themselves back at the falls.

"So what's the plan?" Sandal asked.

"Find the Manticore Zord," Micro explained as he pulled out his new Charger, "then use the Hypno Charger to reverse the brainwashing."

"That's not gonna be easy," Sweetie told him.

"I know," Micro said, "but I have to try."

"You won't even get the chance to do it!" They all turned to see Brainwave, Heart Breaker and a horde of Shades stepping out of the forest area.

"You guys," Flash growled.

"We figured you'd show up," Heart said, "we're not letting you get to that Zord."

"We'll see about that," Micro said as he stepped forwards, "we'll destroy you then cure the Zord." He and the Rangers pulled out their gear, "Magi-Chargers."

"Ready" the rest of the team said. They clicked their Chargers and placed them in the Morphin Blasters.

Once charged the Rangers span the barrel of the blasters. "Energise!" They yelled before pointing them in the air, "Unleash the Power!" They all pulled the triggers and five different heads flew out and bit down on them, decking them out in their Ranger Suits.

"Bring it," Brainwave said, "Shades attack!"

The horde charged forward, but suddenly the ground began to shake.

"Oh no," Micro said as he turned to the falls and saw the Manticore leap out. The Zord began charging forwards, past the Rangers and towards the city.

"Yes," Brainwave said, "my rage has fully infected the Zord. It'll destroy the whole city."

"Micro," Flash ordered, "we'll handle these guys. You stop the Zord."



"Alright," Micro said as the ran in the direction of the Zord.

"Stop him!" Heart ordered the Shades.

"I don't think so," Flash said as he and the others charged forwards. "Magitech!" they called on their weapons and attacked the monsters.

Meanwhile Micro was in pursuit of the Zord.

"Magi-Charger," he said pressing the button before throwing it, "summon Griffon Zord!"


The Charger flew to the Zord and powered it up, allowing the Zord to activate and fly to its Ranger.

"Griffon," he called out seeing it, "we need to stop the Manticore before it reaches the city."

The Griffon squawked in response, before letting out a flurry of lazor fire to stop the Manticore in its tracks.

"Here goes nothing," he said as he pulled out the new Charger and placed it in his blaster.


"Fire," he pulled the trigger and the blaster let out a green energy wave which struck the angered Zord. "Listen to me Manticore." he called out, "you need to wake up."

The Manticore in that moment swung its tail towards Micro, forcing him to stop firing and jump out of the way. The Griffon Zord charged towards the Manticore and began clawing at it, keeping its focus away from its Ranger

"No," Micro said getting up, "its not strong enough. I need to get closer."

Meanwhile the rest of the Rangers were battling Brainwave and Heart Breaker.

"You don't honestly think your puny little friend can cure my hex do you?" Brainwave asked Flash as they locked weapons.

"Of course I do," Flash said breaking away, "he may be small, but he's anything but puny." He managed to throw a punch at the monster.

Meanwhile Lyra and Sweetie were fighting Heart Breaker.

"Silly Rangers," the monster said swinging her hook, "don't know when to give up."

"We can say the same thing about you," Sweetie said as he swung her Spirit Sabre at her.

"You can't win," Lyra said as she slashed at her with her staff, "so stop trying."

"We'll see about that," Heart said.

Sandal meanwhile was dealing with the Shades. "This isn't good," he said, "we need to help Micro."

"He's got it covered," Flash said.

Covered may have been too strong a word. As the Manticore and Griffon Zords battled, Micro tried to get closer but couldn't find an opening to use the Charger.

Eventually the Manticore swung its tail around and used it to grab hold of the Griffon, before spinning it in a circle several times and letting go send the yellow Zord flying.

"Not good," Micro said when the Manticore turned to him, "only one chance." The Manticore swung its tail down and almost hit Micro, but the yellow Ranger jumped up and latched himself onto the tail. The Zord retracted its tail and swung it around, trying to dislodge the Ranger, but instead Micro leaped off and landed on the Zords head.

"Last chance," he said as he aimed the blaster, "Manticore WAKE UP!" He fired and the green beam which struck the Zord and began overriding the brainwashing. The Zord thrashed around but Micro did everything in his power to remain atop it, as the beam continued to do its work.


The Manticore let out a great roar as the Hypno Charger finished its job. It came to a sudden halt, the force of which finally dislodged Micro and sent him flying off, before its eyes suddenly changed colour from red the bright green.

Micro quickly span around and looked up at the Zord, which in turn stared down at him. "Er...nice Zord," he said in fear hoping his plan had worked.


The Manticore roared again, only this time it did something else. Micro's blaster glowed, catching his attention, making him pick it up and open the the compartment where the Hypno Charger sat. Taking it out he saw the Charger glow, before a sudden flash of light caused it to change into a light orange Charger with the image of a Manticore on it.

"Is this?" Micro asked looking back up at the Zord, who nodded before it turned and left. "Thank you," he called out.

Back with the other Rangers, they weren't doing so well.

Brainwave was proving to be a much more difficult opponent. "That all you got," he said as he smashed his staff into Flash, sending him flying off.

"Flash," Sandal said having beaten the Shades he rushed over to Flash.

"Our only hope is the Guardian Buster," Flash said as he got up.

"But we'd need Micro," Sandal said.

"To bad," Heart said as she slashed Lyra and Sweetie into the air.

"Girls!" Flash called out as he and Sandal rushed over and managed to grab the two, cushioning their fall.

"To easy," Heart said as she met up with Brainwave. "Give them another taste of your hypnotic power."

"Right," Brainwave said as he went to his wheel, "Hypno Dial!" He spun it and it landed on a green symbol. "Hatred," he said, "one of my favourites." He pointed his staff at the Rangers.

"Oh no," Flash said.

As Brainwave was about to fire, he and Heart found themselves in a flurry of lazor fire. "WHAT!?"

The Rangers turned to the source and saw Micro riding atop his Zord, which had fired the blasts.

"Not this time Brainwave," Micro said before leaping down and landing next to the Rangers.

"Micro," Sandal said, "your alright."

"Better then alright," Micro said as he held up the newly modelled Charger, "check it out."

"That's awesome," Flash said.

"You saved the Manticore," Sweetie said.

"I sure did," Micro said before turning to Brainwave, "now to make sure something like that never happens again."

"Magi-Charger!" Flash said as he held up the device and clicked the button, "Ready. Guardian Buster, activate." He threw the Charger in the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded." Micro placed his into the main compartment and shut it, the white streaks changing to yellow.


"This doesn't look good," Heart said as she ran away.

As the weapon charged, the Ranger took their positions. "Guardian Buster, Griffon Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Griffon Zord's head as it flew at Brainwave. Just before it hit him, the head spun around him with a trail of wind following it. This effect created a tornado which sucked Brainwave up. The monster spun at high speed before flying out of the top and through the air, before he crashed into the ground right on his chest which destroyed the Hypno Dial.

"NO!" he called out as he went picked himself up.

Up in space, Cogs had been watching the whole thing.

"This is bad," he said, "there's only one way to salvage this situation." He turned to a Shade, "fire the Gigatisor." The Shade nodded and ran over to the button and hit it, releasing the growing machine which fired.

Back on earth the Rangers saw the red beam of light strike where Brainwave had landed, causing an explosion. In its wake was left a giant Brainwave.

"Griffon Zord!" Micro ordered. His Zord began firing at the monster.

"We can help," Flash said as he and Lyra pulled out their Magi-Chargers. "Summon Zords!" They threw them into the air.


The Zords activated and emerged from their hiding spots, before rushing to the Griffon Zord's aid.

"Activate Guardian Megazord," the five said, "Griffon-Serpent Formation."


The Rangers teleported into the cockpit and placed their blasters in the slots.

"Let's do this," Flash said.

The Megazord and monster began their battle.

"Try this," Brainwave said as he swung his staff at the Megazord, but it blocked with the Tail Sabre.

"Well you try this," Micro said, "Griffon Zord blast!" He Zord let rip a flurry of lazor fire, which hit the monster.

"Hey," he called out as he was struck.

"Not so tough without your wheel are ya?" Flash said.

"You think so?" Brainwave said, "well that wasn't my only trick." He held up his staff as it shone.

"What's happening?" Sweetie asked.

"I don't know," Lyra said.

They soon got their answer when they saw a second Brainwave appear besides the first, and then a third.

"No way," Sandal said.

"It's some kind of trick," Flash said, "we gotta blast them all."

The Megazord fired off at the three of them, but the lazors just went through them all.

"No way," Flash said but at that moment two of the Brainwaves disappeared as the last struck the Megazord with its staff.

"That's it," Micro said figuring it out, "he must have been move super fast and all we were seeing were the afterimages."

"So we gotta get him to hold still?" Sandal guessed.

"But how?" Sweetie asked.

Suddenly an idea came into Micro's head, before he pulled out the orange Charger. "Hope this works," he said as he clicked the button and then threw the Charger, "summon Manticore Zord!"

The Charger flew through the air, growing as it did so, before flying off towards the waterfall which it went through and into the Manticore Zord's mouth.


The creature opened its eyes. Seconds later it shot out of the waterfall and towards the battle.

"Here it comes," Micro said seeing the Zord.

The Manticore charged at Brainwave and then spun around, slashing it with its tail and knocking him down.

"Now's our chance," Flash said.

"Right," Micro agreed. "Activate Guardian Megazord, Manti-Griffon Formation!"

The Manticore Charger flew out of the Zord's mouth as the Dragon's head folded up and opened its mouth, releasing its Charger which was quickly replaced.


When its Charger flew back in the Manticore's head rotated back until a new slot appeared. As the Sea-Serpent Zord detached the Manticore took its place, it's round mane becoming a new shoulder which connected to the Dragon. The Manticore's legs folded in and a hand appeared under the tail, which now acted as a whip like weapon.


The Ranger felt the power of their new Megazord and was impressed.

"That won't scare me," Brainwave said as he duplicated himself again.

"Not this time," Flash said, "Manticore Tail Whip." The Megazord swung the tail towards Brainwave, cutting through the fakes until it hooked around the real one.

"What!?" Brainwave said as he struggled the break free.

"Griffon Zord Fire!" Micro yelled as his Zord fired, hitting the tied up monster.

"No fair," Brainwave yelled.

"Let's finish this," Flash said as they all moved and spoke in sync, calling out their final attack. "Manticore Tail Swipe!"

The Megazord spun around, lifting the monster into the air before letting him go flying. Then it swung the Manticore tail and let it rip, sending it flying towards Brainwave before it impaled it.

"Not fighting these Rangers should have been a no brainer," were the monsters last words before exploding.

"Oh yeah," the Rangers cheered, as Micro turned to the Manticore Zord.

"Thanks," he said to it as it growled back in agreement. "Guardian Rangers," he said, "victory is ours."

Up in space Heart tried to sneak through the ship in a hope of avoiding Darklight.

"HEART BREAKER!" to late.

Darklight strode down the hallway towards her.

"Hey bro," she said.

"Don't you hey bro me," Darklight said, "once again you go behind my back and cause one of my monster to get destroyed."

"I almost had them," Heart said.

"Almost does't cut it," he said as he threw her to the ground, "if I find you sneaking behind my back again you won't like the outcome." And with that he left, leaving Heart to wallow in her own misery.

Back at the Command Centre Twilight and Sunset were scanning the new Manticore Charger.

"Amazing," Twilight said, "the Zord linked it to its own power source."

"It could come in real handy in the future," Sunset said.

"I'll say," Flash said, "did you see how powerful Manti-Griffon Formation was?"

"It was impressive," Lyra said.

Meanwhile Micro was busy with his E-Tector which was hooked up to one of the computers. "And with that," he said as he unplugged it, "the E-Tector is encoded. No more piggybacking for them."

"Now we can use it safely?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah," Micro replied, "and by the way. Thanks for the pep talk before."

"We're a team," Rarity told him with a smile, "that's what teammates do." With that she turned and walked over to the others, leaving Micro to blush.

"We still have much work to do," Starswirl said, "we now know there is a sixth Ranger out there somewhere. If Darklight finds him before us, it'll put him in grave danger."

"We'll find him," Flash said, "and when we do he'll be sure to join us."

"Who wouldn't want to join this team?" Sweetie said.

The Rangers had added a new ally to their ranks in the Manticore Zord. But knowing there's an Orange Ranger out there, they must continue their mission with great hast.

Author's Note:

So now we got a new Zord.

For those of you wondering why I chose orange, here's a few things.

One: the Manticore Zord is based on the one from the show.