• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 5,583 Views, 315 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony - Banshee531

Centuries ago, ten Elements were lost. Now a new threat has come to our world and it's up to five young heroes to become our protectors, to become Power Rangers Guardians.

  • ...

Mirror Mirror

Up on Darklight's ship, Doom and Cogs were busy overlooking the footage of Heart Breaker's failed attempt to defeat the Rangers.

"This means there are six Rangers out there," he said once it finished. "The Elements of Courage, Trust, Knowledge, Love, Willpower and Adventure are taken, but I still have a chance at finding the other four."

"But how do we find them?" Cogs asked, "the Rangers will have made sure we can't hack into their signal by now."

"You said the Rangers have a device that can scan large areas of the planet," Doom said. "If we get our hands on it, we can rebuild it into the ships main computer and then scan the whole planet."

"And how exactly do you intend to do that?" Cogs asked, "the Rangers aren't just going to hand the device over...or maybe they will."

"You have a plan?" Doom asked.

"I do," Cogs replied before turning and heading towards the cell block.

"This better be good," Doom said as he followed.

Today we find the Rangers in Canterlot Park.

Lyra and Sweetie were enjoying the scenery, with Sweetie taking pictures on her digital camera.

Meanwhile Micro was goose stepping around the place, his eyes glued to a laptop in his hands, while Sandal was following him as he carried the E-Tector.

And finally we have Flash, who was sitting in a large tree with his father's journal in hand.

Dear Dad.

Flash wrote. Ever since becoming a Ranger he'd been recording his adventures, so that one day he'd get to tell his dad about his time as a Ranger.

Today is July the twenty second. Being A Ranger is great, despite the many hardships we face. Sure it's not easy, but with the team we have we can do anything.

Flash looked over at the girls.

"Hey," Lyra whispered, "I think that's a Twin Tallied Blue Bird."

"It is," Sweetie said as she took the picture.

Sweetie is so energetic and full of life, which is even more amazing considering she's over a hundred years old. She cares so much about the people around her.

Lyra and I might have started off at odds, but I know I can trust her to be there when needed. She's taught me a lot about what it means to lead the team and be a Ranger.

He turned to the boys.

"Right about...here," Micro said as he pointed to a spot on the ground.

"Got it," Sandal said as he placed the E-Tector on the ground, "so tell me again why we're here."

"When I encoded the E-Tector I had to reset its settings, so it disconnected from the satellite." Micro began typing into the device, "the satellite's in an awkward position right now. This is the best place to reestablish the signal."

"Oh," Sandal said, "righteous."

Micro's big brain can really come in handy when we need it. The guy's basically a computer, only this one's a crack shot with a blaster.

And then there's Sandal. He's always willing to help no matter what we need, even if he doesn't understand it.

Then there's the ones who aren't Rangers, but are just as important.

"We're all set," Micro said into his communicator.

"Roger," Twilight's voice replied, "beginning link up now."

"Got it," Micro said.

Twilight and Sunset's skills with technomagic have saved our hides a bunch of times. You'd really be impressed.

"Sync up starting."

I miss you dad. It's hard to believe you've been gone for ten years now, but finally I have a lead. I don't know what Doom Raizer has to do with it, but I'll find out.

Suddenly his writing was cut short when his communicator went off. Closing his book he opened the channel, Twilight had installed holographic abilities to their coms if they wanted to use them, and Twilight and Sunset appeared. "What's up?" he asked.

"Flash," Twilight's called out, "we just detected a magical energy surge in your area."

This got everyone's attention. "Where?" Flash asked as he jumped down from the tree.

"We're not sure," Sunset replied, "we just picked it up in you vicinity."

"They must be after the E-Tector," Micro said.

"Shut it down and let's get out of here," Flash ordered as he grabbed his bag.

Lyra and Sweetie rushed over to them. "Flash," Lyra said, "you take the E-Tector while we comb the area."

"Got it," Flash said as he picked the device back up.

"Here," Sandal said holding out his keys, "go warm it up."

"Right," Flash took them and rushed back to where they'd parked Sandal's truck. Once there he placed the E-Tector into a special metal briefcase, which he then closed and locked before hoping into the drivers seat and starting the engine.

Not five seconds later the Rangers, now suited up, rushed out of the trees. Blue, Yellow and Pink jumped into the back, while Green sat next to a very confused Flash. "Are we morphing?"

The green Ranger replied by putting his finger to his lip and then pointed forwards.

"Okay," Flash said, "I'll get us out of here." Flash hit the gas and soon they were driving out of the park and onto the dirt road, they'd originally taken that lead back to town. Once at a safe distance from the place, Flash turned back to his team mates. "The E-Tector is safe now, you can de-morph." The Rangers remained silent, which concerned Flash, but at that moment the truck started making funny noises before smoke began venting from the engine. "What the?" Flash asked as he parked, "give me a second."

He got out and moved over to the trucks hood. "When'd you last get this thing checked Sandal?" No answer came back as Flash opened it and fanned away the smoke. Looking inside he saw several wires from the vehicle's cooling system appeared to be snapped. "How'd this happen?" Flash asked as he looked them over.

Suddenly his communicator went off and opening the channel it displayed Sandal.

"Dude!" he said, "what gives, why'd you take my ride?"

"What are you taking about?" Flash asked.

"You just left us," Sandal replied.

"No I didn't," Flash looked around the car to see Sandal now standing at the back of the truck, "I'm looking right...at...you." It was then that Flash noticed a single key difference between the Sandal he was with, and the Sandal on his communicator. The communicator Sandal wasn't morphed.

"Surprise red Ranger!" Flash spun around and suddenly found himself in a flurry of lazor fire which sent him flying off the road.

When Flash pulled himself up, his eyes went wide at who he saw.

"Just as planned," Cogs said as he moved over to the truck where pink Ranger had opened the case and pulled out the E-Tector. Next to him were some Shades and a monster made of dark blue metal, with a mirror for a face and on his stomach. On each arm was a round shield with mirrors on the front. "Nice work Reflector."

"It wasn't easy," the monster said as he turned to the Rangers, "these fakes weren't easy to make from the video footage." At that moment the four Rangers suddenly evaporated into thin air.

"Fake Rangers huh?" Flash said as he stood at a distance from them, "well now your facing a real one."

"One Ranger doesn't scare me," Cogs said, "get him Reflector." The monster charged and Flash, who in tern went into a battle stance as it drew closer. Finally they met and Flash tried to deal a few punches to the monster, but it just raised its shield and blocked them.

"There's no way your getting passed my shields," Reflector said.

Flash knew he was right, so instead he jumped back to a close distance and pulled out his blaster. "Then I'll go through it," he said as he span the barrel and fired off a few rounds at Reflector.

"Dark Reflection!" the monster held up one of his shield which glowed, as the blasts struck it and then went inside. He then held up his other shield which glowed before firing the same amount of lazors at Flash, which struck the red Ranger sending him flying off into a ditch.

"Nicely done," Cogs said.

"My mirror shields can absorb any attack thrown at them and send it back with twice the power," Reflector told him.

"We have their device," Cogs said, "now let's get out of here. Shades, make sure the red Ranger doesn't follow us."

The Shades nodded and went into the area where Flash had landed, but he was nowhere to be found.

Flash had gotten himself out of their line of sight after getting blasted.

He'd taken refuge in the trees, as he tried to recover from the blast but being unmorphed hadn't helped with that. "Guys," he called out trying his communicator, but the device just sparked and had obviously been damaged from the fight. Noticing the Shades drawing closer, Flash was forced to continue his escape.

One hour later.

After being abandoned the rest of the Rangers had used their Magicycles to get back to the base, where the rest of the gang were scanning the area for Flash's signal.

"Anything?" Lyra asked once they'd returned.

"Nothing," Twilight replied, "I've even tried calling him but nothing's working."

"His signal isn't showing up," Sunset replied, "I don't like this."

"I'm also scanning the city for any magical energy surges," Luna said, "just encase."

"When I talked to him," Sandal said, "Flash seemed to think he was with us."

"Whoever he was with," Sweetie said, "they were fooling him."

"We need to find him," Micro said.

"And the E-Tector," Starswirl said, "if Darklight ever managed to get his hands on it, then that would put the rest of the Elements in great danger."

"Got something," Luna called out at that moment, "city complex down town."

"Let's go," Lyra said as they rushed out the base.

"We need to find Flash," Twilight said, "if he's been hurt that makes him an easy target."

"Relax," Sunset told her, "Flash is tougher then you think."

Flash had finally managed to evade the Shades, who had finished their pursuit of him. His Element's magic had healed most of his injuries, leaving him almost back to full strength.

"Is anyone there?" Flash said trying his communicator again, but it was still not working. "Okay," he said, "let's try this old school." He went into his pocket and pulled out his phone, but couldn't get a signal. "Oh give me a break," he said before putting it away. "I need to get the E-Tector back."

He took out a Magi-Charger. "Magicycle, Rev It Up!" He clicked it and then threw it.


In a flash of light the Charger disappeared, replaced by the red bike with a dragon head. "Energise," Flash called out as he jumped into the air and in a flash of light, he was suited up and landed on the bike which he kicked into gear and shot off.

Meanwhile up on his ship, Darklight was speaking to Cogs through their communications channel.

"It's going just as I planned sir," Cogs said, "we have the Ranger's tracking device."

"That's good news Cogs," Darklight said, "now bring it to me and we'll use it to find the four remaining Elements. Once we do, the Rangers won't stand a chance against us and their Elements will be mine."

"I'm afraid I can't yet sir," Cogs said.

"What do you mean?"

"When the Rangers encoded the device, they reset it so it doesn't have the Elements energy signatures. The only way we can get it is if we reconnect it to the satellite they used, then the readings will reset."

"Very well," Darklight said, "do it but be quick. The Rangers will obviously try and get their machine back."

"I'll have Reflector keep an eye out."

"And I'll send Doom Raizer down to assist."

Meanwhile the Rangers were searching through the town where Luna had detected the magic surges.

"Anything?" Lyra asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary," Micro replied.

"Me neither," Sweetie agreed.

"Zip," Sandal said.

"There has to be something," Lyra said.

"Looking for someone?" The Ranger spun around a gasped seeing Reflector standing a few feet away.

"Yeah," Sandal said once he'd recovered, "and it looks like we found him."

"You've found more then just one," Reflector said.

"What's he talking about?" Micro asked.

"Who cares," Lyra said, "let's just take him out. Magi-Charger!"

"Ready!" The Rangers activated their chargers and placed them in their blasters before spinning the barrels. "Energise...Unleash the Power." They pulled the trigger and fired off the blasters, causing them to be consumed by the light and suited up.

"Just what I was waiting for," Reflector said as his stomach mirror began to glow. One by one the Ranger's images appeared, before four lights shot out of the mirror and hit the ground as they took form. Finally the light faded revealing four new Rangers, identical to the origanal.

"What the?" Lyra said.

"Fake Rangers?" Sweetie asked.

"That must be how they tricked Flash," Micro guessed.

"Then let's pay them back," Sandal said.

"Mirror Rangers!" Reflector ordered, "attack!" The four fakes charged at the originals.

"Let's take these fakes," Lyra said as they charged forwards.

"Magitech!" they called on their weapons and made contact.

"Too easy," Sweetie commented as she blocked her copies punch with her shield, before slashing it down with her Spirit Sabre.

"Tell me about it," Micro said as he fired his Griffon Shooter at his copy, causing it to be sent flying back.

"You can copy the look," Sandal said as he slashed his with his Fenrir Fang.

"But you can't copy the skills," Lyra finished as she grabbed her fake in her staffs mouth and threw it into a nearby building.

The four Mirror Rangers didn't stand a chance and were quickly dispatched, allowing the Rangers to turn their attention back to Reflector.

"Give it up," Sweetie said, "you can throw a hundred fakes at us and we'll take them down."

"Is that so?" Reflector said, "that was only the first batch." In that second his stomach mirror glowed again and the process repeated, creating four new Mirror Rangers but these ones had copies of the Ranger's weapons.

"You had to say it didn't you?" Micro asked.

"This could go on forever," Lyra said as the new Mirror Rangers attacked, matching them move for move.

While his monster kept the Rangers busy, Cogs was busy trying to reconnect the E-Tector to the satellite in a hopes of retrieving the data needed to find the Elements.

"Cogs," the armoured monster turned to see Doom had arrived, "how's it going?"

"This is harder then I thought," Cogs said, "these humans are smarter then they look. It's still going to take me time to figure out the proper procedure needed to reestablish a link with the satellite, which is almost out of range to connect to."

"This is time we don't have," Doom said, "our sensors picked up the red Ranger arriving in town. If he joins up with the rest of his team, they might be able to defeat Reflector and come after you."

"Then you'd better make sure he doesn't join up with them."

"Right," Doom said before turning to leave.

True to what had been said, Flash was racing through town on his way back to Canterlot High.

It was at this moment he finally managed to get through to the others, as Twilight's face appeared in the corner of his visor. "FLASH!" she called out seeing him, "we were so worried."

"I'm fine," he replied, "but Cogs has the E-Tector. They fooled me-"

"With fake Rangers," Twilight butted in, "we know. The others are fighting them now, but they need your help."

"Send me the co-ordinates," Flash instructed.

"Already done."

Flash's visor buzzed with a GPS of the town, showing the area he needed to get to. "Got them," Flash replied, "tell them I'm almost there." However in that moment, he suddenly found himself being attacked by lightning which struck the road infront causing him to swerve. "WOW!" He yelled as he evaded.

"Your not going anywhere Ranger," Flash looked ahead and saw Doom Raizer standing there ready to fight him.

"It's him," Flash said.

"Flash?" Twilight called out, "what's wrong?"

"Gonna have to call you back," Flash said as he closed the channel and pulled his bike to a stop.

"So we finally meet," Doom said.

"I hoped we would," Flash replied as he got off his bike, "I've got some questions for you."

"My apologies for not caring," Doom said, "I'm only here to destroy you." And with that he charged forwards, swinging his sword towards the red Ranger.

"Magitech!" Flash called upon his Dragon Breaker to block the weapon, before pulling out his Spirit Sabre to slash as the monster who jumped away. As Doom charged once again Flash did the same, forgetting about his teammates.

Said teammates were beginning to grow wherry as they continued to fight themselves.

"Try this," Lyra said as she knocked her clone's Serpent Staff out of its hands, before using her staffs blade to slash it down.

"This takes self abuse to a whole new level," Sandal said as he traded blows with himself before finally getting passed the replicant Fenrir Fang and stabbing the fake.

Micro was having quite a trying time as he was forced to dodge his clones blasts. "Man that's annoying," he said before pulling out his Spirit Sabre, "hope this works." He charged towards his fake, who fired at him, while shooting his Griffon Shooter which hit the clone's blasts to cancel them out. Once close enough he swiped the fakes blaster out of its hands and then slashed it down. "I'm more then just a crack shot."

"Nice one Micro," Sweetie said as she and her copy seemed to move in perfect sync, as one slashed the other with their sabre while the other blocked with the shield. "Surprise," she said before throwing a kick at the fake, knocking its shield out of its hands, allowing her to then slash it down.

"You Rangers can't do this forever," Reflector said, "but I can." Once again his stomach mirror glowed, before releasing the four lights which took Ranger form once again.

"Oh come on," Lyra said.

"If this keeps up we'll run out of steam," Sandal said.

The Mirror Rangers charged towards them, forcing them to defend.

"We need to destroy his mirror," Micro said as he dodged a blast, "no mirror no fakes."

"But how?" Sweetie asked while blocking a sword strike, "we kind of have our hands full."

"We need Flash," Lyra said.

Flash at this moment was a little busy.

He and Doom were battling each other, clashing swords with one another. Whenever it seemed like on had the upper hand, the other would even it up somehow. Finally the two looked horns and were inches away from each other.

"Tell what you did to him!" Flash yelled.

"Did to who?" Doom asked.

"My dad," Flash said as he pushed the monster away, "you met him once. Ten years ago in the forest outside of town, my dad went in looking for some creature that had been spotted and never came out. People went searching for him but all they found was a journal, a journal with a drawing of you in it."

"Oh," Doom said before chuckling, "so your his son. I must admit I didn't see it before, but your the spitting image of him."

"So you do know him."

"Yes," Doom said, "and I look forward to seeing you make the same pained face he did, when I destroy you like I did him."

Flash's eyes widened in shock, before they burned with anger. "YOUR LYING!" he charged forwards and attacked Doom, who easily blocked him.

"I'm not," he said, "I hunted him for days, before finally catching him. Oh the sounds he made as I tore him apart, piece...by...piece."

"AAAARRRR!" Flash almost roared as his anger took over and he began slashing wildly at the monster, who could barely keep up with him and eventually felt his sword be knocked from his hands.

"Maybe that was a bad idea," Doom said before feeling Flash use his Dragon Breaker to smash him in the gut and sending him flying into a nearby wall.

With Doom down, Flash readied his Spirit Sabre to end it. Doom had no way of defending himself, so it would be easy for him to do so. As he drew near and raised his weapon, his communicator opened.

"FLASH!" Twilight's voice called out.

"What!?" Flash asked, annoyed that she'd interrupted.

"The others need your help. They won't last much longer."

Flash looked down at Doom, then back at where his friends were. He wanted more then anything to get revenge for his dad, but he knew his dad wouldn't want that if it meant his friends would be destroyed.

"I'll be right there," he said as he turned to leave.

"Hey!" Doom called out as he struggled to get up, "we're not finished here."

"I'll settle the score with you next time," Flash called back before running off to go help his friends.

Said friends were exhausted, after defeating what felt like the hundredth batch of Mirror Rangers.

"Here we go again," Reflector said as he created another load of the fake Rangers.

"I never though I'd say this," Micro said, "but I'm getting really sick of seeing myself."

"Agreed," the other three said.

"Attack my beautiful copies," Reflector said as the Mirror Rangers attack.

"Here we go again," Lyra said as they did battle once again, only now the Rangers were barely putting up a fight after so many battles.

"Those Rangers must be getting tired now," Reflector said, "a few more battles and they won't stand a chance against me."

"Think again," the monster turned and gasped seeing Flash leap at him, Dragon Breaker at the ready. "Head Smash," with one great punch Flash shattered the mirror in his stomach, which sent Reflector flying.

"Flash!" Lyra cheered seeing him.

"Sorry I'm late," Flash said, "but he won't be making anymore copies."

"That's good," Micro said.

"Finish them and let's go get the E-Tector," Flash ordered.

"Right," the four said as they battled with new vigour. Finally the four Rangers were able to bring down the duplicates for the final time.

When Reflector managed to stand himself back up, he looked down at his stomach and gasped seeing his shattered mirror. "No, my Rangers."

"Nothing left but the originals," he looked around and saw the five Rangers ready to finish him.

"Magi-Charger!" Flash said as he held up the device and clicked the button, "Ready. Guardian Buster, activate." He threw the Charger in the air before it transformed into the super weapon, which he caught and activated.

Magi-Chargers," everyone said, as they activated their Chargers and placed them in the compartments before shutting them. "Locked and loaded."


"It won't work," Reflector said raising his shield, "anything you throw at me, my shield will just send back."

What he didn't know was that Flash, remembering what happened last time, had aimed for the ground in front of him.

As the weapon charged, the Ranger took their positions. "Guardian Buster, Dragon Blast...FIRE!" Flash pulled the trigger and a single powerful blast shot out, which morphed into the shape of the Dragon Zord's head.

It struck the ground infront of Reflector, sending him flying by the force of the explosion.

"Now's our chance to finish him," Flash said.

Up on his ship, Darklight was watching the battle.

"No," he said, "Cogs needs more time." He looked at a Shade and cried out, "fire the Gigatisor!"

The Shade nodded and ran over to the button and hit it, releasing the growing machine which fired.

The Rangers were preparing to finally take down Reflector but at that moment the Gigatisor's beam struck the monster, causing an explosion. In its wake was left a giant Reflector.

"How'd you like me now?" the massive monster asked as he looked down at the Rangers.

"Just more of you to hate," Flash said as he, Micro and Sweetie pulled out their Magi-Chargers.

"Summon Zords," the Dragon, Sphinx and Manticore Chargers flew into the air towards their Zords.


The Zords activated and emerged from their hiding spots, before rushing to the Ranger's location

"Let's bring them together," Flash ordered.


The Rangers warped into the Megazord and prepared for battle.

"Let's crack this mirror," Lyra said.

"I hear that," Micro agreed.

"Battle Mode," Flash said as the Zord activated.

"You think I'm scared," Reflector said as he raised his shields, "you may have shattered my duplication mirror, but my Mirror Shields will return any attack you throw at me."

"He's right guys," Flash told the others, "I've seen first hand how powerful it is."

"We'll just have to find a way around it," Lyra said.

"Let's do this," Sweetie said.

The Megazord charged forwards and swung the Tail Whip at the monster, but it simply raised its duel shields to block the attacks.

"I told you," Reflector said, "my shields can defend against anything."

"Maybe," Sandal said, "but they can only protect against attacks from the front." He pulled out his Magi-Charger before clicking and throwing it. "Summon Fenrir Zord!"


The wolf Zord's eyes opened as it activated and emerged from its hiding spots, before rushing to the Megazord's aid.

Reflector was currently smashing the Megazord with its round shields. "Just give up," he said, "you can't beat me."

"Think again," Sandal said. At that moment the Fenrir Zord appeared and used its bladed tail, to slash at the monster from behind.

"WHAT!?" Reflector asked as he was thrown forward.

"How'd you like that," Sandal said.

"Nice one Sandal," Sweetie said.

"We'll follow your lead," Lyra said as she and Micro pulled out their Chargers. "Summon, Sea-Serpent Zord."

"Summon, Griffon Zord."

The chargers flew off towards their respective Zords.



The Zords activated and emerged from their hiding spots, before rushing to join the rest of their team.

"It's a Zord stampede," Reflector said seeing the Zords surrounding him.

"And your about to be trampled," Flash said, "ALL OUT ATTACK!"

"Sea-Serpent Zord," Lyra called out, "Fang Flash." The large snake Zord struck the giant's arm with its sharp teeth, holding it in place.

"Fenrir Zord," Sandal ordered as his Zord copied Lyra's and bit Reflectors other arm and pulled it away as the Sea-Serpent did the same, leaving him defenceless.

"Get off me," Reflector said as he tried to pull his arms free, but couldn't.

"Griffon Zord," Micro called out, "FIRE!" The Zord fired its lazers at the monster, who was unable to defend itself with its arms caught.

The blasts struck him and caused him to be sent flying, as the Zords released him, before crashing down on the ground. "This isn't going well," Reflector said as he pulled himself up.

"It's about to get worse," Flash said as the Megazord swung its Tail Whip towards him and wrapped itself around Reflector.

"What the?" Reflector struggled but his arms were tied to his sides.

"Let's finish this," Flash said as they all moved and spoke in sync, calling out their final attack. "Manticore Tail Swipe!"

The Megazord spun around, lifting the monster into the air before letting him go flying. Then it swung the Manticore tail and let it rip, sending it flying towards Reflector, who was incapable of protecting himself in midair, causing the tail to impaled him.

"I thought breaking mirrors was suppose to bring you bad luck," Reflector said before he exploded.

"Guardian Rangers," Flash called out, "victory is ours."

Darklight watched as his monster was destroyed. Quickly switching the feed he contacted Cogs.

"The Rangers are going to be back on the hunt for you," he told him, "you need to finish what your doing and return to the ship."

"I just need a few more minutes," Cogs replied, "the satellite it reconnecting with the device. We'll have everything we need then."

"Well hurry up," Darklight said before cutting the call.

As soon as the battle was over the Rangers rushed back to the area where they'd fought Reflector and his fakes.

"If Reflector was there," Micro said pointing to the spot the monster had been before spinning around, "and we were there."

"Then Cogs had gotta be over that way," Flash agreed. They rushed off towards the area they theorised and looked around until.

"There!" Sweetie pointed towards a high up bridge where Cogs was busy fiddling with the E-Tector.

"What's he doing?" Sandal asked.

"He must be reconnecting it to the satellite to get the Element's signatures," Micro said, "if he get that they'll be able to find all the Elements."

"Then we've gotta stop him," Flash said, "come on."

As the Rangers rushed towards him, Cogs watched as the satellite began transferring the data they'd need. "Almost there," he said, "just a few more seconds."

"We're not gonna make it," Lyra said as they ran.

"The second he has what he needs he'll warp away," Sandal said as they came to a stop.

"No choice," Flash said as he turned to Micro. "I hate to ask you to do this but-"

"I know," Micro said, "but I'd rather my E-Tector be destroyed then have them use it." He stepped forwards and pulled out his Morphin Blaster.


Micro inserted his Charger and took aim towards the E-Tector before pulling the trigger.

The E-Tector beeped as it finally had what it needed to find the Elements. "Finally," Cogs cheered, but in the second the E-Tector was blasted by Micro and exploded. "NO!" he said looking down at the machine.

"It's over Cogs," he turned around and saw the Rangers leap up onto the bridge to face him.

"You'll pay for this," Cogs said as a telebolt struck him and warped him away.

With him gone the Rangers gathered around the destroyed E-Tector. "Aw man," Micro said as he picked it up.

"We're sorry Micro," Sweetie said placing an hand on his shoulder.

"It's better this way," Micro said though he didn't seem happy.

Up on the ship, Darklight wasn't happy.

"You had the device and you let it get destroyed?" He asked Cogs angrily.

"I know I messed up," Cogs said, "but it's not a total loss. I managed to study the device thoroughly and I know I can rebuild it."

"You think so?" Darklight asked, "I'll believe that when I see it."

A little while later the Rangers had returned to the base.

Micro, Twilight and Sunset were looking over the E-Tector as it laid on the table in a billion bits.

"So you think you can fix it?" Lyra asked.

"Not sure," Sunset replied, "it looks like several important parts were vaporised by the blast."

"It's not impossible," Twilight said, "but getting the part we need might be tricky."

"Even if you can't rebuild it," Starswirl said, "you made the right decision in the heat of the moment. The other Elements might be in Darklight's hands right now if it had not been for you."

Meanwhile Flash was sitting at one of the tables, looking at his father's journal.

"Flash," he looked up at Celestia, "are you okay."

Flash just looked back down at his book and sighed. "When I was facing Doom Raizer, I asked about my dad and he said he..." He didn't even want to say it.

"Don't believe a word that monster tells you," Celestia said.

"Yeah," Sandal said as he and the others gathered around him.

"Doom Raizer would say anything if he thinks it would make you lower your guard against him," Starswirl told him.

"But it explains everything," Flash said as he opened up the journal to the page with Doom Raizer. "If he was lying then what really happened to my dad?"

"I don't know," Starswirl said, "but whatever it was, we'll find out."

"Together," Lyra agreed.

Flash smiled hearing this. He stood up and held out his fist.

"Yeah," he said, "if today proved anything, it proves we're unstoppable when we're together."

The rest of the Rangers nodded and each brought their own fists to meet his, forming a circle.

"No matter what, we're a team and as a team we're invincible. We're-"

They all threw their arms into the air and yelled in unison, "POWER RANGERS!"

As everyone cheered Flash looked down at his father's journal. They were right, there's noway his father would lose to Doom Raizer. He was out there somewhere and he'd find him, one day.

Author's Note:

For those not able to follow my terrible descriptions, Reflector is just Mercurymon with blue in place of green.