• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 6,193 Views, 199 Comments

Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls - KnightGomora1994

I came up with the story when I first watched Ultra Galaxy and Equestria Girls, and I wanted to see how both stories would work. I really hope that this story attracts any and all viewers when they get a chance to read it, I'm hoping you all enjoy it

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Gomora verses Grangon Round 1

As the two Kaiju starred each other down, Sunset and the others watched in awe of the creatures. Rainbow Dash however, was jaw-dropped... she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"I can't believe this... a Giant Monster Battle?! It's like watching a movie only without the screen!"

"I know... but where did that other creature come from?"

Pinkie Pie soon popped out of no where.

"Try asking him."

Pinkie pointed to Rei as he stood at Gomora's feet, Sunset's eyes began to widen as she also noticed Twilight and Flash near them.

"Twilight! Flash! we have to help them!"

Applejack grabbed her to stop her from rushing out.

"Hold on there sugarcube! we can't get to them while those monsters are near."

"But we can't just sit here and do nothing!"

Applejack sighed but nodded.

"Alright, you have a point there, lets hope horn head over there doesn't hurt them."

Grangon reared its head and roared out a battle cry, and began charging. Rei held up his Battlenizer as it began to glow.

"Gomora! Attack!"

Gomora roared as he charged at Grangon, it soon stood up on its hind legs and slammed its powerful paws against Gomora. But Gomora managed to catch it and push it back, Sunset and her friends saw it as an opportunity and ran out to help Twilight. Twilight held Flash's head up in her lap, she watched the monsters as the fought each other.


Cried out Sunset as she and her friends ran to them.

"Sunset, girls!"

They soon embraced each other in a warm group hug.

"Thank goodness you and Flash are safe."

"We wouldn't be if it wasn't for Rei and Gomora."

Rainbow Dash soon raised an eyebrow in confusion.


"The guy over there... and his monster that's fighting the other one."

The girls soon looked to Rei as he watched to conflict between the two kaiju. Fluttershy was soon amazed by what happened next.

"Gomora! Super Shock-wave!"

Gomora roared as his horn crest glowed and blasted a wave of energy from his nasal horn...

Grangon tried to counter it with a fireball, but Gomora's attack was much stronger as it blasted right through it landing a direct hit on Grangon. The Rainbooms saw it amazed as they were both shocked and surprised.

"He can control that thing?!"

"It would seem so, how he does it, I'm not entirely sure."

"Well however he does it, at least they're trying to protect us."

Flash soon began to groan and stir, which caught Twilight's attention.


Flash looked to her as his blurry vision began to clear.

"Twilight...? you're okay..."

Twilight soon gave him a warm smile, as tears began to form in her eyes.

"And I'm happy that you're alright."

"Yeah... although, I think I might need some medical attention, I think my arm might have broken in the fall."

Applejack soon grabbed his arm and put it back into place causing him to scream in pain.

"Technically it was just dislocated..."

"Jeez AJ! did you have to do that?!"

"It worked didn't it?"

Grangon was finally furious and unleashed a barrage of fireballs at Gomora, Rei dodged a few but see's one heading to towards the Rainbooms. He held out his Battlenizer.


"Battlenizer! Mons Load!"

Another light shot out to them, the Rainbooms see the fireball heading to them. But suddenly the light lifted them out of the way to safety, they watched as the light formed into the form of what appeared to be a form of an alien electric eel called Eleking, a 20 cm ~ 53 m, 500g ~ 25,000 t kaiju. Eleking screeched softly as she looked to them, Fluttershy, given her natural way of communicating with animals, she understood Eleking clear as day.

"Oh, we're fine... thank you for saving us."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widen as she looked to Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy?! you can understand that thing?!!"

"I can understand her just like any other animal."

Sunset and Twilight were just as amazed, they soon looked to the battle between Gomora and Grangon. Grangon unleashed another barrage of fireballs at Gomora, but Gomora was quick to unleash his Super Shock-Wave against the barrage destroying numerous fireballs then finally hitting Grangon. He didn't let up, then finally... Grangon was destroyed. Gomora roared in victory as the spectators watch in awe, Eleking meanwhile set the Rainbooms down safely on the ground.

"Gomora, Eleking... return!"

Gomora and Eleking turned into pure energy and returned to Rei's Battlenizer, Sunset and the others soon walked up to him.

"That was incredible... how did you do that?"

Rainbow soon dashed up with her usual upbeat attitude.

"How were you able to control those monsters huh?!"

"Rainbow, calm down darling... I'm sure he can explain."

"She's right... I know you all have questions, but this isn't the place for it."

Pinkie Pie soon popped up out of no where.

"I know the perfect place where we can talk!"

Sugarcube Corner

Rei explained everything to them, as they each had their smoothies.

"I see... so some really messed up Alien conqueror gave you his own blood and power. But now with him gone, you freed yourself from your fate?"

"That's right..."

"And you're able to control three kaiju? With this thing?"

Rainbow Dash pointed at Rei's Battlenizer.

"Yes... and I had recently reacquired the Eleking that saved your lives."

"And we thank you for doing that."

"Besides, if it weren't for you, we would have been toast."

Rainbow Dash soon walked up.

"Yeah, your monsters are cool, but I'm still awesome, and I could have gotten everyone to safety."

"Rainbow Dash, don't be rude!"

Rei soon looked at Rainbow Dash getting a similar situation he had with Haruna.

"It's okay Ms. Rarity... I'm starting to get the feeling she just doesn't trust me at the moment."

"She'll come around, it just takes time."

Rei nodded to them, but suddenly the ground began to shake again. He and the Rainbooms soon looked outside, only to see a new monster.

Lagoras, a 53 m, 57,000 t kaiju walking into the city. It roared as it unleashed its signature attack, a powerful Ice Beam that froze everything in sight and destroyed it.


"I don't know, but things are about to heat up... look!"

Down the street, a pool of lava formed into a very familiar structure, as it became solid, Grangon returned for round 2. Rei was surprised by this, even Twilight couldn't believe it.

"It can revive itself?!"

"Come on ya'll, we need to get the city evacuated."

The girls nodded and head out, Rei knew he couldn't let the monsters destroy the city, so he went out towards the battlefield. Grangon and Lagoras soon faced each other knowing they're rival enemies, one being Fire, the other Ice. It was a battle between two elemental beings, and everyone knew what was going to happen from there.

Author's Note:

Here's chapter two, and so far my skills as a writer are slightly getting better, but I'll let you guys be the judge of that, I hope you guys like it.

Kaiju in Chapter



