• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 6,193 Views, 199 Comments

Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls - KnightGomora1994

I came up with the story when I first watched Ultra Galaxy and Equestria Girls, and I wanted to see how both stories would work. I really hope that this story attracts any and all viewers when they get a chance to read it, I'm hoping you all enjoy it

  • ...

The Beauty and the Kaiju

Underground Cavern

Miles underground, in a cavern deep beneath Canterlot City. Gems sparkled brightly, and shined with the moons light, one of the largest gems glowed brightly, but soon started to move. But this was no ordinary gem, for it was on the back of a Kaiju, a Kaiju... no one has ever seen before. It rose its head to look at the surface world, it knew that something was wrong. It took its giant claws and began burrowing to the surface, what awaited for it up on the surface... even it didn't know.

Carousel Boutique

It was early morning at Carousel Boutique, and Rarity was wide awake. She was working on some new designs for her friends, ever since Rei bumped into their lives, she was amazed by his uniform, and couldn't help but from up with an idea for herself and her friends. Sunset arrived at the boutique to help Rarity.

"Sorry I'm late Rarity, I had to take the bus."

"Its quite alright darling, after all, fashion isn't something that can be rushed."

Sunset soon took notice to her sketches, and noticed that they all looked like Rei's ZAP Spacy Uniform.

"Are you planning on making alternate designs of Rei's uniform?"

"Well of course darling! If we're going to be part of the team, we should at least wear a uniform. With a few changes to the design of course."

Sunset knew that Rarity could have went to Rei about this, but given Rarity's reputation as a fashionista, she just couldn't help herself.

"Well since I showed up first, want to get started?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

6 hours later

Rarity and Sunset had just finished the uniforms for their friends, Rei and the others were walking to the boutique.

"So what's so important that we had to go to Rarity's boutique?"

"Knowing her, she came up with some new dresses or something."

"Rarity's the best fashionista that Ive ever seen, so it must be big."

As they entered the boutique, Rei's eyes slightly widen in surprise. Either he was imagining things, or he saw different colored versions of his uniform.

"What do you think?!"

"... Rarity...? are these...?"

"Yes! These uniforms were based on your own, I knew since we're going to be a team, I needed to think of something."

Twilight looks at her uniform.

"I actually like it."

"Yeah, I don't suppose this makes us honorary members of ZAP Spacy would it?"

Rei could only smile as he crossed his arms.

"Only one way to find out... try on your uniforms."

30 Minutes Later

The girls all had their uniforms on, each of them wore a different color uniform.




Rainbow Dash:



Pinkie Pie:

Rei looked at each of them, and was amazed how well Rarity made the uniform. He knew for one thing, this new team of friends continue to amaze him.

"It's official, I can't talk you girls out of joining... now you are all Honorary Members, of ZAP Spacy."

The girls cheered at Rei's decision, suddenly Twilight's cellphone began to ring. She pulled it out, and looked at the Caller ID.

"Its Vice Principle Luna... I wonder what she's wants..."

She pressed the answer button and put her phone on speaker.


"Twilight, I need for you and your friends to meet with me and my sister at CHS."

"What's going on?"

"We'll explain everything to you, once you arrive."

From the tone of Luna's voice, Rei could only guess that it meant trouble, and by trouble... he meant Kaiju.

Canterlot High, Principle Celestia's Office

"Before I get started on the situation, might I say, I am impressed by your matching uniforms."

"Thank you Principle Celestia, it was inspired by Rei's of course."

"But back to the task at hand, what's the situation?"

Luna stepped up to debrief them.

"There has been mysterious tremors over in downtown Canterlot City, we don't know the cause of it. But we have reason to believe this is Rei's department, since he and Applejack both have a Kaiju with them."

"If it is a Kaiju causing these tremors, will you be able to handle it?"

"Without knowing what it is, we'll have to get a closer look at it."

"We're counting on you to figure this out."

They nodded to the two Principles, and left her office to investigate the tremors.

Downtown Canterlot City

Rei and the girls searched the area to find the source of the tremors, Twilight had a new device she invented, an Energy Detector. She made one for each of her friends, even Rei, she and the girls searched everywhere for any energy spikes.

"Am I the only one thinking this is a lost cause? Because its like we're trying to find the worlds biggest needle, in the worlds biggest hay stack. "

"The civilians stated that the tremors have been occurring in this very area, so we have to be close."

"Don't know about you guys, but I have a feeling we're standing right on top of it right now."

Suddenly Rei's Energy Detector started to spike as the energy started to rise, he figured that it was getting closer.

"Actually Rainbow... I think its getting closer."

The ground soon started to tremble, the streets began to crack, and the girls avoided the ground as it split apart. Rarity ran as fast as she could, but the ground began to fall out from beneath her feet. She screamed as hard as she could as she fell into the darkness.


Darkness... that was all that could be seen, but Rarity's eyes soon began to open. She sat up as she rubbed her head.

"Ooooh... I really need to work on my running athletics..."

She looked around at where she was, but she could only see darkness before her. She soon pulled out her geode to use its power to form diamonds that lit like a candle. What she saw next, simply amazed and astonished her, there were diamonds shining all around her.

"My goodness.... to think there were this many diamonds under the whole city..."

She looked and see's a light at the end of a passage.

"I wonder where this leads...?"

She followed the path to see where it leads, by the time she reached the exit. She was amazed by what she saw, an entire underground cavern, filled with bright gems that illuminated the entire cavern. Rarity was simply starstruck.

"Oh... my... this is.... there are no words...!"

But before she could continue admiring the scenery, two ginormous clawed hands landed on the ground on both sides of where she stood. She turned around slowly, only to see a colossal beast, who's armor was white as snow, and eyes blue as the sky. This kaiju, was Shepardon... a 48 m, 48,000 t, Subterranean Kaiju. He looked to Rarity and began to snarl angrily knowing she was trespassing in his home, Rarity wanted to scream out and run, but she knew Rei would want her to stand her ground. Even if it is to a creature that was much larger than she is.
Shepardon bared his fangs at her as he got closer to her, but suddenly, Rarity smacked him across the snout.

"Now don't you give me that kind of attitude mister! I may be trespassing, but as you can see. You're the reason I'm down here in the first place!"

Shepardon tilted his head in confusion, Rarity noticed it and scoffed at it.

"Don't play that trick on me, you know what I'm talking about! You're the cause of these strange tremors, aren't you?!"

In his own defense, Shepardon raised his claws up and shook his head. Rarity see's as she is surprised by it, she knew she couldn't trust this creature. But seeing she was in quite a predicament, she needed to find another way out. She looked to Shepardon knowing he was her only chance to get back to the surface, and so... she had only had one option.

"Look, I know you probably don't understand me... but I really need to get back to the surface, and since you have such large, beautiful claws. Could you be a dear, and help me?"

Shepardon looked at her, knowing she didn't belong in the cavern he sought so long to protect. He then lowered his large hand to her, so that she may climb on. Rarity was amazed at his gesture, and climbed into his hand. Shepardon raised his hand up to his shoulder, Rarity leaped from his hand to his shoulder and held on tight. Shepardon turned toward a rock wall, and started walking toward it. Rarity soon began to realize that this was a bad idea.

"Hold on darling! maybe its best tha-"

But it was too late, Shepardon soon began to dig into the rock wall. Safely digging the gravel under him as he made his way to the surface, Rarity could only let out a sigh of relief as they traveled to the surface. She looked to Shepardon lost in thought, thinking of the only question that came to her mind.

"If you're not the cause of the tremors... who... or what is...?"

Canterlot City, Surface

"Rarity! come in! Rarity do you read me?! RARITY!!!"

Rarity's friends were working hard in trying to establish contact with her, but it was no use, she couldn't respond. Whether her radio equipment was damaged, or there was too much interference.


"Pinkie! Simply shouting isn't going to make Rarity answer you."

"She's right, her radio signal is probably having too much interference."

Sunset turned to Rei.

"Rei, you're the kaiju expert, what do you think could have caused that tremor?"

Rei could only scratch his chin, knowing he's had an encounter with only a few Subterranean Kaiju in the past.

"There might be a few Subterranean Kaiju I know about... Gomora's one of them... there's also a creature called Magular, but its only seen on uninhabited islands. Gomess is a possible option..."

"What other option is there...?"

"Possibly something much worse."

Right on cue, the ground began to shake violently, the whole team was losing their footing. They looked to the source, as the ground began to rise. Soon a titanic creature rose from it, and it was none other than Arstron, a 60 m, 25,000 t Kaiju. It reared its head to the sky, and roared ferociously.

"Is that what I think it is...?"

"Yes... this monster is called Arstron."

"You can take this guy right?"

"Two against one? I think we'll get this one in the bag!"

"Lets do this!"

Rei and Applejack held out their Battlenizers, to call forth their monsters.


"Red King!"

"Battlenizer! Monsload!"

A light shot out from both their Battlenizers, and formed into their kaiju partners as they roared out. Arstron see's them and snarled bearing his fangs at them, but before the three kaiju could start fighting. Powerful tremors began to form all around them.

"What's going on here?!"

Rei checks his radar to see where they are originating, and to his shock, there were two more readings.

"Something tells me we're in for a massacre..."

The ground began to burst on two sides, revealing two new Kaiju. Demaaga, a 50 m, 55,000 t kaiju, and Saramandora, a 60 m, 40,000 t kaiju. Gomora and Red King have found themselves in an impossible situation, Rei and Applejack could only come up with one question.

"Where's Rarity when you need her?"

Underground Cavern

Shepardon was still digging a tunnel to the surface, with Rarity resting on his shoulder. She soon opened her eyes and looked to Shepardon, thinking back to the way she wrongly accused him for all the tremors. She wanted to apologize, but she couldn't get herself to say the words. Till suddenly...

"Rarity! Rarity come in!"

She looked to her wrist com seeing she finally got radio contact.

"Rarity if you can hear me, please answer!"

"Pinkie! I hear you darling, what's going on?"

"Oh thank goodness you're alive, you have no idea how worried we were about you! But not me! I knew you were alrigh-"

"Pinkie Pie! get to the point darling! what is happening?!"

"Oh! Right! We got a major problem up here, Gomora and Red King are getting their tails kicked by three Kaiju, and they're fighting dirty!"

Rarity's eyes widen in horror, she knew she had to regroup with them soon. She looked to Shepardon, becoming anxcious to reach the surface.

"Hurry my friend! We must reach the surface before its too late!"

Hearing how anxious she was, Shepardon knew he had to double time it.

Canterlot City

Demaaga grabbed Red King and threw him like a rag doll, Saramandora charged and rammed his head against Red King's back causing him to shriek in pain. Gomora swung his Mega-ton Tail at them hoping to land a solid blow, but Arstron managed to grab his tail. Gomora struggled to get free, but Arstron wasn't going to show any mercy. Red King's eyes snap open as he see's it, he raised his head high enough to unleash a barrage of Explosive Rocks, landing a direct hit causing Artstron to fall to the ground.

"Gomora's out of the frying pan..."

"But no where close to getting away from the fire..."

The three Subterranean Kaiju gathered together, Gomora and Red King got back up and looked to them. Demaaga was powering his Heat Ray, Arstron powered up his Magma Beam, and Saramandora was readying his Flame Breath. They fired their attacks at Gomora and Red King as they braced for impact, but suddenly the ground rose up. Revealing Shepardon, as he used his thick armor to shield them from the blasts. Rei was amazed, he may not have seen such a creature like him before, but the fact he protected Gomora and Red King. Applejack was just as amazed, but suddenly something caught her eye. She squinted her eyes and recognized to figure standing on Shepardons shoulder, it was none other than their friend Rarity.

"It's Rarity! Look!"

She pointed to where she was, Rei couldn't believe it and uses his communicator.

"Rarity! you alright?"

"Well other than falling down a hole and bring brought back up by a giant monster, I'm perfectly fine darling."

"Sorry we couldn't reach you Rare."

"Its alright Sunset..."

Before Shepardon could turn around to face the other Subterranean Kaiju, Demaaga swung its fist landing it against Shepardon's face. Rarity was still on his shoulder, and she began to fall down screaming.


Shepardon found Rarity falling from his shoulder, and immediately reached out and caught her before she could reach the ground. By the time he caught her, his eyes along with Rarity's suddenly began to glow. Demaaga and Arstron began to power their signature attacks, and fired at them, but a large Diamond Barrier shielded both Shepardon and Rarity. Rei looked at Rarity and Shepardon and noticed that Rarity's Battlenizer was also glowing, he soon came to realize that Rarity has found her Kaiju partner. Once the bond was forged between the Beauty, and the Kaiju... the light began to dim, as both stood up and looked to one another. Rarity could only smile at her new partner...

"Time we taught these brutes what happens when they try to strike when your back is turned."

Shepardon nodded at his new Mistress, and turned to Gomora and Red King. They nodded at him in unison and turned to the Subterranean Trio. Rei, Applejack, and Rarity rose each of their Battlenizers.


"Red King!"



Gomora charged at Saramandora, flipping forward landing his Mega-Ton Tail against it. Red King charged at Arstron and landed a powerful punch against its chest. Shepardon charged at Demaaga readying his large claws, Demaaga went to strike him. But Shepardon blocked his attack and clobbered Demaaga with a powerful swing of his right claw, Demaage backed up and unleashed its Heat Ray at him. Shepardon blocked the Heat Ray with his Dermal Armor, sensing an opportunity, Rarity knew what to do.

"Shepardon! Victorium Flash!"

Shepardon roared out as the crystal on his back began to glow, a sign that his power was building. Demaaga unleashed another Heat Ray to stop him, but Shepardon remained unfazed from the attack. Then out of his mouth, a stream of Victorium Energy shot out landing a direct hit on Demaaga. Demaaga cried out as the Victorium Energy burned its armor away, his body began to glow brightly, and in the end, Demaaga was destroyed.

"Yes! Well done Shepardon!"

Shepardon roared out in victory after defeating Demaaga.

Meanwhile, Red King and Arstron were evenly matched against each other, Arstron snarled and went to bite Red Kings neck. But Red King blocked it with his arm, earning only a minor injury.

"Biting in a fight are ya? Well I think its time were turned things up a notch, right Red King?!"

Red King smirked as his right fist was engulfed in flames, Arstron's eyes widen as it began to process the scenario in his head. Before he could let go of Red King's arm, Red King clobbered him so hard, he managed to knock out a few teeth.

"Tooth Fairy's gonna give him some serious cash for those."

"Not the time Pinkie!"

Arstron backed up with a few teeth missing, its eyes were crossed, and stars were spinning around its head.

"Red King! Give this fella a load of Rock Bullets!"

Red King gladly obliged, and shot a barrage of Explosive Rock Bullets at Arstron. As they made impact, Arstron was obliterated by the barrage, Red King roared out as he beat his chest.

"Good work partner!"

Saramandora unleashed his Fire Breath at Gomora, but he wasn't gonna go down that easily.

"Gomora! Go underground!"

Gomora's horn crests glowed bright as he uses his Super Shockwave ability to quickly burrow through the ground, Saramandora's Fire Breath missed its mark only by the tip of Gomora's tail. Saramandora looked around the area to find him, but being on the surface, it was at a disadvantage. Sunset watched carefully as she began to see whats happening.

"I get it... with Gomora beneath the ground, Saramandora won't be able to find him."

"That's the idea, but Saramandora has a habit of regenerating. But that's also his greatest weakness."

"His weakness?"

"You see that bright red organ at the base of his throat?"

Sunset looked to Saramandora's throat, and see's it.

"I see it, and if we destroy that..."

"Saramandora won't be able to regenerate."

"But getting to that organ wont be easy."

"I'm sure we'll be able to help with that darling."

"Shepardon will hold that overgrown lizard for Red King to get a shot at his throat."

"Then you and Gomora can finish the rest."

Rei nodded and looked to Saramandora, Applejack and Rarity looked to their monsters.

"Shepardon! Hold Saramandora still for Red King!"

Shepardon snarled and charged, Saramandora noticed and shot a Fireball at him. But Shepardon managed to block it, and grab hold of Saramandora from behind. It struggled to get free from Shepardon's grip, meanwhile Red King was readying an explosive rock bullet. But with Saramandora struggling, he couldn't risk hitting Shepardon.

"Don't worry big guy! I'll give you the signal!"

Saramandora struggled, but Applejacks aim hasn't failed her before, and there is no reason it will fail now.

"Ready... NOW!!!"

Red King shot the rock at Saramandora's throat, and landed a direct hit. Causing Saramandora to shriek in pain, as Shepardon let it go. Rei sought his opportunity.

"Gomora! NOW!!!"

Gomora burst out of the ground, but he was under Saramandora's feet. But it was all part of his plan, he lifted Saramandora and threw him out of the city. As Saramandora hit the ground, Gomora's crests and Shepardon's Victorium Crystal glowed brightly.

"Super Shock-Wave!"

"Victorium Flash!"

Gomora and Shepardon combined their attacks and blasted Saramandora, turning him into nothing but cinders. Gomora, Shepardon, and Red King , all roared out in victory, and were soon called back into Rei's, Applejack's and Rarity's battlenizers.

"YEEHAW!!! Now that was a battle!"

"Yeah, but there's still a lot of work to do... I mean look at the area!"

The girls looked at some of the destroyed buildings that were caught in the battle.

"Oh dear... this is gonna be hard to explain..."

"That may be so... but I'm sure well work things out."

"Rarity... how did you know the creatures name...?"

"Well, surprisingly Fluttershy, he told me, his name is Underground Sacred Beast Shepardon."

Fluttershy was amazed, she could only imagine what she could learn from him. Given the fact, she is the animal expert of the group. Sunset watches the girls as the give Rarity a lot of attention, and her new Kaiju.

"Rarity can always turn into the center of attention sometimes..."

"Yeah, but she might want to get her uniform cleaned up, because it looks a bit dirty.

Right on cue, Rarity screamed to the top of her lungs.

"Dirt! There's DIRT on my uniform! I need to get to the cleaners!"

She ran so fast, even a road runner couldn't keep up. Rei and the others couldn't help but laugh in amusement, Rarity may be a fashionista, but she is a valued member of the team.

Author's Note:

Here is my new chapter, sorry I took so long, but things have been crazy since me and my family moved into a new house, and yes, there will be pictures of the teams actual designs, I couldn't figure out how to make a good description of what they look like, so please be patient.

Kaiju in the Chapter:


Red King:

Shepardon: (Normally his actual name is Shepherdon, but Shepardon sounded a lot easier.)


