• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 14,238 Views, 1,197 Comments

Fur and Feathers - Nexas

The mane six's pets become ponies! What do they do now?

  • ...

Fur will fly

Back at Fluttershy's cottage, Twilight had finally convinced Owlowiscious to help Angel and Rainbow Dash teach Tank about the finer points of flying. As the three pegasus soared through the air, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Angel stood amidst the crowd of animal-ponies, watching their friends with awe and concern.

"Woohoo!" Rainbow Dash cheered as she looped through the air, following it up with a dropping cartwheel and pulled up right before she nearly crashed into the ground. She flew towards a single cloud that hung low in the sky, Owlowiscious and Tank stood on it, watching the rainbow colored pegasus.

"Impressive." Owlowiscious complimented Dash when she landed on the cloud.

"Impressive?" She asked jokingly. "Is that all I am, impressive?"

"Oh pardon me." Owlowiscious joined in the joking. "You're the greatest flyer in the history of Equestria. Is that better?"

Dash chuckled. "Better. How're you doing, Tank?"

Tank shrugged, as silent as usual.

"And you're not falling through the cloud anymore, that's good."

"It was a stroke of genius to create this cloud out of those little ones." Owlowiscious said. Tank tested the cloud with a hoof; his hoof sinking into the soft layer.

"You don't know how hard it was to find this much." Dash leaned over the edge of the cloud and glared down at Twilight Sparkle below. The clueless librarian waved happily.

"But I digress." Dash turned back to them. "Now it's time for Tank's next lesson!"

Owlowiscious and Tank shared confused expressions. "What?"

"It's time I taught Tank some awesome aerial moves!"

"But I thought that you just wanted Tank to be able to fly."

"Yeah, and now I want him to learn how to pull off amazing moves and become the greatest flying tortoise ever!"

"I'm fairly certain that he's accomplished that already. There's probably not that many flying tortoises in the world." Owlowiscious pointed out.

"Aw c'mon!" She turned to her pet. "C'mon Tank, you're behind me on this, right?"

They both looked to Tank for an answer. Tank sat down on the cloud, small bits of it shooting off into the air around him. He seemed to be deep in thought from the look on his face. After a minute or two, he stood up and replied with a nod and a smile.

"Sure." He spoke.

"Yes!" Dash punched the air ecstatically and got into a flying stance. "This is gonna be awesome! Follow me."

Dash poised herself and in one smooth motion, she back flipped off the cloud and into the air, her wings unfurling just in time to keep her airborne. She zoomed off once again.

"Quite an owner you have there." Owlowiscious said to Tank when Dash was out of earshot. He leapt up and took off after Dash, leaving Tank to watch both of them go.

Tank nodded, a smile growing on his face. He spread his wings and with one mighty flap, lifted himself into the air after the other two, unintentionally destroying the cloud underneath him in the process.


Fluttershy cried out in alarm as she was suddenly enveloped in a large chunk of cloud, the white, fluffy mess obscuring her vision of everything around her.

"W-what's going on?!" Fluttershy gasped, accidentally breathing in some cloud which reduced her to a coughing fit. She could hear muffled shouting but couldn't see anypony. At that moment a hoof reached through the mist and grabbed onto Fluttershy, pulling her out and onto the ground. She finally managed to look around and saw a group of her animals staring down at her, each of their faces showing deep concern.

"Hey! Out of the way! Give her some room!" Angel suddenly appeared in her view, angrily shoving other animals aside to get to her. His angry face still showling some concern, like the others, when he looked down at Fluttershy. "Hey, you okay?"

She coughed weakly and got to her hooves. "Yeah, I guess."

He looked up at the sky, the three pegasi were doing various flying moves, one after the other. "Darnit Tank." Angel grumbled. "He destroyed that cloud when he took off and it started raining down on us! And of course, you get hit with the biggest chunk and I have to pull you out before you suffocate."

"Oh...." Fluttershy looked saddened but smiled at her pet nonetheless. "Thank you."

Angel sighed, his irritated expression softening. "Just... be more careful, okay?"

"Fluttershy!" Both of them saw Twilight walk up, a clump of cloud clinging to her head, giving off the appearance of a puffy, white afro. Her horn glowed through the cloud and it dispersed. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Twilight." She responded.

"I'm fine too, thanks for asking." Angel said indignantly.

Twilight ignored him and looked back at the sky. Owlowiscious was flying off in the distance, chasing after Rainbow Dash who circled around both him and Tank, staying just one step ahead of both of them. "Well, at least they're okay." She murmured.

"Twilight!!" A voice rang out, shouting Twilight's name. Twilight looked to Fluttershy and Angel who shrugged, just as confused as she was. A ways away from the three, Twilight could see something moving rapidly through the crowd.

"...Spike?" Twilight asked quietly, recognizing the voice and just making out her assistant as he squeezed his way through the animals towards them. By the time the dragon reached Twilight he was breathing heavily and almost doubled over.

"Twi... light... I... there..."

"Spike, breathe." Twilight commanded. "You look like you ran all the way here from Ponyville."

Weakly, Spike flopped onto the ground. "That's... because... I did."

Twilight suddenly noticed that her assistant's scales were scorched, like he had taken a hit from a magical attack. "Spike, what's going on?" She asked, growing nervous. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Spike rubbed some of his sore scales tenderly. "She has horrible aim, so she only grazed me."


"It's Opal!" He explained frantically. "She knows how to use magic now and she's blasting the boutique apart!"

"What?!" The others said, confused and shocked.

Twilight groaned. Why didn't she see this coming? "Oh no, she must have tapped into her magic somehow. Is Rarity okay?"

"Yeah, well, maybe. Opal's was too busy trying to blast Winona when I got out of there to try blasting anypony else."

"Winona's there too?" Twilight asked.

Spike nodded. "She and the cutiemark crusaders showed up like an hour or so ago. I think they wanted to ask Opal about something or something."

"The crusaders are there too!?" Twilight shouted.

"Well yeah, they-Ah!" Spike cried out as Twilight suddenly ran past him, knocking him to the ground. Twilight ran to the end of the road and looked back at everyone,

"I'm sorry, but I really need to go check on this!"

With that, Twilight Sparkle ran off down the dirt path. Angel waved to the rapidly leaving unicorn.

"Have fun getting hurt!" Angel deadpanned. Fluttershy watched silently as her friend ran around a bend and was gone. Fluttershy, after a long pause, spread her wings and lifted herself into the air, though only by a few feet or so, and took off down the road.

"At least we're not the ones that have to do that." Angel chuckled as Twilight Sparkle disappeared from sight. "Right, Fluttershy? ...Fluttershy? Hey!" He just discovered that his owner had taken off and chased after her, catching up with the slow pegasus rather quickly.

"You're not doing what I think you're doing are you?" He shouted at his owner.

Fluttershy nodded. "Twilight might need my help. I have to go."

"Why?! Imagine what's going on down there, you could..." He went silent, letting the implication sink in to her as well as himself. "You could get hurt."

Fluttershy paused in mid-air, momentarily stopped by Angel's words. She floated there, a few feet above the ground with Angel standing beside her, thinking out a response.

"You can just go back home." Angel said temptingly. "Who says you need to help your friend anyways?"

Fluttershy was silent, her mind thinking of what to say. She turned around and stared Angel directly in the eyes. He instinctly braced himself for his owner's piercing stare, unable to look away. But surprisingly, this stare was different, not commanding like her usual one, instead, it showed... determination? Fluttershy slowly moved up to him until their noses were almost.

"I do." She said finally. With that, she took off into the air, flying a little faster and a little higher than before, and left Angel where he stood, watching his owner as she flew away.

Anypony that knew Angel bunny, or at least were there at that moment, would have expected some kind of outburst from the rabbit. Some form of rage; probably with a lot of shouting of words that his owner would never approve of. Instead, a grin spread across his face.

"Well whaddya know."

He ran down the path, chasing after his owner.


Twilight had just arrived at the boutique. To her surprise, and relief, the building was still in one piece and not a smoking crater that she had envisioned on the way over. She could hear cries and shouting from the inside.

"Well..." She said quietly, hopefully to herself. "Maybe it's not as bad as Spike said."

It was at that moment that one of the windows of the boutique burst, shards of glass flying everywhere. And out of the window a pony flew out and onto the ground. A hat floated to the ground at Twilight's hooves.

"Or... maybe not." She looked at the hat, then at the groaning pony on the ground, both of which seemed familiar. Twilight stared down at the pony. "Applejack?"

"Nrngh." The farmer replied with a pained groan, looking up at Twilight's face. "Oh, howdy Twilight." She got up slowly and dusted herself off, grabbing her Stetson and placing it back on her head. Twilight noticed that parts of her fur seemed to be burned.

"Applejack!" Out of the front doors came Rarity, quickly running to Applejack. "Are you alright?" She stopped when she saw Twilight and relief spread across her face. "Twilight! Thank goodness you showed up."

"I got Spike's message." Twilight again looked over the boutique. "I never expected this to happen."

Rarity looked at the ground sadly. "I did..."

"Well anyways..." Applejack started. "It's great that you're here Twi, and Ah'd like to chat..."

The sound of more breaking glass reached their ears and out of another window tumbled two, very angry ponies. They rolled across the ground grappling at each other while one of them wildly fired off magical bolts.

"...But Ahm kinda busy right now."

Winona and Opal pushed away from each other and scrambled to their hooves. Opal staggered about, never taking her eyes off of Winona. Her mane was a complete mess, hanging around her face and she seemed to be missing some fur and Twilight saw bite marks.

"Is that all you got?!" Winona yelled at Opal mockingly. Winona's left eye was black from a well-placed punch from the cat and her fur was burnt, small trails of smoke rose from her body. "Ah've seen foals that were stronger than you!"

Opal grit her teeth and glared, her horn glowed dangerously bright as she pointed it at Winona threateningly. "Oh yeah?! Well why don't I just turn you into a toad or something? Then I would be stronger than you."

"The way you use that magic, Ah bet you'd turn yourself into a toad instead." Her snarling visage disappeared for a moment and Winona giggled softly at a thought. "It'd be a perfect match fer yer personality."

"You...! You...!" Opal was so angry at Winona that she couldn't even speak, so instead she tried to shoot her, firing off bolt after bolt at the pony. Luckily for Winona, and unluckily for Opal, Winona was able to mostly avoid the blasts because of her athleticism, as well as Opal's poor aim. A few blasts got near enough Rarity, Applejack and Twilight though, making them all flinch.

"Well this isn't good." Twilight muttered.

"Hey!" Applejack shouted at Opal, making a move towards the two. "Stop trying to hurt mah dog this instant!"

"Back off, hillbilly!" Opal shouted. She turning and opened fire on the two. Applejack had to dive out of the way before she was hit while Twilight simple put up a shield for her and Rarity. Each blast that collided with her shield managed to push her back an inch.

"It's worse than I thought." Twilight muttered under her breath to Rarity. "She somehow tapped into massive, magical power. She's having a magical surge!"

"I must concede to you Twilight." Opal shouted at Twilight, her horn smoking from the power. "Using magic is certainly very fun." She aimed at Winona and fired, a bolt hitting Winona square in the chest and sending her to the ground. "And it's certainly easy."

"Winona, get out of there right now!" Applejack pleaded.

"No can do." Winona slowly got up again, pain showing on her face. "It's one thing if she insults me, but then she went and insulted Applebloom, and her friends, and that just won't stand!"

Opal grinned and pointed her horn at Winona. "And neither will you after this."

Twilight dispersed her shield and stepped forward. "You don't need to do this, Opal."

Opal's horn was already sparking wildly again. "Oh, you bet I do." She turned her attention back to Winona and let lose another blast of magic. Winona rolled out of the way and countered with a punch but Opal was able to dodge as well. Rarity watched the two as they fought and sighed.

"How long have they been fighting?" Twilight asked her.

"Too long." The depressed Rarity sighed again. "Just look at what they did to my store."

Applejack quietly wiped away some of the glass shards still stuck in the brim of her hat. "Ah heard that Applebloom and her friends were in there when it happened. Where're they?"

"Somewhere." Rarity shrugged. "The last time I saw them, they were heading for the back exit. I think they had Peewee with them."

"Ha!" Each of them looked back at the fighting ponies. Opal stood over Winona, looking down triumphantly at the smoking earth pony. "You didn't think I'd win, did you?" She half shouted, half laughed. "But it turns out I did! So what are you gonna do about it?!"

Winona slowly looked up at her attacker, reached up, grabbed Opal's head, pulled it forward, and rammed her own head into Opal's. A sharp crack rang out and an extremely dazed Opal staggered backwards before crumpling to the ground unconscious.

"Yeah!" Winona got to her hooves, almost falling backwards in the process. She weakly pointed a hoof at the downed fighter. "Now you know not to mess with an Apple!"

Applejack finally decided that it was safe to go in and ran to Winona's side. "Winona! Are you okay?"

"Absolutely!" She replied with a wide smile, though, Applejack notice her cringe in pain slightly. "Just let me lie down for a moment and Ah'll be right as rain." At that she dropped, face down, into the dirt, also unconscious. Applejack knelt down and patted her pet on the head.

"You did good girl, now rest up."

"Twilight!" The sound of hooves against dirt and a voice calling out signified somepony that somepony else was arriving on the scene. Twilight followed the voice to behind her were Fluttershy was running up towards her flanked by Angel. "Are you alright? What happened?" She asked, concerned like always.

"We're fine Fluttershy, Winona defeated Opal and they're both unconscious."

Angel stamped a hoof. "Dang it. I wanted to give that mouse eater a piece of my mind. Well, I guess our work here is done Flutters, might as well go home."

"Angel." Fluttershy hushed him. "Is there anything we can help with?"

"Actually It's great that you're here." Twilight said, looking back at the downed ponies. "Help us get Winona and Opal into the boutique so we can heal them."

Fluttershy nodded and went off towards the two, Angel begrudgingly following along. With Winona on Applejack's back, and Opal on Angel's, all of them went into the boutique

Author's Note:

So yeah, turns out I'm not dead after all.
So... chapter 15
The reason there's been no update is because this chapter literally took me forever to write out. (I've been working on it since Christmas!) There's simply been too many problems, mostly having to do with Rarity and Opal and how I want their part of the story to play out. Hopefully the next chapter will be easier.
Or it will take even longer.
Hopefully not.