• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 14,238 Views, 1,197 Comments

Fur and Feathers - Nexas

The mane six's pets become ponies! What do they do now?

  • ...

Busy day

The worn stairs of the Apple house creaked and groaned, protesting Applejack's use of them once again. The noise was the only sound in the quiet house apart from the farmer's soft breathing. All of the other Apples had gotten up already, except for one of course, which was why Applejack was doing this in the first place.

She didn't blame the last member for sleeping in, heck, she'd probably still be in bed right now if she wasn't who she was. But she was a farmer, an Apple, and she wasn't just about to let a lot of work sit and gather dust, nor was she going to let somepony who needed to work get off easy.

Even after what had happened.

Applejack froze in mid-stride, almost at the top of the stairs. With memories of yesterday resurfacing yet again, the earth pony heaved a sigh and lean against the picture-covered wall for the moment. Trying to push it from her mind had left her with a headache and an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

Yesterday had been, for lack of a better term, a complete disaster. If she hadn't lost Winona and the Crusaders, she might have been able to prevent all of that from happening. But she was still only one part of it, which she understood as well. She hadn't been there for very long, only reaching the boutique in time to see her dog blasted through a window by a magic cat. But she could already tell that Rarity's relationship with Opal had crashed worse than a rocket powered tractor.

She sighed and moved on, coming up the stairs to the second floor and over to the guest room. Moving the thoughts away for now, Applejack knocked on the door four times.


There was no reply.

"Winona?" she knocked again, this time louder. "Are you up?"

Again, there was no reply.

Slowly, Applejack pressed her ear against the door. Soft snoring could he heard from within, confirming her assumptions. Applejack pushed the door open and found herself blasted with the stale, musty air of a room barely used. Still, she went inside.

The guest room of the house wasn't anything special. Little more than an old bed took up its space. In the bed was Winona, still sound asleep despite her owner's actions. The blankets and sheets that should have been covering her were instead strewn across the floor. Bandages were littered in the bed, more than likely having fallen off in the night. One of her hind legs kicked in the air, quiet barking emanating from Winona as she slept. Applejack couldn't help but crack a smile at her pet. It seemed she dreamt the same things, even if she was a pony.

"Winona....?" The farmer called her name gently, giving the earth pony a gentle nudge. "It's time to get up now."

Winona fidgeted for a moment before she rolled onto her other side and remained asleep.

"Winona. Wake up this instant!" Growing impatient, which seemed to happen more and more nowadays, Applejack pressed further and nudged Winona harder. This time the nudge turned into more of a push, and Winona was sent off the other side of the bed for a surprise meeting with the floor. Applejack moved over to the other side and looked down at Winona.

"...Oops. Uh, Winona? Are y'all alright?"

The Canine-pony stared up at her owner in a daze. She wasn't entirely awake, even after the sudden fall, but she was awake enough to look up at Applejack. She yawned once, displaying her dull, flat pony teeth, and licked Applejack's nose.

"Howdy, Applejack."

"Howdy yourself," Applejack wiped her nose and grinned. "How ya feeling, sugercube?"

The shaggy pony slowly rose from off the floor and begun to stretch, yawning again in the meantime. "Pretty good." she grunted, her affirmation accompanied by the popping of a few joints. "All mah bumps and bruises healed up right quick!" Winona beamed and bounced excitedly. "Ah feel like Ah could take on a whole pack of Timberwolves!"

"That's good." Applejack replied with a nod. "You're gonna need your strength when we work today."

The bouncing ceased. A confused look fell over the pony as she looked at Applejack, her head tilting a little to the right. "...Work?"

"You remember all those apple trees we didn't harvest yesterday, right?" she asked.

Winona froze up, eyes widening as she remembered it. "Yeah..."

"Well, they're still not harvested." Applejack clarified, speaking matter-of-factly. "Applebloom, and Big Macintosh, are already out in the fields now. And we're all waiting on you."

"Y'all have been waiting for me?" Winona frowned, "Sorry, yesterday just made me all tired."

Applejack was silent for a moment before speaking. "... Speaking of yesterday, could ya tell me what exactly happened?"

Winona stared, more than a little confused that her owner would ask for something that was, for her, right out of the blue. Slowly, after sitting back down on the bed, she nodded and started telling the full story.

"Uh, well when we got to the Boutique - me and Applebloom, and her friends that is - Rarity welcomed us inside. While they were asking a bunch of questions, Ah was visiting with Opal. She had said something rude to Applebloom's friends, and Ah stepped in. We argued and she shot me through a window." A hoof was brought up to a bandage still attached to her head. It was placed on a spot where a large piece of glass had struck her. It still stung. "Ah... Ah don't remember much after that, except you were there, and Ah won."

Applejack shook her head. She probably would have done the same thing given the circumstances. Still...

"Right. Anyways, Ah think sometime today we should go and apologize to Rarity about the fight."

Winona froze up, her eyes widening at the statement. It actually took a moment for what Applejack said to connect with her. When she did, Winona nearly jumped out of her fur.

"W-what?!" She squeaked in alarm. "But... but why?" She immediately started up again after saying that. "Ah mean, w-why do Ah have to apologize? That cat started it when she insulted Applebloom!"

"Yeah, but you had a hoof in destroying the shop too." Applejack confessed, speaking calmly as to not sound punishing. She stepped forward and put a hoof on the younger earth pony's shoulder, who looked up at her with those large, orange eyes. "Ahm not gonna punish you Winona, Ah think that's already been done." She ran a hoof over the brown and white fur; a few bruises were starting to show. "Ahm just saying that we should go over some time and say we're sorry and it wouldn't hurt if we offered to help her rebuild."

Winona was quiet for the entire talk, but slowly, she started speaking again. "Ahm sorry about the fight."

"It's not me who ya need to be apologizing to." Applejack smiled warmly and patted her pet on the back. "But Ah suppose it's a start. Now c'mon, we got a lot of work to do, so we'd better get to it!"

Sitting there on the bed, a slow smile spread across the pony's face until it broke into a big smile. "Yeah!" Winona jumped up and dashed past Applejack, and out the door. "Race ya to the fields!"

Applejack sprinted after her. It was going to be a busy day, time to get started.


"-And that's what you need to do, alright Angel?"

"Uh.... yeah. Quick question, why are we doing this?

"Angel!" Fluttershy stomped the ground, barely making an imprint. "We're doing this because we need to feed the others!" She gestured to the crowd of ponies that sat around the area that was Fluttershy's house. All the animals had been delighted when Angel and Fluttershy came back, swarming the two in affection, much to Fluttershy's delight and Angel's mild annoyance. The mob, as Angel called it, had learned quite a bit since they left them here. More than a few of them knew how to talk now.

All of them had something to say, but it all mostly came down to asking for food. They hadn't eaten since yesterday, and Fluttershy was quite panicked. Angel was actually concerned as well, but had chosen to show it in his usual, snarky way. Unfortunately, with everyone as a pony now they had to fall back on a smaller, alternative food supply.

"Here, enjoy." Angel set a platter of sandwiches on the ground. A few of the ponies approached cautiously and inspected the food, not quite sure what to do. They looked to Angel.

"You eat it." Angel confirmed. The white stallion sighed, running a hoof through his mane. "Honestly, you guys, use your heads. We're not just going to feed you animal feed. You're ponies now, time to eat like them."

Slowly, one of the ponies, an earth pony stallion, stepped closer and grabbed a sandwich. The food nearly fell from his hooves, the pony unused to using them, but he kept a grip. Unfortunately, just as he was about to take a bite, a Pegasus swooped in and snatched the sandwich right from his hooves. The Pegasus laughed and flew off, the earth pony in hot pursuit.

"Hey! There's this little thing called 'sharing'. You should try it sometime!" Angel shouted at the two, even though they probably weren't listening to him. When the coast was clear the other animal-ponies started coming forward and dove into the meal. Angel just stood by.

"Dig in everypony. Try not to choke or anything, okay? Okay."

Angel left the ponies to their lunch and looked for Fluttershy. Moving though the crowds of ponies felt like trying to swim upstream to Angel. Not that he had ever tried that, it looked like too much work, and just seemed stupid to him. All around him other ponies ate and mingled, which was something Angel found really odd since there were predators and prey in the mix. He just chalked it up to everypony being ponies and kept looking. The whole thing was ridiculous really.

Fluttershy was tending to some of the other ponies, her side of the work already done. She sat with a few of them, quietly brushing a small, green Pegasus's feathers as she listened to them talk. Whatever they were talking about, Fluttershy listened with a kind intensity. Angel approached slowly, trying not to accidently surprise his owner when she noticed him, and cleared his throat loudly. This drew attention and Fluttershy turned.

"Oh, Angel!" Fluttershy nearly dropped her brush. "Just give me a moment, please." Excusing herself, Fluttershy returned to her work. After a minute or so of brushing she set the brush down. "Okay Hummingway, that should do for now."

Hummingway thanked the yellow Pegasus with a hug and fluttered off. Finished, Fluttershy quietly excused herself from the other ponies and went over to Angel.

"Did you finish feeding the other animals?" she asked.

Behind Fluttershy, Angel noticed the Pegasus and pony from earlier, the pony still in pursuit. He nodded. "Yup. Most of everypony got fed their share of daisy sandwiches," He gagged melodramatically. "The most bland, horrible thing imaginable."

"It'll have to do for now." Fluttershy answered sadly. She watched the other ponies around them. "My poor animal friends, we'll have to go out to the market later and get more food."

"Fun. Hope you have the bits for it." Angel grumbled. Anything else he would have said was interrupted by a growling noise. Both of them looked around until they discovered that it originated from Angel, specifically his stomach.

"Uh... pardon me?"

"Angel...." Fluttershy looked up at him concernedly. "You ate too, didn't you?"

"Yeah, like I'd want to eat that stuff, even if I'm starving." Angel chuckled half-heartedly for a moment before turning sheepish. "And I'm sure somepony here is probably hungrier... with lower standards, than me, of course."

"Aww," Fluttershy smiled warmly. "That was very nice of you Angel. Thanks."

"Ugh." The white stallion groaned weakly. "Why do you have to be so.... so....."

Angel could say any number of insults or smart remarks, but all that came to mind was adorable, as it was so painfully obvious that she was. Almost sickeningly so. He would never say it to her face though, he'd never hear the end of it. So looking back Angel would be thankful that he had been interrupted.

"Excuse me?" A voice spoke out, drawing both ponies' attentions. It was a unicorn, fur white as snow, and dressed in an overcoat for some reason. "I certainly hope I'm not interrupting anything."

The two ponies stared, different levels of confusion on both of their faces. Fluttershy gasped softly, leaned over to Angel and spoke. "Isn't that-?"

Angel cut her off, not taking his eyes off the unicorn. "Flutters, why don't you go check if some other animals need your help?"

"Are you sure? But Opal-"

"Fluttershy, go." Angel found her gaze for a brief moment, trying to convey an understanding to her. "Go and let me handle this."

Fluttershy stared at Angel for a moment, concern felt for both ponies present keeping her on the spot. Angel won out though and, nodding begrudgingly, the yellow Pegasus turned and fluttered away, back to the crowd of animals where she would be safe. Now alone, Angel breathed slowly and walked towards the unicorn.

"Sending your owner away?" The unicorn inquired with a smile. "Does the white knight want to protect his princess?"

"Shut up." Angel replied bluntly, not breaking his stride until he was about a few steps in front of Opal, close enough to see the little bruises and cuts that still showed from yesterday. "I just don't want her to be here if things get hairy, like they often do when you're around." He scowled. "So unless you plan on making pleasant conversation, I suggest you get your furry butt out of here before I kick it out."

"Calm down." Opalescence waved his threat off with all the grace that her owner posessed. "I'm not here to face the brunt of your anger, no matter how funny it is to see. Actually, I came here to talk with Fluttershy." She glared. "And since that apparently won't come to be, I'll have to settle for speaking with you."

A twitch grew in Angel's eye, but he was growing curious. Why would she want to talk? "Ha, ha. What's with the coat?"

"Can't a lady decide to wear something different once in a while? A pony wearing a coat also draws less attention than one with bruises and bandages all over."

He raised an eyebrow. "Rarity doesn't know you're here, does she?"

Opal looked uncertain for a moment. "She... she left me to nurse my wounds and that's what I'm doing. Don't you know exercise is good for you, silly Angel rabbit?"

"I'm a bunny," Angel growled indignantly. "That's my name. Not rabbit. There's a difference, sort of. And don't try to give facts on health, I've already heard the full book from Flutters." He looked questioningly at her. "And not that I care you know, but don't you think going out after destroying a store, and Rarity's livelihood, is, I don't know, a terrible idea? I might as well go down and tell her about this myself." He made a move to get past her but was halted by something tugging him from behind. He glanced back, finding his tail ensnared by the glow of magic.

"Wait...." Opal made to speak, but paused, politely clearing her throat. "Please. Just let me ask you one thing and I'll leave."

For a long moment, Angel stared at her, taking in her gaze which seemed to be genuinely honest. He could make it so much worse for her, but at the same time..... He let out an annoyed huff, basically throwing up his hooves. "Fine, what is it?"

For a moment Opal looked uncomfortable, though that might have been the coat pressing down on some bruises. She shifted awkwardly for a moment.

"... Tell me about your relationship with Fluttershy."

".... My what?!" Angel stuttered profusely. Crimson spread across his muzzle.

"I'm asking if you can tell me how you two met? And your current relationship? Tell me about those things." She stared at him blankly. "What. What did you believe I meant?"

".....Nothing." Angel calmed himself and regained his composure. He wasn't sure how to feel being asked stuff like this, so he just went with it. "How we met?" he let out a breath. "I was just a kit back then so I don't remember much of it. I think I was alone when she found me, hungry and left by my parents you see. Don't even remember them though so who cares. Anyways, I must've struck a chord with her because next thing I knew I was in a warm house with warm food and I've never left." He smiled fondly at the memory. "She's really the nicest pony I've ever met."

"Fascinating," Opal started half-sarcastically. "What about after that?"

"Nothing much, different animals came and went in the house but I always stayed. I guess I'm her favorite, or possibly I just never decided to leave and she didn't say anything. Flutters was shy back then, even more than now, and really that's saying something! I've tried to help her improve her self-confidence and all that, because she needs all the help she can get. I guess I'm thankful that she has friends now that drag her around to save the world, its done wonders for her."

"So you assist her... by being bossy?" Opal raised an eyebrow at that.

"I want her to stand up for herself!" he clarified. "Just because I'm a jerk doesn't mean I'm not trying to help."

Opal mused over Angel's words. She was legitimately impressed. "I must say, that's certainly quite a tale. She's probably happy to have you." Turning, she started walking away. "I must be off now."

Angel didn't try to stop her this time, though he did ask. "Where are you going?"

Not looking back once, Opal continued walking. "There are still some ponies I have to talk too."

And she was gone. A moment later Fluttershy came running up to Angel, having watched the whole thing from far away. "Angel! Are you okay? Is she okay? What happened?"

"I..." All he could do is shrug. "I'm not sure...."

Author's Note:

Don't know what to say.

Sorry about taking so long. Next chapter will be in much sooner, promise.
