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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Join my Discord and come chat!


Starlight's redemption hasn't been easy. Heck, it's been hard. Still, at least her birthday would be coming up soon. A day to just relax with her new friends.

But things don't always go according to plan.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

Nice! Great story. Starlight will obviously have some darkness in her mind for some time going into the future. It's interesting to explore that facet of her.

Ouch. Seriously ouch. What is with all the gut puncher stories today? Great work, but still...:raritycry:

Woah. :rainbowderp: That's some pretty dark stuff, but nicely written! Kudos!

Gay, but in the good way.

Damn this is one depressing story. Twilight and the girls better find a way to make it up to Starlight, provided she still wants anything to do with them of course.

Hope there's a sequel, great job!

This is a really good story, keep up the good work.

I'd say a missed birthday is a pretty poor reason to break off your friendships, but this is the pony who went mad for years after losing her friend, so...

In all seriousness, I was really liking the story, but it just seemed too short. It ended too abruptly. It would've been nice to get some more insight into her thoughts or some more flashbacks for her to distort.

These always were my favorite types of fanfics, though. Hoping there's a sequel where she confronts them.

Poor Starlight. I kind of want to see more of this, mostly Starlight facing more of this internal conflict and eventually having a talk with the girls. Something like this feels all too familiar for many at times, that fear that you aren't as loved as you once believed, and that your friends really don't care that much. And they're not great at hiding their remarks; again, something I'd love to see Starlight confront them over.

8224645 To be fair, Moondancer shut herself away from everyone after Twilight missed her birthday party. For some, it just hits too much of a personal button, especially for those who are already paranoid and full of self-doubt as is.

That was a very interesting and dark look into Starlight's mind; really enjoyed it.

My only critique is that the ending felt very abrupt, leaving the story feel unfinished. I kinda hoped to see more of her reaction when she had the realization. Despite that, great work!

I was being kinda sarcastic. With Starlight, I can definitely see a missed birthday breaking her Iike this.

Please let there be a sequel to this!!!

Please make a sequel!

Great story I hope you do a part 2 because it will be intresting to see where you go from here.

I knew this story would make me sad but I read it anyway .

Note: This is sort of a double review of this story and Here's To Us. There aren't any glaring spoilers, but I thought I'd mention that I mention it as, without the context of that story, this review won't make much sense.

After reading your Featured story, Lost in the Static, and being impressed by the writing, I thought I'd take the time to look at some of your other stories about Starlight. This one is the first one that I am not leaving a Like on. I'm not leaving a Dislike, however.

Your story Here's To Us was a hair away from making my Favorites. I debated for a while, actually stepping away from the computer and thinking on the decision. (I treat my Favorites list a lot more seriously than most...) In the end, I put it in my Thumbs Up list. But this story's style is similar overall, so I wondered: Why didn't I like it?

Using flashbacks as the basis of a story is something I rarely see. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I think it requires a special touch to work. "Story of Your Life," the novella that the movie "Arrival" is based on, is probably the best example I know of a story that is based on its flashbacks. It works there because the flashbacks help to drive the story, and the ending brings everything together so nicely. It makes the flashbacks meaningful.

The ending of Here's to Us was fantastic and impactful. I couldn't write a better ending if I tried. Because of it, the rest of the story felt stronger. (I think the Nostalgia Critic's video on "Can an Ending Ruin a Film?" is quite relevant. He discusses the opposite too, and I think it applies here.)

While Here's to Us's ending made the story, the ending to Starlight Isn't Always Bright felt unresolved. Not because a story can't end on a cliffhanger, but because it made me wonder what the meaning of the flashbacks were. So I took the story into a text editor for a minute, removed all references to the flashbacks, and read it again: the impact felt comparable, but the story was only 406 words. Doing the same for Here's to Us didn't work. Without the flashbacks, Spike's actions are sort of pointless filler leading to an ending that, without the context of the flashbacks, loses impact.

And that's when it hit me: in Here's to Us, the flashbacks are the story, being framed by Spike's actions. Here, the flashbacks add some color, but don't hold any weight outside of Starlight's fears. Without them, Starlight was still abandoned on her birthday, so still had every reason to have doubts and be angry. Here, flashbacks are fuel to the fire; in Here's to Us, they are the fire.

Had this just been written today, given your author's note, I wouldn't have given any criticism. There's no need to hit someone struggling to get back up when I don't find anything about this story offensive, nor do I regret reading it. But you seem to be back in the swing of things now, so I thought you might find some value in my thoughts.

Again, the writing is solid from a technical side and I enjoyed comparing it to your other story. I just wasn't as impressed by the story here. I intend to look at a few more of your stories over the next couple of days. And if I have any else to say on those, I certainly will.

While i liked what was there it felt more like it just stopped rather than finished in the end, i would love to see this getting a proper conclusion some day. :twilightsmile:



Which reminds me. . .

Happy Brithday Starlight!!!🤗🎂

I actually do have an idea for a similar story. Basically what happens is that Twilight and the others get so caught up in preparing something Princess Celestia asked them to set up that they forget about Starlight’s birthday until it’s too late to celebrate it with her.


I would totally read it!

Just don’t expect to see it anytime soon because I don’t know when I’ll get around to writing. It’ll be sometime after I finish the story I’m currently working on I know that.

Awww. Starlight needs a hug

Stories that show Starlight still struggling with some of her major flaws are fun to see. You teased some Starlight and Discord interactions way too much, though. Darn you.

Aww, thank you, Ice! <3

That heart is kinda gay, mate.

You're not wrong. :ajsmug:

This was a nice short read.

Finally, it hit Starlight. He had been right about her all along, and she had been too stubborn to admit it. Too stubborn to admit that she did care what other ponies thought about her. It was why she had come up with the idea of ‘Our Town’. A town that was eventually foiled by those pesky Elements of Harmony. Those ponies that had convinced her to change by pretending to be her friends. Pretending to care.

No please.

Starlight snapped.


Aleight I´m calm now, but it would´ve been nice to see Starlight get a happy ending.(Sigh) I still liked the story though. I wonder if she´s still fond of Spike, he and her actually bonded together, and she never mentioned him when she said they pretended to care. She mentioned the Mane 6 but that´s it. Also I doubt Starlight would regress she´s better than that. I respect your opinion if you disagree.

I saw a cute Starlight pic, and clicked, even though I noticed the Sad and Dark tags.

I was not prepared for that.

Nicely done.:twilightsmile:

Aww, thank you! I appreciate the kind words. If I may, I'd highly recommend Freak Like Me as my best Starlight work :)

I'll check it out, and I meant cute Starlight pic, not whatever the heck "text Starlight pick" was.

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