• Member Since 26th Mar, 2015
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Amber Spark

"Do it with love, do it with passion and never dream small!” - Author, Designer & Creator - Patreon/Ko-Fi


Interdimensional travel can be a dangerous thing. Especially when there’s a jumpy wedding planner just beyond the event horizon.

Entry in Jake's Horse Word Extravaganza "Obscure Shipping" Contest.
Finalist in June 2017's "Under the Sun" WriteOff - Winner of Best New Entrant!

Historian’s Note: Unexpected Hazards of Interdimensional Transit occurs a month or two after the events of Legend of Everfree, when those contractors finally get around to fixing the Wondercolt Statue.

Cast: Sunset Shimmer & Amethyst Star
Co-Starring: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Honey Blossom, Cranky Doodle & Matilda

Cover Design and Section Breaks by Novel Idea
Sunset Shimmer Vector: Xebck
Amethyst Star Vector (Recolored by Novel Idea): Punzil504
Amethyst Star Cutie Mark Vector: The-Smiling-Pony
Daisy Cutie Mark Vector: The-Smiling-Pony
Starflower Vector: KibbieTheGreat

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill - Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Little Tinker - Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Cursori: Reader of Many a Pony Word
Oroboro: General Conspirator of Sunset Madness (and helped inspire the original story)

Word Count: 12,000 Words
Version: 2.9

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 37 )

A beautiful and funny oneshot between two characters that you wouldn't expect.

10/10 author!!! 10/10!!!

Thank you kindly! I had far too much fun with these two and I'm glad you did as well!

My little secret is that I have two favorite parts in this story:
The rehearsal and the part with the ears.
The rehearsal is easy to pin down - amid all the little jokes Sunset throws at Amy and Amethyst's growing realization of what exactly she is doing, it's the part where the characters of those two come forth most strongly - Sunset is slowly but surely growing into an embodiment of Harmony and specifically her own element and Amy's rather strict and plan-driven persona.

While the ears, hmm, well that little off-hand description is just plain delightful as well as the implication it throws at us. Though, it's actually all the little details Novel has woven in, like Sunset smelling of cinnamon and roses, her love of Dahlias and the fact that they are edible that add a lot to better imagining of the characters.
All in all, this story was a treat and came at the right time (and Novel's Nook is always the right place for anything Sunset-, RariTwi- and AppleDash-related). Thanks, Novel!


Huh. The ears, huh? Never expected you to love that part in particular.

Hmm...hmm...definitely cute, definitely well-written, and certainly unexpected. And with an amusing shampoo-based origin story to boot! But, hmm, how do I put this...something about shipping Sunset with a character who has such little characterization feels kinda off to me? I don't know. It's kinda like shipping Sunset with an OC, just one that's meant to be a canon character. It's nothing against you or the fic, it just feels off to me.

Well, it's more that she's being shipped with a character that's existed for quite some time, but without any development whatsoever. In fact, the only lines we've had from her is her calling Rainbow Dash on the whole jar opening thing and her being the Best Organizer before Twilight showed up. She's a pretty blank slate. So, I went with what we knew and tried to build her from there! :twilightsmile:

Yeah, I know. Heck, I even rewatched that particular scene before I posted my last comment. It still just feels weird to me, which in turn feels weird for me for a completely different reason (I like to think I've made something of a reputation for myself in another fandom for giving underused characters the development they deserve). I don't know, maybe I'm just too much of a diehard Sunlight shipper? :rainbowlaugh:

Hey, nothing wrong with having favorites. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! :raritywink:

“No,” she whispered. “I didn’t actually finish the thought! It doesn’t count!”

Of course it counts. And it's more fun this way anyway. Magical shenanigans are the best.

No!” Amethyst shrieked. “No magical shenanigans!”

Oh, did you hear that? That was the sound of the title dropping directly onto Amethyst's head.

Next second her eyes rolled up into the back of her head and she fell over.

“This wasn’t on the list!” Amethyst squeaked.

I...have several idea as to the direction I think this fic is going to go. Most of them are hilarious.

Amethyst stared at the unconscious body of Sunset Shimmer, currently nestled deep with Amethyst’s own four-poster bed.

Welp. That was not one of the directions.

The most gorgeous girl, Amethyst thought, sagging against her dresser, is in my bed. I put the most gorgeous girl at CHS in my bed.

She bopped herself with her binder.

Why would I do that?

What an incredibly silly question. Besides, just blame magical shenanigans if she wakes up and doesn't like what she sees. It'll probably work. Unless you gave her lesser amnesia and she reverts back to how she was earlier in her life. She'd still probably believe you, but...it wouldn't really help matters.

Also, well done on knocking out the most beautiful girl in school and dragging her back to your bed, if my approval wasn't clear from my earlier comments.

“Ugh… where am I?”

Oh, Harmony. I panicked and did it again.
Sunset's unconscious form and double glowing red welts stared back accusingly.

Something inside of Amethyst’s head went ‘boing.’

If she were a guy, something somewhere el--
OW! Oh, it's a binder, now is it?

“Really.” Sunset snorted. “You took me down with a wedding binder?

Buffs nails on shirt. "I may have critted. While wielding one of the few weapons I'm proficient with. The surprise round flat-footed vulnerability definitely helped. Also I may have spent some plot points. Not to brag or anything."

Something else in Amethyst’s brain went ‘boing.’

And if she were a pegasus...

“Oh.” Sunset waved a hand dismissively. “That thing is just the dimensional portal between here and Equestria. As for what I was doing over there... Well, while I may have redeemed myself over here, there’s still a lot of mistakes I’m trying to fix back home. Let’s leave it at that, okay?”

"I may have...uh...gotten hungry on the way out my, first time coming here. And I may have been angry. And I may have stolen Princess Celestia's cake before high-tailing it out of Equestria."
"Oh, yeah. That's bad. Principal Celestia really likes her--Wait did you say 'Princess'!?"

“Well…” Sunset smirked that damn smirk again. “She also happens to be a magical talking unicorn from another dimension.”

Vegetarian!? But-But-But-Bacon Horse!

Which now that I actually examine that phrase out of context sounds more like bacon made from a horse. So maybe not.

That half had involved Amethyst actually joining Sunset and the others. A fistbump from Rainbow Dash after Amethyst had used her magic diamond fist—whatever that was—to deck some ugly chimera thing.

Huh. So Amethyst has something close to Pearl's personality and Garnet's gem weapon? Interesting.

Sunset had just been there the entire time, smirking with that same confident smirk as if she knew things no one should ever know. Even then, somehow, Amethyst hadn’t been afraid of the smirk. If anything, it made her feel confident. Like she could do anything.

It's nice for the good guys to have the smirk on their side every once in a while, y'know? I mean, pretty much only villain-type characters have that passive, so you have to catch one in the wild and relearn all its abilities to get it to mesh with the rest of the party.

It was a strange thing to knock on her own door, but she didn’t want to catch Sunset unaware or in any sort of inappropriate situation… again.

Are you sure you don't want that? Cuz I sure want that.

“Well, if you’re my prisoner, that means I make the rules!” Amethyst declared, put a foot up on her chair in her own version of ‘imperious.’

Sunset fell over laughing. Spot proceeded to lick her face until she got up again.

An admirable attempt.

“Hey, you’re the one who said there were seven of us. Assuming we get paired up… someone’s going to get left out. And I don’t think any of us are really in the market for one of those more… ‘open’ relationships like Cloud Kicker.”

Really? None of you? None? None? None? None?
(This isn't going anywhere, I just figured maybe if I ask enough times, the answer will change.

Amethyst stuck out her tongue at the red and gold haired girl. “Yeah. You are. So the big heroine gets to take it easy!”

"Besides, big heroines are prisoners all the time! Don't you ever read anything!"
"What kind of...reading material are you talking about?"
"...Irrelevant! Heroines are imprisoned frequently in more literature than just...In all kinds of literature!"

“That wasn’t even remotely funny.”

“That was hysterical,” Amethyst informed her. “Utterly hysterical.”

I know it's kind of a ruff Spot to be in, but at least you aren't in the doghouse alone.

Assuming everything went well with the wedding—and Amethyst knew everything was going well, save for the whole ‘knocking out Sunset Shimmer thing’

Seems to be going pretty well to me.

Amethyst liked her traditions. They were another thing to check off. And there was nothing quite like the thrill of checking something off in her binder. It made her all warm and tingly in all the best ways.

Okay, I'm not going to complain about another Sunlight fic, but seriously, it's a pretty thin veil.

When she came up into Sunset’s cell—also known as Amethyst’s bedroom


For some odd reason, Amethyst was almost disappointed. She had no idea why.

Finally you begin to recognize the wonder of Magical Shenanigans.

I’m getting reckless. Sunset Shimmer is definitely a bad influence on me.

Pffft--I--She--but it--...yeah. But she's a good bad influence!

She knew everything was going to be perfect.

~This day is going to be perfect,~
~The kind of day of which they've dreamed since they were...uh...chillun's~
Everypony will gather round, say they look lovely in their gowns,
What they don't know is that MAGICALSHENANIGANS
See? That rhymed.
What? It's literally a Canterlot Wedding. If the twist at the end of this story is that there are no magical shenanigans I'm going to be sorely disappointed.

If anything, having Sunset Shimmer locked in her house was probably the safest thing for the wedding, since she seemed to be a magnet of magical mayhem.

Well...Not that I explicitly approve or implicitly disapprove... But you're not wrong.

The one thing that threw her was the little sparkle in the old man’s eye when Amethyst ordered more than double her usual—making sure Sunset’s portion was vegetarian.

I'm not sure I quite understand how you can make raw fish vegetarian, but whatever.

She found herself humming ‘Shine Like Rainbows’ as she pulled into her driveway.

This Day Aria is more appropriate. :pinkiecrazy:

“Would it help if I mentioned you are going to be damned for all eternity?”

The correct response is turnabout. "It helps to know that you'll be there with me." You'll probably get a flicker from her expression, and then she'll hold her deadpan longer than you. But a flicker is a win!

Halfway through the sushi, Amethyst flipped on the television to a rerun of Mystery Science Theater 3000. To Amethyst’s horror, Sunset had never seen them before. She decided to fix this travesty and pull up the entire series.

Ha! Who hasn't seen those? Not me, obviously, because then I wouldn't be making this incredibly incriminating statement. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright::trixieshiftleft:

“You forgot the part with the magic,”

"Tell me which instance of that word was uncalled for!"
"Uh...Well. Most of them aren't doctors of magic, they're medical doctors...who use magic...Fine."

“Wow, you’re really getting off on this authority thing, aren’t you? Next thing I know you’ll be waving around a bridle—”

Yes, Sunny! Give her all the ideas!

“Seriously, I just need to get out for a bit.” Sunset tried to unleash something resembling puppy dog eyes upon Amethyst, but she’d seen much better from Spot. Still, there wasn’t much harm in taking Sunset.

Except for…

“On one condition!” Amethyst stabbed at her with a finger. “No crazy magical shenanigans!”

I mean, it's going to happen regardless, maybe this way, you'll get it over with at the rehearsal, rather than the real thing.

“No, but you are a bit of a pain.”

“I do try.”

Just remember, Amy, it's all your fault. If you hadn't overreacted to a freaky earth-quakey inter-dimensional shadow-creature with immediate hostility and a crit, you wouldn't have this problem. So really Sunny's completely blame-free, here.

Despite her claims, I’m pretty sure there’s some brain damage there.

Teenagers. Never can tell.

Though that may have been just to give her something else to check off, namely ‘Get teased by Sunset.’

That is a damn good task to have on your checklist. Here's hoping it is on there every day from now on.

“As you wish,” Sunset replied as she closed the door behind her. She even did a bow.

's a good phrase.

“Oh, I’m just thinking that this doesn’t look like a collar with the name ‘Amethyst’s pet’ on it.”

All of the ideas.

“She freaked out and beaned me with her wedding binder. One step out of the portal then bam! Book to the face,” Sunset quipped. Said face showed no mercy.

Both Fluttershy and Pinkie gaped at Amethyst.

Just be happy she stopped her narration of events at that point. She could have said one more sentence. Like "Then I woke up as a prisoner in Amethyst's bed." Although perhaps that would have been met with more approval...

Amethyst’s jaw just hung open as Sunset and Honey spent the next couple minutes nibbling on flower petals. And just like that, Honey Blossom was beaming as bright as her name. Amethyst couldn’t believe it. She just couldn’t believe it.

I know, right? She can't be the Element of Snark and Empathy! That's just not fair!

“Okay, fine, they aren’t half bad.”

I can safely say that, never in my life have I ever actually wanted to try eating a flower. Not even when the ponies did it. Now I kinda do.

Amethyst opened a bag to reveal a massive bundle of breadsticks. She smirked at Sunset and waggled her eyebrows.

Sunset facepalmed. “At least that was better than the bone joke.”

...It really wasn't. And that was low bar to begin with. But the waggled eyebrows help sell it, so I'd put them about even.

“Come on, Amy! I even felt just a hint of it when I touched you with my magic!” Sunset threw up her hands at Amethyst’s blank stare. “Ugh, you’re really not going to do it, are you?”

"Alright fine, you caught me, I want to keep you as a pe--"

“Oh, screw it,” Sunset snapped.

Sunset’s head darted forward and she kissed Amethyst full on the lips.

"Or girlfriend. Girlfriend is good."

It felt like her entire brain went ‘boing’ all at once.

Uh. If you were a scientist, there's something else that would go 'boingk'.
Look, I'm out of tasteful sexual innuendo. Not that I had any to begin with.

An idle thought wandered through the ruins of her brain: Huh, I didn’t think concussions were contagious.

Only when one of the party members has mind-powers...
Oh, wait, it's a joke about love. Yeah, that too.

“I told you all about my friends. Nothing’s going to happen there. Anyway, you’re cute. And generous. And the dog helps. Who knows, maybe we’ll have some fun?”

Spot barked, wildly wagging his tail.

Dogs: A human's best wingman.

Even Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were together, both blushing and looking nervous as hell.

Both? Wow. Love does make random things weirdly contagious.

She would also bet she’d never live this down.

Hey, now. At least you'll be able to check off "Get teased by Sunset" every day forever.

Just after the vows, Amethyst had the chance to learn that pony ears were really soft. They also twitched a little when caressed… and tended to cause severe blushes. Amethyst was determined to put this information on a new private checklist. Probably in a special binder.

You need two special binders. One for information on magical shenanigans. One for information on more mundane, more metaphorically magical shenanigans. You already have several entries for that second one, courtesy of Sunny herself.

Let's see, I've got Wavelengths Sunset (my true Sunset) Sky's Sunset, Diamond's Sunset, Dreaming's Sunset (probably my most canon Sunset) and now this Sunset.

Yeah! Sunsets for days!

This might well be my fluffiest piece to date.

Yeh, but it's okay. The Element of Snark brought her A-game.

And on one final note:
What!? No magical shenanigans!? I was implicitly lied to! And Love doesn't count! Unless Cadance was involved. I guess Empathy was involved. But still!

Although I guess the last few stories have been pretty heavy on the magical shenanigans.

Alright fine. Maybe we can lay off the explicitly magical shenanigans for a while.

But only because I got to say shenanigans so many times.



Well fuck me, this story was funnier and more creative than I anticipated.

There will surely come a day when I don't absolutely love a story you write, Novel

And while Snarky-Shims will always be best Sunset, I think flirty!Sunset is now solidly in the #2 slot.

Wasn't this an entry in the latest Write Off contest? https://writeoff.me/fic/5448-Unexpected-Hazards-of-Interdimensional-Transit It was even a finalist, but this story is far longer and I see no mention of the write off, just another contest I wasn't aware of. Is this the same story?

Oh, this was a delight! Funny and sweet, with a totally great Sunset. Loved it!

Eep! I spaced! Fixed!


I...have several idea as to the direction I think this fic is going to go. Most of them are hilarious.
Amethyst stared at the unconscious body of Sunset Shimmer, currently nestled deep with Amethyst’s own four-poster bed.
Welp. That was not one of the directions.

Now I wanna know what they were!

If she were a guy, something somewhere el--
OW! Oh, it's a binder, now is it?


“Wow, you’re really getting off on this authority thing, aren’t you? Next thing I know you’ll be waving around a bridle—”
Yes, Sunny! Give her all the ideas!


What!? No magical shenanigans!? I was implicitly lied to! And Love doesn't count! Unless Cadance was involved. I guess Empathy was involved. But still!
Although I guess the last few stories have been pretty heavy on the magical shenanigans.
Alright fine. Maybe we can lay off the explicitly magical shenanigans for a while.
But only because I got to say shenanigans so many times.

I don't know... being subjected to emphathic magic is some pretty big shenanigans. Big, but subtle. :rainbowlaugh:

...God, I love these comments. SO MUCH. :raritystarry:

Hell ya.

I'm just stealing from Oroboro.


There will surely come a day when I don't absolutely love a story you write, Novel

See picture above.

Thank you much! :twilightsmile:

I loved this. I won't leave a sprawling message picking out all the little things I loved, because dangit I loved it all. I reached the end and my second thought was, 'I want more…' :heart:
(My first thought was Squee! So cute!)

Daw. This was cute!

Why AppleDash? Because Tchernobog is my friend and he's infected me. That's why. Why FlutterPie? Because I think it's cute. And Tchernobog too, because he did it in Felt Heart. Just blame him for it all.


Well, I suppose that if you can't be with the checklist-obsessed unicorn analogue you love, love the one you're with. Also, Sunset is surprisingly flirtatious when concussed.

In all seriousness, this was a delightful tale of fate and/or chance conspiring to bring people together. Even the one-scene lover's spat works well given how high-strung Amethyst was at the time. Great work all around. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

(Also, when can we expect Crisis of Infinite Sunsets? :raritywink:)


'I want more…' :heart:
(My first thought was Squee! So cute!)

And my first thought on seeing this was "Squee!"



Oh stop cackling, get over your burnout and write something, ya slacker.


Well, I suppose that if you can't be with the checklist-obsessed unicorn analogue you love, love the one you're with. Also, Sunset is surprisingly flirtatious when concussed.

Seems legit.

In all seriousness, this was a delightful tale of fate and/or chance conspiring to bring people together. Even the one-scene lover's spat works well given how high-strung Amethyst was at the time.

I added that scene, too! The original WriteOff version didn't have it. It was all fluff, all the time! But I decided I wanted something with a little substance... and then ten thousand times more fluff with Honey Blossom!

(Also, when can we expect Crisis of Infinite Sunsets:raritywink:)

Blizzard Soon(TM)

But seriously, for the best organizer in ponyville before Twilight, she spent Winter Wrap Up on the ANIMAL team? What a waste of talent.

A story by Timaeus gives the idea that something went wrong the year before, so she got put in charge in the Animal Team instead of running the entire thing. It's an interesting concept... :raritywink:

Nice to see that I'm not the only one taking advantage of the figurative blank slate that is Amethyst Star in the EQG world. Granted, I'm going in a slightly different direction with her, but still...

Anyway, nice story, very sweet. And I've got to get to reading the two Oroboro stories you mentioned - they do good work.

Blank slate characters with a little bit of definition are some of my favorites to work with. It gives you a basic framework, but the rest of it can be designed originally. From limitations comes creativity!

Glad you enjoyed Amy and glad you enjoyed the story! :twilightsmile:

Alright, this was a really good one!^_^

I liked it!^_^

Though I usually ship Sunset with myself.^_^

this was a wonderful read and i loved every moment! i do have to wonder how Amy's parents will/would react to Sunset and the tale of how she and Amy got together. XD

"For the last time, Amethyst, you are only permitted to put girls you knock out on the couch or in the guest bedroom. No more putting them in your room!"
"Sorry, Mom."
"Wait... how many girls has she knocked out?"

LMAO! That made me laugh out loud. :rainbowlaugh:

Fun fact, I use Suave's Amethyst Sunset :rainbowlaugh:

That's not what I want to know.

What I want to know... is it AWESOME?

D'awwww, this was really cute. Not usually one for ship-fics, but this was very well done and enjoyable. Things felt natural, started from a good spot, Amy being a bit in love with Shinny-Shins already because.. lets face it it's true, EVERY one is at least a bit in love with the Shim-Shims. And Flirty Sunset was so adorable. Maybe not some grand, destined love to echo throughout time, but those are massively overrated anyway. Far better to go with the much more realistic "Eh, wanna go out for a bit see how we work?" "Why not?" Especially since we are in the bizzaro ship-pairing EQG-Verse anyway. :derpytongue2:

Plus, very nice little shout-outs to other fics that worked well and were, just amazingly well done. All I'd say it was missing that I kept hoping for was a mention of a Sunburst Rose and Sunset sending Amy blushing with some vague allusion to something regarding a weather vane.

Overall, fun little ship-fic that actually works and makes the ship make sense, and was just really fun to see unfolding.

I want to read "Amethyst Touches Sunset's Pony Ears" now :blush:

I've read it! It's mostly every blush emoji known to human and ponykind. ^^

Is this some time travel voodoo to compel me to write it? Because it's low-key working but it'd be Sciset or Rarishimmer most likely

Ship all the things. :twilightsmile:

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