• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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The Weather Training Facility

Twilight held the newspaper ahead of her face, but the wind kept curling the corners back. If she did not keep it a leg’s length away, the corners would have brushed against her face. When one of the pages flew loose and spiraled off the chariot and into the wind, Twilight groaned and slapped the paper down between herself and Derpy.

“Bad news?” Derpy asked.

“I got nothing but the headlines,” Twilight grumbled. “I really wanted more details about that fight in Las Pegasus or the weird attacks in Dodge City.”

“Oh!” Derpy lunged for the paper and jabbed a hoof at a section of it. “Look! There’s us! You can totally see m—”

Derpy’s hoof slipped and scattered the paper into the air. Sunset, from a nearby chariot, snickered and then leaned back.

Derpy frowned. “Oops. Sorry, Twilight.”

“Well, not like you were able to read it while we were up here anyway,” Spike quipped.

Instead of glaring at Spike, Twilight sighed and glanced over the edge of the chariot. Equestria zoomed by far below. A glance back revealed a tiny sliver of Canterlot was still visible on the horizon, but it was shrinking fast.

“Where do you think we’re going?” Spike asked.

“You don’t know?” Derpy gasped. “But it’s the most super fun place in Equestria! Ooh! I’m gonna keep it a surprise! You too, Twilight!”

“But knowing about where we’re going could b—” A pout from Derpy clamped Twilight’s mouth. “Okay, I guess we can humor Spike a little. It is pretty amazing to see for the first time.”

“See what?” Spike thumped a claw against his seat.

“Don’t worry,” said Twilight, “It’ll be fun… assuming Tantabus doesn’t make the exercises too hard.”

“You’ll be able to do it!” Derpy exclaimed. One of her eyes tilted in Twilight’s direction. “I mean, with that super awesome spell of yours, you’re like Princess Celestia!”

Both Spike and Twilight paled while thanking the stars no one else was in the chariot to see their reaction.

“I… uh,” Twilight sputtered.

“But Celestia doesn’t get hurt like Twilight does!” Spike blurted out. “Totally different!”

He then slumped in his seat and wiped some sweat from his forehead.

Derpy gazed at Spike with one eye and looked at Twilight with the other. After swirling a hoof around her chin, she blinked and leaned back. “Guess you’re right.”

Bulk rose up from the front row of the chariot that he alone occupied and turned around. “It still looks cool though! You gotta try it again today!”

“Yeah!” Derpy cheered.

“Yeah!” Bulk exclaimed.

Twilight melted into her seat with sweat blotting her forehead.

Rarity glanced at Twilight’s chariot, watching Bulk and Derpy cheer while Spike and Twilight sank further and further into their seats. “Oh my.”

Sunset leaned back. While her posture was relaxed, she still wore a slight scowl. “So annoying.”

“Eh.” Dash looped around the chariot. “Can’t fault us pegasi for being a little excited. Whatever Teach has got planned for us I’m sure we ca—”

A shadowy tendril shot out the chariot, latched onto Dash, and secured her back into the chariot beside Lyra. Some of the substance remained wrapped around Dash’s barrel, binding her wings to her sides. Tantabus’s voice echoed, “How would you fare in this condition, Ms. Dash? Do not underestimate the tasks I have planned for you. I assure you, they will push you to your limits regardless of race.”

The wind howled around Dash’s chariot, carrying Tantabus’s words with it and giving everypony onboard a chill. When she finished shivering, Lyra leaned close to Dash and poked Tantabus’s remnant.

“Weird,” she remarked.

“Knock it off.” Dash batted Lyra’s leg away. She then crossed her forelegs and slumped in her seat. “Guh, is there anything he doesn’t notice?”

“It is nice that Professor Tantabus keeps a close eye on us though,” said Rarity. Dash puffed a piece of her mane upwards in response.

Sunset straightened up. “We’re not gonna have him always watching over us though. So, don’t get comfortable.”

“Fair advice as well,” Rarity replied. “Celestia knows he’ll probably wait until the last moment to help us if anypony gets in trouble today. I’ll have to make sure to warn Sweetie about him if she ever decides to go to the School.”

Lyra peered over her seat. “You got a little sister?”

“Yes. The cutest thing you could imagine,” Rarity beamed. Then her glow faded away. “I just wish she were a little more sensible in trying to get her cutie mark. It’s a bit disturbing how many times she’s come home covered in tree sap or worse with no mark to show for it.”

She glanced at Sunset and Lyra. Dash remained out of her view, but the question was directed at all three of them, “Do any of you have siblings?”

“Nope,” Sunset bluntly replied.

Lyra gave a shake of her head.

“Oh well, siblings can be such fun, even if they sometimes make you want to tear your mane out.” Rarity grinned.

In front of her, Dash turned to the side, hiding her face from everypony else. She glared off into the distance with her muscles tense. She took deep intakes of the high-altitude air and reminded herself that Tantabus already had his eye on her. The time for screw-ups was over.

Today, Dash was determined to make her mark on the class. Their destination practically begged for it. So, she resolved to quench the thoughts reeling through her head and focus on one thing: being awesome.

On a third chariot, Applejack stayed close to the center of the second row and kept her eyes forward. Bon Bon tilted her head at her.

“You okay?” she asked. “You’re looking a little pale.”

Pinkie poked her head up from the first row and teased, “Somepony afraid of heights?”

“Ain’t that,” Applejack grumbled. “Just don’t feel right for an earth pony to be up in the air with so little holding them up.”
Pinkie glanced at Bon Bon and Tree Hugger. Both of them shrugged. “Maybe it’s just a family thing?”

“No worries,” Tree Hugger hummed. “It’s like Teach said, everypony’s got something that gives them bad vibes.”

“Pretty sure he didn’t say that,” said Bon Bon.

“It’s a paraphrase,” Tree Hugger continued to hum. She then leaned to the side and let the wind flow through her dreadlocks.

On the final chariot, Aloe and Lotus loomed over Fluttershy.

“So, have you been here before?” one asked.

“What’s the toughest area?” the other asked.

“Is it true even Wonderbolts have trouble in some places?

“What’s your favorite part?”

“Any secrets we should know about?”

A wall of shadow zoomed up between Aloe and Lotus and Fluttershy. Maud’s face pressed through the shadows and blinked at Aloe and Lotus. Behind her, Fluttershy was slowly curling into a ball.

“Hey,” Maud spoke up. “Maybe slow it down?”

“Sorry!” Aloe and Lotus both exclaimed. They then retreated back to their seats in the face of Maud’s gaze.
With it quiet, save for the gusting of the wind, Maud slipped back into her seat.

“Th-thanks,” Fluttershy murmured after a moment.

“You’re welcome.” Maud blinked and stared off into the distance. On the horizon, the tip of a cloud that spread for miles appeared. “I wonder if any unique rock formations exist there.”

“I… I’m not sure.” Fluttershy’s eyes then glistened and she uncurled. Her wings extended out a little. “Oh, but once I got my cutie mark, I found out there were a lot of creatures that like to make their homes there. I’m sure they’ve found unique ways to use rocks.”

“Hmm.” Maud smiled.


Pinkie’s forelegs bent backwards while the tip of her mane twirled upwards. “We’re here!”

“Here?” Spike peered forward, but all he saw was the massive cloud above and the hills down below. The sun hid itself behind the cloud, casting a shadow over the chariots and a vast swath of the land below.

Then, the chariots crested over the hills. Spike’s eyes widened alongside many of his classmates’, including Twilight’s. Dash, Derpy, and Bulk grinned. Fluttershy gulped. Sunset snorted.

“Whoa,” Spike exclaimed.

Beyond the hills lay a flat plane that stretched on for a little before it hit a thick sheet of water. To call it a downpour would be an understatement: the amount of rain pouring down from the massive cloud overhead was comparable to a raging waterfall. It obscured whatever lied behind it.

Rain was not all the cloud deluged. To the left of the immense rainfall, tornados spiraled but somehow remained contained under the cloud and tore through the landscape. Going further clockwise, flurries of snow whipped at steep mountains. Then, there was an area where lighting crashed down like rain, blackening the earth and setting the grass and trees ablaze. Completing the circle was sliver of overcast space between the extreme weather.

The break in the phenomena allowed a glimpse into the area’s inner workings. Dense fog coated part of the shaded area. A slight drizzle settled on a small plain. Heat and humidity distorted the nearby air. Flames licked the sky and sent spires of smoke into the massive cloud overhead.

In the eye of it all this mass of weather was a ray of sunshine. The chariots angled towards the safe haven. As they drew closer, the cloud overhead gained definition and, while still in shadow, betrayed their true form of countless houses, apartments, and factories that unleashed their contents down below or stowed away their products to ship off to other parts of Equestria.

“The first time you see it for real always gets ya,” Derpy giggled.
Spike continued to stare in awe at the sight.

Twilight grinned. “Welcome to Cloudsdale and the Weather Testing Facility, Spike.”


“… and we expect the report to contain a full list of remedies that we will review and approve for implementation to prevent embarrassments like this from happening again,” Neighsay commanded from atop the head of the EEA council.

He glared down his nose at Seabreeze, who rested atop a podium, weathering Neighsay’s criticism and trying to maintain focus. An hour and a half of being lambasted and having every detail of Soarin’s crash picked apart would wear on anyone. This was despite the School’s own board examining the incident and filing an in-depth report with the EEA, a copy of which sat right on Neighsay’s desk. By this point, Seabreeze was wondering if a regular pony would have endured this much scrutiny.

Celestia, standing at Seabreeze’s side, pondered the same. Yet, before the EEA, even she had to kowtow to their demands, at least for the sake of keeping an orderly educational system in place. That said, she could not help but feel anticipation for the day Neighsay left his seat and a more tolerant pony took his place. His organization and bureaucratic skills still had their use though and the EEA helped alleviate some of Celestia’s workload, especially in recent centuries.

She hoped what she largely considered a formality would end soon. Dealing with the EEA always left her in need of some tea and cakes. She assumed Seabreeze would want some too. After a little rest, she would fly off to the Weather Training Facility just in time to see Class 1-A finishing up. It always delighted her to swoop in and provide one last challenge the first time the classes went to the WTF and then congratulate them on getting through that gauntlet.

“Your highness,” Neighsay called out, his tone pointed and brimming with annoyance.

Celestia snapped to attention. From the way Neighsay was glaring at her, she could tell she had taken a misstep off the precarious path of decorum the EEA demanded of all who stood before them. She internally groaned.

“Do I have your attention now?” Neighsay snorted.

“Yes,” Celestia answered with a bowed head. “Forgive me, I was reviewing solutions to help prevent a repeat of last week’s events.”

“Admirable, but solutions can come later.” Neighsay leaned back in his seat. Neighsay was not one for smiling, but Celestia imagined he must have felt quite content looking down at the most powerful hero in Equestria and dictating to her. “As Regent of the School, we expect your equal participation in handling this incident as well.”
Celestia bowed her head again. “Of course, Chancellor.”

“Very well,” said Neighsay. “Then by the power vested in me, I declare this session adjourned.”

The other EEA members began to mutter amongst themselves while Neighsay summoned a portal and vanished into it, no doubt off to find some other infraction committed somewhere else in Equestria.

Celestia turned to Seabreeze, and, after keeping her expression stoic for the entire EEA hearing, summoned back her trademark serene smile and lit up her horn. “Shall we?”

“Yes, please,” Seabreeze sighed.

With a flash, Celestia and Seabreeze left the stuffy EEA chamber and reappeared in Celestia’s School Office. It mirrored her bedroom with plush carpets and chairs, but in terms of size matched Seabreeze’s office. The walls were lined with bookshelves, a portion which were taken up with yearbooks that ranged in condition from aged tomes filled with paintings rather than pictures to a still crisp copy of last year’s volume. Celestia’s desk was scattered with paintings and pictures of her standing beside various ponies, many of them just beginning to show the physical attributes that would later grace books, articles, and statutes.

Celestia pulled out the two chairs from one side of the desk and summoned a table plus additional pillows for Seabreeze to rest on. The table was decorated with two cups— one regular sized while the other about the size of a thimble— a tray of macaroons, a kettle, and a bag of tea.

With a content sigh, Celestia took her seat. When Seabreeze had glided to his, she lit up her horn and steam whistled out of the kettle. Lifting off the top, Celestia pulled a generous scoop out of the tea bag and dropped it into the kettle. While the two of them waited for the tea to brew, they leaned back in their seats and enjoyed the sunlight streaming in through the office’s large window.

“Forgive me for being so bold, Princess, but is there a chance of getting the EEA’s Chambers to get a more open remodel?” Seabreeze asked.

“I’ve considered it,” Celestia replied, “it always seems to weasel out of the budget though.”

“Ah.” Seabreeze slumped his shoulders. Celestia picked up the kettle and poured a cup for him and then for herself. A rose aroma wafted up with the steam from the tea. “Well, I suppose we can’t get everything.”

Celestia nodded, blew on her tea, and took a sip.

Seabreeze held back. “While we have some privacy, I would also like to express my concerns about your health, your highness.”

Celestia’s tea sloshed forward and crashed against her nose. She reacted within a split second to prevent the tea from spilling further and into Seabreeze’s view. Shoving the tea back into her cup, she set it down, revealing her face unblemished by the still steaming tea. “Seabreeze, whatever do you mean?”

Seabreeze bowed his head. “Forgive me, Princess, but ever since you established your treaties with us, we have been aware that there was an air of something unhealthy around you—it even made us hesitant at first to take you up on your offers, but through the centuries you and your kingdom have been fast friends to the Breezies. That is why I must bring this to your attention now, for perhaps even you are not aware of it.

“We Breezies thrive on the air, even more so than pegasi. We have tastes to it even. What has cloaked you for so many years we could not place, but in the face of your vast accomplishments and might, we did not think it mattered until now. The air has intensified, Princess, and I now know what it is: Decay.”

Celestia stared down at her cup and then at the door. Her horn glistened and a thin sheen of gold surround the door, window, and walls. She took a deep breath. “So, it has progressed to that point already.”

Seabreeze tensed up. “You are aware of your ailment?”

“Ailment is perhaps not the best word to describe it.” Celestia took a sip of her tea. “Regardless, the time is fast approaching where it will be harder and harder to conceal it. Since I am technically in your employment, Seabreeze, perhaps it is time I informed you of my condition as well. I’m sure you understand the sensitive nature of this.”
Seabreeze bowed his head. “Of course, Princess.”

“Well, I think I shall get truly comfortable then.” Celestia’s body began to glow. Sorry, Twilight, this may take some time to explain.


The chariots carrying the class crested down in the center of the WTF. Spike’s eyes glistened, taking in the multitude or weather phenomena that cascaded, gusted, and raged all around him. He was so busy taking in the chaotic yet breathtaking sight that he bumped right into Derpy, getting a facefull of suds from her cape. He stumbled backwards, but Twilight caught him with a spell before he tripped. She could not resist letting out a small giggle. Spike blushed and turned his head down.

“Don’t worry, Spike,” she said with a smile. “Everyone gets stunned the first time they see it.”

“You bet!” Dash hooted. She zoomed over, Tantabus’s remnant having evaporated when Dash stepped off the chariot. Grabbing Twilight and Spike around their backs, she pulled them close and took a deep inhale. “Ah, the rain and the lightning smell good today. Heh, sorry, Twi, but you’re in the pegasus zone now.”

“Technically, but this is a facility everyone can use.”

There was a gleam in Dash’s eyes as she pulled Twilight closer. “Not backing down? I like it!”

“And I would prefer if you would unhoof your classmates.” Tantabus rose up from the ground to instantly loom over Dash, Twilight, and Spike. “Keep in mind you are not here just as students, but as representatives of the future generation of heroes.”

“And I’m here to make sure you’re up to snuff!” came a voice from up high.

A piece of the sky brightened and turned into a roaring fireball. Despite the sun being up, it was like seeing a comet shooting downwards. When the fireball neared the class, the air grew hot and rippled from the force coming off of it.
Now it was Dash’s turn for her eyes to widen. Then, she blanched and inserted herself into the thick of the class just as the fireball touched down.

Out of the flames emerged a mare with fur, mane, and a cutie mark that matched her fiery entrance. Her eyes were ablaze with energy and tongues of flame still whipped off her wings. Spitfire took in the stunned looks of the class with a grin. “Oh, it’s always fun to see the greenhorns for the first time.”

With one last heated flap of her wings, Spitfire landed on the ground. She marched forward, eyes remaining on the class. She marched in front of them with the rote step that came from military training. Those in the front straightened up and made their faces as still as stone. Everyone’s eyes followed after Spitfire.

“Welcome to the Weather Testing Facility!” Spitfire bellowed. Her gaze latched onto the pegasi in the class. “And to those with wings, I hope you enjoyed your last time here, cause the training wheels are off now! We’ve got some ‘rescue games’ set up in the level four areas with some level five hazards hoofpicked just for you! I hope you’re ready, cause us ‘bolts are taking bets how fast one of you is going to go from rescuer to rescued.”

Spike dared to lean over to Twilight and whisper, “What’s this about levels?”

“It’s how the weather is divided up,” Twilight replied while keeping her eyes forward. “Level one is very calm, level two is mild storms, and level three is medium-strength storms. After that, you need special permission t—”

“What’s all this?” Spitfire darted over and brought her face down right in front of Twilight’s. Twilight could feel the heat still radiating off her. “Is there something more important than me giving you instructions on how to save ponies’ lives?”

“N-n-no, Ma’am!” Twilight yelped. Nearby, Sunset snickered. “I… I was just explaining to my friend how the WTF works. It’s his first time here!”

“Oh-ho!” To Twilight’s relief, Spitfire turned her sights on Spike and peered closely at him. “The dragon student I’ve been hearing about. Well, you’ve only got Lady Ember to compare to and she’s been able to handle our level six areas.”

“Yeah…” Spike tried to look away, but Spitfire’s gaze held him in her grasp. “Uh, what are the levels over three?”

“What you’ll be handling,” Spitfire answered. “Level four is where the rookies like you get to cut their teeth. Level five is where the regulars get their kicks, and level six is only for the best.”

“And what about level seven?” Sunset asked with a sly grin.

Spitfire inhaled deeply and turned. Sunset felt a chill go down her spine when Spitfire locked onto her and advanced. “Well, looks like you’ve done your reading, but you want to be a little upstart even though you know level seven weather can’t be artificially produced. Don’t get ahead of yourself, greenhorn. Level four with some level five hazards will be enough for yo—”
Spitfire’s ears stiffened and her wings bristled. Some of the students shuddered. Twilight felt something throb at the base of her horn. Tantabus flew in front of the class and summoned his eyes.

Before them, the air was rent apart. It was not a portal or a teleport, but rather a tear in the very air itself. From within the void stepped a multitude of ponies, diamond dogs, and yaks. There were faces amongst the group that the class recognized from police reports and newspaper stories.

Everyone’s blood ran cold when a buzzing filled the air and a swarm of changelings flew out of the void to join the sinister crowd.

“Do not move!” Tantabus ordered. When the crowd parted, Tantabus stiffened.

From amidst the rogue’s gallery emerged two ponies encircled by a serpentine figure that slithered through the air. Its body was a mishmash of monochrome appendages: a tentacle for a left arm, an amphibious claw for the right, a cheetah-like left hind-leg that continuously spouted fire from its fur, and a shriveled vestigial limb for a right hind leg. A bull’s horn sprouted out of its left temple and a moth-like antenna dangled from its right. The only source of color on it aside from shades of gray were its glowing yellow eyes.

One of the ponies that it circled was also grey from the tip of his horn to his tightly bound tail, though that was owed to his body suit. Only black question marks splayed on his flanks and scrawled on his face added color to him.

The other pony strode forward, her angular black mane as stiff as her onyx horn. The white of her body suit was somewhat painful to look at in the sunlight while the black equals signs slashed on her flanks and face drank up the light.

When she came to the vanguard of the gallery, she stopped and looked over the class. Then, she stopped and her eyes, hidden behind the body suit, sharpened and bulged. A vein poked up through the black and white. Her glare had fallen straight on Twilight.

Twilight had grown accustomed to the rage Sunset had beamed at her with her icy glare. She had known instinctual fear when she had gazed into Tantabus’s eyes. Now, even with the mask obscuring the mare’s face, Twilight could feel only one thing: insatiable bloodlust, beyond anything Tantabus had summoned. It was like staring into a roaring inferno while the rest of the world froze around her.

Through gritted teeth, the mare growled, “Twilight Sparkle.”

Author's Note:

Ah, good to be back

Also, to any Steven Universe Fans out there, Holy Buck!

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