• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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Clean Up

Pinkie stood atop a mound of changelings. Some were pierced with various stabbing weapons, some had limbs blown off, and some were partially melted from a deadly concoction of poisons and acids. Her coat and mane were slick with ichor. Pinkie gazed around with sunken bloodshot eyes. A few of her ribs poked against taut skin. Her breath came in rasps.

Pinkie Pie AKA Pinkamena Diane Pie
Talent- Okonomi: Whatever she wants, she can get it from… somewhere. Her Talent is linked to her caloric intake, so she needs to eat in order to keep getting things. What she gets depends on her mood, but the closer she gets to expending all her energy, the more likely her mood will turn sour and her items will turn from fun to deadly.

She seems to display precognitive abilities as well, but not enough research has been done to determine if this is a secondary Talent or not.

Amidst the carnage, she laid eyes on Derpy. She had a few cuts and puncture wounds, but otherwise seemed unharmed. Still, when Pinkie turned her attention to her, she shuddered.

Pinkie’s pupils shrank. She turned her head so that her limp mane obscured her face. She shook. “S-sorry.”

With that, Pinkie collapsed on top of the changeling heap. Derpy gasped and rushed to pick her up, but the heap burst apart. Flam stood amidst the floating changelings with Flim slumped on his back. Both of Flim’s hind legs bent at odd angles while Flam was covered in an array of cuts and burns aside from the major chemical scarring to his face. They glared upwards, pulled Pinkie down, and summoned a knife up to her neck.

“Stop!” Derpy screamed.

“Oh no,” Flam huffed, crazed eyes on the knife inching closer to Pinkie’s neck. “This one gets it!”

“Indeed,” Flim hacked, “broth—”

A piercing tune flooded the air. Derpy covered her ears and went to her knees. Flim and Flam dropped the knife and tried to cover their ears as well, but the noise pushed past their hooves and pounded in their heads. Blood ran down from their ears. Just as it looked like they were about to succumb to the auditory assault, Flam pulled out a small stone of some kind and smashed it. A tear in space opened up and they vanished into it.

The sound stopped. Derpy’s ears rang, but she could hear somepony calling out to her. “Hey! You alright?”

Derpy looked up and was greeted with Vinyl Scratch rushing towards her. She wore glowing plastic bracelets around her ankles and had multiple records strapped around her waist. Some sort of tube-shaped device with multiple spin tables and blinking dots and lines of light rested across her back. Vinyl flashed her a smile while lifting Pinkie onto her back with a spell, snuggling her atop the device. “Can you stand?”

Vinyl Scratch
Hero Name: DJ Pon-3
Talent- All Your Bass: Vinyl’s talent makes her the life of the party and the woe of villains. She’s a master of auditory spells that she uses to amplify normal sounds to head-splitting levels. Her Talent works better when she “plays” something closer to actual music, so when she’s not busting crime, she’s busting tunes!

“Y-yeah.” Derpy wobbled to her hooves.

“Great!” Vinyl scanned around the area and whistled. “Dang, I think even pros would have trouble with this.”

“It… it was all Pinkie.” Derpy glanced at Pinkie. Her breaths were a little shallow, but she otherwise seemed okay. “I could only take out a few but she…”

“Wow, seriously?” Vinyl craned her head back to look at Pinkie. “Natural born fighter here.”

Derpy shuddered while Vinyl’s attention was not on her. “Right.”


“Hold it!” the poisonous villain facing Aloe shouted. He spread out the sludge on his leg across Bulk’s shoulder. “Think you’re being clever, eh?”

Aloe froze. She had feared her plan would get thrown off when the rising temperature shifted the air, but now her fears had come true.

“Sneaky girl, ain’t ya?” the villain sneered. “Well, I’m sure the boss won’t mind if I just take the lighter of yo—”

A rapid-fire cello solo rang through the air. Specters comprised of musical notes rose up and plucked the villain off of Bulk. He flailed at them, spattering them with globs of poison, but the attacks just passed through them and sizzled on top of the sand. They moved in to seize his legs, but her reached into his vest, pulled out a stone, and smashed it. A void opened up beside him and he vanished into it.

The cello ceased, and the musical specters vanished. Octavia, decked out in a fancy suit with flowing coattails, clef-note shaped lapels, and a mask that resembled a page of sheet music, stowed her cello away on her back and advanced over to Bulk and Aloe. “Darn, seems they had an escape strategy too. Regardless, let’s get you two to the others.”

Octavia Melody
Hero Name: Melodious Mare
Talent- Sharp Symphony: Octavia’s melodies will bring tears to your eyes, especially if you’re a villain and she has just sicced a physical manifestation of her music on you. The more complex a piece she plays, the stronger her summons will be. She has to keep playing in order to keep the summons moving, though.


Spike was familiar with the rise in temperature and had directed Rarity to head towards the center of the WTF. The explosion had worried him, but it seemed like his letter had managed to reach Celestia after all. Rarity trotted as fast as she could while floating Lyra and Bon Bon at her sides and keeping Spike on her back.

“Hey!” a voice called out.

Spike and Rarity spun and readied themselves for battle but relaxed at the sight of a somewhat familiar pony racing towards them. She was clad in a pale skintight suit interlaced with leather straps with chain links dangling off her ankles, neck, and waist. The straps also lined her shoulders, merged at the center of her chest, and plunged down her torso until they met with the strap-belt there. A cat o’ nine tails dangled from her hip. A leather domino mask with iron studs completed her costume.

Yet, her pale rose mane and cerise coat betrayed her identity. Cheerilee flashed Spike and Rarity a smile. “Are you the ones that took out those dragons and changelings back there?”

Both Spike and Rarity raised an eyebrow at Cheerilee’s appearance. Something was familiar about it to Spike, but he was too exhausted to recall it. He and Rarity slowly nodded.

“Ah.” Cheerilee shivered. “It must have been such a fight. I wish I had been there to join the fun!”

“I wouldn’t call it that,” Spike coughed.

Cheerilee straightened up. She pointed at Lyra and Bon Bon. “Right, right. Well, why don’t you give me those two and I’ll escort you back to where we’re gathering everypony. You can tell me all about the fight on the way there!”

Both Spike and Rarity thought, This mare has a screw loose.


“Vat in Equestria?” Photo Finish adjusted her goggles. The wind howled around her, whipping the snow into flurries. Seabreeze had deposited her, like the other staff, near where he had sensed large collections of creatures—Celestia’s pacifying effect on the weather had helped— but all Photo saw were the charred bodies of villains. They were twitching and let out shallow breaths, but the cold would soon finish off whatever had taken them out.

Photo’s eyes lit up behind her goggles and projected beams onto the downed villains. A strip of film burst out of her right goggle and swallowed up the villains. The film quickly recoiled into Photo’s left goggle.

Photo Finish
Hero Name: N/A (“My name iz fabulous enough az it iz!”)
Talent- Picture Perfect: Watch out if this mare has her eye on you! Not only can she project images of nearby locations, but she can also capture enemies with her Talent if they’ve been immobilized. She can only store a certain amount of enemies or other items at a time, but doing so allows her to perform a basic analysis on them.

Employing her Talent, Photo noticed that under their burnt coats and singed skin, all the villains bore scars that branched out from a point of impact. One villain in particular was practically covered in them. Thanks to her work both as a pro-hero and documenting the stories of other pros, she recognized the damage as the kind only a direct strike from lightning could deliver. That whoever had done this had enough control to hold back just enough not to kill any of the villains stunned Photo for a second.

“My, my.” She shook her head to clear the thoughts away. There were still students that needed to be found and escorted. Still, as she trudged through the snow, she could not help but wonder just who could have managed such a feat.


Rainbow Dash blitzed through the air. Both her legs and wings ached, but she pushed onwards as the center of the WTF came into view. There was some cloud of dust in the middle, but she homed in on Fluttershy standing beside Sunset. She dove down and pulled Fluttershy tight.

“D-dash,” Fluttershy hacked. “Ch-choking.”

“Oh, sorry.” Dash let her go and she fell to the ground. Blushing, Dash helped her back up. “Thank Equestria you’re okay. Thought that villain zapped you to who-knows-where.”

“He… he did,” Fluttershy answered. “But we made it back and then…”

Dash looked around. “Where’s Twilight? She was with you two, right?”

“Well, she was but…”

“Crud!” Dash slammed a hoof. “Did those villains get her?”

“No, actually she...”

“I’ll show them! I’m the only one that get to be—”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy yelled. She then flinched back at her own voice. “Twilight is fine… I think. It’s… it’s a long story, but she’s over there with Princess Celestia.”

Fluttershy pointed at the swirling dust cloud. Dash’s eyes widened. “Whoa, was that what made the temperature go up? Aw, I can’t believe I missed seeing the Princess in action. Guess that explains where those weird leader types went.”

“We should probably go get Twilight,” Fluttershy suggested. “She and the Princess looked like they gave it their all.”

“Wait.” Dash tilted her head to the side. “Twilight was fighting the leaders too?”

“Yes,” said Maud, who had appeared right beside Dash. Dash jolted backwards, and Maud blinked. “It was the most amazing display of magic I’ve ever seen.”

Dash recovered her composure and furrowed her brow. “You’re really selling it.”

“Naw, she’s for real.” Tree Hugger trotted up to the group along with Lotus. She gave her head a shake, freeing some debris from her dreadlocks. Raising up a leg, she arced it over her head, drew out shapes with it only she could understand, and jabbed at what she imagined were key points while saying, “Twilight went all dark but like super bright. She wasn’t looking so hot before, but then like I think Professor Tantabus went into her or something and made her go all ‘whoa!’ I mean, it’s been a real crazy day, but that was even crazier than seeing the Princess in action or that weird scramble guy with the multiple cutie marks.”

“Can somepony explain what happened in Equestrian?” Dash huffed.

“Alicorn,” Sunset spoke. She had remained fixed on the dust cloud until now and her eyes were still locked on it. “It wasn’t even for a minute, but she became an Alicorn.”

Dash groaned and shook her head. “Okay. It’s been a long day and you’ve all clearly got some head injuries to work off, so I’m just gonna go over to Twilight and ask her myself what the hay is going on.”

Dash had not even fully spread her wings when a tornado touched down around Celestia and Twilight. Despite the massive display of wind, nopony nearby was affected.

“Hey!” Applejack hollered from up above the group. Everypony looked up to see Applejack and Seabreeze gliding down towards them. Applejack hopped off her miniature-tornado when she was near the ground, while Seabreeze remained airborne. Applejack placed her hat on her chest and bowed her head. “Thank Equestria you’re all okay.”

“Indeed,” said Seabreeze. “Though I’d expect nothing less of our students. Now, Ms. Applejack, if you would, could you please escort your classmates to the meetup point I mentioned?”

“Sure thing!”

“Wait!” Fluttershy called out. “What about Twilight and Princess Celestia?”

“No worries. I’ve got them taken care of.” Seabreeze then glanced to the right. “Oh, Ms. Spitfire, would you mind escorting this group too?”

“Sure thing.” Spitfire trotted over to the group, her limbs and wings restored to normal. She gave her neck a crack and rolled her wings around in their sockets. “Sheesh, I must have just set a new academy record for ways to get my flank handed to me. Anyway, let’s get you kids someplace away from this mess. I’d like to hear how you all managed this crisis.”

“Ohmigoshohmigoshohmigosh,” Dash squealed under her breath. Her wings zinged with barely contained excitement.

Applejack and Spitfire led them off. Tree Hugger had already started her own version of the fight, with Lotus chiming in to act as translator. Maud shuffled along, eyes forward and face stony. Dash hovered a calculated distance behind Spitfire, just close enough that it was not creepy. Fluttershy glanced back to watch Seabreeze vanish into the tornado and saw Sunset doing the same. She flinched when Sunset faced forward, something about the look in her eyes made her shudder and she jolted ahead to be next to Maud and Tree Hugger.

With all the sudden developments and the exhaustion of the day washing over them, nopony noticed that Enigma’s severed horn had turned into a cheap piece of plastic.


Twilight opened her eyes. The sensation of a pillow that was a bit stiff and thin sheets were familiar enough to her now that recognized she was in the infirmary. Nurse Redheart appeared over her.

“Hello again,” she sighed. “Given that even the Princess got a little banged up, I’m glad it was just you and Mr. Spike that needed some more high-level spells.”

“Spike?” Twilight asked while pushing herself up. Her body ached and she saw that her legs were bandaged up, but they did not sting as much as after the entrance exam.

“Twilight!” Spike rushed over gave Twilight a hug with his right arm. His left was in a cast. “Glad you’re up, we were getting worried.”

“Indeed.” A curtain parted, revealing Celestia on the other side of it. Bandages wrapped around her torso.

Twilight let out a relieved sigh, but the relief only lasted a moment before she turned her attention to Spike’s injuries. “What happened?”

“Eh, some dragons were part of the mess at the WTF and I helped Rarity sort them out.” Spike lifted his cast up and down. “Turns out Nurse Redheart’s spells aren’t as effective on dragons.”

“Oh, Spike.” Twilight pulled him in close.

“Hey.” Spike patted her back. “You got it a lot worse than me. Just proves I’ve still got more training to do.”

“Yeah.” Twilight let out a small chuckle even though her eyes were a little wet. She then turned to Celestia and Redheart. “What about the others?”

“Ms. Pie was a slightly malnourished, but nothing an IV drip and a few cookies couldn’t fix,” Redheart answered. “The fight seemed a bit rough on her, but she put on a brave face. Ms. Shimmer had a minor concussion and Mr. Bulk, Ms. Heartstrings, and Ms. Bon Bon were unconscious for a little while, but everypony else made it out with just a few minor cuts and bumps.”

“And Tantabus?” Twilight asked.

Celestia and Redheart’s faces tightened. Celestia spoke, “Her physical body was destroyed, so it will take some time to reform it. She also took the damage from the Elements to her actual body, so she will need rest. But, Tantabus is resilient, she has endured for over a thousand years, so she will recover.”

“If it hadn’t been for her…” Twilight recalled the sensation of kicking off the ground with enough force to level the ridge. She recalled blasting Equality with more power than she had ever imagined. She recalled flying.

“Do not forget your own contribution,” said Celestia. “It took a great deal of trust to fuse your magic with Tantabus.”

“And a great risk.” An azure unicorn stepped into Twilight’s view. His slicked-back grey mane rested above baggy eyes that were partially obscured by thick half-moon glasses. A black cloak with a silver trim flowed over his back, obscuring his cutie mark. Anypony, Twilight included, recognized his appearance regardless of seeing his cutie mark.

“Mystic Rune,” Twilight and Spike both said in hushed tones.

“My faithful student,” Celestia coughed.

Mystic bowed at the foot of Celestia’s bed. “Princess, you’ve overdone it.”

“For the sake of future heroes, it was worth it,” Celestia countered.

Mystic kept his head bowed to hide his clenched jaw. “How much time do you think you shaved off?”

“Enough to defeat a faux-draconequus, so I’d say about an hour.”

A stomp echoed through the infirmary. There was a pained look on Mystic’s face when he rose up. “You could have just delayed. We need to allow as much time as possible for the Elements to…”

He stopped and gazed at Twilight. With a snort, he shook his head. “The staff could have handled this.”

“If they had just come for me, I might be inclined to agree with you.” Celestia sharpened her eyes. Even in her withered state, she still seemed to exude a fiery aura. “They were directly targeting students, and I could not allow serious harm or worse to come to them.”

Before Mystic could respond, Celestia leaned back and allowed her intensity to drop and give way to a grin. “That said, these students performed marvelously. In the face of true battle, they put their lives on the line as mere first-years. Rarely has such a class emerged in the School’s history.”

Celestia raised up a leg. “Those villains picked the wrong fight because the members of Class 1-A are going to be mighty heroes indeed!”

Mystic was cowed by the speech. He gave a sigh and then spun around. “We’ll have more to discuss when you and Tantabus have recovered.”

With that, he trotted out of sight. There was a flash of magic and then silence. Celestia sighed and sunk into her pillow. She glanced at Twilight and Spike. “I’m sorry you had to see that. Mystic is a good pony, but I fear he is a bit too high-strung for his own good. Ever since you gained the Elements, it has gotten particularly bad.”

Twilight bowed her head. “He was up to get them too, right?”

“Oh no, no, no.” Celestia waved a hoof. “We resolved that long ago, but that hasn’t stopped him from pursuing alternatives. Understand, Twilight, to those few that know of my situation, the sudden transfer of the Elements was a great upset, as you have already seen with Tantabus.”

“He’s not gonna be invading our dreams too, is he?” Spike asked.

“Spike, that’s in the past.” Twilight kept her head lowered. “Tantabus put a lot on the line for the Princess and me in the fight. I just hope her recovery isn’t too difficult.”

“She’s dealt with worse.” Celestia’s eyes glazed over. Twilight saw that she was in another time and place for a moment before she returned to the present and smiled. “If it is for the sake of future heroes and the innocent, we pros will always lay down our lives.”


There was a scar in a far-off forest. Trees were uprooted, and earth was upturned. Rocks were cracked and smoked. Equality lay in the center of the destruction. Her costume was in tatters, one of her hooves twisted, and a gash marred her head, staining what was left of her mask. Her muscles felt aflame, and even breathing pained her. She tried to summon up a healing spell, but the effort drove a spike through her skull. With a snort, she resigned herself to waiting.

“Damn,” she cursed. She closed her eyes but there was Twilight Sparkle. A mere filly, but she still had wings and the power to defeat her. Equality gnashed her teeth. “Damn, damn, damn!”

“Ah, here you are.” Enigma poked his head into the crater Equality had formed. “Shall we be on our way then?”

“Just get me out of here, Party,” Equality snarled.

“Okay, okay.” Enigma lit up his fully intact horn and delicately lifted Equality out of the crater. “Those foals are good. I had to pull out some of my best tricks to get out of that bind. Also, I thought we were only using our code names.”

“Shut up.”


The stomp of Equality’s hooves echoed through the cave. Her restored costume hid the bandages covering her head and leg injuries. Even Enigma had his limits on magic and adding another cutie mark to him was pushing it.

In the cave’s dim lighting, multiple eyes glared at her. Bruised eyes. Burned eyes. Enraged eyes.

“We want our payment,” Flim hissed.

“Indeed,” Flam rasped. “And a bit more to cover what that freak did to me! Your little plan was a complete fa—”

Equality’s horn blazed to life, flooding the cave with light. Flim and Flam found themselves enshrouded in aura that cut off their air. They clawed for something, tried to pull or push Equality away, but she remained firmly in place. She flung the brothers up into the ceiling with two sharp cracks. Their bodies vanished into the darkness.

“Enigma, deal with them,” Equality snorted. “They may make good material.”

Enigma bowed his head. “Of course.”

“W-well,” the villain that had subdued Bulk gulped, “I, uh, have no complaints, but I am a mite curious what our next move is?”

“As am I,” Chrysalis growled. “That was a good portion of my hive you used, and we have nothing to show for it.”

“At least you didn’t risk your flank like the rest of us,” Sonata muttered.

“What was that, fish food?” Chrysalis snapped.

“Both of you, be quiet!” Adagio demanded. She then turned her attention to Equality. “I do admit, it seems we could have done something better than risking Celestia’s wrath just to pick off a few morsels.”

“You don’t get it!” Equality stomped a hoof. “Twilight Sparkle is a risk to each and every one of us! If we don’t act now, we wi—”

“Enough,” a new voice rasped. It did not come from anyone in attendance but from a crystal ball the lay in the center of the villains’ gathering. Everyone stiffened. Equality felt someone gazing at her from the ball. “I allowed you to entertain your little ruse, but you are lucky none of our major allies were captured, just drones, thugs, and pea-brained dragons. I am calling in my side of the bargain now, and you will fulfill it.”

Equality grit her teeth but bowed her head. “Yes, Master.”

“Do not fret over the youth,” Equality’s master said, his voice frail and cracking. “You have made plans after all. It will just take a little time. Now that Equestria knows of us, our invasion will undoubtedly become a symbol for others to join us. Soon, Equestria will know true terror once more!”

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