• Published 16th Sep 2017
  • 18,977 Views, 478 Comments

Myriad Thoughts - Tale Swapper

Words spoken in the heat of the moment often seem foul when tempers cool. Five girls face the mirror after their accusation, and see the ugly truth long before the revelation. An Anon-A-Miss story.

  • ...

The Truth in the Past

Sunset turned over, happy that the last few years had been a nightmare. She was laying in her old room again, with a warm blanket over her and an actual pillow beneath her head, not the bedroll and foam pad of the factory apartment. She sighed and dug her fingers into the pillow-


Her eyes jerked open- revealing three things. First, that she had cursed out Celestia, fled through the mirror portal, turned evil, been hosed down by a friendship laser, and then abandoned by her friends. Second, that Applejack had apologized, she'd had a good dinner (her first in weeks- school lunches were fine, but going to bed with a full stomach was wonderful) and was in an actual room she could call her own.

Third, that she'd never bothered to set her alarm clock, and it was now (according to the apple-themed cuckoo clock in the corner) 7:30.

Starswirl's Beard, I'm late!

Dashing down the stairs, Sunset nearly ran headfirst into Granny Smith, who was just about to start up. "Whoa there! Glad to see you awake, Sunny. Was just about to come getcha."

"Yeah, I know I overslept. Where's Applejack? I know she drives to school, and I'm sorry I'm making her late, and..."

"Sunset." Sunset froze- Granny had put her second-best "No nonsense" voice into that phrase. "Jackie's already left for school. You, on the other hand, are going to sit down and have a nice breakfast."

Sunset gaped at her. "She's already left? But I need to-"

Granny wheeled on her and stared her down "I've already called Ms. Celestia. She knows you won't be in today." She humphed. "School's a toxic place for you now, Sunset- from what Jackie told me, Anon-A-Miss posted more gossip n' secrets last night, and half the school's fighting itself. Most of the rest want your scalp on a plate." She snorted. "You didn't even touch our computer last night, and yer phone's sitting on the counter over there, so Ah know you're not sendin' that gossip everywhere. Still ain't proof enough for Jackie to clear you, but she's pretty sure you ain't behind it."

Sunset blinked. "So, I'm staying here today?"

"Yep. As'm I, though they don't use me 'cept for a substitute lunch person these days." She looked back at Sunset. "Jackie's gonna try to see if any of yer other friends are willing to listen- and suss out if anyone's planning to do something stupid." She shook her head. "From what I hear, this sounds like a red hunt- everyone wantin' someone to blame- proof ain't needed. If she can convince all the girls to stand by you, maybe you can go back on Monday- but not today."

Sunset nodded ruefully. "I guess. I wish they'd trusted me more though." She shook her head. "Not that this isn't unexpected; I was pretty bad back before Twilight. Anything I can do to help out today?"

Granny smiled softly. "Sunset, Ah said you're family." Sunset's smile died as Granny's smile morphed into a massive grin. "And family helps with the farm. Ah wasn't plannin' on having you help today, but since you're offering," She pulled out a handwritten list, "We do have a few chores that need doing- after breakfast of course."

Applejack sighed as she moved through the halls. Granny's decision to keep Sunset at home was looking better by the moment. Everywhere Applejack looked she saw students bickering and yelling. More than one argument broke apart with both parties storming in opposite directions, and as she passed by Sunset's locker, she wasn't surprised to find a rather... nasty note scrawled across it in sharpie.

She'd already seen Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. Pinkie was desperately trying to get people to stop fighting, and Fluttershy had retreated into a corner. Pinkie's efforts were not helping, though- trying to make people laugh when they were that hurt wasn't the right idea. What's worse, she knew trying to convince them to ease up on Sunset was pointless. Both had got an angry glint in their eyes when she'd brought up Sunset. Both had said the same thing- who else was there to blame?

You ain't even sure yourself, are ya? After last night, you're pretty certain it ain't her. She couldn't know I'd take her home,
and she woulda needed to plan ahead to send those messages out last night. Still- they'd want proof. Proof I ain't got. And I'm not certain enough mahself to make a convincin' argument.

Applejack shook her head. She wasn't going to be able to tell anyone where Sunset was at this rate. She'd already seen Gilda and Lightning Dust looking for "The Demon Bitch," and she knew Sunset wouldn't be safe. She didn't think Dash would do something stupid, but...

We all did, yesterday. So angry none of us had our heads on right. I got snapped out of it- but if even Fluttershy's still mad,
Dash is likely still furious.

She turned and walked into the music room, then stopped in shock. Rarity sat at one of the empty desks, looking up at a poster of the Rainbooms. Someone had already defaced Sunset's face, but Rarity's expression was rather... melancholy.

"Rares? What's going on?"

Rarity turned to Applejack and frowned. "Just... trying to reason through something." She turned back to the poster, and her eyes narrowed. "Jacqueline? Have you thought about why Sunset was false to us? Why she pretended to be our friends?"

Applejack paused, then responded "First of all, it's Applejack or Jackie, Rarity. I ain't puttin' on airs anymore. You know that. And second, no, Ah hadn't." She frowned. "Though, now that you mention it, I can't see a good reason for her to turn on us."

"It's just... I'm having trouble understanding her actions at all." Rarity said. "If she was just pretending she would have asked for something. Look at all these!" Rarity pulled out a sheaf of pictures, some held together with tape after having been torn in half.

Applejack looked through the photographs, frowning slightly. "These are all from times Sunset hung out with us. What's wrong?"

Rarity shook her head. "Exactly. Times she hung out with us, darling. No times where she asked us for anything. She alwys went along with what we wanted- never took time for herself." She looked back at the pictures. "I've dealt with manipulators before- the old Sunset, Suri, Ms. Stitch... All of them wanted something. When Sunset was breaking up our friendships before, she wanted control of the school- she had a goal. Anon-A-Miss? What does she get out of it?"

"And far worse," Rarity's voice trembled for a moment, "If Sunset was faking her friendship to use us, why didn't she ever ask us for anything? Why would she throw away four months of work for nothing at all? Why would she do it?"

Applejack looked closely at Rarity. She was staring at the pictures, trying to find a reason, and coming up short. Applejack took a long breath in and made a small gamble "And what if she didn't?"

Rarity glanced up at Applejack, a few tears brimming in the sides of her eyes. She gulped. "Yes. But I don't..."

"You're not sure." Applejack said flatly. Receiving a nod in response, she continued, And if she didn't... what does that mean?"

Rarity hung her head, and Applejack saw her choking back a sob. "I'm supposed to be generous. But I never asked what she wanted, or needed. And I guess I never really gave her a second chance." She drew a breath in and spoke clearly. "The only reason I could see Sunset doing this is if she thought we weren't really her friends- to test us. And we failed. And if it wasn't a test..."

Applejack watched Rarity slump, then said softly "Ah didn't think about it like that, when I talked to Sunset after school yesterday."

Rarity bolted upright. "You... what?"

Applejack nodded. "Ah was thinking about what she did a year ago. You and me were never really that close, Rares, but Rainbow and Pinkie were my best buds before she came at us." She looked away. "And the more Ah think about tit, the more I realize that this whole... Anon-A-Miss stinks the same way."

Rarity grabbed Applejack by the shoulders. "You don't think she did it, do you?"

"Ah got no proof. But... if it ain't Sunset... maybe it's someone playin' her game. Trying to drive us from her." She looked up at Rarity, her eyes flinty. "Yah want a motive? Maybe someone's trying to push us from Sunset... like she tore us apart."

"And we let them do it." Rarity replied bitterly. Her mascara ran from one eye, but the fashionista was used to keeping her composure. "Even if she did do this, I owe her an apology for not being a better friend. And if she didn't" Her voice cracked. "Do you know where Sunset is? I... I need to talk to her."

The purple haired girl was angrily staring at her pink slip when a second girl burst through the apartment door behind her. "Aria! Adagio! I have good news and good news and fun news!" Sonata Dusk crowed as she danced through the doors.

Aria looked up at her sister, a snarl on her face. "Can it, Sonata!"

Sonata stopped and looked back at the piece of paper. "Ouch. Temper problems again?" She smiled. "The first piece of good news should cheer you up! I got tacos!"

Aria growled "Sonata, you know I don't..."

"And a bean burrito and queso for you, Aria" Sonata chirped. "I don't know why you hate tacos, but I'm not going to make the same mistake a third time!"

Aria's face relaxed a bit. "...thanks Sonata."

Adagio stepped out of her room, pulling off her headset. "What's the rest of the news, Nata?"

Sonata smiled back at Adagio. "You know that anonymous thing? It's causing more strife than we ever did! I swung by the school, and we could feed like crazy!" She paused, and her face sank. "...if we still had out pendants. Right."

Adagio sighed. "At least that Shimmer bitch is getting what she deserves." She frowned, as Aria looked over her shoulder, munching a cheesy chip. "But what was the fun news, dear?"

"Well, you know you wanted to watch out for Shimmy's place, figure out when we might do something to mess her up? Well, last night I saw a guy I recognized hauling Sunset's costume out of an old factory."

Adagio blinked. "So, someone's helping Shimmer hide? Interesting; a few people were trying to figure out where she lived online. Who was it?"

"I dunno his name, but he was driving a van with "Sweet Apple Acres" on it. Think that will be enough?" Sonata said.

Adagio's grin threatened to split her face. "Nata, that's all we need."

Author's Note:

Sunset herself understands wrath quite well. She was driven by misplaced wrath to flee through the portal, and refused to accept her mistake for a long time. I wouldn't blame her, even with her new friends, for wishing the whole catastrophe was a nightmare. Still, at least reality's treating her a little better this morning. I say a little, because Granny is introducing Sunset to Apple family life the hard way- just as her husband introduced her.

Here, we see the crux of understanding. None of the Rainbooms are approaching the situation the same way- each has their own reasons for lashing out at Sunset. Thus, as we see with Rarity's revelation, each will recognize the holes in their own arguments, and their own flaws, the same way.

A special thanks to Wanderer D, for their story, Gunsmoke. Their observations about Sunset's interactions with the Humane Five are what inspired this section. Please give their stuff a read- they're a better author than I am, I suspect.

The laws of Chekov's guns require me to make use of both the Sirens and Big Mac's shopping trip Thursday night. I have plans that go beyond this story- or rather, I have more ways to use this setting.