• Published 16th Sep 2017
  • 18,980 Views, 478 Comments

Myriad Thoughts - Tale Swapper

Words spoken in the heat of the moment often seem foul when tempers cool. Five girls face the mirror after their accusation, and see the ugly truth long before the revelation. An Anon-A-Miss story.

  • ...

The Truth of Self-Loathing

Rainbow Dash staggered inside, shaking slightly. The first thing Applejack noticed- now that she had a moment- was that Rainbow Dash was really under dressed. Her hoodie and sweatpants were soaked through, and her normally blue complexion- was still blue, but much paler than it should have been.

As Rarity and Sunset watched, jaws agape, Applejack let out an exasperated sigh. "Land's sake, Rainbow- why did you run here?"

Rainbow Dash glanced up at Applejack, then chattered out "Found out where Sunset was from one of the Dazzlings. Figured out Sunset wasn't Anon-A-Miss. Had to come check on her, and didn't have my phone on me to call for a cab."

Applejack's words died on her lips at that proclamation, and Sunset froze stock still. Rarity, however, let out a startled yelp and immediately bustled forward. "RAINBOW DASH! That is unacceptable! If there is anything I would like to think I could have taught you-"

Rainbow looked shocked. "Rarity, what are you-"

"DO NOT interrupt me, Rainbow Dash. As I was saying, if there was one thing I would like to think I could have taught you , it was the times when different types of clothes are practical! We are going to get you out of those clothes, right this instant!"

"But I have to-"

"It will do you no good to try to apologize to Sunset while you're suffering from hypothermia!" While Rainbow Dash struggled, Rarity managed to strip her out of her hoodie, pants, socks, and shirt, and drag the girl to the foot of the stairs. "I think some of Applejack's things might suit you, although... Sunset darling? Would you mind if I grabbed something of yours? I think you might be a better fit for her." Sunset nodded weakly. "Good. Now, come along, Rainbow." Rarity pulled the half naked girl up the stairs, and vanished into one of the bedrooms.

Sunset looked back at Applejack, who had barely had the presence of mind to close the door behind her. The two girls stood silently for a moment, before Applejack spoke. "Ah should get some more grub out, shouldn't I?"

Sunset blinked back at her. She started chuckling, then laughing, with a near hysterical bent in her voice. "That might be the smart idea. Me? I think you should get out some cider."

"That don't sound too bad-"

"The hard stuff, Applejack."

"...don't have any left right now. The batch from the fall apples is still fermentin'." As she walked into the kitchen, she muttered "Ah woulda already had bottle or two, if we weren't..."

Rainbow Dash (garbed in one of Applejack's old shirts and Sunset's jeans) ravenously devoured the warm food set in front of her. Applejack's eyes were wide. "Dash- did you even have dinner?"

Dash smacked her lips, belched, then looked across at Applejack. "Nah. Long story short, I was already thinking about trying to find Sunset when one of the Dazzlings-"

Sunset made as if to speak, but Rainbow Dash kept talking "-told me they'd seen someone loading Sunset's stuff into a Sweet Apple Acres van. I went and talked to Flash, cause I needed to find out alittle more about how Mystable works, then I ran here." She shrugged. "I guess I was running around downtown for-" She checked the clock and her jaw dropped. "Eight thirty? Shit, it's later than I thought..."

"Rainbow?" Sunset had been quiet since Rainbow had come down the stairs. Now she looked Dash in the face and said "You said you knew I wasn't Anon-A-Miss. Did you find out who it was?"

Rainbow looked down. She pulled in a breath and said softly "No. But..." She looked up at Sunset. "I was thinking about last time. About smooth everything was last time."

Rainbow stood up and started pacing. "When you broke us apart last time, it was.. subtle- right?" She looked at Sunset, who motioned for her to continue. "Yeah- you tried to break us up with those text messages, you made sure that we all thought it was pointed at other people. No way would I have given up on Fluttershy, or Pinkie, or Jackie, if I'd had any clue the messages weren't from them!"

"But this time? This time It was obvious where it came from." Rainbow's hands were balled into fists. "I had everything but your face on it- your color scheme, your silhouette, your style- everything!" She smashed her hand into the table. "It looked exactly like what you did last time!" Her breath heaved, then she started to quiet. "And that's what got me thinking. About how obvious it was. About how easy it was for you to fake us out last time- and how easy it would be for someone to pin this on you." She looked up at Sunset. "You know what makes me mad, Sunset?" Her voice choked a little, even as she put her forehead on the table. "It's how easy it was this time. I swore to myself that I wouldn't let myself be tricked- that I wouldn't abandon my friends." A hard sniff echoed as she lifted her head, then rubbed her eyes. "I guess... I wasn't expecting them to come after my new friend rather than my old."

"I mean, I should've seen it! I can just see them now, all "Stupid Dashie, we'll fool her again!" and I DID!" Dash screamed, coming back to her feet. "I got mad, and they led me by the nose!" Her voice fell back to a raspy whisper. "And this time, it's all my fault. I should've looked, should have asked- but I didn't see it." Her back hit into the wall, and she slid down it, pulling her legs up to her chest. "I was an idiot. Sunset... please, I'm sorry..." She sniffed again. "I'm so stupid..."

Rainbow felt a hand take hers, and looked up as Sunset pulled her to her feet. She looked up, and Sunset said quietly "You were an idiot." Dash hung her head- "But you're not stupid." She looked up at Sunset. "Stupid people don't recognize when they're wrong. They don't try to fix their mistakes. You did." She spread her arms. "I can't just say we'll be cool, but- Dash, can we try again?"

Rainbow looked at Sunset in shock, then launched herself into the hug. "I'm sorry, Sunset... thank you..."

Sunset smiled, tears running down her own face. "Thank you, too. You may not have seen it at first, Dash- but you're learning." Remembering a teacher from her own past, she said "And I'm willing to give anyone a second chance."

"Should've remembered we were giving you one." Dash mumbled into Sunset's shoulder. She pulled herself free of Sunset. "But... there's something else... it's about Fluttershy." She pulled in a breath. "I think I know why she didn't support you- and if I know her, I know what we need to do."

Sunset stared at Rainbow. "...what do you mean?"

"Last time- I never got text from Fluttershy. Never got a message to drive her away. And neither did AJ or Pinkie." She glanced at the fashonista, still watching from the table. "Rarity did you-"

"I don't believe so. But I do remember being quite frustrated with her when she tried... to..." Rarity's eyes widened, even as Applejack sagged. Sunset's own face looked sickened.

"Yeah, I thought so. Sunset- you're the one who made certain we'd turn on her when she tried to play peacemaker between us, didn't you?"

Scootaloo stared at the ceiling, lost in thought. Flash didn't think Anon-A-Miss was Sunset- and he'd told Rainbow Dash. And Rainbow Dash was friends with both Rarity and Applejack- which meant that there was a good chance the other crusaders weren't going to get what they wanted out of their gossip.

And I'm not so certain I got what I wanted, either.

Sunset had lied to and manipulated her brother for six months- six months of barely seeing him, of stringing him along before he wised up. Ever since the Sentry family had adopted her, she'd slowly grown closer and closer to her big brother. And the time right after Sunset's real colors were revealed, at the end of last summer, was the worst she'd seen him in years. He'd been devastated.

At first, she hadn't been able to do anything- Sunset was too strong, and would have shrugged off anything Scootaloo would have done for hurting her brother. And after the Fall Formal, it didn't seem to be necessary.

But then Sunset started to come back, bit by bit. She'd started getting popular again, and that had made Scootaloo furious. When Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell had bad-mouthed Sunset for stealing their sisters, Scootaloo had been happy to help them come up with their payback plan- and if Rainbow spent more time with her afterwards, that would be a bonus.

But Flash doesn't think Sunset really did it- and doesn't want Sunset hurt. Even worse, things are getting out of hand.

She'd been happy to spread the little secrets people sent in- gossip and annoying truths. Anything to make people turn their backs on Sunset. But some of that stuff would really hurt people- not just the target of her revenge.

Apple Bloom had been the vocal voice of reason- especially as the other Rainbooms turned on Sunset. But Scootaloo had been quietly deleting the worst of what got sent in. But now...

Now you're wondering if it was worth it at all. You got revenge- and even that is feeling hollow.

Scootaloo sat up, and pulled out her phone. With a few taps, she deleted the remaining secrets sent in to Anon-A-Miss. Can't delete the page without the others... besides, I think I need to talk with Bloom and Sweetie. Might be time to stop this once and for all.

She lay down, but one thought raced through her mind as she tried to get to sleep. And we'd better do it soon- if they don't suspect Sunset- it won't be long until they start looking for the real culprits...

Most people who entered the home at the outskirts of Canterlot would have thought it normal. Those who entered the room tucked into the eaves at the back of the house would have wondered where the family had gotten a zoo.

Fluttershy lay on her bed, hands absently running over Angel Bunny's back. Normally, this would be one of the most calming moments of her day. School was over, her animals were fed, and she was safe and calm.

Today was not normal, and she was not calm.

Sunset Shimmer had betrayed her trust. But had she really? She'd gone behind everyones' backs, insulting them and spilling secrets. You don't know that. She'd been turned aside. She was crying! This time she wouldn't break her friendships. She wasn't the one who rejected you last time.

This was not okay.

She didn't deserve it.

I don't want to lose my friends again. You may have already lost one.

Angel Bunny hopped off Fluttershy's chest, even as she curled into a ball. Fluttershy remembered the tears in Sunset's eyes, her own words. She remembered the disquiet she;d felt in her heart, seeing that.

And she remembered the last time she'd tried to make peace between her warring friends. And what had happened when she failed.

What should I do? What should I have done?

One last thought echoed through her mind. And why didn't Sunset come into school today?

The answer to the first question and the riddle of the third made her own tears all the more bitter.

Author's Note:

Fear is often far more limiting than wrath. Wrath drives us to act; fear drives us not to act.
Apologies will be made in two directions when Sunset's group and Fluttershy meet.
As you can see, though the first three revelations were sparked by logic, the last two will be sparked by emotion. I hope the feels quotient will remain high.

On to more pleasant other subject.

I always pictured Rarity as someone who is much stronger than she looks, though nowhere near as strong as Applejack. Rainbow could probably have gotten away from her, but here her skill in dealing with ill-dressed clients, and Rainbow's deadened nerves turned the tide.

Scootaloo is already starting to regret her actions. Although I've never felt bad about her motivations in the main comic and the rewrites, I feel as though it's not necessarily as deep as Apple Bloom's and Sweetie Bell's. Revenge for an older brother seemed like a more... rational is not the right word here... motivation. It also gave me an excuse to put Flash in the story, and to make Flash her brother, which is a bonus.

Oh, and quick FYI- I may not post another chapter tomorrow. I've been really happy on the momentum I've got going on this piece, but the encounters in the next chapter aren't even drafted yet, and I have an event to attend tomorrow night. Don't worry- I'll have another chapter to you by noon on Saturday, if not sooner.