• Published 2nd Aug 2017
  • 7,234 Views, 993 Comments

Evening Star Also Rises - Starscribe

Princess Luna is tired of living in her sister's shadow. She petitions Starswirl for help, and what she receives is far from what anypony expected. The real question is whether Equestria will survive her mistake.

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Chapter 2: Nightbreeze

There was nothing wrong with crying, except that it was a total waste of time. Hayden stopped crying, wiped away the remaining moisture from his face, then set about exploring his surroundings. So, he was a captive—he could at least learn more about his captors. Maybe that would help him negotiate for his release.

Besides, having glasses meant he could see where he’d been imprisoned, could take in details that he might’ve missed when everything was a blur. And what a prison it was.

On the one hand, it looked like something out of medieval history. Uneven stone blocks were held together with thick globs of mortar, the windows were small and the glass pooled near the bottom. Yet on the other hand, there was more luxury here than anywhere he’d seen in his life. Tapestries hung on the walls looked like they’d been hand-woven by master artisans, depicting the stars of the night in intimate detail. Hayden went to stand in front of that one first, searching for the details of familiar constellations. It seemed a little like he could see them, but whenever he concentrated, the details were always wrong.

Everything in the room looked like it had been made by hand, with so many gemstones inlaid into common objects like tables and chairs that he couldn’t even imagine how rich Luna must be. “Makes sense…” he muttered to himself, though still his voice sounded incorrect. Sooner or later he would have to be honest about what that implied, but not just yet. “Someone with the resources to experiment is always wealthy. It wouldn’t be the poor.”

Moons, stars, and other heavenly bodies were a clear design motif of everything in the tower, with a spiral staircase wrapping around the edge of the room and leading up. Hayden ascended the steps slowly, having to concentrate on every step he took with his hooves, lest he fall and go bouncing down the sides. Whoever had built this tower had done their best to make it as elegant as possible, but there was no mistaking the fasteners from his architect’s eye. Nothing more than iron beams, driven into the stone walls then covered over with plaster. All evidence points to middle ages.

But what was he supposed to make of everything else he’d seen? The least of which was the simplest—his new body. No human power could create an illusion this complete. He’d tried VR, and it could show some impressive things. But it couldn’t create sensations for limbs that weren’t supposed to be there. It couldn’t convince him he was really a naked horse without any limbs. It couldn’t simulate feeling in membranous bat-wings that flexed and moved at his command, and sensed the slight perturbations in the air.

What am I? What was Luna?

He reached the top of the tower, and pushed a little door open. It was dawn outside, and his eyes burned at the sudden illumination. He hadn’t noticed just how dark the tower had been, letting in only shafts of light.

Even after adjusting for a few seconds, a mild discomfort persisted until the transition lenses in his glasses finally darkened. Then he could walk away from the tower, walking out to survey the world all around. Probably not the best for staying hidden. I’ll only take a quick look. Luna had sounded sincere when she said Hayden’s life was in jeopardy.

Hayden was standing atop the second-tallest tower in a massive castle, made from the same creamy white stone as the interior. Its buttressed battlements and exterior walls blended seamlessly with a city further out, one surrounded by the trees of a thick forest. As he looked out, the thatch roofed wooden buildings eventually gave way to the end of the forest, and rolling plains.

Everything he saw suggested a society somewhere equivalent to the high middle ages. There were wooden carts drawn by horses, or at least creatures that looked like horses. But I guess I look like one too, so those might just be people. Despite the fresh smell of the forest, he could detect far less pleasant odors in the city below. Manure from poor sanitation, smoke from hundreds of cooking fires, and worse.

This isn’t Earth, he thought, looking out at the forest beyond, though the trees were so distant that he couldn’t make out specific details. Of course, it wasn’t as though he’d needed to come out here to know he wasn’t on Earth anymore. If there had been aliens like this anywhere on his planet, he would’ve known about it. Unless this is the past, or the future, or… no, stop being stupid. He didn’t have the information to speculate about any of that, not when he was looking out on a world like this.

There were objects here atop the balcony, objects he hadn’t noticed as he stared at the city. A table sat beside the building, with a book beside it. The book was open to another star map, with the look of something crafted only after many hours. There was no telescope, though. It would be a pain to write all of this by hand. But they didn’t seem to know about glasses, so they probably don’t know anything about optics.

But there were other towers, and at least one of them was taller than this one. There were soldiers walking along balconies and battlements, and some might be able to see him. So, he turned, tail flicking about in the wind behind him as he hurried away from the balcony and back through the still-open doorway. There were more important things to do than stare dumbly off into the distance, waiting to be discovered by whichever guard happened to look up.

“It doesn’t make sense for this to be an alien planet…” he muttered to himself, as he walked back down the stairs to the opulent bedroom. “They wouldn’t speak English, but Luna understood me fine. Unless there was more ‘magic’ for that.” But there hadn’t been any sign it was. “How would I even know… how could I know anything about this place?” He slowed as he wandered down the stairs, hearing someone rummaging about on the ground below. Had Luna returned so quickly?

Then he heard something familiar: his phone started playing music again. A classic Foreigner piece, the one he’d been listening to while he was hiking. Only he didn’t have headphones plugged in anymore, so it just came out through the speakers. Even from a distance he could pick out the tune, as well as its exact direction. The pile of junk towards the back of the room.

Someone squeaked in fear, and hurried away from the sound, retreating towards the massive entrance. But Hayden wasn’t about to let that happen. Whoever this was had seen her belongings, was at this very moment listening to Mick Jones instructing them to carry on. They couldn’t get away with that knowledge if it would mean discovery for Hayden.

Hayden jumped off the edge of the stairs. There was no railing, so it was easy to do. Without knowing what he was doing, or even how he was doing it, he extended his wings, gliding straight down towards the doorway. It was a drop of nearly fifty feet, so it was a good thing his wings worked. He went soaring over the head of another of the quadrupedal creatures, landing at a staggered trot that took him thumping the rest of the way towards the door.

What the hell am I doing? He very nearly fell over at the mere thought, his head suddenly spinning. Jumped off a balcony over a sheer drop to a stone floor? He didn’t fall over though, and skidded to a stop a few inches from the door right as Jones suggested that he shouldn’t cry anymore.

“I beg the princess’s indulgence!” squeaked a tiny, terrified voice. “I had no idea she was in her chambers! She is always at breakfast during this early hour, or else I would’ve chosen another time…” She trailed off, about the same moment Hayden finally managed to turn himself around and face her.

This was one of the aliens all-right, though she was a little shorter than Hayden and much more brightly colored. Blue and yellow to be precise, with a pattern of green dots playing through her mane. It would’ve been cute on a child’s doll, or maybe a creature in a petting zoo. Not so much on an animal that was almost Hayden’s own size, wearing a dress that was unmistakably a maid’s uniform with little openings for her brightly-colored wings. It was even marked with little moons, just like some of the furniture in the bedroom. One of her servants then.

“You aren’t the princess…” she muttered, looking down again. “Forgive me, noble lady, I did not know the princess had a guest at this early hour.”

“Noble lady,” Hayden repeated, annoyed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He turned, walking away from the servant and back over to the pile of his belongings. It was apparent someone had gone through it while he was unconscious, because the backpack was completely empty. His camping gear was all over the ground, and sorted into configurations suggesting whoever had gone through it had no idea what they were doing. His folding solar charger was resting next to the camp pillow like a tiny blanket, while his straight-razor and toothbrush were placed alongside the portable kitchen. A few items, like the handgun, were conspicuously absent.

Of course, just because he could walk to the phone didn’t mean he could turn it off. He reached down and touched it with a hoof. “Okay google, pause the music,” he said. Nothing happened. Of course, it’s only supposed to listen to my voice. I don’t sound like myself.

The maid didn’t take her chance to escape while Hayden was distracted, instead following him across the floor. “Y-you aren’t?” Her ears flattened, and Hayden could even detect a slight change in her scent. Very subtle. “A… consort… then? Those wings of yours are most exotic… what kind of magic are you using to hide the feathers? I didn’t know—”

“I’m not a concubine,” he said firmly, stomping one hoof on the ground. Hard enough that it hurt. Then the guitar solo started.

“Is the spell connected to that awful noise?” the maid asked, crowding a little closer. She seemed to grow more relaxed the lower Hayden explained his status to be. “Silencing it will remove it, yes?”

Hayden struggled to draw the locked pattern, and failed. Eventually he gave up, bracing the phone against one hoof and touching the volume-down buttons with the other until it went silent. Then he looked up. “Luna called it a spell, whoever you are. But I don’t know how it works. I don’t know the first thing about magic.”

“Oh, of course.” She waved one hoof through the air, giving Hayden a knowing wink. “Alicorns are powerful creatures, it can be an adjustment living with them. You must be quite close, to permit such a spell to be used on yourself for…” She glanced back at Hayden’s rear, eyes narrowing. “Such purposes. But why wouldn’t she have mentioned you to me? If she had a concubine…”

“I’m not!” he shouted, stomping one hoof again and huffing angrily. “Whatever that is, I’m not. I’m just Hayden. Someone who doesn’t want to be here, doesn’t belong here, and wants to escape as quickly as possible.”

“‘Jest Haydon,’ I’m Nightbreeze. Steward of Princess Luna. If you are remaining here with us even for a day, it will be my pleasure to serve you as well. Does the lady require a bath to be drawn, or perhaps—”

“No,” Hayden said, his voice firm. “I am not a lady, I don’t need a bath… I don’t need a steward here at all. But I also don’t need you telling anyone about me! Luna was very clear about that… no one is supposed to know…” He paused, thinking. “Wait, if you’re her steward, you can tell me—has she brought anyone here from another world before?”

“Has she…” Nightbreeze blushed. “Well, who am I to speak of the princess’s interests? I suppose a dragon may’ve found their way through these halls… Why is that your business?”

“No,” he grunted, sitting down on the ground and looking away. “Whatever. Thanks for…” he waved towards the door. “Just don’t tell anyone you saw me.”

“I shall inquire of her majesty before I do so,” she said, before prancing away towards the door. “Feel free to ring the bell if you change your mind, Jest. Somepony will be here for you. No guest of the princess need be a stranger in her house, no matter her station.” She left, shutting the door behind her.

Hayden immediately got to his hooves and started looking for a mirror.

Author's Note:

And with that, this story is now current with the Patreon. Sadly, that means updates will slow to once weekly (on Wednesdays) until its completion. Still, I'm excited to see where this story goes! Thanks for joining me on this little starting section.

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