• Published 2nd Aug 2017
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Evening Star Also Rises - Starscribe

Princess Luna is tired of living in her sister's shadow. She petitions Starswirl for help, and what she receives is far from what anypony expected. The real question is whether Equestria will survive her mistake.

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Chapter 54: Accord

Hayden was still there when the golden airship stopped in the air above her. She hadn’t moved from her place since then, filled as she was with pain and exhausted from the siege that had almost saved Icefalls. So many ponies she had failed. So much death that was her fault.

Maybe I should’ve gone with Princess Luna. At least then I wouldn’t be suffering like this. Hayden tried reaching out for the creature every few minutes, hoping that maybe she could persuade Luna to change her mind. Maybe she would join the right side if only given a compelling reason.

But the one time she really tried, reaching across space to see what the princess was feeling, she was almost overwhelmed by it. The ground seemed to turn to lava, burning her alive, charring her bones to ash, and blowing her away in the wind. She returned to her body gasping for air.

Somepony was descending from above her now, drifting slowly down from the deck of the golden airship. A white pony in golden armor, with her horn glowing with the light of morning sun.

She touched down on a pile of rubble across the way from Hayden, the ground shifting on her hooves as she did so. The light of morning sun seemed to stretch behind her, becoming so bright that Hayden couldn’t focus her eyes on it.

She didn’t have the energy to rise from her place anymore, either physically or emotionally. Hayden had given everything in the service of Equestria, done everything she could to help her bats, but it hadn’t been enough. The city had… well, she couldn’t be sure. But the demonic firestorm had left only rubble surrounding her now. “You,” Princess Celestia said, her voice cold. She didn’t even lift her visor, just stalked towards her over the wreckage. “I imagined a creature like you would have known the danger of remaining behind. Did you really think you had the power to convince ponies you were anything but an Outsider after what we just saw? The taint of necromancy on this city is so strong I don’t think anything will grow here again. I can already feel the chill wind of decay sweeping in.”

Hayden struggled to her hooves. Her legs shook with the effort, but she managed it anyway. Stood alert facing the one who would have to deal with her mistake. You should’ve killed me when I got here. Then none of this would’ve happened. “You should know what happened, C-Celestia. To your sister. Before you…” She swallowed. The rest went unsaid.

Celestia stopped in place, listening attentively. “When I saw she had rejoined the war, I dared to hope that I had been wrong about you all this time. I dreamed that what my sister truly lacked was purpose, and you had given it to her. But that isn’t true, is it?”

“It was,” Hayden said, and she didn’t avoid the Princess’s eyes. It wasn’t like she couldn’t sense the terrible power that lived there—couldn’t sense the rage of an oncoming storm, pausing only for an instant before it swept Hayden into the abyss. “Your sister didn’t succumb to the temptations of the Outsiders. We… failed to defend the city while we performed the purification ritual. The Grand Fleet attacked.” She stiffened, glancing over Celestia’s shoulders. “That reminds me, Princess. They’re probably coming back. This respite won’t last long; you have to—”

“They aren’t going anywhere ever again,” Princess Celestia said. “That storm destroyed every ship that didn’t flee. We took care of the rest. I don’t know what we will do with the survivors… but that difficulty isn’t for you. Finish your story, but don’t think I will believe it.”

Hayden nodded quietly. She no longer cared much what happened to her. Maybe now she could finally understand what the moon princess had suffered for Hayden’s time in Equestria. “Avalon’s ritual ended before we finished getting the demons out of my people. It all came together and… attacked your sister. She took it all, so it would all be trapped in one place. In her. Wants you to…” She swallowed, looking down. “You know.”

Celestia’s eyes hardened from within her helmet. “That’s it then. The familiar has turned against her master. You know this feeble lie will only get you killed as well, yes? You cannot exist without her, regardless of what world you think you came from.”

Hayden nodded. “I’m only telling you what she wanted you to know. She hoped that you would be able to… well, I won’t instruct you.” She looked down, lowering her head before the princess. “When you kill me, please don’t forget about the ponies of Icefalls. If any of them survived the necromancy, they’ll be hiding in the old mine. There’s an entrance in the lunar monastery, in the well. Please don’t leave my people down there to starve.”

Princess Celestia’s horn flashed, and a sword appeared beside her. It had a blade like a long tongue of white fire, stretching to blue along its edges. “You almost convinced me, Evening Star. All these months a thorn in my side, making it impossible to protect Equestria. You think you did those ponies a service by keeping them safe all this time, but you’re wrong. My sister—” The sword faltered in the air, drooping a few inches towards Hayden’s neck. “Whatever she’s become—is a far greater danger than anything the Stonebeaks could’ve been. They were only ever foals scratching against the door.

“But you opened all the windows, threw open the door, and let the storm come inside. Creation itself trembles at the presence of an Outsider. All the power I have may not be enough to bring her in. The Elements of Harmony, those few I can use without her…” Her voice cracked, and she raised the sword high over her head. “But they won’t be enough. This is no punishment for you, it is a mercy. You won’t have to live in the Equestria you destroyed. But since we both know you’re really just another of the unmade, I expect we’ll speak again soon.”

There was a part of Hayden that only wanted to lower her head again, let Princess Celestia do as she felt. Yes, her death would cause Princess Luna pain. Maybe the moon princess would be weak enough to be destroyed by whatever the Elements were. But she didn’t remain silent, even if some selfish part of her wanted to. People needed her.

“If my tower still stands… look for the diamond dog called Avalon. We were preparing a plan to contain the corruption. We were so close… maybe some part of that plan could save your sister’s life too. Trap her, instead of killing her.”

Celestia stopped the sword mid-swing. Her mane blazed out behind her, and the ground all around them started to scorch. Nearby scraps of cloth and paper burst into flames, and a fallen pony body started sizzling. But for some reason the terrible heat didn’t char Hayden the way it looked like it should. Even if she could still feel the incredible energy, and it made her shudder. “The act is over, demon! I know what you are! You destroyed the lives of so many—you don’t need to pretend anymore! You may’ve just set into motion the end of our world at last. Carcosa wasn’t the end after all, was it? Why won’t you gloat? Why won’t you take credit? You’ve bested all of us! You out-maneuvered me! All this death—I know it’s what you wanted. An Outsider who was willing to build, if only to have a taller castle to destroy.”

Hayden didn’t wilt at the onslaught. She didn’t look away, didn’t cower. She was too weak for that. And anyway, the flames weren’t burning her. Her armor, was another matter—bits of the thin metal plates had started glowing bright red. They probably should be burning her too. But Hayden just shook her head. “I would’ve taken the burden instead of her if I could have, Celestia. But Luna said… said I wasn’t stable enough. Said the Outsider wanted something to make it more real, and that I wasn’t real enough. I’m not an Outsider. I wanted to save Icefalls. I hope you’ll at least save the ones you can. The bats too, if there are any left. I don’t know how many followed Luna.”

Celestia’s reply was a scream of rage, so furious that it sounded far more like an angry animal than Hayden had ever heard in Equestria. She dropped her own sword, which puffed out in a flash of flames, picking up Achelois off the ground between them where it had fallen. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you weren’t touching this, demon. I don’t know how you fooled this sword before… maybe my sister had been corrupted even back then, and she was there, commanding it to spare you. It always liked her best of the two of us. But it won’t spare you now.”

She swung, and this time Hayden didn’t move. The sword caught her in the neck, on the flat instead of the blade. It stung, and Hayden winced. The sword was in contact with her body only for a few moments, long enough for her to feel its confusion. Why is the fire trying to burn stones that contain it?

Because they deserve it.

That is the wrong kind of pain. The sword did not elaborate. Celestia screamed again, swinging twice more. But the sword moved each time, refusing to cut her. “She’s not innocent!” Celestia yelled, this time directly down at the sword. “Feel her! She’s one of them! An Outsider!” She pressed the sword up against Hayden’s neck, forcing her to freeze in place. Only, it didn’t cut. The edge felt as blunt against her skin as a length of rebar.

She could hear it again. The pain you feel is terrible. But it isn’t hers to pay for. Your sister has become corrupt—my new master refused her. Look around you. See how many of the dead she returned to slumber. If she was as strong as you, she would have given peace to them all. Sadly, the bat is only human.

Celestia froze, glaring down at the sword a moment more. Hayden feared she might attack it, maybe try to shatter the disobedient weapon for the suffering it had caused her. Then she dropped it, slumping down onto her haunches. There was silence then, except for the wind blowing through the ruins of Icefalls.

“You mentioned the Elements of Harmony,” Hayden said, lifting the sword in her magic and cleaning the dust from it using the edge of her armor. “Could they contain an Outsider? Whatever they are. The name is familiar, but… I didn’t pay as much attention when your sister tried to teach me about unicorn things.”

Celestia didn’t answer for several seconds. “I do not know. They have already protected Equus from terrible things—prevented the damage done to it long ago from making the planet uninhabitable. They contained Discord. But it doesn’t matter even if they could. My sister and I used the Elements together. I don’t think… I don’t think Luna would use them against herself.”

“What about me? I’m her daemon, her familiar. I could use her sword even before it chose me as its master.” Hayden sheathed Achelois on her side, and the weight there no longer felt uncomfortable. “I might not know her like you do… she isn’t my sister. But I know she wouldn’t want to rampage over Equestria, killing the ponies she loves. Or… I honestly don’t know. But after the demon took her, I think… I think she’s going to try to take over. That’s what she said. She wanted me to fight beside her.”

Hayden rested one hoof on the hilt. “I don’t have to be from your world to understand I don’t want anything to do with the Outsiders.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “And if it means anything—Luna refused the demon too. It didn’t tempt her, it didn’t corrupt her… she only did this for us.”

Celestia gestured around them with a wing. “Icefalls is destroyed, War Marshal. There is no chance of rebuilding it now. The necromancy my sister used here will sicken even the strongest ponies in time. We will have to… evacuate the survivors, along with chasing her.”

I hope you made it, Nightbreeze. And so many others. “There are capable ponies in the tower, if it still stands. You could…” God I can’t believe I’m doing this. Celestia and I are on the same side. Against Luna. “We should tell them what to do. Tell them that you won’t attack if they take the survivors south. Because…” She was feeling braver now, more confident. Hayden had faced death and emerged on the other side. “Because that’s my price. For helping you—their lives. If you won’t promise me that, then you can confront Luna alone.”

Celestia extended a hoof. “If Equus survives, we have a bargain.”

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