• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 41,068 Views, 2,159 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess - Harry Leferts

We all have imaginary friends when growing up, right? Harry's turns out not to be so Imaginary...

  • ...

Chapter 12

And here's the new chapter. Just to let you all know, I'll be posting another story soon that will contain snippets and oneshots from this one that weren't added to the chapters.

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello"-Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts


Walking down the hall with his backpack hanging off his shoulders, Harry watches a slightly gleeful Hermione with an amused look. "Well now Hermione, aren't we excited?"

Hermione just smiles as her eyes sparkle. "Of course I am! First day of school and a new class! I just can't wait to learn something!" She then looks at him. "Aren't you excited? It's all so new!"

Harry shrugs as he places his hands in his pockets. "Excited to learn something new? Sure." He then smirks. "But I'm not jumping around like a humming bird on meth."

Hermione stops before glaring at him. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?"

Harry shivers for a moment as beside and above him Luna giggles at her friend's predicament. "Um... nothing, nothing at all... heh... heh..."

Hermione gives him a raised eyebrow for a moment before nodding. "Good. That's what I thought." A moment later they enter the Transfiguration class room causing her to frown as she doesn't see Professor McGonagall anywhere. "Where is she?"

Harry just shrugs as he walks past her and up to the teacher's desk where a cat is sitting. "No clue. Maybe she had to make a quick run." Gesturing to the cat, he turns to Hermione. "What do you think? Is it the Professor's?"

Hermione looks over the cat with an inquiring gaze before shrugging. "I... really don't know. Maybe?"

Harry turns back to the cat with a frown. "Kind of unfair then since I can't bring Nightmare." Sighing with a shrug, he starts scratching the cat's head. It's about to move away from his hand when his fingertips glow some causing the cat's eyes to widen before they close, loud purring coming from it. "Aw, aren't we a pretty lady."

Hermione's eyes widen as she watches as Harry scoops up the cat before hissing as he continues to pat it. "What are you doing!? That's Professor McGonagall's cat!" She then notices the small glow. "What is that that you're doing with your fingers!?"

Harry just gives her a raised eyebrow as the cat's purrs reach a higher volume. "Well, I don't think that Professor McGonagall will really care about petting her cat. And as for my fingers..." Harry shrugs. "It's a trick I came up with from days spent in my babysitter's Mrs. Figg. She's a... er... cat lady for lack of anything better." He then smiles down at the cat as he heads to a seat and sits down, Hermione doing the same beside him. "For some reason cats love it."

As Hermione shakes her head in disbelief, Luna's watching the cat through narrow eyes. "Harry... there's something about that cat. Can't put my hoof on exactly what, but something."

Harry gives her a glance before shrugging. "I wonder if she's a magical cat..."

As Luna cocks her head to the side, still watching the cat as she cross her forelegs in thought. Hermione, on the other hand, gives him a thoughtful glance before nodding and giving her opinion. "Does seem likely I suppose. It is a witch's cat after all." The two soon lapse into silence as Harry keeps patting the content cat in his arms and Hermione takes her supplies out of her knapsack, other students passing by give Harry an odd look but then shrug. Once she's done getting ready for class, Hermione turns to Harry and rolls her eyes. "Honestly, can't you stop patting that cat and get ready? You don't want Professor McGonagall angry that you're not ready"

Harry just gives her a look as he stops petting the cat, the last students arriving (with Neville sitting on the other side of Hermione) as a bell like sound lets them know that class has started. "Hermione, she hasn't arrived yet and I'm sure that she won't mind." The cat in his arms stops purring as it comes out of its daze. Hearing the door open, Harry turns towards it. "That might be her now."

Only it's not her as Ron Weasley tries sneaking in, though once he sees that McGonagall isn't there he sighs in relief. "Oh, good. Professor McGonagall isn't here yet, is she?"

Harry is about to answer when the cat in his arms jumps out of them transforming into said professor as it does so, causing everyone's eyes to widen and then to look at a red-faced Harry (though McGonagall herself has a barely visible redness on her cheeks). "I must say Mr. Weasley that perhaps you should make sure to get to class on time from now on? Hm?" Her piece said, she turns and makes her way back to her desk. "Now then class..."

Luna stares at McGonagall in sheer amazement. "What the hay was that!?"

She then notices Harry's expression and soon cracks up laughing as she falls to the floor causing Harry to hangs his head as he flushes with both embarrassment and annoyance as he mumbles. "Sure, go right on ahead and laugh it up why don't you."

Finally, Luna's laughter settles as Harry begins paying attention to the lesson. She then looks at McGonagall again, only this time with a thoughtful look. 'How incredible. She was able to transform into an animal and still keep all her faculties... when not being petted anyways.' She then looks at Harry. 'I wonder if all wizards and witches can...' As images of Harry as first a Unicorn and then a Pegasi before finishing up with him as an Alicorn go through her mind, places her hooves against her face before shaking her head as she tries to imagine it. "Gah!" She develops a heavy blush as she notices Harry turn slightly towards her with an odd look at her behavior before waving him off. "It's... nothing, just had a thought is all." She waits as he rolls his eyes and turns back to his matchstick (which she recalls is to be turned into a needle). Still with a slight blush, she looks up at the ceiling. 'Still, something to keep in mind I suppose...'

Harry meanwhile is slightly glaring at his matchstick. 'Why won't this work? I know that I'm doing it right but... it doesn't feel quite right for some reason...' By the end of the lesson, he manages to give his matchstick a slight metallic sheen as Hermione's becomes somewhat pointy and silver and with both their help, Neville's becomes a bit pointy. Once they're leaving, Harry turns to Hermione. "So how did you manage to get as far as you did?"

Hermione looks at him for a moment before nodding. "Well..." She soon launches into an explanation that gives Neville a slight glazed look at how complicated it is. Harry just nods as she finishes up. "... Does that help?"

Harry gives her a small smile. "It does as a matter of fact. Thanks." He then pulls out the paper in his pocket and looks at it. "Let's see... seems we have Charms next. Should be interesting."

Luna just claps her hooves in excitement. "I can't wait! The bit with Transfiguration was quite interesting and informative. Particularly when she transformed her desk into a pig." A moment later she shivers though. "But that dead look in its eyes... brrr."

Harry glances at her before whispering under his breath to low for Hermione and Neville to hear. "Any idea why? I was kind of creeped out myself."

Luna glances at him and sighs with a nod. "I think it had to do with the fact that it had no actual soul... or at least I couldn't sense one within it." She then shakes her head. "I'm more intrigued with the fact that so little magic was actually used." Seeing the glance, she smiles as she knows what he non-verbally asked. "Harry, that type of spell normally uses a lot of magic for a Unicorn. Me, Celly... and Nightmare as well could pull it off rather easily at full power. It would take a Unicorn of at least Starswirl's or Clover the Clever's power levels to manage it if by themselves, and even then they would be rather tired from it. And ones like that are rare indeed. Otherwise it would take a group of Unicorns due to them literally creating a form of life from nothing." She then shakes her head. "Even if it's temporary."

Harry's nodding for a moment in thought before he notices Hermione giving him a raised eyebrow. "Something the matter Hermione?"

She rolls her eyes and huffs a bit as she crosses her arms. "I was asking you what you were thinking about, but then you ignored me."

Harry's eyebrows rise for a moment before he starts rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry about that Hermione. I was thinking about the previous class and in particular that demonstration with the pig."

Now it's Neville's turn to give him an odd look. "What's so interesting about that now?"

Harry raises an eyebrow and gestures with his hand. "Well, the whole 'Creating life from nothing' bit is... well..."

Hermione's eyes widen as her mouth becomes an "O" of surprise. A moment later she nods as she looks down. "I never thought of it that way... it does smack a little of playing god, doesn't it?" She then smiles. "That is a very interesting viewpoint Harry..." She then frowns. "And a little disturbing now that I think about it."

Harry just nods before deciding to change the conversation. "Anyways, any idea what we might expect in Charms Neville?"

Neville has a deer caught in the headlights look for a moment before clearing his throat. "Um... well, I do know that Charms are actually the largest branch of magic. A lot of household spells are Charms for example."

Harry then sighs as he runs his hands through his hair. "Yeah, I noticed." Seeing the odd looks, he shrugs. "I found a book on household charms for cheap and bought it out of interest. I'm honestly amazed at the amount that wizards and witches rely on magic. There's even a mop animating spell for Pete’s sake." He turns as he hears Hermione try to muffle a snort of laughter causing him to raise an eyebrow. "What?"

Hermione just waves him off. "Oh, it's nothing really..."

Ignoring her (and the strange tune she's humming), Harry turns back to Neville. "Why are there so many household spells? I can understand some of them like the cleaning spell to take care of messes... but a knitting spell? Really?" He then sighs and shakes his head. "Knitting is something you do to pass time. And to use a spell to do it..."

Seeing Harry shake his head as Hermione looks on in some bemused confusion, Neville blinks. "Um... what's the problem? If magic can make your life easier in anyway, why not use it?"

Both Harry and Hermione stare at him as Luna facehooves. "Oh Equestria, tell me that he's joking or that isn't what the actual view is..." Soon after they reach the Charms class and during the roll call, when Flitwick falls off his chair, Luna snorts with a shake of her head. "Oh... the wonders of fame."

Harry can't help but have his lips twitch at the biting sarcastic tone in her voice. A moment later, the class continues with Professor Flitwick using Neville's toad as an example as he sends it zooming through the air around the room at high speeds. Harry blinks at the sight before becoming thoughtful. After the class is finished, Harry decides to walk up to the teacher's desk as the other students file out. "Um, Professor Flitwick? Can I ask you a question if it's not too much of a bother."

Somewhat surprised, Flitwick smiles. "Of course Mr. Potter. Just ask away."

Harry smiles some himself as he finds himself relaxing some. "I was wondering about that spell you used on Neville's toad..."

Blinking in surprise for a moment, Flitwick's smile widens. "Why, it's nothing more than a variant of the Levitation Charm Mr. Potter." He then chuckles good naturedly. "Grant you, I was using it a little unconventially as its normally used in magical duels to fling around items and objects as makeshift shields."

Beside him, Luna cocks her head to the side in interest. "'Duels'? Of what kind I wonder...?"

Harry echoes her about the first part causing Flitwick to grin. "Why, it's much like sparing in various forms of muggle fighting sports like boxing Mr. Potter. It is, after all, a very demanding sport in the wizarding world."

Harry nods with a slightly surprised look. "Huh, did not know that. interesting." Shaking his head though, he smiles. "Well, actually I was wondering if you could teach me how to perform it. Or any other ways to make something fly."

Leaning back thoughtfully in his chair, Flitwick hums to himself for a moment. "The spell I used was an advanced version of the charm that's normally at least Third Year level. Other spells or, as I am assuming you're speaking of, enchantments are much more advanced. And to make them last is another issue. Sadly, as much as I may wish otherwise, I can't truly spend the time to teach you at the moment as the start of the year is a bit of a busy time and it will have to wait until later." Reaching into his desk for a moment, Flitwick takes out two pieces of parchment and writes on one before handing it to Harry. "Now this Mr. Potter is a list of books in the library that you might find of help." He then softly smiles. "You may look like your father but much of your mother is apparent Mr. Potter."

Both Harry's and Luna's eyes widen at this as Harry's voice trembles a little. "You... knew my mother Professor?"

Flitwick nods as he sighs and a sad expression crosses his face. "I did indeed Mr. Potter. Lily was one of my best students and was well on her way to becoming a Charms Mistress when... well, she went into hiding." He looks at Harry with a small smile. "She, like you are right now, came up and asked me a few questions between classes." He then glances at the clock and shakes his head. "Perhaps you should head on out Mr. Potter? After all your lunch isn't quite that long."

Harry looks up himself and nods before giving the small professor a smile. "Thanks Professor." He then looks around nervously. "Um... if possible... would I be able to..."

Knowing what he's about to ask, Flitwick nods. "If you ever want to, you can always ask me to tell you more about your mother Mr. Potter. Nothing would please me more then to help you know your parents, even if it's from stories that an old teacher like myself." Despite Harry's protests that he's not that old, he waves him off. Soon after Harry leaves, Flitwick sighs as he holds a cup of tea in his hands. "Well Lily, seems that your son may walk in your footsteps... and hopefully not his father's when it comes to pranking."

As they're walking towards the Great Hall for lunch through the deserted halls, a smiling Harry looks over at Luna who's walking beside him. "Can you believe it Luna? He'll tell me stories about Mum."

Luna just smiles herself. "That's great Harry. And I'm so happy that you'll finally get to know who she was and what she was like." She then notices Harry's thoughtful face. "Harry?"

He slowly shakes his head. "Sorry about that Luna, just thinking about what she might have been like and what she might think of me... silly, I know."

Luna just shakes her head before hugging him while softly nuzzling his neck. "Harry, I may not know her, but I am certain that not only would she love you, but would be very proud of the man her son is becoming." She softly chuckles. "I know that I am proud to call you my best friend."

Harry looks around to make sure that no one is watching (there isn't) before hugging and (to her surprise) nuzzling her back. "Thanks Luna."

Separating, they start walking again and after a few moments of silence Luna speaks up. "By the way, why so interested in flight? Do you want to fly under your own power?"

Harry shakes his head. "Not... exactly..."

Luna gives him a raised eyebrow before sighing as she facehoofs. "Let me guess... it has to deal with a certain stuffed annoyance...?"

Harry just shakes his head. "You got to admit... she's not anywhere as bad as she was."

Luna frowns slightly. "I know and I can't figure out what game she's playing at... and that scares me to be personally frank."

Harry's next statement catches her completely off guard. "What if she's not playing a game though?"

Luna stutters a little as she nearly trips. "Wha... what do you mean by that?"

Harry just shrugs. "It's something that I've given some thought to ever since we really have gotten to know her. That's all."

Luna raises an eyebrow before gesturing him to continue. "Go on..."

Harry runs his hand through his hair as he continues. "Well, here's the thing. According to you, Nightmare pretty much popped out of nowhere yes?" The lunar princess slowly nods. "And yet she has an entirely different personality from you."

Luna furrows her eyebrows as she puzzles over this. "What are you getting at?"

Harry glances at her from the side and sighs. "She from what I could see was acting like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum." Luna suddenly stops and opens her mouth only for Harry to cut her off. "Let me finish." Seeing Luna nod, he continues. "Now then, you've always looked at her as being you. But... what if that's not quite true?" He then looks at Luna with a serious expression. "Me and you always looked at her as a mature adult, ignoring the fact that she was, for lack of any better words, just born."

Luna raises an eyebrow as she points out something. "And yet she has all my knowledge and memories."

Harry grins. "Ah! But here's the million bit question, does she consider them hers or yours subconsciously?" He then frowns. "There's a number of differences between the two of you both personality wise and physical looks." Turning towards Luna, he sighs. "Imagine it for a moment. You come into being in a moment. You have pretty much all the memories of this person, all her knowledge and more power then what she had. But you don't have her personality. And you look quite a bit different from her as well." He then runs his hand through his hair. "And to make things even more complicated, you can still feel and hear the person who's memories you now hold. Would you, deep down inside, still consider the two of you as the same person? And how would that confusion make you act since your mind only, at that point, knows the darker emotions..."

Luna's silent for a few moments before softly speaking. "That's... an interesting way of looking at it I suppose." She then gives Harry a look from the corner of her eyes. "But are you trying to make an excuse for how she acted? To make it where she was not to blame for her own actions?"

Shaking his head, Harry sighs. "No. I'm not." He turns to regard the Alicorn beside him. "Rather, I'm trying to understand her. Some of what I am hearing makes no actual sense from either perspective and from my own." He then sighs once more. "There's also the fact that even you've admitted that she was manipulated by some of the nobles who were using her as part of their own power play to gain more power for themselves. However, that doesn't excuse her actions. Just... explains them a little better is all I think." He then shakes his head. "And it could explain why she's changing as she's been... growing as a person since she's been interacting with people."

Luna just nods. "I guess..." Now it's her turn to sigh. "You've given me a rather lot to consider and think about, so I'll have to get back to it later."

Harry just nods and the two slip into silence before they notice Tonks up ahead. Smiling, he calls out to her. "Hello Tonks."

She startles a little before looking back and smiling at him. "Wotcher Harry."

Harry shakes his head. "By the way, thanks for taking Nightmare back to the Dorms..." He trails off as he sees the sour look on her face and sighs. "Sorry about her, I shouldn't have asked."

Tonks, for her part, just waves him off. "Nah, never mind it." She then snorts. "Besides, I find her amusing for the most part... as long as it's not me she's after." Hearing Harry's snort, her lips twitch a little before she continues. "Anyways Kiddo, how'd you enjoy your first day?" Harry tells her and eventually asks about McGonagall's transformation. "Oh that? She's an Animagus."

Harry's eyebrows furrow as he thinks this over. "Animagus? Can any wizard do this?"

Tonks sighs a little before running her hand through her hair. "Just about. But most don't because the process is hard and can be dangerous to attempt. And some like me can never do it anyways."

Harry looks over at her in surprise. "What do you mean you can't do it Tonks? What could possibly prevent you from becoming one if most can?"

Tonks gains a small smirk before answering. "Simple Kiddo. The fact that I already have a transformational ability prevents me from doing so."

Harry blinks as does Luna who looks at Harry. "Ask her what she means."

Harry does so making her laugh. After a moment, she calms down, though a twinkle of laughter is still visible in her eyes. "I'm a Metamorphmagus Harry."

Harry blinks at this before giving her a confused expression. "A what?"

Tonks rolls her eyes before causing her hair to lengthen and then spike up. A moment later, her entire facial structure changes to the point that Harry has to blink as he could swear that he's looking at an older, female version of himself. "A Metamorphmagus has the ability to change their human appearance to some extent. For example, we can change our height a couple of inches, but not much more than that." She then shakes her head as she goes back to 'Normal'. "Because of that, we're unable to become Animagi. The two abilities being incompatible." She then chuckles as she places her hands behind her head. "Of course, that also means that we're immune to such things as lycanthropy." She then notices Harry sighing. "Something the matter Kiddo? Not interesting enough?"

Harry waves his hands around a little. "Oh no! I'm kind of amazed it exists! It's just..." He then sighs. "I was thinking about becoming an Animagus and guess I can't now..."

Tonks raises an eyebrow in surprise at this. "Wait. You mean to tell me that you think that you're a Metamorphmagus as well?" At Harry's nod, she shakes her head. "Why do you think that?"

Harry points to his hair in reply. "Well... once I got a bad hair cut that pretty much shaved my head. Next day, it was all grown back." He then shrugs. "Also, my hair has never grown enough that I actually needed it cut." Tonks just blinks before bursting out laughing causing Harry to scowl. "What's so funny?"

Calming down slightly, though still chuckling, Tonks shakes her head. "Is that all?" At his nod, she places her hands on his shoulder and kneels some. "Harry that does not mean that you're a Metamorph. In fact, that kind of thing is rather common." She smiles some as she ruffles his hair. "So don't worry, you can still become an Animagus if you want." She then gives him a serious look. "But promise me that if you do, you do so under supervision, okay?" At his nod, she stands back up. "Anyways, we should get going. Lunch isn't going to last forever after all."

As they're walking, Harry begins asking various questions. "So, how did you know that you were a Metamorphmagus then?"

Tonks just shrugs. "Mainly because I started changing how my face looked when younger..." And so they go on.


As the days go on, Harry goes through each of his lessons (with Astronomy being an obvious favorite of Luna's and Nightmare's. Out of all of the teachers they've met, Luna only has an issue with Quirrell and Binns (for the obvious reasons that they don't actually teach anything...). Finally, the day comes where Harry has to head down to his first potions class. He's eating his some bacon with Nightmare on his shoulder and looking over Hermione's to read her paper (much to said girl's annoyance). "Do you mind?!"

Nightmare merely raises an eyebrow. "Not at all. Just stop turning the pages so quickly so I can actually finish some of the articles." She then sniffs. "You're being quite rude doing so."

Hermione sputters for a moment. "Rude!? Me?!"

Ignoring as another bickering session starts between the two, Harry looks at a nervous Neville. "Worried about something Neville?"

The young wizard slowly nods. "Yeah, we got a double with him first thing and I heard that he favors Slytherins and positively loathes Gryffindors."

Harry simply shrugs. "Guess that we'll find out then." He then sighs. "Honestly I doubt it'll be that bad." Seeing Hedwig fly into the Great Hall, Harry looks up drawing attention as he slips some egg between pieces of toast under the table to where Luna is which she happily eats. Noting that she's carrying a letter, he holds out an arm that she lands on. "Thanks girl." Using his finger to rub her chest feathers making her bark, he carefully takes the letter from her before giving her some bacon (that she quickly eats). "Now then, I wonder who's writing to me?"

Finally stopping their bickering, Nightmare leans back and reads. "Seems that Hagrid wishes to speak with us at three today."

Harry nods a little. "Sounds interesting." He then looks at Hermione and Nevile. "Want to come down with me?" They look at each other and nod before he scribbles a quick note to a Hagrid letting him know. Ignoring as Nightmare gets a lift from Hedwig, Harry swings his bag over his shoulder and starts heading down into the dungeon. "Wonder what potions is like?"
Luna hums to herself thoughtfully. "I wonder if it's like what Zebras do?"

Of course, the day goes downhill from there as Snape finishes roll call. "Ah, yes. Mr. Potter. Our newest... Celebrity." Harry simply ignores this as he already has a bad feeling while Snape begins pacing in front of the class. "You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion making..."

As he continues his introduction, Luna frowns. "Not a bad one... but..." She scowls at the ending. "Oh yeah, I can already see that he's a good teacher."

Snape suddenly whips around and looks right at Harry. "Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood!?"

Harry has to think for a moment before remembering it from a study session he had with Luna before leaving for Hogwarts. "You get a powerful sleeping potion known as the Draught of Living Death Sir."

The potions teacher just sneers. "Where can I find a bezoar Potter."

Harry raises an eyebrow at this. "In the stomach of a goat Sir." Deciding to add a little, he nods. "Though you can find also find them in the stomachs of humans and those are the most powerful."

A slight look of surprise flashes across Snape's face for a split moment before disappearing as fast as it appeared. "What's the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?!"

Harry's answer comes just as quick. "They're the same plant Sir, they're also known as Aconite."

Snape glares as his sneer grows. "Seems that we have a know it all. Though you forgot that bezoars also help against poison so I guess fame doesn't count for everything. Perhaps you should ask for some help from that stuffed dolly you carry around." He ignores the derisive laughter from his House before shouting. "Well! Why aren't you all writing this down!?"

Needless to say, the rest of the class goes downhill from there as Snape just throws up the instructions on the board before stalking around. Luna just becomes enraged as all he does is praise the Slytherins while sniping at the Gryffindors. The top comes as Neville has an accident and he decides to blame Harry for it even though he was on the opposite end of the room (Snape having separated them). An hour later as they walk out of the classroom, Luna is still ranting about him. "The nerve of that man! How the bucking hay can he be called a teacher!?" She then gestures back at the class room. "He explained nothing at all and just was an ass the entire lesson! You could have 'Learned' just as well from a textbook as you did from him! Heck! A Textbook wouldn't be insulting you all the time so you might learn even more!"

As he's listening, Harry looks over at a slightly depressed Hermione. "Hey, don't let him phase you okay? Besides, want to go and check up on Neville to make sure he's okay?"

Looking up, she flashes him a slight, grateful smile. "Thanks. And I think Neville could use the company."

As she speeds up a little, Harry slows down a bit as he whispers towards his Alicorn friend. "I know what you mean Luna. Did you get the feeling that he hated me for some reason?"

Luna stops her ranting and takes a breath before letting it out and answering. "Caught that did you? Yeah, he seemed inordinately focused on you in particular." She then frowns as she looks back. "I wonder why that was...?" Harry just shakes his head they continue talking...