• Published 5th Dec 2011
  • 41,068 Views, 2,159 Comments

The Wizard and the Lonely Princess - Harry Leferts

We all have imaginary friends when growing up, right? Harry's turns out not to be so Imaginary...

  • ...

Chapter 4

Disclaimer: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro and Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

"Hello." -Normal Speaking

"Interesting..."-Nightmare Moon speaking

'Huh.' -Normal thoughts.

'All mine...' Nightmare Moon's thoughts


After Luna told him that she was going to teach him magic, Harry's excitement built though out the day. That night, Harry couldn't take it anymore. "Luna, when are you going to teach me?"

Luna looked at him for a moment as if lost. "Teach you? Teach you what?" Upon seeing his disbelieving stare, Luna could only hold her expression steady for a moment before she gave in and began to chuckle. "Sorry about that Harry. Couldn't resist." As she shook her head at his annoyed look, she sighed. "Now I'm starting to see why Celly always did that." Upon seeing the even more annoyed look on her friend's face, she shrugged before she cleared her throat. "Anyways... I am going to tell you the greatest secret to magic..." Harry leaned forward right before she whispered into his ear. "Self-control."

Harry just stared at her before his jaw dropped in disbelief as Luna giggled at his expression. "Wha..." While he shook his head, Harry scowled a little as he crossed his arms. "What's that supposed to mean! I can control myself!"

Luna just tapped his forehead with a hoof which caused it to go back. "Exactly what it means Harry." She then motioned for him to sit which he did while he rubbed his forehead. Luna soon followed and after a moment, continued. "I know that you can hide your emotions Harry. But that's not what I mean by control. Magic can easily be affected by a person's emotions. Even the hidden ones." She then scowled. "And no thanks to those relatives of yours, this is going to be a bit harder for you since you're so used to bottling everything up. And when it comes to magic, that's most definitely not a good thing."

Harry blinked at this before he scratched his head. "Why not Luna? I mean... isn't it control?"

Luna shook her head sadly as she sighed. "It's not control in the way that I mean it and those unicorns that think that... well, let's just say that there was one incident involving a town near to the castle that's no longer fit for the living and leave it at that shall we?" She ignored his shiver as she continued. "Bottling up your emotions can cause them to eventually explode... like what happened with me for example." Quiet for a moment, Luna soon cleared her throat. "Anyways, such explosions when involving those with magic are never good because you never know what effects with magic might occur. High stress can also affect magic."

Harry nodded at this for a moment. "So... all the accidents that have happened are because I bottle everything up then?" Luna nodded for a moment as she waited for him to go on. "So I have to... release them somehow?" His friend's smile was all the answer he needed. He cocked his head to the side as he shrugged. "So how do I do that then?"

As she tilted her head back, the pony Princess smiled before she answered. "It's different for every pony... er, person." Harry smirked as his friend sheepishly chuckled. "But for myself... I've found that meditation has helped. Also, so has releasing it over time instead of all at once. Not to mention doing some hard maths like figuring out taxes..." Upon seeing him blink, she shrugged. "Different strokes for different folks Harry." Harry just nodded at this as she continued. "Now then... what do you like to do? What relaxes you?"

As he screwed up his face in thought, Harry cocked his head to the side before he shrugged. "Well... I kind of like gardening... and cooking as well." He then shook his head. "As long as no one is yelling at me that is."

Luna frowned a little before she internally sighed. "That's something I suppose." She then hummed thoughtfully for a moment before she nodded. "I'll also teach you how to sort stuff in your mind."

Harry scratched his head at this in confusion. "What do you mean 'Sort stuff in my mind'?"

Luna giggled a little at this. "Harry, for certain spells, you need to be able to concentrate on various things at once. How the magic feels... what effects it should have... how much magic for the spell..." She then looked at him seriously. "It can get very complicated, very fast for the higher spells. And it can be dangerous if you mess up when doing them. So multi-tasking is very important." Harry nodded as a serious expression settled on his face before Luna smiled. "Now, here we'll still play and have fun, but some time will be set aside for theory. In your world is where we'll be putting it into practice. It's simpler that way until we know whether or not you can use magic here." Once she saw his agreement, she nodded. "Good. Now then... What I want you to do first is 'Feel' your magic. This, oddly enough, can be much tougher then learning some of the more difficult spells. Mainly because it's different for everyone. For example I'll use me and my sister. In my case, my magic to me feels like grass covered in cool dew brushing against me. Celly's, on the other hoof, feels like warm morning sunshine falling on her." Harry just looked at her with wide eyes before he asked how he could do it. Luna just chuckled at the inquisitive look on his face. 'At least his relatives haven't killed his inquisitive side... yet.'

She shivered some as she imagined Harry not questioning anything that people might told him if they're nice to him. As Luna frowned, she resolved to make sure that he'll question anything someone told him, even from her. After she shook her head, she began to teach Harry how to calm his mind when he asked her a question. "Does that mean that I need to clear my mind Luna?"

She just stared at him before she sighed as she shook her head. "No, no it doesn't. In fact, unless you have plenty of experience in such things it's all but impossible." She then started to explain. "Harry, that particular method only works if the student has some mental discipline already. In fact, I believe that you would call it a 'Sink or Swim' type method."

Harry nodded for a moment. "So it doesn't work then?"

Luna shook her head before she tapped him on the forehead. "I didn't say that now, did I? It works for a few, but it doesn't work for everyone. And that's for us ponies who have somewhat ordered minds to begin with. No offence Harry, but from what I've seen, humans seem to be far more... Chaotic then ponies." She became thoughtful for a moment before she shook it off. "Anyways, enough of that. We'll use the breaks tonight to keep going, but now it's time for some fun!"

They spent the rest of the night just playing as she taught him during the breaks. The next day, before anything else happened, Harry got called into the kitchen by his Aunt. After he took note of how ragged she looked along with his Uncle, he sat down (and saw Dudley jump and whimper). After a few moments, Vernon cleared his throat. "Boy. Me and your aunt have decided that the cupboard is getting too small and that we could have better uses for it. For that reason and that reason alone we've decided to move you into Dudley's second room."

He glanced to where Dudley was sitting with tears in his eyes, but his son stayed quiet. Harry's jaw dropped as beside him Luna looked around with a suspicious gaze. 'What is their game now...'

As she was wondering this, Petunia continued where Vernon left off. "Now, you are not to touch any of Duddykins things in there and you will have a bed and a dresser and that's it." She began to sneer. "And you should be thankful that we're spending the money to buy even that."

Harry just nodded and is promptly dismissed. He then headed outside and hid beneath the kitchen window to listen in on the rest of the conversation. "But Mum! Why does the Freak have to have my bedroom! It's mine and he'll mess it up with his freakishness!"

Harry sighed for a moment and Luna gently laid a hoof on his shoulder. A moment later Vernon growled. "Because otherwise we'll get no sleep! That... thing, keeps tormenting us every time we close our eyes! I haven't had a decent sleep in a month! I nearly snapped at my boss!"

Petunia also chimed in. "And I very nearly had a breakdown the other day when I saw that Christina girl from #8 walk down the street with that stuffed unicorn! It was purple! It looked like that... demon that's been after us!"

Vernon grumbled just loudly to be heard. "I told you that boy would be nothing but trouble. And now we've been attacked by a demonic unicorn when we sleep..." Dudley then started to whine only for Vernon to snap. "ENOUGH! Remember, it told us to... be nice to the Freak or else! So we'll be... nice to the Freak..."

Having heard enough, a slightly broken hearted Harry headed for the park with a silent Luna following. Eventually, he reached a small hide-away he and Luna found behind some bushes. Unknown to him and Luna, it was an old Air-raid shelter from WWII. After he slipped inside, he curled up an in fetal position as he slowly shook as he tried his hardest not to cry. As she cried herself, Luna slowly encircled him in her forelegs and rocked back and forth while she made soothing sounds. After a bit, Harry stopped shaking. He then looked up at Luna with red-rimmed eyes. "They... they really don't care... do they...?" Luna swallowed before she shook her head sadly which caused Harry to bury his face into her pelt as his last hopes that they wouldl ever love him and care for him as family were forever shattered. Sniffling, he asked a question he's never had an answer to that he's asked himself many times. "Why... why don't they care...? Why do they hate me...?"

As tears still flowed down her cheeks, Luna nuzzled the top of his head. "I don't know Harry. I wish I had an answer that you would like but I don't." She then reached down and laid her hooves on either side of his face before she forced him to look her in the eye. "But what I can tell you is that they are missing out on knowing a very kind, very special person. A person that it is my honor to know and to have as my best friend."

A moment passed while Harry searched her face before he hugged her as if his life depended on it with a happy smile. Luna just softly smiled back all the while she tightened the hug. After a bit, they separated and just sat there in a comfortable silence. After a bit, Harry gained a thoughtful look on his face. "Luna? Can I ask you something?"

Luna just nodded. "Of course. You know that you can ask me anything."

Harry nodded himself before he looked up at the roof. "Can you enter dreams?"

Luna was startled by the question before she slowly nodded. "Well, yes. But I haven't done so ever since I was... sent to the moon. After all with my powers sealed away, I can't."

Harry gave her a questioning look. "Really?" She nodded which caused him to frown. "But then... was it Nightmare that my relatives have been seeing?"

This shocked Luna even more and she searched her memories before she smacked her face with her hoof. "I can't believe that I missed that." She herself then became thoughtful. "But the question is... why? Nightmare never does anything unless there is something in it for her..." Harry shrugged as he looked at the opposite wall. Luna then sighed and joined him before she smiled. "Well... since we have time, how about we continue where we left off?" This did the trick as Harry became distracted by Luna's lesson. Luna, on the other hand, had a triumphant smile mentally as she took his mind off what happened. Soon, the days became weeks which turned into months as summer transformed into fall. One day in October, Harry finally had a breakthrough in feeling his magic. Having tried various methods, Luna finally settled on one made for those unicorns who had trouble even using magic (which to her is odd considering that she knew that Harry had a large amount of it). The two were in his room and in a cleared area of the floor near the foot of his bed. "Ready Harry?" He just nodded with a determined expression on his face.

"Yup. I'm ready Luna." She then told him to close his eyes which he did.

"Okay Harry. What I want you to do now is to let your mind slowly drift as we discussed, all right? Don't focus on anything... simply... drift." After a moment, Harry's breath slowed and Luna nodded. "Now. I want you to slowly close your mind off from your senses. Just keep drifting, not thinking of anything in particular... I'll be right here." She then leaned down and touched his forehead with her glowing horn as she closed her own eyes. To Harry, it seemed like he was slipping into a fog as the world faded away. The only thing he had to compare it to was falling. He finally reached the point where he normally panicked and started to panic as was expected, only for Luna's voice to reach him through the fog. 'Relax Harry. I'm right here and I promise that I won't let you fall. I will be there to catch you...'

Harry slowly relaxed once more, the past few months having seen him trust Luna more and more. He kept falling more and more as his senses dulled and his thoughts slowed, but every time panic started to rise, Luna's voice rang through his head which let him know that she was still there. Finally, his fall slowed and then he could hear it. A buzz like you would hear near a transformer. As he focused on that, he began to feel a tingle, which was almost electric. Later on in life, Harry would describe it as the feeling one would get before a powerful thunderstorm broke, but at the moment, Harry gasped as his eyes fly open with the tingling sensation running all over his body but at the same time it was slowly fading. "I... what..."

Luna giggled a little as she pulled away, a slightly exhausted look on her face. "Congratulations Harry. You've found your magic." She then leaned to the side as a humorous expression crossed her face as she smothered a laugh. "Though that is not a good look for you."

After he blinked, Harry looked at a nearby broken mirror (Dudley having knocked it off the wall during a temper tantrum and lied to his Mum by saying that a truck driving nearby knocked it off). Harry's jaw dropped as his normally messy hair was sticking out even more than usual as if he had just been shocked. He then looked at Luna with a scowl. "That's not funny Luna!"

Luna just giggled before she leaned in with a playful grin. "Well... all we got to do now is get you to the point where you can pull up that feeling at a thought."

Harry just looked at her with a disbelieving look. "That's... going to be even more work, isn't it?" Luna just smirked as she nodded before she collapsed into howling laughter at the dejected look on Harry's face. Harry just scowled for a moment before he jumped at her and started tickling her. Neither of them really noticed the amount of magic in the room while several hundred kilometres away, an old man observed a device which showed a discharge of magic. After a moment, he dismissed it as yet another outburst before he turned back to some paperwork on his desk.


Fall then turned into winter as the year came to a close. One day, the two were walking to Harry's school on a brisk cloudy day. Luna then noticed that there was decorations being put up. As they passed a storefront, she read the words "Happy Christmas" there. She then looked at Harry with a confused look. "Harry? What's... 'Christmas'?"

Harry looked toward the same sign and rubbed the back of his neck. "Christmas is..." Harry was silent for a moment as he collected his thoughts as they walked before he tried again. "Christmas is a holiday for family. It is a religious one, but from what I hear it's more for families nowadays." Upon seeing her inquisitive look, he shrugged before he looked down. "I've never had a Christmas that I can remember..." Luna frowned at this and was about to say something when Harry continued as he looked up at the gray, cloudy sky. "But... I'm not sad anymore. Because now I got a friend to spend it with."

Luna felt some tears as they prickled at her eyes and shook her head before she smiled. "Thank you Harry. That sounds wonderful."

Harry then looked at her. "Don't you have Christmas where you come from?" Luna then shook her head which caused Harry's curiosity to rise. "Then what did you have?"

Luna frowned some before sighing. "Well, we did have a Mid-winter holiday dedicated to me on the longest night of the year... that no one really celebrated. Then there was Hearth's Warming..." She shook off the feelings of melancholy and continued. "Other than that, winter was full of various holidays and festivals." When she saw Harry's raised eyebrows, she added: "No work at the time for anyone but the Pegasi."

Harry just nodded. "So every day was a holiday then?"

Luna made a thoughtful noise before she chuckled. "Not quite Harry." She then smiled. "Every town and village in Equestria has its own set of traditions, holidays, and festivals. There's very few what you would call national holidays. There's really only five: The Summer Sun Festival dedicated to my sister, the Running of the Leaves Festival, the Mid-Winter Night festival I told you about and the Winter Wrap-Up as well as Hearth's Warming."

Harry blinked at two of them. "'Running of the Leaves'? 'Winter Wrap-up'? What are those?"

Luna softly smiled. "They are when we ponies change over the seasons. The Running of the Leaves is when we knock the leaves from the trees at the end of Fall and Winter Wrap-Up is exactly how it sounds: It's when we end winter."

Luna just laughed at what Harry says next. "Weird..."

After a moment, she got her voice back. "Harry, it's only weird to you because you humans for whatever reason seem unable to bring order to your world."

Harry just rolled his eyes. "So sorry for us human's inability to control the weather." Luna just laughed at this, happy that she could bring out this side of her friend. Later that day, Luna got the strange urge to research the holiday and convinced Harry to take a trip to the library. Once there, she began to devour all she could get her hooves on and read. All this continued until Christmas Eve. As he laid in bed and looked at the ceiling, Harry sighed before he looked at Luna who was settling down. "Happy Christmas Luna."

She just smileed before she nuzzled him. "Happy Christmas to you too Harry."

He just hugged her close as they slipped into slumber only to for them to wake up in a bed. It took Luna a moment to recognize where they were after which her eyes widened. Harry, however, looked around with a wide-eyed look. "Wow... where are we?"

As she swallowed the lump in her throat, Luna eyes kept darting around. "This... is my room in mine and Celly's castle." Already knowing what Harry was about to ask, she shook her head. "This is a dream Harry. If it wasn't, then I could feel Tia's magic and she would feel mine... and be here..." She then narrowed her eyes. "There's only one person that could be causing this..."

Harry gulped. "Nightmare Moon..."

Luna nodded as she got out of the bed and touched down on the floor. She was looking around when she heard Harry step up beside her in his every day clothes. Together, they made their way out of the room and into the hallway where they stopped as they heard music. Luna just blinked as she recognized it as "Silent Night". "Okay... I think that we know where she is... and that something quite weird is going on..."

After they followed the sound, they reached a pair of doors which caused Luna to frown. "Luna? What's in there?"

Luna was silent for a few moments before she answered softly. "That's the throne room for me and Celly." They opened the door and are temporally blinded by a bright light. When they could to see again, their jaws dropped at what they saw: A large hall filled with Christmas decorations and at the center a large Christmas tree. "What in the name of Equestria..."

At that point a familiar voice spoke up which caused the two to whirl around. "Aw little Princess... don't you like what I've done with the place?" Nightmare then turned to look at Harry with a smile on her face that caused both of them to blink. "As to what it is... it is a gift for you my dear child." As she made a grandiose gesture, she motioned at the room. "Did you not want a Christmas Little One?" She then looked over at Luna with a smirk. "And I am sure that the Little Princess would not have any problem making that wish come true."

Her smirk widened as she noticed Luna as the alicorn ground her teeth. 'There is nothing that I can say... I... I can't hurt Harry like that...' She slowly nodded and Harry smiled before he wondered in and looked around. After a moment she faced Nightmare with a look that could have both melted steel and frozen her sister's sun at the same time. "Why... What is your angle..."

Nightmare merely chuckled as she leaned down next to the Lunar Princess' ear. "Why little Princess? Can't you see? He's becoming closer to us... and you won't ruin it for him because that would hurt him and that's something that you can't bring yourself to do..." Nightmare then left a shocked Luna there as she made her way toward Harry. "Hello dear child-"

Nightmare went into a state of shock as Harry hugged her around her neck. "Thank you..."

A moment later he wiped away a few tears as he rushed off and left the dark alicorn standing there completely paralyzed. Luna then walked past her with a smirk of her own. "Guess that you weren't expecting that now were you Nightmare?" A moment later the dark alicorn scowled before she joined the other two.


A year later Harry was sitting at a table after as he had been left home due to Dudley having to go to the doctor's over a broken wrist. He would have blamed it on Harry except for the fact that the teacher had seen him break the wrist after he tripped over a log as he chased someone. "Hrmp! I think that he should have gotten more than a broken wrist after chasing that poor girl."

Harry just shook his head before he heared the toaster go off. "Not like anything could be done Luna. The girl did agree with him when he said that they were playing Tag."

Luna simply scowled. "She only agreed because she knew that she would be beaten up otherwise by that big ape of a cousin of yours if she said anything else."

He shrugged as he grabbed the two pieces of toast and placed them on a plate before he moved to the fridge. "And what good would it have done? You and me both know that the teachers are now watching him. He's going to get caught one of these days."

He then looked over at her with twinkling eyes as he walked back to the table with a jar of mustard and a tomato. Luna just sat there with her head leaned against a hoof. "That's true I guess." She then noticed the knife floating out of the drawer and to Harry with a kind smile. "And you have gotten much better with the levitation spell. Still need to work on that teleportation spell we've been working on." As she saw him grumble as he made his sandwich, she laughed. "Oh Harry. I know you don't like it. But it works and that's all that's needed."

Harry just shook his head. "Yeah, yeah Laugh it up." As he looked over at her, he frowned. "What's the next thing that I'm going to be taught?"

Luna just shrugged as she watched him cut the sandwich in half. "Minor cantrips. Nothing more really until you master that teleportation. Though you mastered the color changing spell after doing that time by accident." The two lapsed into silence until she noticed Harry as he stared first at his sandwich and then giving her glances which caused her to sigh. "Harry, we've been over this time and again. I don't need to eat. As long as I can draw some power from the moon, I can sustain myself indefinitely. I just can't use it for anything else." Upon seeing the stubborn look on his face, she jerked her hoof at his food. "Now eat."

Harry just sighed and looked uncomfortable. "I know all that Luna it's just..." He gave a wave with his arm before he sighed again. "I feel bad for being able to eat while you can't."

Luna just smiled before she blinked away a little mistiness as she hugged him. "And I thank you for that."

She then grabbed a can of soda with her magic and made her way into the living room before she leaped onto the couch, it depressing a little until she stopped using her magic which caused it to go back to normal as if she hadn't been there. As always, Harry noticed it and was about to dismiss it as normal before he stopped. A thought occurred to him as he sat down beside his alicorn friend and he slowly worked his way through both it and the first half of his sandwich. Finally, he stopped and looked at Luna seriously. "Luna? Can I try something?" She nodded with an inquisitive look in her eyes. "I want you to use some magic first. Um..." Upon seeing the other half of his sandwich, he motioned to it. "Use that floating spell to bring it to your mouth as if you were going to eat it." Luna just rolled her eyes as she does so. She was about to say something when Harry closed his eyes and laid a hand on her flank. A moment later her eyes widened as she felt his magic flow into her as his hand gave off a slight glow and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "Go... on... Eat."

Grimacing, she scowled. "Fine." She went to bite it expecting to go right through it as normal only for the opposite to occur. For the first time in nearly a thousand years, her taste buds actually tasted something. She moaned as she chewed before she swallowed. A minute later found her licking her lips with only a plate with crumbs before her. She then blinked as she snapped out of it and looked at Harry who's visibly straining from the amount of magic he's using. As she coughed from her dry throat, she didn't get to say anything before Harry jerked his head towarded the soda. At that she frowned. "You're not going to stop until I do, are you?" Harry just shook his head which caused her to sigh in frustration as she drank some of the soda (and quite liking the fizz). She then gave him a glare. "There. Happy?" Harry nodded as he cut off his magic and slumped against the couch which caused an expression of worry to cross Luna's face. "Are you okay?"

As he looked at her through tired eyes, Harry slowly nodded. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just feeling a bit tired and got a small headache."

She just shakes her head with a relieved smile. "That's good..." Harry also smiled and went to say something when Luna smacked him upside the head with a bit of a scowl. "And next time don't try a stunt like that!" Upon seeing Harry holding his head, she went from anger to concern in a split second. "Oh Harry! I am so sorry! I... I.."

She hung her head only to raise it as he chuckled. "I deserved that I guess."

Luna just shook her head as she looked away. "No... no you didn't."

She sadly hung her head until Harry sighed. "How about we say that we both messed up and call it a tie, huh?" She nodded as she rested her head on his shoulder until his next words caused her to glare at him. "Well, at least we know how we can allow you to eat."

She glared at him before she spoke. "Harry James Potter." She punctuated each word by giving him a tap on the chest with her hoof. "We are not doing that again. Are We understood?"

Harry just raised an eyebrow at her using her "Royal Canterlot Voice" which told him that she was really upset at the moment. "But Luna, if it makes you more comfortable, then I don't care if it makes me uncomfortable. If it can help you then I am happy." She just raised an eyebrow and was about to say something when Harry grasped her two forehooves in his hands and gave her a wide-eyed look. "Luna, I'm more uncomfortable when I eat knowing that you can't..."

Her jaw hung open at that as she tried to come up with a reply, all the while she heard laughter in the back of her mind. 'Ooo! The Little One has got you there Princess! So then, what are you going to do? Are you going to still say no? Hm...?'

Luna just internally scowled. 'That is enough from you.' The only reply was more laughter before it faded away. She then looked at Harry and groaned at the look he was giving her before she caved. "Fine..." Once she saw the triumphant expression, she tapped him on the nose. "And only once in awhile... Stop grinning like that!"

Harry just shrugged with the grin on his face before he leaned back into the couch. After a few moments though, he sighed. "You're not mad at me... are you Luna?"

She just shook her head as she too leaned back with her eyes closed. "No Harry, I'm not." She grimaced as she sighed. "I just don't want you to be hurt."

Harry just rubbed the back of his neck. "Well... I'm not hurt, now am I?" At her continued grumbling, he decided to change the subject. "By the way... What are your thoughts on that guy from the other day? The one who rushed up and shook my hand?"

Luna just frowned for a moment as she knew what he was trying to to do by distracting her before she decided to let him do it. "I don't know Harry. And he wasn't the only one." She then shook her head as her frown became more pronounced. "And that tells me that there's more going on then we know and that bothers me."

Harry nodded. "Yeah. They all seem to know me while I have no clue who they are." He then gave her a smirk. "And shouldn't that be a We instead of a Me?"

Luna just gave him a look. "I've only spoken like that a few times you know."

Harry shrugged. "I know." Harry just smiled as he remembered that conversation with Luna after the first few times.

******************** Flashback ************************

A seven year old Harry was sitting in his room as he gave Luna an odd look. "Uh... Luna? Why were you just speaking like the Queen? And loudly at that?"

Luna blinked for a moment before she facehoofed. "I was using the Royal Canterlot Voice. Sorry." Harry blinked at this and asked what it was. "Well... that's how me and Celly spoke to our subjects. Because of our station you see."

Harry just nodded. "So why don't you speak like that more often then?"

Luna looked a little uncomfortable for a moment. "Well... for one thing, you're not my subject. For another, you're my friend. And finally..."She sighed and looked away. "I just don't feel right talking to you like that. Me and Celly never spoke to each other like that... well, never in private you see."

Harry just nodded before he gave her a bit of a teasing look. "Did you wave like this to your subjects?"

He lifted a hand and slowly twisted it from side to side which caused Luna to give him a deadpan look that went perfectly with the tone of her voice. "Let me think... no." Harry just grined before he fell to the floor laughing as Luna to rolled her eyes...

********************* Flashback End *****************************

Having noticed the grin, Luna rolled her eyes as she guessed what he was thinking of. As she settled down, she used some TK and turned on the radio as her and Harry enjoyed the rest of the day relaxing until his relatives get home.