• Published 19th Oct 2017
  • 675 Views, 41 Comments

Changeling's new groove - Blackdust

He was born a human. But now? He's more than that...

  • ...

New beginnings 1

A rainbow coloured meteorite had barely fallen onto Jackie Brightfellow's property just outside of Marfa, Texas. And as he went to investigate, bringing his shotgun and shovel along, and check upon his crops, he saw that while the crops were unharmed, the thing left in the flattened grass and obviously compacted dirt was a thing with glowing ocean-green eyes, a teal coloured head fin, fangs, a black carapace, and insect wings that seemed to have holes in it.

Great gods above and below, did that meteorite release some kind of neurotoxin that makes you see shit? Jackie thought before slowly approaching the unconscious thing. But in his confusion, he accidentally kicked a loose stone and sent it flying towards the creature. And while it only tapped it, the creature slowly stirred and attempted to stand, only to fall back down with a sickening crunch.

"Ow... how did... why is my carapace cracked...?" The thing-no. Not thing. Jackie knew what this thing was now that his mind had gotten over the initial shock. It was a changeling.

"You probably landed too hard. Do you know where you are right now?" Jackie asked, calmer than he knew he should be considering that he was looking at something from a show that was very much for the younger audiences.

"I... I don't know... I-OW! My chest!" The changeling cried out, suddenly clutching at a gash, not just a simple crack, on its carapace that neither had noticed before.

Shit! How do these things feed off of love? Passively, right? Jackie thought, dropping his shovel and shotgun, and then immediately started thinking of his childhood friends, his first crush, his little sister that he never had, everything he could that he thought might make him feel the key emotion to changeling survival.

It must have worked because he started to hear, and see, the changeling heal and start to stalk towards him. But rather than be frightened as the ponies were, he reached out his arms to embrace the poor creature. This naturally gave the changeling-gone-predator pause, as prey should never welcome it.

Upon seeing this, Jackie rolled his eyes, and pulled the changeling into his awaiting hug and said, "Are you alright?"

The changeling sensed the overwhelmingly pure heart of the hairless and under-muscled minotaur, as well as the fact that the minotaurs emotions seemed to be almost a hundred times stronger than that of a pegasus, unicorn, earth pony, zebra, dragon, griffon, yak, crystal pony, or regular minotaur. It didn't make any sense and seemed like an impossibility. Then it realized it had been asked a question and had been quiet for several minutes.

"I... I think I'm fine now. Thank you. But why are you helping me? Do you know what I am?" The changeling asked, squirming slightly to try and get out of the minotaurs grasp.

"Yes I do. And I don't care. When I saw your race attacking Canterlot, I wanted to do something to help you. I wanted Twilight and her friends to win, yeah, but I wanted to do something for you guys. To help end your poverty..." Jackie said while squeezing a little tighter and putting out a little more love. "I felt so bad, knowing there was something like that going on in a world that seemed so perfect, and yet was so terrible..."

The changeling, having been fed more love than it had seen at the Canterlot Invasion was slowly drifting off to sleep, especially since it was tired to begin with, and was embraced by something warm and loving.

The changeling woke with a start when it heard a sudden loud bang followed by some very colorful words. When it looked around, it realized that it wasn't in Canterlot, the hive, or the field that it had crashed into. Instead, it seemed to be in some kind of building that was not made of stone of wood, from what it could see.

I should get back to the hive and share the love I gathered. If what that hairless minotaur said is true, I can't be too far from Canterlot, and that means that I'm not too far from the Royal Guard either. It thought, as it got off of the ridiculously tall bed that only a minotaur or something of similar height could, or would, use while trying to cause as little noise as possible.

Unfortunately for it, Jackie didn't have carpet anywhere in his house. Believing that it would give burglars and other folks that meant him no good will the drop on him. So when the changeling's hooves hit the floor, it was very loud and clear. Everything went quiet. Almost as quiet as it was just before the invasion had started, as the ponies were torn between running and staring in disbelief. And then it happened. Jackie called out from wherever he was on the weird building. "You finally awake? If so, just open the door and follow the smell of someone failing to cook okonomiyaki!"

While the changeling didn't know what 'okonmiyaki' was, but it sounded like something from Canterlot, further enforcing the changeling's fear that the Royal Guard were nearby. So it put on a disguise of a grey unicorn mare with black hair and fire like highlights and a cutiemark of a couple of smiling faces. After finding a mirror in what the changeling could only assume to be the closet and looking itself over, it deemed the disguise good enough to walk around in outside without getting questioned by the Royal Guard. It hoped that is...

And with that, it proceeded to try and open the door, only to notice that the door didn't open after the changeling, having decided to call itself Blissful Manner for the time being, turned the door knob a little. So it turned it even more until the door knob couldn't turn anymore, yet the door still didn't open.

"I can't open the door!" Blissful Manner called out, hoping that the Royal Guard weren't coming to lock it in a dungeon and interrogate it, or worse, kill it out right.

Author's Note:

So what do you guys think about this fanfiction of a fanfiction? Also, if you want to talk directly about what happened in each chapter, please use spoilers. For the lobe of Luna, use spoilers.