• Published 19th Oct 2017
  • 676 Views, 41 Comments

Changeling's new groove - Blackdust

He was born a human. But now? He's more than that...

  • ...

Changing priorities

Author's Note:

Small heads up, use the double spaced format for this chapter.

Location: Marfa, Texas, USA.

Name: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Race: Alien

Gender: Unknown

Agent sent: Agent Vulture Agent Blackdust

Notes: Target seems to have been taken in by one of the locals. Target can shapeshift into any quadruped it has seen or has knowledge of. Target seems to be a parasite that feeds off of some kind of chemical released when something around it feels love, joy, excitement, etc. Target cannot be approached without it's knowledge. Might be telepathic. Can fly using its wings despite the holes in said insectile wings. Is capable of manipulating the environment around it. Seems to have limited telepathic powers. Seems to enjoy the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic . Suggestion, watch the show for knowledge. Creature might be an interdimensional visitor and that is it's world.

As Jackie had finished reading the folder that Agent B had given him and Euphoria, he looked up and gave the man the mother of all death glares.

"Isn't this a violation of privacy? And I swear to the gods if you say no..." He said, while Euphoria felt, more than anyone, the barely controlled rage that he was pouring out.

"Hey now, you know what Agent V is like? He would've simply came in, knocked her out, erased y'all's mind of the past month, and left without having done any clean up. I, on the other hand-er... hoof in your case Miss Euphoria, believe on so many levels, that that is wrong. So I try my best to get to the files before Agent V and bring them when I go to speak with the folks that Ah'm told to speak to. That way, when they do get angry at what we know, I can explain it and diffuse a possible hostile situatipn," Agent B said, while trying his best to ignore the barely hidden threat of the alien's caretaker.

"Yeah, sure. You say that 'Vulture' guy is so bad, but your entire damn organization been watching us? I say all of you can go to hell!" Jackie yelled, standing and going to throw the folder at Agent B. The only reason he didn't is because he was stopped by a certain shapeshifting friend hugging him from behind.

"Please... don't be angry with him. I knew about all of them, and did those things deliberately to give them the incentive to approach me like you did a month ago... if there's anyone you should be mad at, it's me..." Euphoria said, trying her best to keep the fear and sorrow out of her voice, but failing horribly.

Upon hearing that, Agent B put his left hand up to his mouth and said some mandarin gibberish, while moving to go upstairs. He stopped at the bottom, turned around, and said, "We will not interfere with your lifestyle Miss.Euphoria. But Ah'm gonna say this much. In that folder is my email address. Send me a message if you need anything from housing to an income." With that, he turned around and left the basement.

It was several minutes before anybody did anything. And when someone did do something, it was to freak because the holes in Euphoria's legs had started to release some kind of ooze that was quickly spreading on the floor.

"Holy shit! Jackie, what the hell is going on!" Alfred screeched, immediately running to the base of the stairs.

Jackie, for his part, merely looked down and shrugged. Jessie pulled out her pack of gum, swore when it was empty, and threw it at Alfred. Meanwhile Euphoria was freaking out, trying to understand what was happeneing, while the ooze started to move upwards.

"Jackie! Stay back! I don't know what's happening and I don't want to lose you!" Euphoria cried out. But Jackie didn't listen. He reached forward, and, stepping into the forming cocoon, hugged her.

"The fact that you care more about my safety than yours means I can die happy, knowing that I helped redeem your race..." Jackie said, just as the cocoon finally reached the roof of the cellar.

Euphoria tried to get Jackie to let her go so that he could stay alive, but as the cocoon started to fill with liquid, she began to calm down. And then, after several minutes, Jackie let her go. No, it wasn't that he let her go, it was that she had dissolved. She could feel that a part of Jackie was dissolving as well, but as it was dissolving it was being fixed and improved. His right hand, having had carpal tunnel due to his mechanic work on his truck and being a veterinarian before that, was replaced with a sinuous Chiron that was both durable and flexible. Almost like what the hives were made of themselves, but far more living. The bones in his legs were reinforced with a for of chitin that enables him to run farther, and jump higher. Euphoria wasn't sure how she knew about what was being changed in her friend, but it felt right. On his back, along his spine, was set armor-like chitin to protect him from heavy objects falling on him, as well as to allow more weight distribution on his back so he could carry far more than the average human. His eyes were replaced with those of a changeling, allowing him to see in dark, and almost lightless areas.

As for Euphoria, Jackie saw more than he felt, that she had gotten bigger. Almost 8 feet tall. She now had plating on her chest, back, and legs. Her wings had gotten bigger as well, so as to accommodate the growth. Her headfin was now a flowing purple mane with holes in it, and her eyes and changed from the standard eyes of a drone, to a purple variation of Queen Chrysalis.

But there was one thing they both felt. A change in eating requirements. For Euphoria, this was unheard of. For Jackie, this was unusual, but not uncommon.

It wasn't for what seemed to be an entire day before they both heard a light tapping coming from the outside.

To Be Con- NAH!

"Euphoria? Jackie? It's Agent B. Are the two of you alive in this... whatever it is?"

To be continued. Seriously this time.