• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...

Theories and Arguments

Mirror Kirby was faced with a bit of a dilemma at the present moment. Currently a creature that seemed to radiate unspeakable wrath was staring directly into his soul, pinprick purple eyes boring directly into his starry blue; gaze unwavering. Usually this wasn't that big an issue, except for the fact the said creature was one of his friends. Twilight Sparkle to be exact.

"Poyo?" The puff murmured, tilting his head to the side a bit. His hat swayed from the motion, the mirror glimmering a bit. Unfortunately this seemed to aggravate the lavender unicorn further, her eyes twitching violently.

"You....." she growled, taking a step forwards.

"Just what are you? Some kind of mobile bottomless pit?"

Twilight took another step towards the puff.

"Or maybe some sort of king parasprite, similar to how ant colonies work?"

Another step

"A break from the evolutionary chain from that ravenous monstrosity!?"

Twilight's face was almost touching Kirby's.

"WHAT. . . ARE. . .YOU!?"

Kirby continued to stare into the unicorn's manic eyes. He hadn't flinched at all from her approach. Everyone else was silent, leaning in gauge how the puff would respond. Would he give a simple answer? Or would he fly off the handle, becoming unruly?

"I just don't know what to think about you!" Twilight scowled. "You're clearly a danger. You'd eat anypony out of house and home in a matter of days, possibly hours! Not to mention that you could probably eat the ponies themselves! Why bother with normal food!?"

Kirby watched as the unicorn began pacing around him, eyeing him as if he'd jump out at any moment.

"Oh, but you just can't be something simple like a parasprite can you!?" Twilight continued. "No. . . . apparently, you can fire magic as well! And not just some basic kindergarten level magic either, magic blades are notorious for being unwieldy and difficult to conjure. It takes YEARS of special training to even learn the basics of creating one, and you just waltz on in, not only conjuring one, but technically SIX, all because you can apparently clone yourself!

Everyone watched as Twilight continued to rant over the mystery of Kirby. Most wanted to intervene, but decided against it. An angry Twilight was not to be trifled with.

"I. . . just don't understand you." Twilight petered out. She flopped to the floor in a heap, sprawled out across the cold crystal. "By all means, we should be putting you somewhere where you can do no harm to anypony. You know dangerous magics and have an appetite that's deadly for more than one reason, all with the mannerisms of a mere child!"

Twilight shuddered.

"And yet. . . You've shown willingness to help us and others, or at least those you consider friends, showing that you have some sort of moral compass or something. . ." The unicorn's voice trailed off after that, and she looked down, scrunching her eyes shut in an attempt to put her thoughts together.

Rainbow Dash flew over towards her studious friend and placed a hoof on her shoulder, rubbing her back in a placating manner. Twilight, didn't make any motion to object, and so the pair remained there. Slowly, the rest of her friends made their way over to the mare, ending with Princess Cadence and Shining Armor wrapping their forelegs around the lavender unicorn.

"H-hey! It'll be okay!" Cadnece stuttered, not really knowing what exactly was so frustrating about the puff in question. "I'm sure you'll figure everything out in due time." The alicorn didn't seem confident, but the others thankfully didn't really pick up on it.

"Yeah!" Rainbow piped up. "One way or another, we'll figure out what makes it tick and then we'll figure out how to change everything back to normal!"

The others, son followed it their hoofsteps, offering words of encouragement to the unicorn. Though they trieds to keep acknowledgement of Kirby to a minimum for Twilight's sake.

Kirby simply watched as the unicorn's spirits seemed to lift with every word her friends spoke to her. It warmed his heart seeing such close friends helping one of their own. He only wished that he wasn't the source of Twilght's apparent grief. He decided to stay silent as the ponies continued to encourage their friend, instead opting to look at his current surroundings.

However, he was suddenly hit with an odd sensation he hadn't felt in an awfully long time. . . years in fact. . .

". . . . . .Thank you all." Twilight said at last, rising back to her hooves again after a few moments. She wrapped her hooves around the closest pony to her, and it quickly evolved into a group hug, shared between her closest family and friends. "What would I ever do without you?"

That feeling was growing rapidly. Kirby was trying his best to suppress it, but it was growing too strong, too fast!

"Don't worry sugercube, we'll always be there for you when you need us!"

"Rights-o-mundo!" We couldn't call ourselves your best friends if we just let you stay down like this!"

Kirby was quickly reaching his limit. He turned to face the ceiling and shut his eyes tight, giving all he had to stop it!

. . .

No. . . wait. . . . that was him giving in. . . oops!

"aaaAAA-CHUUUU!!!" Kirby sneezed.

The force of his sneeze shook the room. Dust and debris was kicked up into a sizable cloud, sailing across the room. Luckily, he had been facing away from his group of friends, but it still brought their attention back to the puffball. Nobody said anything for a while as they watched the cloud disperse into nothing. Kirby simply rubbed the middle of his face with annoyance.

"Right. . . I guess that brings us back to our main. . . concern right now." Cadence said at last. She didn't say anything for a good while. Then she looked up toward the friends. "Perhaps you should take this to the throne room. You all go on ahead and we'll catch up." With that, the princess turned back to her husband, and they both backed away from the group.

The mane six nodded, and wordlessly made their way back to the throne room. Rarity began to levitate Kirby, who simply went along for the ride. Spike just trailed behind the group. Soon, they all disappeared down the corridor.

Cadence heaved a sigh. Things had gotten so hectic so fast, and she had far too many questions swimming around in her head. Who was Kirby, and why did Twilight seem so against him? Before she could create more questions in her mind, there was a shout, bringing her back to reality. A few medical ponies were rushing to the rescue, stopping in front of the exhausted and injured guards. The princess stared for a moment before trotting over to help the medics with her husband.

These questions could wait until later, right now she had a job to do.

The walk back to the throne room was a quiet and uneventful one. Things just felt a wee bit too tense at the moment, and not a soul felt like being the one to break the silence. Even Pinkie seemed to be in a less than cheery mood.As the group rounded another corner they couldn't help but peer around at the aftermath. Everywhere they looked, the only thing the group could see were large piles of rubble strewn about. They were thankful that the medical staff were quick, looking back at the devastation, they felt that it could have been so much worse.

It felt like ages before they made it back to those large decorative double doors. Everyone stopped just in front of them, looking as if certain doom lay on the other side.

At last Rarity sighed, breaking the heavy silence.

"Well darlings," she began, pausing impressively, "I suppose we'd best enter the throne room."

The rest of the ponies simply replied with a nod and a grunt, before making their way towards the doors. Twilight opened one of them and the rest of the gang went inside. Once they all passed the threshold, Twilight shut the massive door. The door had barely clicked shut before the girls all let out a breathe that they didn't even realize they were holding.

"Hoo. . . Ah'd say that was quite the mess we got ourselves into." Applejack said, wearily. The farm pony turned to face Kirby. The puffball was still in his Mirror Form, the reflective glass on his hat twinkling in the light. "Ah gotta admit, you. . . you handled things out there pretty well lil fella. Thanks for helping us out."

Kirby gave a small smile and nodded.


"Really?!" Rainbow shouted, startling everyone in the room. "You're going to thank him?! After what he did?!"

"Rainbow Dash he helped us defeat that monster, its only right that we thank him for helping us!" Applejack replied, raising her voice a bit. Rainbow Dash huffed back at her friend.

"Yeah, okay, sure!" Rainbow seethed, "Just thank him for helping us and conveniently forget what else he did during that fight." The effect that statement had was immediate. All the ponies seemed to look off in a direction away from Kirby, Applejack just looked down towards her hooves, expression falling a tad. Spike was confused.

"W-wait did I miss something?" Spike questioned. "What exactly did Kirby do?"

"Spike darling, perhaps you shouldn't be here for this discus--!"

"Your little friend over there just ate two living creatures!" Rainbow shouted, cutting Rarity off and startling Spike. "That monster summoned a bunch of armor wearing creatures and he just swallowed them like it was no big deal! Yeah, they were on the evil side, but I wouldn't EAT them to get rid of them!

"Rainbow Dash, that's going too far!" Applejack roared. But it was too late for take backs, what had been said had been said.

Spike was shocked. He knew Kirby could probably eat a creature if he really wanted to, but he didn't think he'd actually resort to that! As an argument began to form between Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the dragon slowly turned to face Kirby. Kirby himself actually looked rather sad.

"K-Kirby. . ." The drake sputtered, "D-did you really. . . . eat a living creature?"

The puffball looked at back Spike. The dragon was looking a little sad and. . . a bit fearful. It hurt Kirby's heart, he didn't know that inhaling the antlers would cause so much fuss! It was just his classic defense! Knowing it was best to tell the truth, Kirby nodded.

"Poyo. . ."

Spike was silent, he didn't move, or twitch. He just stared at the puff ball. The argument raging behind them was an afterthought between the two. But before anything else could happen or be said, the entrance to the throne room swung open. Cadence and Shining Armor entered.

As soon as the royal couple walked in, all the bickering ceased, though Rainbow and Applejack still gave heated glares towards one another.

"Alright everypony." Cadence addressed the group. "I'd like to report that thanks to your efforts, nopony was severely injured from the attack. Those who were hurt are expected to make a full recovery in a few weeks."

The group hummed at the news. Great to know that the guards would be fine.

Cadence allowed the friends a moment before she spoke up again.

"Now, then." She said at last. "Onto business I suppose." The pink alicorn began to walk towards the ponies, who regarded her with a bit of curiosity. Cadence came to a halt directly in front of Kirby.

"Careful princess!" Rainbow piped up. "He's dangerous!"

The princess raised an eyebrow at this, and Shining Armor took a few steps closer towards his wife.

"Rainbow, just hush!" Applejack spat. "Don'tcha think that if Kirby wanted to hurt the Princess he would'a done something by now?!"

Before the two could fall further into their argument, Cadence coughed, silencing the two bickering equines.

"I appreciate the concern Rainbow Dash." Cadence said, giving a warm smile towards the pegasus. "However I think I'll be fine. I'm more worried about how you all are doing. After all, you did face that monster."

"I'd say we're all pretty good. Perhaps a little shaken, but otherwise, fine." Twilight reported.

Cadence looked down at the puff in front over her.

"Even Kirby?" she asked after a moment. None of the others said anything for a moment. Then.

"O-Oh my gosh!" Fluttershy stuttered, running over to Kirby. She stopped in front of him, bending down to inspect him. Panic was written all across her face. "Are you alright?! After all that fighting, and after you ate all those broken mirrors, and then the monster cut you as well!"


"Wait, what?!" Cadence exclaimed. Without warning, the princess scooped Kirby up in her magic. Kirby didn't have time to squeak out any sort of complaint, before he found his mouth forcibly opened. "Kirby why on Equis would you eat a broken mirror!?"

Most of the others gasped, having completely forgotten that Kirby had indeed, inhaled very sharp objects.

Cadence and Fluttershy hastily looked inside of Kirby's mouth trying to see how bad the damage would be, but much to their shock. . .

"W-w-. . . huh?" Cadence squeaked "He's. . . perfectly fine?"

"Huh!? The rest of the group exclaimed. Everyone rushed to towards Kirby to look inside his mouth. sure enough, Kirby's mouth was in perfect health.

"Wha--bu--HOW!?!?" Twilight roared, "Th-those shards HAD to have done SOME damage! We saw them poke your body FROM THE OUTSIDE!" Everybody cringed a bit at the mention of it.

"Oiyu. . ." Kirby tried to reply, but Cadence's magic held his mouth firmly open. Instead he just squirmed a bit. Cadence, taking the hint that Kirby couldn't respond properly, gently set the puff down on the floor.

Now back on solid ground, Kirby brushed himself off a bit, before walking a fair distance away from the group, much to their curiosity/worry. Then Kirby reared back, before exhaling the shards out into a pile in front of him. As soon as the last shard left his system, his hat vanished and his skin returned back to normal.

"Ruh.--! Tch--! UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!" Twilight exploded, mane frizzing out. "Why? How! What even is your digestive system!?" The unicorn began to rant and ramble on how such a thing shouldn't be possible wen't on to think of theories on how the puff made it work.

"W-wait, so you can spit stars from whatever you put in yer mouth, but you can also spit up things you've swallowed too?" Applejack asked. Kirby nodded. The ponies shifted a bit.

"K-kirby, dear. . . " Rarity began, pausing to try and form her sentence. "If it isn't too. . . late. . . do you think you could do that with. . . whatever those creatures were from earlier? The ones with the armor?"

Kirby tilted his head a bit. He already had exhaled the antlers.

"I ded." he replied. However, the face of the ponies simply grew pale, while Rainbow's face flared up in anger.

"Monster!" She shouted. Kirby immediately understood the problem.

"Noe, Nu, Nu I DIIIIhhd!" Kirby exclaimed, trying his best to fix his pronunciation. The ponies regarded him with confusion. After a moment, Spike stepped up, shaking slightly

"Um. . . . . . . . . . . . . Are. . . are you saying you did? Like. . . you already did? The drake asked, nervous but hopeful.

"Poyo." the puff said nodding.

"Like we're supposed to believe that!" Rainbow yelled, flying directly into Kirby's face.

"Poyo!" the puff retorted. The two engaged in a rather intense staring contest, while the rest of the friends watched the others with worry.

"Please you two! No more fighting, we've had our share of that for the day." Pinkie pleaded. Rainbow Dash turned to look at her friend, slightly shocked.

"Pinkie, of all ponies, YOU should know that this guy is dangerous! It's gotta be some sort of mutant parasprite or something!"

"Preeeeeeeetty sure he isn't." Pinkie replied, shaking her head.

"Well what makes him different then!?" Rainbow shouted, surprising everyone. "Kirby can eat anything and everything, can fly, and as we've seen can multiply!" That's literally everything parasprites do!"

"But he's also been kind, and goes well outta his way to help us Rainbow!" Applejack, retorted. "The parasprites grew outta control in days, while Kirby here has yet to attack us in any sort of way!" Applejack hardened her glare. "Yes, Ah don't agree with eating another living creature, but he did it to help us, so I'm grateful for it!" Rainbow snorted at the farm pony.

"Oh really." She sneered. "Well if he wanted to help why didn't he use that fancy magic he apparently has earlier!?" This gave everyone, even Twilight pause.

"Fancy magic?" Shining Armor questioned. "I mean, I remember seeing the duplication and magic blade spells and I'll admit that that is impressive, but you make it sound as if he had other spells he knew."

"He did!" Twilight replied. "The very first thing he did when he started using magic was make use a shield spell, and stopped the monster when it charged at him completely! Then he fired a large quantity of magic bolts at it, while still maintaining the shield!" Cadence and Shining Armor's jaw dropped at the revelation.

"B-but shield magic by nature requires concentration and attention to maximize shield strength and integrity!" Shining exclaimed. "As powerful as that monster was, to be able to perform such a feat . . . . that shows either extreme skill in magic, or very potent magic."

"So why didn't he use it earlier?" Rainbow asked, looking rather smug. "Especially when that other monster attacked Ponyville! It would've made everything much easier!"

"Maybe he just. . . couldn't. . . at the time?" Fluttershy offered weakly.

"Poyo!" Kirby smiled, pointing at Fluttershy while nodding. Rainbow groaned at this.

"Oh come on guys! the pegasus fumed, "He's obviously just using lame excuses! What could possibly be so different this time that he could use his fancy powers that he couldn't last time!?"

"Weeeeeeeellllllll. . . ." Pinkie started. "He did get that fancy hat and appearance change after he ate all those mirror shards earlier!"

"Pinkie, magic doesn't work that way!" Twilight said. "I have to agree with Rainbow here, high amounts of magic can alter appearance. It's likely that he used so much magic, that his appearance changed, explaining the color change. And as for the hat, he could have just summoned that onto his person!" Twilight pulled a hoof up to her muzzle, tapping it as she thought about it further. "And as for him eating the shards, he wasn't harmed by it (as impossible as that should be) so he was probably clearing the area, likely knowing that it presented a hazard and that he could get rid of it."

"Poy-yo." Kirby said firmly, shaking his head. Twilight grit her teeth a bit at this.

"Ooooh no." She growled. "Magic is one thing I know I know. There's no other possible explanation that works well enough to fit what you pulled back there!" Kirby simply shook his head.

"Uh Twi. . ." Applejack spoke up. "Ah think he'd know how his own skills work better than all of us." The unicorn turned to face her friend, frustration on her face."

"Likely so, but like Rainbow seems to suspect, he could be hiding how they work with something in mind!" Twilight huffed. "He's helped us thus far, I won't deny that, but between his methods of dealing with threats and all the things we don't know about him, its very possible that he could be a danger to us later on!"


Everyone paused, looking towards the source of the sound. Cadence had a hoof raised and looked about the group, before setting her hoof back down to the ground.

"Everypony, all this arguing and question flinging, really isn't getting us anywhere!" She said. "Yes, Kirby is indeed very confusing, but we do have bigger issues than how Kirby functions. Remember, we called you all here because the land has been turning into metal, and according to Princess Luna, Kirby knows something about it." The main six simply sagged a bit, shamed to have been so caught up with arguing. Spike simply glanced at Kirby for a moment, before sighing, and turning his attention back to Cadence.

"From what the letter Princess Luna sent detailed." Shining armor began, "It seems that what is happening around the Empire is very similar to something that the Princess saw within Kirby's dreams. She suspects that Kirby might know the cause of all of this and, if so, how to stop it." Before Spike or the other ponies could say anything, Cadence spoke up.

"I believe I said this once before, but that was when we were fighting the monster, so I shall say it again." Cadence said softly. "Princess Luna suspects, through magical means or otherwise, that Kirby's mental state. . . may have been. . . altered." Silence covered the group as they took in the information. The only sound made was Kirby once again giving out an indignant poyo.

"So what, the marshmallow is crazy?" Rainbow snorted, at last. She was quickly shushed by a relatively light smack to the back of the head.

"Rude!" Applejack admonished.

"W-why would the princess write something like that?" Fluttershy asked softly. "Kirby seems perfectly fine!"

Cadence simple sighed. "According to what Luna wrote, he believes himself to be from a different planet."

"So he believes that he himself to be an alien?" Twilight asked skeptically. Cadence nodded.

"I did ask her about what could possibly cause such a thing." Cadence explained. "Apparently, it boils down to either very potent and illegal mental magic, or a sufficient impact to the head." At this Rarity gasped, which did not go unnoticed by the others. However, Spike simply raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know something about this?" Applejack asked.

"W-well. . ." Rarity managed to quiver out. "When we first found Kirby. . . it was with him falling out of the sky, when Spike and I were digging for gems. When we made it to where he landed, he had left such a large crater in the ground, that I'm honestly still a bit shocked he can move so easily!" Cadence sighed at this.

"That definitely sounds like it would be enough." the alicorn sulked. She looked over towards a window, were the sun was beginning to set. She turned back to face the group of heros. "As much as I'd like to continue this so we can fix the world around us, its starting to grow late. Perhaps we should talk about this a little bit more in the morning." The other mares looked between each other before, slowly agreeing.

"Perhaps it's for the best." Twilight sighed. "Today has been far too hectic. Perhaps a bit of rest would do us all some good. The others nodded, agreeing with the lavender unicorn. Cadence allowed a slight smile to grace her face.

"Here, allow us to take you to the guest rooms" She said. There was a hum as the alicorn charged her horn with magic, along with her husband. The magic grew brighter at the tips of their horns, shining brightly as the two concentrated their power. Kirby, Spike, and the Mane six were enveloped in a colorful aura, before disappearing from the throne room and into a room with several doors.

The group stood their for a moment to adjust to their new surroundings, before Twilight reached out and opened one of the doors. Doing so revealed another decently sized room with a bed, table, and other luxury living items inside. The other doors lead to rooms of similar build, with tiny differences here or there.

"Well, I don't know about you all." Twilight said after a moment. "But I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed." With nothing else to be say, the unicorn walked into the nearest room, before plopping herself down on the bed that the room housed. The other ponies stared at Twilight as she slowly began drifting off to sleep, before deciding to take her example. One by one, the ponies went into their own separate room of their choosing, exchanging simple pleasantries before entering a room of their own. Spike simply entered the same room as Twilight. Kirby however, didn't know who to go with anymore. Unbeknownst to the others, he had simply stayed back a distance as they chose their rooms. Once everyone had entered, he decided to plop down in front of a door, thinking about what had happened.

He remembered that dream he had with Princess Luna in it, but apparently she really didn't believe that he was from another planet, and judging by the faces of the others, they didn't either. That bit of information really stung, as he remembered that he'd probably need all the help he could get if he wanted to return home, but help would be next to impossible to receive if they didn't believe him. It certainly didn't help that Twilight was unsure of him, and Rainbow dash just flat out didn't like him. Then there was the fact that they had been spooked by his inhale ability when he ate the antlers. Truthfully he had eaten creatures before, but very rarely, and he usually spat them back out anyways. It was always far easier to inhale and copy a projectile or weapon that the opponent would use.

The puffball sighed. He wanted to explain himself, he really did, but how could he prove he was telling the truth? He wasn't good at speech yet, but remaining mute basically got him nowhere. As he pondered this, the puff found himself growing more and more tired, before he drifted off to sleep.

It was abysmally early when Kirby found himself being roused from his slumber. He wanted to continue sleeping, but whatever was prodding him wouldn't let up. So, with a groan he sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, before blinking them open. He found that the one who had woken him up was. . .

"Spike?" Kirby groggily muttered. Indeed, Spike had shaken him awake. The drake looked a little surprised.

"Um...Kirby?" he started. "What are you doing out here?" Spike had woken up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, but apparently the rooms themselves didn't have one forcing him to leave. When he came back he had noticed Kirby in the lobby outside. Kirby looked up at the dragon, before pointing at the doors.

"Poyo. . ."

"Did you sleep out here, worried that. . . you weren't welcome with us or something?"

". . . . . . Poyo." Kirby sighed, nodding his head. Spike said nothing in return for a time, but then, to Kirby's surprise, he sat down in front of him.

"Kirby, I won't lie. . . ." Spike began. "The fact that you could eat something alive. . . kinda scares me a little bit." The puff ball look downtrodden at that. Even, Spike didn't trust him now!

"But, I'm willing to trust you."

Kirby's expression went from sadness to surprise in an instant.

"You've helped my friends, possibly even saving their lives, twice now." Spike continued, "I don't know why Rainbow Dash and Twilight are being so stubborn about it, but I'm sure that given time they will come to like you just as much as the others do. I may not agree with the method myself. . . but I suppose you didn't have other options."

Neither moved from a moment, before Kirby hopped, up and hugged the drake. Spike simply let the hug happen. Kirby really seemed to need it right now.

Then something unexpected happened.

It was slow at first but Spike began to notice the room growing brighter. At first he though that the sun was staring to rise, but he remembered that it was still far too early for Celestia to be lifting it. The light was yellow in color and it seemed to be coming from the two of them.

"W-what's this?" Spike asked. He inspected his glowing body in confusion. Suddenly he felt that sparking feeling from before. Then he felt it again, but with much greater intensity. The light grew brighter and the two were enveloped by it.

"Kirby, whats going on?" Spike asked. The baby drake felt that he should be worried about this, but found that he just, couldn't for some reason. Instead he felt as calm as could be, and he didn't know what to think about that.

"Spike friend!" Kirby replied, hugging the drake a bit harder. Suddenly, Kirby's form became star like, twinkling around Spike for the briefest of moments.

Then, suddenly, everything stopped. The light died down immediately, and Spike found that there was a weight upon his back. Looking behind him, he found that Kirby was now on his back, but facing away from him. Kirby simply turn to face the drake.

"Kirby. . . . . what was that?" Spike asked, unsure of what to feel or think.


Spike jumped, surprised.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed. "Did. . . . you just talk!? Like. . . perfect speech!?" Kirby simply shook his head.

"Poyo Poyo!"

". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wait, so you aren't "speaking", but I can understand you because of what happened just now?" Spike questioned. Kirby nodded.


". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .We're in sync? What does that mean?"

"Poyo! Poyo puy poyo!" Kirby explained.

Spike stood there unmoving for a while, taking in the information that the puffball had given him. A small, hopeful grin crossed his face.

"So, that stuff you did back there with all that magic. . . you mean. . . . I can do that too?"

"Mnnnph. . .poyo poyo."

Spikes hopeful grin blew up into the widest smile he'd ever given.

"Oh this is gonna be fun." He said, rubbing his claws together. Then he stopped. He hadn't looked at his claws before, but looking at them now, he realized that they were glowing quite similarly to when a unicorn uses magic. The aura around them was a sharp green that matched his fins, with bright yellow stars of varying sizes popping up every now and then within the mist. Spikes grin couldn't get wider, but it certainly tried.

This was gonna be fun indeed.

Author's Note:

I'd like to elaborate on something with Kirby that I know a few of you may be put off by. Kirby talking. It's weird I know, but I figured that him speaking, however little, would be a bit better than having him be completely wordless like in the show. However, I didn't wan't him to be busting out full blown sentences and the like, cause last time he was like that. . . well lets just say it wasn't the best representation of him imo. (Kirby's Avalanche) and plus it would make his adventure here too easy.

So I decided to come up with a compromise. As stated within the story. Kirby is fully capable of understanding what someone is saying to him. (He may not know what everything means, but he can still take a guess by the situation)

However, though he can understand what's said to him, he can't speak well at all. His words usually come out mangled and mispronounced. The more complex the word(s), the more broken his pronunciation becomes. (usually)

(For example, If Kirby were to try and say "Dark Meta Knight" it would come out as Dahk Matta Nite)

This often causes more trouble than its worth, so he usually avoids speech flat out and opts for "Poyo" whenever he can.

However if he's made a "combination" with someone (Rick, Kine, Coo, Chuchu, Pitch, and Nago all fall within this category) they sync with one another, able to understand each other perfectly up until the two separate.

I've mixed the canons when it comes to Kirby. Both the show and game elements are there, but Kirby leans more towards the game canon than the show.

You don't have to worry about it every chapter, (Kirby leans heavily towards his poyo speech) but every now and then, he may try to speak. He is still young after all.