• Published 19th Nov 2017
  • 4,141 Views, 150 Comments

Kirby Planet Robobot: Equestrian Adventures - Kir B

An unexpected attack from Star Dream has taken Kirby away from his planet and placed him into the land of Equestria. With the help of new friends, Kirby must try to make it back to his world.

  • ...

Another day in Ponyville

Spike awoke with a jump. Unholy shrieking was coming from the lower level of the library and the empty bed beside him left no guesses to who it was. Stumbling out of his basket, he hurried down the stairs as fast as his legs could carry him. As he bounded off of the bottom step he found Twilight hyperventilating against the wall, staring at a confused Kirby.

"T-Twilight!" Spike called out. "Calm down! Breathe!"

The sight of her assistant calmed the unicorn down slightly, but not enough to disregard Kirby. Wasting no time, Twilight teleported just in front of Spike's position, startling the drake. Twilight shakily widened her stance to look imposing, staring straight at Kirby with the best glare she could muster.

"S-stay back!" She stuttered "I'm Princess Celestia's personal student and I graduated top of my class at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns! I know more spells than you could ever imagine, all able to take you down!"

Kirby tilted his head in confusion. The unicorn before him seemed pretty spooked. He took a glance around the room to see if anything was around, but as far as he was aware the only ones in the room were Spike, the pony in front of him, and himself.

"Poyo?" he said, taking a small step forwards.

Twilight recoiled a bit, lighting her horn up with magic on instinct.

Spike, seeing that things could get ugly real fast, rounded Twilight and got in front of her.

"Heeey Twilight!" He started, grinning nervously, "I see you've met my new friend!" Spike raised a claw and pointed over to Kirby. "Twilight this is Kirby." He then turned to face Kirby and pointed his claw towards the bewildered Twilight. "Kirby this is Twilight."

Kirby looked at the unicorn with his usual look for a moment before grinning, giving an enthusiatsic


Twilight just stood there, unmoving. Her mind was firing an endless stream of questions, but she couldn't move her mouth to voice them. Eventually she fell backwards, plopping down onto the wooden floor, staring into nothing. Spike had befriended the creature. The unknown creature. The unknown creature that could shoot stars from its mouth with enough force to destroy another creature. Her mane started to frizz out of place, effectively rendering the time spent grooming it pointless. Twilight didn't notice however, and if she did she wouldn't care.

There was a creature in her home she knew nothing about aside from the fact that it was potentially lethal! And Spike had called it a friend!?

"Friend!? What do you mean "Friend?!" Twilight sputtered at last, catching Spike and Kirby off guard with her sudden volume. "We know next to nothing about whatever that thing is! There's too much at stake!"

Spike was distraught. He expected there to be a few complications when it came to Kirby meeting Twilight for the first time seeing how she was a mare of science, but he hadn't known that she'd be so against him.

"But Twilight!" Spike pleaded, "Kirby is okay! Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were here last night and confirmed that he isn't dangerous!"

At the mention of the Princesses names Twilight stopped. Princess Celestia and Luna had been at the Library?

"Spike tell me everything that happened yesterday." The unicorn demanded.

Spike rubbed the back of his head, grinning sheepishly. He then began to recap the events Twilight had missed when she passed out from seeing Kirby shoot a star from his mouth. Twilight listened to every detail, though she never took her eyes off of the pink puff, who was staring at her in confusion.

"Then i went to bed and you woke me up with your screaming. That should be about everything!" Spike finished. He glanced at Twilight, who was still glaring at Kirby. The tension within the room was immense and it seemed like someone would break at any moment.

Everything was disrupted a moment later when a window shattered and a blur came flying through it's remains.

Twilight, Spike, and Kirby barely had time to react when a loud "thud" resonated around the library, books tumbling off of the shelves soon after. In mere seconds, the neat and tidy library was reduced to a disorderly pile of books and paper. When the chaos settled down, the group pulled themselves out of the pile only to find that another pony had joined them. Twilight grunted in annoyance at the new arrival.

"Rainbow Dash!" she chided, "Why must you always fly through my windows! Those aren't exactly cheap to replace!"

Rainbow was still shaken from her crash landing not to mention she wasn't usually up this early, so Twilight's question barely registered in her mind. Shaking her head to reorient herself, Rainbow pulled the rest of her body out of the mass of books and hovered over Twilight.

"Twlight!" she nearly yelled, "Thank goodness you're awake! I really need to talk to you about-"

The rest of Rainbow's words died in her mouth. The speedster pegasus had finally noticed that Kirby was in the room along with Spike. She scowled at thew pink puff a bit before turning her attention back to Twilight.

"Actually I think we should talk upstairs for a bit, I hope you don't mind too much." Dash said quickly.

Twilight wasn't given time to respond. Rainbow swooped down and shoved Twilight back upstairs in a matter of moments, leaving Spike and Kirby alone downstairs. Spike was in shock at what had just happened before he sighed.

"Great!" the drake sulked, "All that hard work getting the library straightened out, and Rainbow ruins it in record time!" Slumping down, the young dragon began to slowly trudge down the book pile, picking up a few as he went and placing them onto the shelves.

Kirby watched as Spike unhappily began re-shelving the books of the library. He approached the drake slowly and poked him on the back.


Spike turned to face the pink puff. Anyone with eyes could see that the drake was tired, but not from sleep exhaustion. His eyes showed boredom and sadness, and a longing for something more than just the walls of the library. He wanted to do something. He didn't get many days to do what he pleased, and if he did it usually revolved around work of some kind. It was a tiring life, being Twilight's assistant, but it was almost all he knew. He yearned for a change and to someone like Kirby, it was easy to see.

"Spike okay?" the puff asked softly, frowning a bit.

Seeing Kirby's worried expression, Spike put on the best smile he could muster.

"I'll be fine Kirby" he sighed sadly. The drake looked around him before looking back to Kirby. "I know I said that I'd give you a tour around Ponyville today, but seeing how much a mess was made just now, I think you'll have to go by yourself."

Kirby looked a bit upset, but Spike felt that it was probably for the best. After all, he had to help Twilight in whatever way he could, especially after how he had treated her when she had needed him the most.

"Don't worry Kirby!" He said, giving a more sincere grin, "When I've cleaned up the mess Rainbow made, I'll go looking for you around Ponyville. You've seen our closest friends before, so I'm sure you'll be able to ask them about Ponyville if you have any questions.

Kirby seemed to perk up at this. Nodding towards Spike one more time he started towards the library door. Spike watched as the puff opened the door and left the library. Once he he could no longer see Kirby he sighed sadly and went back to cleaning the library.


"I'm telling you Twilight! I don't trust him for a moment!" Rainbow Dash whisper-yelled to her friend.

"Neither do I Rainbow, but apparently the princesses said that he was of no threat!" Twilight responded.

Rainbow shook her head, grunting with annoyance.

"Twilight, you saw what...Kirby did!" Rainbow groaned, "I think he needs to go!"

Twilight was honestly surprised by Rainbow's resolve. She didn't trust Kirby either, given what little she knew about him, but Rainbow seemed to take her distrust of the puff to the next level!

"Why do you dislike him so much Rainbow?" Twilight asked. "As far as we know, he hasn't done anything to harm anypony. To throw exile him for nothing would look pretty bad and could possibly provoke him!"

Rainbow looked at her friend with fire in her eyes.

"I think Kirby is a parasprite." Said Rainbow.

Twilight looked unamused by Rainbows theory.

"Really Rainbow? You think Kirby is a parasprite?" She asked. The pegasus nodded.

"Think about it Twilight!" Rainbow exclaimed, "What do parasprites do?"

Twilight responded with no hesitation.

"Parasprites will find and devour large quantities of food and crops whenever they can find them. Once a parasprite consumes enough food, it will multiply. They seemingly have and endless appetite and become a major pest if left unchecked." The unicorn then turned to a bookshelf in her room and levitated a small stack of of papers off of it. It was titled "Notes about Parasprites" and Twilight seemed to puff up with a tiny sliver of pride, showing it to Rainbow with a small grin.

"After the whole Parasprite infestation we had, I decided to take notes about them!" the unicorn said cheerfully. "I was actually going to make it into a book, but I couldn't write down much information aside from what we saw."

Rainbow skimmed through the document, only really noticing the areas that mentioned the eating habits of the flying pests.

"Okay, so you said they eat a bunch of stuff right?" Asked Rainbow looking up from the papers.

"Yes Rainbow. they eat large amounts of things, usually within seconds." Twilight droned clearly wanting her friend to get to her point.

Rainbow smirked a bit

"Tell me Twilight, what was it that Kirby did?" Twilight responded with no hesitation.

"Kirby manipulated the wind, somehow, and everything within his range was engulfed by his mouth." said the unicorn.

Silence resonated within the walls of the library. Slowly Twilight's face contorted into one of horror as she realized what she had just said. Once she did, she soon began over thinking things complicating things further.

"How could I have missed it!?" Twilight exclaimed, "The body structure between parasprites and whatever Kirby is are very similar! The studious unicorn began to pace back and forth in worry, mumbling to herself and comparing Kirby to parasprites further. Eventually Rainbow coughed to get her attention.

"So, what do you think of it Twilight? What's our move?" the speedster asked. Twilight thought for a moment putting a hoof to her muzzle.

"Well, there are a lot of connections and similarities between the two. She said softly. "At most, they might be a similar species, which would explain the similarities. But there isn't enough information to make any drastic decisions." Twilight looked up to Rainbow. "We could always see what he does first and draw conclusions from there."

Rainbow wasn't too keen on following the puff around. She huffed at the idea.

"But Twilight, you saw what Kirby could do! You also saw what that monster did too! They both could do the same thing with the wind, and Applejack said that the monster could swallow lots of stuff at once! It almost ate us! Who says Kirby couldn't do the same thing!?"

"I know that Rainbow!" But as much as I don't trust him yet, we don't have all the facts!" Twilight retorted. "Even if we did, Spike seems to have grown fond of Kirby, so if Kirby were to disappear it would look suspicious." Twilight began to mumble to herself again. "Maybe I could think of a cover story about Kirby leaving."

Rainbow, overhearing Twilight, simply shook her head.

"If you do that you'll have to answer to Rarity and Fluttershy too." She said. "They seem to like the thing just as much. I think they're hiding something though."

Twilight simply sighed in defeat. Why couldn't anything ever be easy?

"Well Dash, until we have more information, it probably wouldn't do us any good to try and chase Kirby away. We need to know what makes it tick!" Twilight said at last. Rainbow groaned, but simply nodded. With that two went downstairs. The two were rather surprised to see that a good chunk of the books had been put back on the shelves. Spike was still putting books back on the shelves but neither of the ponies could find Kirby anywhere.

"Spike? Where did Kirby go?"" Twilight asked cautiously.

"He left to go look around outside." He answered, not taking his eyes away from his current task. "You might be able to find him, I don't think he went too far.

At Spike's answer Twilight and Rainbow, kicked into high gear.

"Come on Twilight!" Rainbow called, "We can't let that pink marshmallow get away!" With that the two left out of the library leaving a lone Spike to clean up the rest of the mess.

The rays of the sun beamed down upon Ponyville. There weren't a lot of ponies out at this point in the day, but those who were caught a glimpse of a strange sight. A pink puff was happily walking down the road, humming a merry tune.

Kirby walked down through the town with a smile on his face. Whenever he spotted someone new he'd wave and say hi. Most of the ponies awe'd when they saw the cute display, and a few even approached him, saying hello and giving him pats on the head. This continued for quite some time until he came across a sight that threw him for a loop.

There, a bit further up the road, was a building made completely out of sweets!

Kirby stared at the building, eyes wide and mouth almost wider. He had seen many things over the course of his life when it came to food, but this took the cake! He stood there, mouth watering at the sight.

As Kirby stared at the building, Twilight and Rainbow dash, having followed the directions of other ponies, peered from behind a barrel.

"Well what is he doing?" Rainbow asked the unicorn.

"It looks like he's staring at Sugarcube Corner." Twilight replied. Rainbow glared towards the still form of Kirby.

"You don't think it's gonna try and eat it do you?" the speedster questioned.

Before Twilight could answer, Kirby jumped up with a loud "poyo" drawing attention to himself. Every pony in the area watched as the puff bounded over to the building until he was right beside it. He smelled the edge of the building, taking in the scent of many different sweets all at once.

Twilight and Rainbow watched as Kirby looked at the building with hunger in his eyes. Then Kirby latched onto the corner of the building with his mouth. Nobody moved for what seemed like an eternity. Then Kirby started spluttering and spitting.

That building was not made of sweets at all! The ponies in the area gave light chuckles as Kirby went around trying to get the taste of brick out of his mouth. However Rainbow and Twilight had other things on their minds.

"He just tried to take a bite out of Sugarcube Corner!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Isn't that all the proof we need!?"

Twilight sighed.

"No Rainbow that doesn't prove much." She groaned. "If anything, this goes against your theory. Parasprites have jaws capable of tearing through many things, even.... buildings as we found out last time." For Kirby to be unable to bite through, it suggests that it's something else entirely!"

The pegasus groaned at her friend's response before looking up to see that Kirby was walking away.

"Twilight, Kirby's on the move! We gotta go!"

Twilight didn't get a chance to say anything before she was dragged onwards by Rainbow, When the two left the area, Pinkie poked her head out from behind the door of the bakery. She looked around, giggled to herself, and went back inside.

Kirby continued on down the road, bouncing as he walked on. Eventually he made his way into the ruined market square. Any ponies around were doing their best to rebuild after the attack from yesterday. Kirby watched with interest as a few ponies finished rebuilding their stands and put new stock upon their shelves.

"Well howdy there Kirby!" called a voice. Kirby spun around to see Applejack putting apples out on her stand. She had been one of the few lucky ponies who didn't need to rebuild and could sell her wares right from the start. Kirby smiled at the farm pony before hearing an unfamiliar voice. Kirby looked to the side in confusion. A small yellow pony stood beside Applejack. She had a red mane and a bright pink bow that rested upon her head.

"Sis, who's this?" the small pony asked. Applejack laughed as Kirby looked between the two ponies in small shock.

"Heh, Ah supposed Ah'd better introduce you two, the orange pony said. "Kirby this here's my younger sister Applebloom." She coaxed her sister out from behind the stand and pointed towards Kirby. "Applebloom, this little fellow right here is Kirby."

Applebloom looked Kirby over for a moment before a look of recognition came across her face.

"Hey you must be that guy who Sweetie Belle was talkin about yesterday!" the filly exclaimed. Kirby bounced at the mention of Sweetie Belle. "I gotta say, she sure wasn't fibbing about you. You do look adorable."

Kirby said nothing as Applebloom continued to look him over. None of the three noticed a nearby hay bale rustling. Two pairs of eyes peered from within, staring straight at Kirby.

Eventually Applejack coughed to get Kirby and Appleblooms's attention. The two turned towards the source of the sound to find Applejack looking towards them both.

"Alright Applebloom, that's enough." She called out. "Kirby might have something planned today, so we shouldn't keep him waiting." Applebloom looked a bit upset. But before she made it back towards the stand she turned back to face Kirby.

"Mr. Kirby would you like an Apple?" she asked, smiling widely.

Kirby looked excited at the idea. But before he could say yes, his eyes caught the sign that was posted on the front of the stand. Upon it was a picture of the number two and a coin besides each other. Then there was a picture of an apple. After watching Kirby stare at the sign for a moment Applebloom spoke up.

"Oh! It's two bits for an apple." She chirped.

Kirby could only guess that a bit was considered money around here. But he knew he didn't have any of these "bits" on him. Frowning he could only shake his head and give off a soft "poyo".

While Applebloom seemed a little upset that Kirby couldn't buy an apple, Applejack chuckled softly to herself. Truthfully she didn't believe Kirby would have any bits with him, but she didn't want to stop her sister from at least making an attempt at selling an apple. She had intended to give him a free apple to compensate. However, she didn't get the chance.

Before Applejack could open her mouth to say anything, Kirby suddenly bloated up. The sisters jumped back, not expecting Kirby to suddenly grow bigger.

"U-uh Mr. Kirby are you alright?" Applebloom stuttered. Kirby didn't say anything, but he had a small smile on his face. Applejack tensed up, unsure what Kirby's motives were. The only time she'd seen him bloat up like this was when he was about to shoot out one of his stange energy bullets. But Princess Luna had said he was safe to be around, so he couldn't be readying an attack. A purple glow began emanating from the nearby hay bale, unnoticed by the three. If one were close enough, they would heard whispered coming from within.

"What's that Twilight?"

"It's a stun spell. Kirby puffed himself up out of nowhere. We have no idea what it's planning. If it does anything funny I'll let loose the spell."

No pony moved unsure of what to do. Eventually, Kirby took a few steps back and looked upwards. Opening his mouth he spat out an object.

Suddenly, something whizzed past Kirby, catching his attention. He turned to look but found himself knocked to the ground and pinned from behind.

"So attacking my friend when she doesn't give you what you want eh?" Said a familiar voice. "That's a mistake I'm not going to let you repeat." Kirby looked back to see Rainbow Dash glowering at him. He honestly didn't know what to make of the situation, he was just so confused.

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack exclaimed. "What in the hay are you doing!?"

"Saving you from this thing, duh!" Rainbow snorted. The pegasus continued to glare at Kirby for about two more seconds before realizing that Applejack was still in the same spot. "Wait, what!? How are you not injured?" Applejack groaned.

"Because Kirby wasn't aiming at us." She replied. "He aimed upwards. She then pointed a hoof behind her. Plus judging by what he spat out, Ah'm pretty sure he wasn't intending to harm us."

Rainbow looked behind Applejack. There floating in the air, was a bubble. It floated above the apple stand, rising and falling slowly, but it wasn't floating away. However the bubble itself was the least surprising thing. Within the bubble was a rather sizable sapphire. It didn't rest against the side of the bubble, but rather floated in the middle of it. Rainbow didn't know what to say. Suddenly she felt Kirby writhing beneath her. Before she could reposition herself, Kirby broke away and ran up to the the stand. He jumped upwards and tapped the bubble, popping it and releasing the gem within. It fell onto the apple stand with a thunk. The ponies just stared at it for a while before Kirby spoke up.

"Is tis gud?" he asked happily.

Applejack walked up to the jewel and looked it over. It shown brilliantly under the sun reflecting small blue rays of light. Using gems was quite a bit better than bits, but not by a whole bunch. Unless it was an incredibly rare jewel, it would only be worth about two baskets of apples. Something told her that Kirby would be fine with that though.

"Well pardner, for that I can give you two bushels of apples." Applejack said happily.

Kirby was elated. he was going to get something to eat at last! Applebloom was in a similar state for managing to get a customer to buy so many apples at once. Kirby noticed the filly take a look at her flank for a moment, before turning sad. She perked up moments later however, still feeling good for making a sale.

Applejack placed the apple baskets on the ground in front of Kirby.

"Here ya go! Two bushels of apples!" She said.

"Poyo!" replied Kirby. He grabbed one of the apple baskets and held it over his head. Then to the surprise of the four ponies he dumped the entirety of its contents into his mouth. Kirby's body stretched out as usual and his cheeks bulged a bit. However Kirby swallowed the apples, furthering the surprise for the ponies around him. The ponies could only watch as Kirby repeated his actions to the other basket, effectively devouring over 80 apples in mere moments. Applejack and Rainbow stood slack-jawed at the display. Eventually Applebloom spoke up.

"Wow Mr. Kirby you sure must've been hungry!" said the filly.

Kirby simply smiled. With a look at his friends the puff decided to go look elsewhere for things to do. He waved goodybe to Applebloom and walked away from the still shocked ponies.

Rainbow eventually recovered. She flew towards a trembling hay bale and dragged it off into the distance after Kirby, much to the confusion of every pony around.

Spike sighed. At long last he finally had only one more book to put into place. As he slid the book into place, the ladder slid from under him, sending the dragon falling to the floor. Groaning in pain, Spike pulled himself up.

At least the shelf hadn't fallen with him.

Looking over the library one more time, he gave a sigh of relief. He could finally make good on his promise and show Kirby around Ponyville properly. As he made his way towards the door, a knock came from the other side. Confused at who would be knocking, he opened the door to find Pinkie standing on the other side.

"Hey Spike!" She chirped. "I'd like to ask for a favor."

Kirby continued exploring his surroundings. By now the sun was much higher in the sky and there were many more ponies out and about. Kirby found that most of these new ponies gave him the same treatment as before; cooing at the sight of him and being incredibly friendly. He couldn't help but smile and wave at everyone he passed by. A ways behind him however were Rainbow Dash and Twilight, still stalking the pink puff.

"Okay Twilight." Dash said to her shaken friend. "I know you saw what Kirby did to all of those apples. Is that enough to convince you?"

Twilight was still shaken by the whole thing. She had to admit that being able to eat every one of those apples so quickly was a pretty solid argument for calling Kirby a parasprite. However, Kirby spitting out that bubble was something that parasprites couldn't do unless it would've made another Kirby And this didn't go into the fact that apparently, this Kirby was intelligent! He payed Applejack with a jewel to receive apples in return! If Twilight hadn't been so fascinated on Kirby as a test subject she might have thought about what she was doing and realized she was trying to exile an intelligent creature for being similar to a pest. But she was too deep into her thoughts to consider this and kept thinking about everything else needed to prove Kirby guilty of being a parasprite.

"Well it certainly sticks to your theory well." She said. "But still, I don't think he's a parasprite exactly. Maybe if he could fly, I might believe it, but he has no wings. From what I've seen, I'm guessing Kirby is a similar species. He couldn't be some random mutation of a parasprite or an evolution. Giving up wings would be more a hindrance than being beneficial." Rainbow dash agreed only with the part of giving up wings. Giving up the ability to fly would be a pretty horrible idea, at least in her mind.

The two continued to follow Kirby around until the puff came across a peculiar sight. Two ponies were up in the sky lounging on some clouds. Kirby looked upwards at the two in wonder. A passing pegasus noticed the puff staring up into sky and turned his gaze to see what the puff was looking at. When he saw the two pegasi lying on the clouds he gave the puff a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry little guy." he said to Kirby. "Unless you can fly or know a friend who can cast a cloudwalking spell on you, I'm afraid that you won't be able to last up there." Kirby looked at the stranger for a moment before smiling.

"Poyo Poy!"he chirped.

Before anything else could be said. Kirby began to open his mouth wide, sending Twilight and Rainbow on high alert, but instead of inhaling the stallion, he simply began to puff up. This confused all three ponies. Kirby closed his mouth tightly as soon as he felt he had enough air in his system. Flapping his arms, Kirby rose from the ground, shocking everyone present.

Rainbow felt a bit of anger in her system witnessing Kirby rise into the air, but also felt a bit happy thinking that Twilight now had little reason to think that Kirby wasn't some form of parasprite. A glance over to Twilight showed that she was having trouble processing this turn of events. The unicorns jaw was almost to the floor as she watched Kirby rise higher into the sky.

Kirby eventually found a cloud that he liked. His exhaled all his stored air all at once, and fell atop the cushy surface. It had to have been one of the most comfortable things he had even been on in his entire life. Looking down he could see the faces of many ponies looking upwards towards him. Looking around some more he noticed a familiar face making her way through the crowd.

"POYO!" Kirby shouted.

Fluttershy looked around in confusion, thinking she had heard Kirby's voice, however it wasn't until she had noticed where everypony else was looking and looked up herself did she find him. Kirby was waving to her from atop a cloud. Fluttershy found herself in awe as well before gently flapping her wings and making her way towards Kirby's perch.

"Now how did you go and get yourself up here?" she asked him softly. She looked the puff over for wings, but couldn't find any on his body. Once she was done Kirby scooched over a bit on his cloud. He had chosen a sizable one and there was enough room for a pony to sit on it with him. Kirby sat down and pat the empty space beside him. Fluttershy looked the cloud over. It wasn't too high up, and Kirby didn't seem to mind. Slowly she placed herself upon the cloud. She looked towards Kirby who still had a smile on his face. She smiled back, happy to make a friend happy. Then she looked down and saw all the faces of ponies looking up at the pair. Fluttershy seized up from all the eyes upon her. Kirby seemed to notice her change in emotion because his face changed from a smile to one of concern.


Fluttershy didn't respond. She was too busy shaking in fear from all the eyes looking up at her for joining Kirby's side. Then she felt something soft embrace her from her side. The pegasus looked over to see Kirby hugging her, giving her a soft smile. Seeing Kirby so relaxed, made her relax a bit more and she placed a hoof around him. It wasn't enough to make her forget about the stares from below, but it still made her feel better.

Eventually the crowd began to disperse, leaving only Twilight and Rainbow dash to stare at the two from below.

"I think we should head back to the library. Twilight said at last. "We have a few things that things we need to discuss."

"Yeah I agree!" replied Rainbow. The two left the area and started back towards the library.

Fluttershy eventually had to leave Kirby alone to run some errand. She apologized for having to leave but Kirby didn't mind. Soon he was alone on his cloud again. Falling into the comfort of it again, Kirby found himself growing drowsy, and soon he fell asleep atop the cloud. Time passed. Kirby slept through most of the day, dreaming about his friends both new and old. Suddenly there was a shout.


Kirby jumped. When he landed, Kirby toppled from the cloud. He barely had time to snatch the side of it, struggling to pull himself back up. When he did he looked over to see Pinkie in a strange flying contraption. The pink pony was smiling at him, however Kirby was not very amused. Pinkie was not deterred however.

"Hey Kirby!" She said to the pink puff. She pointed back towards the direction Kirby had come from. "You see that building way over there?" Kirby squinted his eyes, looking in the direction Pinkie's hoof was pointing. He found that it was pointed at that building he had tried to eat earlier. He looked over to Pinkie in confusion.

"That there is Sugarcube Corner!" The pink pony explained. "It pretty late in the day so I'll give you some advice. She drew her contraption closer to the cloud. "If you go over there right now there's gonna be something good in store for you!" With that Pinkie turned around a flew away towards the decorated building. Kirby, seeing no reason not to follow her and even less not to see what was up, hopped down from his cloudy perch. As he fell he tipped his body over, landing on his head; his body giving out a small squeak when he hit the ground. Looking around a bit. He looked down the path he came and took off running towards the building.

By the time Kirby had made his way to Sugarcube Corner, the sun was setting. The sky was a lovely orange color and the air was starting to cool down. He looked at the inedible building once more, before looking at the door. He slowly made his way up to it. He looked up and down the frame before knocking on the door.

No answer.

Kirby waited a moment before trying again. This time the door opened up slightly. Kirby didn't want to be rude by entering without being prompted to, but Pinkie had said that there was something waiting for him inside. Pushing the door open slowly, Kirby made his way into the building. It was darker than it should've been. kirby looked around the eerie building in silence. Then with a flash, lights turned on everywhere. A noise maker could be heard and a loud


rang throughout the building. Kirby was amazed! Balloons and streamers were everywhere. Ponies had come out from various hiding spots creating a rather big wall of color. Best of all, there was an enormous table filled to the brim with different foods and sweets laid out. Kirby stood there in shock barely able to process everything he was seeing.

Pinkie Pie bounded over to him.

"Were you surprised!?" the party pony asked excitedly, "Were ya!? Were ya!? Were ya!?"

Kirby couldn't answer, he just kept looking at the smiling faces of all the ponies in the room. The he noticed Spike walking up to him. Waving at the drake, Kirby finally shook himself back to the real world, and ran up to greet him.


Spike laughed.

"Hey Kirby!" Spike said happily. "Pinkie pie said that she had waited far too long to throw you your "Welcome to Ponyville Party" so she decided that today would be the day she would do it." He then looked over to Pinkie, who was busy conversing with other ponies. "She also said she wanted my help since it seemed like out of us all I was your closest friend."

Kirby smiled at Spike's words. Truthfully he did feel that out of them all, Spike was his closest friend and he was glad for it. Giving a wide grin, Kirby jumped into Spike. Spike caught him at the last moment, smiling at his friend happily. Then Spike felt it. The same feeling from the day prior. This time it was much stronger. Spike stumbled a bit and nearly dropped Kirby. When he reoriented himself he found Kirby looking at him with curiosity.

"Spike okay?" The puff asked. Spike nodded his head if only to ease Kirby's concerns.

Meanwhile on the other side of the room Twilight was showing major concern for her assistant. She had noticed how touching Kirby had affected Spike somehow and she wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"Rainbow I think Kirby is doing something to Spike!" She told Rainbow. Rainbow Dash took a look over at the two before nodding her head and deciding to go see what was going on.

"Come on Twilight, lets see what this marshmallow is up to!" The two mares made their way over to Spike and Kirby, edging through the crowd of ponies. However, just as there were about to reach them, Pinkie popped up in between the two parties.

"So Kirby!" she began, "Spike told me that you love food!" Pinkie then began to reach into her mane for something. So..." she continued, "Seeing how you like those cupcakes I gave you yesterday I thought I'd give you other sweets as well!" Pulling an object out of her curly mane, Pinkie pie put her hoof in front of Kirby. Kirby looked into her hoof. It was a slice of chocolate cake!


Kirby grabbed the cake and ate it with a single bite. He licked his lips at the taste. He looked back to Pinkie to find that she was reaching into her mane again. This time she pulled out a cookie, which Kirby happily ate as well. This continued on for a small time, making Kirby happier and happier until Pinkie brought something else out that shook Kirby to the core, ruining his mood completely.

There, in Pinkie's hoof, was a pie.

The world seemed to slow down for Kirby as he gazed at the pie. He had bad memories with pies. A certain monster from the past had ruined his taste for them. Kirby began to back away, granting him odd and surprised looks from the other guests.

Pinkie was worried when she saw the growing look on Kirby's face.

"Is there something wrong?" She asked.

"P-p-p-pp-PIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE" Kirby shrieked. He turned away and ran from the building shocking everyone present. Pinkie looked downtrodden at Kirby suddenly fleeing the party. Spike looked just as surprised as any other pony, but soon recovered.

"K-kirby! Wait up!" he shouted. He hurried out the door after his friend. Seeing Spike run out the door after a potentially dangerous creature sent Twilight into high gear.

"Spike wait!" She called out, running after him. Soon each of the elements began to chase after the runaway Kirby. Pinkie followed after Twilight, Applejack followed after Pinkie, Fluttershy followed after Applejack, and Rarity followed after Fluttershy. However Rainbow stayed back for a moment. She had seen that Kirby had a fear of pies. She hated the things herself, but she never saw someone who was actively terrified of the things. She looked over to the pie that Pinkie had discarded when left with the others. Dash smirked. Maybe a little conditioning would help get the message across.

Kirby kept running onwards. By now it was dark and he was feeling quite exhausted. It was worth it though to get away from that evil confection. Spent for the time being, Kirby plopped down to rest. Taking a look at his surrounding he found that he had run into a forest area of some sort. He looked around. This had to have been one of the eeriest places he had ever seen! As he looked around he heard a rustle in the bushes. Kirby hastily turned around. The rustling grew louder. Whatever was in the forest with him was getting closer. Kirby put up his guard. The rustling grew closer and clowser. Then spike popped out of the bush. Kirby relaxed seeing who it was. Spike rushed over to the pink puff.

"Kirby! Thank goodness!" The drake exclaimed, "What was all that about back at the party? You just saw Pinkie's pie and you freaked out!" Kirby sighed. This wasn't exactly one of his more believable fears.

"P-pie bwings bad memowies." He stuttered.

Spike wanted to question Kirby more about his apparent fear of pies, but he didn't get the chance to. Twilight burst from the brush and screeched to a halt in front of the two, horn glowing fiercely.

"There you are!" She exclaimed. She levitated Spike away from Kirby. "What were you thinking!? Running off into the Everfree forest? At night no less!?" Spike looked away.

"I-I only wanted to make sure Kirby was alright!" He stuttered. At the mention of Kirby, Twilight whipped her head towards the puff, fury across her face.

"You..." She said in a low tone. "I don't know what you're playing at, but I will not let my assistant be put in life-threatening danger because of you!" Twilight set Spike down behind her and widened her stance. This time she wasn't a fearful disorderly mess. This time she felt she was in control. However, there was another rustling in the bushes. Turning their attention towards the sound, the three found Pinkie Pie emerging from the bushes.

"Wait Twilight! Kirby isn't a danger to us!" Pinkie shouted. "Princess Luna said so herself!" Twilight calmed down seeing her friend, but her ire towards Kirby still held true.

"No Pinkie" Twilight began, "Kirby is a danger. It's just too adorable for anypony to see it!" Rainbow Dash and I have been following him all day and he's shown the potential of being some new breed or species of parasprite!"

Pinkie looked hurt at accusation but Spike looked furious.

"Now wait just a moment!" He shouted, "What in the world makes you think Kirby is some kind of parasprite, let alone dangerous to us?!" Twilight was surprised to see Spike defend Kirby, but she quickly recomposed herself.

"Kirby isn't what it seems Spike!" Twilight explained. "Kirby ate at least 100 apples in mere seconds! An appetite like that surpasses a singular parasprite by far!"

"He also paid for those apples too if Ah recall correctly!" Said a voice. Applejack stepped from behind the bushes, cathcing Twilight off guard.

"Applejack! B-but Kirb-"

"Twilight, It don't matter much to me how many apples he ate at once." The farm pony interrupted, "Kirby here paid for his apples. It ain't like he went and sucked them all up and ran! What kinda parasprite would actually pay for food?"

Twilight couldn't answer. Applejack had a very simple yet very solid point. Parasprites weren't civil like that. As Twilight thought things over the rest of here friends eventually showed up. Rainbow Dash was surprisingly the last one to find the group. When she made her appearance she flew directly over to Twilight.

"Is something wrong Twilight?" The unicorn simply looked up at the pegasus with a frown.

"I think we should just talk about it tomorrow" Twilight responded.

With that, the group started to make their way out of the forest, thankful that they didn't run into any hostile creatures within. Once they were out of the forest they each went their separate ways. Kirby made to follow Twilight and Spike home but Rainbow pulled the puff aside for a moment.

"Okay you." She said softly. "You may have gotten the all clear from the princesses and perhaps my friends, but I've got my eyes on you." Kirby frowned. Why did this pony dislike him so much. Surely he hadn't done anything to her.

"Poyo!" he said angrily.

Rainbow simply ignored the puff's protests and made to fly away, but before she did, she turned to face him.

"Just so you know, If I find out you did anything to hurt my friends...." Rainbow pulled the pie from earlier out and presented it in front of Kirby. Kirby yelped and ran off to find Spike and Twilight. Rainbow, thinking she had made here point quite clear and that she had everything under control, smirked and flew away to her cloud house.

As Kirby caught up with Twilight and Spike he had finally made up his mind that he really didn't care too much for Rainbow Dash.

Twilight, Spike, and Kirby eventually made it back to library. Once they were inside Twilight sent Spike upstairs to sleep. She stuck around downstairs to watch Kirby. The puff had certainly had enough excitement for a single day. Slowly he plopped down and fell asleep in the middle of the floor. Twilight watched as the pink puff snored softly. She didn't know what exactly to think about Kirby. But for now, she decided that it would be best to wait until tomorrow to try and figure things out. After all, a good night's sleep would give her the energy needed to make sense of the whole situation. Twilight turned away from Kirby and trotted upstairs. Plopping into her bed, she thought about the day's events before drifting off into slumber.

Twilight was stirred from her sleep by something poking her side. Waking up slowly, she found that she was awoken by Spike, who looked rather worried about something.

"Spike what is it?" yawned Twilight. She turned towards the window, the sun wasn't even out yet. Spike grabbed something off of the floor and placed it onto Twilight's bed. Lifting it up with her magic, she was surprised to see that It was a letter from the princess. Finding herself awake rather quickly, she began to read the letter.

Dear Twilight

Forgive me for writing at this hour, but it is a matter of urgency. There have been strange happenings going on in the Crystal Empire as of late. And we fear for the safety of Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and their subjects. Gather your friends and head over to the Crystal Empire to lend your assistance. Once you arrive at the Station, Cadence will be there to tell you of the situation. Also, even though this will sound starnge, bring Kirby with you. Luna has told me that what was written in Cadence's reports and what she saw in Kirby's dreams seem to be connected in some manner. She think he knows what's going on. I wish you luck my faithful student.

-Princess Celestia

Author's Note:

And that concludes this chapter. As usual I hope you all enjoy it. Though I'll be honest I kinda rushed a bit. Maybe it shows maybe not. But I hope you all enjoy it! If not, I could always revise it, i suppose. Thank you and enjoy.

Special Thanks to cyberlord4444 for the pie-phobia idea.

-Kir B