• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,986 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

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A Visit To Canterlot

The Next Morning

Spyro was still sound asleep, curling up with the egg close to him, when he caught a faint whiff of flapjacks which stirred him awake, "Mmm, Bahamut, what's that heavenly smell?..." He yawned, before he got up and walked into the kitchen to see Fluttershy had prepared a bowl of salad for herself, a plate of flapjacks for Spyro, along with some other foods for the many animals living in her cottage.

Fluttershy was pouring herself some tea, when she noticed Spyro in the room, "Oh! Good morning, Spyro," Fluttershy greeted. "How was your sleep?"

"It was good," Spyro answered, deciding not to mention how big of a nuisance Sparx was last night. "How about you?"

"I'm good. Thanks for asking," Fluttershy replied, before she nervously looked away. "Um, I hope you like pancakes."

Spyro's stomach growled as he took his seat, "At this point, I'll try anything." With that, Spyro picked up one of the flat cakes and wolfed down into its soft, fluffy, warm texture. After a moment of chewing, his eyes lit up, "Mmmm, this is good!" He mused as he wolfed down another, with Fluttershy smiling at how pleased he was.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and Fluttershy answered it to find a pegasus in mail delivery uniform. The pegasus took out a letter and gave it to Fluttershy.

"Oh, thank you," Fluttershy thanked as she took the letter and inspected the front to find the royal crest of Princess Celestia. "Oh goodness! It's from the princess!"

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz?!?" Sparx buzzed, which is dragonfly for, "Did you say the princess?!?"

Spyro's interest was piqued when Fluttershy brought the letter over to the table, where she opened the letter to read:

Dear Heroes of Ponyville,

In light of the recent Bugbear attack, I cordially invite you to Canterlot.

Princess Celestia of Equestria.

Before long, Spyro, Fluttershy, Sparx, and the rest of their friends were all on the next train to Canterlot.

"My goodness!" Rarity beamed. "This is such a great honor! I never thought I would ever be in the presence of her majesty, the princess!"

"It's only a matter of time before the princess recognizes my awesomeness," Rainbow boasted.

"I'm kinda surprised your folks were actually okay with letting you fillies go off to Canterlot, like this," Spyro noted.

"It wasn't easy," Applejack replied. "But, it's not like we've ever been on our own before without adult supervisions."

"Yeah," Sparx leaned in close to Spyro's ear and buzzed, "Get this. Applejack once gone to Manehattan, all by herself, when she was just a little girl. But you didn't hear that from me."

Fluttershy was quivering in her seat as she whimpered, "Oh, I hope we're not in trouble or anything."

"In trouble?" Rainbow frowned. "Why would we be in trouble for saving the town? We're heroes! I'm sure she'll award us with a medal, or something."

"OR A BIG SUPER HERO CONGRATULATIONS PARTY!!" Pinkie cheered, bursting out in a blast of confetti, startling the fillies, dragon, dragonfly, and the rest of the passengers on board the train.

"Pinkie!" Applejack grumbled. "Ics-nay-on-the-outburst-nay!"

"An't-cay-elp-hay-AJ!" Pinkie grinned.

While the ponies were discussing amongst themselves, Spyro looked back at the egg that he was carrying, in a saddlebag that Fluttershy had provided for him to use. Draping a protective wing over it, Spyro said to the egg, "It'll be okay little brother," He said to the egg soothingly.

At last, the train pulled into Canterlot station, letting out a gust of steams upon its complete stop. Spyro and friends all exited the passenger carts of the train and into the grand city of Canterlot, the capital of Equestria.

"Wow!" Everyone all gasped, marveling the sight of the city before them. Though, none of them were as excited as Rarity, who was sharing Pinkie's enthusiasm.

"This is AMAZING!!!" Rarity squealed uncontrollably. "We're in Canterlot! We're in Canterlot! WE'RE IN CANTERLOT!!" With that, Rarity did a dramatic pose as she faints into Applejack's arms, who rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Now, where is your princess?" Spyro asked, looking around the buildings, trying to find the castle.

"Hi there!" A voice greeted them. The friends turned their attention to see a lavender unicorn filly approaching them. In appearance, the unicorn has dark sapphire blue mane and tail with moderate purple and brilliant pink streaks, and beautiful moderate violet eyes. Her cutie mark is a brilliant pink star with five small stars surrounding it.

"You must be the heroes everypony has been talking about," The unicorn said.

"Yep! That's us!" Pinkie beamed. "How'd you guess? Are you psychic? Can you tell me what I'm thinking right now?"

The unicorn shook her head, while looking at Pinkie Pie oddly, "....No...I was simply told to be on the look out for a group of fillies and a dragon."

"Hey! What about me?!" Sparx buzzed indignantly.

"Looks like our reputation precedes us," Rainbow smirked, while nudging an arm to Fluttershy's shoulder. With a flap of her wing, Rainbow asked, "So what do you want? Our autograph? Our picture taken together?!"

"Actually, Princess Celestia sent me to fetch you all," The unicorn explained. "I'm her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Rarity gasped, "You don't say!" She exclaimed. "Well darling, it is a pleasure to introduce myself. I'm Rarity. And these are Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spyro," Sparx quickly buzzed, angrily pointing himself. "Oh, sorry darling. That would be Sparx," The marshmallow unicorn filly chuckled.

Twilight nodded, "Charmed," She answered. "Now, shall we be on our way to the castle?"

"Oh, but of course darling," Rarity tittered. "Please. Lead the way."

Twilight complied as she led the group, down the streets of Canterlot. Along the way, Rainbow Dash grumbled, "Please tell me she won't constantly say 'darling' for the rest of our life from now on?"

In the meantime, Spyro took a look at the city around him and his new filly friends, marveling at the tall elegant buildings with colors that further compliments their designs.

"Wow....so much colors..." He commented. "Such...elegance. We don't see things like these back home, brother."

"Wow, didn't take you for an art lover," Sparx buzzed.

"I'm not," Spyro replied. "I'm just saying, it's all new to me."

After awhile of walking and observing the city, the friends at last made it to the castle, where the friends all presented their invitation to the guards who quickly granted them passage, "Welcome to Canterlot Castle," Twilight smiled, accompanied by the sound of trumpets.

"Announcing the heroes of Ponyville," A trumpeter announced.

The friends proceeded to walk up the steps of Canterlot Castle, entering through the front doors that were opened by two guards. Upon entering, the friends were amazed to see the interior of the castle was just as breathtaking than the city outside.

"Double wow!" Pinkie gasped in amazement.

"It's cool alright," Rainbow commented. "Though, I was kinda hoping it could be 20% cooler."

"Rainbow Dash, show some respect," Applejack scolded the pegasus.

Spyro looked around in wonder, taking in the magnificent interior designs of the castle. A small smile was slowly forming on his face, "So, what do you think?" Twilight asked. "Enjoying your first visit to Canterlot so far?"

"Uh huh," Spyro answered. "I never knew you ponies would be this....architectural."

"Thanks. We're flattered," Twilight beamed. "Though, truth to be told. We're actually more curious to the lifestyles of you and your fellow dragons!" Twilight blushed as she began to draw circles on the floor, "Though, no offense, we were kinda...."

"Intimidated?" Spyro finished. "Don't worry. We get that a lot. It's not like we aren't used to that by now," Spyro frowned.

"Oh, sorry," Twilight frowned.

Sparx looked at Twilight, seeing how ashamed she looked, then back at Spyro, seeing how his mood isn't any better than the unicorn's.

"Say something to her," Sparx buzzed encouragingly.

"What?" Spyro whispered. "What do you mean?"

"You heard me. Try and make conversations with her. Ask her, 'what would you like to know about us dragon-types?.'" Sparx said, with quote-unquote gestures.

"Why would she want to know more about me?"

"Um, who are you talking to?" Twilight asked, looking at Spyro strangely. As an answer, Sparx appeared before her, "Oh, hi there little guy," Twilight greeted, watching as Sparx darted around the air, zipping as a blur of yellow streaks, back and fro. "Where did you come from?" She asked. Of course, being a dragonfly, Sparx answered in a series of buzzes that Twilight didn't understand.

"He's with us," Spyro answered on Sparx's behalf. "Twilight, Sparx. Sparx, Twilight," Spyro introduced the two to each other.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Sparx," Twilight greeted, to which Sparx answered with a few more buzzes. "Wow, quite the talkative little fellow, isn't he?"

"He's just saying, 'it's nice to meet you too,'" Spyro translated.

Twilight looked at Spyro in bewilderment, "Wow. It's like you can actually understand every words coming out of his tiny little mouth," She said in fascination.

"Actually, from where I come from, all dragons can understand dragonflies," Spyro explained. "It's an innate ability of ours."


"My goodness Twilight," A gentle voice sounded. "Making new friends already?" The dragon, dragonfly, and ponies looked up to see, standing before them is Princess Celestia herself.

In appearance, Princess Celestia is an alicorn with a brilliant white coat that shames a few blanket of fine snow, a flow mane and tail of aquamarine green, blue, and brilliant pink, with a single beautiful violet eye showing. She wore a golden collar with a purple gem encrusted on the front around her neck, a golden crown atop her head with a matching gem, and golden shoes. Her cutie mark is the blazing sun.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight gasped, before she bowed her head. "I'm sorry, your highness. I-I-I didn't-"

Princess Celestia simply chuckled, "It's fine, dear Twilight," She replied, before she turned her attention to Spyro and friends. "You must be the heroes I've been hearing a lot about from Ponyville."

"Yep, that's us!" Rainbow boasted, before she quickly remembered who she was talking to. Clearing her throat, Rainbow spoke formally, "But it's an honor to be in your presence, your highness," She bowed her head, with her fellow ponies following suit. Spyro, knowing he still need to appear respectful, too bowed his head before the princess, along with Sparx.

Princess Celestia smiled, taken by their mannerisms, as she dipped her head in gratitude, "Please, stand up," She said, to which the friends all complied. "The pleasure is all mine. I am honored have met such brave heroes. All at such a tender young age." Celestia complimented.

Sparx blushed a pink aura of light from embarrassment, "You hear that? She called us inspiring!" He smiled, while Spyro rolled his eyes.

"Your acts of heroism is truly inspiring. Not many young foals and creatures your ages have ever fought a fully grown bugbear and lived to tell the tale," Princess Celestia's continued, before her attention were drawn to Spyro, "Especially for someone like you, Spyro."

"It's nothing, really," Spyro replied modestly, before it dawned on him. "Uh...how did you know my name?"

Princess Celestia paused for a moment, before she simply answered, "Let's just say we both have a common friend, who's been telling me all about you. Though, I never thought I'd actually get to meet you, in pony or dragon, in your case."

"Really? Who? This common friend, I mean."

Celestia shook her head, "That's not important for you to know, right now," She replied, before she addressed to the whole group. "What you all need to know is that this is just the beginning," She began in a serious tone.

"The beginning?" Applejack asked. "Of what?"

"I prefer not having to find out," Fluttershy whimpered, cowering behind Rainbow Dash.

Turning her glance from the buttercup pegasus and friends to her mentor, Twilight ushered, "Please, Princess Celestia. Tell us."

With a nod of her head, Princess Celestia informed the young heroes, "It's the beginning of the dark hours," She frowned. "It's no coincidence that a bugbear would happen to be in Ponyville. For months now, there have been numerous attacks across Equestria. I have reasons to believe they're all connected."

Twilight gasped, "So, what you're saying is..."

"They're all controlled, by someone, whom the monsters are taking orders from. The only question is who?"

The young heroes all exchanged looks of worries with each other, with Spyro hugging the egg closer with his one good wing.

"So, what do we do?" Twilight asked.

"I'm not asking for all of you to fight. You're all but children."

"Hey, we just took on a bugbear, didn't we?" Rainbow scowled.

"It won't be the same as before," Celestia spoke, more sternly towards Rainbow Dash. "More greater dangers will come soon enough. Until then, you're not ready to face them, head on," At the last part, Spyro winced as he recalled his previous battle with ape grunt, Gaul, and looked at his injured, knowing it was one of the prices the young dragon had to pay for his arrogance. "For now, I need you all to remain vigilant, and stay alert."

"You got it!" Pinkie Pie saluted, before she takes out a pair of binoculars, and began scouting around her surroundings.

"I don't think she means it like that, Pinkie," Applejack said.

After their first meeting with Princess Celestia herself, the friends were later in Canterlot Garden, where Fluttershy was attempting to make friends with the animals in the area, while Rainbow Dash was taking a nap in the shade, while Pinkie Pie was busy making mischief, together with Sparx.

Applejack was taking a stroll, with Rarity marveling at all of the statues that were on display, "Oh my," Rarity commented. "Such exquisite designs, such elegance, such originality! Applejack, darling, have you ever seen such brilliant work of art?"

"Well, uh, can't say I have," Applejack grumbled with a roll of her eyes.

"Hey girls!" Pinkie Pie called out. "Check out me, Sparx and Rainbow Dash's arts and craft project!" Pinkie chirped, while pointing to the handiwork she and Sparx did to Rainbow Dash's face.

Applejack and Rarity struggled to stifle their laughter, but they all exploded in an uproar, which woke Rainbow Dash up, "Huh? What?" Rainbow mumbled, looking to see her friends, save Fluttershy, laughing. "Huh, what's so funny?"

"Oh nothing," Applejack chuckled, "Mister Dashie."

"What?" It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash to feel some sort of cold sensation on certain areas on her face, when she looked into a pond, to see her reflection sporting a short mustache, goatee, and a monocle. Rainbow Dash scowled at Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie Pie!!" With an angry flap of her wings, Dash chased Pinkie Pie around the garden, with Sparx munching on some popcorns.

While this was all going on, a shadow figure had succeeded in climbing over the wall, before they started to sneak across the garden, towards the area where Twilight was reading a book, levitated in her magic aura. The unicorn's eyes looked up from her book, and she happened a glance at Spyro, sitting in front of the pond, with the egg sitting close to him.

Twilight watched as Spyro held his paws out, between him and the body of water in front of him. At first, nothing was happening. But all of that changed when the water started to churn uneasily, with bubbles piercing the surface, as if the water was boiling.

Twilight watched in amazement, as Spyro struggles with his magical control over the water, straining to the point where he reached his limit, and he couldn't go on. Spyro took several sharp breathes, looking at himself in the reflection, and splashed the water in frustration.

"Wow, what was that?" Twilight asked, walking over to the young dragon.

"A display of my failure, that's what," Spyro muttered, as he collapsed to the ground. "I couldn't even throw a rock, without picking it up."

"Failure?" Twilight asked. "How can that be failure? That was amazing! I never knew dragons can do that!"

"Oh what do you know?," Spyro frowned. "If you knew, then you would've known that only a special breed of dragons can control the elements, besides fire. The Aethereans!"

Twilight looked puzzled, if not, miffed at the dragon's attitude towards her, "I'm sorry," She began. "But if I may, who are the Aethereans?"

"The Aethereans are a race of purple dragons," Spyro answered. "Very special purple dragons to be precise. The only known dragons that can do magic."

"Fascinating," Twilight marveled as she began to take notes.

"And the Aethereans use that same magic to control other Dragon Elements," Spyro continued, before he began listing them. "Besides fire, there's water, earth, metal, and wood."

"Amazing...." Twilight gasped in fascination, before it dawned on her. "So then, what you were doing with the water, that would.....you're an Aetherean?"

"You're quite the fast learner," Spyro said in sarcasm. "But yeah, I am-"


"Huh?" The sound of a twig snapped quickly alerted Spyro to turn his head, to see a tall hooded figure, attempting to sneak off, with his egg.

"HEY!!" Spyro roared, sprinting to his feet, as both he and Twilight lunged towards the egg thief.

With a frantic yelp, the thief quickly beats feet, while carrying the egg in their clutch. This didn't go unheard for the others, when they saw the commotion.

"STOP THIEF!!!" Rainbow Dash screamed, forgetting her previous chase with Pinkie Pie and Sparx, setting her eyes on the hooded figure, who just leapt over the wall that separated Canterlot Garden and the city.

Author's Note:

Aether - The mysterious element that was introduced in The Legends of Spyro series. Many of us fans have dubbed it Convexity Breath or Fury Breath, before it was officially dubbed Aether - Greek for the material in which the universe was made of.

Wu Xing - An age old philosophy of China, dating from the Han Dynasty. It concerns the cosmology belief of the five elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, and Wood.