• Published 1st Jun 2018
  • 3,987 Views, 132 Comments

The Legends of Magic: Enter the Dragons - Phantom-Dragon

Spyro, together with Spike and the ponies, joined forces to rebuild a team of heroes and fight evil.

  • ...

Several Years Later

Days bled into weeks, then months, then gradually into years.

Over time, numerous attacks continue to plague the land of Equestria, despite the efforts made from Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to repel them. The two royal sisters have dispatched many soldiers across the land to protect their people. However, the attacks continued, in the forms of fearsome monsters, with magics far beyond the Equestrian's understandings.

All of Equestria were put on high alert, never finding peaceful sleep in Luna's beautiful night.

Nevertheless, a ray of hope smiles down upon the two dragons, Spyro and Spike.

Over the years, Spike has grown into a fine young dragon. Though small and nimble, and not as strong as his adopted brother, whilst also lacking wings needed for flight, Spike makes up for it all with skills of resourceful ingenuity, to better assist his friends in their daily lives. He has also grown a lot closer to Twilight Sparkle, during his years as her Number One Assistant. He, like all of us, accepted the world into which he was born in. Believing he was like the ponies. A rather scaly, small, fire breathing, true, but one of them nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Spyro's wing was at last free from its castings, though his ability to fly wasn't the same as it was before. Furthermore, his fire remains missing. But that did little to deter his fighting spirit, however, as he was one of the few defenders of Equestria who were willing to stand and fight in the faces of danger.

Tales of the dragon's heroism spread far and wide, inspiring the millions to do their part in defending their home. Even winning over a few allies, now and then.

Out in the courtyard of Canterlot Castle, a little purple dragon, with a row of long green spikes running from his head, growing shorter to his tail, which ends in the shape of an arrowhead. He has light green frills on the sides of his head, with matching underbelly. He is none other but Spike, grown up during the passing years.

The little dragon was facing against a tree, counting, “.....8, 9, 10!....Ready, or not! Here I come!” The little dragon said, as he jumps around, eager to begin the game.

"Never gonna catch me this time, purple boy!" A tiny voice buzzed, from somewhere in the garden.

Spike stood still, as he carefully looked at his surroundings. At first, all Spike could see were nothing but the many trees, flowers, and faunas that thrived in the Royal Canterlot Garden. But soon enough, he caught glimpse of something gold and sparkly, hiding behind the statue of a unicorn knight.

"I see you, my little glowing friend," Spike smiled, walking up to the statue.

"Seeing and catching are two different things, big boy," Sparx taunted, as he zips away.

"Yeah, you better run," Spike chuckled, as he gave chase.

During his stay in Canterlot, with the two dragons and Twilight, Sparx had been taking the time to memorize the layout of the garden. Therefore, he's known all of the ins and out, and every escape routes he can take to make a quick getaway from Spike, during their games of hide-and-seek. Well, almost...

"Aah, must be tough to lose all the time, Sp-" Next thing Sparx knew, something wet, slimy, and sticky grabbed him from behind, and he was inside of something foul. "Alright, let me out of here, you overgrown fungus!" Of course, the strange plant that ate him didn't comply. "Spike, seriously, lend me a hand here, will ya brother?"

"Geez, Sparx, I don't know," Spike began sarcastically. "Frogweed's gotta eat too."

"Spike, whack it!" Sparx shouted from the inside. "Do something! I'm your buddy, my wings are getting moldy."

With a shrug, and a roll of his eyes, Spike complied, "Alright," While Spike doesn't fight much, he did remember a few basic moves Spyro had taught him before.

Spike walked up to the frogweed, and thrusted his claws out in a punch, striking the plant, square in the head, which resemble's a frog's mouth. Followed by a spin of his tail to strike the arrowhead into the plant's side, Spike finishes it with a simple headbutt.

Having enough, the frogweed regurgitated Sparx from its innards, before it slowly sinks away into the dirt of its patch.

"Ugh...." Sparx groaned. "Now I smell almost as bad as your feet," Before Spike could reach out, Sparx got up, beating his wings and cackled, "And that's too bad! See ya later, sucker!"

"So much for gratitude," Spike muttered, before he resumes the chase.

Sparx continued to beat his wings as he flies around the garden, zipping through the tiniest cracks, or even the narrowest of passages in rose bushes, hoping to get Spike off his tail. But Spike never gave up and was always hot on the dragonfly's tail.

"You've got perseverance, I'll give you that," Sparx complimented.

"You're toast when I catch you!" Spike replied.

Little did the two boys know, they were heading straight into serious trouble. Their little game of hide-and-seek had taken them out of the walls of Canterlot Garden, where they find themselves in the middle of utter chaos.

"What the hay?!" Spike exclaimed, when he and Sparx stopped in the middle of Canterlot's streets, being attacked and overrun by packs of maniacal dark furred baboons, and several anthropomorphic rhinoceros in armor, smashing into several buildings, throwing bombs, and looting every precious goods they could get their hands on.

Amidst the chaos, many of the Canterolot royal guards were under attack

"Aaah...AAAAAH!!" Sparx screamed, as he was taken captive by one of the monkeys, and placed in a small glass jar.

"SPARX!!" Spike screamed, chasing the baboon who had captured his dragonfly friend.

The baboon took notice of Spike, and commented, "I thought all youz guys was gone," He laughed, together with two of his comrades.

"You miserable coward let me go!" Sparx buzzed, which literally fell on deaf ears, since his captor doesn't understand dragonfly.

"Don't let him get away!" The leading baboon barked to two of his comrades, who leapt from their perches, charging towards Spike.

Spike was, of course, frightened. The little dragon watched as the two hulking monkeys came walking up, towering over him, laughing maniacally while baring their pearly white fangs.

Then, in a blur of motion, one of the baboons swiped his hands for the little dragon, catching him by the throat. In retaliation, Spike bit the monkey's hand, while breathing a burst of green fire to add the painful sensation of his bite. The baboon quickly released his grip on Spike, as he desperately waves his arm, in an attempt to put the fire out.

In the meantime, the other baboon lunged forward. Spike quickly dives under the baboon, weaving his way through the chaos filled street, with the baboon on his tail, "HEEEELPPP!!" Spike screamed.

Many of the armor clad rhinoceros creatures took notice of the little dragon, running for dear life from the baboon who was chasing him. With a snort, the rhinoceros all stomped the ground with their feet, creating a thunderous wave, tripping Spike to land square on his face.

Looking up, while rubbing his snout, wincing at the bruises he'll be having in the coming days, Spike to his left, narrowly evading the brutish hands of the rhinoceros making a grab for him.

One of the rhinos held a giant hammer up, before he thrusts it down with the intent on smashing the little dragon, had Spike not jumped out of the way, causing the rhino to accidentally smashing one of his comrade's foot.

"YOW!!!" The other rhino bellowed, repeatedly hopping on one foot, while holding his sore foot, courtesy of the blow from his other comrade.

Another rhino attempted to ram his horn at Spike, but accidentally knocked the baboon away.

"SPIKE!! LOOK OUT!!" Sparx called from within his glass jar prison.

But too late. A small lit stick of dynamite landed besides Spike, and exploded, sending the small dragon flying a good distance away.

Dazed from the explosion, Spike's vision cleared up as he got back on his feet and finds himself backed against a wall, watching the baboons and rhinos closing in on him, just as a flash of blinding white light exploded in between the young dragon and the creatures, and there stood Twilight and Spyro, standing defensively over Spike.

In appearance, Twilight has grown taller from the unicorn filly she was into a full grown mare.

Spyro, too, has grown much taller, to the point where his mohawk-like crests reached the same height as the tip of Twilight's horn. His coat of purple scales have darkened slightly, with a few lavender spots along the back, as the last living traces of his youth.

"Get away from Spike!" Twilight neighed angrily.

Looking at the little dragon, Spyro asked, "Are you alright, Spike?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," Spike nodded. "But that crazy ape's got Sparx!" He pointed.

Following Spike's finger, Spyro turned his head to the baboon, clutching the glass jar, containing their dragonfly friend, "Let me out!" Sparx buzzed, continuously banging on the glass walls of the jar. "Let me out!"

"Hey, crazy ape!" Spyro called out to the said baboon. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

"With pleasure," The baboon snarled, before he frowned, "And by the way, I'm a monkey! Not an ape!" With that, the leading baboon cleared his throat, before he snapped his fingers, "Let 'em have it boys!"

With another sound of maniacal laughs, several baboons swarmed the street, as they began advancing towards Spyro and Twilight.

Both dragon and unicorn looked at each other and nodded, before charging into action.

Twilight started the battle with a blast of magics that exploded into a blanket of blinding lights, briefly stunning the apes, concealing Spyro's incoming attack. The fighting purple dragon charged headfirst, stunning one of the baboons upon impact, before he thrusted his horns beneath the monkey's legs, flipping him up in the air, where Spyro, with the aid of his healed wings, landed several strikes to the baboon with a horizontal spin of his tail to the left, followed by a piercing jab from his tail, until the dragon finishes it with a strong vertical downward strike of his tail, slamming the baboon into the ground. Defeated, in a flash of light, the baboon's whole body dematerializes into several small multicolored gems.

Spyro was baffled, "What the-"

"LOOK OUT!!!" Spike screamed.

Unfortunately, Spyro looked up, just in time for a rhino to charge towards him, ramming its large heavy head into the little dragon, sending him flying into a burning building, earning some mocking laughs from the baboons. The last laugh was on them, however, when Twilight shot several offensive magic beams, putting the baboons in a daze. Another blast hits one of the rhinoceros in the butt, causing him to jump, screaming.

Shaking away their confusions, the baboon turned their attention towards Twilight. Reaching into their bags, the baboons conjured bundle of ropes. With an aura of cackling dark magic, the ropes came to life, forming into lassoes.

"What the hay?!" Twilight exclaimed in surprise, watching as the baboons hurled the ropes in the air, and caught the unicorn. "Ah! Let me go!" Twilight grunted, as she frantically focused her magic into her horn. However, the ropes quickly cackled to life as a surge of dark magic aura sprang from the coils, extinguishing the magical light from Twilight's horn, as well as immensive pain for the lavender unicorn, "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Twilight screamed, feeling the intense heat of the ropes, coursing through her whole body, as if a great electrical storm has pierced her from the horn, traveling throughout her whole body, igniting her from the inside out.

The baboons cackled menacingly, before a rock was thrown at them, and they looked to see Spike, glaring angrily, "Leave her alone!" Spike roared angrily.

Before the baboons could say anything, Spyro came charging out of the burning building, and headbutted one of them away, followed by a backward kick. Then, with a flap of his wings, Spyro leapt into the air, where he did a fast horizontal swipe of his tail, knocking some of the surrounding baboons back. A rhino attempted to run Spyro down, only for the purple dragon to dodge the attack, sticking his tail out to trip the brute, causing him to fall on the ground, resulting in a slight tremor that shook the baboons, releasing their hold on Twilight.

With a slash of his claws, Spyro easily cut through the ropes, freeing Twilight from her restraints, "You okay, Twilight?" Spyro asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Twilight replied, before her eyes widened. "LOOK OUT!!" She screamed, shoving both herself and Spyro out of the way, just as a dynamite was thrown, and nearly blasted them.

During the chaos, Spike managed to sneak his way, up to the leading baboon, who continues to rain several bombs and dynamites onto Spyro and Twilight, when Spike lunged out and grappled with the baboon's arm.

"LET HIM GO!!!" Spike grunted, as he continues to bite and claw at the monkey holding Sparx captive.

"GET OFF OF ME, YOU LITTLE-" The baboon tripped, as he, Spike, and Sparx all fell over the roof the building he was perched on and into a cabbage cart. Getting up, shaking his head, dusting himself off of any remaining cabbage leaves, the baboon glowered over at Spike, who was holding Sparx protectively in his arms, "I've had about enough of you!" The baboon snarled, conjuring a sword at the ready.

"SPIKE!! LOOK OUT!!" Twilight screamed, levitating a piece of brick, which she hurled at the baboon, directly hitting him on the nose.

Rubbing his inflicted nose, the baboon snarled at Twilight, but his eyes quickly shrunken in fear as he watched Spyro charging towards him, knocking him away, causing his whole world to turn white for a moment, as if he had been hit by something heavier than a train.

"Never, ever threaten my brothers," Spyro snarled.

But before Spyro could have another go with the leader, several more rhinos and baboons appeared, blocking the fighting dragon's path, "Take care of 'em!" The leading baboon shrieked. "I gotta report this to the general!"

The rhinos and the baboons complied as they walked menacingly up to Spyro, while their leader quickly left the scene.

Not backing down, Spyro and Twilight continued the fight. Twilight continued to blast several magic beams at the baboons, stunning them, or blasting them away from where they stood. With a groan of defeat, the defeated baboons all disappeared in a flash of light, leaving behind nothing but a pile of multicolored gems. Twilight kept on blasting the baboons, until her horn was burning red at the tip of her horn, and she panted heavily, trying to catch her breath.

Much to her dismay, the rhinos and the baboons kept on coming. Spyro looked, seeing how tired Twilight looked, as well as how cornered Spike and Sparx were. A rhino jumped towards Spyro, throwing himself atop the dragon, only for Spyro to do a vertical spin of his tail that sent the rhino flying overhead, crushing into the whole group of baboons who were prowling on Spike and Sparx.

"Go! Get to safety!" Spyro advised.

Spike looked around, but failed to see where he and Sparx can go to hide, "Where to?" They both asked.

Spyro didn't have time to answer, as he ran back to help Twilight in the fight against the rhinoceros and baboons, who were still coming. The baboons continued to laugh maniacally as they continue to hurl bombs at the heroes, while plundering the burning walls of the burning city of Canterlot.

"Enough already!" Spyro panted.

"Somebody help us!!" Spike wailed.

As if answering his plea for help, several royal guards have arrived to assist in the fight.

"Alright! The cavalry is here!" Sparx buzzed cheerfully, before his jaw dropped.

"I don't think that's the whole cavalry," Spike commented, as the friends looked up to see Princess Celestia stepping forward with Princess Luna beside her.

Together, the two royal sisters all took flight as they fired beams of magics at the attacking baboons and rhinos, pushing their waves back, until finally, they all disappeared in a flash of light.

"Is every pony alright?" Princess Luna asked.

Princess Celestia took a moment to glance at the fires that continued to dance around her, in Canterlot, while noting at all the citizens who have survived the assault.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed as she galloped towards the princess, with Spyro, Spike, and Sparx at her sides. "Princess Celestia!"

"Twilight!" Celestia breathed a sigh of relief, embracing the unicorn. "Thank goodness you're alright. What happened?" She asked, pointing at the destructions around them.

"And more importantly, can you get me out of here?" Sparx buzzed, still trapped in his jar prison. "Hello?"

Author's Note:

The fighting moves Spyro used to fight the baboons and rhinos are the Dragon Kata. A fighting style of dragon martial arts introduced in Spyro and the Shadow Legacy.