• Published 6th Feb 2018
  • 12,737 Views, 124 Comments

Godzilla - Gojipower12

When a strange egg turns up on Fluttershy’s barn, she is tasked in taking care of the infant that will soon hatch. But she’ll get a surprise when the egg in question hatches into a Titan.... Titanus Gojira, to be more precise.

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Chapter 17

With the fury of a raging fire, the alpha MUTO charged at Godzilla with great speed that betrayed her gargantuan size. She let out a ear-splitting roar as the colossal MUTO rammed into Godzilla with enough force to generate a shockwave that knocked over multiple trees and sent the Main Six flying into the ground. The equines could only scream in terror as they were knocked off their hooves by the huge shockwave. Godzilla snarled as he was pushed back by the alpha MUTO, growling in frustration as he found himself unable to stop himself from being shoved back. The alpha MUTO sucker-punched Godzilla in the gut hard enough to stagger the saurian before smashing him into the ground with a powerful downward blow.

"KREEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAARRRRRRRK!!!!" The beast roared angrily.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!" Rainbow exclaimed as she sat up.

"Oh Faust, that must be the MUTOs' alpha!" Twilight exclaimed. "She's enormous! From the looks of it, she's even bigger than Godzilla!"

"MUTOS HAVE AN ALPHA?!" Everypony shrieked.


The alpha MUTO grabbed onto Godzilla by his neck and tail, hoisting the saurian into the air. Godzilla could only thrash about in the MUTO's grasp before the reptilian Titan found himself flying through the air. It didn't take Godzilla very long to realize he had just been tossed in the air like a ragdoll. Before he could react, Godzilla smashed into the forest, carving a trench in the ground with his body while decimating entire acres of trees. Godzilla growled as he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the great amount of dizziness plaguing his body. Godzilla stood up, turning to face the alpha MUTO that had once again started charging Godzilla. Godzilla noticed a particularly large tree that was almost as tall as his knee. An idea immediately popped into the saurian's mind, and right then Godzilla knew exactly what to do with that tree. With a growl, Godzilla grabbed hold of the large tree and ripped it out of its roots as he tore off all of its branches in the process. The alpha MUTO leaped towards Godzilla with impressive agility, lunging at the saurian with its jaws agape.


Godzilla swung the tree with tremendous force, bludgeoning the alpha MUTO in her face before sending her tumbling into the ground. The alpha MUTO could only groan in pain while being momentarily stunned. Godzilla tossed his makeshift weapon away as he stomped on the alpha MUTO's face with his foot, smashing the colossal Titan into the ground.

"SKREEEEEEEEOOOOOOONNNNNNGK!!!" Godzilla roared as he continued to curbstomp the alpha MUTO. As Godzilla continued to pummel the disoriented alpha MUTO, The two smaller MUTOs charged at the saurian in a effort to protect their mother. Before they could even reach the two Titans, a pair of magical projectiles of gold and light blue color smashed into the two behemoths, knocking them over.

"KREEEEERRRRRK!" The two MUTOs roared out. Twilight turned her gaze to the sky as Celestia and Luna, along with a large squadron of Canterlot's best pegasi and unicorn soldiers, charged into the battlefield.

"FOCUS ALL OF YOUR ATTACKS ON THE MUTOS!!!" Celestia commanded with a booming tone as she and Luna opened fire on the MUTOs. The soldiers accompanying the two princesses began bombarding the two insectoid Titans with every ounce of firepower they had, forcing the two MUTOs back. The male and female MUTOs tried to fight back, swiping their hooked forearms at the soldiers and princesses. Celestia and Luna dodged out of the MUTOs' range, firing a volley of more powerful magic blasts at the two behemoths. The female MUTO roared out angrily as she snapped her jaws at the advancing ponies, unaware of the steep cliff behind her. Before she could realize what was happening, the female MUTO's footing slipped, causing her to slide off the edge of the cliff. Panic flooding her mind, the female MUTO frantically clamped her jaws on the male MUTO's hind legs in hopes he would pull her to safety. Unfortunately, the female was almost twice his size and she had inadvertedly pulled the male MUTO down with her. The two MUTOs screeched in terror as they fell down the cliff and disappeared from sight.

"YEAH!" Rainbow cheered.

"Ah hate 'ta be those big varmints right now." Applejack said with a smile. As the princesses successfully fended off the two smaller MUTOs, the alpha MUTO had finally regained her senses. With a roar, the alpha grabbed hold of Godzilla by his leg and threw him on the ground before he could continue stomping on her. The alpha MUTO stood up, grabbing Godzilla by the tail before she began to drag the saurian around. Godzilla roared out at the MUTO before kicking her in the leg, forcing the behemoth to release her grip on Godzilla's tail. Without delay, Godzilla shot up from the ground and grabbed hold of the alpha MUTO, sinking his teeth into her left shoulder. The alpha MUTO let out a shriek of pain as Godzilla began ripping into the beast's shoulder. Her anger ever increasing, the alpha MUTO bit down on Godzilla's neck, causing the saurian to let go of her shoulder as he let out a pained shriek. The alpha MUTO rammed Godzilla in the chest before smashing him into the side of a mountain.

"KREEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRK!!!!" The alpha MUTO roared as she began relentlessly slugging Godzilla in the face with one powerful punch after the other. Godzilla tried his best to block the blows, but they were too fast and too many to count. The alpha MUTO began smashing Godzilla deeper into the mountain with every blow, burying him further in the rock. The alpha MUTO let out a hateful shriek, lifting her arms up high as she prepared to deliver another powerful blow to the saurian. A weakened Godzilla could only glare at the bug with a hard glare on his face. The alpha MUTO would've delivered the blow had a raspberry-colored magical projectile hadn't smashed into the beast's backside. The alpha MUTO shrieked with frustration as she turned around to see Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow darting around the behemoth in mid-air.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Twilight yelled, firing a volley of magical projectiles at the alpha MUTO. The colossal Titan roared out as she chased after the ponies, forgetting all about Godzilla. Rainbow swerved around before diving towards the MUTO with her hind legs aimed at the beast.

"You think you're so tough, huh? Well, let's see how tough you are after I buck your face in!" Rainbow yelled, kicking the MUTO in the face with all of her might. Unfortunately, to the four hundred foot-tall MUTO, Rainbow's assault did nothing but simply tickle the beast. The alpha MUTO casted a annoyed scowl on Rainbow, causing the cyan pegasus to suddenly start nervously sweating.

"Heheh.... Look at that, you are pretty.... tough...." Rainbow spoke in a uncharacteristically anxious tone. The alpha MUTO roared as she snapped her jaws at Rainbow, only to bite air as Rainbow dodged her jaws.


The alpha MUTO snapped her jaws at Twilight and the other two airborne ponies as she chased them around, causing them to scream in terror as they frantically kept flying out of the beast's maw. Godzilla roared out in frustration as he tried to wiggle himself out of the crevice, but to no avail. His dorsal spines were lodged in the side of the mountain, rendering the saurian immobile at the moment.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Fluttershy screamed, immediately catching Godzilla's attention. To the Titan's horror, the alpha MUTO had targeted the cream-colored pegasus and was now snapping her jaws at Fluttershy.

"SKREEEEEEEOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGK!!!!!!" Godzilla roared as he furiously began thrashing between the tough rock. Godzilla's dorsal spines began to ignite with blue light, the immense heat wafting off of them beginning to melt the rock encasing the spines. The alpha MUTO grabbed onto Fluttershy's tail with her jaws, earning a terrified shriek from the pegasus as she was violently thrown into the ground.

"FLUTTERSHY!!!" Twilight screamed as she swerved in the air and soared towards her downed friend. Fluttershy groaned as she turned her gaze skyward, watching as the alpha MUTO prepared to reduce the winged pony into a flattened pancake.

"KREEEEEEEEEEERRRRRK!!!!" The alpha MUTO roared as she prepared to kill Fluttershy with a single stomp of her forearm.


The alpha MUTO paused her assault and turned around just as a neon blue thermonuclear heat ray smashed into the beast's face. The Main Six watched in surprise as Godzilla charged at the MUTO while spewing out nuclear fire at the insectoid behemoth.

"AW, YEAH! BIG G'S GOT SOME SERIOUS FIREPOWER OF HIS OWN!!" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly.

"So much power...." Twilight spoke with awe in her voice.

"KREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" The alpha MUTO shrieked as the nuclear flames burned away a large portion of the left side of her face. Godzilla fired another atomic blast at the alpha MUTO's chest, knocking the beast on her back.

"Grrrrrr....." Godzilla growled, approaching the downed MUTO as he prepared to finish her off with another atomic blast. Right before he could fire another atomic blast at the beast, the alpha MUTO lifted her head and let out a massively powerful roar at Godzilla. She was roaring so loud, her voice was generating a supersonic soundwave that shoved Godzilla backwards. The Main Six yelped in surprise as they all frantically covered their ears to protect their ear drums from the deafening roar.

"THAT VILE BEAST IS GOING TO RUPTURE MY EAR DRUMS!!" Rarity screamed as she covered her ears with her hooves. Godzilla was pushed back far enough to give the alpha MUTO a chance to stand up. Godzilla charged at the alpha MUTO, only for the beast to strike him with another sonic roar.

"KREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" The alpha MUTO roared. She began to increase the pressure of her sonic roar on Godzilla, forcing him to falter to the ground. Before anypony knew what was happening, Godzilla suddenly shrieked in agony as his dorsal spines literally exploded from the sheer power of the sonic roar. With blue smoke fuming out of the shattered spines and blood gushing down his body, Godzilla could only wail in pain as he collapsed on the ground.

"NO!!!" Fluttershy screamed, standing up as she tried to rush over to Godzilla. However, the alpha MUTO must have used more force to throw the pegasus down than she expected, because Fluttershy could only manage a couple of steps before collapsing onto the ground in pain. Fluttershy could only watch as the giant MUTO approached the weakened saurian Titan lying on the ground. The alpha MUTO wasted no time in attacking Godzilla as she began to repeatedly smash the saurian on the head with her fists. Godzilla wailed as he was unable to stop the alpha MUTO from constantly striking him with deadly blows.

"NOOOOO! STOP! AGH, LEAVE.... LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" Fluttershy cried out, her tear-stained eyes watching in horror as the alpha MUTO continued to viciously bombard Godzilla with powerful downward blows. Before the alpha MUTO could finish Godzilla off, Celestia and Luna dive bombed the beast as they simultaneously fired a combined magical projectile at the MUTO, managing to knock her off Godzilla.

"UNHAND HIM THOU VILE BEAST!!!!" Luna roared, firing another volley of projectiles at the alpha MUTO.

"KREEEEEEEEEEERRRRRK!!!!" The alpha MUTO roared as she switched targets and began swinging her claws at the two princesses. As Celestia and Luna distracted the alpha MUTO, Fluttershy gained the strength to crawl towards Godzilla's snout. With a shaky breath, Fluttershy began to caress Godzilla snout as tears flooded her eyes.

"Y-You did.... great... But w-we're n-not done yet. I need... I need you to get up, baby. Please.... g-get up.... I need you! Everypony needs you! Please.... get up." Fluttershy spoke through sobs. Godzilla huffed as steam rose from his nostrils. He looked down at Fluttershy before weakly turning his head, glancing at the two princesses battling the alpha MUTO. Godzilla was in so much pain at the moment. He could barely move from the excruciating agony he was enduring. But something in his gut told him to not give up. The alpha MUTO was too dangerous to be left alive. She could very well rampage through Ponyville and kill everypony there. No, she cannot be allowed to harm anyone else.

The bug had to die.

Godzilla snarled as agony racked his entire body from trying to stand up. Every breath he took was pain, but Godzilla had to fight through it. It seemed that Godzilla finally found the strength to get back up again. Fluttershy backed up as she watched Godzilla slowly rise to his feet. Godzilla turned to the unaware alpha MUTO, the shattered remains of his dorsal spines flickering with blue light. There was a surge of power growing inside of the saurian, and it was time to let it out.


The roar grabbed everypony's attention, even the alpha MUTO. Twilight and the Main Six watched as Godzilla began approaching the alpha MUTO with newfound strength. The alpha MUTO turned towards the saurian as she let out a wrathful roar as she charged towards Godzilla once more. The two Titans collided into each other, but this time Godzilla was the one pushing the alpha MUTO back. With his newfound strength, Godzilla shoved the now bewildered MUTO back before stomping on her right leg. The alpha MUTO screeched in pain before clamping her jaws on Godzilla's throat while repeatedly slashing at his torso with her claws. Godzilla snarled as he ignored the pain, taking the behemoth's jaws in his clawed hands as he wrenched the MUTO off his throat. The alpha MUTO thrashed wildly in Godzilla's grip, shrieking with rage. Godzilla snarled as he took hold of the MUTO's lower jaws, pulling it back with all of his strength. With a mighty jerk, Godzilla tore the MUTO's lower jaw right out of its socket, watching the alpha writhe in pure agony as blood gushed out of the open wound.

"Eugh, that has to hurt!" Pinkie said, eating from a bag of popcorn while wearing 3-D glasses. As the alpha MUTO continued to scream with pain, Godzilla grabbed hold of the behemoth by her torso before lifting the beast on his back. Godzilla's shattered spines ignited with blue light, before nuclear energy began seeping into the rest of his body. Even Godzilla's eyes began to glow with ferocity as the Titan began to reach supercharged levels of power. With a loud roar, Godzilla unleashed a devastatingly powerful thermonuclear pulse that sent the alpha MUTO flying into the air. The pulse was so powerful, it managed to tear the alpha MUTO's limbs completely out of their sockets. The alpha could only shriek as she crashed back into the Earth, leaving behind a large crater in the ground upon smashing into the floor. The alpha MUTO was beyond horrifically injured. Her body was mangled and most of her limbs were completely missing. Blood gushed out of every open wound on her body. The mangled behemoth cranked her head towards the quickly approaching saurian. Godzilla casted a dark glare at the mortally wounded beast, lifting his left foot over her head.

"GRAAWRR!" Godzilla snarled with anger in his eyes. The alpha MUTO could only utter a dying croak before Godzilla crushed her skull with a single stomp of his foot. Almost immediately, the giant MUTO went completely limp. She was finally dead.