• Published 6th Feb 2018
  • 12,737 Views, 124 Comments

Godzilla - Gojipower12

When a strange egg turns up on Fluttershy’s barn, she is tasked in taking care of the infant that will soon hatch. But she’ll get a surprise when the egg in question hatches into a Titan.... Titanus Gojira, to be more precise.

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Chapter 4

Fluttershy had to admit, taking care of a legendary beast was far from easy. Godzilla was a lot more troublesome than the pegasus Godzilla ran around the cottage, chasing after the chickens, bunnies, and other critters under the yellow pegasus’ care. Fluttershy had to chase him around and keep him from hurting anyone. The little saurian had also made a big mess out of the kitchen and bathrooms by strewing food and paper everywhere. Of course, Godzilla doesn’t mean to hurt the other animals. He doesn’t know how to properly play with anything smaller than him. Godzilla ran after Angel excitedly, unable to comprehend why the bunny kept running away from him while screaming in terror. He managed to finally catch the frightened bunny, holding him by the ears in his jaws and turning to walk off someplace else.

“No, we do not eat bunnies!” Fluttershy said, picking Godzilla up and carefully releasing Angel from the little reptile’s grasp. After he was placed back on the floor, Godzilla noticed a plush carrot toy and popped it in his mouth, attempting to swallow the fuzzy object. He immediately spat it out, apparently discovering that toys did not taste very good. Fluttershy sighed as she sat on a chair, watching the infant continue explore her home. She exhaustedly watched as Godzilla tried dragging a chair towards the living room. For such a tiny and adorable baby Titan, Godzilla was a pretty big troublemaker. Fluttershy felt the corners of her mouth rising, smiling as she realized Godzilla’s antics reminded her of how Angel acted when he was young. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her door. She trotted over and opened the door, her eyes widening at the sight of Twilight and Celestia waiting at her doorstep.

“Twilight and... Princess Celestia? Please, come in.” Fluttershy said, moving to the side as the two ponies entered her cottage.

“Hello, Fluttershy. It’s not every day that I come to visit your lovely home.” Celestia said with a chuckle. “Twilight told me about the hatchling. May I see him?”

“Why, of course. He’s right over…” Fluttershy said, stopping mid-sentence upon noticing Godzilla was suddenly missing. Fluttershy immediately went into a state of panic as she looked everywhere around the cottage.

"Fluttershy, is something wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Godzilla was right here! He was on the rug when I answered the door!" Fluttershy replied. The cream-colored pegasus took notice of the back door that had been slightly opened, nearly having a heart attack upon glancing at it.

"He's GONE?!"



Godzilla chased after a butterfly that had previously entered the cottage via an open window and flew out the back door, snapping his jaws at the airborne insect. As the little saurian tried to catch the insect, he tripped over a small stone and began tumbling down the hill at fast speeds. Godzilla let out a startled warble as he smacked into a cart filled with cabbages.

"What the heck just hit my cart...?" Said the bright orange stallion manning the vendor. He looked over to the side, noticing a dazed Godzilla wobblily standing up.

"Hey there, little fella. Where did you come?" The stallion asked. Godzilla just looked up at the Earth pony before running off into Ponyville.

"Well, that was strange. He was a cute lil' critter, though." The stallion muttered to himself as he scratched his head with a hoof. Godzilla reached the town square, looking around as he gazed upon his new surroundings. For the little Titan, it was like walking into a large candy shop for the first time. Godzilla took in all the new scents as well. He could smell all kinds of scents wafting around town square.

Sweet things. Sour things. Salty things. Smelly things. Even some spicy things. They all smelled so wonderful.

Godzilla even picked up the faint smell of smoke in the air, which slightly irritated his nostrils. The little saurian walked about aimlessly, gawking at all the stores and fruit vendors. It wasn't long until Godzilla managed to bump into the leg of a ridiculously muscular pegasus. The pegasus, whom was in the middle of buying a popsicle, turned around to look at the saurian.

"Hey, what just- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The bulky pegasus shrieked, which in turned startled Godzilla and sent the little reptile running off in a panic. Godzilla screeched in panic as he ran amok in the town, startling passerby ponies walking about. Godzilla noticed a large purple boutique in the distance and made a beeline towards it. Luckily for Godzilla, there was a built-in doggy-door positioned near the bottom of the larger door. Godzilla ran into the little doggy door, squeezing through the tight square-shaped opening before flopping onto the pristine white-tiled floor on the other side.

"Grawwwrr...." Godzilla bemoaned, lifting his head up. As he did so, Godzilla set his sight on a snow-white Persian cat wearing a purple ribbon and her head and a opalescent collar around her neck that was staring at the little saurian in return.

"Meooww...?" The cat mewed. Godzilla immediately backed up from the feline, letting out a loud and fearful warble before running off into another room. The cat simply let out a annoyed huff as she licked her paws and walked off. At that moment, Rarity entered the boutique with a basket of rubies in tow/

"Ohhh, Opalescence! I just brought home a lovely assortment of rubies for my new dress! Come along, Opal. I need your help in getting the right measurements." Rarity said in a upbeat tone. Opal began meowing as she began tugging at Rarity's tail.

"Opal, what are you...."

Rarity noticed Opal had been pointing towards one of the curtains in the other end of the room. Rarity looked closer, noticing a tail sticking out of the end.

"What in Celestia's name?"


"Godzilla! Godzilla, where are you?!" Fluttershy called out as she, Twilight, and Celestia walked through the main marketplace. Everypony immediately bowed down to the solar Princess as she passed by. Celestia would occasionally give a little wave and a warm smile to anypony that approached her as she walked around the marketplace with the two Element Bearers.

"Where could he be? He's too small to be out on his own!" Fluttershy exclaimed worriedly.

"How does a rambunctious baby Titan manage to stay out of sight?" Twilight grumbled to herself, frantically looking around every store and vendor in the marketplace.

"Yoo-hoo! Over here!" Rarity exclaimed as she approached the trio.

"Fluttershy, I think you're looking for this..." Rarity said, turning around to reveal a half-asleep Godzilla casually resting on the white unicorn's back.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much Rarity!" Fluttershy happily exclaimed as she carefully held Godzilla in her forearms. "How did you even find him?"

"Oh, it's my pleasure, darling! I found him in my own boutique, would you believe that? The poor thing was hiding behind one of my curtains. I think he was scared of Opal." Rarity replied. Fluttershy hugged the little saurian before thanking Rarity once again. With that said and done, Fluttershy returned to her cottage with Godzilla, Celestia, and Twilight in tow.