• Published 19th Feb 2018
  • 10,005 Views, 221 Comments

Broken - SilverWind14

When Sunset Shimmer gets framed for posting personal secrets on MyStable, she becomes the target of the entire school. Even her friends.

  • ...

One Of Those Days

Author's Note:


Also be warned, this wasn't entirely edited. The ending was left untouched so if you see any grammar/spelling mistakes, don't kill me DX

Enjoy! :twilightsmile:

PS sorry if it feels rushed xD

Lunch time came too quickly for Sunset. To avoid anymore confrontations with anyone, she lingered in class for a bit until the hallways weren’t as crowded. When Sunset saw that the coast was clear, she headed for the door.

“Off to share more secrets again, Miss Shimmer?” Miss Cheerilee said.

Sunset froze in place in front of the door. She slowly turned around to look at her teacher, who was sitting at her desk with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.


“I said: off to share more secrets?” she repeated.

“NO!” shouted Sunset. “Miss Cheerilee, don’t tell me you also believe in Anon-A-Miss!”

“Well, from what I’ve been seeing, it seems that you are very much Anon-A-Miss,” she said with a sneer. “Honestly, I really thought you had changed. That you were a better person. You were starting to become my favorite student too.”

“B-but I-”

“Just go, Sunset,” Cheerilee said as she went back to her work.

Sunset obey and hurried out the door, slamming it behind her. She was heading for the cafeteria to get lunch until she remembered what had happened the last time. She touched her black eye very lightly, still wincing at how much it hurt. She went past the cafeteria and headed outside. Once there, she went towards the bleachers and took a seat underneath them.

She brought her knees up to her chest. She was surprisingly not feeling as sad as she was yesterday. In fact, she was starting to feel a little annoyed now. Not only were the students against her, but now her teacher. She believed that her other teachers felt the same way.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard footsteps. She looked up to see Gilda standing in front of her carrying a lunch tray with food in her hands and a brown paper bag in her teeth. She kneeled and set the tray down and took the bag in her hands.

“Sup, Shim.” she said with a smile and she sat down next to Sunset and pushed the tray towards her.

“Um, hey Gilda. What are you doing here?” Sunset asked.

“To bring you lunch, duh.” Gilda replied with a small chuckle.

Sunset looked down at the tray. On it was a salad, some orange juice, and an orange. It was almost like what she usually got, except the orange and orange juice were usually apples and apple juice.

“Wow. Thanks Gilda.” Sunset said with a smile as she brought the tray up to her lap. “But, why did you do this? And how did you know where I was?”

“I did it because from what I keep hearing, something happened in the cafeteria that led you to get that, you know.” She said as she pointed to her eye. “And I’ve seen you come here a few times after the Fall Formal. I’m guessing it was for the same reason as now. So I decided to get some lunch for you. And don’t worry about me, I brought my own food.” She took out a sandwich from the paper bag and took a big bite.

Sunset chuckled a little bit. She still couldn’t believe that Gilda of all people was on her side. The mere thought of it brought a smile to her face. She began to eat her salad and sip on her OJ.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly happened yesterday?” Gilda asked as she took a water bottle out of her backpack.

Sunset’s smile slowly dropped a bit. She put her spork down and looked at Gilda.

“W-well, um, I was standing in line, trying to get some lunch, when all of a sudden Lightning Dust came out of nowhere and shoved me out of the line and onto the floor.” Sunset said as anger was slowly building up as she remembered what happened.

“Goddamnit, Dust!” Gilda yelled. “She can be such a little bitch, I swear! Was she the one who gave you that black eye?”

“Well, she did punch me in the face after some words were exchanged, but I don’t think it was enough to make it look like this.”

“Hmmph. Luck her.” Gilda huffed as she took a sip of water.

“It was Rainbow Dash,” Sunset said with a glare.

Gilda’s eyes widened and spit out the her water.

“WHAT!?” She screamed.

“After Lightning punched me, the students began throwing their food at me. As I was running out of the cafeteria, Rainbow Dash grabs my attention and freaking chucks an apple and hits me right in the spot that Lightning Dust punched me in!” Sunset shouted as she clenched her fists. “And this was right after the bitch punched me in the stomach in the middle of the hallway!”

Gilda trembled as she crushed her sandwich. “That stupid little dike! I swear I’m gonna-”

“Calm down, Gilda!” Sunset said as she put her hands on her shoulders. “Don’t go looking for a fight.”

“But I-”

“Please. Don’t start stooping down to their level.” Sunset said. She then put on a small smile.

Gilda took a deep breath and slowly started to calm down.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” she said as she returned the smile.

“Good.” Sunset said as she removed her hands from her shoulders. “And thanks for worrying about me, Gil.”

“No problem, Shim.”

And with that, they both returned to eating their lunch. Sunset giggled as Gilda pouted as at her squished sandwich.


After lunch had ended, Sunset said goodbye to Gilda and was on her way to her next class. Just then, a voice on the intercom grabbed her attention.


Sunset could already hear the snickering of the other students.

“Goddamnit. I bet that Celestia’s also on board with this.” She sighed and headed for the office.

Once she arrived at the office, she knocked on the door.

“Come in.” she heard the principal call out.

Sunset opened the door and entered the office. Waiting for her inside were Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.

“Please have a seat, Miss Shimmer.” Vice Principal Luna told her. Sunset obeyed and took a seat in front of the principal’s desk.

“So, why did you want to see me?” Sunset asked.

“Well Sunset,” Celestia began. “We’ve been getting a number of complaints from numerous students. Apparently, some very personal secrets are being posted on MyStable by an anonymous user by the name of Anon-A-Miss. And from the looks of the profile, and from the number of students complaining it, all evidence seems to be pointing at you.” Celestia said in a cold voice.

I fucking knew it, Sunset thought.

“Principal Celestia. Do you really believe that I would throw away everything I ever worked for just to post some stupid secrets on the web?” Sunset asked.

“Yes!” Celestia stated at the same time that Luna exclaimed, “No!” They looked at each other awkwardly for a moment before Luna turned to look at Sunset.

“Look, Sunset, we didn’t call you hear to point fingers at you. Right, sister?” she said giving a stern glare at her sister. Celestia only returned the look.

“Anyway,” Luna continued as she turned back to Sunset. “We called you over here to tell us your side of the story.” She paused for a moment. “And maybe you can tell us what happened to your face.”

“Well, with all evidence pointing to her-,” Celestia started.

“Hush sister! Let her speak.” Luna said.

“O-ok then. Well for starters, let me make this clear you two, I. Am. Not. Anon-A-Miss.”

Luna smiled gave her a nod while Celestia was still scowling.

“I don’t know who this punk is. All I know is that they are trying to frame me. I mean seriously, only an idiot would be stupid enough to not see through this pathetic scheme!” Sunset said, throwing her arms in the air.

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Celestia asked with an angry tone.

“I means that this school is full of idiots!”

“Now, Miss Shimmer. Please try to calm yourself. You, too, sister.” Luna said to the two women in front of her.

“Anyway,” Sunset continued in a calm manner. “The first post was Applejack’s childhood nickname. We just thought that it was someone trying to get some laughs out of it by embarrassing her a little, so we just brushed it aside. The next post is what did the trick. It was pictures from our sleepover at Rarity’s. Pictures that I took. No one else.”

“So that proves it then!” Celestia spoke up. “If you were the only one who took the pictures, that means that those pictures can only be found on your phone. If you hadn’t lost your phone at all during that time, this person couldn’t have possibly gotten a hold of those photos. Which only leaves you. You’re the only person that had those photos, so you’re the only one that could have posted them.”

“Principal Celestia. I seriously can’t believe that you of all people have turned against me!” Sunset said. “Does everything I’ve done since the Fall Formal mean nothing to you?”

“I’ll admit, it was a good act. Now, if you’re done making up stories, let's talk about deleting this account if you don’t want any further consequences.”

“What?!” Sunset’s anger was now rising. She really wanted to gently slap Celestia in the face. Just a gentle little slap right across her face. But her conscience and body told her that was a stupid thing to do.

“Sister, if you don’t shut your mouth right now you can make your own meatloaf tonight!” Luna said as she glared at her sister. She didn’t understand why her sister was acting like this. Usually it her that was the calm and collected one.

With Celestia quiet, Luna spoke up. “Now Miss Shimmer, we are going to investigate this further. I ask that you try to hold out until then and stay out of trouble.” She paused for a moment. “Could you tell us what happened to your eye?”

“Some students began to throw food at me and an apple hit me right in the eye.” Sunset replied.

“Do you know who threw it?” Luna asked.

Sunset paused. “Uh, nope. Didn’t see who.” Sunset said sheepishly. She didn’t want to rat out Rainbow Dash because she knew she would want revenge. And Sunset didn’t want to listen or hear her wrath anymore than she already has.

“Well, if any students do give you any trouble, please don’t hesitate to talk to us or any other teachers. You understand?” Luna said with concern.

Sunset nodded. She didn’t want to bring up the teachers turning on her either.

“Good. Now hurry on back to class. Tell your teacher that you were with us.” Luna said with a smile.

Sunset nodded and returned the smile as she got up and exited the office. After the door was closed, Luna turned to glare at Celestia.

“What was that?” Luna said

“What?” Celestia asked in an irritated tone.

“Why are you on board with this? You and I both know that she worked hard to make up for her mistakes. She has even saved the school from evil mind controlling creatures from Equestria for goodness sake!” Luna said as she put her hands on the desk.

“Yeah, with Princess Twilight’s help.” Celestia mumbled.

Luna ignored her and asked, “That being said, why would you think that she would throw all that away and go back to being the most hated person in the school?”

“Because that’s who she is! People like her never change! They just put on an innocent act to get on people’s good side and when they least expect it, WHAM! She turns around and stabs them in the back.” Celestia said with a venomous tone in her voice.

“Is that it?” Luna said.

“Yes!” Celestia shouted.

“Is that also what you thought about me back when we were in high school?” Luna asked in a quieter tone.

This made Celestia pause. She thought back to how Luna acted in their high school years. She was an even bigger brat than Sunset. It was only after a big argument and a trashed apartment that Luna finally decided to turn her life around.

“Luna, that was different.” Celestia said, now more relaxed.

“Are you just saying that because we’re sisters?”

Celestia was about to say something but Luna continued.

“What if Sunset was your daughter? Would have treated her like you did just now? Like delinquent? Or would you handle her as in a normal way?”

“Please Luna, if Sunset were my daughter I would‘ve made sure she never did anything like this.” Celestia replied.

Luna sighed. “You know what, whatever. If you want to continue not listening to reason like a smart person then go ahead. I’m going back to my office.”

Luna grabbed her folders and exited the office.


More secrets had been posted on the page, which meant more people bickering with one another. This also meant that the students were now targeting Sunset even more. The push and shoves were happening more frequently and more aggressively. The object thrown at her were now hard objects like pencils, erasers, and rulers. This was just pissing Sunset off even more.

The final bell rang. Students rushed to leave the classroom. Sunset lingered behind again until the hallways were clear. Once she saw that hallways were mostly empty, she exited the classroom and headed for her locker.

As she turned the corner, she froze in place. In front of her stood Fluttershy, putting some books away in her locker. She had completely forgotten that their lockers were close to each others. Sunset was going to turn around and wait until she left, but then thought about something.

She could try talking to Fluttershy. She figured that at least she would listen to her.

“Fluttershy!” Sunset called out as she made her way over to the pink haired girl.

Fluttershy closed her locker, turned her head and yelped. “S-Sunset? What do you want from me?” Fluttershy whimpered as she hugged her books.

“Nothing, Shy,” Sunset said. She was confused as to why she sounded all scared. “I just want to talk to you.”

“Why? Want to get a secret out of me too?” Fluttershy said in a hushed tone.

“W-what? No! I just-”


Sunset felt her hair being pulled violently. She fell onto the floor as and hissed with pain. She looked up to see a familiar rainbow haired asshole towering above her.

Of course. Just what I needed.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Dash asked with crossed arms.

“I’m trying to talk to Fluttershy.” Sunset replied as she got up, still trying to ease the pain on her head.

“Well don’t!”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “The hell do you mean ‘don’t’? You can’t tell me who I can and can’t talk to!”

“I can and I will!” Dash yelled as she shoved Sunset, causing her to take a few steps back and almost falling again. “I’m not having my friend talk to a manipulative demon like you!”

“Look, Dash. You are really starting to piss me off.” Sunset said as she took a step closer. “I’ve had just about enough for one day. So be a smart girl for once in your pitiful and just piss off!!” She was now right in Dash’s face.

Sunset didn’t even have time to react as Dash headbutted her with tremendous force. Sunset clutched her nose, fearing that it might be broken.

“Why don’t you be the smart one and piss of you pathetic little witch! You’d be doing everyone a favor!” Dash shouted as Fluttershy rushed over to hold her back.

“GODDAMNIT!!!” Sunset screamed. “YOU STUPID BITCH!!”

“Dashie, let’s go. Please.” Fluttershy pleaded.

Dash gave her a nod before looking back at Sunset. “If you ever, and I mean ever, mess with me or my friends again, I’m coming for your sorry ass. And you will know pain. Understand?”

Dash didn’t wait for an answer as she and Fluttershy turned around and walked away, leaving Sunset alone, still holding onto her nose.

“Stupid little cunt! If I’d strangle her to death if I didn’t want to go to jail.” She said to herself as she fished out some tissues from her pocket and held them up to her nose.

She walked over to her locker and stopped when she noticed a difference in the appearance.

“Oh that’s just great.” She said as she looked at it.

In what appears to be permanent marker, was a bunch of swear words and very inappropriate doodles. There was also a munch of gum on the lock.

“That’s ok. I don’t really need my textbooks anyway.” Sunset said.

She turned around and headed for the exit. As she cut the corner, she saw Gilda also heading for the exit. Sunset’s heart jumped and a smile grew on her face.

“Gilda!” Sunset called out as she hurried over to her.

Gilda turned around to see Sunset running towards her. “Hey, Shim! What happened to you?” She pointed to the bloody tissues on Sunset’s nose.

Sunset’s smile faltered a little bit. “Had another runin with Dash the Ass. Little bitch headbutted me after I got up in her face after she yanked my hair for trying to talk to Fluttershy.”

Gilda stood there for a moment before sighing. “Look Shim, if you’re not gonna let me destroy her, then at least let me slap her. Just a gentle slap.”

Sunset laughed. “No can do Gil. I’m not gonna have my friend do something stupid that will get her in detention or suspended. I mean, who am I gonna hang out with?”

“That’s true. You’d be lost without me.” Gilda laughed, causing Sunset to do the same.

“Well, I guess it’s time to head home then. So I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Gilda said.

“Wait!” Sunset said. “I just wanted to ask, um, could you maybe walk me home? I mean, if you want to that is. To be honest, I don’t think I’ll feel safe walking home on my own. So what do say.”

Gilda thought about it for a second before smiling and saying, “Of course Shim. What are friends for.”

Sunset’s smiled grew wider. “Thank you Gilda!” She threw her arms around Gilda. Gilda laughed and hugged her back.

“Don’t mention it. Now let’s get a move on! I wanna go home and play some video games.” Gilda said as the hug broke.

Sunset nodded. She and Gilda both walked out of the school and began walking towards Sunset’s home.

“You sound like a nerd with those tissues in your nose.” Gilda said

“Hush you!” Sunset laughed.